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Produced Water
Treatment and Beneficial
Use Screening Tool

24 December 2010

Prepared for
Research Partnership to
Secure Energy for America

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess i

Opportunities for Produced Water
Table of Contents

List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ iii  

List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... iii  

Disclaimer I  

Acknowledgements............................................................................................ II  

Section 1:   Screening Tool..............................................................................1-1  

1.1   Screening Tool Overview....................................................................... 1-1  
1.1.1   Objective of Screening Tool..................................................... 1-1  
1.1.2   Study Area ............................................................................... 1-1  
1.1.3   Technical/Software Requirements........................................... 1-2  
1.1.4   Disclaimer ................................................................................ 1-2  
1.2   Screening Tool Modules ........................................................................ 1-2  
1.2.1   Water Quality Module (WQM).................................................. 1-3  
1.2.2   Treatment Selection Module (TSM)......................................... 1-3  
1.2.3   Beneficial Use Screening Module (BSM)................................. 1-3  
1.2.4   Beneficial Use Economic Module (BEM) ................................. 1-3  

Section 2:   Water Quality Module ...................................................................2-1  

2.1   Introduction ............................................................................................ 2-1  
2.1.1   Purpose of WQM ..................................................................... 2-1  
2.1.2   Description of WQM................................................................. 2-1  
2.1.3   Water Quality Glossary............................................................ 2-2  
2.1.4   Module Flowchart .................................................................... 2-3  
2.2   Inputs ..................................................................................................... 2-4  
2.3   Water Quality Selection, Validation, and Calculations........................... 2-8  
2.4   Outputs ................................................................................................ 2-11  
2.5   Nexus with other Modules ................................................................... 2-13  
2.5.1   Treatment Selection Module.................................................. 2-13  
2.5.2   Beneficial Use Screening Module.......................................... 2-13  
2.5.3   Beneficial Use Economic Module .......................................... 2-13  

Section 3:   Treatment Selection Module........................................................3-1  

3.1   Introduction ............................................................................................ 3-1  
3.1.1   Purpose of TSM....................................................................... 3-1  
3.1.2   Description of TSM .................................................................. 3-1  
3.1.3   Module Flowchart .................................................................... 3-3  
3.2   Input....................................................................................................... 3-4  
3.3   Treatment Technology Selection and Optimization ............................... 3-4  
3.4   Output .................................................................................................... 3-5  
3.5   Nexus with other Modules ..................................................................... 3-5  
3.5.1   Water Quality Module .............................................................. 3-5  

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water i

Table of Contents (cont’d)

3.5.2   Beneficial Use Screening Module............................................ 3-5  

3.5.3   Beneficial Use Economic Module ............................................ 3-5  

Section 4:   Beneficial Use Screening Module ................................................4-1  

4.1   Introduction ............................................................................................ 4-1  
4.1.1   Purpose of BSM....................................................................... 4-1  
4.1.2   Description of BSM .................................................................. 4-1  
4.1.3   Module Flowchart .................................................................... 4-2  
4.2   Input....................................................................................................... 4-3  
4.3   Beneficial Use Screening Evaluation..................................................... 4-3  
4.4   Output .................................................................................................... 4-4  
4.5   Nexus with other Modules ..................................................................... 4-5  
4.5.1   Water Quality Module (WQM).................................................. 4-5  
4.5.2   Treatment Selection Module (TSM)......................................... 4-5  
4.5.3   Beneficial Use Economic Module (BEM) ................................. 4-5  

Section 5:   Beneficial Use Economic Module ................................................5-1  

5.1   Introduction ............................................................................................ 5-1  
5.1.1   Purpose of BEM....................................................................... 5-1  
5.1.2   Description of BEM .................................................................. 5-1  
5.1.3   Module Flowchart .................................................................... 5-2  
5.2   Input....................................................................................................... 5-2  
5.3   Beneficial Use Economic Evaluation ..................................................... 5-4  
5.3.1   Cost Template ......................................................................... 5-4  
5.3.2   Cost Summary ......................................................................... 5-5  
5.3.3   Compare Uses......................................................................... 5-6  
5.4   Output .................................................................................................... 5-6  
5.5   Nexus with other Modules ..................................................................... 5-6  
5.5.1   Water Quality Module .............................................................. 5-6  
5.5.2   Treatment Selection Module.................................................... 5-6  
5.5.3   Beneficial Use Screening Module............................................ 5-6  

Section 6:   References....................................................................................6-1  

Section 7:   Glossary ........................................................................................7-1  

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water ii

Table of Contents (cont'd)

List of Tables

Table 3-1   Water Quality Module Constituent List ................................................................... 2-1  

Table 3-2   Description of WQM Inputs..................................................................................... 2-5  
Table 3-3   WQM Database Query Results from User Inputs................................................... 2-9  
Table 3-4   WQM Output Results and Manipulations.............................................................. 2-12  
Table 4-1   Overview of TSM Worksheets ................................................................................ 3-1  
Table 4-2   Description of TSM Inputs ...................................................................................... 3-4  
Table 4-3   Description of TSM Outputs.................................................................................... 3-6  
Table 5-1   Overview of BSM Worksheets ................................................................................ 4-1  
Table 5-2   Description of BSM Input ........................................................................................ 4-3  
Table 6-1   Overview of BSM Worksheets ................................................................................ 5-1  
Table 6-2   Description of BSM Input ........................................................................................ 5-2  

List of Figures

Figure 2-1   Rocky Mountain Region Major CBM Basins.......................................................... 1-2  

Figure 2-2   Screening Tool Flowchart...................................................................................... 1-3  
Figure 3-1   Stepwise Guide to the Water Quality Module........................................................ 2-2  
Figure 3-2   WQM Flowchart..................................................................................................... 2-4  
Figure 3-3   WQM Step 1: Required User Inputs Guide ........................................................... 2-7  
Figure 3-4   WQM Step 2: Optional User Inputs Guide (Part 1)................................................ 2-8  
Figure 3-5   WQM Step 2: Optional User Inputs Guide (Part 2).............................................. 2-10  
Figure 3-6   WQM Step 3: Final Output Guide........................................................................ 2-12  
Figure 4-1   TSM Flowchart ...................................................................................................... 3-3  
Figure 5-1   BSM Flowchart ...................................................................................................... 4-2  
Figure 6-1   BEM Flowchart ...................................................................................................... 5-2  

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water iii
The outputs and results obtained from this Integrated Decision Framework are meant for project
screening purposes only as relevant information gathered for these modules are based on
limited projects and best engineering judgment. Actual projects will contain details not captured
in this analysis that may affect the treatment of produced water, regulatory compliance, project
feasibility, and overall cost of the project.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water

The research team would like to thank Katharine Dahm, Xanthe Mayer, Jean Debroux, and
Dawn Taffler for their efforts in preparing this manual.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water

Section 1: Screening Tool

1.1 Screening Tool Overview

1.1.1 Objective of Screening Tool

The objective of the Screening Tool is to facilitate the evaluation of options for beneficial use of
produced water by assessing opportunities for the treatment and management of produced
Selection of processes for water treatment is a complex task and has to consider many
parameters that might change over time, including changes in water quality and quantity and
economics. Specifically, treatment of produced water is challenging for technical, geographical,
and economic reasons. Produced water quality is widely variable, and water may contain
contaminants from diverse groups (e.g., dissolved organic and inorganic matter, suspended
solids, oil and grease, and dissolved gasses), all of which may interfere with and compromise
different water treatment processes.
The management of produced water is equally challenging. Produced water is often generated
in remote or isolated gas fields that can at times be inaccessible. This makes it difficult to obtain
the necessary energy, supplies (e.g., chemicals, spare parts), and maintenance for treatment
systems. It also complicates the transfer and beneficial use of the treated produced water.
Above all, the economic implications of the technical, geographic, and environmental restrictions
may define the viability of gas-field development.
The Screening Tool may assist professionals and stakeholders in learning and understanding:
• the geographical distribution of quantity and quality of CBM produced water;
• the processes and technologies that are already in use in treatment of CBM produced
• new technologies that can potentially be implemented for treatment of produced water;
• elements included in the cost of treating and using treated CBM produced water.

1.1.2 Study Area

The study area covers five CBM basins in the Rocky Mountain region (Figure 1-1), including:
• Powder River Basin in Montana and Wyoming
• Raton Basin in Colorado and New Mexico
• San Juan Basin in Colorado and New Mexico

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Figure 1-1 Rocky Mountain Region Major CBM Basins

1.1.3 Technical/Software Requirements

The Screening Tool is a macro-enabled Excel workbook. Before downloading the file, please
make sure you have Microsoft Excel 2007 or above software installed on your computer. This
file was developed and tested on Windows platform, and Macintosh users may experience
difficulties working with the program.

1.1.4 Disclaimer
The outputs and results obtained from this integrated decision framework are meant for project
screening purposes only as relevant information gathered for these modules are based on
limited projects and best engineering judgment. Actual projects will contain details not captured
in this analysis that may affect the treatment of produced water, regulatory compliance, project
feasibility, and overall cost of the project.

1.2 Screening Tool Modules

The Screening Tool contains four modules (Figure 1-2): Water Quality Module (WQM),
Treatment Selection Module (TSM), Beneficial Use Screening Module (BSM), and Beneficial
Use Economic Module (BEM). Each model builds off of information input into the previous
module(s) and together the Screening Tool builds a complete picture of utilization of CBM
produced water for beneficial use.

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Figure 1-2 Screening Tool Flowchart

1.2.1 Water Quality Module (WQM)

The WQM provides comprehensive produced water quality data for CBM production wells. The
module either outputs predicted water quality data for a given location or confirms user input
water quality data.

1.2.2 Treatment Selection Module (TSM)

The TSM is designed to suggest treatment trains capable of treating CBM produced water to a
quality suitable for a given beneficial use. The TSM generates a report detailing the suggested
treatment trains and associated costs and details.

1.2.3 Beneficial Use Screening Module (BSM)

The BSM identifies key issues regarding the feasibility of potential beneficial use projects,
including an assessment of the estimated potential value of the produced water and other non-
economic benefits. Based on user input, the module screens potential beneficial uses and ranks
them qualitatively, indicating those beneficial uses that may be most feasible to guide the user
on which uses to focus on for additional assessment.

1.2.4 Beneficial Use Economic Module (BEM)

The BEM provides an planning-level estimate of capital and O&M costs for potential beneficial
use projects that is intended to be used for comparative purposes to assess the relative
feasibility of different beneficial uses based on the water quality input, treatment technology
selection tool output, and other Screening Tool assumptions.

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Section 2: Water Quality Module

2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 Purpose of WQM

The purpose of the Water Quality Module is to provide an estimate of water quality constituent
concentrations for coalbed methane produced water to design treatment processes to meet
requirements for beneficial use. Treatment systems are proposed for beneficial use applications
from the estimated parameter concentration data. This module is the first in the four-sequential
module outline.

2.1.2 Description of WQM

T he Water Quality Module provides comprehensive produced water quality data for coalbed
methane production wells through a composite geochemical database imbedded in the module.
The database is comprised of wellhead data from coalbed methane wells across the Rocky
Mountain region. Data sources include public records, private historical data from producers,
and over 100 sampled well points across major basins. Data are currently available for three
major producing basins in the Rocky Mountain Region, including the Powder River, Raton, and
San Juan basins (Figure 2-1).
To predict the water quality of wells based on location, the module database is subcategorized
by state, producing basin and coal formation. The module can operate with or without user
information on water quality. The user designates the pathway the module takes in providing an
estimation of constituent concentrations. Using predefined subcategories the module uses the
database query to provide estimated water quality constituent concentrations. These
concentrations can be reported in a variety of statistical specifications. For instance, the user
can designate whether average constituent values or more conservative 95th percentile values
are provided from the database. The data provided estimates concentrations for the
constituents listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Water Quality Module Constituent List

 Aluminum  Fluoride  Silica (SiO2)
 Alkalinity as CaCO3  Iron  Silver
 Arsenic  Lead  Sodium
 Barium  Lithium  Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR)
 Benzene  Magnesium  Strontium
 Bicarbonate  Manganese  Sulfate
 Boron  Nickel  Temperature
 Bromide  Oil and Grease  Toluene
 Calcium  pH  Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
 Carbonate  Phosphate  Total Nitrogen (as N)
 Chloride  Potassium  Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
 Chromium, total  Radioactivity, Gross Alpha  Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
 Conductivity  Radioactivity, Gross Beta  Uranium
 Copper  Radium-226 + 228  Xylenes (total)
 Cyanide, free  Radon 222  Zinc
 Ethylbenzene  Selenium

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The constituent list does not include beryllium, antimony, titanium, tin, molybdenum, cadmium,
cobalt, and vanadium. These constituents were not detected in sampled wells or concentrations
were not available in public and private producer records to validate field samples. The
concentrations and occurrence of these constituents varies depending on the location (state),
basin, and coal formation from which the water originates. To reduce the differences between
the module outputs and observed site variations in water quality, the user inputs should be as
specific as possible with regards to the region of production.
The user may also utilize observed water quality data in the module. The user can select the
pathway to enter water quality by wellhead. Wellhead water quality data can be entered to the
extent of the user availability. The module will suggest concentration values for constituents not
included by the user. The module is equipped with the ability to blend wells. Multiple wells can
be entered simultaneously, while the user can then select specific wells to combine. The module
provides a comparison of the expected database water quality with the user provided data. The
user then has the option to designate whether to adapt the user entered data or the WQM
values as an output. The output of this module includes the complete constituent list, an
adjusted ion balance, and the user input or blended well water quantity flow data. These outputs
are used in the following modules as inputs. The module is step up in an easy to follow format
with three primary steps. First the user enters the required project information, then has the
option to enter additional information to compare user water quality data to the module
database, and finally generates the water quality output. The stepwise guide based on the
WQM tabs is displayed as Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Stepwise Guide to the Water Quality Module

2.1.3 Water Quality Glossary

Average Water Flow Rate: The average water flow rate is the water quantity over time expected
to occur on average from all the wells contributing to the project.
Basin: Basins refer to geologic hydrocarbon basins producing coalbed methane. Basins
available in the module include the Powder River, Raton, and San Juan Basins.
Design Percentile: The design percentile refers to the statistical percentile (average, 50th, 75th,
or 95th) where values in the database are selected from. The statistical percentile is an indicator
below which a certain percentage of observations occur (i.e., the 75th percentile value is the
concentration where 75% of the database concentrations are lower).

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Peak Water Flow Rate: The peak water flow rate is the maximum water quantity over time
expected to occur from all the wells contributing to the project.
Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR): Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) is a measure of sodicity. It is
used as a descriptive parameter to assess the suitability of water for use for irrigation.
State: State in the United States where coalbed methane operations occur. States currently
available in the module include Colorado and Wyoming.
Target Formation: The target formation is the geologic coal formation from which water and gas
are produced. Target formations are listed for each basin in the dropdown menu.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is the amount of dissolved inorganic
and organic constituents in water. TDS is also referred to as salinity. In this module TDS is
calculated based on the summation of ions present in the water, however, TDS can also be
estimated based on the electrical conductivity of a water sample.
Water Flow Rate Units: There are three water flow rate unit options available, Acre-feet/year
(AFY), Barrels/day (Bbl/day), or Million gallons per day (MGD), for selection. The water flow rate
units dictate the units in which the average and peak flow rates are entered.
Well Number or Identification: The well number or identification refers to a unique identifier
formulated for each well entered into the Well Data template. This identifier can be an API
number, a well name, or any combination of characters that are unique to other wells entered.
WQM Database: The WQM database is a composite geochemical database of 47 constituents
and parameters present in coalbed methane produced water. The database is comprised of
water quality entries from more than 3,000 wellheads obtained from public records, private
producer data, and field sampling.

2.1.4 Module Flowchart

The water quality module works between four interactive tabs outside the WQM main menu.
The first module tab, “Project Information” includes the only required user inputs in the module.
The user then has a choice to enter water quality data or proceed to output without entering
additional data. If the user chooses to input additional information the module moves to the
“Well Data” module tab, where the complete constituent list is available as a template for user
inputs. The user then proceeds to the “Compare Well Data” tab where entered wells are
blended to form a single output water quality, water quality information is compared to the
database by constituent and the user decides on the data source, WQM or User Data, which will
provide values for the “Output” tab. If the user proceeds directly to the “Output” tab the data
report will consist solely of the WQM database estimates. The project information, water quality
values and flow rate information appear on the “Output” tab where water quality values can be
edited for a final time before proceeding to the TSM. A flowchart of the WQM is illustrated in
Figure 2-2.

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Figure 2-2 WQM Flowchart

2.2 Inputs
The module input tabs are the first interactive tabs the user should visit from the WQM start
page. The input tabs include “Project Information” and “Well Data”. The Project Information tab
contains the required user inputs, while the Well Data tab is optional. Table 2-2 outlines the
required and optional user inputs for the WQM.

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Table 2-2 Description of WQM Inputs
Input Unit(s) Description
Required User Inputs
State N/a User selects project location by state from drop down menu. If the state of operation
is not available select other.
Basin N/a User selects project location by CBM producing basin from drop down menu. If the
basin of interest is not available select other. Available basins include:
Powder River
San Juan
Target N/a User selects target geologic coal formation. Target formations are listed for each
Formation basin in the dropdown menu. If the formation is not listed or the well is completed in
multiple formations select other or all formations.
Design N/a User selects the design percentile from the drop down menu. The design percentile
Percentile designates the statistical category the module will draw water quality data from. The
more conservative the data the more conservative the treatment process design. The
percentiles include:
50th percentile
75th percentile
95th percentile (most conservative values)
Water Flow N/a User selects the water flow rate units to use for entering water quantity information
Rate Units from the drop down menu. A variety of units are provided to facilitate straightforward
data entry. The flow rate units include AFY, Bbl/day and MGD.
Average Water AFY, User enters an estimate of the average water flow rate that is likely to be produced
Flow Rate Bbl/day or as a result of contributions from all the wells in the project design.
Peak Water AFY, User enters an estimate of the peak water flow rate that is likely to occur as a result
Flow Rate Bbl/day or of contributions from all the wells in the project design.
Optional User Inputs
Well Number or N/a The well number or identification refers to a unique identifier formulated for each well
Identification entered into the Well Data template.
Water Quality Vary Water quality constituent concentrations are entered as numerical values into the
Constituent Well Data tab as available by the user. This template does not require the entry of all
Concentrations constituent concentrations. Note the units of entries on the left column following the
constituent name.
Select Wells to N/a Well identifiers are listed in the Compare Well Data tab and the user selects whether
Blend to include the well in the blending tool by selecting yes or no. The user water quality
values change in real time as wells are included or removed from the blending tool.
WQM Value N/a The water quality data queried from the water quality module database is utilized as
the output water quality value for the module.
User Input N/a The water quality data calculated from the user well data inputs is utilized as the
output water quality value for the module.

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Step 1: Project Information or the required module inputs are available mostly as dropdown
menus. The module is amenable to a broad range of user inputs. Users with information
limitations in the form of locations or basins of interest may select prepared basins and locations
from dropdown menus or select “other” from all dropdown location entries to access the
complete database without specific water quality location classifications. The required user
inputs from the Project Information tab include general location information such as the basin,
the state, target coal formation, the design percentile to control the conservativeness of
constituent estimation, and general water flow rate information including units, average and
peak flow rates expected for the project. These entries are carried through the module and
dictate items such as the treatment system size based on the flow rates, the beneficial use
options, and project cost estimate.
At this point the user can elect to enter additional water quality information. To enter
additional information the user continues to Step 2, or if not, the user can proceed to the
WQM Output directly at this time.
Step 2: Well Data or the optional user inputs are available in the form of a template in the Well
Data tab. The template requires the entry of a unique well identified to help the user recognize
the well in a later tab. This identifier can be numerical or incorporate letter characters.
Additionally the average and peak water flow information must be entered for each well. If the
wells contribute equally, then enter the same flow information for each well. Alternatively
discharge or collection points can also be entered in this template. The composite water quality
and flow data must be entered for each point. Be aware that the overall project flow rate
(average and peak) will be a summation of the flow information entered for each well. It should
also be noted that the average and peak water flow rate output by the module will be calculated
from the wells selected to be included from this template.
Hint: If the user has water quality information for an entire project that is not in the form
of individual wells or multiple collection points enter only a single well entry and use the
complete average and peak project flows as the individual water flow information.

The Well Data template includes a list of 47 constituents. The constituent list includes physical
parameters, inorganic constituents as metals and non-metals, organic constituents,
radionuclides and descriptive parameters such as the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR):

In the Well Data template the user can elect to include as many parameters per well as are
available. Missing parameters will be supplemented with data from the WQM. If a constituent
concentration is non-detect enter zero as the user data value. All entered constituent values are
compared to the WQM database to validate that values are observed within the expected range
of concentrations for the constituent or between the minimum and maximum observed value in
the database. Data assessment is described in the following section.
Step 1, required user inputs, is outlined in Figure 2-3 in the form of a visual user guide. If the
user has elected to enter water quality information the procedure for Step 2 follows as a visual
description in Figure 2-4.

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Figure 2-3 WQM Step 1: Required User Inputs Guide

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Figure 2-4 WQM Step 2: Optional User Inputs Guide (Part 1)

2.3 Water Quality Selection, Validation, and Calculations

Attributes and functions of the WQM center around the use of a comprehensive constituent
database for coalbed methane wells in the Rocky Mountain region. The database includes over
3,000 individual coalbed wellhead data points. Water quality data was obtained from public
record, private producer historical databases, and over 100 water samples collected and

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 2-8
analyzed by the Colorado School of Mines. The database has comprehensive information for
three major producing basins and subsequent target formations. Additional data are also
included in the database for other basins, however, the data either lacks complete constituent
information or the sample set was not validated by another source (such as private records or
field samples). Due to these constraints only the following list of basin (Table 2-3), locations,
and formations are included as WQM dropdown menu locations. Table 2-3 describes the data
query results from the WQM database for the following user input variations.

Table 2-3 WQM Database Query Results from User Inputs

State Basin Formation WQM Database Query
Raton Colorado, Raton Basin, Raton Formation only
Raton Vermejo Colorado, Raton Basin, Vermejo Formation only
Colorado All Formations or Other Colorado, Raton Basin, All Formations
Fruitland Colorado, San Juan, Fruitland Formation only
San Juan
All Formations or Other Colorado, San Juan, All Formations
Other Other Colorado, All Basins, All Formations
Anderson Wyoming, Powder River Basin, Anderson Formation only
Big George Wyoming, Powder River Basin, Big George Formation only
Powder Canyon Wyoming, Powder River Basin, Canyon Formation only
River Wall Wyoming, Powder River Basin, Wall Formation only
Wyodak Wyoming, Powder River Basin, Wyodak Formation only
All Formations or Other Wyoming, Powder River Basin, All Formations
Other All Formations or Other Wyoming, All Basins, All Formations
Other Other Other All States, All Basins, All Formations

When proceeding directly from Step 1 the resulting data in the Output tab reflects the query
from the WQM database. The query is based on the user specifications of state, basin, and
target formation. The user must return to the project information tab to change these inputs. If
the user elected to enter water quality information this database query is reported in the form of
a table in the Compare Well Data tab. The Compare Well Data tab is the second part of Step 2
for using the WQM.

Step 2 continued: On the Compare Well Data tab a list of entered well identifiers shows up on
the left side of the tab. Next to each well identifier is the option to “Yes” include this well in the
dataset or “No” exclude this well from water quality and flow rate calculations. To change the
options of wells to include use the dropdown menu to select yes or no. As you change the wells
that are included the table on the right hand side of the tab will change in real time to reflect
changes to the column “User Input”. This table reports the constituent list, WQM Values from
the database query and User Input concentrations for the selection of blended wells.

The WQM Values and User Inputs can be compared side by side and in the final column “Select
Value” the user selects “WQM Value” or “User Input” from the dropdown menu to select which
value will be used in the output. The module identifies User Input values outside the observed

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 2-9
range of concentrations, less than the minimum or greater than the maximum database values,
by highlighting the text in red. The default is to include all User Inputs as output values. A visual
description of the second part of Step 2 is included in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5 WQM Step 2: Optional User Inputs Guide (Part 2)

Prior to the Output tab two additional internal functions are performed by the module. These
functions are calculations and modifications to the output data and include an ion balance and
parameter calculations. These calculations are described below:
Ion balance: The ion balance adjusts water quality data when the cation-anion discrepancy
shifts beyond 15%. This is calculated by summing the milliequivalents per liter of the cations
and anions. If the difference between the summations is greater than 15% the module will utilize
the ion balance function. The balance works by first identifying the dominate salt in solution (i.e.

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NaCl or NaHCO3) and the lacking ions (i.e. cations or anions). The balance calculates the
remainder or difference between the anions and cations. After calculating the value the balance
adds either cations (commonly sodium) or anions (likely bicarbonate or chloride) to the data to
adjust the balance to equal one another. The water quality data included for users in the module
is balanced within 15%. The ion balance occurs when users input data with a resulting balance
above 15% or more commonly when a user enters an additional high value for a single cation or
anion (i.e. sodium or bicarbonate), which shifts the cations and anions out of balance.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): TDS is the summation of the dissolved constituents. TDS is
calculated from the final output constituent list by the user. This calculated value will override
the User Input for this parameter. The user has the option to change the TDS output on the final
Output tab before proceeding to the TSM, but this is not recommended because the TSM will
recalculate the TDS based on the constituents present before designing treatment. Of the 47
parameters on the constituent list TDS does not include the summation of conductivity, pH,
temperature, SAR, oil and grease, radionuclides or total suspended solids (TSS).

Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR): SAR is a measure of sodicity. It is used as a descriptive

parameter to assess the suitability of water for use for beneficial use opportunities such as
irrigation. The SAR is calculated from the output values of sodium, calcium, and magnesium.
The output concentrations are converted to milliequivalents per liter to be utilized in the following

This output value is also overridden in the output file by this function. The user has the option to
adjust this output on the final output tab before proceeding to the TSM. On the output tab both
the TDS and SAR values are highlighted in red to differentiate them as calculated values from
the other values output in the constituent list.

2.4 Outputs
Step 3: The final step in the WQM is to proceed to the output tab. Whether the user has entered
additional water quality information in Step 2 or proceeded directly from Step 1, the output tab is
the culmination of selecting water quality data for use in the TSM. The output screen provides
users with a consolidated page of all general user provided data, reference to the outcome of
their database survey, and results of their private data augmentation. The WQM output tab is
formatted to be easy to print and manipulate before proceeding to the next module. On the
output tab constituent values can be edited directly by typing new values. These values are
highlighted in yellow boxes and can be returned to the original values using the button in the
bottom right corner. Other outputs can be modified by returning to previous tabs. The Outputs
and pathways to modify the outputs are included in Table 2-4. After reviewing the output
information, the user can send water quality and quantity data to the Treatment Selection
Module (TSM) by clicking the Next Module arrow. The Output tab, a guide to modifications, and
movement to the TSM are provided with visual representation in Figure 2-6.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 2-11
Table 2-4 WQM Output Results and Manipulations
Output Modify Data on Tab Data Editing Process
Project Information Project Information Return to the Project Information tab to alter general
project information, location and design percentile
Flow Rates Project Information or Return to the Project Information tab to alter water flow
Well Data rates or edit individual well flow rates in the Well Data tab
Constituent List Well Data, Compare Return to Well Data to edit individual wells, go to
Well Data or Output Compare Well Data to select WQM Value or User Input,
or edit directly by typing values on the output tab.

Figure 2-6 WQM Step 3: Final Output Guide

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2.5 Nexus with other Modules

2.5.1 Treatment Selection Module

The WQM provides a complete list and estimation of concentrations for 47 parameters and
constituents occurring in produced water in CBM production wells. User data from production
wells is blended, validated, and augmented by the WQM database. The WQM provides location
specific water quality information for input into the TSM. The users must proceed through this
module first in order to create or input comprehensive water quality information to properly
design a water treatment process that meets predetermined beneficial use requirements.

2.5.2 Beneficial Use Screening Module

The data delivered to the BSM includes the water quantity information in the form of peak and
average flow rates. Data is also transferred indirectly from the TSM and includes the best-
ranked treatment train for each beneficial use, and the capital cost and energy and chemical
demand for these treatment trains.

2.5.3 Beneficial Use Economic Module

The WQM provides inputs for the TSM and BSM but does not directly interact with the
Beneficial Use Economic Module (BEM).

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 2-13
Section 3: Treatment Selection Module

3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 Purpose of TSM

The purpose of the Treatment Selection Module (TSM) is to select suitable treatment trains
based on water quality, intended use of the treated water (beneficial use) and site conditions as
specified by the user. The purpose is also to provide further information on these selected trains
(e.g. capital costs, energy consumption, product water quality). The module is not meant to
replace an engineering design – it is a broad estimation tool, which suggests some reasonable
treatment trains that would meet the user’s main requirements.

3.1.2 Description of TSM

Table 3-1 describes the worksheets that comprise the TSM.

Table 3-1 Overview of TSM Worksheets

Worksheet User Input
(Tab Name) Required Description
In this sheet the user inputs selection criteria scores. These scores describe the
importance of various characteristics of a treatment process depending on
conditions at the site with a five indicating that the item is extremely important
and a one indicating that the item is not very important at all. These scores allow
the program to prioritize the various treatment trains that are capable of achieving
Selection Criteria the desired water quality and thereby select the most optimal trains for output to
(TSM_selec_crit) the user.
For example if the user has a site where space is freely available they would
score ‘small footprint’ as a 1 because footprint considerations are not very
important at such a site. However, if space was limited they would score this as a
5 so that the program would prioritize any treatment processes that required very
little space.
Additional This sheet requests further water quality data regarding bacteria from the user.
Information Yes The program uses this information to select disinfection processes where
(TSM_Addt_Input) necessary.
This sheet asks the user for the level of recovery they desire during membrane
desalination processes (recovery relates only to membrane processes).
When salt is removed from water it is often accomplished with membranes.
During membrane treatment water is pushed through a membrane which allows
the water molecules to cross but rejects the salt leaving that behind. However,
not all the water crosses the membrane but instead some of it remains behinds
Water Recovery
Yes with the salt forming highly concentrated brine. Recovery refers to how much of
the original feedwater crosses the membrane. If the recovery is equal to 70% this
means that 70% of the original feed water became the purified product water and
30% remained as part of the brine. The level of recovery possible is limited by the
salinity level in the brine because at high enough concentrations salts precipitate
out and interfere with whole treatment process. The program takes account of
this and warns the user when recovery is too high.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 3-1
Worksheet User Input
(Tab Name) Required Description
This sheet is for information only. It provides the user with the water quality data
from the WQM and shows a comparison between this and various beneficial use
limits or guidelines. If a water quality value is highlighted in red it indicates that
Water Quality the corresponding constituent is above the limit or guideline for that beneficial use
(TSM_WQBU_Data) and will require treatment. The beneficial use being assessed can be changed
using the drop down box at the top of the third column. All the beneficial uses
with their guidelines can be viewed by clicking on the box entitled ‘see all
beneficial use categories and limits’.
This is actually the same sheet as the Output sheet. The button is provided so
that the user does not have to rerun the program every time they wish to view
Previous Output their treatment options or move on to the next module. NOTE: If any inputs have
(TSM_Output) been changed in the WQM or the TSM these will not reflect in the outputs shown
when pressing this button. If any changes have been made the user must rerun
the TSM by clicking on the RUN button on the TSM Main Menu page.
This sheet pops up automatically after the TSM RUN button has been clicked.
The RUN button initiates visual basic code in the background of the program. The
code runs through all the various treatments, all the constituents that require
treatment and the selection criteria and from these selects optimal treatment
Output trains for each beneficial use. These results (from running the code) are
(TSM_Output) displayed on the output sheet. The user is provided with a number of treatment
trains for each beneficial use and needs to select one of these for further
assessment in the BSM and BEM modules. The user can also view further
information, such as energy consumption and capital costs for each process, by
clicking on the + buttons in the margins of the page.
This sheet provides the user with the water quality of the product and brine
Detailed Water streams. The brine stream will only be relevant where some type of desalination
Quality (TSM_WQ) was done. The page also provides the limits or guidelines for the relevant
beneficial use and highlights in red any constituents that exceed these limits.

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3.1.3 Module Flowchart

Output to User and BSM

• Treatment train per BU

• Energy consumption
• Capital costs
• Chemical requirements
• Equipment life
• Product water quantity
• Brine quantity
• Solid waste quantity

Figure 3-1 TSM Flowchart

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3.2 Input
A description of the TSM input requirements is provided in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Description of TSM Inputs

Input Unit(s) Description
The user enters numbers between 1 and 5 in each of the yellow cells corresponding
to each selection criteria. A five indicates that the item is extremely important and a
one indicates that the item is not very important at all.
N/a For example if the user has a site where space is freely available they would score
Criteria Scores
‘small footprint’ as a 1 because footprint considerations are not very important at
such a site. However, if space was limited they would score this as a 5 so that the
program would prioritize any treatment processes that required very little space.
The user selects between the 3 options (No bacteria, low HPC and high HPC) by
Bacteria in the selecting the radio button beside that option. HPC stands for Heterotrophic Plate
Feedwater Count. If the user is uncertain of whether there is bacterial contamination they should
select high HPC to receive the most conservative estimate of treatment train cost.
The user clicks on the up or down arrows to reduce or increase recovery. The user
can also enter the recovery level into the yellow cell directly from their keyboard.
The recovery input relates to desalination options only. If the recovery is equal to 70%
this means that 70% of the original feed water became the purified product water and
Recovery Percent 30% remained as brine. The level of recovery possible is limited by the salinity level in
the brine because at high enough concentrations salts precipitate out and interfere
with whole treatment process. For this reason the user is disallowed from entering a
recovery that is too high – A red warning message will pop up and the user will not be
able to run the program. This recovery level will differ depending on feedwater.

3.3 Treatment Technology Selection and Optimization

The treatment selection module accomplishes two tasks: it selects optimal treatment trains for
each beneficial use and it provides further information (costs, energy consumption, water quality
etc) on these. The first task – treatment technology selection and optimization – uses a visual
basic code that runs in the background of excel. The methodology of this selection and
optimization is broadly represented in the TSM flow chart (Figure 3-1) but is described here in
more detail.
When asked to select a treatment train the TSM code first determines what water quality
problems exist by comparing the feed water quality to the desired water quality (the beneficial
use limits or guidelines). From this it creates a list of constituents that require some removal and
it calculates how much of that constituent needs to be removed in order to meet the guidelines.
Next the TSM queries its database. The database includes about 40 treatment processes with
removal capabilities for up to 47 different constituents (e.g., iron, total nitrogen). From this data it
selects treatment processes that adequately remove each constituent or combinations of
treatments which can achieve the same. It then organizes these into a master list of treatment
trains by performing a permutation with built-in duplicate removal on the combined process-
constituent permutations. This master list can be quite long especially if a large number of
treatment processes can successfully treat the water. In that case the treatment trains have to
be prioritized so that the best train can be suggested to the user. This prioritization or
optimization, as it is usually called, is based on the selection criteria entered by the user. Each

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 3-4
treatment is pre-scored based on its compatibility with the selection criteria. For example a
treatment requiring little space is pre-scored as a 5 for ‘small footprint’ to indicate that it fits this
criterion well. When the user enters a 5 to indicate that a small footprint is necessary this
treatment process will get a high score (5x5 = 25) and will be prioritized over a treatment that
requires a large amount of space (1x5 = 5). Once each process is scored the scores are added
together and then inverted and chosen for the lowest score. This is to ensure that shorter trains
are given higher priority than longer trains. Finally, once all the scores are collated the three
trains with the highest scores are selected and displayed for the user.

3.4 Output
The main output of the Treatment Selection Module is the 3 treatment trains for each beneficial
use. The resulting product water quality as well as costs, energy requirements etc are given for
each train. The outputs and user actions required are detailed in Table 3-3.

3.5 Nexus with other Modules

3.5.1 Water Quality Module

The TSM receives water quality information from the WQM. It also receives plant capacities
(average and peak flow rates).

3.5.2 Beneficial Use Screening Module

The results of the TSM, the treatment trains and their capital costs and energy consumption, are
fed into the BSM. These are used directly in the BSM’s Screening Matrix to provide the user
with a range of complexity and costs for the treatment processes selected for each beneficial
use category.

3.5.3 Beneficial Use Economic Module

The treatment trains, costs and energy consumption from the TSM are directly input to the Cost
Template of the BEM. However, the BEM is not the module directly following the TSM – the
user must first enter data into the BSM or Beneficial Use Screening Module before proceeding
to the BEM.

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Table 3-3 Description of TSM Outputs
Output User input Description
Three treatment trains are provided for each beneficial use. The user must select one
treatment train that they wish to evaluate further for each beneficial use. They do this
by clicking on the radio button that corresponds to that treatment train.
Treatment trains The user can select only one train because the later modules (BSM and BEM) accept
for each Yes only one train per intended use. But why then provide three options? The options are
beneficial use provided so that the user has some choice, is able to see the different treatments
capable of treating their water and can avoid certain treatments if they so choose. If
the user is unsure of which train to choose they should select the first option for each
beneficial use – this is the option that scored highest in terms of the selection criteria.
The energy consumption, cost and equipment life for each treatment train can be
viewed in the output of the TSM. The user needs to click on the + button in left hand
margin. Each + button corresponds to one treatment train. When this is clicked more
Energy, cost lines will become visible showing the costs and energy consumption for each
and equipment process. These costs etc. are generic values which are typical of that individual
life for each treatment process. They are estimates only; they are not specific to any one
train manufacturer and will vary, perhaps even substantially, depending on the exact site
conditions and location. In this module the capital costs are related only to plant
capacity (the average and peak flow rates). The energy consumption is related to
plant capacity, feed TDS and recovery.
The water quality of the product stream as well as the brine stream can be viewed by
clicking on the button entitled ‘detailed water quality’ beside each beneficial use. This
will open a sheet showing the water qualities for that beneficial use and for the
treatment train that is currently selected (via the radio buttons on the main output
page). If the user is unsure of which beneficial use or treatment train they are viewing
they need only look at the top of this page – the beneficial use and treatment train are
listed there. In the table below these are the various constituents and their
Water quality for concentrations in the feed and in the product and brine streams after treatment with
each treatment No this particular train. The beneficial use guidelines are also shown on the right hand
train side and any values exceeding these are highlighted in red.
In some cases the program will not find a treatment train able to remove enough of
the problem constituents and in this case a warning message will appear in red at the
top of the page. This does not mean that the water is untreatable. The program uses
generic removal capabilities typical of each treatment process. Also, many treatment
processes can be modified or optimized. Further, the program does not have an
exhaustive list of treatment processes and there may be many specialized processes
quite capable of treating the water that are not included in this program.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 3-6
Section 4: Beneficial Use Screening Module

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Purpose of BSM

The purpose of the Beneficial Use Screening Module (BSM) is to help produced water
generators, potential beneficial Users, and other stakeholders identify key issues regarding
different potential beneficial use projects.

4.1.2 Description of BSM

Table 4-1 describes the worksheets that comprise the BSM.

Table 4-1 Overview of BSM Worksheets

Worksheet User Input
(Tab) Required Description
User enters or selects information about current disposal methods from a drop down
BSM_Input Yes menu. The User also selects screening criteria bins and selects the relative importance
of the screening criteria.
Screening matrix tables present a qualitative comparison of the feasibility, complexity,
No and value of different beneficial use categories. Results from the TSM are provided in
the matrix to compare treatment requirements for various beneficial use categories.
Summarizes the feasibility for each screening criteria and associated bin. This
Bin information is input into the Screening Matrix tab to assess the feasibility of each
Influences beneficial use based on the User specified bins and the relative importance of each
Bin Influence Provides a graphical representation of the Bin Influences tab and provides the
Graphs rationalization for the relative feasibility assigned to each bin.
Provides qualitative and/or quantitative estimated potential economic, environmental,
Potential and social values - sometimes referred to as Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Benefits -
Benefits associated with each beneficial use. An estimation of emissions for energy sources and
an assessment of carbon footprint are also provided in this worksheet.

The results from the BSM are used in the Beneficial Use Economic Model (BEM).

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4.1.3 Module Flowchart

Figure 4-1 BSM Flowchart

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 4-2
4.2 Input
A description of BSM input requirements is provided in Table 4-2.
Table 4-2 Description of BSM Input
Input Unit(s) Description
User selects units from drop down menu and enters the $ per unit cost for current
Current cost of $/bbl, $/gal,
disposal of produced water. Conversions between units are provided in the
disposal or $/AF
‘Conversion’ worksheet for reference.
Current Method
N/a User selects applicable method of disposal from drop down menu.
of Disposal
User selects one of the following screening criteria bins from the drop down menu:
Bin 1 - Base flow < 1,000 gal/day
Bin 2 - 1,000 gal/day < Base flow < 10,000 gal/day
Select Water
N/a Bin 3 - 10,000 gal/day < Base flow < 0.1 MGD
Quantity Range
Bin 4 - 0.1 MGD < Base flow < 1 MGD
Bin 5 - 1 MGD < Base flow < 5 MGD
Bin 6 - Base flow > 5 MGD
User selects one of the following screening criteria bins from the drop down menu:
Select Supply
Bin 1 - Intermittent flow subject to stoppage
Timing and
Bin 2 - Intermittent flow for 5 years
Reliability N/a
Bin 3 - Consistent base flow for 1 year
Bin 4 - Consistent base flow for 5 years
Bin 5 - Consistent base flow for 30 years
Select Duration User selects one of the following screening criteria bins from the drop down menu:
of Supply Bin 1 - Base flow less than 5 years
Range Bin 2 - Base flow for at least 5 years
Bin 3 - Base flow for at least 30 year
Importance of User selects the relative importance, or weighting, of each screening criteria (water
Screening N/a quality, supply timing and reliability, and duration of supply) from drop down menu. A
Criteria weighting of 5 is extremely important and a weighting of 1 is not important.

The BSM input is used to create the Screening Matrix table.

4.3 Beneficial Use Screening Evaluation

The BSM screening evaluation is based on a qualitative ranking of the relative feasibility of each
beneficial use category based on the ranges selected by the User for each screening criteria:
• Water Quality,
• Supply Timing and Reliability, and
• Duration of Supply
The Bin Influences tables and graph worksheets summarize the associated feasibility for each
screening criteria and bin. This information is input into the Screening Matrix worksheet to
assess the feasibility of each beneficial use based on the User specified bins and the relative
importance of each criterion.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 4-3
For example, for the relative feasibility of the Surface Water Discharge/ Instream Flow
Augmentation category is evaluated in the following manner for each screening criteria:
• Water Quality – flows less than 1 MGD (Bins 1-3) are assumed to be most feasible (5)
as these small flows can be more easily absorbed by the naturally occurring flow in a
stream. Whereas a larger quantity of flow, 1 to 5 MGD (Bins 4-5) would need a higher
flow receiving water to provide sufficient dilution and avoid creation of a stream with
produced water dominated flow.
• Supply Timing and Reliability – Intermittent and unreliable flows have the potential to
create unfavorable environmental conditions as habitat created by the additional flows
would be difficult to sustain when flows cease, therefore Bins 1-2 are least favorable for
this criterion. Consistent base flows up to 5 years (Bins 3-4) would be slightly more
feasible, but could similarly create unfavorable environmental conditions once produced
water contributions cease. Consistent base flows for over 30 years (Bin 5) would be the
most favorable for creating and sustaining habitat. Storage of produced water can
increase the feasibility of supply timing and reliability by providing a means to capture
peak flows and provide a more consistent base flow or a controlled seasonal 'pulse'
release that is timed to support a specific environmental period (such as fish migration).
• Duration of Supply – Base flows less than 5 years have the potential to create
unfavorable environmental conditions as habitat created by the additional flows would be
difficult to sustain when flows cease, therefore Bin 1 is not very favorable for this
criterion. Base flows for at least 5 years (Bin 2) is slightly more favorable in terms of
providing a longer-term supply. It follows that guaranteed base flows for at least 30 years
(Bin 3) would be the most favorable as created habitat could be sustained for an
extended period.
The beneficial use screening evaluation is input into the Screening Matrix worksheet for the
User selected bins.

4.4 Output
The table at the top of the Screening Matrix worksheet provides a color coded and quantified
assessment of the feasibility and relative complexity between beneficial use categories based
on the User input.
1. The feasibility score for each beneficial use, screening criteria, and associated bin is
pulled from the Bin Influences worksheet.
2. The weighting of relative importance of each criterion (shown in the second column) is
then applied to the relative feasibility based on bins to give a Screening Criteria
Summary score.
3. The intent of these scores is to provide a means of comparing the feasibility or relative
complexity between beneficial use categories.
4. A range of estimated potential values for each beneficial is also provided to give the
User a sense of the potential economic value of providing produced water for a
beneficial use.
Additional information is provided for each beneficial use category, including:
• The treatment processes selected to meet each beneficial use category requirements,
as determined by the TSM.
• The associated costs, energy requirements, and useful life for the treatment processes
selected to meet each beneficial use category requirements, as determined by the TSM.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 4-4
• Potential non-economic benefits associated with each beneficial use category
requirements, based on the information provided in the Potential Benefits worksheet.
The ten beneficial uses are qualitatively ranked based on project feasibility, estimated potential
value, cost and energy, and non-economic benefits. Thus the User can identify the top 2 or 3
beneficial uses that have a greater potential for feasibility or economic return to focus on for
additional assessments.

The complexity and cost of the treatment process and the identification of other potential
benefits can also help the User to refine the top beneficial uses that may be of interest in
pursuing further.

4.5 Nexus with other Modules

4.5.1 Water Quality Module (WQM)

The WQM provides inputs for the TSM but does not directly interact with the BSM.

4.5.2 Treatment Selection Module (TSM)

Results from the TSM are directly input into the Screening Matrix worksheet to provide the user
with a range of complexity and costs for the treatment processes selected for each beneficial
use category.

4.5.3 Beneficial Use Economic Module (BEM)

The BSM helps the user to identify the top 2 or 3 beneficial uses to further asses in the
economic evaluation. Information in the Potential Benefits worksheet is also referenced in the

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 4-5
Section 5: Beneficial Use Economic Module

5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 Purpose of BEM

The purpose of the Beneficial Use Economic Module (BEM) is to help produced water
generators, potential beneficial users, and other stakeholders identify estimated, planning-level
capital and operational and maintenance (O&M) costs for potential beneficial use projects. The
cost evaluation can be performed for multiple beneficial use categories or variations on a single
beneficial use category to allow for comparison of the relative costs between scenarios.
Potential social, environmental and other benefits are also estimated quantitatively and/or
qualitatively in the BEM to provide a non-economic assessment of beneficially using produced

5.1.2 Description of BEM

Table 5-1 describes the worksheets that comprise the BEM.

Table 5-1 Overview of BSM Worksheets

Worksheet User Input
(Tab) Required Description
User defines a project, selects a beneficial use, and enters or selects information for the
BEM_Input Yes project scenario that will be used in the economic evaluation. A more detailed
discussion of each input item is provided in Table 5-2.
Provides an Engineer's Opinion of Probable Costs for the defined project scenario,
providing a capital cost, annualized capital cost, and O&M costs. The User can choose
Yes to modify default unit costs and other values based on project-specific details. The User
can memorializes the results of a project scenario by clicking the ‘SAVE’ button on this
Summarizes the range of estimated capital and annualized cost for project scenario
No presented in the Cost Template worksheet. Potential social, environmental and other
benefits are also estimated quantitatively and/or qualitatively.
Compares the results of the BEM for the memorialized project scenarios, allowing the
No User to compare multiple beneficial uses or variations on a project scenario based on
the results from the four modules and user selected inputs.
Provides capital costs, unit costs, equipment life, cost assumptions, and calculation
assumptions that are used in the Cost Template to determine the Engineer's Opinion of
Assumptions No
Probable Costs. Contingencies, and default values supporting the BEM are also
Conversions No Provides conversions for flow volumes, flow rates, area, and energy emissions.
Provides the construction cost index for Denver, TX, and Denver, CO as reported
periodically in the Engineering News-Record (ENR), which measures the effects of
wage rate and material price trends in the construction industry. The ENR index is used
for cost and location escalation in the BEM evaluation.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 5-1
5.1.3 Module Flowchart

Figure 5-1 BEM Flowchart

5.2 Input
A description of BSM input requirements is provided in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2 Description of BSM Input

Input Unit(s) Description
User enters a project name to reflect the project scenario. It is
User Chosen Project
N/a recommended to use numbers or letters to distinguish variations on a
similar scenario.
Select Beneficial Use
N/a User selects beneficial use category from drop down menu.
for Project Cost Estimate
User enters the month and year anticipated for project construction. This
Project Date N/a
date is used to escalate costs based on the ENR Index.
Project Location N/a No User input required. Transferred from WQM.
Nearest Major City N/a User selects nearest major city.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 5-2
Input Unit(s)Description
User selects either Dallas (TX) or Denver (CO) from drop down menu. This
ENR Index Reference City N/a
reference city is used for cost/location escalation based on the ENR Index.
User enters value (typically 1 through 50 years) representing the estimated
Estimated Project Life years life for the project. The years should correlate with the Duration of Supply
bin selection in the BSM.
User selects long-term interest rate from the drop down menu. This value
Long-Term Interest Rate %
is used to calculate the annualized capital cost over the life of the project.
User enters the estimated project area. This value is particularly it is
Estimated Project Area acres
anticipated that the project will require purchasing or leasing land.
User selects one of the following from the drop down menu: Currently
owned, Leased from Bureau of Land Management (BLM), or Purchase
Ownership N/a Required. A default estimated $/acre annual cost for leased land and
$/acre capital cost for purchased land is listed in the Assumptions
User enters estimated miles from produced water site to selected
Estimated Conveyance
miles beneficial use. This value will be used to estimate the capital cost of
pipelines and head loss for conveyance.
User selects one of the following from the drop down menu: Flat, Hilly, or
Steep. The type of terrain is used to estimate the static lift for pump
General Type of Terrain N/a
capacity and associated conveyance energy requirements. Refer to
Assumptions worksheet for description of calculations.
User selects one of the following from the drop down menu: Remote
(diesel), Remote (natural gas), Grid transmission lines (CO, MT, NM, UT,
Energy type N/a
WY). The energy type is used to estimate the emissions (CO2, SO2, NO2)
and subsequent potential offsets and carbon footprint.
Energy Unit Cost $/kWh No User input required. Transferred from TSM.
A storage tank or pond would be used to equalize inflow into the treatment
Storage Tank Volume plant, thereby reducing its required capacity. The User can switch
Required between units of hours and days, to calculate the estimated storage
volume as: hours/24 x (peak daily flow - treatment design flow) or days x
Storage Pond Volume (peak daily flow - treatment design flow). The User should enter 0 in the
MG yellow box if storage is not required. The treatment design flow is
determined in the TSM.
New Beneficial Use Potential new infrastructure that may be associated with the selected
Infrastructure #1 beneficial use is identified in #1 and #2; however, the User may select "Not
Needed" from the dropdown menu if existing infrastructure is already in
New Beneficial Use
N/a place or not required for the project. A list of potential new infrastructure
Infrastructure #2
and the associated unit costs is provided in the Assumptions worksheet.
User selects 0% to 100% from the drop down menu based on the
Period of Operation of
% of year anticipated percent of time during the year that produced water will be
Treatment Plant
conveyed to the treatment plant.
The estimated number of full-time staff to operate treatment plant is
Estimated Number of Full-
persons determined in the TSM based on the number and complexity of processes
Time Treatment Staff
in the treatment train.
Estimated Number of Full-
User enters estimated number of full-time staff to operate produced water
Time Other persons
portion of the project.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 5-3
Input Unit(s) Description
User selects one of the following control systems from the drop down
menu: SCADA (high-tech), Remote (low-tech), Manual control only. The
Control source N/a
control system type impacts the percentage used to estimate costs for
electrical, I&C and control costs in the Cost Template.
Current Disposal Method N/a No User input required. Transferred from BSM.
The User can manually enter the energy requirement per barrel for current
Estimated Energy
disposal of produced water. If this quantity is known, the BEM will compare
Required for Current kWh/bbl
the energy requirements for the selected beneficial use and calculate the
potential annual energy savings and potential value of avoided emissions.

The BEM input data is used to populate the quantity and unit cost data used in the Engineer's
Opinion of Probable Costs for the defined project scenario.

5.3 Beneficial Use Economic Evaluation

Capital and O&M costs presented in the BEM were developed based on specific design criteria
defined through the TSM, general project criteria based on professional experience, and unit
costs for power, chemicals and labor representative of the Denver area (Jan 2010). This cost
estimate is developed at a Class 5 level representing Planning to Feasibility level information
with an estimated accuracy range between -30% and +50%(AACE 1997, DOE 1994, EPRI

5.3.1 Cost Template

Information in the Cost Template worksheet is populated with User Input from the four modules,
typical values from project experience, engineering calculations and assumptions. Each line
item in the Cost Template is calculated in one of three ways:
1. Unit Cost Calculation – where a quantity is multiplied times a unit cost to provide a total
capital cost. (i.e. 200 linear feet (lf) of pipeline x $120/lf = $24,000)
2. Lump Sum Calculation – where the quantity (one) is multiplied by a lump sum cost to
provide a total capital cost. (i.e. 1 lump sum (LS) treatment train process x $500,000/LS
= $500,000)
3. Percentage Calculation – where a percent is multiplied by a value or sum of values.
(i.e. Site development costs = 5% x Subtotal Facility Costs, which estimates the cost for
grading, erosion control, cut/fill, etc.)
Capital costs are converted to annualized capital costs using the following equation:

Annualized Capital Cost = Capital x i x ( (i+1)n ) Where: n = project life or facility life
Cost (1+I )n -1 i = interest rate

Annual O&M costs can be added to the annualized capital cost to estimate the total economic
cost per year to construct and operate the project over the life of the project.
Capital costs can be escalated to a future date or an alternative location using the ENR Index.
The ENR index measures only the price changes of respective construction input factors as
represented by constant quantities of material and/or labor. It is not adjusted for productivity,

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 5-4
efficiency, competitive conditions, or technology changes. Historical monthly indices from ENR
are provided for Dallas, TX, and Denver, CO from Jan 2004 to Jan 2010. Estimated future
potential monthly indices through Dec 2015 are estimated at a rate of 6.5%, based on potable
supply price increases from MWD. The city and date used for escalation area shown in the
upper right corner of the Cost Template, based on User input from the BEM_Input tab.
The Assumptions worksheet provides a more detailed discussion of the assumptions and
calculations associated with each line item.
User options for the Cost Template:
• Values in RED can be modified by the user to more accurately reflect the costs and/or
quantities in a particular region.
• Values in BLACK cannot be changed on this spreadsheet though modifications to the
User input will change some of the cells.
• Restore default values by clicking on the ORANGE button to the right labeled "Restore
Default Values”.
• Save the current project scenario to the Cost Summary worksheet by clicking on the
BLUE button to the right labeled “Memorialize This Scenario”.

5.3.2 Cost Summary

The Cost Summary worksheet provides an overview of the economic costs of the project
scenario as well as some of the non-economic benefits of beneficially using produced water.
• Estimated Project Capital Cost is based on the location and year of anticipated project
• Total Present Value for Life of Project is calculated using the following equation:

Total Present Value Capital + Annual x (1+i)n-1 Where: n = project life

for Life of Project = Cost Cost ix(1+i )n i = interest rate

• User can select the preferred units from the drop down menu ($/bbl, $/gal, or $/AF)
• Estimated Range of Project Annualized Unit Costs is calculated as -30% and +50%
of the annualized capital and annual O&M costs calculated in the Cost Template. This
provides the User with an idea of the range of costs for a simple to complex project and
allows for comparison to the current cost of disposal (as entered by the User)
• Estimated Value of Produced Water for Selected Beneficial Use is estimated
quantitatively in the BEM based on a literature review of the value of water in various
uses (Stratus, 2009). These values will vary significantly by location and upon site
specific conditions and are intended to provide a broad assessment of opportunities that
may potentially be available to support the beneficial re-use produced water.
• Potential Social, Environmental, and Other Benefits are estimated quantitatively
and/or qualitatively in the BEM. These values will vary significantly by location and upon
site specific conditions and are intended to provide a broad assessment of opportunities
that may potentially be available to support the beneficial re-use produced water.
• Potential Emissions Offset and Value is estimated based on a broad assessment or
potential emissions savings and possible returns. These values will vary significantly by

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 5-5
location, energy source, site-specific conditions, energy market, and the accuracy of the
estimated energy for current disposal.

5.3.3 Compare Uses

The Compare Uses worksheet allows the User to compare multiple beneficial uses or variations
on a project scenario based on user inputs and the results from the WQM and TSM. To save a
project scenario to this worksheet, the User must click on the BLUE “Memorialize This
Scenario” button in the Cost Template.
New Scenarios are added to Column D. The User can click on RED “Delete Last Scenario”
button to remove the last Scenario created or the User can highlight any column and hold Ctrl
and the “-“ key together to delete a Scenario that is no longer needed.
The User can create numerous project scenarios for a single beneficial use or for multiple
beneficial uses that utilize the same water quality and quantity from the same project location.
Thus it is advisable to choose a project name with versions to track cost estimates for each
scenario. If the User chooses to change the project location or water quality and quantity, the
User should return to the Water Quality Module by returning to the WQM to begin again.
No calculations are performed on this worksheet.

5.4 Output
The Cost Template, Cost Summary and Compare Uses worksheets, described in the previous
section, are the output from BEM. It is recommended that the User print or create a PDF of the
project scenarios they are most interested in so that they can preserve a high level cost
summary or a more detailed cost estimate for future discussions.

5.5 Nexus with other Modules

5.5.1 Water Quality Module

The WQM provides inputs for the TSM but does not directly interact with the BEM.

5.5.2 Treatment Selection Module

Results from the TSM are directly input into the Cost Template worksheet to provide capital and
O&M costs for the treatment processes associated with the selected beneficial use for the
project scenario.

5.5.3 Beneficial Use Screening Module

The BSM helps the user to identify the top 2 or 3 beneficial uses to further asses in the
economic evaluation. Information in the Potential Benefits worksheet is also referenced in the

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water Page 5-6
Section 6: References
Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE), 1997. AACE International
Recommended Practices and Standards.

Department of Energy (DOE), 1994. Department of Energy Cost Guide - Volume 6, Table

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), 1993. EPRI Technical Assessment Guide, TR-
102276-V1R7, Volume 1: Revision 7, Table 5-2.

Stratus Consulting, 2009. The Value of Water in Various Uses. Draft May 29, 2009

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water A-

Section 7: Glossary
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) – ASR is a process in which clean water is injected into a
shallow aquifer, stored for some period of time, and then withdrawn for later use.

Barrel (bbl) – In U.S. oil and gas operations, volumes of oil and water are traditionally
expressed using the unit of barrels. 1 bbl = 42 U.S. gallons.

bcf – billion cubic feet, a unit of measure for natural gas production

Beneficial use – This term is used here to describe a secondary use or reuse of produced
water for a purpose that has a positive value to some entity or to the environment. This
document describes a variety of potential beneficial uses for produced water.

Bin – Bin is used to describe a unit of subdivision within a ranking scale. For example, bins
established for different concentration ranges of total dissolved solids are used as part of the
decision process in this document.

Biocide – Biocides are chemicals added to a process to control microbial growth. Biocides are
often injected into oil and gas wells to prevent growth of organisms that could cause corrosion
within the well. Biocides may end up in produced water.

Brine – Brine is another term sometimes used for produced water. Most produced water
samples are at least partially salty, giving rise to the term “brine”.

Casing – Casing is the pipe used to line oil and gas wells. Most wells are constructed using
several concentric sets of casing. Once a section of well is drilled, casing is inserted into the
well, and it is cemented into place.

Cement – Following placement of casing in a well, cement is pumped into the annular space
between the casing and the rock wall of the well. Cement is used to create and impermeable
seal in the annular space that blocks vertical migration of fluids.

Chemical additives – During well drilling and production, various types of chemicals may be
injected into a well to control undesirable chemical or biological processes. Examples of
chemical additives are biocides, corrosion inhibitors, scale inhibitors.

Coal bed methane (CBM) – Methane is generated during coal formation and is contained in the
coal microstructure. Typical recovery entails pumping water out of the coal to allow the gas to
escape. Methane is the principal component of natural gas.

Concentrate – Concentrate refers to one of two byproducts resulting from treatment of salty
water or produced water. One of the byproducts is clean water, while the other byproduct
contains all the salt and other contaminants removed by the treatment process. The levels of
these parameters are higher in the concentrate than they were in the untreated water.

Condensate – Condensate is a natural gas liquid recovered from gas wells from lease
separators or field facilities. It is light in density and is similar to gasoline.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water A-

Electrical conductivity – Conductivity is easily measured with a meter. It can be correlated to
the total dissolved solids or salinity of a water sample.

Frac flowback water – Frac flowback water is water that has been injected into a formation
under high pressure for hydraulic fracturing, and then returns to the surface. Much of the
flowback returns to the surface within the first few days or weeks following the hydraulic
fracturing job. Smaller volumes of flowback may return to the surface over many months.

Hydraulic fracturing (frac job) – Hydraulic fracturing is a process used to prepare or stimulate
a formation to produce more hydrocarbons. A combination of fluid and proppant (usually sand)
is injected through a well into a producing formation. The pressure is raised to a level high
enough that the formation near the well develops cracks or fractures. The frac fluid and
proppant enter the fractures. When the pressure is dropped later, most of the liquid (frac
flowback water) returns to the surface. However, the proppant remains in the fractures and
holds them open, thereby allowing the oil or gas to flow more freely to the production well.

Hydrostatic pressure – Hydrostatic pressure is the fluid pressure in a formation caused by the
weight of overlying fluids.

Impoundment – An impoundment is a pond in which CBM produced water is stored or allowed

to infiltrate to the subsurface. There are several terms for these impoundments: "holding ponds",
"zero discharge ponds" or "infiltration ponds". Although they do not directly discharge water on
the land surface, most impoundments are not lined and do discharge to the subsurface. Some
percentage of seepage flow from impoundments is likely to reach stream channels via
subsurface flow.

Injection well – The U.S. EPA defines injection well as any bored, drilled or a driven shaft or a
dug hole, where the depth is greater than the largest surface dimension that is used to inject
fluids underground. Class II injection wells are used to inject produced water into the ground,
inject other fluids underground to increase the recovery of hydrocarbons, or to store
hydrocarbons underground.

Mcf – thousand cubic feet, a unit of measure for natural gas production.

Mmcf – million cubic feet, a unit of measure for natural gas production.

Natural gas - gaseous mixture of hydrocarbon compounds, the primary one being methane.

NORM (naturally occurring radioactive material) – Some hydrocarbon bearing formations

contain naturally occurring radionuclides. Crude oil, natural gas, or produced water may contain
small quantities of NORM as a result of being in contact with the formation rock for many years.
Typically, the concentrations of NORM in oil, gas, or water are not high enough to cause
concern. However, NORM can accumulate in pipe scale or tank sludges.

NPDES – This term refers to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulatory
program. NPDES permits are issued by states or EPA to regulate discharges of wastewater to
surface water bodies.

Oil – Oil refers to mixture of hydrocarbons usually existing in the liquid state in natural
underground pools or reservoirs. Gas is often found in association with oil.

User Manual – Decision Framework to Assess Opportunities for Produced Water A-

Oil and grease – Oil and grease refers to a mixture of organic compounds that are measured
using a common analytical test. There is no individual chemical called “oil and grease”. Oil and
grease is frequently limited in NPDES permits for discharges of produced water.

Permeability – Permeability refers to the ease at which fluids can move through the pores of a
rock formation.

Primacy – Under some federal regulatory programs, like NPDES and UIC, states can petition
EPA to gain the authority to administer the program at the state level. When a state receives
authority to administer the program, the state has primacy for the program.

Produced water - Produced water is water trapped in underground formations that is brought to
the surface during oil and gas exploration and production.

Residual – Residual refers to a solid or semi-solid byproduct resulting from wastewater or

produced water treatment.

Reuse – Reuse in the context of this document refers to collecting water from natural gas
production, treating it if necessary, and putting the water to another use.

Salinity – Salinity is a measure of salt content in a water sample. Salinity can also be
expressed as total dissolved solids or electrical conductivity. High salinity waters cannot be put
to beneficial reuse with first treating the water to remove some of the salt.

Saltwater – Saltwater is another term used interchangeably for produced water or brine.

Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) – SAR measures the relationship between sodium
concentration vs. calcium and magnesium concentration. In equation form,
SAR = Na+1 / [(Ca+2 + Mg+2)/2]0.5.

Sodicity – Sodicity is a measure of the sodium concentration in a water sample.

Tcf - trillion cubic feet, a unit of measure for natural gas production.

Total dissolved solids (TDS) – TDS is an analytical test that can be easily correlated to
salinity. Because the measurement can be made easily, it is often used as a regulatory limit.

Tubing – Tubing is the innermost layer of piping in an oil or gas well (see casing). Typically,
production of oil and gas occurs through the tubing.

UIC – This term refers to the Underground Injection Control regulatory program. UIC permits are
issued by states or EPA to regulate injection of fluids to underground formations.

Water rights – Water rights represent legal authorizations to withdraw and/or use natural water
resources from both surface water and ground water. Water rights are administered throug state
laws. Several different systems for assigning water rights can be found throughout the United
States. Each state has its own unique way of allocating and sharing water.

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