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The objectives of the study are (1) to find out the differences of sound system between BanyumasDialect

of Javanese (BDJ) and English; and (2) to describe how BDJ influence students’ English pronunciation. This
study usesqualitative descriptive method. It is carried out in November 2013 at SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap. The
population of this study was all the students of language programin SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap which consists
of three classes. The total number of the students was 39students. The sample for this study was 24
students of tenth grade and eleventh grade of language class taken by purposive sampling technique.The
instruments for collecting the data were questionnaire and test. Questionairre was used to collect the
data of the dialect that the students use in their daily lives and the origin of the students. The test that
used by the writer is pronunciation test. The material test consists of a list of 68 English words which
contain English sounds. The technique which used to analyze the data was interactive model. According
to the result of the study, it is found that (1) there are differences between BDJ and English sound
system. The differences are: there are some English sounds absent in BDJ sound system, there are some
Banyumas sounds absent in English sound system, and there are some sounds in BDJ resemble with
English, (2) those differences brought influence towards students’ English pronunciation.The problem of
English pronunciation is identified to be caused by some sounds in BDJ resemble with English. The sounds
are: [ʧ], [ð], [θ], [∫], [ʤ], [ʒ]. There are some English sounds absent in BDJ sound system. The sounds are:
[æ]and English Diphthongs ([eɪ], [ɔɪ], [aɪ], [əʊ], [aʊ], [ɪə], [ʊə], [eə]). Certain BDJ sounds influence
students English pronunciation. The sound [ɔ:] is pronounced as [a] sound, sound[k] in final position is
pronounced as [g] sound, sound[t] in final position is pronounced as [d]. Banyumas people tend to
pronounce English words spelled the way they are. Besides finding related to the influences of Banyumas
Dialect of Javanese, it is interesting to note that errors are mostly committed by the second grade
students.Data from pronunciation errors indicates that it may be caused by the grade first year students
underwent placement test and thus the students sit in the program which is suitable for them. In other
words, the intake for the first grader is better.

n Indonesian language, word stress is not so important that it can differentiate or change the
meaning of word. The word “sepeda” , (bicycle), if necessary, can be pronounced [se’peda],
[‘sepeda], [se’pe’da], or [sepeda] without changing the meaning. Indonesian does not have long
vowels either so that we the word above can be pronounced [se:peda], [sepe:da], [sepeda:] or
[se:pe:da:]. While in English, word stress and long vowels can change the meaning the word
“import” with stress in the first syllable is a noun and when the stress is the second syllable it
becomes a verb.

Z into S

Final v was sounded p

Final r is lighter

3: as e sounds. Since e sound is the nearest sound of Serawai Melayunese dialect.

The influence of SMD. Since V sound do not exist in SMD. The participant has tendency to change
those sound into [f] and [p]. In many areas in Indonesia, as for example Sundanese could not
pronunce the sound [f] and [v]. They tend to substitute those sounds into [p]. The same condition is
also occured In SMD, but in this case, the students dominantly pronunce final [v] into [p] in the final
position. For example: positive positip word ‘syaraf’ and ‘maaf’ are pronunced as sarap and maap.

Since in bahasa indonesia. We dont have any kind of specific stress. It might be possible the student
sometimes do not use stress when they speak. While in English, word stress are really important,
since it influence the meaning. So that is why the students do not put proper stress in their

Other factors may influence this, because of lack of pronunciation practice especially word stress.
From the interview, the teacher states that she never taught their students about English word
stress. Furthermore, the limitation of the time is also one reason of lacking of practice.

English Word stress placement are strongly influenced by SMD two syllable words suc as

I found that all the students have proper English word stress pronuciation in two syllable words such
as in word attack and avoid. They could pronunced it properly. This pheneomena might be caused by
the influence of SMD word stress. Almost the words in SMD have final word stress position. As in
words ijang and alap. Serawai Mlayunese tend to put stress in final position.

Are not strongly influenced by SMD dialect.

Since serawai melayunese dalect only has trysyllabic words, so it might influence the students word
stress placement. While English consist of six syllable words. So, they tend to put stress on 2nd or
3rd position as in words. Other factors such as lack of Stressing practice also influence their English

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