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Lesson Plan Template

School Al Kamal American International School- Al Azra

Name: Noura Alhammadi

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
• How to manage the classroom and dealing with students.
• Explain the concept for the children in easy and different ways
2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
• Using reward system to engage and motivated the students.
• Having several activities to help students understand the steps of turning the caterpillar to
cocoon into a butterfly.
Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
• Students will learn the steps of turning the
KG 1-A The very hungry
caterpillar caterpillar to cocoon into a butterfly,
remembering the days of the week, types of the
food and counting.
Resources (what materials/equipment will you Preparation (what do you need to make or check
and the students use? Be specific) before class?)

- The very hungry caterpillar story book, • Make sure all students have a sits to sit on the
crown caterpillar. matric.

- Scissors, glue, sheet has a butterfly life • Make sure all the resource is enough for all
cycle, key-ring. the students.

- Cloth clips, flashcard has a pictures and Key vocabulary

• Caterpillar.
- Markers board, worksheet cards. • Cocoon.

- Small book has vocabulary story, green • Lay.

board, matching cards. • Leaf.

• Butterfly.

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)



Lesson Plan Template
School Al Kamal American International School- Al Azra

- Gather children on the mat.

- Explain that today they are going to read a nice story.
- Introduce reading story rules, how we hold the book, from where we turn the page and
how we read the sentence from right to left?
- Then I start read the very hungry caterpillar story.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

- Give students the instruction such as keep the material on the table , share the resource
with friends, and maintain the tools.

- The students will cut the sheet and select the butterfly life cycle picture.

- Then the students order the picture such as egg, caterpillar, cocoon and butterfly.

- The students will stick the picture on order and glue it.

- Final, the students will give the teacher to perforate and hung the key-ring.

- The students before they move to another activity will make sure the table is clean and
back all resource to their place.

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

- Give students the instruction such as keep the material on the table, share the resource with
friends, and maintain the tools.

- Students follow the instruction and start the activity when all the students listen to the bell.

- The students see the number on the bottom card and clip to the pictures had the same

- Then the students hung the clip to the number.

- The students before they move to another table will make sure the table is clean and back
all resource to their place.
Lesson Plan Template
School Al Kamal American International School- Al Azra

Independent Experience (small group activity 3)

- Give students the instruction such the students have to share the resource with others.

- Students follow the instruction and start the activity when all the students listen to the bell.

- Then the students will have cards each two card has same picture and words, the cards are
mixing so the students will turn two cards to find two has same card.

- The students before they move to another activity will make sure the table is clean and
back all resource to their place.

Independent Experience (small group activity 4)

- Give students the instruction such as each students have to write their name at the paper
and hold the marker board in right way.

- Students follow the instruction and start the activity when all the students start together.

- The students should write the sound that missing in the word.

- Then they read the words in loudly voice.

- The students before they move to another activity will make sure the activity is clean and
back all resource to their place.

- Children will have 5 minute to clean up the areas, then I will ring the bill to the children
to clean up everything.

- I will start asking them question about the activates and will chose the best 5 children
15 min

work, and shown in front of all the students to motivated them keep doing well.

- I will ask the students about what they learn from the story. Such as who can telling me


the story, What it happened to the very hungry caterpillar.

Lesson Plan Template
School Al Kamal American International School- Al Azra

- Revise with students the butterfly life cycle and asking them question what it happened
to the tiny egg on the leaf? , how long the caterpillar stayed in her house” cocoon” ?


• Ask some students to sing days of the week in front of other students, Let’s sing together.

• Ask one students to count from one to ten, who can count for me from one to twenty?

SWC Lesson Reflection (The very hungry caterpillar)

Select (S):

Overviews of the lesson was excellent, the students were grateful engaging, interesting and

interactive with me. It was the first time that the students listen to the story that keep them quietly

and siting nicely during the story time. Moreover, I show the students the story was 3D book that

keep them excited.

Describe (D):

Who is the lesson for? The lesson for KG2-3, age 4 to 5 years old.

Where did the lesson take place? The lesson was in KG-1 classroom.

What were you trying to achieve in your lesson? Try to get children control during the lesson and

explain the massage of the story, children learn days of the week, count and the butterfly life cycle.

What did the students do? The students were exciting to now about the very hungry caterpillar and

what she came.

Lesson Plan Template
School Al Kamal American International School- Al Azra

Analyze (A):

Why do you think the students responded the way that they did? At the begging I didn’t get children

control but when I start introduce the cover book and reading rules the students sit nicely and follow

the rules.

How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding? The monthly theme were

about the animals, during that month the students learn about the animals, where they live and what

they eat.

How well did you engage the students? I engaged the students by show them a craw caterpillar.

Appraise (A):

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective

Did your lesson meet your teaching goals? As I mention my goal I achieved my goal at the end of

the lesson, while I gave the students several activities to evaluate them.

Transform (T):

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future? Have more complex activity

to challenge the students and show the students video about butterfly life cycle.

What are the implications for your professional practice? I will prepare for several strategies to get

children control and have differentiation activities.

Lesson Plan Template
School Al Kamal American International School- Al Azra

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