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Sharon Nicholls

ETEC 580
March 14, 2018

ETEC 580 Daily Log, Technology and Administrative Tasks

Date Start Time/End Time Total Hours SLO Activities

1-25-18 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm 2 2, 3, 6 ● Met with Jimna

Carbone to plan
fieldwork and

Today I met with Jimna at a cafe in order to discuss the upcoming fieldwork class. She shared
her experience with the fieldwork and the e-portfolio. She asked me what kind of lesson I
would be interested in teaching. I explained that I had been doing work with students on
credible websites and would love to continue to explore this topic with her students. She felt
this would be a useful lesson and told me she would speak to a few teachers to see if they
would be interested. I let her know that the class I would work with should have students of
different abilities represented. We discussed what the angle for the lesson would be as the
topic is so broad. She shared how she was calendaring in teachers and students by using a
school-wide calendar. I reminded myself that I need to figure out a better system for
communicating the library schedule with school community.

Date Start Time/End Total SLO Activities

Time Hours

2-2-18 10:00 am - 12:00 2 2, 3, 6 ● Met with Professor Rhone Parris

pm and Jimna Carbone

Today I met with Professor Rhone Parris and Jimna Carbone, my mentor librarian. We
discussed the assignments for the course. I was given the opportunity to ask questions
regarding these assignments and about other expectations for the course. I let Ms. Rhone
Parris know that I had met with Jimna already to discuss what I would be doing for fieldwork. I
also let her know that I had decided to present two lessons to the students. One lesson would
be how to cite using MLA 8 format and the second lesson that she would be observing would
focus on website evaluation. Jimna assured us that the class would be composed of a diverse
group of learners, some with special needs and others that are English Language Learners. In
additions, she also said that there would also be a special education assistant present providing
extra support to students. I immediately thought to myself that I will need to differentiate my
lesson with some language accommodations such sentence frames and integrate partner
discussions. In addition, Professor Rhone Parris mentioned that I would need to complete my
portfolio for the class and a portfolio for the program.

Following our meeting, Jimna and I agreed to some dates for my citation lesson and my next
visit to Franklin HS Library on Monday, February 5. We also discussed my lesson. I shared
some of my ideas and she shared some materials I could use to enhance the experience. She
had a citation format sheet that she invited me to use as well as a criteria list of how to
determine if a website is credible. We discussed how to break up the lesson from modeling (I
Do), to the guided practice (We Do), and the independent practice (You Do). I decided that I
would illustrate what a credible website looks like and what non-credible website looks like so
that students have a clear example before proceeding to do their own Internet search.

Date Start Time/End Time Total SLO Activities


2-5-18 10:00 am - 1:00 pm 3 2, 3, 6 ● Observed Jimna with an English

class administering AR quizzes

Today I was able to watch an English teacher set up students to take AR exams in the library.
Students are assigned one book per month. They are given reading time in class. As students
took the exam they printed up their scores. Students submit exam to teacher.

When students completed their assessment, they browsed the library in order to select new
books for their next AR quiz that will take place next month. I noticed some students did not
look for new books, while others did. The teacher quietly reviewed their scores. It was nice to
see Jimna has read so many of the books and was able to provide interesting book
recommendations to students. She talked about the books excitedly, creating a general buzz
about certain authors and themes.

I decided to speak to the teacher quickly and asked him if students read during class in order to
complete the reading requirement. He said it is challenging to have students to read in class
because they oftentimes forget their books and he does not want their time to be wasted. So,
as a result, he assigns students to read independently outside of his class. Even so, he
explained that sometimes he is not clear if they are actually reading the book. He oftentimes
suspects that they could be testing books they read several years ago. He has found a general
difficulty generating excitement for reading with his 9th graders. He explained that by 10th
grade and up, he has seen students take reading more seriously and a greater awareness of its

I spoke to Jimna and she explained that is why the reading range is so important. It is
important that students have the opportunity to choose their own books within the range of
zone of proximity assigned to each student based on STAR assessment. In addition, Jimna
explained that she reads frequently so that she can make book recommendations.

Class Summary Report of Reading Data

FHS teachers use this reading log Jimna designed.

Reading Practice Report Diagnostic Report

I asked her how she keeps a solid number of students participating in her book club. She
explained she engages in animated discussions about the books. Sometimes they read
sections of the novels together or she selects interesting quotes from the text. In addition, she
interacts with the students in a comfortable discussion environment. Jimna’s warmth towards
the students is evident, as is her passion for reading. Her students are avid readers and excited
about their current novel.

She described her incentive programs with respect to the prizes for students that read a certain
amount. She plans to expand her AR contest to the middle school. Besides checking out
books and testing student on AR, Jimna worked on her library inventory and explained how she
has organized it in her library.

Date Start Time/End Time Total SLO Activities


2-15-18 10:00 am - 1:00 pm 3 7 ● Observed English class choose

books from book fair

Today I was able to watch Jimna work on her Scholastic Book Fair. I watched her ring up
students as they excitedly purchased their books. In between classes, I was able to watch her
work with her students helping them do research on the digital library. Jimna has service
students throughout the day. I was able observe her working with students that are helping
her to catalog a set of books donated to the school. Jimna explained that she enters the book
into the catalog through destiny, and her students help her finish by labeling and covering the
I noticed that she had carefully organized her books on sale in the Scholastic Book Fair
by genre. She created her own signs highlighting books on sale and those for her Spanish
speakers. She addressed the students as a class and explained the rules of the book fair. She
asked students to treat the books with care and to consider that tax will be added to the price

of the book. One of the teachers told her that in her class there are some students with
behavior issues. I noticed that Jimna was firm yet kind to the students. They browsed the book
fair asking about the books and talking amongst themselves about certain titles. I asked her
how she publicized the book fair at Franklin High School She explained that she advertised the
book fair in her newsletter in January. She also emailed all teachers to announce it. In addition,
she announces the book fair in morning announcements. Jimna also put up several flyers all
over the school to announce that the book fair was coming. She told me that today she would
be staying late in order to open the book fair during the school open house from 5-7 pm.
I walked around the students as they browsed the books and made sure to let them
know which books I really liked. I made casual conversation with the students about the books
and helped them locate specific books when they requested them.

Date Start Time/End Time Total Hours SLO Activities

3-2-18 9:30 -12:30 3 1, 4, 5, 6 ● Taught

lesson to
English class

Today I did a citation lesson with a class at Jimna’s school. I have not taught a citation lesson
before and I must admit I was unfamiliar with the MLA format for citations having used the
APA style at CSULB. I created a presentation and an activity for the students. The objective of
the lesson was introduce MLA and students were to use two books to create their own
citations. During the presentation, I gave students a sheet with some of the information about
MLA on it, and students could fill in the blanks. The purpose of the sheet was to keep the
students engaged in the Prezi presentation.

At the end of the presentation, I asked Jimna for feedback. She told me she liked that I started
by stating the objectives of the lesson. She also liked that I gave them a sheet to take notes.
She suggested to perhaps make it shorter next time because it could get distracting as

students were trying to fill it in while watching my presentation. She thought I made a good
choice choosing a fiction and a nonfiction book for students to work with and thought it was
good for the students to touch the books, rather than just look up books online. She suggested
adding more visuals to the Prezi and less text. The lesson required the students to fill in a form
with the elements of a citation. She told me that the section that called for students to add the
container was a bit confusing for them. She suggested that perhaps next time I try to be more
explicit about what each element means while also providing examples.

It was nice that I had the worksheet to take notes. Maybe it was distracting -- they were busy
checking answers rather. Maybe less information on the worksheet. The fiction and nonfiction
books on each table. Much better to touch and see the sheets. Differentiate fiction and
nonfiction section and actually touch the books. I think a lot realized an encyclopedia require a
volume and atlas may also require a volume. I liked the PowerPoint you were facing maybe
more visuals in the PowerPoint, less text. Title of the book - picture of the book. The container
-- title container -- confusing -- point out what a container is and provide more examples.
Maybe say a lot of the time I see the word it means one thing, in MLA and when citing these
are examples of container. Address the difference between container (glass) and how it is used
in a a citation. Nonfiction and fiction addressed.

Jimna will use my presentation with other teachers. We emphasized plagiarism and the ethics
involved in research.

Date Start Time/End Time Total Hours SLO Activities

3-9-18 9:30 -1:30 4 2,

I observed Jimna plan with a teacher about a writing assignment - four paragraph opinion
essay and they are required to use two sources. Jimna plans to review citing sources using
MLA 8 format. The teacher wanted to expose her 10th graders to this type of writing as they

will be expected to do this in 11th grade. They will use their textbook as their source. The
prompt is: How do families affect us? Students will choose two narratives from textbook.

We worked on planning the next Franklin HS newsletter. In addition, I developed a collection

of books with strong female protagonists. The collection would be given to English teachers
so that students can use their phones with the QR scanner to access information about the
book. In addition, we discussed details about my lesson for next week with Professor Rhone

Jimna and I discussed my ethnography. She told me it would be helpful to her if I developed an
action plan how to include digital books and audiobooks into her collection at Franklin. I
emailed Tim Pert from Permabound, the vendor I usually use in my library in order to start my
investigation. He explained that currently Permabound is undergoing an LAUSD Unified
Digital Instructional Procurement Plan (UDIPP) approval process for digital materials. Until
Permabound receives the formal UDIPP approval they cannot access the LA student
information system required for students to easily access ebooks and digital audiobooks. He
suggested that we check with Overdrive regarding these digital materials.

Date Start Time/End Time Total Hours SLO Activities

3-14-18 9:30 -12:00 3.5 2, 3,4, 5, 6 Taught a lesson on

website evaluation
to 11th grade class

Today I taught my lesson to a class of 11th graders. The lesson is a work in progress
that I have taught over the years, modified and changed as I teach each lesson. I arrived a little
early to set up and after the class came in and got settled, started by sharing the objectives of
the lesson with the students. I then proceeded to ask the students to engage in a conversation
about what they think it means to evaluate web sources. They partnered up and spoke to each
other. I spent some time in the front of the room, helping Jimna to translate for some of the

second language learners. Following this, I showed students a cartoon and a video to get them
ready for the lesson. I then went through the explanation of the criteria chart called the
CRAAP sheet. I modeled the task, then the students went to the computers in order to look up
the links I provided. They worked through the criteria chart, but unfortunately, we ran out of
time and they could not finish the assignment.

Following the lesson, I debriefed with Professor Rhone Parris. She suggested I engage the
students by providing them with the link so they can follow along with the Google Slides
presentation. I told her I am committed to exploring Pear Deck with students in order to make
my presentations more interactive. Also, she pointed out that during the discussions, some of
the students were off task and it would be better if I moved around the room to monitor
student progress.

I also spoke to Professor Rhone Parris about my ethnography project and I told her I would
explore how Jimna could provide access to audiobooks and ebooks at Franklin. She suggested
I see if I can reach out to the local Los Angeles Public Library in order to try to get students
library cards and connect them with Overdrive so they can have access to this collection.

Date Start Time/End Time Total Hours SLO Activities

3-23-18 9:30 -3:00 6.5 5, 7 Worked on the Franklin

HS Library newsletter
and worked on
ethnography project.

Today I came and started working on the April edition of the FHS Library newsletter.
This newsletter is something that Jimna and I have collaborated on in the past, but that I have
not done in my library this year as I am teaching journalism and we create 4 newspapers a year.
I have been able to integrate the work from the library into the school newspaper, so I have let
my own newsletter go. Jimna continues to put out her newsletter and asked if I would help her

with the April edition. We met for about 30 minutes in between visiting classes. She explained
what she wanted included in the newsletter and emailed the edition from last February, March,
and April so I could follow them as a model. I made changes to one and moved text and
images around to create an inviting document. She wanted specific information included such
as National Library Week, Poem in Your Pocket Day, the Mighty Panthers Book Club, winners
of the Reading Challenge, a “Dates to Remember” section, “Fun Library Facts,” etc. In
addition, she asked me to announce the new Student and Teacher Resource Center, a display
that we created together including some of the work that I used in my lessons about citations
and fake news.

This area in the library is something that we have been working on since I started my fieldwork
at Franklin. Jimna wanted to create a place in the library to place some of the materials I have
used in my lessons, and some of the information she has regarding LAUSD email for teachers
and students. Assisting students with setting up email is one of Jimna’s responsibilities in the

I worked on the newsletter and hung up some of the folders for the resource center
throughout the day. As I worked on the newsletter, I tried to be mindful of spacing and
balance, and made sure to include images in order to attract readers. The last half hour of the
day, I researched “e-books in school libraries” so that I could start working on my ethnography.

FHS Newsletter - Draft

Technology Assignment

When I started my position at Hollenbeck Middle School library in March 2016, we had 17
desktop computers that were very old and did not have a budget for new computers or
memory to make updates. To date, these computers do not get Google applications.
Students use them for writing essays on Word or they use PowerPoint. They can do some light
research but the computers often freeze and crash. In early February 2018, I was given a
Chromebook cart for my library with 30 Chromebooks. I am thrilled because this actually
allows me to utilize the countless strategies that I have learned in my program at CSULB with

I numbered each Chromebook from 1-30 with stickers. I called a district employee so that he
could connect them to LAUSD Wi-Fi. The technician came to my library and connected each
Chromebook to LAUSD Wi-Fi. He warned me to check the Chromebooks after student use as
sometimes the students will remove the the keys and scratch the screen. I knew that I had to
maintain these Chromebooks so I decided to buy large plastic clips and I numbered them 1-30
in order to create a check out system. In addition, I added a combination lock to the cart so
that they would always be secure. I also decided that each day I would put them in our library
backroom that is also locked.

Before nutrition and lunch, I keep 10 Chromebooks behind the main librarian desk and can
quickly hand them to students as they check them out. I ask students to leave their backpacks
with me while they take their necessary materials. I clip their backpack with the number of
Chromebook they have checked out so I remember which one they have. I realize that I have
to look at the Chromebook before they take it and when they return it so that I can check to
make sure it has been returned in good shape. One challenge that I have with the
Chromebooks is that in order to log on, students must know their username and password. In
our school, most of the students have been given their email and password. But, unfortunately
students oftentimes forget their information or just misplace it. Another problem is that after
90 days passwords have to be changed and if students do not have their pin numbers they
need help doing this. As a result, I have to help them set up their email and change passwords.
I contacted the vice principal for school-wide access to student information. In order to change

passwords and give students their email information I need their student identification
number, their date of birth, and their student pin which I obtain from MyData. This process
takes at least 7 minutes so if students are trying to quickly finish a paper during nutrition or
lunch, it is difficult because this process of looking for the information takes several minutes
away from their work time. For next year, I plan to print up teacher email rosters and keep
them in a binder in alphabetical order so that I can quickly locate their email information and
provide students with faster and more efficient access.

Date Start Time/End Time Total Hours SLO Activities

4-13-18 8:00 -3:00 7 hours Investigate ebooks and

audiobooks for FHS

Interview Jimna regarding

her administrative role in
the Accelerated Reading

I decided that I had to start work on my ethnography so I started my morning off by calling
Follett and was told that I would need to speak to my school representative. She explained
that she did not know very much about how ebooks and audiobooks are purchased for schools.
She told me that ebooks do not get taxed. She seemed to think that students could check out
books through Destiny, but was not very sure. She let me know that she would pass on my
information to her sales representative and would hope for a response by Monday.

Earlier that day, I had posted a question on my teacher librarian Schoology group. I received a
response from a teacher librarian within LAUSD. Mrs. Williams explained that she provides
ebooks to her student through Follett and that it is is fairly easy if you are ordering ebooks
from Follett using Titlewave. You do it just as you would order print books. Follett will send
you an email with the MARC records information and instructions and then you put in a ticket
to ITD to load your MARC records into Destiny for your school. She also mentioned that
librarians can get a bundle of 10 free multi-access ebooks from ABDO Digital Bookshelf as long

as you open an account with them and promise to order books from them in the future. I went
to their website saw that you can get a bundle of multi-access ebooks for grades 4-8. They will
send you information with step by step instructions on how to set up access and how to load it
into Destiny's OPAC. Mrs. Williams did not load them into Destiny. Instead she explained that
she has a separate ABDO Digital icon on her library's web page right next to the Destiny icon
and students can search ebooks in ABDO from there. The only problem that I noted about the
ABDO selection of free books is that they are mostly nonfiction and there are no fiction books.

Administrative Task
Accelerated Reader (AR) Program through Renaissance

I asked Jimna how she uses AR with her students. While we also use AR at my school, I
am not the administrator. Jimna explained that she administers the AR Program at Franklin
High School because it is closely linked to the literacy work in the library and it is a great
accountability piece for teachers and students. She said that new incoming students, this
includes the 9th graders and incoming 6th graders and all new students are given a username
and password. They also have to be added to the program manually. You need to include first
name, middle name and last name. Students are added to their English teacher rosters. Jimna
assign’s username and password and classifies gender and grade level. Jimna asked me to
create new student accounts by inputting their information. I also helped her to delete people
from the program. I printed a report of all the withdrawn students and I removed them so that
the number of licenses goes up. It takes 24 hours to reload the number. During second
semester many students checked out of school or switched classes to new periods so you have
to note that and delete that from the program.

If there is another core teacher that would like to have student data you can add the student to
the teachers roster. For example, I was able to ask the person that administers the program at
my school to add my Journalism class to the program. While students have an account with

their English teachers, I added an account for journalism. I did this so that I can easily print up
their data from my own account.

With respect to teachers, each is given a username and a temporary password. They do have
the right to change their password. Once teachers log into their account they are able to see
all of their classes and currently enrolled students. Teachers are able to see student reading
level, they can manipulate their goals according to reading level and points. Teachers can also
run reports of reading assessments and they can also run growth reports and check the
number of reading points. They can also see reports on books students have read.

Jimna explained that students can do their STAR assessment in Spanish and they can AR quiz
in Spanish. Because FHS has a dual language program for middle school, these students have
been tested in Spanish and check out books according to their AR level. The Spanish test
results only provide the Lexile level that starts at 400 and goes up to 1300. Jimna has had to
translate the Spanish test results developing her own key for reading levels. I did not realize
this was possible and will definitely let those at my school know. The Spanish part of the
assessment is only two years old and Renaissance is still making adjustments.
She explained that the STAR Test is computer adapted and that STAR should be used at least 3
times a year. Teachers are welcome to test more often to check for reading progress. Norm
referenced data are provided with district benchmarks. Also, reports are available
immediately after testing. The test is done online and completely independently by students.
This is different from other reading assessments such as running records that require the
teacher to administer the test to each student individually which can be very time consuming.
Taking the test online with immediate results is definitely an advantage to this program.

The Zone of Proximal Development can be expressed in Lexile or AR reading level -- you can
have that choice as an option. The teachers at Franklin use the AR reading level because most
of the books in the library are classified by AR reading level and points.

The special education teachers use the data diagnostic report for their IEP meetings to identify
areas of need for their students. They are able to use these reports to set set projected
date/goals. In addition, if teachers know when you are testing they can project goals. In
addition, Jimna explained that STAR will help you group your students then with the
instructional planning groups it will show you how to move forward in small group activities to
address the area of student need.

Administrative Task in FHS Library

Jimna and I worked on creating an AR folder system for the English teachers in the school. She
had paperwork and we were able to organize the documents into an AR Folder for every
teacher using the AR Program. This will be used as an organizational system to keep a record
of the current roster of students enrolled in each class with the STAR Reading summary report
along with a roster that includes student usernames and passwords. Current results of student
reading levels are kept here. In addition, it also includes any particular lesson that the TL and
Teacher are collaborating on. This is a method of organizing the information so that teachers
can find the information in one place. Using the MISIS program we select the teacher name,
class period and printed the current roster of all the students enrolled in that period.

I also helped Jimna add 20 new incoming students that had come to FHS from other schools. I
also changed the mandatory password that is required for students to take the Accelerated
Reading Test. In order to add a new student into the program Jimna logged into her account
and I went to the administrative account and into “users” then under “students” I selected “add
student.” This is the required information for a new student. First name, middle name if
available, and last name. Since the students use their ID number number regularly, their
username is their student ID number. Then, I gave them a password. It is the month and day
of their birthday -- a four digit password. If their birth month is one digit, I put a zero in front of
birth month. It is also required to select the gender and grade level. Then, click “save and
add.” The student is then successfully added into the Renaissance Reading Program. I then
went to add the student to their English Class. I went to “courses and classes,” and selected

this. Then, I selected the course available that was reading. That is the name of the course of
everyone using Renaissance Reading. Then, I looked for the name of the English teacher. I
selected the name of the teacher and the period and then I selected “add/remove students.”
After clicking on that, a search for student option appeared. I typed in the first and last name
of the student. Once I had the student name, I clicked next to the name. Then, I selected
“add.” In bold letters, the name appears on the roster. I clicked “continue,” and then I saved.

Jimna explained how to assign a monitor password under the administrative account. She
selected “Accelerated Reader” and then clicked on “Preferences.” She selected “School
preferences” because it is supposed to apply to all students in the school. She then went to
“Student Quizzing.” This allowed us to change a monitor password. Then, an email was sent
to all the teachers letting them know that the monitor password was changed.

Student Resource Center

Date Start Time/End Time Total Hours SLO Activities

4-17-18 8:00 -3:00 7 hours 1,2,6,7 ● Investigate ebooks and

audiobooks for FHS

● Interview Jimna
regarding her
administrative role in
the Accelerated Reading


Today I helped set students up for AR testing with Jimna. I went to the Franklin High school
website. Then, I selected the icon for the Renaissance Learning Website. Students signed in
with their username and password. In order for students to quiz the book they have read, a
monitor password is required. Jimna and I walked around and put in monitor password for
each of the students. Then, they select AR Quiz. They write the title of the book and they
select “Start quiz.” They must select “Read by myself” and start quizzing. I also finished
interviewing Jimna about her use of the AR program for my administrative task and finished
adding students to the AR Program.

Book Club
I was happy to see a session of Jimna’s Mighty Panther Book Club. I run a book club from
library with a nonprofit on campus so I was curious to know how she facilitates her meetings.
The club is comprised of sophomores, juniors, and primarily seniors. There were 12 students
present. She went through a list of announcements. They have a Book Club Cabinet -- these
are the leadership of the club. They announced that there would be openings in their
leadership as many seniors are graduating. She also announced that senior patches with the
number of years students have participated in the book club would be available for the
graduation ceremony. May 22nd is their last meeting. She asked students if they would like to
donate $2.00 for their final meeting party.

The group has a lot of fundraising activities. Students had suggestions for future fundraisers
that they could do this year and at the start of the next school year. In order to increase
membership, one student suggested that there should be certain days that members bring in a
new member. He suggested they call this “New Member Day.” Another suggested that
maybe those that bring in new members can get a prize. They decided that they will do

activities in the library next year such as “Guess how many chocolates are in the jar” and
“Guess how much the pumpkin weighs.”

They started discussing the book Belle Époque. They discussed several of the characters.
Some students made text to text connections with Pride and Prejudice. Overall, the students
seemed to enjoy the club and were comfortable with each other as they shared their thoughts
about the novel.

Date Start Time/End Time Total Hours SLO Activities

4-19-18 8:00 -3:00 7 hours 4,8 ● Catalog

● Write up survey
questions for
● Administer survey

Cataloguing is an area that I am trying to improve. I brought a few of my books to

Franklin HS so that I could practice cataloging. I wanted to take advantage of cataloging with
Jimna in case I have a question. I took up the task eagerly as I am hoping I can overcome the
anxiety that the experience generates for me.

I have had several books pile up as the librarian from Benjamin Franklin occasionally
weeds her collection and donates books to my library. So, I started with a book by R.J. Palacio,
Auggie & Me. I was eager to add this to my collection. So, started by going into Destiny
through my browser and locating my school. I clicked on the “Catalog” tab. Then I clicked on
the “Library Search” option from the menu on the left side of the screen. I clicked on “Add
Title” and then clicked on the “Number tab on the right side. I selected the “Find” drop down

menu and selected “ISBN” from the list. I clicked on the “Location” drop down menu and
selected LAUSD from the list. I scanned the barcode on my book to input the ISBN on the back
of the book and clicked on “Go.” I then clicked on the “Copies” sub tab. I clicked on “Add
Copies.” Then, on the “Add Copies” screen, I went to “Add Copies” and put in the barcode. I
had a list of barcodes that I have already worked with in the past. I continued to the next
barcode by adding 3 + location code (8179) + X + 0’s + #). The total number of digits must be
14 digits. I typed in the call number which was “Fic Pal” and added $30.00 for the purchase
price. I scrolled down to “Sublocation,” and clicked on the “on shelf” option. Then I scrolled
down to where it says “Manage Sublocation” and selected “On Shelf.” I clicked the “Save” icon
and then “Save Copies.” I added 27 books and will print the barcode and spine labels when I
return to my school.

After some cataloging, I started to develop the questions that I planned to use for my
ethnography. I created a Google Form and input the questions. I was able to administer the
survey with 2 different classes of juniors and seniors. Students seemed excited at the prospect
of the library expanding to ebooks and audiobooks. In my survey, I asked the following

● Have you ever used an ebook?

● Have you ever used an audiobook?
● If you have used an ebook, how many times?
● If you have used an audiobook, how many times?
● If FHS had ebooks and audiobooks in the collection, would you be interested in
checking them out?
● Do you prefer ebooks or books in print?
● Do you prefer audiobooks or books in print?
● Please explain you prefer to read ebooks, audiobooks, or books in print.
● If you found an ebook/audiobook you wanted, what device would you read it on?
These were the results:


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