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FASCICLE VIII, 2010 (XVI), ISSN 1221-4590, Issue 1



Department of Applied Mechanics, “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, ROMANIA

A fast algorithm for elastic-plastic contact simulation is overviewed in this
paper. Betti’s reciprocal theorem is employed to assess surface normal
displacement and stress state in an elastic half-space in the presence of plastic
strains. Resulting equations suggest problem decomposition in an elastic and a
residual part, which cannot be solved independently. While solution of the former is
available from Polonsky and Keer’s algorithm for elastic contact with arbitrarily
shaped geometry, the latter requires assessment of plastic zone. Plastic strain
increment is derived employing a universal algorithm for integration of
elastoplasticity equations. Elastic-plastic contact problem is solved iteratively based
on the reciprocal adjustment between pressure and plastic strain, until convergence
is reached.

Keywords: numerical simulation, elastic-plastic contact, plastic strain

1. INTRODUCTION Kinematic hardening was added by Chen, Wang,

Wang, Keer and Cao [8] who advanced a three-
The modern approach in simulating elastic- dimensional numerical model for simulating the
plastic contact is based on the algorithm originally repeated rolling or sliding contact of a rigid sphere
proposed by Mayeur [1], employing Betti’s reciprocal over an elastic-plastic half-space.
theorem. Although Mayeur developed a model for the Cretu and Benchea [9] and Benchea and Cretu
three-dimensional problem, numerical implementation [10] employed an improved incremental algorithm for
was restricted to two-dimensional case, due to lack of elastic-plastic non-conforming contact modeling,
formulas for the influence coefficients. based on the method originally proposed by Cretu and
Problem generalisation is due to Jacq [2] and to Hatmanu [11]. This alternative formulation uses an
Jacq et al. [3], who advanced a complete semi- assumption of compatibility between elastic and
analytical formulation for the three-dimensional elastic- plastic strains, and can be used to achieve accurate
plastic contact. The algorithm was later refined by results with a moderate computational effort, as it
Wang and Keer [4] who improved the convergence of implies fewer iterative levels.
residual and elastic loops. The main idea of their Fast A numerical approach to simulate the elastic-
Convergence Method (FCM) is to use the convergence plastic contact, based on Betti’s reciprocal theorem, is
values for the current loop as initial guess values for the overviewed in this paper. Fotiu and Nemat-Nasser's
next loop. This approach reduces the number of universal algorithm is employed to derive plastic
iterations if the loading increments are small. strain increment. The convergence of the residual part
Nélias, Boucly and Brunet [5] further improved is improved dramatically, and computationally
the convergence of the residual loop, by assessing the intensive residual stress assessment is moved to an
plastic strain increment with the aid of a universal upper iterative level, thus allowing for finer
algorithm for integration of elastoplasticity resolutions in problem digitization.
constitutive equations, originally proposed by Fotiu
and Nemat-Nasser [6], as opposed to the existing 2. ELASTIC-PLASTIC ALGORITHM
formulation based on Prandtl-Reuss equations [2]. As OVERVIEW
stated in [5], this results in a decrease of one order of
magnitude in the CPU time. Since the works of Mayeur [1] and Jacq [2],
The influence of a tangential loading in elastic-
Betti’s reciprocal theorem has been used in elastic-
plastic contact was assessed by Antaluca [7].
FASCICLE VIII, 2010 (XVI), ISSN 1221-4590, Issue 1

plastic contact modeling to assess surface normal plastic strains. As shown in the following section,
displacement and stress state in an elastic half-space knowledge of stress state and of hardening state of the
in the presence of plastic strains. The basis of Betti’s elastic-plastic material allows for computation of
theorem is the equality between the work done by the plastic strain increment, when a new loading
virtual force through the displacements produced by increment is applied leading to further yielding.
the real force and the work done by the real force Again, two independent loads are considered, leading
through the displacements produced by the virtual to two independent states ( u,ε ,σ ) and
According to this formulation, if two ( u∗∗ ,ε ∗∗ ,σ ∗∗ ) , the latter corresponding to a unit load
independent loads are applied to an elastic body of applied along the direction of xk , in a point B inside
volume Ω and of boundary Γ , generating two the half-space:
independent states ( u,ε ,σ ) and ( u∗ ,ε ∗ ,σ ∗ ) with ⎧⎪ 0, M ≠ B;
vanishing body forces, and the latter corresponds to a pk∗ ( M ) = ⎨ −1
r ⎪⎩( dx1dx2 dx3 ) , M = B. (4)
unit load applied along the direction of x3 , in a point
A of the boundary (a unit impulse): The following equation yields from the general
form of Betti’s reciprocal theorem:
⎪⎧ 0, M ≠ A;
p3∗ ( M ) = ⎨ −1 (1) uk ( B ) = 2 μ ∫
ε ijp ( M )ε kij ( M ,B )d Ω +
⎪⎩( dx1dx2 ) , M = A, Ωp
the following equation holds: (5)

( M , p3∗ ( A )) p3 ( M )d Γ +
∫ u3k ( M ,B ) p3 ( M )d Γ.
u3 ( A ) = ∫ u33 ΓC
(2) ∗∗ ∗∗
∗ Here, u3k ( M ,B ) and ε kij ( M ,B ) are the
2μ ∫ ε ijp ( M )ε 3ij ( M , p3∗ ( A ))d Ω. r
Ωp displacements along direction of x3 and the ij strain
tensor component respectively, induced at point M in
Here, ΓC is the boundary subdomain with
the half-space by the unit load applied at point B
normal tractions p3 defined, and Ω p the volume r
along the direction of xk . Varying the position of B in
subdomain with existing plastic strains ε p , both Ω and applying superposition principle with respect to
corresponding to state ( u,ε ,σ ) , μ Lamé's constant integration point M, displacements in every point of
the body can be assessed.
and M the integration point. This point is located Eq. (5) suggests that stresses have an “elastic”
within ΓC in the first term of Eq. (2) and within Ω p
part, σ pr , related to contact pressure p3 , which is

in the second. Consequently, u33 ( M , p3∗ ( A )) is the expressed as a surface integral over ΓC , and a
displacement in the direction of x3 , and
residual part, σ r , expressed as a volume integral over

ε 3ij ( M , p3∗ ( A )) is the strain tensor induced at point plastic region Ω p . The term “elastic” in the previous
M by the loading described in Eq. (1). Varying the statement can be misleading, as all stresses are elastic,
position of A on Γ and applying the superposition but σ pr denotes the part of stresses that would vanish
principle with respect to integration point M , normal
if an elastic unloading occured. This stresses are
displacement in every point of the boundary can be
related to contact pressure, as opposed to residual
The second term in Eq. (2), which is expressed stresses σ r , which are linked to the plastic region
as a volume integral, represents the residual part of Ω p , and would persist after elastic unloading. If
displacement, namely the deflection that would persist M ijk l is the stiffness tensor from Hooke’s law, the
after unloading elastically the considered body:
∗ following equations hold:
u3r ( A ) = 2 μ ∫ ε ijp ( M )ε 3ij ( M , A )d Ω (3)
⎛1 ⎞
Ωp σ ijpr = M ijk l ⎜ ( ukpr,l + ulpr,k )⎟ , (6)
⎝2 ⎠
Knowledge of normal residual displacement
allows solving the elastic-plastic contact problem as a
purely elastic problem with modified initial contact ukpr ( B ) = ∫ uk∗∗3 ( M ,B )p3 ( M )d Γ , (7)
geometry. A level of iteration, corresponding to ΓC
solution of elastic contact, is therefore required for the and
mutual adjustment between contact pressure and ⎛1 ⎞
surface normal displacement. σ ijr = M ijk l ⎜ ( ukr ,l + ulr,k ) − ε kpl ⎟ , (8)
Betti’s reciprocal theorem is also applied to ⎝2 ⎠
assess stress state in the half-space, in the presence of with
FASCICLE VIII, 2010 (XVI), ISSN 1221-4590, Issue 1

ukr ( B ) = 2 μ ∗∗
ε ijp ( M )ε kij dividing the region of plastic strains Ω p in a set of
∫ ( M ,B )d Ω . (9)
Ωp N cuboids of elementary volume Ωc , having
Resulting equations (2) and (5) suggest elastic- uniform plastic strains in each elementary cuboid.
plastic contact problem split in an “elastic” and a Consequently, the continuous distribution of ε p in
residual part. The elastic part comprises the static force
Ω p is assumed as piece-wise constant and Ω p is
equilibrium, interference equation, and complement-
tarity conditions, while the residual part expresses the substituted by a reunion of elementary cuboids Ω pn .
plastic strain increment and plastic zone contribution to With this formulation, the residual displacement can
surface normal displacement and to stress state in the be expressed as the sum of contributions of all
elastic-plastic body. However, the two subproblems elementary cuboids:
cannot be solved independently, as residual displace- N

ment, computed in the residual part, enters interference u3r ( A ) = 2 μ ∑ ε ijp ( k ) ∫ ε 3ij ( k,A), (10)
equation in the elastic part, while contact stress, k =1 Ωc
assessed in the elastic subproblem, is needed to find the
or, by indexing the cuboids with a set of three
plastic strain increment in the residual part.
integers, and by denoting the cuboid sides with
Analytical resolution of resulting equations is
Δ1 , Δ 2 and Δ 3 , the equation (11) is obtained.
available for neither the elastic, nor the residual part,
as integration domains, namely boundary region with The tensor ε 3∗ , representing strains due to a unit
tractions and plastic strain volume respectively, not concentrated force applied on surface boundary, is
known a priori, are arbitrarily shaped. Therefore, known from Boussinesq fundamental solutions, [14],
numerical approach is preferred. The principle of which represent, in terms of spectral methods, the
numerical approach consists in considering corresponding Green functions. In order to compute
continuous distributions as piece-wise constant on the the influence coefficients, functions dii are defined as
cells of a three-dimensional grid imposed in a volume
∗ ∗ ∗
enveloping integration domains. Continuous primitives of functions 2 με 3ii = μ ( u3i,i + u3i,i ) with
integration in the analytical model of the elastic- r r r
respect to directions of x1 ,x2 and of x3 , and
plastic contact model is replaced by multi-summation
of elementary cells individual contributions, known functions dij , i< j, as primitives of
from the influence coefficients or Green’s functions.
As these multi-summation operations are in fact (

2 μ ε 3ij )
+ ε 3∗ ji = 2 μ ( u3i,
∗ ∗
j + u3 j,i ) with respect to the
convolution and/or correlation products, spectral same directions. The influence coefficients can then
methods are applied to speed up the computation. be computed according to the formulas given in
The numerical model of the elastic part is Appendix.
obtained from that corresponding to a normal elastic Eq. (13) written with respect to indices of
contact problem completed with the residual term, elementary cells takes the following form:
namely the residual displacement, which is u3r ( i, j,0 ) =
superimposed into the interference equation.
Consequently, the elastic subproblem can be treated ∑ p
εζξ ( l ,m,n )Dζξ ( l − i ,m − j,n ) , (11)
as an elastic contact problem with modified initial ( l ,m,n )∈Ω pn
contact geometry. The most efficient solver is based with summation over ζ ,ξ = 1,2,3 , ζ ≤ ξ . If
on the conjugate gradient algorithm advanced by
Polonsky and Keer [12], tweaked with the Discrete expression Dζξ ( i − l , j − m,n ) is used in relation (11)
Convolution Fast Fourier (DCFFT) technique instead of Dζξ ( l − i ,m − j,n ) , namely the point of
advanced by Liu, Wang and Liu [13], for efficient
evaluation of convolutions. integration and the point of observation are
In the same manner, the residual part is interchanged, Eq. (11) takes the following form:
reformulated numerically, by imposing digitized u3r ( i, j,0 ) =
plastic strain distribution and finite load increments.
As the region of plastic strains Ω p can be arbitrarily ∑ Dζξ ( i − l , j − m,n ) ε ζξ
( l ,m,n ), (12)
( l ,m,n )∈Ω pn
shaped, the integral in Eq. (3) can only be computed
numerically. The numerical formulation is based on

u3r ( i, j,0 ) = 2 μ ∑
( l ,m,n )∈Ω pn
{εζξ ( l,m,n ) ×

x3 ( n )+Δ 3 2 x2 ( m )+Δ 2 2 x1( l )+Δ1 2 ⎫ (13)

∫ ∫ ∫ ε 3∗ζξ ( l − x1( i ) ,m − x2 ( j ),n ) dx1 dx2 dx3 ⎪⎬ ,
x3 ( n )−Δ 3 2 x2 ( m )−Δ 2 2 x1( l )−Δ1 2 ⎪⎭
FASCICLE VIII, 2010 (XVI), ISSN 1221-4590, Issue 1

which represents a discrete cyclic convolution with complete history of loading. In this level, the load is
r r
respect to directions of x1 and of x2 . Efficient applied in finite increments, starting from an intensity
computation for this product is available through corresponding to elastic domain, until the imposed
DCFFT [13]. value is reached.
An additional reduction of necessary The algorithm for solving one loading step in
computational resources is performed if complex the elastic-plastic normal contact problem is
summarized in Figure 1.
influence coefficients Dij are defined as:
Dij = Dij + i ⋅ Di +1 j , (14)
and complex plastic strains:
ε ijp = ε ijp − i ⋅ ε ip+1 j . (15)
Convolution of terms in Eqs. (14) and (15)
Dij ⊗ ε ijp = Dij ⊗ ε ijp + Di +1 j ⊗ ε ip+1 j +
i ⋅ Di +1 j ⊗ ε ijp − Dij ⊗ ε ip+1 j )
which returns, on the real part, the contribution of two
members of the tensor, computed in one complex
convolution operation only. The complex part of the
right member in Eq. (16) is discarded. With this
approach, the number of fast Fourier transforms
(FFT) required to assess contribution of two terms of
the plastic strain tensor is reduced considerably: one
direct FFT and one inverse FFT (IFFT), instead of Fig. 1. Elastic - plastic algorithm
four FFTs and two IFFTs needed if the two
contributions had been assessed independently. Firstly, the elastic problem with modified
In the same manner, continuous integral in Eq. contact geometry hi is solved, yielding contact area
(9), assessing residual stresses, is reduced to multi- and pressure distribution p . The latter is used to
summation over a finite set of cuboids of uniform assess elastic displacement field u pr and stress field
plastic strains:
r σ pr . These terms represent the “elastic” part of
σ ξζ ( i, j,k ) = displacement and of stress, namely that part that is
(17) recovered once loading is removed (after contact
∑ Aξζςγ ( i − l , j − m,k − n )εςγp ( l ,m,n ),
opening). The stresses induced by pressure are used,
( l ,m,n )∈Ω pn
together with hardening state parameters, in the
where A is a fourth order tensor whose derivation is residual subproblem, to assess plastic strain increment
detailed in [15]. Residual stresses are computed using
the hybrid convolution-correlation three-dimensional and to update the achieved plastic zone ε p . Residual
spectral algorithm advanced by Spinu and Diaconescu parts of displacement, u r , and of stresses, σ r , can
[15], resulting in a dramatic decrease in then be computed. As opposed to their elastic
computational effort.
counterparts, the terms u r and σ r express a potential
Finally, the algorithm proposed for simulation
state, that would remain after contact unloading, if no
of elastic-plastic contact with isotropic hardening is
plastic flow occurs during load relief. The total
based on three levels of iteration:
1. The innermost level, corresponding to the displacement can then be computed, u pr + u r , thus
residual part, assesses plastic strain increment, based imposing a new interference equation in the elastic
on an algorithm described in detail in the following subproblem. These sequences are looped until
section, and the contribution of plastic zone to stress convergence is reached.
state and surface displacement.
2. The intermediate level adjusts contact 3. PLASTIC STRAIN INCREMENT
pressure and residual displacement in an iterative
approach specific to elastic contact problems with According to general theory of plasticity, plastic
arbitrarily shaped contact geometry. flow occurrence can be described mathematically with
3. The outermost level is related to the fact that, the aid of a yield function, assessing the yield locus in
unlike elastic solids, in which the state of strain the multidimensional space of stress tensor
depends on the achieved state of stress only, components. If von Mises criterion is used to assess
deformation in a plastic body depends on the stress intensity, this function can be expressed as:
FASCICLE VIII, 2010 (XVI), ISSN 1221-4590, Issue 1

f ( e p ) = σ VM − σ Y ( e p ) , (18) domain expands and/or translates to include the new

state, namely to verify condition f = 0 . The actual
where e p denotes the effective accumulated plastic increment of effective accumulated plastic strain
strain, e p = 2ε ijp ε ijp 3 , and σ Y ( e p ) is the yield should satisfy, in the plastic zone, the equation of the
new yield surface:
strength function. The latter satisfies the relation for
f (ep +δ ep ) = 0 . (23)
the initial yield strength σ Y 0 :
σY ( 0 ) = σY 0 . (19) Here, δ e denotes the finite increment of
For elastic-perfectly plastic materials, the effective plastic strain, as defined in [2]. Relation (23)
relation (19) is verified for any value of e p . can be considered as an equation in δ e p , which is
However, for metallic materials, more complex solved numerically by Newton-Raphson iteration. To
models of elastic-plastic behavior are employed, as this end, yield surface relation is linearized along
the isotropic, or the kinematic hardening laws. Swift’s plastic corrector direction:
isotropic hardening law of, ∂f ( e p )
f (ep +δep ) = f (ep )+δep = 0 , (24)
σ Y ( e p ) = B( C + e p )n , (20) ∂e p
with B, C and n material constants, is used in the yielding the plastic corrector:
current formulation, as it is verified for many metallic f (ep ) f (ep )
materials, [16] and, from a numerical point of view, it δep = − = . (25)
∂f ( e p ) ∂σ Y ( e p ) ∂σ VM
has the advantage of being continuously derivable. −
The following conditions must be met all the ∂e p ∂e p ∂e p
time: For isotropic hardening, the derivate of
f ≤ 0; de p ≥ 0; f ⋅ de p = 0 , (21) equivalent von Mises stress with respect to effective
accumulated plastic strain was derived by Nélias,
with f = 0 and de > 0 corresponding to plastic flow. Boucly and Brunet, [5], from the general equations
According to flow rule, plastic strain increment presented in [6] for rate-dependent elastoplasticity:
can be expressed as: ∂σVM
= −3G , (26)
δf 3Sij ∂e p
d ε ijp = de p = de p , (22)
δσ ij 2σ VM where G is the shear modulus, or the μ Lamé’s
where Sij denotes the deviatoric stress tensor.
With these results, the following return-mapping
The algorithm used to derive the plastic strain algorithm with elastic predictor - plastic corrector can
increment was advanced by Fotiu and Nemat-Nasser, be formulated:
who developed a universal algorithm for integration 1. Acquire the state at the beginning of the
of elastoplasticity constitutive equations. As stated in loading step and impose the elastic predictor. For
[6], the algorithm is unconditionally stable and elastic-plastic contact problems, this is equivalent to
accurate even for large load increments, as it takes solving an elastic loop without imposing any residual
into account the entire non-linear structure of displacement increment. Corresponding parameters
elastoplasticity constitutive equations. These are are identified by an “ a ” superscript, as opposed to a
solved iteratively, via Newton-Raphson numerical “ b ” superscript, used to denote the state at the end of
method, at the end of each loading step. The yield
function f is linearized at the beginning of the load the loading increment: e p( a ) , σ Y( a ) = σ Y ( e p( a ) ) ,
(a) (a)
increment, by employing an elastic predictor. This σ ij( a ) = σ ijpr( a ) + σ ijr( a ) , σVM , f ( a ) = σ VM − σ Y( a ) .
places the predictor (trial) state far outside the yield These variables also represent the input for the
surface f = 0 , since elastic-plastic modulus is small Newton-Raphson iteration. Thus, by using
compared to the elastic one. The return path to the superscripts to denote the Newton-Raphson iteration
yield surface is generated by the plastic corrector, via
number, e p( 1 ) = e p( a ) , σ Y( 1 ) = σ Y( a ) , σ ij( 1 ) = σ ij( a ) ,
Newton-Raphson iteration. This approach, also
(1) (a)
referred to as elastic predictor - plastic corrector, is σVM = σ VM , f (1) = f ( a ) .
efficient when most of the total strain is elastic. In the
2. Start the Newton-Raphson iteration. Compute
fully plastic regime, which occurs usually after the
the plastic corrector according to relations (25) and (26):
elastic-plastic one, the plastic strain is predominant,
thus the return path may require numerous iterations. ⎛ ∂k( e p( i ) ) ⎞
δ e p( i ) = f ( i ) ⎜ + 3G ⎟ . (27)
Thus, linearization at the beginning of the loading ⎜ ∂e p( i ) ⎟
⎝ ⎠
step is performed by a plastic predictor, and the return
3. Use the plastic corrector to adjust model
path is generated with an elastic corrector.
A yield occurs when von Misses stress exceeds
( i +1 ) (i )
current yield stress, namely when f > 0 . The elastic σVM = σVM − 3Gδ e p( i ) ; (28)
FASCICLE VIII, 2010 (XVI), ISSN 1221-4590, Issue 1

e p( i +1 ) = e p( i ) + δ e p( i ) ; (29) imposed in the numerical simulations, thus reducing

the discretization error.
σ Y( i +1 ) = σ Y ( e p( i +1 ) ) ; (30)
( i +1 )
Sij( i +1 ) = Sij( 1 ) . (31) A numerical approach for simulating the
elasticplastic contact with isotropic hardening, based
4. Verify if Eq. (23) is verified to the imposed on Betti’s reciprocal theorem, is overviewed in this
tolerance eps . If condition paper. Problem decomposition, as originally
( i +1 ) suggested by Mayeur and later by Jacq, is employed
f ( i +1 ) = σVM − σ Y( i +1 ) > eps (32)
to assess pressure and plastic strain distribution, on
is satisfied, go to step 2. If else, convergence is three nested iterative levels.
reached, and the state at the end of the loading step is Spectral methods are implemented to assess
described by the newly computed parameters: plastic strains contribution to normal surface
e p( b ) = e p( i +1 ) , σVM
(b) ( i +1 )
= σVM , Sij( b ) = Sij( i +1 ) . displacement.
The plastic strain increment is determined with a
5. Compute the plastic strain increment, fast convergent Newton-Raphson algorithm, which
according to Eq. (22): iterates a scalar, namely the effective accumulated
3Sij( b ) plastic strain. The method, originally suggested by
δε ijp = e p( b ) − e p( a ) ) 2σ ( b ) . (33) Fotiu and Nemat-Nasser, employs an elastic predictor,
VM which places the trial state outside the yield surface,
This increment is used to update the plastic zone. and a plastic corrector, used to derive the return path
The residual parts of displacement and of stress can to the yield locus. The method is fast, stable, and
then be computed, and superimposed to their elastic accurate even for large loading increments.
counterparts, as described in the previous section. An additional advantage arises from moving
residual stress computation, which is very
4. COMPUTATIONAL ADVANTAGES computationally intensive, to an upper iterative level.
The proposed method is expected to allow
The new algorithm for computation of plastic simulations of elastic-plastic contact with finer
strain increment improves dramatically the speed of resolutions in problem digitization.
convergence for the residual subproblem. The
formulation advanced by Jacq et al. [3], based on the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Prandtl-Reuss algorithm, implies iteration of a tensorial
This paper was supported by the project
parameter, namely the plastic strain increment, as
“Progress and development through post-doctoral
opposed to the new algorithm, which iterates a scalar,
research and innovation in engineering and applied
namely the increment of effective accumulated plastic
sciences – PRiDE - Contract no.
strain. Convergence of the Newton-Raphson scheme is
POSDRU/89/1.5/S/57083”, project co-funded from
reached after few iterations. As stated in [6], the
European Social Fund through Sectorial Operational
method is accurate even for large loading increments. Program Human Resources 2007-2013.
Moreover, Jacq’s algorithm is based on the
reciprocal adjustment between plastic strain and
residual stress increments. Consequently, at every
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The influence coefficients for the residual part of normal displacement can be computed using the
following relation:

⎛ Δ1 Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ ⎞
⎜ dζξ ( x1 ( i ) + 2 ,x2 ( j ) + 2 ,x3 ( k ) + 3 ) + dζξ ( x1 ( i ) + 1 ,x2 ( j ) − 2 ,x3 ( k ) − 3 )+⎟
⎜ 2 2 2 2 2 ⎟
⎜ Δ1 Δ2 Δ3 Δ1 Δ2 Δ3 ⎟
⎜ dζξ ( x1 ( i ) − 2 ,x2 ( j )+
,x3 ( k ) −
) + dζξ ( x1 ( i ) −
,x2 ( j )−
,x3 ( k ) +
)− ⎟
Dζξ ( i, j,k ) = ⎜ ⎟ , (34)
⎜ d ( x ( i ) + Δ1 ,x ( Δ2 Δ3 Δ Δ2 Δ3
j )+ ,x3 ( k ) − ) − dζξ ( x1 ( i ) + 1 , x2 ( j )− ,x3 ( k ) + )−⎟
⎜ ζξ 1 2
2 2 2 2 2 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜⎜ d ( x ( i ) − Δ1 ,x ( Δ2 Δ3 Δ1 Δ2 Δ3
ζξ 1 2 j )+ ,x3 ( k ) + ) − dζξ ( x1 ( i ) − ,x2 ( j )− ,x3 ( k ) − ) ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 2 2 2 2 2 ⎠
with functions dij as following:

1 ⎛ ⎛ ⎛x x ⎞ ⎛x ⎞⎞ ⎞
d11 ( x1 ,x2 ,x3 ) = ⎜ ( 1 − 2ν )x3 ⎜⎜ tan −1 ⎜ 2 3 ⎟ − tan −1 ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎟⎟ − 2ν x1 ln( x2 + r ) ⎟⎟ ; (35)
2π ⎜ ⎝ x1r ⎠ ⎝ x1 ⎠⎠
⎝ ⎝ ⎠
d 22 ( x1 ,x2 ,x3 ) = d11 ( x2 ,x1 ,x3 ) . (36)

⎛ ⎛ ⎛x ⎞ ⎞ ⎞
⎜ 2( 1 −ν ) ⎜⎜ x3 tan −1 ⎜ 1 ⎟ + x2 ln( x1 + r ) + x1 ln( x2 + r ) ⎟⎟ + ⎟
1 ⎜ ⎝ ⎝ x3 ⎠ ⎠ ⎟
d33 ( x1 ,x2 ,x3 ) = ⎜ ⎟; (37)
2π ⎜ −1 ⎛ x x ⎞ ⎟
1 2
⎜ +( 2ν − 1 )x3 tan ⎜ x r ⎟ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎠
d12 ( x1 ,x2 ,x3 ) = ( −2ν r − ( 1 − 2ν )x3 ln ( x3 + r ) ) ; (38)
1⎛ −1 ⎛ r ⎞ −1 ⎛ x1 x3 ⎞⎞
d 23 ( x1 ,x2 ,x3 ) = ⎜ x1 tanh ⎜ ⎟ − x2 tan ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟ ; (39)
π ⎜⎝ x
⎝ 3⎠ ⎝ x2 r ⎠⎠
d13 ( x1 ,x2 ,x3 ) = d 23 ( x2 ,x1 ,x3 ) . (40)

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