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Alternative methodology for on site monitoring of

corrosion and remediation of reinforced concrete

N. Birbilis and B. W. Cherry

quantitative information regarding corrosion rates. The

Difficulties associated with the interpretation of site data standard suggests that passivity of the reinforcement may
collected over long periods of time from commonly used be lost at potentials more negative than 2150 mV(Cu/
corrosion monitoring techniques for steel reinforcement in CuSO4).4
concrete, such as corrosion potential measurements and linear The indication of corrosion risk by the corrosion
polarisation resistance, often make it difficult to assess potential reading may be rationalised on the basis of a
accurately the extent of corrosion. An alternative simple model of the quality of passive film that protects the
methodology for the interpretation of data is proposed, based steel. If it is assumed that in unit area of the metal/concrete
upon a model of the quality of the passive film on the steel interface, an area l is covered by a passive film, then an
surface. This model leads to a representation of the corrosion area (1-l), is bare metal. The driving potential for the
state by means of the relationship, over a long period of time, corrosion current is the difference between the equilibrium
between the corrosion potential and the logarithm of the electrode potentials of the oxygen reduction (cathodic)
linear polarisation resistance. For the reinforced concrete reaction and the iron dissolution (anodic) reaction. Here,
panels tested in this study, data points representing this the ‘equilibrium’ electrode potential is taken as the elec-
relationship closely fitted a family of results. This led to the trode potential at the exchange current density in the
development of a so called ‘monitoring control diagram’, environment to which the electrode is currently subjected.
MCD, in which for a fixed geometry and fixed experimental These ‘equilibrium’ potentials may be termed E co and E ao
conditions, a relationship between the corrosion potential and respectively. The associated exchange current densities for
polarisation resistance of steel exists. The establishment of an these reactions are i co and i ao . The electrical resistance
MCD may enable the development of a useful monitoring associated with the cathodic portion of unit area of the
tool. CEST/2111 metal/concrete interface will be termed rc and that asso-
Keywords: corrosion in concrete, monitoring, reinforcing ciated with the anodic portion of unit area of the interface
steel, polarisation resistance, remediation will be termed ra.
The open circuit corrosion potential Ecorr is, in the
The authors ( are in the absence of diffusion overpotential effects, determined by
School of Physics and Materials Engineering, Monash the resistance and activation polarisation of the cathodic
University, PO Box 69M. Vic. 3800, Australia. Manuscript
and anodic processes. Its variation with the values of l, ra
received 21 October 2003; accepted 13 October 2004.
and rc may, therefore, be calculated on the basis that the
# 2004 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. anodic and cathodic processes are polarised to the same
Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute. value.
The cathodic process takes place on the filmed surface.
At the open circuit potential, in unit area, the total cathodic
current, I ccorr , emanating from the filmed area l is equal to
INTRODUCTION the total anodic current I acorr , emanating from the unfilmed
The ability to monitor the corrosion of steel buried beneath area (1–l). The cathodic current density at the corrosion
several centimetres of concrete presents certain challenges, potential, i ccorr , is, therefore, equal to I ccorr /l and the anodic
especially in terms of physical inspections. On site electro- current density, i acorr , is equal to I acorr /(1-l). The cathodic
chemical techniques that have been developed to monitor current density can be related to the corrosion potential by
corrosion processes that may be occurring at the reinforce- the following expression5
ment surface, but of which there is as yet no evidence on the {2:3(Ecorr {Eoc zIcorr rc )
concrete surface, include half cell potential measurements icorr ~ioc exp : : : : (1)
and linear polarisation resistance measurements.1 Each of bc
these techniques provides some information as to what is where bc is the cathodic Tafel slope, i.e. the modulus of the
going on within the concrete, but none give the complete slope of the cathodic Tafel plot of potential versus log
story.2,3 In particular, the changes in the environment that current. A similar expression to that of equation (1) can be
are an inevitable feature of site measurements introduce written for the anodic process.
random variations into the data that can often mask By equating the values of I acorr and I ccorr at the corrosion
underlying fundamental changes in the corrosion process. potential, it can be seen that
This paper attempts to introduce an approach to analysing
{2:3(Ecorr {Eoc zIcorr rc )
data from such techniques, which aims to lead to more lioc exp ~
meaningful conclusions. The paper will illustrate this bc
: : : : (2)
technique by using it in the context of ranking different a z2:3(Ecorr {Eoa zIcorr ra )
corrosion remediation techniques. (1{l)io exp
Corrosion potentials If we define a as a measure of the integrity of the passive
Measuring the corrosion potential Ecorr of reinforcing steel film representing the ratio of filmed to unfilmed area, such
is the commonest of the corrosion monitoring methods that a is l/(12l), and we now put
available, and is widely used in practice to give an indi-
cation of the possible corrosion risk. Corrosion potential 1 2:3(bc zba )
~ : : : : : : : : : : : (2a)
monitoring is outlined in ASTM C876.4 However, in this B ba bc
standard, the corrosion potential is claimed only to indicate
the relative risk of corrosion; there is no provision of K~Eoa =Eoc : : : : : : : : : : : : : (2b)

DOI 10.1179/174327804X13154 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2004 Vol. 39 No. 4 321
322 Birbilis and Cherry On site monitoring of corrosion and remediation of reinforced concrete

and if as a first approximation we put rc5ra5r, we obtain

Ecorr Icorr r
ln(a)~Kz z : : : : : : : : : (3)
Ecorr ~B½ln(a){K{Icorr r : : : : : : : : (4)
Equation (4) gives a qualitative rationalisation of the
ASTM C876 criteria. If Ecorr is written as
Ecorr ~fnfa,r,Icorr g
dEcorr B La Lr
~ zr {r : : : : : : (4a)
dIcorr a LIcorr LIcorr
1 Diagrammatic representation of setup for corrosion
monitoring cell
and since all the terms on the right hand side of
equation (4a) are negative, this indicates an increase in
the corrosion current as the corrosion potential becomes Hence, since
more negative. Although this is generally observed, it has Ii ~Ipa {Ipc : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (5)
been shown6 that corrosion potentials measured at the
surface of the concrete vary markedly with the thick- where Ii is the impressed current per unit area of the metal
ness and resistivity of the concrete. This is a significant surface so that
limitation of corrosion potential measurement as a mon- Ii ~(1{l)ipa {(l)ipc : : : : : : : : : : : (6)
itoring technique. It is also possible that corrosion
 :   : 
potentials can provide misleading information when used c 2 3g a 2 3g
with some more recently developed remediation measures. Ii ~licorr exp {(1{l)icorr exp (7)
bc ba
For example, inhibitors may have a significant impact
on either the exchange current densities or the Tafel slopes Differentiating equation (7) with respect to g yields, when
of either cathodic or anodic corrosion reactions.7 In such g50, and (12l)i acorr 5li ccorr
cases the relative movement of Ecorr may give no indication  
dIi 1 1
of the effectiveness of the inhibitor. Anticarbonation ~2:3icorr z : : : : : : : : : (8)
dg ba bc
coatings and silane type concrete coatings may affect the
resistance polarisation components of the cathodic or If s is the total area of corroding electrode involved, the
anodic corrosion processes by varying amounts and so, ratio of the total applied current to the potential shift is
again, a reduction in corrosion current may be accompa- given by sIi/g. This is the reciprocal of the polarisation
nied by either positive or negative movements of the resistance RP of the entire system that is receiving current
corrosion potential. This is predicted by equation (3) since from a counter electrode so that finally
the measured value of corrosion potential will be reliant 1 ba bc 1 B
upon the Tafel behaviour associated with the anodic icorr ~ : ~ : : : : : : : (9)
2 3s ba zbc RP sRP
and cathodic processes, also a, the ratio of filmed to
unfilmed metal, and Icorr, which includes components A modification of equation (4) incorporating equation (9)
from both the anodic and cathodic exchange currents. As gives a relationship between the corrosion potential and
a result, a more independent estimate of the corrosion polarisation resistance of a metal.
current is required when assessing corrosion remediation  
measures. Ecorr ~ ln(a)zK{ B : : : : : : : : (10)
Linear polarisation resistance The value of B has been variously reported to lie between
A common method of monitoring the corrosion rate of 26 mV and 52 mV for the steel in concrete systems.9 Both
concrete reinforcement is based on the linear polarisation the values of B and s are somewhat uncertain in practical
resistance (LPR) technique as developed for metals in cases, thus equation (9) cannot give entirely accurate
solution in the late 1950s.8 In the LPR technique, the figures for the rate of corrosion. It will, however, be
potential of the steel is scanned over a small range in suggested there is considerable value in monitoring with
the vicinity of the corrosion (open circuit) potential. As LPR, especially for determining relative corrosion rates
the current densities and potential shifts associated with brought upon by environmental changes in samples with
the technique are small, it was considered in the original fixed geometry.
derivation of the theory that mass transport (diffusion) As equation (10), although derived by a simple techni-
effects could be neglected. The slope of the polarisation que, indicates the effect of the electrochemical parameters
curve (i.e. the potential change divided by the applied on the relationship between Ecorr and RP, this relationship
current) at the point at which the applied current equals can be used to explore conditions under which (say) the
zero is defined as RP, or the polarisation resistance, and electrical resistivity of the concrete or the integrity of the
is considered a measure of the opposition to metallic passive film may affect the open circuit potential and hence
dissolution. the assessment of the probability of corrosion when using
The classical method for the derivation of the value of the methods such as ASTM C876.
linear polarisation resistance may be applied to the bi-
electrode system considered above, where the cathodic area
is by definition covered by passive film, and the anodic area EXPERIMENTAL
is bare metal. If the system being considered is polarised by A number of precast reinforced concrete fascia panels were
a small amount to a new potential g (mV) negative to the obtained. These panels were 75 mm thick and reinforced
corrosion potential, then putting the anodic current flowing along their centreline by a mesh of 8 mm diameter
in unit area of surface equal to I ap , we can define reinforcing steel. Corrosion probes of the form indicated
I ap 5(12l)i ap and I cp 5li cp . in Fig. 1 were installed (retrofitted) into the panels just

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Birbilis and Cherry On site monitoring of corrosion and remediation of reinforced concrete 323

2 Preremediation data of Ecorr versus 1/RP for the fascia

panels. Steel area probed is 100 cm2
3 Preremediation MCD (Ecorr versus log(RP)) for the fas-
cia panels
above an intersection point of the reinforcing mesh. The
probes installed consisted of an Ag/AgCl (Sat.) reference
electrode mounted such that its tip was about 20 mm from resistivity of the concrete through which the larger currents
the reinforcing bar, and two mixed metal oxide coated are passing. This statement also corresponds to practical
titanium rods that served as counter electrodes provided a findings discussed in Ref. 10, which aim to explain varia-
polarising current to the reinforcing steel within the tions in the level of corrosion experienced by environ-
concrete. The cell design was such that nominally 100 cm2 mentally exposed reinforced concrete by the degree of
of reinforcing steel could be polarised during testing. The saturation Sw of the concrete.
corrosion potential was measured using the reference It was found that the curve of best fit included in Fig. 2
electrode, while sufficient current was then provided by can be represented by
the counter electrodes to the reinforcing bar to shift the Ecorr ~{583{120½log(RP )
corrosion potential in the cathodic direction by no more
than 20 mV to determine RP. In all cases a portable 3LP Consequently, given the relationship between Ecorr and RP,
device was used for the measurements. a plot such as that seen in Fig. 3 can be developed. Figure 3
The panels were made from high quality concrete and indicates that it may be possible to define a distinct
were initially in a non-corroding state. They were subjected relationship between Ecorr and log RP, provided that the
to various wet–dry cycles in order to stimulate and suppress important constraint of constant cell geometry for the
corrosion so that a spectrum of results could be obtained locations under investigation is met, and that this may be
for panels of varying corrosion activity. Subsequently the used to develop an understanding of the corrosion and
panels were all brought into a corroded state by means of inhibition mechanisms at work in a given situation.
anodic polarisation, while a chloride containing solution It has been reported11 that the critical corrosion current
was applied to the surface. In the second phase of the density of 1 mA m22 is considered by various authors to be
experiments, various remediation techniques were applied the borderline corrosion rate for passive steel in concrete.
to the corroding panels in order to assess the relative The development of a plot such as that seen in Fig. 3, which
effectiveness of these techniques. Remediation techniques we shall define as a ‘monitoring control diagram’ (MCD),
investigated in this paper were a surface applied organic can then indicate the value of Ecorr that corresponds to a
migrating corrosion inhibitor (MCI) and a Silane cream, corrosion current density of 1 mA m22. In the case of the
both of which are classed as penetrants. panels that were examined, the polarisation cell was
constructed in such a way that 100 cm2 of reinforcing bar
is polarised. Assuming B in equation (3) is equal to 30 mV,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION this indicates that a corrosion current density of 1 mA m22
In view of the relationship of the two criteria for the corresponds to a corrosion potential of approximately
detection of corrosion (i.e. the measurement of the 2150 mV. In this case there is a good consistency between
corrosion potential or the RP) indicated by equation (10), the results obtained using LPR measurements and ASTM–
it was decided to determine the variation in Ecorr with the C876. However the construction of an MCD such as that
reciprocal of the polarisation resistance for the fascia panels seen in Fig. 3 can complement the use of ASTM–C876
over a period of several months. The results are presented since customised criteria can be established for each unique
in Fig. 2. These results indicate an apparent trend in the situation under investigation. Weight is added to this
data, in that all results obtained (from twelve distinct and concept by measurements that were made on laboratory
separate monitoring locations) seem to fit a ‘family’ of prism specimens manufactured using a lower quality con-
results. crete. They also had a polarised area of reinforcement equal
From equation (10) and Fig. 2, certain assumptions can to 100 cm2. In this case it was found that a corrosion
be made about the relationship between the open circuit current density of 1 mA m22 corresponded to an Ecorr of
potential (Ecorr) and the polarisation resistance. If B can be approximately 2220 mV.12 This highlights the fact that the
considered to be constant, (this assumption will be value of B cannot be assumed to be constant since the Tafel
questioned later) then it may be suggested that in the more behaviour of the anodic and cathodic processes may vary.
positive Ecorr (corresponding to a larger RP) region of It also indicates the dependence of the MCD upon the
Fig. 2, that the second term in equation (10) is small by geometry of the polarisation cell and the corrosion
comparison with the first. As a result, the value of Ecorr is mechanism.
primarily controlled by the integrity of the passive film in The notion of using MCDs, similar to that presented in
such cases. Similarly it may be suggested that, the more Fig. 3, to monitor the corrosion of concrete reinforcement
negative values of Ecorr are controlled primarily by the has several advantages. A major reason for this is that site

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324 Birbilis and Cherry On site monitoring of corrosion and remediation of reinforced concrete

4 Hypothetical possible shifts in data when using an 5 Post-remediation data for surface applied remediation
MCD techniques

measurements of the corrosion potential and polarisation The directions denoted (3) and (4) indicate a more
resistance against time can vary considerably from results complicated situation that does not immediately indicate
that may be obtained in the constant temperature/constant whether corrosion intensity is increasing or decreasing. An
humidity conditions that may be a feature of a well examination of the situation provided by shifts towards
controlled laboratory. Such site measurements, if consid- direction (3) indicates that in such a case the Ecorr value is
ered as individual points, could be misleading due to moving in a positive direction indicating enhanced passiv-
environmental factors of a cyclic nature.10,11,13 ity, however, RP is decreasing, indicating that the resistance
When monitoring with MCDs (Ecorr versus log RP), the to corrosion is decreasing. These two observations are con-
data obtained is combined into a ‘family’ of results that tradictory, therefore further investigation of the observed
characterise the system under investigation. This ‘family’ of phenomena is required. The same is true when data deviates
results includes those individual Ecorr and log Rp points towards direction (4). The Ecorr and RP values are again
that are displaced from the fundamental Ecorr and log Rp contradictory indicating that further investigation is neces-
relationship by, for example, environmental factors, but sary. There are several common practical situations that
which are contained within an envelope about that may potentially give rise to data that would deviate towards
relationship. If monitoring occurs over a long period of directions (3) and (4). Such situations could (say) arise as a
time, then data added to the MCD at later times makes it result of the activity of a corrosion macrocell for the former
obvious whether the form of the MCD remains constant and the use of a cathodic inhibitor for the latter, with such
throughout the lifetime of a structure, or changes as a result shifts in the data not as easily predicted from equation (10).
of environmental or aging factors that may be altering. A type ‘5’ shift, as seen in Fig. 4 indicates that the data have
Once an MCD for a certain system has been established, remained the same as the control data and that there
then this may act as tool for monitoring the effectiveness of appears to be no apparent effect (positive or negative) in
any subsequent corrosion remediation techniques. In order such a case.
to assess the effectiveness of certain corrosion remediation
techniques on the fascia panels, the panels under investiga- Penetrants
tion were all brought into a similar state of corrosion (as In order to illustrate the practical implications of the
determined by potential and LPR measurements) by means discussion above, Fig. 5 shows an MCD for MCI and
of electrochemical (anodic) polarisation. The results follow- silane treated panels versus the control panel. All results
ing remediation for two forms of corrosion remediation have been grouped into families to indicate the character-
techniques are presented below, as an illustration of the use istic behaviour of each panel, hence avoiding misleading
of MCDs for this purpose. results due to environmental fluctuations. Envelopes have
Figure 4 shows an MCD for the unremediated (control) once again been overlaid on the data points for the sake of
panel. An envelope has been overlaid on the data with clarity and to emphasise the notion that families of results
arrows indicating directions in which data families could are more significant than individual data points.
possibly shift. Looking again at Fig. 5, it can be seen, with respect to
In the event that data families tend to shift towards the the control (untreated) panel, that the MCI causes a
direction denoted (1) in Fig. 4, then this corresponds to an negative shift in Ecorr. Although the MCI tested is a
increase in RP and an increase in Ecorr of the reinforcement. commercial product of which the active ingredients have
Both of these factors indicate increased levels of corrosion not been published, this behaviour is common to many
resistance and would thus indicate that corrosion pro- inhibitors that are known to be ‘cathodic’ in nature. It may
tection is being afforded when compared to the control not necessarily indicate that corrosion attack is being
panel, based on the complementary data provided by Ecorr intensified.3 However, at this stage of the treatment (the
and RP. results reported are up to 24 months following MCI
In the event that data families shift towards the direction application) when compared to the control panel, corrosion
denoted (2), then this corresponds to the opposite situation, rates (as judged by RP) are apparently higher for samples
whereby RP and Ecorr decrease, indicating that corrosion treated with MCI, and this apparent effect has also been
intensity is becoming more severe based on the compli- found by other workers.14,15 It should be noted that such
mentary data provided by Ecorr and RP. The type (1) and MCIs depend for their action on diffusion processes7 and it
type (2) shifts are in agreement with equation (10). The therefore may be some time before benefits from such a
physical basis for such shifts in the electrochemical remediation strategy become apparent. Based on the
parameters has been discussed and may be attributed to discussion of Fig. 2 if corrosion were to be reduced by
changes in the integrity of the passive film and the resistivity the MCI treatment, then some modification of either the
of the concrete. passive film integrity or the concrete resistivity would be

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Birbilis and Cherry On site monitoring of corrosion and remediation of reinforced concrete 325

The presentation of results as in Figs. 5 and 6 appears to be
an attractive and simple procedure for evaluating remedia-
tion suitability and effectiveness, while illustrating the
theory discussed and reinforcing the fact that families of
data are more important than individual data points in the
case of environmentally exposed structures. Further to this
it may also be possible to reveal aspects of the mechanisms
that afford protection in various corrosion remediation
techniques. Future work could be aimed at incorporating
concrete resistivity (rconc) measurements into the control
chart to introduce a third dimension creating a 3D zone in
MCDs, that can be used to characterise the Ecorr–RP–rconc
relationship. The early detection of changes in corrosion
behaviour, namely the detection of the onset of corrosion,
is of great practical importance, since it has been stated that
only minimal corrosion penetrations, i.e. 10 mm, can lead to
6 Ecorr versus 1/RP post-remediation data for surface enough oxide formation to cause microcracking in the
applied remediation techniques
concrete zone surrounding the reinforcement,16 effectively
signalling the commencement of the deterioration cycle.
The variability present in day to day corrosion measure-
required. In Fig. 5 it can be seen that in comparison with ments is very significant as also seen in10,12,13 since
the control results the MCI results have been rotated inevitably, no two tests can ever be conducted in the same
clockwise and displaced to a lower potential – a tendency to set of conditions for environmentally exposed structures.
move in the ‘2’ direction of Fig. 4. Consequently grouping the results into families presents an
The panels treated with silane cream indicate a positive attractive alternative for obtaining a qualitative apprecia-
shift in half cell potential and polarisation resistance when tion of overall corrosion characteristics. Furthermore, the
compared to the control panel, i.e. a tendency to move in inaccuracies that may arise from converting LPR data to
the ‘1’ direction of Fig. 4. The positive shift in half cell corrosion rates, which were thoroughly covered in Ref. 2,
potential with respect to the control may not have been may have to be tolerated and accounted for in the event
expected if in fact a silane coat can bring about a limitation that quantitative data is required, at least until a more
of the availability of oxygen to the reinforcement, which comprehensive method can be developed that can minimize
should ultimately lead to a negative potential shift. The the errors mentioned.2
polarisation resistance results confirm that corrosion
protection is afforded by the silane, although this may
not be via limiting oxygen supply to the reinforcement, it CONCLUSIONS
may well be due to an increase in the concrete resistivity as The use of MCDs to monitor the corrosion of concrete
a result of the limiting of ingress of water into the concrete. reinforcement provides a useful way of interpreting data, in
This explanation is plausible based on the discussion of that unique criteria can be established for the monitoring of
Fig. 4, and reinforces the notion that, following the onset of each structure. This removes a reliance on criteria such as
corrosion and the breakdown of passive film integrity, the ASTM–C876, which have been shown not to be applicable
controlling parameter of the corrosion process is the in all cases. It was shown that in the corrosion of reinforced
concrete resistivity. The silane treatment remains effective concrete, important parameters controlling the rate of
24 months after its application but the extended long term corrosion are the passive film integrity and the concrete
durability is unknown at this stage and will be monitored in resistivity.
future work, given that very few data regarding the long MCDs remove the uncertainty that is commonly
term performance of silanes exist. observed when separately monitoring corrosion potential
If the MCI results are plotted on a 1/Rp versus Ecorr or polarisation resistance versus time. Furthermore, the
graph, as in Fig. 6, then it can be seen that at more positive methodology presented herein is a powerful and attractive
potentials (the region in which it has been suggested that way of ranking remediation techniques against one
the integrity of the passivating film is the controlling factor) another. The results presented indicate that the silane
the corrosion current, as judged by 1/RP, is relatively low. penetrant is a suitable corrosion remediation technique
At more negative corrosion potentials (the region in which based on the situation investigated and the timescale of
it has been suggested that the resistance of the concrete testing.
medium is the controlling factor) the corrosion current is
increased significantly. These ideas might be extended ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
towards a suggestion that such an inhibitor would be much The assistance of Bill Gerritsen (Australasian Corrosion
more efficient at delaying the onset of vigorous corrosion in Consultants) with the preparation of the manuscript is
a system subjected to mild attack than it might be in gratefully acknowledged. The authors also gratefully thank
reducing the corrosion rate of an already severely corroding Winton Associates (Mr Geoff Codner) and Savcor ART
reinforcing bar. (Australia).
In the case of the silane treatment, Fig. 6 indicates that
the line of best fit to the silane treated data is markedly
different to that of the MCI treated panel. The silane data REFERENCES
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Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2004 Vol. 39 No. 4

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