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Therapeutic cloning does not involve the creation of a perfectly copied human being.

is reproductive cloning that results in a copy of a specific human being. In therapeutic
cloning, no sperm fertilisation is involved nor is there implantation into the uterus to
create a child.

How is Therapeutic Cloning Performed?

Therapeutic cloning is another phrase for a procedure known as somatic cell nuclear
transfer (SCNT). Here's how it works:

 A scientist extracts the nucleus from an egg

 The nucleus holds the genetic material for a human or laboratory animal
 The scientist then takes a somatic cell, which is any body cell other than an egg
or sperm, and also extract the nucleus from this cell
Some doctors and scientists believe that human cloning can benefit people who have
organ problems. Organ transplants are difficult undertakings for two major reasons. First,
you have to find a donor, and second, there's no guarantee that your body will accept the
new organ.
For instance, genetic manipulation could help regrow damaged cells that could be used
to treat a multitude of sicknesses and injuries. They could even theoretically grow a new
organ to replacement a damaged organ.

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