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Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value .6552 .8034 .7176 .04469 33

Std. Predicted Value -1.396 1.921 .000 1.000 33

Standard Error of Predicted .019 .079 .030 .011 33


Adjusted Predicted Value .6503 .8000 .7215 .04367 33

Residual -.18602 .15148 .00000 .07671 33

Std. Residual -2.268 1.847 .000 .935 33

Stud. Residual -2.405 1.903 -.015 1.002 33

Deleted Residual -.20904 .16083 -.00395 .08922 33

Stud. Deleted Residual -2.651 2.003 -.021 1.038 33

Mahal. Distance .729 28.949 3.879 4.951 33

Cook's Distance .000 .198 .035 .051 33

Centered Leverage Value .023 .905 .121 .155 33

a. Dependent Variable: ISR

Casewise Diagnosticsa

Number Std. Residual ISR Predicted Value Residual

1 .422 .83 .7954 .03460

2 .361 .83 .8004 .02958

3 .934 .88 .8034 .07656

4 -.855 .60 .6701 -.07013

5 -.710 .60 .6582 -.05822

6 -.424 .63 .6648 -.03479

7 -.122 .73 .7400 -.01004

8 -.394 .73 .7623 -.03234

9 -.658 .69 .7440 -.05395

10 -2.268 .54 .7260 -.18602

11 .167 .73 .7163 .01369

12 .357 .73 .7007 .02930

13 .705 .81 .7521 .05785

14 1.810 .85 .7015 .14845

15 1.847 .85 .6985 .15148

16 .764 .83 .7674 .06264

17 1.054 .83 .7436 .08641

18 1.010 .83 .7472 .08285

19 -1.538 .65 .7761 -.12613

20 -1.126 .65 .7423 -.09235

21 -.136 .71 .7211 -.01113

22 .233 .69 .6709 .01913

23 .506 .73 .6885 .04151

24 .807 .75 .6838 .06620

25 -1.244 .67 .7720 -.10199

26 -.158 .69 .7029 -.01293

27 -.058 .69 .6948 -.00478

28 -.305 .65 .6750 -.02503

29 .592 .71 .6614 .04857

30 .654 .71 .6564 .05364

31 -1.392 .58 .6941 -.11413

32 -.772 .63 .6933 -.06331

33 -.063 .65 .6552 -.00519

a. Dependent Variable: ISR

Collinearity Diagnosticsa

Variance Proportions
Model on Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) ROA KepIns Leverage DPS

1 1 3.646 1.000 .00 .00 .01 .02 .00

2 .998 1.911 .00 .88 .00 .00 .00

3 .218 4.091 .00 .00 .26 .74 .00

4 .120 5.508 .04 .09 .62 .24 .09

5 .018 14.256 .96 .03 .11 .00 .90

a. Dependent Variable: ISR

Coefficient Correlationsa

Model DPS KepIns Leverage ROA

1 Correlations DPS 1.000 .099 -.184 -.082

KepIns .099 1.000 -.045 -.258

Leverage -.184 -.045 1.000 -.172

ROA -.082 -.258 -.172 1.000

Covariances DPS .001 1.178E-6 -9.169E-7 -1.003E-5

KepIns 1.178E-6 1.525E-7 -2.895E-9 -4.065E-7

Leverage -9.169E-7 -2.895E-9 2.675E-8 -1.134E-7

ROA -1.003E-5 -4.065E-7 -1.134E-7 1.631E-5

a. Dependent Variable: ISR


Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Correlations Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) .590 .081 7.249 .000

ROA .001 .004 .060 .350 .729 .127 .066 .057 .892 1.122

KepIns .000 .000 -.128 -.750 .460 -.095 -.140 -.122 .922 1.085

Leverage .000 .000 .385 2.268 .031 .430 .394 .370 .925 1.081

DPS .040 .030 .220 1.312 .200 .309 .241 .214 .949 1.054

a. Dependent Variable: ISR


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression .064 4 .016 2.376 .076a

Residual .188 28 .007

Total .252 32

a. Predictors: (Constant), DPS, KepIns, Leverage, ROA

b. Dependent Variable: ISR

Model Summaryb

Change Statistics

R Adjusted Std. Error of the R Square Sig. F Durbin-

Model R Square R Square Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Change Watson

1 .503a .253 .147 .08200 .253 2.376 4 28 .076 1.226

a. Predictors: (Constant), DPS, KepIns, Leverage, ROA

b. Dependent Variable: ISR


ISR ROA KepIns Leverage DPS

Pearson Correlation ISR 1.000 .127 -.095 .430 .309

ROA .127 1.000 .262 .204 .096

KepIns -.095 .262 1.000 .080 -.064

Leverage .430 .204 .080 1.000 .196

DPS .309 .096 -.064 .196 1.000

Sig. (1-tailed) ISR . .241 .299 .006 .040

ROA .241 . .070 .127 .298

KepIns .299 .070 . .330 .362

Leverage .006 .127 .330 . .138

DPS .040 .298 .362 .138 .

N ISR 33 33 33 33 33

ROA 33 33 33 33 33

KepIns 33 33 33 33 33

Leverage 33 33 33 33 33

DPS 33 33 33 33 33

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

ISR .7176 .08878 33

ROA .1470 3.80145 33

KepIns 78.7991 38.67198 33

Leverage 149.7339 92.14835 33

DPS 2.3636 .48850 33

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