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March 26:

 Intro to Excel
o Sample Spreadsheet #1: Demonstrate how you can do quick exploratory data
o Sample Spreadsheet #2: Demonstrate how you can make simple analytics,
trendlines, book keeping, etc.,
o Get to know each other—what are you interested in learning?
 Are there any learning styles students prefer or want me to be aware of
 Data structures
o Strings, currency, Boolean, date, integer, double
 Direct/indirect cell access
 Formatting/naming cells
 Simple spreadsheet calculations
o Exploratory analysis: average, sum, max
o String: left, find
 Importing/exporting data
o Csv
o Delimiters: tab, space, pipe

March 28:
 Recap what we learned last time
 Tabs
o Making references between worksheets
 Sorting Data
o Strings
o Int, Float
o Filters
 Common Functions
o Abs, sqrt, exp, log, multiply
 Formulas
o Simple linear profit prediction
o Simple interest calculation
o Generate a simple normal distribution (if they know what it is)
o Match up your formula with built-in excel function (check your work)

March 30: Graphing in Excel

o Simple Charts
o Bar chart, scatter plot, pie chart
o More advanced charts
o 3d plots
o Stacked plots, bubble charts
o Line of best fit/trendline
o Changing formats
o Changing axis
o Changing title
o Changing color scheme

April 2: Matlab Intro

o Starting it up
o Entering commands
o Simple hello world script
o Command prompt/line
o Execute a script from command line?
o Simple calculations
o Initialize an array, a matrix
o Do one matrix multiplication, just to see how easy it is
o Using linspace
o Common functions
o Workspace
o How to clear variables
o How to clear figure
o How to clear command prompt
o How to check value of global variable

April 4: Matlab intro

o Matlab data
o .mat format
o running a script to generate data
o You can inspect what’s inside your variables
o arrays and vectors
o Graph a few 2d vectors
o Try to visualize vector addition/multiplication
o Whatever you can represent as an array is a vector
o Indexing/addressing/ Extracting subarrays
o Starts at 1
o Referencing sections of arrays
o Picking out rows/columns from matrix
o Array shape and matrix math
o Check length, size
o Componentwise calculations vs. matrix math
o Transpose
o Sorting/searching
o Implement a simple linear search by hand
o Check max, min, index of max/min
o Importing/exporting data
o Saving your own .mat file
o Reopening it
o You can also read in .csv files—but perhaps that will just be a comment

April 6: Viewing Data

o Import/export
o Review/continuation of last time
o Text and strings
o Print a simple string
o Print out nth word/letter
o Find index of a letter
o Simple graphs
o Plot an array
o Plot two arrays
o Adding/modifying labels
o Legends
o Title
o Axis
o Color
o size
o more complex graphs
o a 3d plot- surf
o images
o videos

April 9: M-Files
o Simple Control Loops
o Passing Parameters
o Global vs. local parameters
o Why would you want either
o Why you want to be careful
o Counter variable
o Temp variable
o For Loop
o We already saw this in linear search
o While Loop
o Try to rewrite some for loops as while loops
o Try to rewrite a search as a while loop
o If-else
o Case/switch statements

April 11: Multiple File Programs

o Building a Complex Program
o Writing a simple in-line function
o Writing a function class
o Calling the function class from outside
o Start thinking about small project ideas

Aprill 13: Some Math

o Polynomials/Curve Fitting
o Graphing polynomials
o Polynomial interpolation
o Simple Stats
o Mean, average, median, standard deviation, variance
o Generating from a normal distribution?

April 16: Numerical Analysis

o Differentiation
o Integration
o Visually we can do the exercise of fitting rectangles
o Finding Zeros and peaks
o Symbolic toolbox

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