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Course Code/Title : BUS362e IT-enabled Business Transformation

Semester : JULY 2016 SEMESTER


Overall Performance of Students in the Examination:

Strengths and Weaknesses of Students in Examination:


Students performed better in topics covered in the GBA as well as in the seminars. These include
Enterprise Systems, Project Priority Matrix and Normative Theories of Ethical Business.


Students did not do so well on topics which were not covered in the GBA or seminars such as the
use of IS in management control processes and types of investment in an IT portfolio. While most
students were able to define concepts to answer the first part of the questions, they were generally
weaker on the other parts of the questions which require applications of these concepts.

Strengths and weaknesses of students with regard to Question 1.


Most students could identify the mode of working as virtual teams and discuss challenges of virtual
teams in 1(b).


Most students were unable to relate how IS can be used to enable management control in 1(a).
Although this topic was not covered in the seminars students were expected to read up themselves.
Some students were unable to correctly determine the new perspective adopted in Q1c. This points
to weaknesses in the application of concepts learnt, although they were able to define these
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Strengths and weaknesses of students with regard to Question 2.


Students fared better in this question compared to Q2, as seen from the higher average. Most
students were able to identify and explain the 4 types of enterprise systems 2(a) as well as the 3
funding methods 2(b).


Most students were unable to accurately indicate if agility focus firm has higher or lower
percentage of total IT investments for transactional, infrastructure, informational and strategic
investments respectively. It appears that these students did not have any understanding of this
concept, which was not covered in the seminars.

Strengths and weaknesses of students with regard to Question 3.


The majority of students were able to identify the appropriate project development methodology
and describe its advantages as well as the reason to outsource in 3(a). Interpreting the project
triangle was also another strong point for most students.


Students were generally unable to describe key decisions in the sourcing decision cycle
framework, with most stating different reasons to make/buy instead.

Strengths and weaknesses of students with regard to Question 4.


Most students were able to identify the 3 normative theories of business ethics (4a) and the 4
areas of information ethics (PAPA) (4b).


While students were able to define the 4 areas of information ethics, some were unable to go
beyond that and provide appropriate critical question pertaining to each area. Here again it points
to weaknesses in application of concepts.

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