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Transaction Model of Communication

Scenario: A teenager is trying to persuade their Haitian and very religious parents to allow them to go to
there favorite musicians concert. The parents feels as if its his duty to be worried about the type of
association that is going to be there so he is reluctant to give permission. The teenager is trying to
express with the utmost respect that this is the artists final concert of the tour and that he will be
surrounded by people the parent know.

Cultural context

Teenager Parent
Relational Context

Social Context

Communicators Communicators

Cultural Context- This family is Haitian, so in this exchange respect and honor to the highest degree on only the
teenagers part when communicating to the parent if they wish to have any positive outcome.

Relational Context – Since this is a parent/child relationship it is necessary the teenager allows the parent to speak
without interrupting. Also using proper rhetoric ex.getting frustrated, rolling eyes and not talking back.

Social Context – In this conversation it is important that the teenager uses the most respectful tone and response
for example saying please and thank you. Also on top of that addressing them as mom or dad.
1. It is important to realize what contexts you speak to someone because you
can easily offended our cause your conversation to have a negative output.
Take into consideration the relational context. If you where talking to your
boss and your trying to ask for a raise you wouldn’t want to refer to them as
their first name because that is not respectful. Same thing with cultural
context it might be rude in a cultural to call them by their first name and if
you do communicating with them will get you no where. So its very
important you pay attention to all context of communication when you talk
to someone so you can get your message across with the most results.

2. Communication happens because a indivual is trying to receive or give

information. There exist many forms of communication intrapersonal
communication, interpersonal communication and mass communication.

3. The relational context will definitely be the biggest issue due to the fact that
the parent has hierarchy over the teenager. This makes it very hard to
persuade the parent to allow the child to have fun. The parent wants to
ensure safety while the teenager just wants to have fun.

5. They all combine play major part on how well or effective you will be
able to express your message.

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