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Por el P. Isidro de Roba, Madrid

Me han invitado a decir algo de nuestro gran Alfonso Lambe. En verdad que no me podría negar porque le admiro
como a un modelo de legionario. Y en este tiempo en que tantas veces hemos oído hablar de Nueva Evangelizarían,
nosotros los legionarios de María tenemos que seguir sus pasos si queremos que esa gran ignorancia de las cosas de Dios
se solucione. Para eso nos quiere María en su ejército de conquista pacífica y amorosa. Ved cómo pensaba, cómo
actuaba y cómo era nuestro admirado apóstol.
Algunos rasgos que servirán para nuestra meditación:
Fue una cualidad fundamental de su persona, el ardiente celo por la conversión de las almas. Cada acción de su
vida estaba dominada por este celo. Robustecido con el Manjar del Cielo y fortalecido bajo el manto protector de su
Madre celestial, ningún obstáculo fue para él grande, ningún esfuerzo difícil, cuando se trataba de ganar almas para
El apostolado, no es tanto un deber cuanto un privilegio; es nuestra oportunidad de intervenir en el proceso de la
redención y, por ende, en la historia universal. "Hombres como vosotros pueden convertir al Ecuador".(Estaba
hablando a los presos en Quito).
"Con una sonrisa o una frase simpática, sabía como entrar, rápidamente en contacto con la gente",— Alguna vez se
equivocaba, como todos.
"Sólo quien es fervoroso puede enfervorizar a otros, y Alfonso ardía en llamas de fervor".
Estaban, durante las vacaciones, haciendo su trabajo apostólico lejos: entre gasolina y comidas se les acabó el dinero,
pero aún no habían acabado.
¿Qué hacer?.- Pues, "dormir en el coche, las cuatro noches que aún nos quedan". Y así lo hicieron. ¡Esto es saberse
Los que viven la Legión, viven con más devoción la vida de la Virgen; y cuanto más uno se entrega a la Legión, tanto
más se entrega a María.
"Vivir la Legión", significa para Alfonso no sólo practicar exte-riormente las reglas de la Legión sino realizar, en sí
mismo, su espíritu. Esto, empero no se logra sin lucha. Alfonso no nació santo. Se fue haciendo.

Con barro y agua llegó a visitar a un párroco, éste le dijo que no quería la Legión en su parroquia.- ¿Puedo volver
mañana?.-Bueno, pero no va a conseguir nada. Alfonso montó en su bicicleta y en medio de un buen chaparrón se
volvió a recorrer los 15 Kms. - Al día siguiente se presentó otra vez.- El párroco le recibió a la puerta y le invitó a entrar.
-Siéntese - Ayer se presentó usted mojado y con barro, se fue lloviendo y_ ahora vuelve de nuevo. Los comunistas
trabajan con mucha solicitud, pero Vds. no lo hacen con menos esfuerzo y sacrificio. Esta noche lo he pensado, quiero
dos praesidia en mi parroquia, dijo encantado el buen párroco.
En una visita le dice a la dueña de casa: "hoy le ha visitado a Vd. la Virgen. A ella le gustaría que Vd. la honrase
desde hoy no solo mediante la oración, sino también mediante el sacrificio".
En Salamina, cerca de Bogotá, funda un praesidium en un Colegio de "niñas bien". Luego con sus legionarias irían
a la conquista de las muchachas de vida alegre.
Camino del aeropuerto El Dorado, de Bogotá, para trasladarse a Quito, los legionarios, y él, rezan el Rosario. Era el 2-
2-1954. La purificación de María.
Un joven extranjero en una taberna, un grupo de hombres le mira y hablan de él: -¿Entenderá el español?.- Si, yo
hablo español,
les replica, y a continuación se puso a cumplir con su trabajo de enseñar lo que es y lo que hace la Legión.
¿Queréis trabajar por la Virgen? - Claro, naturalmente, le responden- Bueno, pues mañana empezamos. El párroco
no se lo quería creer, pero era verdad.

Como todos no hablaban español, se puso a aprender el quechua. ¡Hay que poner todos los medios!

CONSTANTE. Estaba invadiendo Argentina de praesidia. Sus fuerzas físicas se iban debilitando cada vez más. Se
sentía nervioso. La tensión estaba bajando. A pesar de ello, no moderó el ritmo de su trabajo; esto no lo permitía él en
manera alguna. En dos días pronunció cuatro charlas. (Manual 4/5) Escribió lacónicamente: "Cuando hablo media
hora, poca o ninguna fuerza me queda: Mi charla a los seminaristas duró dos horas".
El obispo de Ambato estaba maravillado del ritmo de trabajo de Alfonso. No se dejó impresionar por los elogios. Pero
escribió con sinceridad: Tanto católico como protestantes están estupefactos de que haya católicos que trabajen
activamente por la Iglesia.

SENCILLO.- La santidad de Alfonso pasaba tan inadvertida, que había que conocerle muy bien para darse cuenta de
ella. En esto están de acuerdo todos los testigos, y ello por que era de una naturalidad arrebatadora.
La primera impresión que uno tenía de él, era la de un joven cordial y alegre que siempre estaba dispuesto a la

SIMPÁTICO. Los legionarios sabían muy bien explotar esta cualidad de Alfonso. Cuando no se lograba solucionar
un caso difícil, entonces se recurría a él, quien casi siempre, con su bondad, conseguía ablandar al más endurecido.

ALEGRE. Le gustaba bromear. Tocaba la guitarra, sabía cantar. Nunca fue un aguafiestas. Era delicado pero no
mojigato. Fue un muchacho de su tiempo, le gusto nadar, fue de caza.

MODESTO. La persona entera respiraba modestia; llevaba el nombre de cordero y no sin razón, dice uno de sus
amigos: era tan manso y humilde como un cordero. Pero tan pronto como abría los labios se quedaba uno admirado de
lo maduro y metódico que era este joven. Sabía muy bien lo que quería.
AMOR A LA IGLESIA. "Soy muy feliz y doy gracias a Dios por haberme dado, en su gran amor, la posibilidad de
ser un poco útil a la Iglesia.
Sintió mucho la muerte de Pió XII y se alegró de la elección de Juan XXIII.
Nuncios, Cardenales, Obispos le escucharon y le apreciaron, y todos querían llevárselo.

Le preguntaron un día a qué era debido su idealismo, él contestó:

Los legionarios hacemos todo para servir materna/mente al Cuerpo Místico de Cristo"

Aquí habría que recordar: (Manual cp. 31 pág. 190; 309;375...)

La Iglesia es el Pueblo de Dios. La Familia de Dios en la tierra.

Todos formamos UN CUERPO CON CRISTO. (MI. cap. 31)
Trabajar por la Iglesia, es trabajar por Dios, por Cristo, por uno mismo.
Cristo viene a ser la LUZ y a nosotros nos dice: "Sois la luz del mundo"
María es la Madre de Cristo y es la Madre de la Iglesia.
Buscar almas perdidas es buscar la oveja perdida, el Hijo Pródigo.
Con María, ver, amar y servir en todos a la persona de Jesús. (MI. pág. 146)
Letters from Alfie Lambe to his Mother


Alphonsus Lambe, known affectionately as Alfie, was only 21 years of age when he was
appointed as a Legion of Mary Envoy to South America. He left Ireland with his co-
Envoy and mentor, Seamus Grace, on 16th July, 1953 and he spent the following five
and a half years setting up and promoting the Legion in various countries in South

Alfie Lambe was the youngest of the Lambe family who lived in Tullamore, County
Offaly. He tried his vocation with the Irish Christian Brothers, but he had to leave that
Congregation because His health was not considered strong enough for the work which
lay ahead of him. On leaving the Christian Brothers, he joined the Legion of Mary in his
native Tullamore and he continued his membership when he moved to Dublin to seek
employment. His outstanding qualities of gentle zeal and youthful attractiveness were
quickly recognised by the Legion of Mary authorities and he was asked to visit existing
Legion branches and to set up new ones in Counties Mayo, Cavan and Kerry. The Diary
which he kept of this assignment makes very interesting reading.

It is not clear when he started writing home to his beloved mother from South America,
but from items of correspondence which he sent to Ireland it can be assumed that he
sent her postcards and letters from the start of his travels in the South American

Letters to his mother, which obviously meant so much to her and which she preserved,
date from 25 February, 1954 to 11 December, 1958. These letters were later presented by
Alfie's brother, Jack, for inclusion in the documents for his Cause for Canonisation.
The Cause was introduced by the Episcopal Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in

The first of his letters, which is still extant, gives an address in Quito, Ecuador, and in it
he draws his mother's attention to the fact that he has got official stationery printed for
himself with a quotation in Spanish on top of the page from the Legion Promise to the
Holy Spirit. He said this was included because he considered it "about the best
exposition in the world today of Our Lady's office" in the role of salvation. It is clear
that he was proud, in the proper sense of the word, to present the very essence of the
Legion to everybody he corresponded with at the time. In the same letter he thanked his
mother for her letter of 15 February, which he said was full of interesting items of
family news including a reference to the birth of his niece, Mary Bernadette, who was
born on the day he arrived in Equador. He sent his congratulations to his brother and
sister-in-law on the happy event. He also expressed concern about a worrying problem
involving the family home and he said he had a special Mass offered that it would be
solved. He went on to say that "God was really good" and that no matter what happened
it was God's will that counted.

The little gifts which he sent home included postcards, photographs, some developed by
himself, and a suprise packet of a few potatoes. He sent the latter to his brother with
instructions that the potatoes should be split and set to see how they would grow. He said
he expected them to grow better in Ireland than in their home country. He enquired
months later about the progress of the new potato crop and he pointed out that the first
potato was developed in Ecuador.

His mother obviously sent him shamrock for St. Patrick's Day and in acknowledging it,
he said it arrived in good condition and in good time for the feast of St. Patrick. He wore
the shamrock, not only on St. Patrick's Day, but during the octave. He spent the feast
day in Azogues, where the nuns prepared a special feast for him and placed a green,
white and orange flag on the centre of the table. He told his mother that the Mass that
morning had been offered for his own intentions and that it was certainly a very happy
day for him.

Late in March, 1954, he told his mother that her letter, received the previous day
contained very interesting news. He went on to say "The ordinary things at home make
big news out here. To tell me that the lads have gone to a football match or that they are
away down the road to catch the horses has more interest for me than something novel
in (the town of) Tullamore. In your letters, tell me how you are passing the cold nights, if
there is much turf in the yard, if the March green grass is to be seen yet and if the
March wind makes waves in the grassy fields like a storm on a lake? By the time you
receive this letter, the April showers will be with you giving life and vigour to the flowers
of May". In the same letter he mentioned that he intended listening to the radio
broadcast on the "Grand National" race in Aintree in England. He asked if she would
also be listening in and he enquired if she had a ticket for the Sweep (lottery based on
the results of that famous race). He also related how he and a priest from the house
where he was staying had gone for a walk along the river near the house. He said the
rivers in Ecuador were fast-flowing and for that reason they retained one's interest
when walking beside them. He also spoke about the beautiful trees growing along the
river bank and exquisite wild roses, much bigger than the garden roses in Ireland.
Alfie usually informed his mother about what he was doing regarding the extension of
the Legion and, of course, he pleaded for a "little special campaign of prayer" for his
major undertakings. In one letter he pleaded for special prayers during the month of
May for the Legion in Equador. He went on to say "I hope all the Lambe families in
Tullamore are Auxiliary members of the Legion. For those who are not Auxiliaries, May
would be a very good time to enrol. You people do the praying and I will do the work"

He made a broadcast on the Legion on Radio Catolica to the whole of Ecuador in April,
1954, and when telling his mother about it he said it wasn't his first time to speak over
the radio as he had already done so a few times previously while he was in Colombia.
This shows how fluent he had become in Spanish after he had settled in South America.

There is a very interesting account of his stay on a very large farm in the country. The
youngest member of the family, who Was a legionary, had invited him to her home to
start a praesidium among the Indians living in the area. The family was a very important
one and it had strong political and diplomatic connections. During Alfie's visit, he had
the use of a car and he drove the two daughters, who were legionaries, to morning Mass
and the three of them went for long drives around the countryside in the afternoons. At
night, the family recited the Rosary together in front of a blazing fire. Some days, when
not engaged in promotional work for the Legion, Alfie and his friends ran through the
corn fields and meadows on sunny days and he made a special point of watching one of
the workmen ploughing with two bullocks. It is not clear why he became suddenly
interested in livestock but he requested that one of his brothers should send him a
catalogue or some information about cattle in Ireland. He said a few photographs of
bulls and cows taken after some Shows would be very welcome. He told his mother that
his stay on the ranch was a tonic for both his body and his soul.

Alfie took an interest in all family matters. He sent best wishes to one of his sisters for a
most happy marriage and he asked for details of her forthcoming wedding celebrations.
He did not forget his mother's birthday in the Spring of 1954 and when it came to his
22nd birthday in June, 1954 he wrote as follows to her:-

"Thanks very much for your good wishes for my birthday. I got a very beautiful present
from a legionary, here in Quito. I could not be more pleased that I spent my 21st year in
the service of the Legion. All time is wasted that is not spent in the service of God. About
a week after the receipt of this letter, the 16th of July will be the anniversary of the
departure of Seamus and myself from Ireland. That was a memorable occasion which I
will never forget. It was wonderful to have those from home present at the airport. All in
the airport that night were my friends but those from home were nearest to me. I was
very happy leaving Ireland even though I love Ireland much more than many of the
people in it. It was not the leaving of Ireland or the travelling that I was going to do that
made me happy, but it was the work I was going to do. Since midnight on that 16th of
July, I never had the slightest longing to return home. "The world belongs to' him who
loves it most" the saint of Ars said. I like the whole world. I love every city and pueblo I
enter into, I am at home under every sky."
The Se rva nt of God Al fie L am be
Presentata House, Dublin Ireland, January 20, 2007,
Eamonn Devlin C.M
taken from Maria Legionis North American Edition No. 4 of 2007

Celebrating his 24th birthday on June 1956, Alfie Lambe remarqued in a letter to his mother "This
year was a special event: 24 years of age on the 24th of the month. At 24 I can say that I have led a
full life, although that may seem a strange statement. In 24 years I have had the experience that
most people have during 50 years. I travel not as a tourist but as one having intimate friendship with
all: rich and poor saint and sinner."

It is, I think, a statement that goes to the heart of the life of Alfie Lambe and all that he did and stood
for. Certainly to read Hilde Firtel's account of his life is to be left dizzy at the energy and zeal that
consumed Alfie, bringing him to cities, towns, villages and the vast expanses of so many countries:
Columbia, Equador, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay and Argentina. "I feel at home under every sky", Afie
would later say to his friend Timothy Horton, the Irish Ambassador to Argentina and how true those
words were for one whose zeal as envoy to extend the Legion knew no bounds.

It would be to underestimate Alfie to overlook the truth of that last part of his self description on his
24th birthday, as someone having intimate friendship with all, rich and poor, saint and sinner. How
true this was, is reflected in the many different praesidia he helped to establish, not just among the
majority cultures of those countries, but within the minorities, and among those another might

 In Columbia bringing together well-to-do girls to visit street girls.

 In Equador seeing to it that the legion prayers were translated into Quechua, the dialect of the
Indians, so that Praesidia could be established among them in the city of Quito.

 Among the lepers and in the state Penitentiary among the prisoners.

 In Poland among Polish and German immigrants. In Bolivia among communists.

In Our Lady's " let it be done unto me according to God's Word". What then was the secret of Alfie's
success? How do we understand the effect of this young Irishman on Prelates, Priests the powerful
and the poor?
"Living the Legion" was a favourite phrase of Alfie's, by which he meant allowing the spirit of the
Legion to touch and influence every aspect of his life. And the spirit of the Legion is the spirit of
Mary- a spirituality rooted.

A spirit like that of Our Lady, whose instinct is apostolic so that the Annunciation prompts the
Visitation. A spirit that moulds the mind and heart and body to be and do all for God and God alone.
And yet a spirit that like Our Lady's own has an eye to detail to see and respond to the plight of those
in trouble or overlooked, "They have no wine."

In Alfie Lambe converged the apostolic spirit of Our Lady that led to much being done with her spirit
of discipleship that attends to minorities and those who are overlooked - quantity and quality born
of the spirit of Mary that simply says "Be it done" and inspires others to do likewise, "do whatever He
tells you. "

Once when asked about living the Legion Alfie summed it up as follows, " I believe one has simply to
go on doing what one is doing at the moment. I just do it." It is a sentiment very close to that of our
Lady who wanted what God wanted to be done at each moment and who asked others to do what
her Son asks of us at each moment. To a Legionary who regretted not receiving the Sacraments as
often as she should, Alfie simply counselled: "Begin now."

His faith enabled him to believe that nothing was impossible, that all could be achieved if only we do
our best now in the situation and circumstances we find ourselves. His approach was not to see the
problem , rather to bring to bear the solution.

And that hopeful outlook born of faith transformed people and places that were hitherto closed to
the Legion. Of the situation in Equador Alfie commented:

"In Equador there is no Communist problem, there is only a Catholic problem"

In other words have faith, do your best and God will do the rest.

Alfie Lambe would have us believe the Legion of Mary is to become a legion of Marys; that living the
Legion we too can begin to look at things through the eyes of Mary and respond to all situations with
her spirit of trust and hope in simple discipleship. And so should we say of our country today:

"In Ireland this is no problem of unbelief or apathy there is only a Catholic problem. "

His life inspires us still to live by faith and the energy of faith that opens hearts and doors, that looks to each as
to all, that goes in search of all and any to whom the Spirit of Jesus and Mary would bring good new through us
in the spirit that captivated Alfie Lambe, el corderito, the little lamb whose Legionary spirit, the spirit of Mary
enabled him to live that spirit until the end, until he would say his last words: " I can do no more" and others
could carry on and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mass of Commemoration for Alphonsus (Alfie) Lambe, Servant of God, JUNE 26TH 2005

Bishop Michael Smith was be chief con-celebrant at a special Mass in our Parish on Sunday 26th 2005 June at 3pm to
honour Alfie Lambe, there was a large attendance of members of the Legion of Mary from all parts of Ireland.
Refreshments were served after the Mass at the Alfie Lamb House, Arden Road, Tullamore (Beside the Tennis Court)

Alphonsus LambeThe Servant of God, Alphonsus Lambe, (known as Alfie) was born in Tullamore, Ireland on the feast
of St. John the Baptist, Friday, 24th June 1932, during the international Eucharistic Congress in Dublin.Like St.
John he was a precursor - the precursor of the Legion of Mary, which Pope Paul VI described as "the greatest
movement which has been established for the good of souls since the era of the great religious orders".After
spending a period of his youth in the novitiate of the Irish Christian Brothers, which he had to leave because of
delicate health, he found his vocation in the Legion of Mary, and was appointed Envoy in 1953. With Seamus
Grace, he left for Bogota, Columbia on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 16th July) of that year.
For almost six years he worked ceaselessly in promoting the Legion of Mary in Columbia, Argentina, Ecuador,
Uruguay and Brazil. After a short but grave illness he died in Buenos Aires on the feast of St. Agnes, 21st
January 1959.God had bestowed on him great natural gifts, a personality which attracted souls to the service
and love of God, an infectious enthusiasm, and a facility for learning languages, which enabled him to rapidly
attain fluency in Spanish and Portuguese.During his years in South America he set up a great number of
branches of the Legion of Mary, and trained a multitude in the apostolate of the Legion. His devotion to Mary
was outstanding, and in contacts with Legionaries and others he explained and urged the practice of the True
Devotion to Our Lady.He is buried in the vault of the Irish Christian Brothers, in the Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos

Mass of Commemoration for Alphonsus (Alfie) Lambe, Servant of God, was celebrated in the Church of the
Assumption, Tullamore on Sunday, 25th June, 2006 at 3.30 p.m.

The life of a young man, Alfie Lambe, a native of Tullamore, was remembered and the service that he gave to the
Legion of Mary was honoured. As an envoy of the Legion of Mary in South America, Alfie laboured in that vast
continent for a period of six years from 1953-1959, setting up branches of the Legion of Mary among lay people and
thereby involving lay people in the active work of the Church.
This year was the second year which a Commemorative Mass for Alfie Lambe had been advertised by the Legion of
Mary nationwide and held in Alfie’s native town of Tullamore.
A large attendance of approximately 400 people were present, many of whom had travelled to Tullamore from different
parts of the country.
The Chief Celebrant of the Mass was Rev. Gerard Rice, P.P., Kilcloon, Co. Meath. He was assisted by Rev. Lorenzo
Bracken, a former class mate of Alfie’s in Tullamore, Rev. Oliver Skelly, P.P. Coole, Co. Meath and Vice Postulator of
Alfie’s cause, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Marron, Kinnegad and Rev. McGauran, Ballinameen, Co. Roscommon.
Members of Alfie’s family were also present including his brother, Mr. Jack Lambe and his sisters; Mrs. Kathleen
Brophy and Mrs. Marcella Horan.
In his homily Father Rice described Alfie as having been of a pleasant and humble disposition, qualities that endeared
him to so many people. He also spoke of Alfie’s state of holiness which was the greatest resource on which he drew to
carry out his work for the Legion of Mary. Alfie’s work in South America penetrated into areas where people had not
been visited before. He set up branches of the Legion of Mary among the Indians, in Leper colonies and in prisons. He
was aware of the value of each person’s soul and he saw Christ in every person. Father Rice quoted Alfie’s own words
in a letter he wrote home in July 1954 in which he said “The world belongs to him who loves it most. I like the world, I
love every City and Pueblo I enter into, I am at home under every sky.”
The extent of the work carried out by Alfie Lambe was extraordinary for a young man; his work was effective in
changing the face of South America. To this day Alfie Lambe is fondly remembered there. He died at the young age of
26 after a short but grace illness and his remains were laid to rest in the tomb of the Christian Brothers at the Recoleta
Cemetery, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The cause for his Beatification was introduced by the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires
in 1978. Prayers are requested for the Beatification of the Servant of God, Alphonsus (Alfie) Lambe.
Favours attributed to Alfie’s intercession should be notified in writing to:
Legion of Mary, De Montfort House, Morning Star Avenue,
Brunswick Street, Dublin 7, Ireland.

Article submitted by B. Hanley.

In order to make Alfie’s cause better known,,
Frank Duff wrote an article on him in 1980.
He wrote, “Do I think that Alfie is canonisable?
Yes, I do. I could not see any defect in him.
That by itself could be a negative state. In
him it was supplemented with a faith without
limit, and other heroic qualities. He gave all
his energies to the pursuit of souls. He had
Our Blessed Lady in a perfect perspective.”

All legionaries are asked to promote the

Cause of Alfie Lambe by reciting this prayer
daily and encouraging others to pray for Alfie’s
intercession as well. Please join me in
praying for his beatification right now.

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