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Corina Rasmussen

I am currently a student in the ESET (Environmental Science, Engineering, & Technology) Academy at Carson High school in Carson, CA.

 GPA: 3.9 (w)

 Class Rank: 22 out of 343

 For Fall Semester 2017 I am currently enrolled in the following classes:

Environmental Studies A
AP English Literature A
Economics A
Col Peer Counseling A
AP Calculus A
Service A
Plant & Soil A
Health 11 (LA Harbor College)

 For Fall Semester 2017 I am currently enrolled in the following classes:

Environmental Studies B
AP English Literature B
Col Peer Counseling B
AP Calculus B
Service B
Plant & Soil B
Sociology 1 (LA Harbor College)

 I have completed the following college classes:

Political Science 1 (LA Harbor College) earned a grade of B
Intro to Theatre 103 (EL Camino College) earned a grade of A
Health 11 (LA Harbor College) earned a grade of A
 Boys and Girls Club - The Boys and Girls Club is a program that provides after-school programs and other services. I have been a
member of the Boys and Girls Club since 10th grade and will continue to be involved until I graduate. At the Boys and Girls Club, I took
Personal Development 20 in summer of 2016. With this class I learned all of my options for colleges, and I became more aware of my
requirements for college.
 Go Green Club - the Go Green Club is a club that teaches environmental awareness and supports green practices. I have been a
member since the 11th grade. I plan on continuing until I graduate. Here, I have earned the title of Clean-up coordinator, where I am in
charge of Garbology at school and setting up clean-ups.
 California Scholarship Federation (CSF) - CSF is a scholarship and service honor society. I have been a member of CSF since 11th
grade and I plan to continue with the club until I graduate. Through CSF I have participated in many volunteer events, gaining many
significant volunteer hours, all of which persuaded me to be more involved with my community.
 Teton Science School Fellowship - I was one of 12 students personally selected by Ms. Bird, the head of the ESET academy to
participate in a national educational trip to Wyoming where we stayed at the Teton Science School (TSS). Each day I was challenged with
something new.
 Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) - EAOP is a program that assists disadvantaged students at under-served schools to help
them become competitively eligible for college admission. My academic achievements were recognized and I was invited to join.
 Sunset Learning Studio - Sunset Learning Studio is a program that teaches musical instruments. I attended my 10th grade year and
learned to play the cello. There, my mind was challenged and I grew a new passion for music.

Volunteer Work and Community Services:

 YMCA S.T.E.M - I have been volunteering at Anza elementary school since the 11th grade. I work two hours a week helping children
participate in S.T.E.M activities and teaching them all the possible careers through S.T.E.M. I hold responsibilities such as leading S.T.E.M
activities, teaching children what S.T.E.M stands for and what it represents, and assisting parents when needed.
 Garbology: I am in charge of garbology here at Carson High. I organize student volunteers and keep records of their service. I work
during lunch, sorting through trash and recycling.
 LA Aids Walk- A 10k walk through Los Angeles to raise funds and awareness for AIDs. I participated in this event in 2016.
 Garden Cleanups-Go Green club participates in cleaning up the school Garden either after school or on Saturdays. We do arduous work
including trimming the trees, feeding the animals, removing weeds, and landscaping different areas of the garden.
 Beach Cleanups- With the program Upward Bound as well as CSF, I have taken part in cleaning up a variety of different beaches around
the South Bay area.

Special Programs:
 Upward Bound (UB) - UB is a program that fundamentally supports high school students in their preparation for college entrance. I have
been part of UB since 11th grade and I plan on continuing till I graduate. Through UB I have taken an SAT prep class that really helped
me prepare for the SAT.
 ITEP- Internship program that offers paid internships as well as scholarships. They offer workshops teaching necessary business skills
such as how to make a resume, cover letter, how to dress, and how to talk.

My proposed major is Environmental Science. I also plan to minor in Music.

Honors and Awards:

 Honor Roll - I received gold honor roll awards in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade. This award represented I had a GPA higher than a 3.5.
 Volunteer award - I received an award from CSF for 19 volunteer hours. This award represented I had surpassed the requirement of
volunteer hours for the club.
 Teton Science Award - I had earned this award through my performance at the Tetons Science School in Wyoming.
 Colts Love Award – I received this award for my outstanding performance in ESET. For taking charge and finding a garbology
opportunity with Cabrillo Aquarium.
 Garbology Award – For outstanding achievement in taking control of the program.

 2016 Poll elections: For the 2016 election I was a poll worker. I assisted voters and demonstrated how to use the ink-a-vote device.
Through this experience I learned about customer service. Customer service is quite important because it can be used in all kinds of
relationships between people, for example assisting fellow students. I was paid for this service.
 Mulligans: I currently work at Mulligans Family Fun Center. I am a Party Host, where I assist assigned parties, serve food and beverages,
and clean designated areas.


 Ports America: I worked in the Safety Department as an intern. Here I accompanied my boss, James Bud Heim, and accomplish any task
given. Tasks include making copies, sending emails, accompanying him to meetings, inputting data into programs, and conducting back to
basic safety audits.

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