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Arch Rolls- Tennis Ball

Start Position - Standing with shoes off

Procedure - Place one foot on tennis ball. Roll arch back and forth over tennis ball
Coaching Keys - The more uncomfortable it is, the more that muscle needs to be massaged.
Hold on sore spots for an extended time to release them. Roll through different angles to cover
entire arch completely
You Should Feel - As if you were getting a deep massage

Backward Lunge
Start Position - Standing
Procedure - Step backward into lunge with left foot and contract left glute. Return to standing
position by pulling through with left hip flexor and immediately step into lunge with other leg.
Continue for prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Maintain posture throughout movement. Contract back glute during stretch. Do
not let front knee slide past foot. Do not let front foot touch ground as you step into next lunge
You Should Feel - Stretching the hip flexor of back leg and glute of front leg

Bench Press- Dumbbell

Start Position - Supine (face up) on a bench, holding a set of dummbells at the outside edges of
your shoulders, palms facing your thighs
Procedure - Press the dummbells up until the elbows are almost in a locked position. Lower
slowly and repeat for prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Keep your feet on the floor and your hips and shoulders on the bench at all
times. Keep stomach pulled in to stabilize your core
You Should Feel - Working your chest, shoulders, and arms

Bike or Treadmill

Crunch- Floor
Start Position - Lying face up on ground with knees bent and hands behind your head
supporting your neck
Procedure - Lift your chest to the sky until your shoulder blades are off the ground. Slowly return
to the starting position. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Do not pull on head with your hands. Feel each segment of your spine flexing
as you crunch
You Should Feel - Working your abdominals
Crunch- Physioball
Start Position - Lying face up, body arched over the ball with hands interlocked supporting your
Procedure - Drape body over ball, feeling mild stretch in abs. Curl trunk and pelvis together
while keeping the belly button pulled in. Return to start position and repeat for prescribed
number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Keep stomach tight and neck supported and relaxed
You Should Feel - Working your abdominals

Dead Bug- Legs

Start Position - Lying face up on ground with hands on stomach and hips and knees both flexed
to 90 degrees
Procedure - While keeping your stomach tight, slowly drop your right heel to the floor without
moving your spine. Repeat with the other side and continue for the prescribed number of
Coaching Keys - Do not allow any movement through your back during the exercise. For
increased difficulty level, straighten your legs more and more
You Should Feel - Working the muscles in your trunk

Dropstep Squat
Start Position - Standing
Procedure - Open left hip and put foot on ground roughly shoulder-width apart from other foot,
with toes and heels of both feet in a line. Squat down into a comfortable stretch and return to
standing position. Repeat for prescribed number of repetitions and switch sides
Coaching Keys - Keep chest up. Maintain weight on midfoot to heel of both legs. Do not let
knees slide over toes or collapse to the inside
You Should Feel - Stretching the inside of both thighs

Foam Roll- Adductor

Start Position - Face down on ground with one leg to the side and foam roll under the inside of
your other thigh
Procedure - Roll along the inside of your thigh from your pelvis to the inside of your knee
Coaching Keys - The more uncomfortable it is, the more that muscle needs to be massaged.
Hold on sore spots for an extended time to release them
You Should Feel - As if you were getting a massage

Foam Roll- Hamstring

Start Position - On ground with foam roll under the back of one thigh with other leg crossed
Procedure - Roll over the foam, moving it up and down the length of the back of your thigh
Coaching Keys - If it is too sensitive, uncross legs and roll both hamstrings at once. The more
uncomfortable it is, the more that muscle needs to be massaged. Hold on sore spots for an
extended time to release them
You Should Feel - As if you were getting a massage
Foam Roll- Lat
Start Position - On ground, lying on your side, with foam roll under your armpit
Procedure - Roll from the side of the lower back up to your armpit
Coaching Keys - The more uncomfortable it is, themore that muscle needs to be massaged.
Hold on sore spots for an extended time to release them
You Should Feel - As if you were getting a massage

Foam Roll- Low Back

Start Position - On ground, face up, with foam roll under your upper back. Support head with
Procedure - Roll from the middle of your back down to the base of your spine and repeat
Coaching Keys - The more uncomfortable it is, the more that muscle needs to be massaged.
Hold on sore spots for an extended time to release them
You Should Feel - As if you were getting a massage

Foam Roll- Pec

Start Position - Face down on ground with foam roll under one side of your chest
Procedure - Roll over one side of your upper chest from sternum to shoulder
Coaching Keys - The more uncomfortable it is, the more that muscle needs to be massaged.
Hold on sore spots for an extended time to release them
You Should Feel - As if you were getting a massage

Foam Roll- Quadriceps/Hip Flexor

Start Position - Face down on ground with foam roll under the front of your thigh
Procedure - Roll the quad from your hip to just above your knee
Coaching Keys -
You Should Feel - As if you were getting a massage

Foam Roll- Upper Back

Start Position - On ground, face up, with foam roll under your mid-back. Head supported with
your hands
Procedure - Roll from your shoulders down to the middle of your back and repeat
Coaching Keys - The more uncomfortable it is, the more that muscle needs to be massaged.
Hold on sore spots for an extended time to release them. Hold your hands behind your head
with your elbows pointed to the sky
You Should Feel - As if you were getting a massage
Glute Bridge
Start Position - Lying face up on ground with arms to side, knees bent, and heels on ground
Procedure - Lift hips off the ground until knees, hips, and shoulders are in a straight line. Hold
2-3 seconds, return to start position and repeat for prescibed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Do not let back hyperextend
You Should Feel - Working mainly your glutes and secondarily your hamstrings and low back

Glute Bridge- 1 Leg

Start Position - On the floor, face up, right knee bent to 90 degrees with heel on ground, left leg
held to chest
Procedure - Fire your right glute to bridge hips to sky so weight is supported only by the right
heel and shoulders. Hold, and return to start position. Repeat for prescribed number of
repetitions and switch legs
Coaching Keys - Pull toes to shins. Initiate movement with glutes. Keep hips level with the floor.
Push tailbone away from top of head
You Should Feel - Working your glutes, hamstrings and low back

Hand Walk
Start Position - Standing
Procedure - Bend over at waist and walk hands out into a pushup position. Keeping knees
straight, walk toes toward hands. When stretch is felt, walk hands back out and repeat for
prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Keep knees straight. Walk hands out farther beyond your head for increased
difficulty. Keep stomach tight
You Should Feel - Stretching the hamstrings. Working the shoulders and torso

Hip Abduction- Quadruped

Start Position - On your hands and knees with bellybutton drawn in and shoulders pushed away
from floor
Procedure - Keeping your knee bent, lift your right leg to the side and slightly back. Return to
start position and repeat for prescribed number of repetitions. Repeat on the opposite side
Coaching Keys - Do not allow any movement through the trunk as leg moves. Lift leg slightly
back as it lifts to the side
You Should Feel - Working your glutes

Hip Adduction- Sidelying

Start Position - Lying on your side with head resting on bottom arm, bottom leg straight, and top
leg bent with the foot on the ground in front of the bottom knee
Procedure - Lift your bottom leg skyward keeping your toes pointed straight ahead. Return to
start position and repeat for prescribed number of repetitions. Switch legs and repeat
Coaching Keys - Keep bellybutton drawn in. Lift leg with the inside of your hip. Toes should stay
parallel to the ground
You Should Feel - Working the groin of the bottom leg
Hip Crossover- Feet Down
Start Position - Lying face up on ground with arms to the side, knees bent, and feet flat
Procedure - Let knees fall to left. Reverse to right. Continue for prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Keep shoulders on ground. Keep knees together. Keep stomach tight. Do not
let knees touch ground
You Should Feel - Stretching and working the torso

Inverted Hamstring
Start Position - Standing on one leg with arms raised to 90 degrees and shoulder blades
pinched together
Procedure - Bend over at waist and kick opposite heel to sky. When stretch is felt, stand and
step back with other foot and repeat for prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Keep back flat. Maintain straight line from ear through hip, knee and ankle. Try
to not let foot touch ground between repetitions
You Should Feel - Stretching the hamstrings, and challenging your balance

Knee Hug
Start Position - Standing
Procedure - Lift right knee to chest and grab below knee with hands. Pull right knee to chest
while contracting left glute. Step forward and repeat to other side. Continue for prescribed
number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Keep chest up. Contract glute of the leg you are standing on
You Should Feel - Stretching the glute and hamstring of front leg and hip flexor of back leg

Knee Hug Lunge Elbow to Instep

Start Position - Standing
Procedure - Lift right knee to chest and grab below knee with hands. Pull knee to chest while
contracting left glute. Step forward into lunge. Place left hand on the ground and right elbow to
the inside of the right foot, and hold stretch for two seconds. Place right hand outside of foot and
push hips to sky and hold for two seconds. Drop hips, lift chest, and step into next stretch.
Continue for prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Keep chest up. Contract glute of leg you are standing on. Keep back knee off
ground. Contract back glute during lunge
You Should Feel - Stretching the glute and hamstring of front leg and hip flexor in back leg.
Stretching both groins, back leg hip flexor, front leg glute and hamstring

Lateral Squat
Start Position - Standing with very wide stance
Procedure - Shift your weight and squat through your left hip while keeping your right leg
straight. Hold stretch for two seconds and return to standing position. Switch sides and repeat
for prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Keep knee on squatting side behind toes. Keep weight on midfoot to heel.
Keep chest up and back flat
You Should Feel - Stretching the groin
Leg Cradle
Start Position - Standing
Procedure - Lift right knee to chest and place the right hand under the knee, and left hand under
ankle. Pull right leg to chest into a gentle stretch while contracting left glute. Step forward with
right foot. Alternate feet and repeat for prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Keep chest up. Contract glute of the leg you are standing on
You Should Feel - Stretching outside of hip in front leg and hip flexor in back leg

Pec Stretch- Physioball

Start Position - Kneeling beside a physioball, bent at the hips with one bent elbow on top of the
Procedure - Drop your chest slightly to the ground until a gentle stretch is felt in the chest.
Exhale and hold the stretch for 2 seconds. Relax and repeat
Coaching Keys - Keep your chest parallel to the ground. Keep elbow bent. Feel the stretch in
your chest and not in your shoulder
You Should Feel - Stretching in the chest

Quadriceps/Hip Flexor Stretch- Kneeling

Start Position - Linear half kneeling (one knee on ground) with back knee on soft mat or pad
Procedure - While keeping a slight forward lean of the torso, tighten the core and contract
(tighten) the glute of the leg with the knee on the ground. Maintaining this posture, shift the
entire body slightly forward. Exhale and hold the stretch for two seconds. Relax and repeat
Coaching Keys - Avoid excessive arching in your low back
You Should Feel - Stretching in the front of hip and upper thigh

Quadruped Posterior Rocking

Start Position - On hands and knees with hands under shoulders and knees under hips
Procedure - Pull your belly button into your spine while maintaining a natural curve in your lower
back. Move hips backward until you start feeling your pelvis rotating. Return to start position and
repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Draw your belly button in without losing the curve in your lower back or feeling
your rib cage expanding. You should be able to breathe normally. Try to hold your pelvis still
thorughout range of motion
You Should Feel - Working your low back and mobilizing your hips

Reach, Roll- Physioball

Start Position - Kneeling behind a physioball with your arms extended and back of your hands
on the ball
Procedure - Roll the ball forward and your hips backward as your chest drops toward the floor.
Lift and exhale as you hold the stretch for two seconds
Coaching Keys - Keep your hips back as you roll the ball forward. Attempt to lift your hands off
the ball as you exhale, but keep your hands in contact with the ball.
You Should Feel - Stretching in the upper back and shoulders
Rope Stretch- IT Band/Glute
Start Position - On back with rope wrapped around foot
Procedure - Wrap rope around outside of low leg. Actively lift leg across body as far as possible
and then give gentle assistance with rope until stretch is felt. Exhale and hold for two seconds,
relax, and repeat
Coaching Keys - Keep opposite leg on ground by pushing heel as far away from head as
possible, contracting the glute. Pull rope with opposite hand as leg being stretched. Keep toes
pointed to sky. Keep back in line and shoulders on ground
You Should Feel - Stretching the outside of the thigh

Rope Stretch- Shoulder/Tricep

Start Position - Standing, holding rope with the right hand over and the left hand under
Procedure - Actively reach right hand down back and give gentle assistance with left hand,
exhaling and holding stretch for two seconds. Actively reach left hand up back as high as
possible and give gentle assistance with right hand, exhaling and holding stretch for two
seconds. Repeat for prescribed number of repetitions, then switch hands and repeat
Coaching Keys - Actively move through range of motion with arm being stretched. Exhale during
stretch. Maintain perfect posture with stomach tightened
You Should Feel - Stretching the tricep of the top arm. Stretching the shoulder of the bottom

Rope Stretch- Straight Leg Hamstring

Start Position - On back with right leg straight and rope wrapped around foot
Procedure - Actively lift right leg as far as possible, then give gentle assistance with rope until
stretch is felt, holding two seconds and relaxing. Repeat
Coaching Keys - Keep opposite leg on ground by pushing heel as far away from head as
possible, contracting the glute. Pull rope above head
You Should Feel - Stretching in the hamstring of the bent leg. Stretching in the hip flexor of the
bottom leg

Rotational Fall Out

Start Position - Lying face up on ground with knees bent, heels touching the ground, and your
toes lifted up
Procedure - Keeping belly button pulled into spine right leg stationary, let the left leg slowly fall
to the side toward the ground. Let it fall only as far as you can keep your pelvis from moving and
then return to start position. Alternate sides and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Pushing against the floor in order to help you stabilize. Do not let your pelvis
move thorughout exercise
You Should Feel - Working your abs and stretching your groin

Row- 1 Arm/1 Leg Contralateral Dumbbell

Start Position - Standing on right leg, hinged over at the waist, holding a dumbbell with the left
hand and a stable waist high surface with the right. Left leg is lifted to form a "T" with your body
Procedure - Slide the left shoulder blade toward your spine and then lift the weight to your body
by driving your elbow to the ceiling. Return to the start position and repeat for prescribed
number of repetitions. Switch sides and repeat
Coaching Keys -
You Should Feel - Working your upper back, shoulders, and hips
Squat- Front- Dumbbell
Start Position - Standing holding dumbbells on shoulders with elbows up
Procedure - Initiating movement with hips, squat back and down until the thighs are parallel to
the floor. Return to standing position by pushing through the hips. Repeat for prescribed number
of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Do not let knees slide forward past toes during movement. Do not let knees
collapse to the inside during the movement. Keep chest up and back flat
You Should Feel - Working the glutes, hamstrings, and quads

Walking Quadriceps Stretch- Opposite

Start Position - Standing
Procedure - Grab right ankle with the left hand and pull heel to glute as the left hip and ankle
extend. Step forward with right foot and repeat stretch on other side. Continue for prescribed
number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Keep knee pointed to ground. Keep glute contracted during stretch. Do not
hyperextend low back
You Should Feel - Stretching the quadriceps

Walking Quadriceps Stretch- Same

Start Position - Standing
Procedure - Grab right ankle with the right hand and pull heel to glute as the left hip and ankle
extend. Step forward with right foot and repeat stretch on other side. Continue for prescribed
number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Keep knee pointed to ground. Keep glute contracted during stretch. Do not
hyperextend low back
You Should Feel - Stretching the quadriceps

Y, T, W, L- Physioball
Start Position - Lying face down prone over the top of the ball so that your back is flat and your
chest is off the ball
Procedure - Y: Glide your shoulder blades back and down and then raise your arms over your
head to form a "Y". Return to start position and repeat for prescribed number of repetitions. T:
Glide your shoulder blades back and down and then raise your arms to the side to form a "T".
Return to start position and repeat for prescribed number of repetitions. W: Bend your elbows to
90 degrees. Glide your shoulder blades back and down and then lift your arms to the side to
form a "W". Return to start position and repeat for prescribed number of repetitions. L: Glide
your shoulder blades back and down, lift elbows to the ceiling as they bend to 90 degrees, and
rotate hands to the ceiling. Reverse the steps back to the start position and repeat for
prescribed number of repetitions
Coaching Keys - Initiate movement with the shoulder blades, not the arms. On the Y, T, and W,
keep the thumbs up

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