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1.1 The Background of the Problem

Language is very important for us because without language we cannot

communicate each other. Every country has its own language that is used by

each other to communicate. And it is impossible for us to communicate with

other people from different country if we only master one language.

Therefore, English as an international language is needed for people from

different countries.

English is used by almost people in the world. And we know that English is

one of international language. English is very important for us to face

globalization era and modern life to fulfill the relationship and develop the

quality of human resource. In Indonesia English is taught as the first foreign

language from junior high school up to University as the compulsary subject.

FngAish is the international language, which is used by millions people even

by almost all of people in the world. English is also used as language of

science, art and high technology. English plays an important role in all

activities of humanities. Evans 3001:3) states 'Across the world, several

hundred million people used one or other form of English in their daily lives,

work and personal activities'. Many books are written in English so that the

people who want to get information, knowledge, and high technology should

master English. Most of international activities use English as the means of

communication, so it is very important to learn to follow the modern life and

modem technology.

Considering that English is an important language, the goal of teaching

English is that the students are expected to have is competency in speaking,

reading, listening and writing. Although English is very difficult for our

students but as English teachers must realize this, we must teach the

students seriously, we know that the basic of teaching language is to

introduce the students about ideas and words. We can get it by teaching

them vocabulary. Without vocabulary it is impossible for us to master English.

Vocabulary is a list of words usually arranged alphabetically and defined or

translated into range of language. Referring to the definition of vocabulary

that is the basic element of language in which makes a language meaningful.

Consequently, Vocabulary is very important to arrange the sentences. In

general, the students' vocabulary mastery needs to be improved because

most of the students do not have motivation in learning English. The students

assume that English is difficult language to learn. Consequently, the English

Teacher should be responsible to encourage and motivate the students in

order to make them successful in learning the target language.

To learn vocabulary is not easy for the students. It is a common phenomenon

in teaching English. This phenomenon happens not only because English is

not their native language but it is also because the students get bored in

learning vocabulary since their teacher does not use proper media and made

the students lack of motivation.

To make students interested in learning English and to be able to

communicate in English, the teacher should create the good technique to

learn English and good atmosphere in the classroom. The teacher should

starting from the easy one to the difficult materials and applies the interested

technique to make the students enjoy learning English and make teaching

learning English run well. It means that the teacher should know the students

needs as well. After recognizing the students' needs, appropriate technique

can be determined by English teacher. Teacher should try to find the most

appropriate technique in teaching learning process of English vocabulary.

There are many techniques that can be used by the teacher, one of them is

Pair Crossword with Hangman Game.

Based on the writer's preliminary research at SMA Negeri I Kota Agung, the

writer found that the students' vocabulary mastery need to be increased. The

students have difficulties in mastering vocabulary. They felt not enjoyable

when learning English. And the English teacher seldom used various

techniques in teaching vocabulary.

Based on the background of problem above, the writer is interested to solve

the problem by applying Pair Crossword with Hangman Game. Therefore, the

writer proposes a research entitles "The Influence of Pair Crossword with

Hangman Game towards Students' Vocabulary Mastery at the Eleventh Class

at SMA Negeri I Kota Agung in 2018/2019"

1.2 Identification of the Problem

The identification of this problem are:

1. The students' vocabulary mastery need to be increased.

2. The students have difficulties in mastering vocabulary.

3. The English teacher has never used Pair Crossword with Hangman Game

in teaching vocabulary

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

The limitation of this problem is "The Influence of Pair Crossword with

Hangman Game towards Students' Vocabulary Mastery at the Eleventh Class

at SMA Negeri I Kota Agung in 2018/2019"

1.4 Formulation of the Problem

The writer formulates the problem are as follow:

1. Is the average score of students' vocabulary mastery which is taught

through Pair Crossword with Hangman Game higher than which is taught

through translation technique?

2. How is the influence of Pair Crossword with Hangman Game towards

students' vocabulary mastery?

1.5 The Objectives and the Uses of Research

1.5.1 The Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research are as follow:

1. To know and describe whether or not the average score of students'

vocabulary mastery which is taught through Pair Crossword with

Hangman Game is higher than which is taught through translation


2. To know and describe the influence of Pair Crossword with Hangman

Game towards students' vocabulary mastery?

1.5.2 The Use of Research

The uses of this research are as follow:

1. To give information to English teacher about Pair Crossword with

Hangman Game towards students' vocabulary mastery.

2. To motivate students in learning English.

3. To give information for further research with certain interest.

1.6 The Scope of Research

1.6.1 The Subjects of the Research

The subjects of the research is the students at the eleventh class of

SMA Negeri I Kota Agung.

1.6.2 The Object of Research

The object of research is students' vocabulary mastery.

1.6.3 The Place of Research

The research will be conducted in SMA Negeri I Kota Agung.

1.6.4 The Time of Research

The research will be conducted in academic year 2018/2019.



2.1 The Concept of Language

A language is a systematic means of communication by the use of sounds or

conventional symbols. It is the code we all use to express ourselves and

communicate to obis. It is a communication by word of mouth and it is the

mental faculty or punier of vocal communication.

Language is a system for communicating ideas and feelings using sounds,

gestures, sires or marks. Manivannan (2006:1) state that any means of

communicating ideas, specifically, human speech, and the expression of

ideas by the voice and sounds aniimiated by the organs of the throat and

mouth is a language. This is a system for annostmication. A language is the

written and spoken methods of combining words Inmate meaning used by a

particular group of people.

Language is something specific to humans, that is to say it is the basic

capacity that dishes humans from all other living beings. Manivannan

(2006:1) states that age therefore remains potentially a communicative

medium capable of expressing ideas and concepts as well as moods, feelings

and attitudes, A set of linguists who based their assumptions of language on

psychology made claims that language is nothing but 'habit formation'.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that language is learnt

through use, through practice. In their view, 'the more one is exposed to the

use of language, the better one learns'. Written languages use symbols

(characters) to build words. The entire set of words is the language's

vocabulary. The ways in which the words can be meaningfully combined is

defined by the language's syntax and grammar. The actual meaning of words

and combinations of words is defined by the language's semantics.

2.2 Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Learning a foreign language is not as easy as learning native language. In

learning a foreign language, the learners may meet all kinds of learning

problems dealing with vocabulary, sound system, and how to arrange words

into sentences that are quite different from those native languages. in line

with this, Ramelan (1994: 4) states:

"If someone wants to learn a foreign language, he will obviously meet

with all kinds of learning problems. The difficulties have to do with the
learning of sounds system, the learning of new vocabulary items, and
the learning of the unfamiliar ways of arranging the foreign words into

Like any other learners of English as a foreign language, Indonesian learners

also meet difficulties in learning English since their native language is quite

different from English. Learning a foreign language which is quite different

from native language is very difficult for Indonesian learners. Consequently,

the learners should have a great motivation. They should be serious in

learning English because learning language actually needs a total physical,

intellectual, and emotional response.

In teaching a foreign language, a teacher should have an objective. The

common objective of teaching a foreign language is to make learners to be

able to communicate by using the target language orally and written form.

According to Brown (2007: 8), teaching is guiding and facilitating learning,

enabling, and setting the condition for learning. There are some factors that

should be considered before teaching a foreign language such as English.

Those factors are "age, ability, aspiration and need, native language, and

previous language experience" (Finocchiaro, 1993: 14).

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that the material which

is going to be presented should be based on the learners' age, ability,

aspiration and need, native language, and previous language experience.

2.3 The Concept of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the four language components, which are spelling,

grammar, phonology and vocabulary. It is an important element that cannot

be separated from each other in language learning process, Since English as

foreign language becomes an international language. No wonder, it becomes

so important for foreign language learners to learn and master on it that it is a

basic element of a language used before learning more about the foreign

language It happens when one who is learning a language has a great

mastery on vocabulary, he will succeed in using the language being studied

either in comprehending the meaning of a word in the context of spoken or

written language.

To get further understanding about vocabulary, Donna Young (2007) explains

that vocabulary is the study of:

a) The meanings of words

Many words have several different meanings each, study the meanings of

the words and the part of speech.

b) How the words are used

Study the words in context, apply what you learn by writing sentences with

your words.

c) Root words, prefixes, suffixes

Studying these will aid in the study of vocabulary.

d) Analogies

This is comparing two pairs of words and choosing the pair that goes


Vocabulary is basic foundation of language, this should be mastered to be get

the goal of target the language and it is supported by Hornby (1995:959)

states that" Vocabulary is total number of words which (with rules for

combining them) make up language. Based on statement above, the writer

assumed that vocabulary is very important, without vocabulary it is impossible

to learn language.

Moreover According to Kamil & Hiebert (2007) in their article accessed from

internet, they broadly define; vocabulary is knowledge of words and word

meanings. However, vocabulary is more complex than this definition

suggests. First, words come in two forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary

includes those words that they recognize and use in listening and speaking.

Print vocabulary includes those words that they recognize and use in reading

and writing. Second, word knowledge also comes in two forms, receptive and

productive. Receptive vocabulary includes words that they recognize when

they hear or see them. Kamil & Hiebert (2007) in their article, they also say

that Productive vocabulary includes words that they use when they speak or

write. Receptive vocabulary is typically larger than productive vocabulary, and

may include many words to which they assign some meaning, even if they do

not know their full definitions and connotations or ever use them as they

speak and write.

In line with the statement above, the writer concludes vocabulary as

knowledge of words and word meanings in both oral and print language and

in productive and receptive forms. More specifically, vocabulary can be used

to refer to the kind of words that students must know to read increasingly

demanding skills with comprehension. I begin by looking closely at why

developing this kind of vocabulary is important to some skills such as reading,

listening, writing, and speaking.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concluded that vocabulary will not

only be focused on learning process which leads to improve the students'

mastery of language. Furthermore, Vocabulary will let them know about a

culture education by looking at its meaning, where vocabularies product

learned is completely different from Indonesian language. Vocabulary is the

fundamental part of language, which is used in any situation either; it is in the

form of spoken or written language. Review at the discussions above, the

writer concludes that the more vocabulary the learners have, the easier for

them to develop their four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and

learn English second language generally.

2.4 The Concept of Teaching Vocabulary

Recognizing what students need in learning is necessary for a teacher. The

process of transferring knowledge will not simply succeed if he can not see

his students' learning absorbing capability toward the material taught and the

teaching portion should be given to.

It is going to be harder for a teacher to teach young learners than adult, it is

because of their character. Involving many theories are not a good idea; I

believe, this will not maximally work on them and even bore the pupils. That is

a reason; the teaching process must have principles as a reference. To avoid

errors in teaching young learner, Cameron (2001: 81) states about several

principles of teaching to young learners, they are:

a) The types of words that children find possible to learn with shift.

b) Vocabulary development is not just learning more words but it is also
importance about expanding and deepening word knowledge.
c) Words and words knowledge can be seen as being linked in network of
d) Basic level words are likely too be more appropriate for children, or when
learning vocabulary for new concepts.
e) Children change in how they can learn words.

Looking at the importance of English foreign language to young learners, the

teaching principles will very influence the foreign language learners'

understanding toward the material taught. That is the reason; the teaching

must be based on an appropriate strategy referred to the teaching principles,

so that the learners, through a well teaching process and structurally

transferred, will gain a good English foundation.

Since vocabulary becomes the topic of discussion, the other principles also

stated by Coady (1997) in his article gained from internet offers a synthesis of

research on foreign language vocabulary acquisition. He suggests these

implications for pedagogy:

Three main principles appear to underlie effective vocabulary teaching.

First, learners should be provided with both definitional and contextual
information about words. In the case of foreign language learners, this
could be related to their often-felt need for dictionary access. Second,
learners should be encouraged to process information about words at
a deeper level. Among foreign language learners this could be
reflected in the current emphasis on authentic communicative
activities. Finally, learners need multiple exposures to words.

According to Diamond and Gutlohn (2006) in their article they say that

Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. As Steven Stahl

(2005) puts it, "Vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the knowledge of a word

not only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits into the world."

Vocabulary knowledge is not something that can ever be fully mastered; it is

something that expands and deepens over the course of a lifetime. Instruction

in vocabulary involves far more than looking up words in a dictionary and

using the words in a sentence, Vocabulary is acquired incidentally through

indirect exposure to words and intentionally through explicit instruction in

specific words and word learning strategies. According to Graves (2000) in

his article accessed from internet says that there are four components of an

effective vocabulary program:

a) Wide or extensive independent reading to expand word knowledge

b) Instruction in specific words to enhance comprehension of texts containing

those words

c) Instruction in independent word-learning strategies, and

d) Word consciousness and word-play activities to motivate and enhance


According to the National Reading Panel (2000) that explicit instruction of

vocabulary is highly effective. To develop vocabulary intentionally, students

should be explicitly taught both specific words and word-learning strategies.

To deepen students' knowledge of word meanings, specific word instruction

should be robust. Beck et al., (2002) sees vocabulary in rich contexts

provided by authentic texts, rather than in isolated vocabulary drills, produces

robust vocabulary learning.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concluded that such instruction

often does not begin with a definition, for the ability to give a definition is often

the result of knowing what the word means. Rich and robust vocabulary

instruction goes beyond definitional knowledge; it gets students actively

engaged in using and thinking about word meanings and in creating

relationships among words.

2.5 The Concept of Game

Teaching should not be always based on one or two strategies, they can be

various, where teacher asked to be creative so that the class will not be

passive and students will be stimulated to be more interested in learning and

the result expected from the process of teaching and learning will be well

transferred to students.

As being stated that game is one of alternatives that can be used to teach

English, everyone believes, teaching process through a game will give a fun.

James (2007) states that a game is a recreational activity involving one or

more players. This can be defined by A) a goal that the players try to reach,

B) some set of rules that determines what the players can or can not do.

Game is played primarily for entertainment or enjoyment, but may also serve

an educational.

Furthermore, Eiha (2007:41) states, a game is a meeting of two teams

playing for a specific length of time for the purpose of declaring a winner

through the scoring of goals. The game consists of regular playing time and

overtime, if such is required.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concluded that game is one of

many teaching strategies can be engaged to foreign language learners, it is

believed that it can give an elements of fun to learners. It has been the

reason why I have been motivated to present a teaching strategy which

involves a game as a media for teaching on vocabulary to young learners.

2.6 The Concept of Pair Crossword With Hangman Game

Most of learners enjoy playing games: most of teachers use games convinced

of their value for language teaching. One of language game is Pair

Crossword with Hangman Game.

Pinker (2010:55) states that Pair Crossword with Hangman Game is simply to

apply for teaching vocabulary where this game the players have to produce

much more words to make their team win or each player adds a new element.

This game gives a chance to open students' thinking freedom and break

monotonous situation and make the player enjoy doing it.

Nation (1994:80) states that Pair Crossword with Hangman Game is a

language game for teaching vocabulary which is uses the pair half the cross

word puzzle with clues. By using this game, hopely the students can be

interested in learning vocabulary and can master vocabulary easily, By

mastering adequate vocabulary means that the learners understanding the

meaning of the vocabulary items and are able to use them correctly and

appropriately in sentence.

The Example of Pair Crossword With Hangman Game

2.7 The Procedure of Pair Crossword With Hangman Game

The procedure of teaching vocabulary by using Pair Crossword with

Hangman Game proposed by Nation (1994:80) are as follow:

1. Give eac learner in the pair hald the crossword puzzle, with clues for every

second line in the puzzle

2. Have learner A tells learner B the definition of the wanted word. If B

cannot figure it out from this clue, use the hangman game with the letters

of the word mixed up. If learner B still cannot guess, A says the last letter

is ...

3. Reverse the roles to work on the next line in the puzzle.

2.8 The Strengths and Weaknesses of Teaching Vocabulary through

Pair Crossword With Hangman Game

2.8.1 The Strengths

Based on the procedure of teaching vocabulary by using Pair Crossword with

Hangman Game proposed by Nation (1994:80), the writer asumess the

strengths of teaching vocabulary by using using Pair Crossword with

Hangman Game are as follow:

1. There are so many vocabularies will appear.

2. The students are active and busy on the game

3. It creates fun and enjoyment lesson.

4. It creates competitive and cooperative situation.

2.8.2 The Weaknesses

Based on the procedure of teaching vocabulary by using Pair Crossword with

Hangman Game proposed by Nation (1994:80), the writer ass theumes

weknesses of teaching vocabulary by using using Pair Crossword with

Hangman Game are as follow:

1) It is hard work for the students who are low in vocabularies.

2) The class is noisy because all the students work in groups

3) The students who sit in the front row may feel uncomfortable having every

one look at him or her.

2.9 The Frame of Thinking

Pair Crossword with Hangman Game gives the players chance to expand

their vocabulary mastery to be the other words. This game can increase the

cooperation among the students on group so they study vocabulary


Based on the used in this chapter, the writer assumes that Pair Crossword

with Hangman Game can be used as one of techniques in teaching

vocabulary because there are so many words appear on this game in it

makes the student's vocabulary mastery become much better. The writer then

draws the frame of thinking as follow:

Pair Crossword with Students' Vocabulary
Hangman Game Mastery

Characteristic of Pair Indicator of students' vocabulary

Crossword with Hangman mastery:
Game: - The students know the
- The students memorizing the meanings of words
words. - The students can distinguish
- The students can write word the kinds of vocabulary.
with correct spelling. - The students are able to use
- The students become active the words in sentences
in learning in the class.

2.10 Hypothesis

Based on the frame of theories and frame of thinking above, the writer

formulates the hypothesis as follow:

1) The average score of students' vocabulary mastery which is taught

through Pair Crossword with Hangman Game is higher than which is

taught through translation technique.

2) There is a significant influence of Pair Crossword with Hangman Game

towards students' vocabulary mastery.



3.1 The Method of Research

In the research the writer uses experimental method. It means that the writer

involves herself in the learning and teaching process. The writer uses two

classes, the first class is experimental class which taught by using Pair

Crossword with Hangman Game and the other class is control class which

will not be taught by using Pair Crossword with Hangman Game at same level

and the research focuses on vocabulary mastery. Then the result of the test

both classes will be compared to know whether there is an influence about

teaching vocabulary by using Pair Crossword with Hangman Game towards

students' vocabulary mastery.

3.2 The Variable of Research

This research consists of two variables, namely independent variable and

dependent variable. They are as follows:

1. Independent Variable

The independent variable in this research is teaching vocabulary by using

Pair Crossword with Hangman Game (X)

2. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is the students' vocabulary mastery (Y).

3.3 The Operational Definition of Variable

The definition of variable is the characteristic of the variable that will be

investigated in order to make the writer collects the data or information


1. Teaching vocabulary by using Pair Crossword with Hangman Game

means that the writer uses Pair Crossword with Hangman Game as

teaching technique in teaching vocabulary.

2. Students' vocabulary mastery is the students' mastery of list of words. It is

indicated from the score achieved from the test given.

3.4 The Population, Sample and Sampling Technique

3.4.1 The Population

The population of this research are the students at the eleventh class of SMA

Negeri I Kota Agung in 2018/2019 that consist of 159 students in 4 classes.

Table 1
The Total Students of SMA Negeri I Kota Agung in 2018/2019
No Class Total
Male Female
1 XI 1 17 21 38
2 XI 2 12 29 41
3 XI 3 13 27 40
4 XI 4 15 25 40
Total 57 102 159
Source: SMK Negeri I Negeri Aping Way Kanan 3.4.2 The Sample

In this research, the writer take two classes as the sample they are as an

experimental class and as a control class.

3.4.3 The Sampling Technique

In taking the sample of the research, the writer uses cluster random sampling


3.5 The Data Collecting Technique

3.5.1 The Main Technique

To know the students' vocabulary mastery the writer uses objective test, that

is multiple choices test. The test consists of 50 items test, each item consists

of five options A, B, C. D and E, the score is 2 of each item tests for true and

0 for wrong. The highest score is 100 and the lowest score is 0.

3.5.2 The Supporting Technique

The supporting technique in collecting the data, the writer will conduct

observation and interview to the students at SMA Negeri I Kota Agung and

also by using documentations. It is used to know the condition of the students

and the teacher in completing the data.

3.6 The Validity and Reliability of Test

3.6.1 The Validity of Test

The test item is said valid if they can investigate the data correctly. To know

the validity of the test, the writer uses content and construct validity. It means

that the test is designed based on the content curriculum that has been

taught by the teacher and the theories of teaching English as a foreign


3.6.2 The Reliability of the Test

To know the reliability of the test, the writer uses the split-half technique with

the following steps:

1. Trying out the item test to the student that is taken from out of the sample

2. Dividing the test into odd and even

3. Using a Product Moment formula as follows:

𝑁 ∑ 𝑥𝑦−(∑ 𝑥)(∑ 𝑦)
rxy =
√[𝑁 ∑ 𝑥 2 −(∑ 𝑥)2 ] [𝑁 ∑ 𝑦 2 −(∑ 𝑦)2 ]


rxy :Coefficient Correlation between X and Y

xy : The total of X and Y

x : The total number of X score (odd item)

y : The total number of Y score (even item)

x2 : The sum square of variable X

y2 : The sum square of variable Y

N : The total of sample.

4. Calculating of the reliabilities of the item test by using Spearman Brown

1+(𝑟𝑥𝑦 )


r11 : The full coefficient reliability of the test

xy : The coefficient correlation between x and y

5. Consulting the result with the criteria reliability as follows:

1) Reliability Coefficient 0.800 - 1.00 is very high

2) Reliability Coefficient 0.600 - 0.88 is high

3) Reliability Coefficient 0.400 - 0.600 is fair

4) Reliability Coefficient 0.200 - 0.400 is low

5) Reliability Coefficient 0.00 - 0.200 is very low

(Arikunto, 2006: 75)

3.7 The Data Analysis

3.7.1 Data Normality Test

Before executing the hypothesis, the writer tries to know whether the data

normal or not. The writer uses Chi Square ratio (X2ratio )

Ho = The data have normal distribution

Ha = The data do not have normal distribution

The formula of Normality of the test as follows:

(𝑂𝑖 −𝐸𝑖 )2
X2ratio = ∑𝑘𝑖=1

Notes :

Oi : Observed frequency

Ei : Expected frequency

(Sudjana, 1996:273)

With the criterion

Ho is rejected if x2ratio ≥ x2(1-α)(K-3)

With a for significant level 45% (0.05) and 1% (0.01)

If the sample has normal distribution, it means Ho hypothesis is accepted.

Before knowing the normality data by using Chi-Square (ratio) formula, the

writer tries to count some points from the data test:

1) The span from the calculation the biggest data minus the smallest

Span = the Biggest Data - The Smallest Data

2) Total Number of Interval Class (K) = 1 + 3.3 log n

With n = sample

3) Length of interval class (P)

With R = Span

K = Total number of interval

After that, the writer counts the average rate and standard deviation from the

data test, with formula:

∑ 𝑓𝑥
𝑋̅ =


𝑋̅ = Average rate

f = Frequency

x = Score achievement

With :

𝑛(∑ 𝑓𝑥 2 )(∑ 𝑓𝑥)2

𝑆2 =
𝑛 (𝑛 − 1)


S2 = standard deviation

n = the number of sample

f = frequency

x = score achievement

The next step is determining the expected frequency (Ei) and observed

frequency (Oi) as follows:

1) Delimitating the boundary of the class (X) by subtracting the lowest score

in the class by 0.5

2) Calculating Z for the boundary of the class with formula:

𝑋− 𝑋̅
Z= 𝑆2

3) Calculating width of interval class by seeing Z value list

4) Calculating expected frequency (Ei) by multiplying the width of every

interval with the total of the data that is: Ei = Li . N

3.7.2 Homogeneity Test of Variance

It is to know whether the data are homogeneous or not. The formula of

homogeneity test as follows:

S2 (The Highest Variance)

F= S2 (The Lowest Variance)


F = The homogeneity of variance

S = Standard Deviation

The hypotheses are:

Ho = The Variance of the data are homogeneous

Ha = The variance of the data are homogeneous

The criteria is accepted Ho if Fcal < Ftab ½ α (V1.V2)

(Sudjana, 1996:250)

3.7.3 The Hypothesis Test

It is used to prove the hypotheses proposed by the writer whether they are

accepted or not. The formula of ttest as follows:

Notes :

𝑋̅1 = mean of experimental class

𝑋̅2 = mean of control class

n1 = the total students from experimental class

n2 = the total students from the control class

S1 = the standard deviation from experimental class

S2 = the standard deviation from control class

S = the combination standard deviation

3.7.4 Testing of Hypothesis The Testing of the Equality of the Average Score

Ho1:µ1 = µ2 (There is no influence of Pair Crossword with Hangman Game

towards students' vocabulary mastery at the eleventh class of

SMA Negeri I Kota Agung in 2018/2019)

Hα1:µ1 ≠ µ2 (There is an influence of Pair Crossword with Hangman Game

towards students' vocabulary mastery at the eleventh class of

SMA Negeri I Kota Agung in 2018/2019)

3.74.2 Testing of the Difference of Two Average Score

Ho2:µ1 < µ2 (The average score of students' vocabulary mastery which is

taught by using Pair Crossword with Hangman Game is lower

than or equal to the students which is taught by using translation

technique at the eleventh class of SMA Negeri I Kota Agung in


Hα2:µ1 > µ2 (The average score of students' vocabulary mastery which is

taught by using Pair Crossword with Hangman Game is higher

than the students which is taught by using translation technique

at the eleventh class of SMA Negeri I Kota Agung in 2018/2019)

The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted on this research.

The criteria is accepted is Hal if tcal > ttab significance level 5% and 1%.


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1.1 The Background of the Problem ....................................................... 1
1.2 Identification of the Problem .............................................................. 4
1.3 Limitation of the Problem ................................................................... 4
1.4 Formulation of the Problem ............................................................... 4
1.5 The Objectives and the Uses of Research ......................................... 5
1.5.1 The Objectives of the Research ............................................... 5
1.5.2 The Use of Research ................................................................ 5
1.6 The Scope of Research ..................................................................... 6
1.6.1 The Subjects of the Research .................................................. 6
1.6.2 The Object of Research ............................................................ 6
1.6.3 The Place of Research ............................................................. 6
1.6.4 The Time of Research .............................................................. 6


2.1 The Concept of Language ................................................................. 7
2.2 The Concept of Teaching English as a Foreign Language ............... 8
2.3 The Concept of Vocabulary ............................................................... 9
2.4 The Concept of Teaching Vocabulary ................................................ 12
2.5 Concept of Game ............................................................................... 15
2.6 The Concept of Pair Crossword With Hangman Game ...................... 16
2.7 The Procedure of Pair Crossword With Hangman Game .................. 17
2.8 The Strengths and Weaknesses of Teaching Vocabulary through
Pair Crossword With Hangman Game ............................................... 18
2.8.1 The Strengths .......................................................................... 18
2.8.2 The Weaknesses ..................................................................... 18
2.9 The Frame of Thinking ...................................................................... 19
2.10 Hypothesis ...................................................................................... 20


3.1 The Method of Research.................................................................... 21
3.2 The Variable of Research .................................................................. 21
3.3 The Operational Definition of Variable ............................................... 22
3.4 The Population, Sample and Sampling Technique ............................ 22
3.4.1 The Population ......................................................................... 22

3.4.2 The Sample .............................................................................. 23
3.4.3 The Sampling Technique .......................................................... 23
3.5 The Data Collecting Technique ......................................................... 24
3.5.1 The Main Technique ................................................................. 24
3.5.2 The Supporting Technique ....................................................... 24
3.6 The Validity and Reliability of Test ..................................................... 24
3.6.1 The Validity of Test ................................................................... 24
3.6.2 The Reliability of the Test ......................................................... 24
3.7 The Data Analysis .............................................................................. 26
3.7.1 Data Normality Test .................................................................. 26
3.7.2 Homogeneity Test of Variance ................................................. 28
3.7.3 The Hypothesis Test ................................................................. 28
3.7.4 Testing of Hypothesis ............................................................... 30 The Testing of the Equality of the Average Score ................. 30 The Testing of the Difference of Two Average Score ............ 30



(A Proposal)






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