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Experiment Number: Title

Experiment Leader1 and Group Members

Department of Physical Sciences, College of Science, Polytechnic University of
the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila 1016


Abstract. This is the abstract of the paper. The abstract briefly summarizes the main results
and methodology in the experiment. It should start with a statement about the problem or
topic of the report. It should not contain the details of the result especially data obtained,
but the average or final value of important quantities may be mentioned here. Main
conclusions are also stated in the abstract. Abstract must not contain more than 100 words.
Times 10.

Keywords: Format, Guidelines, References

PACS: 45.50.Tn, 46.55.+d, 84.30.-r

1. Introduction
In writing any report, always observe correct grammar. Each sentence should be saying what you
really want to say.

For the Introduction, discuss the basis for the experiment including some theoretical background
leading to the problem being investigated. Observe proper format as suggested in this template.
Paragraphs are Justified (alignment) and separated by single empty lines. Font is 11 point Times.
Section headings are in bold. Margin in all four sides is 1.25”.

To whom any correspondence should be addressed.
Clearly state and define the problem and its importance or applications.

If equations are used in the analysis of the experiment results, discuss it here in the first part of the
paper. Derive the equations if necessary or cite your references where the equations are obtained.
To write the equations, use Equation Editor or any other mathematical expression editors. Ask your
instructor or peers how to use the software. The following equation is written using Equation

𝑊 = ∫ 𝑓(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 (1.1)

Label all important equations with numbers enclosed in parentheses as illustrated above by the
number (1.1); align the equation numbers to the right. Number on the right decimal place denotes
equation number while the number on the left is the experiment number.

Also include a discussion on the possible outcomes of the research and their implications on our
understanding of nature.

Make sure that section titles—like Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion,
Acknowledgments, and References—are not isolated from the corresponding body of the section.

Please cite the source of any image used in the report unless you made the image yourself. Place
the reference below the image as shown in Figure 1.1. Number continuously and put some captions
for every figure in the report.
Figure 1.1: Geometric representation of vector
addition [4]

2. Methodology
This part of the paper details the procedure employed in the experiment including the theoretical
basis for such procedure. Do not present the procedure as a list of steps but in paragraph form.

Describe the setup of the experiment using a diagram. Properly label your diagrams and describe
the materials used in the setup. Explain the function or role of each material.

3. Results and Discussions

Before discussing the main results, write about your actual experiences in conducting the
experiment especially on problems encountered in measurement, setting up of the experiment,
recording and gathering of data. Also include your comments on the design of the experiment.

Present the results using a diagram or a table. In presenting a table, do not show every data you
gathered as what is shown in the data sheets. Instead, make a tabulated summary of data containing
only those values needed in discussing the result in relation to the principle or problem being
investigated. Actual data sheets are attached as appendices in the formal report. Include paragraph
analysing your table or graph. Discuss possible sources of deviations.

4. Summary and Conclusion

Before stating your conclusions, restate the problem being solved and/or the principle being
investigated in the experiment. State your conclusion in clear and straightforward terms—do not
put flowery explanatory remarks. Make sure to relate your conclusion to the original problem you
are solving. As much as possible, avoid using the “therefore, I conclude” statements. Conclusions
must not exceed 100 words.

Thank everyone who made this report possible. Thank only people and institutions (not objects)
who have contributed to the attainment of the objectives of the experiment including those who
helped in writing the formal report. Write the complete name—that is, first name and surname—of
the person and the complete name of the institution.

(Periodical style)
[1] S. Chen, B. Mulgrew, and P. M. Grant, “A clustering technique for digital communications
channel equalization using radial basis function networks,” IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks,
vol. 4, pp. 570-578, July 1993.
[2] J. U. Duncombe, “Infrared navigation—Part I: An assessment of feasibility,” IEEE Trans.
Electron Devices, vol. ED-11, pp. 34-39, Jan. 1959.
[3] C. Y. Lin, M. Wu, J. A. Bloom, I. J. Cox, and M. Miller, “Rotation, scale, and translation
resilient public watermarking for images,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 10, no. 5, pp.
767-782, May 2001.
(Book style)
[4] A. Cichocki and R. Unbehaven, Neural Networks for Optimization and Signal Processing,
1st ed. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley, 1993, ch. 2, pp. 45-47.
[5] W.-K. Chen, Linear Networks and Systems, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123-135.
[6] H. Poor, An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation; New York: Springer-Verlag,
1985, ch. 4.
(Book style with paper title and editor)
[7] R. A. Scholtz, “The Spread Spectrum Concept,” in Multiple Access, N. Abramson, Ed.
Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1993, ch. 3, pp. 121-123.
[8] G. O. Young, “Synthetic structure of industrial plastics,” in Plastics, 2nd ed. vol. 3, J. Peters,
Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 15-64.
(Published Conference Proceedings style)
[9] S. P. Bingulac, “On the compatibility of adaptive controllers,” in Proc. 4th Annu. Allerton
Conf. Circuits and Systems Theory, New York, 1994, pp. 8-16.
[10] W. D. Doyle, “Magnetization reversal in films with biaxial anisotropy,” in Proc. 1987
INTERMAG Conf., 1987, pp. 2.2-1-2.2-6.
(Presented Conference Paper style)
[11] G. W. Juette and L. E. Zeffanella, “Radio noise currents n short sections on bundle
conductors,” presented at the IEEE Summer Power Meeting, Dallas, TX, June 22-27, 1990.
(Thesis or Dissertation style)
[12] J. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ.,
Cambridge, MA, 1993.
[13] N. Kawasaki, “Parametric study of thermal and chemical nonequilibrium nozzle flow,” M.S.
thesis, Dept. Electron. Eng., Osaka Univ., Osaka, Japan, 1993.
(Patent style)
[14] J. P. Wilkinson, “Nonlinear resonant circuit devices,” U.S. Patent 3 624 12, July 16, 1990.
(Standards style)
[15] Letter Symbols for Quantities, ANSI Standard Y10.5-1968.
(Handbook style)
[16] Transmission Systems for Communications, 3rd ed., Western Electric Co., Winston-Salem,
NC, 1985, pp. 44-60.
[17] Motorola Semiconductor Data Manual, Motorola Semiconductor Products Inc., Phoenix,
AZ, 1989.
(Journal Online Sources style)
[18] R. J. Vidmar. (August 1992). On the use of atmospheric plasmas as electromagnetic
reflectors. IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. [Online]. 21(3). pp. 876-880. Available: Date retrieved: June 28, 2015.

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