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Donald 5. Tromp ‘statement Of Finanelad Comdltfon Jope30,2004 3660a (CONFIDENTIAL ‘r000051479 i Weverue Weiser ; a a” aaa Basen tr ORCA Fe seams ACCOUNTANTS! COMPILATION REPORT ‘ToDomldJ. Trump: + ‘We have commited the sccompanying slaeatent of financisl condition of Donald J. Tramp 8 of ‘June 30, 2004 in accordance wth Statements on Standards for Accounting end Review Services ismued by the Anmeioan Insitute of Certified Public Azconctants ‘A compilation is Viited to pretroting inthe form of nancll statements information ttf the representation ofthe indivdual whose financial staleucets re prested. We hive not walled ‘or reviewed the eccompanying statement offical condition nd, accordingly, do not express sx opinion or eny other form of assurance on it. However, we did become aware of cetain epartares fiom generally socepted necounting piaciples thet are described in the following, parents, Generally sccepted accounting princptes require that In onder to reflect amounts to be received fn the fbture at estimated coment values the rights must be conforfetable, fixod and

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