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3rd International Conference on Electric and Electronics (EEIC 2013)

A Coordinative Optimization Model for Hydro-Thermal-LNG Power System

Qiang Ding, Jing-yang Zhou, Hui Cui, Dan Xu, Zhi Chen, Yong Deng, Yuzhen Yao, Xin Cheng
Wei-gang Li Dispatch and Communication Center
Power Automation Department State Grid Fujian Electric Power Company
China Electric Power Research Institute Fuzhou, China
Beijing, China

Abstract—This paper proposes a coordinative optimization In the proposed coordinative optimization model for
model based on MILP for Hydro-thermal-LNG power system. hydro-thermal-LNG power system, generation scheduling
The advantage of the method is that it simultaneously solves consists of unit commitment for hydro units and LNG units,
unit commitment for hydro and LNG( liquefied natural gas) which can be startup and shutdown in day time range. And
units, and solves economic dispatch for thermal units. The the coal-fired units usually not commit in day time range,
coordinative optimization satisfied all constraints, including because the start-up cost of this kind of unit is relatively high
unit constraints, operation constraints, water availability and the minimum up-time/down-time of the unit is typically
constraints and security constraints. It is a global optimization more than 5 days, so this units usually make unit
technique for solving generation scheduling problem based on
commitment on a weekly or monthly cycle. In day-ahead
the mixed integer linear programming (MILP) technique. The
model is illustrated by example of a provincial network power
generation scheduling, the purpose of the optimization is to
system. Numerical result based on this practical system shows make full use of hydro power and minimize costs of coal-
that the proposed method is efficient and effective for Hydro- fired and gas-fired unit, satisfying various constraints. For
thermal-LNG power system. hydro unit, the objective about penalty function of electric
quantity constraints is constructed. For coal-fired units,
Keywords-hydro;thermal;LNG;generation scheduling;model operation fuel cost is considered. For gas-fired units,
operation fuel cost and start-up cost are considered. And all
I. INTRODUCTION types of units should consider their particular constraints.
Through this approach, these three kinds of units can
Hydro-thermal-LNG power system includes these there coordinate with each other, to use co-ordination between
types of units: cascaded hydro units, thermal units and different power generation characteristics to achieve
liquefied natural gas units. In some province of china, this is economic and security benefits.
a relatively common power source structure. These three
kinds of power sources have different operating II. FLOW DIAGRAM OF THE MODEL
characteristics, different optimization goals and constraints. The unit commitment of coal-fired unit is solved in
Difficulty lies in how to obtain economic and security weekly unit commitment, which can calculate the run-off
benefits through co-ordination between these three kinds of state of coal-fired unit for day-ahead generation scheduling.
power sources. So in day-ahead generation scheduling, the model deals with
Researchers have been studying various models to the coordinative optimization problem of unit commitment
describe the co-ordination between different kinds of units. of hydro and LNG units, and economic dispatch for coal-
Mixed integer programming (MILP) [1][3][7] has been used fired units. The hydropower is renewable, so it should be
to model the hydro-thermal power system, and quadratic made the best use of. In the proposed model, the electrical
programming [2] model has been built for hydro-thermal- quantity of hydro unit should be accommodated firstly, only
nuclear power system. There are also other techniques have in some situation, such as coal-fired units are all running in
been applied to model the hydrothermal generation the lower limit, or some transmission constraint only can be
scheduling problem, such as invasive weed optimization controlled by these hydro units, electrical quantity
algorithm, evolutionary optimization[4][9][10], genetic constraints of hydro unit can be modified carefully. So in the
algorithm (GA)[5], feedback neural network optimization[6] model, electrical quantity of hydro unit is considered as soft
and simulated annealing embedded evolutionary constraint. The penalty factors are introduced in objective
programming[8]. These models are effective in treating function to make the hydro electric quantity constraints be
hydro-thermal optimization problem, but when the system satisfied under normal situation. The run-off state of coal-
has coal-fired units, gas-fired units and hydro units at the fired unit has been scheduled in weekly span, so they can be
same time, each power source should be modeled carefully, considered as a fixed value in day ahead generation
and some method can be developed to achieve optimal scheduling. The gas-fired unit and hydro unit can be started
coordination between these kinds of units, so that the model up or shut down immediately, so they can be used to satisfy
can be used in the actual production run effectively. reserve constraints and transmission constraints. The

© 2013. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 364

operation cost of gas-fired unit is more expensive, and the Decision variables: Pi (t ) is the output of unit i at
gas storage sets limit to the generation capacity, so in the
actual production run, gas-fired units only start up in peak period t , Cui (t ) is the start-up cost of unit i at period t,
load stage.
and Qupi (t ) and Qdowni (t ) are the Up and Down
electric quantity constraints penalty variables of unit i at
period t , respectively. Cui (t ) is the start-up cost of unit i .
The cost function of coal-fired and gas-fired units can be
expressed as:


P (t ) = u (t ) P (t ) + P (t ) + (u (t ) P seg (t ) + P (t )) (2)
i i ,1 i i ,1 i, j i, j i, j
j =2
Fi ( Pi (t ), t ) = Fi ( Pi (t ), t )ui ,1 (t ) + Ki ,1 (t ) Pi ,1 (t )
+ ∑ ( Fi ( Pi ,seg
j (t ), t )ui , j (t ) + K i , j (t ) Pi , j (t ))
j =2
⎧ Pi , j (t ) ≥ 0

⎪ Pi ,1 (t ) ≤ ui ,1 (t )( Pi ,1 (t ) − Pi (t ))

Figure 1. The flow diagram of the proposed model. ⎨ Pi , j (t ) ≤ ui , j (t )( Pi ,seg
j (t ) − Pi , j −1 (t ))

⎪ NL
⎪ u (t ) ≤ 1
In the model depicted in Fig. 1, hydropower can be used i, j
firstly within the hydro flow and reservoir storage constraint, ⎩ j =1 (4)
then coal-fired units are scheduling to minimize the seg
Where Pi , j (t ) is the initial output of unit i at
operation cost and satisfy the open impartial equitable
dispatch constraints, and gas-fired units are last considered to segment j of piecewise linear curve, Ki , j (t ) is slope of
peak load shifting, because they can be startup and shutdown
in short time but more expensive. These tactics are unit i at segment j of piecewise linear curve. N L is
constructed in a global optimization MILP model, which can segment number of piecewise linear curve.
be solved by some commercial solver such as CPLEX.
B. Constraints
III. PROPOSED OPTIMIZATION MODEL FOR HYDRO- The optimization subjects to various constraints as
(1)System power balance constraints:
A. Objective Function NG

Objective function components are formulated as a ∑ P (t ) = P

i load (t )
i =1 (5)
model to minimize cost of coal-fired and gas fired units
simultaneously, while making full use of hydro power and Where N G is the number of all the units in power system,
satisfying various constraints. and Pload (t ) is system load forecast of period t .
(2) Reserve constraints:
N Coal NT

∑ ∑ F ( P (t ), t )
F =
i =1 t =1
i i ∑ ( P (t )∑ u
i =1
j =1
i, j (t ) − Pi (t )) ≥ Pres
(t )
NGas NT N Gas NT (1)
+ ∑ ∑ Fi ( Pi (t ), t ) + ∑ ∑ Cui (t )

i =1 t =1 i =1 t =1
∑ ( P (t ) − P ( t ) ∑ u
i =1
i i
j =1
i, j (t )) ≥ Presdown (t )
N Hydro
up down
+ ∑ (Qup (t )SP
i =1
i up +Qdowni (t ) SPdown ) Where P (t ) and P res res (t ) are minimum positive and
negative reserve respectively.
Where N Hydro is the number of hydro generation units, (3) Transmission constraints:
N Coal is the number of coal-fired generation units, and N Gas Skdown (t ) ≤ ∑ ( Sk ( Pi (t ), t )∑ ui , j (t )) ≤ Skup (t )
i =1 j =1
is the number of gas fired generation units. NT is the number NG NL
C down
(t ) ≤ ∑ (Ck ( Pi (t ), t )∑ ui , j (t )) ≤ C (t ) up
of periods, i and t are the unit index and period index k
i =1 j =1

respectively. SPup and SPdown are the Up and Down penalty Where S (t ) and S (t ) are minimum and maximum
down up
k k

price of hydro electric quantity constraints respectively. limit of line branch respectively. Ckdown (t ) and Ckup (t ) are
minimum and maximum limit of transmission section.
(4) Constraints of all units:

Unit output limit constraints: Where Pforbidupi , k and Pforbiddowni , k +1 are the
Pi (t )∑ ui , j (t ) ≤ Pi (t ) ≤ Pi (t )∑ ui , j (t ) forbidden zones k up and down limit of hydro unit i .
j =1 j =1
Where Pi (t ) and Pi (t ) are minimum and maximum IV. CASE STUDY
unit limit of unit i at period t . Proposed model for hydro-thermal-LNG power system
Unit ramping constraints: was tested on an example of practical provincial power
N N system. The test system has 300 units, including 180 coal-
Pi (t ) − Pi (t − 1) ≤ (2 − ∑ ui , j (t ) − ∑ ui , j (t − 1)) Pi (t ) + Pi up (t )

fired units, 90 hydro units and 30 gas-fired units. The

j =1 j =1
(11) optimization of day ahead generation scheduling consider 96
Pi (t − 1) − Pi (t ) ≤ (2 − ∑ ui , j (t ) − ∑ ui , j (t − 1)) Pi (t ) + Pi down (t )
periods. The computation time for solving the model is about
j =1 j =1
(12) 3 minutes.
up down The model is tested in a platform of HP rx4640 server
Where Pi (t ) and Pi (t ) are maximum up and computer, Itanium 2-1.6 GHz CPU and 16G computer
down ramp limit of unit i at period t respectively. memory. The model was solved by CPLEX12.
(5) Constraints of gas-fired units: 450
Curve shape constraints: 400
Pi (t ) = Pi (t − 1) = Pi (t + 1)), t ∈ 2,5,8,... (13) 350
Minimum on-time/stop-time constraints: 300
t +Tmin,
i −1 N L NL NL 250
∑ ∑u
n =t j =1
i, j (n) ≥ Tmin,
i (∑ ui , j (t ) − ∑ ui , j (t − 1))
j =1 j =1
(14) 200
, ui , j ∈ u gas − fired
t +Tmin,
i −1 NL NL NL

n =t
(1 − ∑ ui , j (n)) ≥ Tmin,
j =1
i ( ∑ ui , j (t − 1) − ∑ ui , j (t ))
j =1 j =1
, ui , j ∈ u gas − fired 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96
on off
Where T min,i and T min,i are minimum on-time and stop- Figure 2. Output curve of some of gas-fired units.
time of gas-fired unit i at period t respectively.
Gas quantity constraints: Fig. 2 shows the output curve of some of gas-fired units,
NT it can be seen from the picture that gas-fired units start up
Qdi <= ∑ Pi (t ) <= Qui about eight o’clock in the morning, when the load of power
t =1 (16) system increasing rapidly.
Where Qui and Qdi are the electric quantity limit
calculating from gas storage of gas-fired unit i .
(6) Constraints of coal-fired units:
Pollution emission constraints: 500

∑ ( E ( P (t ), t )∑ u
i =1
i i
j =1
i, j (t )) ≤ Er (t ), ui , j ∈ ucoal − fired 400
(17) 300
Where Er (t ) is maximum pollution emission of coal- 200
fired units. 100
Curve shape constraints: 0
Pi (t ) = Pi (t − 1) = Pi (t + 1)), t ∈ 2,5,8,... (18) 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96
(7) Constraints of hydro units:
Curve shape constraints: Figure 3. Output curve of some coal-fired units.
Pi (t ) ≤ max( Pi (t − 1), Pi (t + 1))
(19) Fig. 3 shows the output curve of some of coal-fired units,
and it can be seen from the picture that the output curve of coal-
Pi (t ) ≥ min( Pi (t − 1), Pi (t + 1)), t ∈ 2,3,...NT − 1 fired units were scheduled smoothly, this can avoid
Forbidden zones constraints: unnecessary adjustment of generation output.
The output of hydro unit should avoid to be running in
certain regions, resulting in forbidden zones constraints.
Pi (t ) ≥ Pforbidupi , k
Pi (t ) ≤ Pforbiddowni , k +1 , k ∈ 1, 2,...N D − 1, Pi ∈ Phydr

(4)Meet the complex constraints for each type of units.
(5)Numerical result based on an example of provincial
power system shows that the proposed model is efficient and
effective for global optimization of units in Hydro-thermal-
150 LNG power system.

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