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LRA, Vol. 12, pp.


Determination of Hydrogen
Peroxide in Natural Waters
by Stopped-Flow Injection
Analysis with
S. H. Fan,1 B. T. Hart,2 and I. D. McKelvie2
Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academia of Sciences, Box 417, Shenyang 110015,
Water Studies Centre and Chemistry Department, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria
3800, Australia

Received 25 August 1999

ABSTRACT: A rapid, sensitive flow injection (FI) mination of 15 nM and 52 nM hydrogen peroxide, the
method with chemiluminescence (CL) detection for relative standard deviations were 2.8 and 2.3% re-
the determination of trace amounts of hydrogen per- spectively (n ⳱ 11). The method has been applied to
oxide in natural water is described. This method is the determination of hydrogen peroxide in natural
based on the reaction of luminol with hydrogen per- water samples. 䉷 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Lab
oxide catalysed by cobalt(II) in an alkaline medium. Robotics and Automation 12:149–156, 2000
Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) was used as sensi-
tizer agent, and its presence greatly accelerated the
reaction and enhanced the CL intensity. An FI
stopped-flow technique was introduced to the CL re- INTRODUCTION
action to increase sensitivity. Optimal conditions for
Hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solution can act as
the chemiluminescence reaction were examined.
either an oxidizing or reducing agent [1]. The pres-
The sampling frequency was 50 hrⳮ1 for injection vol- ence of hydrogen peroxide has been reported in fresh
umes of 100 lL. The detection limit of hydrogen per- waters [2], marine waters [3, 4], and estuarine envi-
oxide, defined as 3 times the standard deviation of ronments [5]. Hydrogen peroxide affects redox chem-
the blank, was 0.5 nM in high purity water, and the istry in marine environments [5, 6], and it may also
working linear range was 1 to 105 nM. For the deter- be important in metal cycling in other natural waters
[7] and in the fate of pollutants in the environment
Correspondence to: I. D. McKelvie. [8]. As a strong oxidant, it may effect both biological
Present address: Water Studies Centre, Monash University, Clay- [9, 10] and chemical processes and, as a result, may
ton, Victoria 3168, Australia. Fax: Ⳮ61 03 9905 4196; E-mail: influence ecosystem biogeochemistry.
Contract Grant Sponsor: Water Studies Centre. The development of a sensitive method for the
䉷 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. determination of hydrogen peroxide is necessary to

150 Fan, Hart, and McKelvie

improve the understanding of its distribution and determined the ambient levels of hydrogen peroxide
flux in natural waters. A number of methods have in sea water in the range of 5–500 nM using cobalt(II)
been proposed for the determination of hydrogen as catalyst.
peroxide, including methods involving tunable di- This article describes the modification and en-
ode laser spectrometry [11], fiber-array spectrometry hancement of the FI chemiluminescence reaction
[12], and fluorescence and amperometry [13, 14] . Al- with luminol as CL reagent and cobalt(II) as catalyst
though these methods are relatively sensitive, they [22, 23] and its direct application to the determina-
suffer from the disadvantages associated with com- tion of hydrogen peroxide in natural waters.
plex analytical equipment, reagent instability, and
high cost. Determination of hydrogen peroxide by
flow injection (FI) chemiluminescence (CL) detection
offers numerous advantages compared to other meth- EXPERIMENTAL
ods. The low cost, high sensitivity, precise timing, Reagent and Standards
high sampling frequencies, and excellent portability
makes the CL-FI method ideal for rapid determina- All solutions were prepared from high purity water
tion of hydrogen peroxide. (Continental Water System Pty Ltd.). All reagents
A wide variety of CL reactions exist, and many were of analytical grade. Luminol and cobalt(II) ni-
of these have been proposed for the determination of trate were supplied by Fluka A.G. and Merck Chem-
hydrogen peroxide. These include the reaction of icals, respectively, and used without further purifi-
periodate with hydrogen peroxide [15], the reaction cation. Hydrogen peroxide [30%(w/v)] was obtained
of 1,1’-oxalyldiimidazole with peroxide [16] and, (p- from BDH chemicals. The reagent stocks and working
hydroxyphenyl)acetic acid dimerization [17] as solutions were prepared in 0.1 M sodium carbonate
chemiluminescence reagents. (Ajax Chemicals), and the pH was adjusted by addi-
Luminol (5-amino-2,3-dihydro-1,4-phthalazine- tion of 1 M hydrochloric acid. Stock solutions of co-
dione) and peroxyoxalate are common chemilumi- balt(II) (10 mM) and luminol (10 mM) were used to
nescence reagents used for hydrogen peroxide deter- prepared working solutions by serial dilution and
mination. Both provide very low detection limits and keep refrigerated (4⬚C) to minimize decomposition.
linearity over about four decades of concentration. Sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) was obtained from
An advantage of peroxyoxatate CL is that it is also BDH Chemicals and a working solution of 0.1 %(w/v)
useful over a wide pH range. However, a major lim- was prepared in high purity water. The standard so-
itation of this reagent is the need to use an organic lutions of hydrogen peroxide were prepared daily by
solvent because of its limited aqueous solubility. serial dilution of a 2.11 M of stock solution that was
For this reason, luminol was used in the experi- standardized against standard potassium permanga-
ments described here. In aqueous alkaline solution, nate.
luminol is oxidized to 3-aminophthalate, with the The metal ions used for the interference studies
emission of blue light with kmax of 425 nm. The re- included Ni(II), Zn(II), Fe(III), Fe(II), Mn(II), and
action is optimal at pH 10–11 and is catalyzed by a Cu(II) ion and these were prepared from analytical-
variety of metal ions and heme-containing enzymes. grade salts. Amounts of the potential interferent were
Hexacyanoferrate(III), the most commonly used cat- added to a 105 nM hydrogen peroxide standard so-
alyst, produces CL of high quantum yield, but with a lution for comparison.
large background signal, which must be controlled in
order to achieve low detection limits. Cobalt (II) also
Instrumentation and Manifold
is a most efficient inorganic catalyst with high sen-
sitivity and low background for the luminol and hy- A custom-made luminometer consisting of a Hama-
drogen peroxide CL reaction [18]. matsu compact photomultiplier (H5783) with stabi-
Using this reaction system, Nieman [19] deter- lized high-voltage power supply and amplification
mined hydrogen peroxide in synthetic water with a system housed in a light-tight box. The flow cell con-
reported detection limit of 1 lM. Eremin et al. [20] sisted of a Teflon gasket sandwiched between a stain-
and Olssen [21] used the same CL reaction system, less steel backing plate and a Vitreosil window held
with peroxidase and microperoxidase as catalysts, in a compression frame. Flow through the cell was
and determined the contents of hydrogen peroxide defined by an elliptical aperture cut in the Teflon gas-
in synthetic samples with detection limits of 1 lM ket. Two Ismatec peristaltic pumps (CA5E) and a
and 3 nM, respectively. Nabi and Worsfold [18] re- Rheodyne 5041 injector valve were used to construct
ported a detection limit of hydrogen peroxide at fem- the FI system for reagent delivery and sample injec-
tomole level, while others [22, 23], have successfully tion. The flow injection manifold is shown schemat-
Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide in Natural Waters by Stopped-Flow Injection Analysis 151

ically in Figure 1. Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) heights were used to evaluate the experimental re-
tubing (0.5 mm i.d.) was used throughout. sults.
The sample (100lL) was introduced into the lu-
minol carrier stream by a valve switching module
with PTFE rotary injection valve, merged with the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
cobalt(II) stream, and transported to the detector. The
two streams, after merging at a perspex T-piece Optimization of Manifold Parameters
within the detector housing, passed into the flow-cell The variables studied included the injection volume
situated immediately in front of the photomultiplier and the reagent flow rates. The volume injected was
tube (PMT) window. The distance from the injection varied from 20 to 200 lL. The difference in peak
valve to merging point was 25 cm, and that from the heights between blank and the sample increased with
merging point to the flow cell was 2 cm. The peri- increasing volumes injected. When the injection vol-
staltic pumps and injection valve were controlled, ume was 150 or 200 lL, doublet peaks were obtained.
and the data were acquired and stored using the FCS Doublet peaks in FIA are usually associated with in-
FI software package (A-Chem Technologies, Mel- complete reaction of the central portion of the sample
bourne, Australia) via a user interface to a computer. bolus because of inadequate sample reagent mixing
The resulting signal was also recorded as voltage on or a paucity of reagent [24]. The existence of doublet
a strip chart recorder (Kipp and Zonen, BD111). Peak peaks in this instance appears related to sample dis-
heights were used to evaluate the experimental re- persion in the detection section of the manifold.
sults. When a volume of 100 lL of injection volume was
In developing the stopped-flow CL method, the used, a single large peak was obtained.
same manifold was used as for normal flow injection The flow rates of the luminol and Co(II) stream
mode. Co(II) and luminol flows were halted simul- were varied simultaneously over the range of 0.5 to
taneously 11 seconds after injection, and the devel- 2.5 mL/min. At 18–20⬚ C, the peak height increased
opment and decay of the chemiluminescence signal with decrease of the flow rate, but the peak shape
was observed over a total period of 50 seconds. Peak broadened and a longer analysis time was necessary.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of chemiluminometric flow-injection manifold for the determination of hydrogen. P, peri-
staltic pump (1.5 mL minⳮ1); S, injection valve with 100 lL loop; R1, 7 x 10ⳮ5 M luminol (in 0.1 M carbonate buffer, pH
10.3); R2, 4 x 10ⳮ5 M Co(II) solution in 0.1 M carbonate buffer, pH 10.3); FC, flow cell; IEC, ion-exchange column; W,
waste; PMT, photomultiplier tube; A, amplifier; C, personal computer; G, recorder.
152 Fan, Hart, and McKelvie

A 1.5 mL/min flow rate was chosen as a compromise pH of Sample Solution

between the optimal sensitivity and maximum sam-
Experimental results (Figure 3) showed that the sam-
pling frequency.
ple pH had an effect on the CL signal. Despite the use
of carbonate buffered reagents, samples at neutral pH
Optimization of Reagent Concentration resulted in a slower CL reaction, with a correspond-
The effect of varying the concentrations of luminol ingly lower peak height compared with alkaline sam-
and cobalt(II) was tested in the flow injection system. ples at pH 10.3. The peak height of the alkaline sam-
The effect of luminol concentration was studied over ples was nearly twice that at neutral conditions. To
the range of 10 to 100 lM. As seen in Figure 2a, the maximize the CL signal, the sample solution was
difference in peak height between sample and blank mixed with buffer solution as close as possible to the
increased with increasing luminol concentration up entrance to the flow cell.
to a maximum at 70 lM, and then decreased at higher The observation that sample pH affects CL inten-
concentration. A 70 lM concentration of luminol so- sity departs from other reported data [22]. The prob-
lution was therefore selected as being optimal. able explanation is that the sandwich-geometry flow
A number of the metal ions—Co(II), Cu(II), Fe(II) cell used in this study had a very small volume, and
and Mn(II), Co(II)—have been tested as catalysts for much less effective mixing occurs than with the
this reaction [25]. Consequently, Co(II) was selected coiled glass cells (volume ca. 240 lL) that have been
as a catalyst in the present CL system. The effect of used by others [22]. Merged sample and luminol had
Co(II) concentration on the CL intensity was exam- a very short residence time in the sandwich-geometry
ined in the range of 6–80 lM. Figure 2b shows that flow cell, and maximum intensity was not achieved
the CL intensity increased with increasing concentra- before the solution left the cell even under conditions
tion of Co(II) up to 40 lM, and then decreased at of reduced flow rate.
higher concentrations. A 40 lM Co(II) of working so-
lution was therefore selected as the optimal concen-
Selection of Delay and Residence Times in
tration, based on the chemiluminescence intensity.
Stopped-Flow Mode
Previous studies [26, 27] have also shown that the
presence of carbonate in solution is also advanta- Most CL reactions are very fast, and it is normal for
geous; although carbonate serves as a buffer [28], it the sample solution to be mixed with chemilumines-
also has the effect of enhancing the CL emission of cence reagent as close as possible to, or even within
the luminol and hydrogen peroxide reaction. Based the CL cell, to obtain the maximum intensity. How-
on previous work in our laboratory [29], a 0.1 M (pH ever, in the work reported here, it was observed that
10.3) of carbonate solution was used as the buffer so- the luminol-H2O2 CL reaction in the presence of
lution. Co(II) still required a finite time to reach maximum
intensity. For this reason, a stopped-flow technique
was adopted. Sample was injected, and after a pre-
determined delay time (the time elapsed after injec-
tion), the flow was halted for 50 seconds (the stop

Figure 2. Effect of changes in the reaction variables (a) lu-

minol and (b) Co(II) on chemiluminescence reaction be- Figure 3. Effect of increasing delay time before com-
tween luminol and hydrogen peroxide. mencement of stop-flow period on CL intensity.
Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide in Natural Waters by Stopped-Flow Injection Analysis 153

time), to allow development of maximum CL signal duced to ca. 30 seconds if the flow was resumed after
emission and subsequent signal decay to baseline. A a stop time of 9 seconds. In the process of optimizing
delay time of 11 seconds was found to give the op- all other aspects of this detection chemistry, we have
timum CL emission (Figure 3). When a delay time of maintained a stop time of 50 seconds, and the re-
11 seconds was used, maximum signal output was ported throughput of 50 hr-1 is therefore unnecessar-
observed after 5.5 seconds and 7.2 seconds for alka- ily conservative.
line and neutral solutions respectively (Figure 4). A
calibration plot obtained using this stopped-flow ap-
proach was more than four times as sensitive (based
Signal Enhancement
on calibration curve slope) as that obtained under In preliminary experiments, a detection limit of only
normal continuous flow FIA methods. ca. 10-8 M was achieved even under optimized
It was observed that the decrease in signal inten- stopped-flow conditions. A number of modifications
sity after the peak maximum was related to sample were made to the FI detection system to improve the
pH, with a slower rate of CL emission being observed reaction sensitivity and the detection limit.
in neutral samples compared with that under alka- Bause and Patterson [30] found that concentrated
line conditions due to the difference in reaction ki- inorganic salt solutions, particularly halide ions, re-
netics (Figure 4). sulted in enhancement of the CL intensity. Chen and
The decrease in the signal observed for the re- Patterson [31] similarly reported the results of stud-
sponse curve shown in Figure 4 is not due to disper- ies of halide ion enhancement on chromium(III),
sion of the sample zone as is normally observed in iron(II), and cobalt(II) catalyzed chemiluminescence
FIA, but rather to the decay of the CL emission under reaction. Other reagents used to enhance the reaction
stopped flow conditions. intensity involved a mixed dye-sensitizer [32], ionic
Figure 4 shows that the peak intensity of neutral surfactants [33], and perylene[28]. In our experi-
and basic samples is reached within 16.5 seconds ments, we have evaluated the effect of sodium chlo-
and 18.2 seconds, respectively, under stopped-flow ride and the anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sul-
conditions, and the flow could be resumed shortly fate (SDS), as a means of improving the sensitivity of
after this time. Therefore, a higher sample through- the CL reaction.
put could theoretically be achieved than would be Figure 5 shows that the relative detector response
the case where a stop time of 50 seconds was used. obtained for 0.21 lM hydrogen peroxide increased
Examination of the signal profiles in Figure 4 would with increasing concentration of sodium chloride in
suggest that each sample injection cycle could be re- the range of 0.5–2.0 M. At 2.0 M sodium chloride, the
magnitude of enhancement is about 1.6 times larger
than that in the absence of NaCl, but the reagent
blank also increased with the increasing concentra-

Figure 4. CL intensity-time profiles obtained in the stop-

flow mode at different sample pH: A, sample pH 10.3; B, Figure 5. Chemiluminescence signal enhancement caused
sample pH 7.0. Condition: hydrogen peroxide, 0.105 lM; by the addition of NaCl. The enhancement factor is the ratio
luminol, 70 lM; Co(II), 40 lM. (See experiment section for of CL signal in the presence of different concentrations of
other experimental conditions.) NaCl to that in the absence of NaCl.
154 Fan, Hart, and McKelvie

tion of sodium chloride. Consequently, NaCl was not to eliminate the low level of hydrogen peroxide in
used in the final manifold setup to provide signal en- blank solution is to use the deionized water that has
hancement. been stored for 6–7 days or more in a clean container
The effect of SDS concentrations from 0.005 to [35]. Because of the instability of hydrogen peroxide,
0.2% on the CL emission was also examined (Figure a storage period of 7 days was shown to be sufficient
6). Maximum CL emission was observed at ca. 0.1% to ensure degradation of residual hydrogen peroxide.
SDS, which gave a signal enhancement of ca. 2.4 This practice was adopted in this study. After 7 days,
times greater than that in the absence of SDS, with a the signal intensity for high pure water stored was
correspondingly small blank signal. Consequently, decreased to 10–20% of that of fresh high purity wa-
0.1% SDS was added to the luminol reagent in fur- ter, that is, signal of 2 to 3 mV decreased to ca. 0.3
ther experiments. mV, and its purity was deemed sufficient to deter-
mine low levels of hydrogen peroxide.
Background Chemiluminescence
Cation Interference and Elimination
Under the experimental conditions described, a con-
tinuous background CL emission was observed to re- Liquid phase CL reactions based on the luminol or
sult from the mixing of the two reagent streams. This other CL reagents in the present of catalyst suffer
is apparently due to the presence of hydrogen per- from interference by transition metal ions [36, 37],
oxide in the high purity water used in the preparation and there have been a number of attempts to develop
of reagents. The high blank signal makes the method new CL reagents or catalysts for the CL determination
unsuitable for detection of hydrogen peroxide at of hydrogen peroxide [38–40]. In the present exper-
trace concentrations. To minimize the blank, Miller iments, the interference of some transition metal ions
et al. [34] used catalase to remove hydrogen peroxide. was evaluated at concentrations typically found in
When used under optimal conditions, this enzyme natural water [41]. These metals included Fe(II),
can remove the hydrogen peroxide amount present Fe(III), Zn(II), Cu(II), Mn(II), and Ni(II). Their effect
in a solution in a few minutes; however, in some on the CL signal at a specified concentration was
cases the catalase remains active in solution, and the compared to that for the solution containing only hy-
deionized water is therefore unsuitable for preparing drogen peroxide at the same concentration. The in-
reagents. Price et al. [22] overcame this problem by terference effect of these ions on the determination
scavenging hydrogen peroxide from water used to of hydrogen peroxide in the luminol-hydrogen-Co(II)
prepare reagents by passing it through a gravity-fed reaction is summarized in Table 1.
column of either MnO2 chemically bound to Amber- Among those metal ions, Zn(II) and Ni(II) had no
lite XAD-7 polymeric beads, or a column of solid effect at concentrations typically found in natural
MnO2. A more convenient and economical method waters [41]. Cu(II) ions caused a slight suppression
(31–23%) of the CL signal when present at ca. 30
times the analyzed Cu concentration of samples.
Fe(III) ions, however caused a slight enhancement of
the CL signal in neutral samples, possibly due to a
small amount of Fe(II) ions present in the reagent,
whereas Fe(II) caused a serious positive interference
when present at 100 times the concentration of hy-

TABLE 1. Effect of Various Transition Metal Ions

on the CL Intensities of 10.5 lM Hydrogen Peroxide
at pH 7.0 and pH 10.33
Relative CL Intensity (%)
Ions Concentration
Added Present (lM) pH 7.0 pH 10.3
Ni(II) 8.5 110 Ⳳ 0.8% 104 Ⳳ 2.4%
Zn(II) 31 95 Ⳮ 4.3% 108 Ⳮ 1.6%
Fe(III) 18 130 Ⳳ 2.7% 103 Ⳳ 2.4%
Figure 6. Chemiluminescence signal enhancement caused Fe(II) 18 1760 Ⳮ 5.4% 240 Ⳮ 1.8%
by the addition of SDS. The enhancement factor is the ratio Mn(II) 9.1 0 0
of CL signal in the presence of different concentrations of
Cu(II) 3.1 69 Ⳮ 4.6% 77 Ⳮ 2.6%
SDS to that when no SDS is present.
Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide in Natural Waters by Stopped-Flow Injection Analysis 155

drogen peroxide, possibly due to its catalytic effect, Limit of Detection, Reproducibility, and Sample
especially under neutral solution conditions. Mn(II) Throughput
caused significant repression of the CL signal (de- A limit of detection of 0.5 nM [H2O2] was determined
creasing the signal to zero) when at concentrations from the calibration graph corresponding to an S/N
100 times that of hydrogen peroxide. Based on the ratio of 3. The reproducibility of the method was
reduction potentials for the following reactions: tested by injections of 15 and 52 nM hydrogen per-
oxide, which gave relative standard deviations of
H2O2 Ⳮ 2 HⳭ Ⳮ 2eⳮ r 2 H2O Ⳮ 1.78 V 2.3% and 2.8 %, respectively, for 11 injections. The
MnO2 Ⳮ 4 HⳭ Ⳮ 2eⳮ r Mn2Ⳮ Ⳮ 2H2O Ⳮ 1.23 V results indicated that the precision is adequate for
low level determination of hydrogen peroxide. The
O2 Ⳮ 2 HⳭ Ⳮ 2eⳮ r H2O2 Ⳮ 0.69 V flow system could handle 100 samples per hour un-
der continuous flow injection condition and 50 sam-
the interference by Mn(II) ions is most likely due to ples per hour in the stopped-flow mode.
oxidation of Mn(II) by hydrogen peroxide under al-
kaline condition, that is, Analysis of Real Samples
Mn 2Ⳮ
Ⳮ H2O2 r MnO2 Ⳮ 2 H Ⳮ The proposed method was used to determine hydro-
gen peroxide in a number of natural waters. The re-
However, under acid conditions hydrogen peroxide sults are shown in Table 2. To evaluate the validity
reduces MnO2 to Mn2Ⳮ, thus: of the proposed method for the determination of hy-
drogen peroxide in water samples, in the absence of
MnO2 Ⳮ H2O2 Ⳮ 2 HⳭ r Mn2Ⳮ Ⳮ 2H2O Ⳮ O2 suitable standard reference materials, recovery stud-
which is the basis of the technique used for removal ies were performed on samples to which amounts of
of hydrogen peroxide from reagent water discussed hydrogen peroxide standards were added. Recovery
previously [22]. Other common anions in natural wa- values of greater than 93% were found (Table 2).
ter, for example, chloride, sulphate, and nitrate ions, The high sensitivity, simple operation, improved
at typical concentration, do not interfere with the de- selectivity, and rapid sample throughput make this
tection of hydrogen peroxide. method suitable for detection of hydrogen peroxide
To eliminate the interference by cations, cation at low levels in natural waters.
exchange resins were employed. Using a column of
Dowex 50W-8 resin (70 mm x 5 mm i.d.), the Fe(II)
signal at pH 10.3 was decreased to 44% of the signal Acknowledgments
obtained without cation elimination. Under neutral
S.H.F. thanks G. Cross, R. Shalders, B. Lovell, and P. Ellis
pH conditions the Fe(II) signal was decreased by for their help.
97%, but the remaining signal was still at a relatively
high level (ca. 21 mV). When an IR-120 (Na-form)
resin was used (9 cm x 4.0 mm i.d. column) at 0.8
mL/min, the interference from 5 x lM Fe(II) solutions
was completely removed, and this column was in- REFERENCES
corporated into the sample line for on-line sample [1] Moffett, J. W.; Zafiriou, O. C. Limnol Oceanogr 1990,
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Analytical Performance TABLE 2. Determined Concentration of Hydrogen

Peroxide in Water Samples and the Recoveries
Calibration data obtained using a two-line manifold Amount Standard Standard
Present Added Found Recovery
(Figure1) and a series of hydrogen peroxide stan-
Sample (nM) (nM) (nM) (%)
dards in continuous flow injection mode gave the lin-
ear regression equation: Peak height (mV) ⳱ 0.521 Ⳮ Rainwater 1b 107 Ⳳ 3.5 140 131 94
0.888 [H2O2, nM]; (r ⳱ 0.9945). The calibration graph Rainwater 2b 110 Ⳮ 2.6 130 129 99
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Result for sample diluted 1:50.
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