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: Vashi (Navi  ai)


The lifestyle of the people and the q est to have the est of the
q ality prod ts has led s to oe p with this  siness plan for
organi farers arket..
The vegetales and fr its whih are in the doesti arket are
s ally heially treated y the retailers for greater attrativeness
leading to etter profit argins taking a toll on the health of the
ons ers. Diret far fresh prod e y the farers wo ld help
solve this prole and also the farers wo ld e diretly enefited
y this plan in ters of their apital gain.

The Vashi area of Navi- ai has developed a lot d ring the last
deade. It has grown enoro sly in ters of oerial
apitalization.The ideal plae to set p this arket wo ld e in vashi
whih has eoe the entre of Navi  ai. The area is easily
aessile y all odes of transport.
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Diret arketing is a long felt need of the farers and ons ers of the o ntry

as it goes a long way in ens ring higher re neration to the farers and

eeting the satisfation level of the ons ers thro gh diret sale of the

agri lt ral oodities y the farers to the ons ers at affordale pries.


Organi farers arket were introd ed with a view to eliinate the

iddleen and arrange failities for the farers to sell their prod e diretly to

the ons ers at reasonale rates fixed every day. On ao nt of the shee

oth the farers and the ons ers are enefited .

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eg lated arket yards for fr its and vegetales are f ntioning only at a few

entres. The arketing syste for fr its and vegetales is now in the hand s of

iddleen. iddleen exist at vario s levels etween the farers and the

ons ers and exploit thro gh alpratie in weigh ts, handling and payents.

A large n er of sall farers are nale to effetively argain for etter

prie in the wholesale arket. Ineffiienies in the wh olesale arkets res lts in

a long hain of interediaries,  ltiple handling, loss of q ality and inrease

the gap etween the prod er and ons er pries. Large n er of sall

retailers, eah handling sall q antities, reate high overheads leading to h igh

argin on prod es.

It is, therefore, felt neessary to evolve an alternate arketing strategy where

oth growers and ons ers are enefited thro gh this arket.

The oetives of the organi farers arket are ainly:

1. To ens re re nerative pries to the farers and provide fresh vegetales to

the ons ers at reasonale rates fixed every day.

2. Failitate propt realization of sale proeeds to the farers with o t any

ded tions.

3.  r alpratie in weights.

4. Provide diret interfae etween farers and ons ers - eliinating

interediaries in trade.
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The ain opetitors of the organi farers arket are the loal arket
vendors and also the aor s perarkets selling vegetales and fr its like Big
Bazaar, Hyperity et.

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Organi farers arket an withstand the opetition in the following ways:
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The arket oittee will every day o niate the oderate wholesale

pries of vegetales thro gh fax etween 7.30 A and 8.00 A. Based on the

sae, the pries of vegetale are fixed in ons ltation with the farers

oittee, whih ay e 20% -25% higher than the whole sale prie and lower

than the loal retail arket pries in the area.

YYY$ %  & &

Pries of vegetales are freq ently anno ned thro gh p li address syste to

reate awareness of the rates of the vegetales aong the ons ers as well as


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 essf l operation of diret agri lt ral arketing infrastr t re failities

depend pon loation of the azaars, n er of  stoers visiting the azaar

per day, nat re, type, q antity and q ality of agri lt ral prod e eing ro ght

y the farers for sale, systeatization of the retail prie fixation ehanis,

allotent of stalls to the farers on farers¶ gro p, design of the stalls ased on

the nat re, type and q antity of salale ites ro ght y the farers,

availaility of f ntional infrastr t re failities viz. leaning, grading,

weighing, pakaging, short ter storage et., prie display ehanis, lo d

speakers and roadasting syste, avail aility of tilities viz. eletriity, water,

garage disposal/ leaning failities and last  t not the least servies/ failities

for the onveniene of the ons ers viz. parking, oin hang ing ahines,

grievane redress ehanis et. The failities sho ld, therefore, ath to the

req ireent of the farers and the ons ers/  stoers.

The deographi attri te wo ld onsist ainly of the working lass with

lower and iddle inoe gro p ategory. The health onsio s gro p wo ld

also fit into this ategory.

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ons ers Perentage

ale 38

Feale 62

Age gro p Perentage

Below 20 years

21-30 years 23

31-40 years

41-50 years 26

Aove 50 years


" Y 

The following arketing strategies sho ld e followed to attrat oth the

farers and ons ers:

Y$ %& '( )

The pries of vegetale are fixed in ons ltation with the farers oittee,
whih ay e 20% -25% lower than the whole sale prie.

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The organi farers arkets an ndertake  lk s pply of vegetales to the

soial welfare hostels, aor residential areas and hostels as per their
req ireents to eno rage the farers to ring ore and etter q ality
vegetales to the arket. Y

Y$ %  & &

Pries of vegetales are freq ently anno ned thro gh p li address syste to
reate awareness of the rates of the vegetales aong the ons ers as well as

YY$ )   )* %) 

The farers and ons ers fae a lot of prol e d e to lak of hange
espeially of 50 paise and one r pee oins. To avoid s h proles, the arket
f ntionaries ay install oin exhangers at a s itale loation in the arket
thro gh tie p with anks .Y

$Y "Y Y %Y&Y'Y






Based on the  rrent ons er pereption of organi foods and the

attrativeness and enefit to the farers this  siness plan is expeted to grow 4

ties in the oing years already taking a s ess ro te in the ipleented



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