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Local Congestion

LI 20 Welcome Fragrance Mtg LI & ST Open nasal passages, expel wind, clr heat
Bitong Penetrate the nose Nose: rhinitis, allergies, congestion, discharge, nosebleeds, polyps

Yintang Hall of Impression Wind; Shen; nose; pain

BL 7 Heavenly Connection Benefit & regulate nose; clears the head

Other basic points for Allergies (Bi Qiu); moxa

GB 20 Wind Pool (Fengchi) Mtg: GB, SJ, YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain
BL 12 Wind Gate (FengMen) Mtg: BL & DU Ext; wind; Wei Qi; spread & descend LU Qi; helps nose
BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore Yang
LU 7 Broken Sequence Luo, Conf,Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain

seasonal W/C (winter, cedar); moxa. Local +

LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore Yang
LU 7 Broken Sequence Luo, Conf,Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain
GB 20 Wind Pool (Fengchi) Mtg: GB, SJ, YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain
BL 12 Wind Gate (FengMen) Mtg: BL & DU Ext; wind; Wei Qi; spread & descend LU Qi; helps nose
BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext

seasonal W/H (spring, oak). Local +

LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore Yang
LI 11 Pool at the Crook He Sea, earth, ghost Clr heat, cool bld, wind, damp, itching, reg Qi & Bld, activate Ch, pain
SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
Mtg: DU, 6 Yang; Sea of
DU 14 Great Vertebra Qi Ext; wind; clr heat; malaria; tonify def

BL 12 Wind Gate (FengMen) Mtg: BL & DU Ext; wind; Wei Qi; spread & descend LU Qi; helps nose
BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext
GB 20 Wind Pool (Fengchi) Mtg: GB, SJ, YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain

Seasonal of root (LU Qi, SP Qi, KD Qi Def); not in acute, before allergy seson
LU Qi Def
BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext

Mu: PC, Hui, sea of Qi;

Ren 17 Chest Center Mtg: Ren, SP, KD, SI, SJ Regulate Qi, unbind chest; descend {LU, ST; benefit gathering Qi; breast/lactation

LU 9 Supreme Abyss SS, Yuan, Earth, Hui Tonify Lu, xform Ph, descend LU, harmonize 100 vessels, activate Ch, pain
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles HS & earth, Com Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive Yang; pain
SP Qi Def
BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ
BL 21 ST Shu Regulate ST rebellious Qi; harmonize MJ
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive Yang; pain
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect Mtg: SP, LV, KD Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital; shen, bld
Mu: ST; Hui; Mtg: Ren,
Ren 12 Middle Cavity SI, SJ, ST Harmonize MJ; descend rebellion; tonify {SP/ST; regulate Qi; help pain

Ren 8 Spirit Gateway umbilicus Warm {Yang, intestines; rescue collapse

KD Qi Def
Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water passage; urination;
BL 23 KD Shu
warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
KD 3 Supreme Stream SS, Yuan, Earth Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU; strengthen spine
Mu: SI; Mtg: Ren, SP, LV, Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP, KD; regulate SI; restore
Ren 4 Gate of Origin
KD collapse
Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld

LI 10 Arm Three Miles Regulate Qi & Bld, pain, harmonize ST & intestines
BL 52 Residence of Will Tonify KD; benefit essence; regulate urination; strengthen lumbar
DU 4 Gate of Life (Mingmen) Clr heat; regulate DU; tonify KD; benefit lumbar
Basic for ASTHMA (Xiao Chuan)
BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext
Mu: PC, Hui, sea of Regulate Qi, unbind chest; descend {LU, ST; benefit gathering Qi;
Ren 17 Chest Center Qi; Mtg: Ren, SP, KD,
Ren 22 Heavenly Prominence Mtg: Ren, YL; Sky Descend rebellious Qi; cough; wheezing; throat; voice
Ding Chuan Calm Dyspnea Wheezing, cough
Mtg: DU, 6 Yang; Sea
DU 14 Great Vertebra
of Qi Ext; wind; clr heat; malaria; tonify def

W/C. Basic +. Moxa

Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com
LU 7 Broken Sequence Luo, Conf,Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain
BL 12 Wind Gate (FengMen) Mtg: BL & DU Ext; wind; Wei Qi; spread & descend LU Qi; helps nose
GB 20 Wind Pool (Fengchi) Mtg: GB, SJ, YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain

Phlegm Heat. Basic +

Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com

LI 11 Pool at the Crook He Sea, earth, ghost Clr heat, cool bld, wind, damp, itching, reg Qi & Bld, activate Ch, pain

SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
PC 6 Inner Pass Luo, Conf Chest; regulate {Qi, HT, ST; nausea; Clr heat; Open Yin Linking, Shen
ST 40 Abundant bulge Luo xform Phlegm, damp; chest; clr LU, HT Ph; cough; wheezing, Shen
SP 9 Yin Mound Spring HS, water Regulate SP, damp; open/move water passage; benefit LJ
Mu: ST; Hui; Mtg:
Ren 12 Middle Cavity
Ren, SI, SJ, ST Harmonize MJ; descend rebellion; tonify {SP/ST; regulate Qi; help pain
Mtg: DU, 6 Yang; Sea
DU 14 Great Vertebra of Qi Ext; wind; clr heat; malaria; tonify def

LU Qi Def. Basic +
LU 9 Supreme Abyss SS, Yuan, Earth, Hui Tonify Lu, xform Ph, descend LU, harmonize 100 vessels, activate Ch, pain

BL 43 Vital Region Shu Tonify {LU, HT, KD, SP, ST; Nourish Yin; Clr heat; Shen; Original Qi; PH
Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles HS & earth, Com
Yang; pain
Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital;
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect Mtg: SP, LV, KD
shen, bld
BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ
BL 21 ST Shu Regulate ST rebellious Qi; harmonize MJ
LI 10 + ST 36: Wei Qi
KD Qi Def. Basic +
Mu: SI; Mtg: Ren, SP, Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP, KD;
Ren 4 Gate of Origin LV, KD regulate SI; restore collapse
Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld
DU 4 Gate of Life (Mingmen) Clr heat; regulate DU; tonify KD; benefit lumbar
Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water
BL 23 KD Shu
passage; urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
BL 52 Residence of Will Tonify KD; benefit essence; regulate urination; strengthen lumbar
Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU; strengthen
KD 3 Supreme Stream SS, Yuan, Earth
KD 7 Returning Current JR, metal Benefit KD; edema; sweating; damp; D/H, strengthen lumbar

KD Yang Def. Moxa on:

Ren 8 Spirit Gateway umbilicus Warm {Yang, intestines; rescue collapse
DU 4 Gate of Life (Mingmen) Clr heat; regulate DU; tonify KD; benefit lumbar
Mu: SI; Mtg: Ren, SP, Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP, KD;
Ren 4 Gate of Origin
LV, KD regulate SI; restore collapse
Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld
Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water
BL 23 KD Shu
passage; urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
Basic points for Common Cold
Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com

LU 7 Broken Sequence Luo, Conf, Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain
Wind Pool
GB 20 (Fengchi) Mtg: GB, SJ, YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain
Wind Gate
BL 12 (FengMen) Mtg: BL & DU Ext; wind; Wei Qi; spread & descend LU Qi; helps nose

BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext
SJ 17 Wind Screen Mtg: SJ, GB Benefit ears; wind; Clr heat; Ch & pain
TaiYang Supreme Yang Wind; Clr heat; swelling; pain; activate Qi & Bld
W/C: excess, acute. Basic + Moxa, cupping, moxa
Mtg: DU, 6 Yang;
DU 14 Great Vertebra
Sea of Qi Ext; wind; clr heat; malaria; tonify def

Mtg: DU, YL; Sea of

DU 16 Palace of Wind Marrow; Sky; Wind; nourish brain; benefit head & neck; calm shen

W/H, excess, acute. Basic +

SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
He Sea, earth,
LI 11 Pool at the Crook
ghost Clr heat, cool bld, wind, damp, itching, reg Qi & Bld, activate Ch, pain

Mtg: DU, 6 Yang;

DU 14 Great Vertebra Sea of Qi Ext; wind; clr heat; malaria; tonify def

LU 11 Lesser Shang JW, wood, Ghost Revive consiousness; Clr Heat; throat
LI 1 Shang Yang JW, metal Clr heat; swelling; pain; restore consiousness
LU 10 Fish Border YS, fire Throat; Clr LU Heat; Descend rebellious Qi; Harmonize ST, HT
W/D excess, acute. ST Flu
Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com
PC 6 Inner Pass Luo, Conf Chest; regulate {Qi, HT, ST; nausea; Clr heat; Open Yin Linking, Shen

Mu: ST; Hui; Mtg:

Ren 12 Middle Cavity Ren, SI, SJ, ST Harmonize MJ; descend rebellion; tonify {SP/ST; regulate Qi; help pain

ST 25 Heaven's Pivot MU: LI Regulate {instestines, SP, ST; Damp; D/H; Regulate Qi & Bld; Eliminate Stag
Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles HS & earth, Com
Yang; pain
ST 40 Abundant bulge Luo xform Phlegm, damp; chest; clr LU, HT Ph; cough; wheezing, Shen

SP 9 Yin Mound Spring HS, water Regulate SP, damp; open/move water passage; benefit LJ
Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital;
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect Mtg: SP, LV, KD
shen, bld
Wind Gate
BL 12 (FengMen) Mtg: BL & DU Ext; wind; Wei Qi; spread & descend LU Qi; helps nose

BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ
BL 21 ST Shu Regulate ST rebellious Qi; harmonize MJ
Hall of
Yintang Impression Wind; Shen; nose; pain

ST 8 Head's Binding Mtg: ST, GB, YL Wind; pain; eyes; HA

Qi Def
Mu: PC, Hui, sea of Regulate Qi, unbind chest; descend {LU, ST; benefit gathering Qi;
Ren 17 Chest Center Qi; Mtg: Ren, SP,
SS, Yuan, Earth,
LU 9 Supreme Abyss Hui Tonify Lu, xform Ph, descend LU, harmonize 100 vessels, activate Ch, pain

BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext
BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ
Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water
BL 23 KD Shu
passage; urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles HS & earth, Com
Yang; pain

LI 10 Arm Three Miles Regulate Qi & Bld, pain, harmonize ST & intestines
Bld Def
Spring at the
LV 8 Crook
HS, water Clr D/H from LJ; Genitals; Uterus; Move Bld; Nourish {Bld, Yin

Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles HS & earth, Com
Yang; pain
Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld heat; stop blding; Nourish Bld; Harmonize
BL 17 Diaphragm Shu Hui: Bld
diaphragm; descend Qi
SP 10 Sea of Bld Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld; menses; skin
Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital;
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect Mtg: SP, LV, KD
shen, bld
BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ
Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water
BL 23 KD Shu
passage; urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
Yin Def
BL 43 Vital Region Shu Tonify {LU, HT, KD, SP, ST; Nourish Yin; Clr heat; Shen; Original Qi; PH
Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU; strengthen
KD 3 Supreme Stream SS, Yuan, Earth
KD 7 Current JR, metal Benefit KD; edema; sweating; damp; D/H, strengthen lumbar
Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital;
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect Mtg: SP, LV, KD
shen, bld

BL 52 Residence of Will Tonify KD; benefit essence; regulate urination; strengthen lumbar

Yang Def
Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water
BL 23 KD Shu
passage; urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
Gate of Life
DU 4 (Mingmen) Clr heat; regulate DU; tonify KD; benefit lumbar
Mu: SI; Mtg: Ren, Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP, KD;
Ren 4 Gate of Origin SP, LV, KD regulate SI; restore collapse
Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld
Summer Heat, excess.
Mtg: BL, GB, SJ, LV; Wind; subdue & raise Yang; benefit head, senses, brain; nourish sea of marrow;
DU 20 Hundred Meeting
Sea of Marrow calm Shen

Mtg: DU, 6 Yang;

DU 14 Great Vertebra Sea of Qi Ext; wind; clr heat; malaria; tonify def

HT 1 Summit Spring Unbind chest; Ch; benefit arm

HT 8 Lesser Palace YS, fire Clr heat from HT & SI; Shen; HT Qi; Ch & pain
PC 6 Inner Pass Luo, Conf Chest; regulate {Qi, HT, ST; nausea; Clr heat; Open Yin Linking, Shen
Middle of the Lumbar & knee; Ch & pain; Cool Bld; Clr summer heat; Vomit & Diarrhea; Help
BL 40 Crook
HS, earth, Comm
Marsh at the
PC 3 Crook HS, water Clr Heat from {Qi, Nutritive, Bld levels; harmonize ST; vomit; Ch & Pain

Shi Xuan Ten Diffusions Open portals; revive consiousness; Drain Heat; Wind
Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com
He Sea, earth,
LI 11 Pool at the Crook ghost Clr heat, cool bld, wind, damp, itching, reg Qi & Bld, activate Ch, pain

SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
Wind Pool
GB 20 (Fengchi) Mtg: GB, SJ, YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain
Wind Gate
BL 12 (FengMen)
Mtg: BL & DU Ext; wind; Wei Qi; spread & descend LU Qi; helps nose

BL 14 JueYin Shu Shu: PC Spread LV Qi; unbind chest; regulate {HT, Qi; descend Qi
BL 15 HT Shu Tonify HT; Regulat HT Qi; Shen; unbind chest; Bld Stasis; Clr HT fire
BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ
BL 21 ST Shu Regulate ST rebellious Qi; harmonize MJ

Mu: ST; Hui; Mtg:

Ren 12 Middle Cavity Ren, SI, SJ, ST Harmonize MJ; descend rebellion; tonify {SP/ST; regulate Qi; help pain

Mu: PC, Hui, sea of Regulate Qi, unbind chest; descend {LU, ST; benefit gathering Qi;
Ren 17 Chest Center Qi; Mtg: Ren, SP,
Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital;
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect Mtg: SP, LV, KD
shen, bld

SP 9 Yin Mound Spring HS, water Regulate SP, damp; open/move water passage; benefit LJ
Basic for Epistaxis. Sedation or mild stimulation.
Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor,
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com
restore Yang
Pool at the He Sea, earth,
LI 11 Crook ghost Clr heat, cool bld, wind, damp, itching, reg Qi & Bld, activate Ch, pain

SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
LU 6 Opening Xi-Cleft Spread & descend LU Qi; Clr heat; moisten LU; stop blding; good for acute

LI 20 Fragrance Mtg: LI, ST Open nasal passages, expel wind, clr heat

W/H or Summer/H in LU.

Gate of Mtg: DU, YL;
DU 15 Muteness Sea of Qi Help tongue; muteness; wind; neck & spine
Wind Pool Mtg: GB, SJ,
GB 20 (Fengchi) YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain
Wind Gate
BL 12 (FengMen)
Mtg: BL & DU Ext; wind; Wei Qi; spread & descend LU Qi; helps nose

BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext
HT 8 Lesser Palace YS, fire Clr heat from HT & SI; Shen; HT Qi; Ch & pain
Clr heat {PC, HT, MJ; revive consciousness; Shen; harmonize ST; cool bld &
PC 8 Palace of Toil YS, fire; Ghost
Heat in Yang Ming [more Qi & Bld] Basic + pts from foot YM
ST 44 Inner Courtyard YS, water Clr heat from ST; pain; Clr D/H; harmonize intestines; calm Shen

ST 45 Strict Exchange JW, metal Clr heat from ST; calm Shen; restore consiousness
Regulate Qi; clr heat in 3 jiao; chest & costals; move stool; help throat; Ch
SJ 6 Branch Ditch JR, fire
& Pain
Middle of the HS, earth, Lumbar & knee; Ch & pain; Cool Bld; Clr summer heat; Vomit & Diarrhea;
BL 40 Crook Comm Help BL
SP 10 Sea of Bld Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld; menses; skin
Mtg: SP, LV, Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination,
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect KD genital; shen, bld
JW, wood,
SP 1 Hidden White Ghost Stop bleeding; regulate SP; chest; Calm Shen; restore consiousness

LV Fire Flaring up {LV insulting LU

LV 2 Moving Between YS, fire Clr LV fire; spread LV Qi; pacify LV wind; Clr heat, stop blding; help LJ

SS, earth; Spread LV Qi; subdue LV Yang, stop wind; nourish LV bld & Yin; Clr head &
LV 3 Great Rushing
Yuan eyes; menses; regulate LJ
LV 5 Canal Luo Spread LV; regulate Qi; help genitals; clr D/H from LJ; menses; plumpit Qi

SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
Foot Governor SS, wood;
GB 41 of Tears conf: Dai Spread LV Qi; chest & costals; Clr head & eyes; xform Ph & nodules

GB 43 Clamped Stream YS, water Clr Heat; help head, ears, eyes; Clr D/H; swelling
Spread LV Qi; regulate & nourish LV Bld; Wind; cool fire, Clr D/H; help eyes
BL 18 LV Shu
& sinews
BL 19 GB Shu Clr D/H from LV/GB; Clr ShaoYang; help GB; tonify Def
LV, KD Yin Def OR LU Yin Def with Def Heat/Fire. Basic +
Broken Luo, Conf,
LU 7 Sequence Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain

KD 1 Gushing Spring JW, wood Descend excess from Head; calm Shen; rescue Yang; revive conscious

KD 6 Shining Sea Conf: YM Help throat; nourish KD; clr DEF heat; regulate {Yin Motility, LJ; calm Shen

SS, Yuan, Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU;
KD 3 Supreme Stream
Earth strengthen spine
Mtg: SP, LV, Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination,
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect KD genital; shen, bld
KD 7 Current
JR, metal Benefit KD; edema; sweating; damp; D/H, strengthen lumbar
Residence of
BL 52 Will Tonify KD; benefit essence; regulate urination; strengthen lumbar
BL 43 Vital Region Shu Tonify {LU, HT, KD, SP, ST; Nourish Yin; Clr heat; Shen; Original Qi; PH

Pharyngitis & Tonsillitis (Huo Bi)

Clr heat from LU; descend rebellious Qi; regulate water passage; Ch, pain,
LU 5 Cubit Marsh HS, water
LU 10 Fish Border YS, fire Throat; Clr LU Heat; Descend rebellious Qi; Harmonize ST, HT
JW, wood,
LU 11 Lesser Shang Ghost Revive consiousness; Clr Heat; throat
Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor,
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com
restore Yang

Pool at the He Sea,

LI 11 Crook earth, ghost Clr heat, cool bld, wind, damp, itching, reg Qi & Bld, activate Ch, pain

Mtg: Ren,
Ren 23 Corner Spring Yin Link Tongue; descend Qi; stop cough

SJ 1 Rushing Pass JW, metal Clr heat in UJ; help ears & tongue; Ch & pain

SJ 3 Central Islet SS, wood Clr heat; help ears; clr head & eyes; Ch & pain
Window of
SJ 16 Heaven Sky Help head & sense organs; regulate & descend Qi
SI 16 Window Sky Help ears, throat, voice; regulate Qi; calm Shen; Ch & pain; Clr Heat
SI 17 Appearance Sky Help neck, throat, swelling, ears; descend rebellious Qi

Broken Luo,
LU 7 Sequence Conf,Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain

Help throat; nourish KD; clr DEF heat; regulate {Yin Motility, LJ; calm
KD 6 Shining Sea Conf: YM
Heavenly Mtg: Ren,
Ren 22 Prominence YL; Sky Descend rebellious Qi; cough; wheezing; throat; voice

Mtg: ST, GB;

ST 9 Welcome Sky; Sea of Regulate Qi & Bld; lowers rebellion; help throat & neck; pain
Support the
LI 18 Prominence Sky Help throat & voice; stop cough & wheezing
Window of
SJ 16 Heaven
Sky Help head & sense organs; regulate & descend Qi
SI 16 Window Sky Help ears, throat, voice; regulate Qi; calm Shen; Ch & pain; Clr Heat
SI 17 Appearance Sky Help neck, throat, swelling, ears; descend rebellious Qi
BL 10 Pillar Sky Regulate Qi; pacify wind; help head & senses; calm Shen; Ch & pain

Wind Heat
Wind Gate Mtg: BL &
BL 12 (FengMen) DU Ext; wind; Wei Qi; spread & descend LU Qi; helps nose

BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext

Mtg: DU, 6
DU 14 Vertebra Yang; Sea of Ext; wind; clr heat; malaria; tonify def
Wind Pool Mtg: GB, SJ,
GB 20 (Fengchi) YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain

SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain

Accumulation of heat in LU & ST

JW, wood,
LU 11 Lesser Shang Ghost Revive consiousness; Clr Heat; throat

LI 1 Shang Yang JW, metal Clr heat; swelling; pain; restore consiousness
Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor,
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com
restore Yang
Marsh at the
PC 3 Crook HS, water Clr Heat from {Qi, Nutritive, Bld levels; harmonize ST; vomit; Ch & Pain

ST 44 Courtyard YS, water Clr heat from ST; pain; Clr D/H; harmonize intestines; calm Shen
ST 45 Exchange JW, metal Clr heat from ST; calm Shen; restore consiousness
Regulate Qi; clr heat in 3 jiao; chest & costals; move stool; help throat; Ch
SJ 6 Branch Ditch JR, fire
& Pain
Clr heat from LU; descend rebellious Qi; regulate water passage; Ch, pain,
LU 5 Cubit Marsh HS, water

Broken Luo,
LU 7 Sequence Conf,Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain

LI 6 Passage Luo Expel wind; Clr Heat; open & regulate water passages
Clr heat, detox poison; acute conditions; regulate ST & intestines; Clrs
LI 7 Warm Flow Xi Cleft
YangMing; calm Shen
Chronic from Yin Def. Basic +
Supreme SS, Yuan, Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU;
KD 3 Stream Earth strengthen spine
3 Yin Mtg: SP, LV, Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination,
SP 6 Intersect KD genital; shen, bld
Gushing Descend excess from Head; calm Shen; rescue Yang; revive
KD 1 Spring JW, wood
Vital Region
BL 43 Shu Tonify {LU, HT, KD, SP, ST; Nourish Yin; Clr heat; Shen; Original Qi; PH

Bladder's Help Lumbar, sciatica; full hypogastrium; retention, dribbling of urine;

BL 53 Vitals edema; borborygmus; abd distension

Broken Luo,
LU 7 Sequence Conf,Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain

Help throat; nourish KD; clr DEF heat; regulate {Yin Motility, LJ; calm
KD 6 Shining Sea Conf: YM
Chronic from Yang Def. Basic chronic +
Supreme SS, Yuan, Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU;
KD 3 Stream Earth strengthen spine
Mu: SI; Mtg: Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP,
Ren 4 Gate of Origin Ren, SP, LV,
KD; regulate SI; restore collapse

Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld
Gate of Life
DU 4 (Mingmen) Clr heat; regulate DU; tonify KD; benefit lumbar
Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi,
BL 23 KD Shu
water passage; urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
MU: BL; Bladder; regulate Qi xformation; drain D/H; leucorrhea; uterus &
Ren 3 Middle Pole Mtg: Ren,
menses; stagnation; help LJ; tonify KD
ST 28 Passage Regulate LJ; dispel stagnation; help BL & uterus

BL 28 BL Shu Regulate BL, clr D/H from LJ; stagnation & masses; lumbar & legs

Tinnitus (excess) & Deafness (deficiency). Basic points:

Palace of
SI 19 Hearing Mtg: SI, SJ, GB Ears; calm Shen
Meeting of
GB 2 Hearing Ears; wind; Clr heat; Ch & pain

SJ 21 Ear Gate Help ears; clr heat

SJ 17 Wind Screen Mtg: SJ, GB Benefit ears; wind; Clr heat; Ch & pain
SJ 3 Central Islet SS, wood Clr heat; help ears; clr head & eyes; Ch & pain
SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
Foot Governor SS, wood;
GB 41 of Tears conf: Dai Spread LV Qi; chest & costals; Clr head & eyes; xform Ph & nodules

LV/GB Fire Flaring [including LV Yang Rising]. Acute, Excess.

GB 40 Mound of Ruins Yuan Spread LV Qi; Clr GB heat & D/H; Ch & pain; joints; regulate ShaoYang

GB 43 Clamped Streat YS, water Clr Heat; help head, ears, eyes; Clr D/H; swelling
Wind Pool Mtg: GB, SJ,
GB 20 (Fengchi) YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain

LV 2 Moving Between YS, fire Clr LV fire; spread LV Qi; pacify LV wind; Clr heat, stop blding; help LJ
SS, earth; Spread LV Qi; subdue LV Yang, stop wind; nourish LV bld & Yin; Clr head &
LV 3 Great Rushing Yuan eyes; menses; regulate LJ
LV 5 Canal Luo Spread LV; regulate Qi; help genitals; clr D/H from LJ; menses; plumpit Qi

Spread LV Qi; regulate & nourish LV Bld; Wind; cool fire, Clr D/H; help eyes
BL 18 LV Shu
& sinews
BL 19 GB Shu Clr D/H from LV/GB; Clr ShaoYang; help GB; tonify Deficiency
Phlegm Fire Flaring up. Acute, Excess.
Mu: PC, Hui,
sea of Qi; Regulate Qi, unbind chest; descend {LU, ST; benefit gathering Qi;
Ren 17 Chest Center Mtg: Ren, SP, breast/lactation

Mu: ST; Hui;

Ren 12 Middle Cavity Mtg: Ren, SI, Harmonize MJ; descend rebellion; tonify {SP/ST; regulate Qi; help pain

Lower Great Lower HS: SI; Moves SI Qi & xforms stagnation; regulate & harmonize intestines; Clr D/H;
ST 39 Void Sea of Bld Ch & pain

ST 40 Abundant bulge Luo xform Phlegm, damp; chest; clr LU, HT Ph; cough; wheezing, Shen
Yin Mound
SP 9 Spring
HS, water Regulate SP, damp; open/move water passage; benefit LJ
Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor,
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com
restore Yang
Pool at the He Sea, earth,
LI 11 Crook ghost Clr heat, cool bld, wind, damp, itching, reg Qi & Bld, activate Ch, pain

GB 43 Clamped Stream YS, water Clr Heat; help head, ears, eyes; Clr D/H; swelling

Traumatic accident from Bld Stag [blockage of channels around ears]. Acute, Excess.
Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld heat; stop blding; Nourish Bld; Harmonize
BL 17 Diaphragm Shu Hui: Bld
diaphragm; descend Qi
Middle of the HS, earth, Lumbar & knee; Ch & pain; Cool Bld; Clr summer heat; Vomit & Diarrhea;
BL 40 Crook Comm Help BL
SP 10 Sea of Bld Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld; menses; skin
SS, wood;
SI 3 Back Stream conf: DU Help occiput, neck, back, sensory; Clr wind & heat; calm Shen; regulate Du

Conf: Yang Interior & Exterior Wind; calm Shen; help head & eyes; open & regulate Yang
BL 62 Extending Vessel
Mot; Ghost Motility; Ch & pain

KD Essence Def. Chronic, Deficiency.

SS, Yuan, Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU;
KD 3 Supreme Stream Earth strengthen spine
Mtg: SP, LV, Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital;
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect KD shen, bld
GB 39 Suspended Bell Hui: Marrow Sinews & bones; neck; W/D; GB fire; Ch & pain
Gate of Mtg: DU, YL;
DU 15 Muteness Sea of Qi Help tongue; muteness; wind; neck & spine

Mtg: DU, YL;

Sea of
DU 16 Palace of Wind
Marrow; Sky; Wind; nourish brain; benefit head & neck; calm shen

KD Yin Def. Chronic, Deficiency. Basic + Essence.

KD 6 Shining Sea Conf: YM Help throat; nourish KD; clr DEF heat; regulate {Yin Motility, LJ; calm Shen

KD 1 Gushing Spring JW, wood Descend excess from Head; calm Shen; rescue Yang; revive consciousness

BL 43 Vital Region Shu Tonify {LU, HT, KD, SP, ST; Nourish Yin; Clr heat; Shen; Original Qi; PH
Residence of
BL 52 Will Tonify KD; benefit essence; regulate urination; strengthen lumbar

KD Yang Def. Chronic, Deficiency. Basic + Essence.

Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water
BL 23 KD Shu
passage; urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
Gate of Life
DU 4 (Mingmen) Clr heat; regulate DU; tonify KD; benefit lumbar

Mu: SI; Mtg: Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP,
Ren 4 Gate of Origin Ren, SP, LV,
KD; regulate SI; restore collapse
Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld
Zong Qi Def or UJ Def. Chronic, Deficiency.
Mu: PC, Hui,
sea of Qi; Regulate Qi, unbind chest; descend {LU, ST; benefit gathering Qi;
Ren 17 Chest Center Mtg: Ren, SP, breast/lactation

BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext
BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ
BL 21 ST Shu Regulate ST rebellious Qi; harmonize MJ
HS & earth, Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles Com Yang; pain
SS, Yuan,
LU 9 Supreme Abyss Earth, Hui Tonify Lu, xform Ph, descend LU, harmonize 100 vessels, activate Ch, pain

HT Bld Def. Chronic, Deficiency.

Spring at the
LV 8 Crook
HS, water Clr D/H from LJ; Genitals; Uterus; Move Bld; Nourish {Bld, Yin

BL 15 HT Shu Tonify HT; Regulat HT Qi; Shen; unbind chest; Bld Stasis; Clr HT fire
Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld heat; stop blding; Nourish Bld; Harmonize
BL 17 Diaphragm Shu Hui: Bld
diaphragm; descend Qi
Ren 14 Great Gateway MU: HT Regulate HT; descend LU Qi; chest; xform PH; calm Shen; harmonize ST
HS & earth, Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles Com Yang; pain
Mtg: SP, LV, Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital;
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect KD shen, bld
Congestive Heart Failure [CHF]; Palpitations
Ren 14 Gateway MU: HT Regulate HT; descend LU Qi; chest; xform PH; calm Shen; harmonize ST

Mu: PC, Hui,

sea of Qi;
Ren 17 Chest Center Mtg: Ren, Regulate Qi, unbind chest; descend {LU, ST; benefit gathering Qi; breast/lactation

BL 14 JueYin Shu Shu: PC Spread LV Qi; unbind chest; regulate {HT, Qi; descend Qi
BL 15 HT Shu Tonify HT; Regulat HT Qi; Shen; unbind chest; Bld Stasis; Clr HT fire
PC 6 Inner Pass Luo, Conf Chest; regulate {Qi, HT, ST; nausea; Clr heat; Open Yin Linking, Shen
SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
HT Qi Def with Bld Stasis
Diaphragm Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld heat; stop blding; Nourish Bld; Harmonize diaphragm;
BL 17 Shu Hui: Bld
descend Qi
Middle of HS, earth,
BL 40 the Crook Comm Lumbar & knee; Ch & pain; Cool Bld; Clr summer heat; Vomit & Diarrhea; Help BL

SP 10 Sea of Bld Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld; menses; skin

SS, earth,
HT 7 Spirit Gate Yuan Calm Shen; regulate & tonify HT
Spring at
LV 8 the Crook HS, water Clr D/H from LJ; Genitals; Uterus; Move Bld; Nourish {Bld, Yin
Back SS, wood;
SI 3 Stream conf: DU Help occiput, neck, back, sensory; Clr wind & heat; calm Shen; regulate Du
Extending Conf: Yang Interior & Exterior Wind; calm Shen; help head & eyes; open & regulate Yang
BL 62 Vessel Mot; Ghost Motility; Ch & pain
Broken Luo, Conf,
LU 7 Sequence Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain

KD 6 Shining Sea Conf: YM Help throat; nourish KD; clr DEF heat; regulate {Yin Motility, LJ; calm Shen

HT & KD Yang Def with water retention

Mu: SI; Mtg: Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP, KD;
Gate of
Ren 4 Origin Ren, SP, LV,
regulate SI; restore collapse

Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld
Gate of Life
DU 4 (Mingmen) Clr heat; regulate DU; tonify KD; benefit lumbar

Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water
BL 23 KD Shu
passage; urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
DU 9 Yang Fortify SP; drain damp; regulate MJ; jaundice; unbind chest

MU: BL; Bladder; regulate Qi xformation; drain D/H; leucorrhea; uterus & menses;
Ren 3 Middle Pole Mtg: Ren,
stagnation; help LJ; tonify KD
BL 28 BL Shu Regulate BL, clr D/H from LJ; stagnation & masses; lumbar & legs
ST 28 Passage Regulate LJ; dispel stagnation; help BL & uterus
Ren 9 Separation Regulate water passage; edema; harmonize intestines; dispel accumulation
KD 2 Valley YS, fire Clr DEF heat; regulate KD; regulate LJ

Xi Cleft;
BL 63 Golden Gate Mtg: BL, Wind; acute conditions; relax sinews; Ch & pain
Yang Link

Hypertension. Excess & Deficient

LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore Yang

Pool at the He Sea,

LI 11 Crook earth, ghost Clr heat, cool bld, wind, damp, itching, reg Qi & Bld, activate Ch, pain

HS & earth,
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles Com Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive Yang; pain

Mtg: ST, GB;

ST 9 Welcome Sky; Sea of Regulate Qi & Bld; lowers rebellion; help throat & neck; pain
Wind Pool Mtg: GB, SJ,
GB 20 (Fengchi) YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain

PC 6 Inner Pass Luo, Conf Chest; regulate {Qi, HT, ST; nausea; Clr heat; Open Yin Linking, Shen

Foot Governor SS, wood;

GB 41 of Tears conf: Dai Spread LV Qi; chest & costals; Clr head & eyes; xform Ph & nodules

SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; Ch & pain
LV Fire. More heat than LV Yang Rising.
Mtg: BL, GB, Wind; subdue & raise Yang; benefit head, senses, brain; nourish sea of marrow; calm
DU 20 Meeting
SJ, LV; Sea
of Marrow

LV 2 Between YS, fire Clr LV fire; spread LV Qi; pacify LV wind; Clr heat, stop blding; help LJ

BL 18 LV Shu Spread LV Qi; regulate & nourish LV Bld; Wind; cool fire, Clr D/H; help eyes & sinews

Supreme SS, Yuan,

KD 3 Stream Earth Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU; strengthen spine

Upward disturbance of Wind Phlegm

PC 5 Messenger JR, metal xform PH; calm Shen; descend rebellious Qi; regulate ST & menses

Mu: PC, Hui,

sea of Qi;
Ren 17 Chest Center Mtg: Ren, Regulate Qi, unbind chest; descend {LU, ST; benefit gathering Qi; breast/lactation

SP 2 Metropolis YS, fire Regulate SP; resolve damp & D/H; harmonize MJ; Clr Heat
Supreme SS, earth;
SP 3 White Yuan Tonify SP, resolve damp & D/H; harmonize SP/ST; regulate Qi
ST 40 bulge
Luo xform Phlegm, damp; chest; clr LU, HT Ph; cough; wheezing, Shen

BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ

Excessive LV Yang Rising. From LV Fire, more spirit related

Mtg: BL, GB, Wind; subdue & raise Yang; benefit head, senses, brain; nourish sea of marrow; calm
DU 20 Meeting SJ, LV; Sea
of Marrow

Mtg: DU, YL;

Palace of Sea of
DU 16 Wind Marrow; Wind; nourish brain; benefit head & neck; calm shen
Sky; Ghost
Wind Pool Mtg: GB, SJ,
GB 20 (Fengchi) YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain
SS, earth; Spread LV Qi; subdue LV Yang, stop wind; nourish LV bld & Yin; Clr head & eyes; menses;
LV 3 Great Rushing Yuan regulate LJ
SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain

3 Yin Intersect Mtg:KD

SP 6 Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital; shen, bld

LV & KD Yin Def with LV Yang Rising [Hyperactivity of LV Yang d/t LV & KD Yin Def]
SS, earth; Spread LV Qi; subdue LV Yang, stop wind; nourish LV bld & Yin; Clr head & eyes; menses;
LV 3 Great Rushing
Yuan regulate LJ

LV 14 Cycle Gate Mtg: LV, SP, Spread LV & regulate Qi; move bld & masses; harmonize LV, ST
Yin Link

Supreme SS, Yuan,

KD 3 Stream Earth Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU; strengthen spine
KD 7 Current JR, metal Benefit KD; edema; sweating; damp; D/H, strengthen lumbar

KD 10 Yin Valley HS, water Clr D/H from LJ; help KD; Ch & Pain

TaiYang Supreme Yang Wind; Clr heat; swelling; pain; activate Qi & Bld

BL 18 LV Shu Spread LV Qi; regulate & nourish LV Bld; Wind; cool fire, Clr D/H; help eyes & sinews

KD Yang Def
MU: BL; Bladder; regulate Qi xformation; drain D/H; leucorrhea; uterus & menses; stagnation;
Ren 3 Middle Pole Mtg: Ren,
help LJ; tonify KD

BL 28 BL Shu Regulate BL, clr D/H from LJ; stagnation & masses; lumbar & legs

ST 28 Water Passage Regulate LJ; dispel stagnation; help BL & uterus

Mu: SI; Mtg: Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP, KD; regulate
Ren 4 Gate of Origin Ren, SP, LV,
SI; restore collapse
Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld
Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water passage;
BL 23 KD Shu
urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
Gate of Life
DU 4 (Mingmen) Clr heat; regulate DU; tonify KD; benefit lumbar

BL 22 SJ Shu Move & regulate {SJ, SP/ST, water passages; damp; promote urine; masses
Middle of the HS, earth,
BL 40 Crook Comm Lumbar & knee; Ch & pain; Cool Bld; Clr summer heat; Vomit & Diarrhea; Help BL

BL 60 Kunlun Mtn. JR, fire Clr heat, lower Yang; wind; Ch & Pain; relax sinews, strengthen spine; promote labor

Diabetes [Xiao Ke] wasting & thirsting

Wei Guan Xia Shu 1.5 c lat to T8

THIRST UJ: Excess heat in LU w/ LU Yin [Remove excess LU heat; nourish LU Yin]

Broken Luo, Conf,

LU 7 Sequence Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain
SS, Yuan,
LU 9 Supreme Abyss Earth, Hui Tonify Lu, xform Ph, descend LU, harmonize 100 vessels, activate Ch, pain

Mu: PC, Hui,

sea of Qi;
Ren 17 Chest Center Mtg: Ren, Regulate Qi, unbind chest; descend {LU, ST; benefit gathering Qi; breast/lactation

BL 14 JueYin Shu Shu: PC Spread LV Qi; unbind chest; regulate {HT, Qi; descend Qi
HS & earth,
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles
Com Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive Yang; pain

3 Yin Intersect Mtg:KD

SP 6 Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital; shen, bld

BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext
LU 5 Cubit Marsh HS, water Clr heat from LU; descend rebellious Qi; regulate water passage; Ch, pain, sinews

LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore Yang

Pool at the He Sea,

LI 11 Crook earth, ghost Clr heat, cool bld, wind, damp, itching, reg Qi & Bld, activate Ch, pain

HUNGER MJ: Excess heat in ST w/ST Yin Def [Clr Exc ST heat; nourish ST Yin]

LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore Yang

Pool at the He Sea,

LI 11 Crook earth, ghost Clr heat, cool bld, wind, damp, itching, reg Qi & Bld, activate Ch, pain

BL 21 ST Shu Regulate ST rebellious Qi; harmonize MJ

ST 44 Courtyard
YS, water Clr heat from ST; pain; Clr D/H; harmonize intestines; calm Shen
HS & earth,
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles Com Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive Yang; pain

SP 6 3 Yin Intersect Mtg: SP, LV, Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital; shen, bld
BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ

Mu: ST; Hui;

Ren 12 Middle Cavity Mtg: Ren, Harmonize MJ; descend rebellion; tonify {SP/ST; regulate Qi; help pain

URINE LJ: KD Yin Def w/ empty heat [Nourish KD Yin]

Supreme SS, Yuan,
KD 3 Stream Earth Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU; strengthen spine

KD 6 Shining Sea Conf: YM Help throat; nourish KD; clr DEF heat; regulate {Yin Motility, LJ; calm Shen
KD 1 Spring JW, wood Descend excess from Head; calm Shen; rescue Yang; revive conscious

3 Yin Intersect Mtg:KD

SP 6 Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital; shen, bld

Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water passage;
BL 23 KD Shu
urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
Residence of
BL 52 Will Tonify KD; benefit essence; regulate urination; strengthen lumbar
Vital Region
BL 43 Shu Tonify {LU, HT, KD, SP, ST; Nourish Yin; Clr heat; Shen; Original Qi; PH
Gate of Life
DU 4 (Mingmen) Clr heat; regulate DU; tonify KD; benefit lumbar

Mu: SI; Mtg: Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP, KD; regulate
Ren 4 Gate of Origin Ren, SP, LV,
SI; restore collapse
Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld
Hypothyroid [Jia Di Zheng] depression, fatigue, weakness, edema
Mu: SI; Mtg: Ren, SP, Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP, KD;
Ren 4 Gate of Origin
LV, KD regulate SI; restore collapse
Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld
Mu: ST; Hui; Mtg:
Ren 12 Middle Cavity Ren, SI, SJ, ST Harmonize MJ; descend rebellion; tonify {SP/ST; regulate Qi; help pain
Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles HS & earth, Com
Yang; pain
Gate of Life
DU 4 (Mingmen) Clr heat; regulate DU; tonify KD; benefit lumbar

Exchange Uterine blding; irreg menses; a/dysmeno; swelling testicles; itching genitals;
KD 8 Belief Xi Cleft: Yin Motility
diarrhea; urination; lumbar; leg
Ren 22 Prominence
Mtg: Ren, YL; Sky Descend rebellious Qi; cough; wheezing; throat; voice
Man's Mtg: ST, GB; Sky; Sea
ST 9 Welcome of Qi Regulate Qi & Bld; lowers rebellion; help throat & neck; pain
Support the
LI 18 Prominence
Sky Help throat & voice; stop cough & wheezing

Ren 23 Corner Spring Mtg: Ren, Yin Link Tongue; descend Qi; stop cough
LU 7 Sequence Luo, Conf, Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain

KD 6 Shining Sea Conf: YM Help throat; nourish KD; clr DEF heat; regulate {Yin Motility, LJ; calm Shen

LV Qi Yu (stagnation) or LV --> SP [Soothe LV Qi, strengthen SP] Basic +

Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com
Spread LV Qi; subdue LV Yang, stop wind; nourish LV bld & Yin; Clr head &
LV 3 Great Rushing SS, earth; Yuan
eyes; menses; regulate LJ
Yang Mound HS, earth; Hui: Help sinews, joints; activate Ch, help pain; spread LV Qi, benefit lateral costal
GB 34 Spring sinews region; Clr LV & GB D/H; Harmonize ShaoYang
MU: LV; Mtg: LV, SP,
LV 14 Cycle Gate
Yin Link Spread LV & regulate Qi; move bld & masses; harmonize LV, ST
Spread LV Qi; regulate & nourish LV Bld; Wind; cool fire, Clr D/H; help eyes &
BL 18 LV Shu
Gate of
BL 47 Ethereal Soul Spread LV Qi & relax sinews; harmonize MJ
Courtyard of
DU 24 the Spirit
Mtg: DU, BL, ST Benefit brain; calm Shen; stop wind; benefit head, nose, eyes
Hall of
Yintang Impression Wind; Shen; nose; pain

SP Qi Def w/ HT Bld Def (Qi & Bld Def) [Tonify SP Qi, nourish HT Bld] Basic +
Ren 14 Great Gateway MU: HT Regulate HT; descend LU Qi; chest; xform PH; calm Shen; harmonize ST

BL 15 HT Shu Tonify HT; Regulat HT Qi; Shen; unbind chest; Bld Stasis; Clr HT fire
Diaphragm Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld heat; stop blding; Nourish Bld; Harmonize
BL 17 Shu
Hui: Bld
diaphragm; descend Qi
BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ
Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles HS & earth, Com
Yang; pain
Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital;
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect Mtg: SP, LV, KD
shen, bld
PC 6 Inner Pass Luo, Conf Chest; regulate {Qi, HT, ST; nausea; Clr heat; Open Yin Linking, Shen
SP Qi Def w/ retention of Damp [Tonify SP Qi, remove damp] Basic +
Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles HS & earth, Com
Yang; pain
Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital;
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect Mtg: SP, LV, KD
shen, bld
Yin Mound
SP 9 Spring
HS, water Regulate SP, damp; open/move water passage; benefit LJ
ST 40 bulge Luo xform Phlegm, damp; chest; clr LU, HT Ph; cough; wheezing, Shen

SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ
BL 21 ST Shu Regulate ST rebellious Qi; harmonize MJ
KD Yang Def w/ water retention [Warm KD Yang, promote urine, remove water retention] Basic +
Supreme Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU; strengthen
KD 3 Stream SS, Yuan, Earth

KD 2 Blazing Valley YS, fire Clr DEF heat; regulate KD; regulate LJ
Xi Cleft; Mtg: BL, Yang
BL 63 Golden Gate
Link Wind; acute conditions; relax sinews; Ch & pain
MU: BL; Mtg: Ren, SP, Bladder; regulate Qi xformation; drain D/H; leucorrhea; uterus & menses;
Ren 3 Middle Pole
LV, KD stagnation; help LJ; tonify KD

ST 28 Water Passage Regulate LJ; dispel stagnation; help BL & uterus

BL 28 BL Shu Regulate BL, clr D/H from LJ; stagnation & masses; lumbar & legs
BL 22 SJ Shu Move & regulate {SJ, SP/ST, water passages; damp; promote urine; masses
SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
Amenorrhea [Bi Jing or Jing Bi]
Ren 5 Stone Gate MU: SJ
Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld
Palace of the
Zi Gong Child Raise & regulate {menses, Qi; help pain
ST 28 Passage Regulate LJ; dispel stagnation; help BL & uterus

3 Yin
SP 6 Intersect
Mtg: SP, LV, KD Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital; shen, bld

Exchange Uterine blding; irreg menses; a/dysmeno; swelling testicles; itching genitals; diarrhea;
KD 8 Belief
Xi Cleft: Yin Motility
urination; lumbar; leg
LU 7 Sequence
Luo, Conf, Comm Ext, wind, descend LU, open Ren, regulate water, activate Ch, pain
Grandfather Fortify SP, harmonize MJ; regulate Qi, resolve damp; calm Shen; help HT & chest; regulate
SP 4 grandson Luo: SP; Conf: Chong Chong
KD 6 Shining Sea Conf: YM Help throat; nourish KD; clr DEF heat; regulate {Yin Motility, LJ; calm Shen
PC 6 Inner Pass Luo, Conf Chest; regulate {Qi, HT, ST; nausea; Clr heat; Open Yin Linking, Shen
KD Def (primary amenorrhea) [Strengthen/tonify KD, regulate Chong & Ren]
LU 7 and/or SP 4: tonify Ren & Chong
KD 3 Stream SS, Yuan, Earth Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU; strengthen spine
Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water passage;
BL 23 KD Shu
urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
Residence of
BL 52 Will Tonify KD; benefit essence; regulate urination; strengthen lumbar
GB 39 Bell Hui: Marrow Sinews & bones; neck; W/D; GB fire; Ch & pain
BL 18 LV Shu Spread LV Qi; regulate & nourish LV Bld; Wind; cool fire, Clr D/H; help eyes & sinews
Great Spread LV Qi; subdue LV Yang, stop wind; nourish LV bld & Yin; Clr head & eyes; menses;
LV 3 Rushing
SS, earth; Yuan
regulate LJ
Spring at the
LV 8 Crook
HS, water Clr D/H from LJ; Genitals; Uterus; Move Bld; Nourish {Bld, Yin

Qi/Bld Def (primary or secondary) [Tonify Qi, nourish Bld; regulate Chong & Ren]
LU 7 and/or SP 4: tonify Ren & Chong
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles HS & earth, Com Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive Yang; pain
Spring at the
LV 8 Crook
HS, water Clr D/H from LJ; Genitals; Uterus; Move Bld; Nourish {Bld, Yin

SP 10 Sea of Bld Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld; menses; skin

Diaphragm Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld heat; stop blding; Nourish Bld; Harmonize diaphragm; descend
BL 17 Shu
Hui: Bld
Gate of Mu: SI; Mtg: Ren, SP, Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP, KD; regulate SI;
Ren 4 Origin LV, KD restore collapse
BL 18 LV Shu Spread LV Qi; regulate & nourish LV Bld; Wind; cool fire, Clr D/H; help eyes & sinews
BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ
BL 21 ST Shu Regulate ST rebellious Qi; harmonize MJ
Qi Stagnation & Bld Stasis (secondary) [Soothe LV, move Qi & Bld, remove Bld Stasis, regulate chong & ren]
LU 7 + KD 6 and/or SP 4 + PC 6: regulate/open Chong & Ren
SP 10 Sea of Bld Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld; menses; skin
Diaphragm Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld heat; stop blding; Nourish Bld; Harmonize diaphragm; descend
BL 17 Shu
Hui: Bld
Middle of the
BL 40 Crook
HS, earth, Comm Lumbar & knee; Ch & pain; Cool Bld; Clr summer heat; Vomit & Diarrhea; Help BL
LI 4 Valley
Yuan, Com Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore Yang

Great Spread LV Qi; subdue LV Yang, stop wind; nourish LV bld & Yin; Clr head & eyes; menses;
LV 3 Rushing
SS, earth; Yuan
regulate LJ

Yang Mound HS, earth; Hui: Help sinews, joints; activate Ch, help pain; spread LV Qi, benefit lateral costal region; Clr LV
GB 34 Spring sinews & GB D/H; Harmonize ShaoYang

BL 18 LV Shu Spread LV Qi; regulate & nourish LV Bld; Wind; cool fire, Clr D/H; help eyes & sinews
BL 19 GB Shu Clr D/H from LV/GB; Clr ShaoYang; help GB; tonify Def
Completion MU: SP; Hui: Zang;
LV 13 Gate Mtg: LV, GB Harmonize {LV, SP; regulate {MJ, LJ; fortify SP; Spread LV & regulate Qi
MU: LV; Mtg: LV, SP,
LV 14 Cycle Gate Yin Link Spread LV & regulate Qi; move bld & masses; harmonize LV, ST

Accumulation of Cold in Uterus (secondary) [Warm uterus, regulate chong & ren, remove cold]
LU 7 + KD 6 and/or SP 4 + PC 6: regulate/open Chong & Ren
Gate of Mu: SI; Mtg: Ren, SP, Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP, KD; regulate SI;
Ren 4 Origin LV, KD restore collapse
Ren 8 Gateway
umbilicus Warm {Yang, intestines; rescue collapse
san jiao jiu triangle Moxa Triangle Regulate Qi, help pain; stop diarrhea
Gate of Life
DU 4 (Mingmen) Clr heat; regulate DU; tonify KD; benefit lumbar
DU 3 Yang Gate Dispel W/D; help lumbar, legs; regulate LJ
Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water passage;
BL 23 KD Shu
urination; warm uterus; ears & eyes; strengthen spine
Retention of Damp Phlegm (secondary w/overweight) [Remove damp phlegm, regulate Chong & Ren]
LU 7 + KD 6 and/or SP 4 + PC 6: regulate/open Chong & Ren
Yin Mound
SP 9 Spring HS, water Regulate SP, damp; open/move water passage; benefit LJ
ST 40 bulge Luo xform Phlegm, damp; chest; clr LU, HT Ph; cough; wheezing, Shen

SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
Ren 9 Separation Regulate water passage; edema; harmonize intestines; dispel accumulation
Middle Mu: ST; Hui; Mtg:
Ren 12 Cavity Ren, SI, SJ, ST Harmonize MJ; descend rebellion; tonify {SP/ST; regulate Qi; help pain

Mu: PC, Hui, sea of

Ren 17 Chest Center Qi; Mtg: Ren, SP, KD, Regulate Qi, unbind chest; descend {LU, ST; benefit gathering Qi; breast/lactation
PC 6 Inner Pass Luo, Conf Chest; regulate {Qi, HT, ST; nausea; Clr heat; Open Yin Linking, Shen
Dysmenorrhea (tong jing)
Ren 6 Sea of Qi Foster original Qi; tonify {Qi, KD, Yang; rescue Yang; regulate {Qi, Bld
ST 29 Return Warms LJ; regulate menses, benefit genital area
Zi Gong Palace of the Child Raise & regulate {menses, Qi; help pain
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect Mtg: SP, LV, KD Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital; shen, bld
SP 9 Yin Mound Spring HS, water Regulate SP, damp; open/move water passage; benefit LJ
SP 8 Earth Pivot Xi Cleft Regulate menses, invigorate Bld; harmonize SP, resolve damp; moderate acute conditions
ST 25 Heaven's Pivot MU: LI Regulate {instestines, SP, ST; Damp; D/H; Regulate Qi & Bld; Eliminate Stag
SP 15 Great Horizontal Mtg: SP, Yin Link Move Qi & regulate intestines
LU 7 + KD 6 and/or SP 4 + PC 6: regulate/open Chong & Ren
Qi Stagnation & Bld Stasis [Promote Qi & Bld circulation; remove Bld Stasis, regulate Ren/Chong, help pain]
SP 10
BL 40 3 points for Blood Stasis
BL 17 Diaphragm Shu Hui: Bld
LI 4 Joining Valley Yuan, Com Wei Qi, sweating, wind, exterior, face, eyes, nose, activate Ch, pain, labor, restore Yang
LV 3 Great Rushing SS, earth; Yuan Spread LV Qi; subdue LV Yang, stop wind; nourish LV bld & Yin; Clr head & eyes; menses; regulate LJ
HS, earth; Hui: Help sinews, joints; activate Ch, help pain; spread LV Qi, benefit lateral costal region; Clr LV & GB D/H;
GB 34 Yang Mound Spring sinews Harmonize ShaoYang
MU: LV; Mtg: LV, SP,
LV 14 Cycle Gate Yin Link Spread LV & regulate Qi; move bld & masses; harmonize LV, ST

LU 7 + KD 6: Qi Stag SP 4 + PC 6: Bld Stag

Retention of Turbid Phlegm [Remove Damp Phlegm; regulate Chong & Ren]
LU 7 and/or SP 4: tonify Ren & Chong
ST 40 Abundant bulge Luo xform Phlegm, damp; chest; clr LU, HT Ph; cough; wheezing, Shen
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles HS & earth, Com Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive Yang; pain
PC 6 Inner Pass Luo, Conf Chest; regulate {Qi, HT, ST; nausea; Clr heat; Open Yin Linking, Shen
Mu: PC, Hui, sea of
Ren 17 Chest Center Qi; Mtg: Ren, SP, KD, Regulate Qi, unbind chest; descend {LU, ST; benefit gathering Qi; breast/lactation
Mu: ST; Hui; Mtg:
Ren 12 Middle Cavity
Ren, SI, SJ, ST Harmonize MJ; descend rebellion; tonify {SP/ST; regulate Qi; help pain

Ren 9 Water Separation Regulate water passage; edema; harmonize intestines; dispel accumulation
SJ 5 Outer Pass Luo, Conf Ext; wind; head & ears; open Yang Linking; Clr heat; activate Ch, pain
LU 7 + KD 6 and/or SP 4 + PC 6: regulate/open Chong & Ren
Accumulation of cold in uterus (int or ext cold) [Remove pathogenic cold; regulate chong & ren]
Mu: SI; Mtg: Ren, SP,
Ren 4 Gate of Origin
LV, KD Fortify original Qi; benefit {essence, BL, LJ, uterus, conception; tonify {SP, KD; regulate SI; restore collapse

Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water passage; urination; warm uterus;
BL 23 KD Shu
ears & eyes; strengthen spine
ST 28 Water Passage Regulate LJ; dispel stagnation; help BL & uterus
Baliao Hundred Taxations xform Phlegm, dissipate nodules; stop cough, calm dyspea
san jiao jiu triangle Moxa Triangle Regulate Qi, help pain; stop diarrhea
Wind Pool
GB 20 (Fengchi)
Mtg: GB, SJ, YM, YL Wind; head & eyes; clear sense organs; activate Ch, pain
Wind Gate
BL 12 (FengMen)
Mtg: BL & DU Ext; wind; Wei Qi; spread & descend LU Qi; helps nose
BL 13 LU Shu Tonify LU; nourish LU Yin; spread & descend LU Qi; clr LU heat; rel ext
LU 7 + KD 6 and/or SP 4 + PC 6: regulate/open Chong & Ren
Qi & Bld Deficiency [Nourish Blood; tonify Qi; alleviate pain; regulate chong & ren]

LV 8 Spring at the Crook HS, water Clr D/H from LJ; Genitals; Uterus; Move Bld; Nourish {Bld, Yin

BL 17 Diaphragm Shu Hui: Bld Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld heat; stop blding; Nourish Bld; Harmonize diaphragm; descend Qi
BL 18 LV Shu Spread LV Qi; regulate & nourish LV Bld; Wind; cool fire, Clr D/H; help eyes & sinews
BL 20 SP Shu Tonify {SP Qi, Yang; damp; raise SP Qi; hold Bld; regulate MJ
BL 21 ST Shu Regulate ST rebellious Qi; harmonize MJ
SP 10 Sea of Bld Move Bld, Stasis; Cool Bld; menses; skin
ST 36 Leg 3 Miles HS & earth, Com Harmonize ST; tonify {SP, Qi; nourish {Bld, Yin; damp; Clr fire; Shen; revive Yang; pain
SP 6 3 Yin Intersect Mtg: SP, LV, KD Tonify {Sp, ST, KD, LJ; damp; harmonize LV; menses, labor; urination, genital; shen, bld
LU 7 &/or SP 4
LV & KD Deficiency [Tonify KD & LV; regulate Chong & Ren; strengthen low back; regulate menses]
KD 3 Supreme Stream SS, Yuan, Earth Nourish KD Yin; Clr DEF heat; Tonify KD Yang; anchor Qi; help LU; strengthen spine

KD 8 Exchange Belief Xi Cleft: Yin Motility Uterine blding; irreg menses; a/dysmeno; swelling testicles; itching genitals; diarrhea; urination; lumbar; leg

LV 3 Great Rushing SS, earth; Yuan Spread LV Qi; subdue LV Yang, stop wind; nourish LV bld & Yin; Clr head & eyes; menses; regulate LJ

LV 8 Spring at the Crook HS, water Clr D/H from LJ; Genitals; Uterus; Move Bld; Nourish {Bld, Yin
Tonify KD; fortify Yang; benefit essence; nourish KD Yin; firm KD Qi, water passage; urination; warm uterus;
BL 23 KD Shu
ears & eyes; strengthen spine
BL 18 LV Shu Spread LV Qi; regulate & nourish LV Bld; Wind; cool fire, Clr D/H; help eyes & sinews
GB 39 Suspended Bell Hui: Marrow Essence; Sinews & bones; neck; W/D; GB fire; Ch & pain
LU 7 &/or SP 4

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