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Sooietyof PetrohunEngheers

SPE 27993

Coal Gas Openhole Well Performance

M.J. Mavor, Tesseract Corp.

Cop@ght 1994, S4ety of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

Thie paper was prepsred for presentation et the University of Tulsa Centennial Petroleum Engineering Symposium held in Tulsa, OK, U.S.A., 29-31 August 1994

Thie paper wee selected for preesntatiin by an SPE Program Oommittas following review of information oontsined in an abstract submitted by the author(a). Contents of the fsspar,
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ABSTRACT description of the technique since creation of a cavity is a

by-product of the process and not the primary objective.
Gas production from coal seams has been highly suc- imfiun nf
The Ob,=wt,ww v, a--- d~~~mic open-hole completion iS tO
cessful due to the use of open-hole completion techniques effectively link the wellbore with the undamaged natural
in the nigh pemneability ~-in
1=11,=,, of the San Juan Basin
WI=, fracture system of the resewoir. During the process, dam-
(Colorado and New Mexico) Fruitland Formation. Based aged, near-weiibore coal and other rocks are removed,
upon extensive formation evaluation data collected during multidirectional, self-propped fractures are created that in-
Gas Research Institute funded research efforts, dynamic tersect pre-existing natural fractures, the near-wellbore ap-
open-hole (cavity) completion production out-performed erture of pre-existing natural fractures may be increased
hydraulic fracture completion production regardless of the and retained, and the enlarged wellbore may intersect
magnitude of natural fracture permeability due to lack of natural fractures. The wells produce gas and water at rates
formation damage. This paper will illustrate four examples that are controlled by the normal components of Darcy’s ,
of the use of open-hole completion procedures that re- Law such as the pressure differential into the enlarged
sulted in undamaged completions in reservoirs with abso- wellbore and the absolute permeability of the reservoir.
lute permeability ranging from 0.9 to 95 md. The formation Prerequisites for use of the open-hole techniques are
evaluation data upon which tire conclusions were based that the open-hole interval can be selected so that aquifers
included open-hole logs, production logs, sonar logs, single are not in communication with the weii and that the rock
we!! tests, and interference tests. The latest information that is exposed is stable upon contact with produced fluids.
has not been previously reported upon in the literature. ~fi=l ““w,
Uval =a=m natural
,. .. . gas t)rOdUCtiOfl rates commonly ex-
teed 1,000 MSCF/D (28,000 m3/D) from open-hole weiis
BACKGROUND completed in the fairway regionl of the San Juan Basin
Fruitland Formation (Figure 1). Gas production rates from
The state of the art coal gas well open-hole completion some wells have exceeded 17,000 MSCF/D (480,000
technique allows coal and other rock to collapse into the m3/D). The success has been attributed to lack of forma-
wellbore during a mntrolled blow out resulting in an en- tion damage when dynamic open-hole techniques have
larged wellbore in the coal zones. The common term been used in reservoirs with properties that are mnducive
“open-hole cavi~ completion” is often used as measured to high deliverability.z The open-hole wells typically outper-
diameters of enlarged wellbores have ranged from that of form the gas deliverability of offset cased wells stimulated
the bit diameter to 16 feet (4.8 meters). The name with hydraulic fracturing technology by a factor of four.
“dynamic open-hole completion” is a more accurate The remainder of this paper will summarize the open-
hole completion procedures, hypothetical rock mechanics
References and illustrations at end of paper models, and four examples of the open-hole well produc-

2 Coal Gas Open-Hole Well Performance SPE 27993
tivity contrasted to that of hydraulically fractured wells. The production, the surface valves are shut4n and the surface
.&e!I !o=fio~~ for the four exam~les are illustrated in Figure pressure is allowed to increase to a predetermined level.
1 and tabulated in Table 1. The” purpose of the examples is The ..-1 i=
surface pressure !eV=l := ~~ i- Ill Qfl(J
kyplal~ “w @ f ,~~o p~i
to illustrate that, regardless of the level of natural fracture (5,500 to 6,900 kPa) less than the reservoir pressure. The
permeability development, the open-hole completions duration of the shut-in periods depends upon the reservoir
studied during GRI research efforts outperformed hydraulic pressure and permeability and is typically 15 to 30 min. for
fracture completions. The greater gas deliverability was the high permeability reservoirs of the San Juan Basin. The
due to lack of formation damage and not due to enhance- surface valves are rapidly opened when the desired pres-
ment of the pre-existing natural fracture permeability. sure is reached allowing the well to blow out to a pitas gas,
water, coal, and other rocks are produced. The dynamic
PROCEDURES production sequence less aggressively surges the reser-
voir due to the lack of injection.
Typical San Juan Basin dynamic open-hole procedures The third variant is dynamic hydrostatically under-
are summarized in this section. Variations on these meth- balanced circulation. Air and occasional water sweeps are
ods are applicable in other basins. circulated down the drill pipe and up the annulus to main-
A conventional truck mounted drilling rig is used to drill tain bottom-hole pressure below the reservoir pressure.
with natural mud to a depth that is 20 to 50 ft. (6 to 15 m) Gas and water are produced along with rock material that
above the top of the reservoir. Casing is set and cemented falls into the wellbore. Depending upon the well conditions,
in place. A 200 to 500 ft. (60 to 150 m) open-hole interval is the bit is either retracted into the interior of the casing or is
drilled with either a conventional drilling rig or, more often, drilling debris from the well during this operation. All of the
..- . , ---- [lg.
-:- l-ha
a moclmea compleuon I i IC col,mnl +i n rirl ic e uiope~
,, ..= .- -q---r dynamic operations utilize under-hydrostatically balanced
with a power swivel for pipe rotation and reciprocation circulation during clean-out periods. The dynamic Undei-
while circulating and double stack blow-out prevention balanced circulation is the least aggressive of the three
e uipment for pressure control. Four 850 SC%lrnim (24 techniques as !t depends upon a lower pressure differential
m /min.) air compressors and two dual stage air boosters for rock failure.
cap~b!~ of sustained surface injection pressures of UP to Further details of the procedures and equipment re-
1,500 psig [10,300 kPa(g)] are used for air injection. Tri- quired to perform dynamic Cpen-ho!e ccmp!ethns have
plex pumps normally used for drilling fluid circulation are been presented in References 3,4, and 5.
used to inject small volumes of water. A 6.25 in. (0.159 m)
hole is commonly drilled below the casing to the total depth REVIEWOFHYPOTHETICAL
of the well using air, air-mist, or formation water as a drill-
ing fluid. Drilling mud is not used to avoid chemical and Investigators have concluded that the long term deliver-
physical damage to the coal. ability of fluids to producing open-hole wells is controlled by
Open-hole mmpletions in coal gas reservoirs are cate- the properties of the pre-existing natural fractures in the
gorized depending upon the techniques that have been coal gas reservoir. Wells completed with open-hole tech-
used to communicate with the natural fracture system. The niques can be more productive than those completed with
term “dynamic” is used to describe the conditions that re- cased, fractured techniques or conventional open-hole
sult in a controlled blow out that causes significant wellbore techniques due to greater linkage between the wellbore
enlargement. Three different types of procedures have and the pre-existing natural fractures.
been used. The greater linkage is hypothesized to be caused by
During the first procedure referred to as dynamic injec- tensile, extensional, and shear failure of the coal that re-
t!cn /production, between 2,000 and 3,000 SCF/min. (57 to sults in conductive near-well fractures that intersect pre-
86 m3/min.) of air or an air-water mixture are injected into existing naturai fractures. Tiie =petiii~ of the !nducd
the wellbore for one to six hours at a surface pressure of fractures may remain significant as the result of partial
up to 1,500 psig (10,300 kPa). After the injection has propping by rugose surface topography caused by plu-
ceased, a sutiace valve is opened and the surface pres- mose and hackle fracture surface features, material made
sure is rapidly and violently reduced as fluids are produced mobile by the rapid change in flow directions, local failure
through two 6 inch (O.15 m) diameter blooie lines to a pit. around induced fractures, and erosion from induced frac-
The sequence is repeated until the wellbore becomes full ture faces. These fractures are referred to as being “self-
of rock that must be removed during a clean out period. propped” as artificial propping agents are not injected into
The rock is removed by redrilling to the total depth of the the reservoir.
well while circulating air and slugs of water. Well testing is The tensile failure mechanism is a result of the injection
performed at the Goncitisicn of the c!ean cut periods to ob- process where the wellbore pressure is increased to a
serve changes in fluid production rates. The dynamic in- pressure greater than the minimum horizontal stress ne=i
jection/production sequence aggressively surges the and away from the wellbore. The tensile failure zone may
reservoir creating new fractures and enlarging the aperture contain numerous connected and unconnected fractures
of pre-existing fractures. that may become self-propped. It is hypothesized that the
During the second procedure referred to as dynamic tensile fractures may extend 100 to 200 feet (30 to 60 m)
SF% 2?993 M.J. Mavor 3
on each side of the wellbore. nated the pressure response of the enlarged opeii-hoi~
Extensional failure occurs during the injection process wells 2 to 24 hours after a rate change. This length of time
when the pore pressures are increased but do not exceed was sufficient to obscure the effects of near-well transmis-
. . . -- :-.-t, .A;nm+
any of the three prmclpal stresses il KAUUII iniml tm
,Y the m,.,..-,. sivity differences upon the pressure behavior. As an ex-
horizontal stress. It is likely that extension failure occurred ample, the radius of investigation during the 5 hoiir
at the GRI COAL Site3 research location as air injection wellbore storage period at the COAL Site was estimated to
was perfonmed at a pressure that exceeded the reservoir be 135 ft. (107 m).
pressure by only 30 psi (210 kPa). Circumferential exten- Interference test data also contained no evidence of
sile failure may also occur as the result of radial flow to- enhanced permeability near production wells. A theoretical
wards the wellbore due to radial stress. study was performed to evaluate the affect of an enhanced
Shear failure is a result of active unloading (inward permeability region upon the interference pressure re-
movement) when the wellbore pressure is reduced during sponse for reservoir properties similar to those at the
production or under-hydrostatically balanced operations. COAL Site.e It was concluded that the interference test re-
Shear failure zones are created that are oriented perpen- sponse was unaffected by the presence of an enhanced
dicular or nearly so to the maximum horizontal stress di- permeability region even when the observation point was
rection and perpendicular or nearly so to the ultimate located 178 ft. (54.3 m) from the active well with a ten fold
tensile failure zone orientation. The fractures in the shear increase in the absolute permeability extended 135 ft. (41.1
zone may also become self-propped. On the basis of labo- m) from the active well. The distance of 178 ft. (54.3 m)
ratory measurements in sandstone rock samples, the was chosen as this was the distance to the nearest COAL
shear zones may extend several wellbore diameters or Site observation well. The radius of investigation during the
upwards of 25 feet on each side of the wellbore.4 wellbore storage period of 135 ft. (41.1 m) was used as a
The intersection of shear failure zones and the enlarged maximum extent of a potential enhanced permeability re-
wellbore with the existing natural fracture system combined gion. This extreme case probably can not occur in nature
with the lack of formation damage is believed to be one of but was an excellent test of the inability to identify the
the reasons for the success of the dynamic open-hole presence of an enhanced permeability region with interfer-
completion techniques. The shear zones must have an im- ence testing.
portant positive effect upon productivity based upon the Theoretically, the pressure behavior of a producing well
successes that operators have had by rel@g upon under- can be used to determine the enhanced permeability
hydrostatically balanced circulation and dynamic produc- magnitude and extent by application of mmposite reservoir
tion to improve productivity while avoiding injection. models if wellbore storage effects are negligible. Unfortu-
In spite of the temporary changes in the near-well natu- nately, wellbore effects have been significant during all GRI
ral fracture system aperture and the possibility of increased sponsored tesk.
frequency of fractures around the cavity, the long term pro- Skin factor estimates obtained by well test analyses
ductivity of wells is controlled by the pre-existing natural during GRI research efforts have always been greater than
fracture permeability. The creation of failure zones with in- the skin factor expected from the enlarged wellbore diame-
duced fractures near the wellbore that intersect the existing ter. The expected skin factor due to the cavity, SC,can be
fractures increases the overall ability of the reservoir to de- estimated from the following relationship.
liver fluids to the wellbore. The connectivity increase would
be expected to result in an overall absolute permeability in- sC=-/ L ...............................................................(l)
crease near the wellbore that may decline as produtilon
continues due to stress effects, movement of rock mate- {1 rw
rial, or other causes. The expected skin factor is -2.7 for an enlarged well-
bore radius of 4 ft. (1.2 m) from an original 6.25 in. (0.159
LACKOFSUPPORTFORENHANCED PERMEABILITY REGIONS m) bit diameter. Estimates obtained from test data for the
wells included in this paper have ranged from -1.2 to 1.9.
Numerous well tests have been performed after crea- Near-well natural fracture permeability reduction may still
tion of an enlarged wellbore during GRI sponsored re- occur even if an enhanced permeability region is present.
search efforts. The effects of an improved near-well The causes of such a reduction may be stress dependent
permeabi~i~y ~~g~o~ ~e~~ ~~t ~~se~ed in the transient permeability, interactions between completion fluids and
pressure data that was evaluated for estimates of reservoir clay or coai, migration of mobiie CO~i material that plugs
properties. In fact, skin factor estimates were always natural fractures, large near-well fluid saturation variation,
greater than expected for the size of the cavities that were or other factors.
created. Nor was it necessary to history match well per- In the situation when a skin effect due to permeability
formance with simulation models that included enhanced reduction is present in combination with an enhanced per-
permeability regions. Jmeabil,,, i n., the
ili~~r,eg,o. . . total skin factor controlling the pres-
Evidence of enhanced permeability regions may have sure behavior can be estimated from the following
been obscured by wellbore storage effects and near-cavity relationship.
permeability reduction. Wellbore effects typically domi-

4 Coal Gas Open-Hole Well Petiormance SPE 27993
fluid deliverability can be estimated from the relationship

The mobility of each region is computed in the usual
for the flow efficiency.


manner as follows. {1 rw
............................................... (5)
‘L v,

vw J
‘E=i-l- rw
+ St

In the event that the ratio of gas to water flow rates Typical San Juan Basin, Fruitland Formation well
through the reservoir and enhanced regions is equal in spacing is 320 acres (1.28 km2). Wkh an original wellbore
both regions and if the average gas viscosity is approxi- radius of 0.26 ft. (0.079 m), the logarithmic term in Equa-
mate~1 = ti=t in
~qwwr ... IWh regions, then the mobility ratio in tion 5 is equal to 8.3. The enlarged wellbore radius with a
skin effect of -2.7 would cause a flow efficiency of ap-
Equation 2 reduces to the absolute permeability ratio. The
relative permeability relationships used for the coal natural proximately 1.5. An additional reduction in the skin factor
fracture system were obtained from Gash et al.7 due to enhanced permeability would increase the flow effii
Enhanced permeability has been estimated to be tvAce ciency to 1.8 if not overshadowed by other near-well pres-
the original permeability and estimates of the extent of the sure losses. As pointed out by Palmer et aI,l the effects of
region are commonly 10 enlarged wellbore diameters the cavity size and enhanced permeability are insufficient
(roughly 40 ft. [12 m]). For this situation, the contribution of to explain the differences in productivity between open-hole
the enhanced permeability region to the total skin factor and cased, fractured wells. The cased-fractured wells must
estimate is -1.2. The effect of the enlarged wellbore diame- be damaged.
The lack of support for the presence of an enhanced
ter is more significant than the effect of tine erihaiiced ~~i-
meability. permeability region IS further illustrated by the following
The skin effect at the cavity wall, sd, appears to over- four examples.
shadow the skin effect of the enhanced permeability re-
gion. Assuming that the contribution to the total skin factor NORTHEAST
by enhanced permeability is -1, the damage skin factor has
ranged between 2.5 and 5.6. A damage skin factor of this This first example contrasts the deliverability of an
magnitude is greater than can be explained by stress de- open-hole well (NEBU #403R) with an offset cased well
pendent permeability and must include other factors. (NEBU #403) located roughly 200 ft. (61 m) away that was
A commonly applied relationship between coal natural perforated and stimulated with cross-linked polymer fluid
fracture permeability and pressure differential is as fol- systems contilning proppant. The open-hole well gas pro-
IOWS.8 ductivity was roughly 7 times that of the cased well.
The evaluation of these wells was performed in coop-
~=exp(.3cf@) ...(4)
eration with Devon Energy Corporatiori in the Northeast
Blanco Unit (Figure 1). Devon was completing wells with
cased, fractured technology and open-hole technology to
Values for pore volume compressibility, cf, are high for determine the optimum completion techniques for the Unit.
low porosity coal natural fracture systems. The estimate of After drilling and completing ten cased, fractured wells it
the pore volume com ressibility at the COAL Site was was obvious that the initial produtilon rates of the open-
.y .,
33O(10*) ps~l [4.8 (10 ) kpa ]. The producing bottom-hole hole wells greatly exceeded those of the cased wells. The
pressure at the time of the post-completion test was 700 ten cased wells were replaced with open-hole wells drilled
psia [4,830 kPa(a)] compared to the initial reservoir pres- from the same well pad. The newly drilled open-hole wells
sure of 1,549.8 psia [10,685 kPa(a)]. Equation 4 predicts had an average initial gas production rate that exceeded
that the permeability was reduced by a factor of 2.3. The the average cased, fractured well initial production rate by
skin factor resulting from the permeability reduction was a factor of 20.8.g This magnitude of productNity increase
approximately 1 (negating any contribution by enhanced could not be explained by creation of enhanced permeabil-
permeability ) if the permeability was reduced in a 5 ft. (1.5 ity regions nor enlarged wellbore diameters. The fractured
m) wide ring surrounding the enlarged wellbore. The skin wells must have been damaged.
factor estimate obtained from the COAL Site test was -0.7 GRI research efforts included coring and core analyses,
end that expected from the enlarged wellbore radius (4.3 ft. drill stem testing, open-hole logging, and cased-hole well
[1.3 m] from an original 0.26 ft. [0.079 m]) was -2.8. Pres- “ . “1
testing .f +ka
,,,= ,~F~U
- ~~~ well. Table 2 summarizes the
sure losses near the wellbore not explained by stress estimates of reservoir properties obtained by analysis of
caused an additional +2.1 contribution to the total skin these data. The drill stem tests that were performed were
factor. water injection, fall-off tests. Analysis of the test data re-
The affect of the skin factor upon pseudo-steady state sulted in absolute permeability estimates of 25 md (basal

SPE 27993 M.J. Mavor ~

interval) and 95 md (upper interval ) for the two major coal wellbore was modeled with a 4.3 ft. (1.3 m) radius.4
gas reservoirs of interest. The thickness weighted average These results supported that the productivity of the
absolute permeability of both reservoirs was 65 md. The open-hole well was controlled by the pre-existing natural
water injection tests resulted in estimates of the absolute fracture absolute permeability and other reservoir proper-
permeability that were correct indicators of the true gas de- ties. It was not necessary to include an enhanced perme-
liverability potential of the reservoirs. ability region in the model to match the gas or water
After running and cementing casing, the basal Fruitland deliverability at the operating pressure conditions.
coal interval was perforated and tested. Gas production
rates varied between 5 and 59 MSCF/D (140 and 170 COAL SITE
m3/D). Water rates ranged from 2 to 40 STB/D (0.3 to 6
m3/D). Lack of significant produtilon following casing and The second example illustrates a case where the esti-
cementing operations was typical of all but one GRI re- mates of the absolute permeability obtained from drill stem
search weii. Anaiysis of wel! test dats collected during this tests run in mud-drilled wells were approximately equal to
test did not result in correct estimates of the true gas deliv- the absolute permeability estimates that were required to
erability potential of the reservoir. history match post-dynamic open-hole completion well
The basal interval was hydrauiicaiiy frzmtiired with peflormance. AS for the preceding example, the presence
74,000 gal. (280 m3) of borate cross-linked HPG polymer of an enhanced permeability region was not evident in the
gei (With 30 ibm. r?36, ---- kal
-a of polymer per 1,000 gal. [3.8 data nor required to simulate post-completion well per-
m~ of fluid), 19,000 Ibm. (860 kg) of 40/70 mesh sand and formance. Even timgh the w-,, =11WaC _... . with water in an
..-- drilled
120,000 Ibm. (540 kg) of 12/20 mesh sand. Injection rates under-balanced condition, dynamic completion operations
. . . . -. ~k, ~-,- IQ a m3/min ) with an av-
were mamtamea ac ~4 UUISJIIihI. ~u.w . .. . .. ... ... still increased the total fluid deliverability by a factor of 7.7.
erage treating pressure of 2,200 psig [15,200 kPa(g)] at The dynamic operations appear to be required to effec-
the surface. Sand concentration was increased from O to tively connect a well to the natural fracture system in a
10 ppg (120 kg/m3) utilizing a ramped concentration higher permeability (19 to 22 md) environment regardless
schedule. of the method used to drill the original wellbore.
Following isolation of the basal interval, the upper inter- GRI, in cooperation with Amoco Production Company,
val was hydraulically fractured with 99,000 gal. (380 m3) of sponsored this major research effort at the Completion
borate cross-linked HPG gel (with 30 Ibm. [13.6 kg] of Optimization and Assessment Laboratory (COAL) Site
polymer per 1,000 gal. [3.8 m3] of fluid), 24,500 Ibm. (Figure 1). The prima~ focus of the research was to collect
(11, 100 kg) of 4W70 mesh sand and 262,600 Ibm. and interpret data concerning the performance of an open-
(119,000 kg) of 12/20 mesh sand. Injection rates were -m tr o----
hoie weii in a describad, ““n.. IItadenvironment.
. ..... . To quan-
maintained at 60 bbl/min. (9.5 m3/min.) with an increase in tify the reservoir description, the effort included extensive
surface treating pressures from 2,500 to 3,200 psig coring, core analysis, logging, and well testing effotis in two
[17,000 to 22,000 kPa(g)]. observation wells. Muitiweii interference tests were per-
Following the stimulation, the well was production formed before and after dynamic open-hole completion
tested at average rates of approximately 1,100 MSCF/D operations.
(31 ,000 m3/D) and 400 STB/D (64 m3) of gas and water, Three wells near the COAL Site had been completed
respectively, Following the production test, a shut-in test with dynamic open-hole methods in the past. Seven nearby
was performed. wells had been hydraulically fractured. Initial gas produc-
Analysis of the post-stimulation data did not result in a tion rates for the seven hydraulically fractured wells aver-
correct evaluation of the reservoir properties nor the de- aged 200 to 1,400 MSCF/D (28,000 to 40,000 m31D)
gree of damage caused by stimulation with cross-linked whereas the initial gas rates for three cavity wells averaged
polymer fluids. The estimate of the absolute permeability i 400 to 3,000 MSCF!!2 (40,000 to 99,000 m3/D).
was 5 md. The estimate of the infinite conductivity induced ‘ The productivity differences were due to the mmpletion
fracture half length was 99 ft. (30 m) corresponding to a practices and all but one of the cased, fractured wells were
skin factor of-5. reworked by milling windows in the casing and drilling new
The gas production rates of the replacement NEBU holes through the coal seams that were completed with
#403R well varied between 2,000 and 7,100 MSCF/D dynamic open-hole techniques. The side-tracked recom-
(56,000 and 200,000 m3/D) with water rates declining from pletion gas production rates of three of the nearby wells
600 to 80 STB/D (95 to 13 m3/D). The bottom-hole pres- (Southern Ute Tribal LL #1, KK #1, and MM #1 ) averaged
sure estimates at these rates varied from 950 to 700 psia 7.6, 11.0, and 3.9 times the cased, fractured completion
[6,550 to 4,800 kPa(ajj. gas productivity.
The #403R production behavior was modeled with a The newly drilled open hole cavity weii, Soiutkifi Ute
single well, single layer, radial reservoir simulation model. Tribal I PLA 9 #2 (hereafter referred to as the I #2 well)
The thickness weighted average absolute permeability re- was the primafy well of interest at the COAL Site. GRI Ob-
quired to match the open-hole well performance was 65 servation Well was drilled 178.1 ft. (54.28 m) north-west of
md, identical to that determined from the injection testing. the I #2 location. GRI Observation Well #2 was drilled
The skin factor, s~,, included in the model was zero. The 1,069.1 ft. (325.9 m) south-west of the I #2 location. Both

6 Coal Gas Open-Hole Well Performance SPE 27993
observation wells were cored with water-based drilling poorly performing open-hole wells. This example illustrates
mud, cored, drill stem tested, and logged to obtain esti- that the dynamic completion operations were successful in
. . B-b:....I ..,;4
mates of the reservoir properties summarized in Table 3. obtammg an undamaged compl~llvl P~J A@ . r~!~~
W,,h p,“w-,- .
The I #2 well was drilled with water in an under- that were controlled by the reservoir properties and operat-
balanced condition. Coal failure was not significant during ing pressure conditions when the natural fracture perme-
drilling or testing. The well was produced for 48 days fol- ability averaged 2.1 md. The use of a high rate, high
lowed by a 55 day shut-in period to perform a predynamic pressure nitrogen stimulation treatment did not improve the
completion interference test. The well had to be pumped to deliverability supporting the contention that if an enhanced
maintain gas and water production rates that averaged 107 permeability region was created, it had little affect upon
MSCF/D (3,300 m3/D) and 120 STB/D (19 m3/D), respec- post-completion production rates.
tively, at a bottom-hole pressure of 700 psia [4,230 kPa(a)]. This research effort was performed in cooperation with
Following the dynamic completion operations, the I #2 Phillips Petroleum Company to implement and evaluate re-
:s-:-1 IJU
flowed gas and water witiiout artl:~lal I;* C4L
~+~ tac t$at a~er-
,a.=- ..- completion techniques for poorly performing wells originally
a ed 1,400 MSCF/D (40,000 m /D) and 400 STB/D (64 completed with dynamic open-hole completion tech
m /D), respectively, at a bottom-hole pressure of approxi- niques.5 The San Juan 30-5 #216 well had been originally
mately 700 psia [4,800 kPa(a)]. The dynamic mmpletion completed using dynamic open-hole completion tech-
operations increased the gas deliverability by a factor of niques but gas production was significantly less than that
13.1 and the water deliverability by a factor of 3.3. The in- of offset wells completed in the same manner. The post-
crease in the total free fluid flow rate at reservoir renditions dynamic completion gas and water rates were 154
was 7.7. The factor of 7.7 is the best indicator of the actual MSCF/D (4,360 m3/D) and 48 STB/D (7.6 m3/D). These
productivity improvement at that time. This improvement in rates were significantly less than the gas rates of the ofFse
deliverability was obtained even though the original com- wells that ranged from 663 to 4,429 MSCF/D (18,800 to
pletion had been installed by drilling under-balanced with 125,000 m3/D) with water rates that ranged from mists to
water that would normally be expected to result in an un- 700 STB/D (110 m3/D). The completion practices for al
damaged completion. The cause of the poor petiormance wells were very similar.
of the barefoot completion prior to dynamic completion has Prior to recompletion, the well was cleaned out and the
not been resolved. wellbore geometry was determined by sonar logging. Fol-
Sonar logging was used to obtain a three dimensional lowing sonar logging, a production log was measured and
representation of the enlarged wellbore geometry as a a shut-in test was performed. Following the shut-in test a
function of azimuth and depth. Figure 2 illustrates the so- water injection test was performed while monitoring inter-
nar log that was obtained to a maximum depth of 3,195 ft. vals accepting water with a production log. Figure 3 sum-
(973.9 m) in the I #2 well. Track two of the log illustrates marizes the analyses of these data. Table 4 summaries
the average wellbore radius and diameter as a function of the estimates of reservoir propetiies.
depth. Track three illustrates the gamma ray data. All of While it had long been suspected, for the first time dur-
the coal seams illustrated in this log appeared to fail and ing GRI western basin research, a combination of produc-
slough into the wellbore. Interbedded shale and tonsteins tion logging and well testing confirmed that absolute
(volcanic ash layers in coal) did net appear to fai! @ most permeability varies significantly between vertically isolated
cases. The average and maximum diameters that were coal seams. Absolute permeability varied from 0.S to 6 md
observed were 4.3 and 12.8 ft. (1.3 and 3.9 m), respec- In addition, the gas-water production rate ratios also varied
tively. Total cavity volume was 2,700 ft3 (76 m3) due to re- significantly. The interval with the least gas-water ratio was
moval of 100 tons (91,000 kg) of coal. located above the interval with the greatest gas-water ratio
Analysis of the well test data and the simulation of post- Interseam vertical permeability must have been negligible
dynamic completion performance was discussed in Refer- for this situation to have occurred. The water injection test
ence 10. The postdynamic completion skin factor estimate indicated that the majority of the water entered the intervals
was -0.7 which was significantly greater than that expected that were producing the lower gas-water rate ratio as would
from the increased wellbore radius (-2.8) and could not be be expected based upon relative permeability mnsidera-
explained by pressure dependent permeability effects. The tions.
post-completion productivity and pressure data were his- The intervals that were producing the greatest total fluid
tory matched without the need to include an enhanced rates were those that had the greatest degree of wellbore
pe.rrneability region. enlargement, The degree of enlargement did not correlate
.. ~b.m-l.,+ .peI~==~Il@
w~h the dUWIULe IIr-- ,.., edima~es,
. . .....–
SANJUAN30-5 #216 Following the data collection operations, the well was
recompleted using conventional dynamic open-hole com-
The success of the dynamic open-hole completion pletion techniques. The standard air compression equip-
techniques was widely known for reservoirs with well- ment used throughout the San Juan Basin could no
developed fracture systems that had absolute permeability injection significant volumes of air into the reservoirs due to
estimates exceeding 7 md. The next phase of the GRI re- the low absolute permeability and moderate reservoir pres
=~=~b . ... .. was to expand the use of the technology into
““----- @ffort sure. As a result the recompletion failed to improve the

SPE 27993 M.J. Mavor 7
fluid deliverability. SANJUAN31-8 #234
To overcome the pressure limitations, nitrogen fractur-
ing equipment was used to inject nitrogen at hig~ pressure The final example was also performed in cooperation
and high rate. A total of 1,062 MSCF (30,000 m-) of nitro- with F?M!ipsPetro!eum Company. This example illustrates
gen was injected during four separate treatments at rates that hydraulic fracture stimulation of an open-hoie weii
ranging from 6,700 to 14,200 SCF/min. (190 to 402 completed with dynamic techniques reduced the fluid de-
m3/min.) and surface pressures ranging from 2,100 to liverability.
2,700 psig [14,500 to 18,600 kPa(g)]. After each of the four As for the preceding case, the productivity of the San
injection periods, the well was allowed to violently blow out. Juan 31-6 #234 well was significantly less than that of sur-
The nitrogen injection did not improve the deliverability rounding wells. The gas and water rates of the #234 well
of the well nor cause additional coal failure to occur even averaged 250 MSCF/D (7,080 m3/D) and 100 STB/D (16
though the pressure differential into the wellbore was the m3/D), respectively. The surrounding wells produced gas at
greatest ever accomplished during GRI research efforts. rates up to 6,490 MSCF/D (184,000 m3/D) with 100 STB/D
Lack of deliverability improvement was verified by well (16 m3/D) of water.
testing. Lack of coal failure was obvious as mal was not A similar operation was performed in that the well was
produced to surface nor retained down-hole in significant reentered and data collection operations were performed
volumes. If an enhanced permeability region was created prior to attempting recompletion procedures Recompletion
by the nitrogen injection, it had little affect upon the either with conventional dynamic open-hole methods did not im-
fluid deliverability or well test analysis results, prove fluid deliverability. A final attempt at stimulation was
Four well tests were performed at various times in this performed by hydraulic fracturing the open-hole interval in
well as summarized in Table 5. A production and shut in two stages. The first stage utilized a cross-linked HPG gel
test was followed by a water injection and shut-in test prior fluid to stimulate the lowest coal interval. The second stage
to recompletion operations. A production and shut-in test was a nitrogen foam treatment designed to stimulate two
were performed at the conclusion of the conventional re- shallower coal intervals. The treatments damaged the well
completion operations and repeated after the nitrogen in- as the post-stimulation fluid deliverability was 57% of the
jection recompletion. The analysis results are summarized undamaged open-hole productivity.
in Table 6. Except for the water injection test, absolute Figure 4 illustrates the data and interpretations thereof
permeability estimates ranged from 1.9 to 2.1 md. The that were obtained during open-hole, sonar, tracer, pro-
.,. . I;-1+1,,
water mjectlon test results were sllyl ,Lly hinhar
,,1=,.W. at _. md.
-. 27 duction, and injection logging. Table 7 summarizes the es-
The skin factor estimate prior to recompletion was -0.4 timates of reservoir properties. Ab@ute p~~m~abiiity was

which, as for all other cases, was greater than the ex- 4.7, 0.6, and 2.4 md for the upper, middle, and lower coal
pected value of -2.7 due to the enlarged wellbore radius. intervals. The estimates were not as reliable as for the pre-
The conventional recompletion operations increased the ceding example as the gradiomanometer failed while pro-
skin factor to 1.9 as indicated by the Test 3 analysis re- duction logging and it was necessary to assume that the
sults. The high rate nitrogen injection removed some of the gas-water rate ratio was the same for all intervals. Only
causes of the near-well pressure losses as the final skin one enlarged wellbore diameter was observed in the lower
factor was -1.2 but was still greater than the skin factor ex- coal interval in a 2 ft. (0.6 m) thick seam.
pected from the wellbore geometty. At the conclusion of the data collection operations, at-
As for the preceding examples, the use of dynamic tempts were made to recomplete the well using conven-
open-hole completion techniques resulted in an undam- tional air compression equipment. Significant volumes of
aged completion that allowed production rates to be con- air could not be injected into the reservoirs due to the low
trolled by the reservoir properties and operating pressure permeability and moderate rese~oir pressure. Hydraulic
conditions. If an enhanced permeability region was pres- fracturing was selected for stimulation due to the failure of
ent, it was not detected nor did it significantly affect the the #216 nitrogen treatment to stimulate production.
post-completion deliverability. Prior to stimulation, two water injection tests were per-
Phillips replaced this well with a newly drilled open-hole formed with full-bore spinner survey equipment and a
well located roughly 1,000 ft. (30 m) to the north of the pressure transducer in the well. The first test was per-
original well location. The initial production rate was re- formed by injecting water at 10 barrels per minute. At this
ported to be in excess of 5,000 MSCF/D (140,000 m3/D). rate, 649(o of the water entered the lowest coal interval with
The only conclusion possible from this comparison was 9% and 27% entering the upper and middle coal intervals,
that the absolute permeability of the coal seams varied by respectively. The injection rate was increased to 40 barrels
an order of magnitude within a horizontal distance of 1,000 per minute to determine the injection distribution at hydrau-
ft (300 m). The pre-existing natural fracture permeability lic fracturing rates. The greater rate and pressure fractured
had the greatest effect upon the deliverability, not the abil- the shaly sandstone located below the lower coal interval.
ity to stimulate the reservoirs. After fracturing, 53% of the water exited the well below the
lower coal interval with 35%, 5%, and 7?40 entering the
lower, middle, and upper coal intewais, respeccveiy.
As a result of the injection log data, the well was frac-

8 Coal Gas Open-Hole Well Performance SPE 27993
tured in two stages in an attempt to stimulate all of the coal rates and pressures into a lower permeability environ-
intervals, Downward induced fracture growth was expected ment (6 md and less) failed to increase wellbore en-
in the shaly sandstone. A total of 33,000 gal. (125 m3) of largement and had a minor affect upon fluid
borate cross-linked HPG gel (30 Ibm. [14 kg] of polymer deliverability.
per 1,000 gal. [3.8 m3] of fluid) was injected at 40 bbl./min. 6. Cross-linked polymer hydraulic fracture stimulation
(6.4 m3/min.). A total of 57,000 Ibm. (26,000 kg) of 16/30 was damaging to the coal natural fracture permeability
mesh Brady sand was included with a ramped schedule in both higher and lower permeability environments
from O to 4 Ibm./gal. (48 kg/m3) Antimony was added as a and resulted in less fluid deliverability than possible
radioactive tracer. with dynamic open-hole methods.
The lower interval was isolated with a sand plug and a 7. The existence of a near-well enhanced permeability
67% to 80’Monitrogen foam treatment was pumped. Total region due to dynamic open-hole completion opera-
injected fluid volume (nitrogen, polymer, and water) was tions has not been required to explain improved pro-
51,200 gal. (194 m3) at down-hole conditions. A total of ductivity relative to that of cased, fractured wells. The
112,000 Ibm. (50,900 kg) of 16/30 mesh Brady sand was explanation for the improved productivity is that the
added with a ramped schedule from O to 4 Ibm./gal. (48 permeability of natural fractures surrounding fractures
kg/ins). Scandium was added to the fiuid as a tracer, induced by polymer based hydraulic fracture fluids is
The post-stimulation tracer log is illustrated in Figure 4. greatly reduced while that surrounding dynamic open-
Interpretation of the log indicates that both stimulation hole wells is not.
treatments entered the entire open-hole interval above the 8. The presence of an enhanced near-well permeability
lower coal interval. While the log could not be run below region has not been identified by analysis of any of the
the top of the lower coal, it is likely that the injected fluids well test data collected during GRI research efforts.
entered the zones below this depth. Skin factor estimates were greater than expected from
The well was placed on production and two production the enlarged wellbore radii and were not lower as
logs were measured with and without gas lift. These logs would be expected due to the presence of an en-
are illustrated in Figure 4 and indicate that the stimulation hanced permeability region.
did not change the proportion of fluid originating from the 9. The enhanced permeability region may be present but
three intervals as the results were similar to the pre- the effects upon transient pressure data may be
.. .
stlmulatlon prouuctlon log. The- SLiI -~--.I Iuladu,,
.ln4’~~ +V s+ an+ rp- masked by wellbore storage effects and near-enlarged
.1 e=,m-.,. .-
duced the fluid deliverability to 57% of the pre-stimulation wellbore pressure losses.
deliverability. 10. Well tests run in in-gauge, waterdrilled, open-hole
The use of the dynamic open-hole completion proce- ‘Weiis, tirMim~id~dcasedwells, and cased, fractured
dures (although significant volumes of air did not enter the wells have failed to result in correct evaluation of the
- --- tiuil
[e=~l -..i ) le=ul
. ~,,ItLeum
d i tha m@
.,,- ,.. _. effec@e cOfIlpMOfl in a IOW true deliverability potential of coal gas reservoirs.
permeability environment. Hydraulic fracture stimulation 11. Drill stem tests run in mud dtiiied ‘ttf+iist water injection
reduced rather than improved the gas and water deliver- tests, and interference tests can result in correct esti-
ability. mates of post-dynamic open-hole completion produc-
tivity since absolute permeability estimates are

In summary, the following conclusions have resulted ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

from ~~j~ ~Sti~v.
Dynamic hpen-hole completion techniques resulted in This paper was possibie as the i~sdt of iarge ~caie
undamaged completions that allowed coal gas reser- funding and support by the Gas Research Institute during
voirs to produce at rates controlled by the reservoir the Western Cretaceous Coal Seam Project. Without GRI
properties and operating pressure conditions. contributions, little information concerning dynamic open-
In higher natural fracture permeability environments, hole completion technology would be available in the tech-
(19 md and greater), the dynamic operations are re- nical literature. All of the open-hole research efforts were
quired to increase productivity abate that KXMs!ble co~perative projects anct incluciect significant contributions
from a barefoot, in-gauge, open-hole. by personnel from many companies including Amax Oii &
In lower natural fracture permeability environments (6 Gas, Inc., Amoco Production Co., ARCO Oil and Gas Co.,
md and less) conventional dynamic open-hoie comple- Conoce, Inc., !3me,=idGas Operating Co., Evergreen Op-
tion equipment failed to inject significant volumes of air erating Co., Gas Research Institute, P~llips Petroleum
into the coal seams. Co., Resource Enterprises, Inc., Stim-Lab, Inc., Terra Tek,
Wellbore enlargement was less in lower permeability Inc., and the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.
environments than in higher permeability environ-
Attempts to increase the degree of near-well perme-
ability enhancement by injection of nitrogen at high

SPE 27993 M.J. Mavor 9

Ct pore volume compressibility, ps~l 1. Palmer, I.D., Mavor, M.J., Spitler, J.L., Seidle, J.P., and
exp exponential function Volz, R.F.: “Openhole Cavity Completions in Coalbed Meth-
ane Wells in the San Juan Basin,” JPT (Nov., 1993) pp.
FE flow efficiency, dimensionless
1,072-i ,080.
k permeability, md 2. Mavor, M.J. and Logan, T.L.: “Recent Advanoes in Coal Gas
ke absolute permeability, md Well Open-Hole Completion Technology,”JF’T (July, 1994).
k. initial absolute permeability, md 3. Mavor, M.J., Close, J.C., and Pratt, T.J.: Summaryof the
kw relative permeability to gas, dimensionless Com~letion O~timization W A~ ment Laboratory
kw relative permeability to water, dimensionless W Me, Gas Research instituteTOpi~l Report No.
Sc skin factor due to wellbore enlargement, dimen- GRI-9V0377, Chicago, Illinois(December 31, 1991).
sionless 4. Mavor, M.J., Logan, T. L., Close, J.C., Pratt, T.J., and Robin-
stj skin factor due to permeability damage, dimension- son, J.R.: Western Cretacaous Coal Seam Proieot Annual
less x I!XL?, Gas Resea~ Institute RePoR No” GRl-
93/0245, Chicago, Illinois(July, 1993).
St total skin factor, dimensionless 5. Mavor, M.J., Logan, T. L., and Robinson, J.R: Coooerative
rC cavity radius, ft. Evaluation of San Juan Basint Phillim Petroleum ComDanv,
rm enhanced permeability zone radius, ft. ODen-Hole ~ ~
R -s, Gas Research insti-
fe drainage region iadius, ft. tute Topical Report No. GRI-9W0466, Chicago, Illinois
rw wellbore radius, ft. (January, 1994).
pressure difference, psi 6. Mavor, M.J. and Logan, T. L.: S Cretaceous Q@
Seam Proiect Final ReDort,Gas Research Institute Report
A total mobility, md/cp No. GR1-94/0089,Chicago, Illinois(April, 1994).
km total mobility in the enhanced permeability region, 7. Gash, B.W., Volz, R.F., Potter, G., and Corgan, J.M.: “The
mdlcp Effects of Cleat Orientation and Confining Pressure on Cleat
& total mobility in the reservoir, md/cp Porosity, Permeability, and Relative Permeability,” Paper
Ug gas viscosity, cp 9321, Proceedimls of the M International Coalbed W
~ SvmDosium, The University of Alabama / Tuscaloosa
Pw water viscosity, cp
(May, 1993).
8. McKee, C.R,, Bumb, A.C., and Koenig, R.A.: “Stress-
CONSTANTS Dependent Permeability and Porosity of Coal,” ~ dinas
of the 1987 Coalbed Methane Svmoosium, The Universityof
bbl X 1.589873 E-01 = m’ Alabama /Tuscaloosa (Nov.. 1987) DD. 183-193.
Cp x 1.0’ E-3 = Pas 9. Mavor, M.J.: “Coal Gas Rekervoi; Cavity Completion Well
ft X 3.048” E-01 = m Performance,”~ International~ Research Conference
- I Gas Research Institute, Chicago, Illinois, (1993) pp.
ft’ x 2:831865 E-02 = m’
gal x 3.785412 E-03 = ms 10. Mavor, M.J. and Robinson, J.R.: “Analysis of Coal Gas !?es-
Ibm x 4.535925 E-01 = kg ervoir Interference and Cavity Well Tests,” Paper SPE
mile x 1.609 344* E+O() = km 25860 presented at the 1993 Joint Rocky Mountain Re-
psi x 6.894757 E+03 = pa gional and Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Den-
ver, Colorado, April 26-28, 1993.
● The conversionfactor is exact.

Table 1. GRI Open-Hole Research Well Location Information.

b Sadon TownshiP Range

I BlancoUnit#403& #K)3 R NewMexico RIOArritra 9 30 North 7 West
lPLA9#2 Colorsdo La Plate 17 32 North 10 West
, ~-., .-..-.. Well #l Colorado La Plats 17 32 North 10 west
wxvation Well #Z! Colorado La Plate 17 32 North 10 Weat
Juan 30-5 #216 New Mexico RIOArnba 20 30 North 5 West
Juan 31-6 #234 New Mexico Rio Arriba 29 31 North 6 West

10 Coal Gas Open-Hole Well Performance

Table 2. Summary of NEBU #403 R Resewoir Property Estimates.

Property I Units I Value
~-bk h..bhab-...+ bh.=-*
~fJL.. .w .----
Productive-.. .T.,-.m.v.. I ,G-, I ““. ”
Coal Matrix Properties
In-situgas content SCFKon 527.3
Average ash oontent % 30.75
Average water content % 1.0
FractureSystem Properties
LangmuirvaliIrnnl~m seh.ti) I Crcrr..
““, #,“.8 I Q?9 n
.“, ”,..” ,“!, , ““. . ---- 1 ““.....

Lq gmuirpressure Psia 303.3

immtiontime .. hours 6.5
Average coal seam ... ~ns
_-..sity glcmd 1.529
Temperetu.. Im or liR
, ,“
I r I
pala 1, ,-r”z
September, 19°4 -**-- OyG p--””’
z= 1, Ov=l w--u=
Prea-... -- feat 2,944.6
Average absolute- permeability md 65.0
Porosil Ity % 0.45
Initialwater st.. % 65.0
Fracture -FJcing
sna inch 0.25
--- .- =t4n%
Pore volume cc.. .V.---.- .....
I P I [ )
Skin factor
, .Jlu rrvp71u9u

bletrraneconcentrsno~ % 89.0
h.. din~e ~fl@ntfstion % 11.0
t rasetvoirconditions w 0.0139
1===’’’’””-”-””” ionvolume factor ‘
0.0125 ‘
,._ . ... at reservoirconditions w 0.55
. . fnrmdimi qlume fa~or vol./vol. 1.01

Table 3. Summary of COAL Site Basal Coal Zone Property Estimates.

M.J. Mavor
SPE 27993

Table 3. SummarY of COAL Site Basal Coal Zone PropeIIY Estimates(continued).

... ..
1#2 I GRl#l I GRl#2
I Units I
Fluid PrOPeties
% 87.927
Methane concentration 11.527
Carbon dioxideconcentration 0.0146
Gas viscOS@at resewoir condtions 9.169(10+)
Gasformationvolumefactor Cp 0.55
Waterviscosity conditions 1.01
Waterformationvolume factor

Table 4. San Juan 30-5 #216, Coal Gas Resewoir Propetiies.

upper I Miidle 1 Lower
Surface Elevation 2988.0 3,020.0 3,109.5
Depth to the top of the coal 2,991.5 3,047.5 3,113.0
feet 2.5
Depthto thebottomofthe coal feet 5.5 13.5
Grosscoalthickness 5.5 13.5 0
Coal Matrix PrOPeti*s
15.6 I 32.6 I 13.7
I % I
Average ash content 1.-a
.*= 1.58
glcm” 1

Average coal seami-iiaaii.Y

I mg. F ! 113 I
Average pressureat 3,035 feet
Average absolute permeabi~i 94 65-87 nd
I %
Average water saturation
,“ II 90 %
Methane concentration 10
Carbondioxideconcentration 0.0143
Gas viscositYat reservoirconditions 0.00975
Gas formationvolume faotor 0.58
Water viscositYat reservoirconditions 1.008
Water formationvolume factor

nd: not determined duringthis project

SpE 27993
Coal Gas Open-Hole Well Performance

.- —-—5. San Juan 30-5 #216, Recompletion Well Test Summav.

Pre-ReComp@tionProdutilon & Shut-InTest
Pre-RecompletionInjection& Shut-InTest
3 Post-ConventionalRecompletionProdu&lon& Shut-InTest
~ Final Production/ Shut-InTest

. -ma- taIAIITa=* Analvski Summary.

Table 6. San Juan 36-o HZ-10c.=,1 , =-. -..-.,--- ---
3 4
I 1 I 2
3.39 4.65
2.22 0
13.6 12.6
21.1 51.9
26 30
18.2 0 ?
I % I , a. a

“., ”

0.72 c...
1.1 2“7
1.9 2.1 1
2.1 2.7
I , .6 lQ -1.2

1,449 ,,T,-
1,416 I 1 (

I Average rressur= at +-- ...

Table 7. San Juan 31-6 #234, Coal Gas Resewoir Propetiies.

I I Lower
upper I Middle I
-.--- clt
A., I Unit:
~ !ometry . ...
feet I
s 1 , ----
,1 I rwa I
DerM Iofl ,1

e coal “--- J
D. !t 1 6.00 I Y.GJ I

1 *4 I 30 I 26 +
% I GI 1
Average ash Content 41.LuJ
=Q II l-is
---- I 1.51 [
I gkm’ I
Average coal seam drSnSitY
FractureSystem Propefiks 116 I 117
f)@. F 113 I
Tern rature 1,?-
3t psia
Average reservoir~mum @ 3,370 feeh md 4.7 I 0 .“
95 I L..
Average absolute horizontalPermeatilk 0/0 nd
Average water, -at,
“..-. . 1.5
Skin Fa_,w, I
I YO I 1
Methane COnCentretion 6.F
1 0/0
1 0.01
Carbon dioxideconcentration
—.—.-:- ---xi, .--.,~~ ! CrJ ----
Gas viscosityat reservoirWI wn,ul (J.U1”,””
Gas formationvolume factor 0.65
,...ons Cp
Water viscosityat reaewoir COti@@ 1.00 I
Water formationvolume fectc m

nd: not determinedduringthk project.

M.J. Mavor
SPE 27993
I [ I I
1 I 1 I l.’ I DI Fmitland Coal Rank

—u—u “- m Hig~~V~~-o,~~t.
. ... , -.- I-3,.

❑ Sub Bituminous


~ San Juan
I #403& t1403f3 Y _L 31-6 #234

m “s \ San Juan
~ s 30-5 #216
“~ : RI I I n
z al T24N
c1 Y

GL _ .- -- -- -- -- -
I sac daua . f’n
I u d =? - _
I I T22N

0 Za Mm I

,,, . ,-=, . ,-,~,, ,

rlgu[e A1. oall

s-, -. . . . c-m UUQ,,
II I=n “Racin
----- Fxatnde
-.-—..-r ODW1-HOk
. well Location

Figure 2. Southern Ute Tribal I PIA 9 #2. Sonar and Gamma Ray Logs.


SPE 27993
Coal Gas Open-Hole Well Performance

. LOO AnalySIS
Cssln,”m ~


6.0 d
Gas 21 MSCF~
Wetar 18 STW0 77%
Gag 10 MSCF~ 1.3rnd
Water 4STsm
~. 46 MSCFrD 15%
1,4 md
water 3 sTam


3,120 —

Injection, and Sonar Log Data Combined with Well Test Analysls
Figure 3. San Juan 30-5 #216, Density, Production,
Results. Post-Frsc
Density pre-Frac productionLogs
Gamma Ray Tracer Lo9

Oe@ ? MSCF/D

~ 29%

I . . “.% “.41-.
a 1 ,Lw v-,,”,, -
115,400 Ibm =nd

Fket StS!Y FMC I

aorete-HPG Gel
gallons 6%

s9,000 Ibm Sand 11%

Unabla to -73% m65%
3,5s4 ft.
Wh Gee Lii
without Gaa M

f Bdtom-HOk
~omHole meeaum
i weaaum

.. ‘-”
520 PSia
@ 3,160 ft
370paia@ 3,1s0 fi,

Gamma, Density, Tracer, and Production Logs.

Figure 4. San Juan 31-6 #234,


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