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What skills are required for Computer Programmers?

Importance Skills

Programming - Writing computer programs for various purposes.

Reading Comprehension - Understanding written sentences and paragraphs

in work related documents.

Critical Thinking - Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to

Complex Problem Solving - Identifying complex problems and reviewing

related information to develop and evaluate options and implement

Quality Control Analysis - Conducting tests and inspections of products,

services, or processes to evaluate quality or performance.

Active Listening - Giving full attention to what other people are saying,
taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as
appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.

Judgment and Decision Making - Considering the relative costs and

benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.

Operations Analysis - Analyzing needs and product requirements to create

a design.

Systems Evaluation - Identifying measures or indicators of system

performance and the actions needed to improve or correct performance,
relative to the goals of the system.

Time Management - Managing one's own time and the time of others.

Mathematics - Using mathematics to solve problems.

Systems Analysis - Determining how a system should work and how

changes in conditions, operations, and the environment will affect

Writing - Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the

needs of the audience.
Active Learning - Understanding the implications of new information for
both current and future problem-solving and decision-making.

Monitoring - Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other

individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective

Speaking - Talking to others to convey information effectively.

Social Perceptiveness - Being aware of others' reactions and understanding

why they react as they do.

Coordination - Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.

Technology Design - Generating or adapting equipment and technology to

serve user needs.

Science - Using scientific rules and methods to solve problems.

Persuasion - Persuading others to change their minds or behavior.

Management of Personnel Resources - Motivating, developing, and

directing people as they work, identifying the best people for the job.

What knowledge is needed to be a Computer Programmer?

Importance Knowledge

Computers and Electronics - Knowledge of circuit boards, processors,

chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software,
including applications and programming.

English Language - Knowledge of the structure and content of the English

language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of
composition, and grammar.

Mathematics - Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus,

statistics, and their applications.

Customer and Personal Service - Knowledge of principles and processes

for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer
needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of
customer satisfaction.

Administration and Management - Knowledge of business and

management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation,
human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and
coordination of people and resources.

Design - Knowledge of design techniques, tools, and principles involved in

production of precision technical plans, blueprints, drawings, and models.

Education and Training - Knowledge of principles and methods for

curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals
and groups, and the measurement of training effects.

Work Styles
Importance Styles

Analytical Thinking - Job requires analyzing information and using logic

to address work-related issues and problems.

Attention to Detail - Job requires being careful about detail and thorough
in completing work tasks.

Initiative - Job requires a willingness to take on responsibilities and


Achievement/Effort - Job requires establishing and maintaining personally

challenging achievement goals and exerting effort toward mastering tasks.

Cooperation - Job requires being pleasant with others on the job and
displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude.

Stress Tolerance - Job requires accepting criticism and dealing calmly and
effectively with high stress situations.

Persistence - Job requires persistence in the face of obstacles.

Adaptability/Flexibility - Job requires being open to change (positive or

negative) and to considerable variety in the workplace.

Independence - Job requires developing one's own ways of doing things,

guiding oneself with little or no supervision, and depending on oneself to
get things done.

Innovation - Job requires creativity and alternative thinking to develop new

ideas for and answers to work-related problems.

Dependability - Job requires being reliable, responsible, and dependable,

and fulfilling obligations.
Integrity - Job requires being honest and ethical.

Leadership - Job requires a willingness to lead, take charge, and offer

opinions and direction.

Self Control - Job requires maintaining composure, keeping emotions in

check, controlling anger, and avoiding aggressive behavior, even in very
difficult situations.

Concern for Others - Job requires being sensitive to others' needs and
feelings and being understanding and helpful on the job.

Social Orientation - Job requires preferring to work with others rather than
alone, and being personally connected with others on the job.

In the digital age, learning to program has become an increasingly valuable skill to master. Recognizing
the importance of programming is helping to build a more innovative and efficient global community. As
initiatives and movements to equip K-12 students with the technological skills to succeed continue to
grow, we reached out to leading industry experts to hear how they believe learning to program can help
to solve problems and impact the world.

These experts were asked the following questions:

What is the value of learning to program?

How does learning to program equip future generations with opportunity to succeed and impact the

We hope these valuable insights will help to inspire people, from all ages and backgrounds, to pursue
computer programming and discover how it can make a difference in their life and the world around


Hadi Partovi

CEO of / LinkedIn / @hadip

Learning computer science isn’t just for people who want to pursue a career in software engineering. Of
course, given computing jobs are the #1 source of all new wages in the U.S., it’s an obvious choice for
anybody interested in a career in tech. But the real reason to learn computer science is to have a basic,
foundational understanding of how all the technology in our world works – for the same reason we all
learn basic biology, chemistry, or physics.


Eric Lippert

Software Engineer at Facebook / Blog / LinkedIn / @ericlippert

The purpose of every job in the world is to produce value; the value of making tools is that they multiply
the value that we can produce. One person with a crowbar can lift far more than a team of people
without. Software is in many ways the ultimate tool: it multiplies the value of mental, not physical,
labor. It can be shared instantly, modified easily, and improved upon indefinitely. I know of no better
way to make an impact on the future than the production of software tools.


Vincent Oria

Professor and Associate Chair of Computer Science at NJIT / LinkedIn

Computers are now part of our lives and every field besides computing needs computers. Learning
programming is not only a necessity, but it is a path to freedom. The basic functions on our cell phones,
tablets and computers can be better configured with some understanding of programming. The ability
to program will help you do your work better and faster no matter the career you want to pursue.


Eugene Jen
Senior Software Engineer at Amplify / LinkedIn

Programming is one of the most straightforward ways to learn how to problem solve. Traditionally,
math has played that role, but with ubiquitous computing devices and open source software,
programming has begun to take its place. Additionally, programming is becoming more of a social
activity compared to the 1990’s due to the Internet and the open-source movement. This allows for the
capability to solve problems with a group of contributors, lead other programmers and follow the
leadership of others to achieve goals. Learning to compromise and adjust agendas based on the needs
of a community are important lessons in order for future generations to prosper.


Weiting Liu

Founder & CEO of Codementor / LinkedIn / @CodementorIO

The value of learning to program is the ability to take an idea and make it a reality completely from
scratch, which has the potential to make an impact on a global and/or local level. Learning to code helps
people of all ages to improve their ability to problem solve and think logically, in addition to gaining skills
like teamwork and communication. With this skill, people are empowered with the tools needed to
improve the world that they live in.


Charles Menguy

Senior Software Engineer at Adobe / LinkedIn / @cmenguy

The act of programming in itself is nothing special, but learning to program helps develop peripheral
skills that can be applied in many areas of life: extreme rigor, abstract thinking, adaptability, problem
solving, or even creativity. These are skills that, once acquired, can empower individuals to have a
lasting impact on the world in any area. And the breadth of industries where programming is essential is
unlike any other – from trying to predict the future by programming mathematical models, to tapping
into the limitless possibilities offered by the worldwide web and building web applications, there is
something out there for every sensitivity.

Mike Hamrah

Senior Software Engineer at Uber / LinkedIn / @ubereng

Learning to program is about learning to break down a hard, complex problem into small, manageable
pieces. These pieces can be solved easily, and that original hard problem isn’t so hard to solve anymore.
Learning to break things down–and learning how those things work together–can help with almost
anything, from managing people, to logistics, to your day-to-day work. It’s a great skill!


Gerard Ryan

Senior Lecturer of Computer Science at NJIT / LinkedIn

Learning programming may be our new fundamental skill. It requires learning to think about problems in
a structured way, and enables you to leverage technology to create solutions to problems small and
large. As computing becomes a component of more and more things in our lives, the ability to use and
control computing becomes that much more critical. The ability to program becomes our society’s great


Erik St. Martin

Co-Founder of Gopher Academy / LinkedIn / @erikstmartin

The world continues to depend more and more on software, everything we touch either has software
on it, or was built and shipped with systems operated by software, making it a insanely in-demand field.
Programming isn’t just about career growth though, it truly expands your critical thinking and problem
solving skills. You will start to see the world from a new light and find yourself curious about how
everything around you operates.

Meris Stansbury

Managing Editor at eCampus News / LinkedIn / @eSN_Meris

Today, learning how to program is like learning Latin back in the day: it provides a critical skill
foundation for excelling in almost every other more nuanced, in-demand field; many fields not
traditionally associated with STEM, like history or archeology, now utilize programming for everything
from 3D printing to virtual and augmented reality. What makes learning to program especially enviable
is that unlike other skills that tend to ebb-and-flow in desirability within the job market, fields that are
incredibly dependent on programming (i.e. cybersecurity, IT management and data science) are
projected to grow in the decades-long foreseeable future, providing unprecedented job opportunities
for graduates with plenty of options for fulfilling, meaningful career pathways.


Madison Moore

Reporter for SD Times / LinkedIn / @moorewithmadi

As a reporter for a software magazine, I come across plenty of programmers and engineers each day.
I’ve found those that can program and those who understand software, coding and engineering are the
individuals who will be able to keep up in the digital transformation we are currently facing. Picking up
programming skills will better prepare you for this technological future, and it will open up plenty of
doors for rewarding job opportunities, too.


Barry Cohen

Associate Dean, College of Computing Sciences at NJIT / LinkedIn

How many of the problems that we confront can be productively tackled by computational thinking?
Practically any one. Just look at all the ways that we employ computers and programs — the scope is
unlimited. Being able to write a program is an acid test of this creative and powerful way of approaching
the world. It teaches us to design a formal model, to pose a problem clearly, to express and to test a
solution in a rigorous way. It extends our ability to solve problems as much as an opposable thumb
extends our grasp.


Chris Ricci

CTO of Indigenous / LinkedIn / @ChristianMRicci

Learning to program changes a learner’s perspective on the world. They gain control over the products,
tools and services in their sphere. With knowledge of how programmable things work and the tools to
change them, the inspired and knowledgeable can build things that don’t exist or fix things built poorly.
Continuous invention and innovation of software in the cloud, on your computer and in the
programmable real world allows us to make value from nothing and delight instead of frustrate.

Learning computer science isn’t just for people who want to pursue a career in software engineering.
Of course, given computing jobs are the #1 source of all new wages in the U.S., it’s an obvious choice
for anybody interested in a career in tech. But the real reason to learn computer science is to have a
basic, foundational understanding of how all the technology in our world works – for the same
reason we all learn basic biology, chemistry, or physics

The purpose of every job in the world is to produce value; the value of making tools is that they
multiply the value that we can produce. One person with a crowbar can lift far more than a team of
people without. Software is in many ways the ultimate tool: it multiplies the value of mental, not
physical, labor. It can be shared instantly, modified easily, and improved upon indefinitely. I know of
no better way to make an impact on the future than the production of software tools.

Computers are now part of our lives and every field besides computing needs computers. Learning
programming is not only a necessity, but it is a path to freedom. The basic functions on our cell
phones, tablets and computers can be better configured with some understanding of programming.
The ability to program will help you do your work better and faster no matter the career you want to

Programming is one of the most straightforward ways to learn how to problem solve. Traditionally,
math has played that role, but with ubiquitous computing devices and open source software,
programming has begun to take its place. Additionally, programming is becoming more of a social
activity compared to the 1990’s due to the Internet and the open-source movement. This allows for
the capability to solve problems with a group of contributors, lead other programmers and follow
the leadership of others to achieve goals. Learning to compromise and adjust agendas based on the
needs of a community are important lessons in order for future generations to prosper.

The value of learning to program is the ability to take an idea and make it a reality completely from
scratch, which has the potential to make an impact on a global and/or local level. Learning to code
helps people of all ages to improve their ability to problem solve and think logically, in addition to
gaining skills like teamwork and communication. With this skill, people are empowered with the tools
needed to improve the world that they live in.

The act of programming in itself is nothing special, but learning to program helps develop peripheral
skills that can be applied in many areas of life: extreme rigor, abstract thinking, adaptability, problem
solving, or even creativity. These are skills that, once acquired, can empower individuals to have a
lasting impact on the world in any area. And the breadth of industries where programming is
essential is unlike any other – from trying to predict the future by programming mathematical
models, to tapping into the limitless possibilities offered by the worldwide web and building web
applications, there is something out there for every sensitivity.

Learning to program is about learning to break down a hard, complex problem into small,
manageable pieces. These pieces can be solved easily, and that original hard problem isn’t so hard to
solve anymore. Learning to break things down–and learning how those things work together–can
help with almost anything, from managing people, to logistics, to your day-to-day work. It’s a great

Learning programming may be our new fundamental skill. It requires learning to think about
problems in a structured way, and enables you to leverage technology to create solutions to
problems small and large. As computing becomes a component of more and more things in our
lives, the ability to use and control computing becomes that much more critical. The ability to
program becomes our society’s great enabler.

The world continues to depend more and more on software, everything we touch either has software
on it, or was built and shipped with systems operated by software, making it a insanely in-demand
field. Programming isn’t just about career growth though, it truly expands your critical thinking and
problem solving skills. You will start to see the world from a new light and find yourself curious about
how everything around you operates.


Today, learning how to program is like learning Latin back in the day: it provides a critical skill
foundation for excelling in almost every other more nuanced, in-demand field; many fields not
traditionally associated with STEM, like history or archeology, now utilize programming for
everything from 3D printing to virtual and augmented reality. What makes learning to program
especially enviable is that unlike other skills that tend to ebb-and-flow in desirability within the job
market, fields that are incredibly dependent on programming (i.e. cybersecurity, IT management and
data science) are projected to grow in the decades-long foreseeable future, providing
unprecedented job opportunities for graduates with plenty of options for fulfilling, meaningful career

As a reporter for a software magazine, I come across plenty of programmers and engineers each day.
I’ve found those that can program and those who understand software, coding and engineering are
the individuals who will be able to keep up in the digital transformation we are currently facing.
Picking up programming skills will better prepare you for this technological future, and it will open
up plenty of doors for rewarding job opportunities, too.

How many of the problems that we confront can be productively tackled by computational thinking?
Practically any one. Just look at all the ways that we employ computers and programs — the scope is
unlimited. Being able to write a program is an acid test of this creative and powerful way of
approaching the world. It teaches us to design a formal model, to pose a problem clearly, to express
and to test a solution in a rigorous way. It extends our ability to solve problems as much as an
opposable thumb extends our grasp.

Learning to program changes a learner’s perspective on the world. They gain control over the
products, tools and services in their sphere. With knowledge of how programmable things work and
the tools to change them, the inspired and knowledgeable can build things that don’t exist or fix
things built poorly. Continuous invention and innovation of software in the cloud, on your computer
and in the programmable real world allows us to make value from nothing and delight instead of

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