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CrnprER Oxp

Li,mited Rationalit))

y far the most common poftray,al of decision making is one

I) that interprets action as rational choice. The idea is as old
as thought about human behavior, and its durability attests not
only to its usefulness but also to its consistency with human
aspirations. Theories of rational choice, although often elabo-
rated in formal and mathematical ways, draw on everyday
language used in understanding and communicating about
choices. In fact, the embedding of formal theories of rationality
in ordinary language is one of their distinctive features. Among
other things, it makes them deceptively comprehensible and
self-evident. This chapter examines the idea of rational choice
and some ways in which theories of limited rationality have
made that idea more consistent with observations of how deci-
sions actually happen.

1.1 The Idea of Rational Choice

Like many other commonly used words , "rationality" has come
tct mean many things. In many of its uses, "rational" is approxi-
mately equivalent to "intelligent" or "successful." It is used to

describe actions that have desirable outcomes. In other uses, maker) are the consequences associated with each of the
"tational" means "coldly materialisti c," teferring to the spirit or alternatives?
values in terms of which an action is taken. In still other uses, 4. The question of the decision rule: How is a choice to be
"rational" means "San e," reflecting a judgment about the men- made among the alternatives in terms of the values of
tal health displayed by an action or a procedure for taking ac- their consequences?
tion. Heterogeneous meanings of rationality are also character-
When decision making is studied within this framework, each of
istic of the literature on decision making. The term is used
these questions is explored: What determines which alterna-
rather loosely or inconsistently.
tives are considered? What determines the expectations about
In this book, "ratio nahity" has a narrow and fairly precise
consequences? How are decision maker preferences created
meaning linked to processes of choice. Rationality is defined as
and evoked? What is the decision rule that is used?
a particular and very familiar class of procedures for making
This general framework is the basis for standard explanations
choices. In this procedural meaning of "rational," a rational
of behavior. When asked to explain behavior, most peopl e "ra-
procedure may or may not lead to good outcomes. The possibil-
tionalize" it. That is, they explain their own actions in terms of
ity of a link between the rationality of a process (sometimes
their alternatives and the consequences of those alternatives for
called "procedural rationality") and the intelligence of its out-
their preferences. Similarly, they explain the actions of others
comes (sometimes called "substantive rationality") is treated as
by imagining a set of exp ectations and preferences that would
a result to be demonstrated rather than an axiom.
make the action rational.
A rational framework is also endemic to theories of human
7.7.7 The Logic of Consequence behavior. It is used to understand the actions of firms, marriage
partners, and criminals. It.underlies many theories of bargain-
Rational theories of choice assume decision processes that ate
itg, exchange, and voting, &S well as theories of language and
consequential and preference-based. They are consequential in
social structure. Rational choice processes are the fundamen-
the sense that action depends on anticipations of the future ef-
tals of microeconomic models of resource allocation, political
fects of current actions. Alternatives ate interpreted in terms of
theories of coalition formation, statistical decision theories, and
their expected consequences. They are preference=based in the
many other theories and models throughout the social sciences.
sense that consequences are evaluated in terms of personal
preferences. Alternatives are compared in terms of the extent
to which their expected consequences are thought to serve the
1.7.2 Rational Theories of Choice
preferences of the decision maker.
A rational procedure is one that pursues a logic of coníé- Within rational processes, choice depends on wh at alterna-tives
quence. It makes a choice conditional on the answers to four are considered and on two guesses about the future: The first
basic questions: guess is a guess about future states of the world, conditional on
the choice. The second guess is a guess about how the decision
1-.The question of alternative,s.' What actions are possible?
maker will feel about that future world when it is experienced.
2. The question of expectations: What future consequen-
ces might follow from each alternative? How likely is
each possible consequence? assuming that ¿rltcrnative is
choscn? Sclme versions of rational choice theory assume that all decision
3. 'l'lrc r¡ucstio¡r ol' prc',li'rt,ttt'(',r.' I low vitlu¿thlc' (ttl tltc' tlcc:isitltl makers share a common set of (basic) preferences, that alterna-
4 A PRIMER oN DECISIoN MAKING Limited Ratktnulity 5

tives and their consequences are define¿' by the environment, jectives would have to be known and specified in advance, and
and that decision makers have perfect knowledge of those alter- all possible task definitions, all possible sets of employees, and
natives and their consequences. Other versions recognize all possible assignments of people to jobs would have to be con-
greater inter-actor subjectivity but nevertheless assume perfect sidered. In the end, the decision maker would be expected to
knowledge for any particular decision-that all alternatives are choose the one combination that maximizes expected return.
known, that all consequences of all alternatives are known with A considerably less glorious version of rationality-but still
certaintY, and that all preferences relevant to the choice aÍe heroic-would assume that a structure of tasks and a wage
known, precise, consistent, and stable. structure are given, and that the decision maker assigns persons
These pure versions of rational choice have well-established to jobs in a way that maximizes the return to the organization.
positions in the prediction of aggre gate behavior, where they Another version would assume that a decision maker calculates
are sometimes able to capture a rational "signal" within the the benefits to be obtained by gathering any of these kinds of
subjective "noise" of individual choice. They are sources of pre- data, and their costs.
dictions of considerable generality, for example the prediction Virtually no one believes that anythittg approximating such a
that an increase in price will lead (usually) to an aggregate de- procedure is observed in any individual or organization, either
crease in demand (although some individuals may be willing to for the job assignment task or for any number of other decision
buy more at a higher price than at alower one). tasks that confront them. Although some people have speculat-
In spite of their utility for these qualitative aggregate predic- ed that competition forces the outcomes of actual decision
tions, pure versions of rational choice are hard to accept as processes to converge to the outcomes predicted from a purely
credible portraits of actual individual or org anizational actors. rational process, even that speculation has been found to be se-
Consider the problem of assigning people to jobs in an organi- verely restricted in its applicability. Pure rationality strains
zation ff it were to satis$r the expectations of pure rationality, credulity as a description of how decisions actually happen. As
this decision would start by speci$ring an array of tasks to be a result, there have been numerous efforts to modiff theories of
performed and chara cteñzing each by the skills and knowledge rational choice, keeping the basic structure but revising the key
required to perform them, taking into account the effects of assumptions to reflect observed behavior more adequately.
their interrelationships. The decision maker would consider all
possible individuals, chara cterized by relevant attributes (their
skills, attitudes, and price). Finally the decision maker would RATIONAL DECISION MAKING AND

consider each possible assignment of individuals to tasks, evalu- UNCERTAINry ABOUT CONSEQUENCES
ating each possible affay of assignments with respect to the The most common and best-established elaboration of pure
preferences of the organization. theories of rational choice is one that recognizes the uncertain-
Preferences would be defined to include such things as (1) ty surrounding future consequences of present action. Decision
profits, sales, and stock value (tomorrow, next yeat, and ten years makers are assumed to choose among alternatives on the basis
from now); (2) contributions to social policy goals (".g. affirma- of their expected consequences, but those consequences are not
tive action, quality of life goals, and the impact of the assignment known with certainty. Rather, decision makers know the likeli-
on the family); and (3) contributions to the reputation of the or- hoods of various possible outcomes, conditional on the actions
ganization among all possible stakeholders-shareholders, po- taken.
tenti¿rl shareholders, the emplc)yccs thcmsclves, custr)fftL:rs, ¿nd Uncertainty may be imagined to exist either because some
citizcns in thc community. T'hc tr¿tclcrll'f ,s ¿ullong, ltrcrsc.virrious 9b- processes are uncertain at their most fundamental levels or be-

Limited Rattutnality 7
decision makers, riskiness decreases the value of a particular al-
cause decision makers' ignorance about the mechanisms dri-
ternative. For risk-seeking decision makers, riskiness increases
ving the process make outcomes look uncertain to them. The
the value.
food vendo r at a football gaffie, for example, knows ttrat the re-
The riskiness of an alternative is defined in different ways in
turn from various alternative food-stocking strategies depends
different theories, but most definitions are intended to reflect a
on the weather, something that cannot be predicted with cer-
measure of the variation in potential outcomes. This variation
tainty at the time a decision must be made.
has a natural intuitive measure in the variance of the probabil-
Since a decision maker does not know with certainty what
ity distribution over outcome values. For various technical
will happen if a pafticular action is chosen, it is unlikely that the
reasofls, such a measure is not always used in studies of choice,
results of an action will confirm expectations about it. Post-
but for our purposes it will suffice. When risk is taken into ac-
decision surprise, sometimes pleasant sometimes unpleasant,
count ) a decision is seen as a joint function of the expected
is characteristic of decision making. So also is postdecision value (or mean) and the riskiness (ot variance) of the probabili-
regret. It is almost certain that after the consequences ate
ty distribution over outcomes conditional on choice of a partic-
knbwn (no matter how favorable they are) a decision maker will
ular alternative.
suffer regret-awareness that a better choice could have been
made if the outcomes could have been predicted precisely in
advance. In such a spirit, investors occasionally rue the gains MODIFYING THE ASSUMPTIONS
they could have realized in the stock market with perfect The introduction of risk and the development of ways to deal
foresight of the market.
with it were major contributions to understanding and improv-
The most commonly considered situations involving uncer-
ing decision making within a rational framework. Such develop-
tainty ate those of decision making under "risk," where the ments were, howev et,just the first step in modifying the knowl-
precise consequences are uncertain but their probabilities are
edge assumptions of rational choice. Most modern theories of
known. In such situations, the most conventional approach
rational choice involve additional modifications of the pure the-
to predicting decision making is to assume a decision maker ory. They can be distinguished by their assumptions with re-
will choose the alternative that maximizes expected value, that
spect to four dimensions:
is, the alternative that would, on average, produce the best
outcome if this particular choice were to be made many 1-.Knowledge: What is assumed about the information deci-
times. The analog is gambling and the choice of the best gam- sion makers have about the state of the world and about
ble. An expected-value analysis of choice involves imagining other actors?
a decision tree in which each branch represents either a Z. Actors: What is assumed about the number of decision
choice to be made or an"act of nature" that cannot be predict- makers? _l

ed with certainty. Procedures for constructing and analyzing 3. Preferences: What is assumed about the preferences by
such trees constitute a large fraction of modern decision which consequences (and therefore alternatives) are eval-
science. uated?
In more elabo rate rational theories of choice in the face of 4. Decision rule: What is assumed to be the decision rule by
risk, an alternative is assessed not only by its expected value but which decision makers choose an alternative?
also by its uncertainty. The value attached to ¿t potcrrtial alter-
Although most theories "relax" the assumptions of the pure
nativo depends not only on the avcrago oxpoctccl rctttrn hut ¿tlscl
thoclry on at least one of these dimensions, they tend to be con-
on thc rlegrcc of unccrt¿rinty, or risk, ittvttlvctl. Iitlr risk-¿tvcrso
A I'ITIMIJIT ON DHCISION MAKING Limited llu l kt t tu li t tt

seruative in their deviations from the assumptions underlyin g a appear to consider only a few and to look at them sequentially
pure conception of rationality. For example, most theories of rather than simultaneously. Decision makers do not consider
limited knowledge are not simultaneously theories of multiple all consequences of their alternatives. They focus on some and
actors; most theories of multiple actors (for example, microeco- ignore others. Retrevant information about consequences is not
nomic versions of game theory) are not simultaneously theories sought, and available information is often not used. Instead of
of limited knowledge; and virtually none of the limited knowl- havin g a complete, consistent set of preferences, decision mak-
edge or multiple-actor theories introduce conceptions of am- ers seem to have incomplete and inconsistent goals, not all of
biguous or unstable preferences. In that sense at least, the pure which are considered at the same time. The decision rules used
model still permeates the field*by providing an overall struc- by real decision makers seem to differ from the ones imagined
ture and significant (though different) parts for various differ- by decision theory. Instead of considering "expected values" or
ent theories. "risk" as those terrns ate used in decision theory, they invent
other criteria. Instead of calculating the "best possible" action,
they search for an action that is "good enough."
7.7.3 Enthusiasts and Skeptics
As a result of such observations, doubts about the empirical
Enthusiasts for rational models of decision making notice the validity and usefulness of the pure theory of rational choice
widespread use of assumptions of rationality and the successes have been characteristic of students of actual decision process-
of such models in predictions of aggtegates of human actors. es for many years. Rational choice theories have adapted to
They easily see these symptoms of acceptance and usefulness as such observations gradually by introducing the idea that ratio-
impressive support for the models. Skeptics, on the other hand, nality is limited. The core notion of limited rationality is that in-
are less inclined to give credence to models based on their pop- dividuals are intendedty rational. Although decision makers try
ularity, noting the historical fact that many currently rejected to be rational, they are constrained by limited cognitive capabil-
theories have enjoyed long periods of popularity. They are also ities and incomplete information, and thus their actions may be
less inclined to find the models particularly powerful,-often em- less than completely rational in spite of their best intentions
phasi zingtheir less than perfect success in predicting individual and efforts.
behavior. They easily see these symptoms of conventionality In recent years, ideas of limited (ot bounded) ration ality
and imperfection as making the rnodels unattractive. have become sufficiently integrated into conventional theories
Both enthusiasts and skeptics endorse limited rationality, the of rational choice to make limited rationality viewpoints gener-
former seeing limited rationality as a modest, natural extension ally accepted. They have come to dominate most theories of in-
of theories of pure rationality, and the latter seeing limited ra- clividual decision making. They have been used to develop be-
tionality as a fundamental challenge to pure rationality and a havioral and evolutionary theories of the firm. They have been
harbinger of much more behaviorally based conceptions of de- used as part of the basis for theories of transaction cost, eco-
cision making. nomics and game theoretic, information, and organizational
oconomics. They have been applied to decision making in polit-
ical, educational, and military contexts.
1,.2 Limited (or Bounded) Rationality
Studies of decision making in the real world suggest that not all
I .2.I Inforrmation Constraints
¿rltcrnatives are known, that not all consoquoncos ¿rrc consid-
crccl, nncl th¿rt not ¿rll prcÍbronccs irrc cvokccl irt tlrc silnlc tirno. I)ocision makers face serious limitations in attentionz memtx!,
lrrslc¡rt'f ol'ct)llriirlcrin¡¡ irll ¿rltct'nirt ivcs, rlccisiolt nl¡rkct's typicirlly !:omprohcn¡ion, und communication. Most studcnts clf indivicl-
l0 A PRrMriR oN DHCISIoN MAKING Limited Rationality il
ual decision making seem to allude to some more or less obvi- As decision makers struggle with these limitations, they de*
ous biological constraints on human information processing, al- velop procedures that maintain the basic framework of rational
though the lirnits are rarely argued from a strict biological basis. choice but modify it to accommodate the difficulties. Those
In a similar way, students of org anizational decision making as- procedures form the core of theories of limited rationality.
sume some more or less obvious information constraints im-
posed by methods of org anizíng diverse individuals:
7.2.2 Coping with Information Constraints.
L. Problems of attention. Time and capabilities for attention
Decision makers use various information and decision strate-
are limited. Not everything can be attended to at once. Too
gies to cope with limitations in information and information-
many signals are received. Too many things are relevant to a de-
handling capabilities. Much of contemporary research on
cision. Because of those limitations, theories of decision mak-
choice by individuals and organizations focuses on those coping
ing are often better described as theories of attention or search
strategies, the ways choices are made on the basis of expecta-
thán as theories of choice. They are concerned with the way in
tions about the future but without the kind of complete infor-
which scarce attention is allocated.
mation that is presumed in classical theories of rational choice.
2. Problems of memoty.The capabilities of individuals and or-
ganizations to store information is limited. Memories are
faulty. Records are not kept. Histories are not recorded. Even
more limited are individual and organizational abilities to re- Psychological studies of individual decision making have identi-
trieve information that has been stored. Previously learned fied numerous ways in which decision makers react to cognitive
lessons ate not reliably retrieved at appropriate times. Knowl- constraints. They use stereotypes in order to infer unobserv-
edge stored in one part of an organization cannot be used easily ables from observables. They form typologies of attitudes (lib-
by another part. eral, consenrative) and traits (dependent, extroverted, friendly)
3. Problems of comprehension. Decision makers have limited and categoñze people in terms of the typologies. They attribute
capacities for comprehension. They have difficulty organizing;, intent from obserying behavior or the consequences of behav-
summ afizing, and using information to form inferences about ior. They abstract"central" parts of a problem and ignore other
the causal connections of events and about relevant features of parts. They adopt understandings of the world in the form of
the world. They often have relevant information but fail to see socially developed theories, scripts, and schemas that fill in
its relevance" They make unwarranted inferences from infor- missing information and suppress discrepancies in their under-
mation, or fail to connect different parts of the information standings.
available to them to form a coherent interpretatioll. The understandings adopted tend to stabilize interpretations
4. Problems of communication. There ate limited capacities of the world. For the most part,the world is interpreted and un-
for communicating information, for sharing complex and spe- derstood today in the way it was interpreted and understood
cialized information. Division of labdr facilitates mobilization yesterday. I)ecision makers look for information, but they see
and utilization of spe cialized talents, but it also encourages dif- what they expect to see and overlook unexpected things. Their
ferentiation of knowledge, competenco, and language. It is dif- memories are less recollections of history than constructions
ficult to communicate across cultures, across generations, or tr¿rsed on what they thought might happen and reconstructions
¿tcross professional specialties. Different groups of people use b¿rsed on what they now think must have happened, given their
rlif'f'crcllt f r¿tmeworks fclr simplifying tho w()rlcl, prosent beliefs.
12 A pruMtiR oN DUCrstoN MAKING Limited Ratir¡rtulit¡t l3
A comprehensive review of psychological studies of individ- spective in which decision makers decide what they want to
ual information processing and problem solving would require have happen and try to make it happen.
more space and more talent than are available here. The pre- Decomposition is closely connected to such key cornponents
sent intention is only to characterize briefly a few of the princi- of organizing as division of labor, specialization, dec"ttttuliza-
pal speculations developed as a result of thatresearch, in partic- tion, and hierarchy. An important reason for the effectiveness
ular speculations about four fundamental siryplification of modern organization is the possibility of decomposing large
processes: editing, decomposition, heuristics, and framing. complex tasks into small independently manag.ubl, orrrr. In
order for decomposition to work as a problem solving stra tey,
Editing. I)ecision makers tend to edit and simplify problems be- the problem *otld must not be tightly interconnected. For ex-
fore entering into a choice process, using a relatively small ample, if actions taken on one advertising project heavily affect
number of cues and combining them in a simple manrler. Corn- the results of action on others, deciding on the projerir inde-
plex problems or situations are simplified. Search may be sim- pendently will produce complications. The generality of decom-
plified by discarding some available information or by reducing position strategies suggests that the world is, in fact, often only
the amount of processing done on the information. For exam- loosely interconnected, so subproblems canbe solved indepen-
ple, decision makers may attend to choice dimensions sequen- dently. But that very generality makes it likely that decornposi-
tially, eliminating all alternatives that are not up to standards tion will also be attempted in situations in which it does not
on the first dimension before considering information from work.
other dimensions. In other situations, they may consider all in-
formation for all alternatives, but weight the dimensions equal- Heuristics. Decision makers rec ognize patterns in the situations
ly rather than weight them according to their importance. they face and apply rules of appropriate behavior to those situa-
tions. Studies of expertise, for example, generally reveal that ex-
Decomposition. Decision makers attempt to decompose prob- perts substitute recognition of familiar situations and rule fol-
lems, to reduce large problems into their component parts. The lowing for calculation. Good chess players generally do more
presumption is that problem elements can be defined in such a subtle calculations than novices, but their great advantage lies
way that solving the various components of a problem individu- less in the depth of their analysis than in their ability to iecog-
ally will result in an acceptable solution to the global problsm. nize a variety of situations and in their store of appropriate
For example, a decision maker might approach the problem of rules associated with situations. Although the probló* rótuitrg
allocating resources to advertising projects by first decomposing tlf expert salespersons has been subjected to less research, it ap-
the global advertising problem of a firm into subproblems asso- pears to be similar.
ciated with each of the products, then decomposing the product As another example, people seem not to be proficient at cal-
subproblems into problems associated with particular geo- culating the probability of future events by listing an elaborate
graphic regions. tlccision tree of possible outcomes. F{owever, they are reason-
One forrn of decomposition is working baclcrvard. Some atrly good at using the output of memory to tell them how fre-
probletns are easier to solve baclcrvard than forward because, c¡uently similar events have occurred in the past. They use the
like mazes, they have only a few last steps but many first steps. rcsults of m9mory as a proxy for the projection of future proba-
Working baclnvard is particularly attractive to decision makers bility.
wlro accept a "can do" decision making icleok)gy, because it Such procedures are known to the literature of problem solv-
nt¿tlchcs ¿tn ¿tctivist rolo. Workin¡¡ h¿rckw¿rrcl cncouritgcs il pcr- ing and decision making as "heuristics." Heuristics are rules-of'-
14 A I'tuMlrt( oN DuclsloN MAKING Limited \lutionctlitv I5

thumb for calculating certain kinds of numbers or solving cer- quences of decision situations that arise. There is a tendency
tain kinds of problems. Although psychological heuristics for lor frames to persist over a sequence of situations. Recently
problem solvin g aÍe normally folded into a discussion of limited used frames hold a privileged position, in part because they are
rationality because they can be interpreted as responses to cog- more or less automatically evoked in a subsequent situation. In
nitive limitations, they might as easily be interpreted as versions ¿rddition, past attention strengthens both a decision maker's
of rule-following behavior that follows a logic quite different skills in using a frame and the ease of justifying action to others
from a logic of consequence (see Chaptet 2). within the frame.
These internal processes of developing frarnes and using
Framing. Decisions are framed by beliefs that define the prob- them is supplemented by an active market in frames. Decision
lem to be addressed, the information that must be collected, makers adopt frames that are proposed by consultants, writers,
and the dimensions that must be evaluated. Decision rnakers or friends. They copy frarnes used by others, pafiicularly others
adopt paradigms to tell themselves what perspective to take on in the same profession, association, or organization. Conse-
a problem, what questions should be asked, and what technolo- c¡uential decision making itself is, of course, one such frame.
gies should be used to ask the questions. Such frames focus at- Prescriptive theories of decision making seek to legitimize a
tention and simplify analysis. They direct attention to different r:onsequential frame for considering decisions, one that asks
options and different preferences. A decision will be made in what the alternatives are, what their expected consequences
onc way if it is framod as a problem of maintaining profits and irre, and what the decision maker's preferences are.
in a difÍcrcnt way if it is fr¿rmecl as a problem of maintaining
market sharo. A situation will tead to different decisions if it is 'I'HE STATISTICS OF LIMITED RATIONALITY
seen as bcing atrout "the value of innovation" rather than "the
impclrtance of'not losing fale." Iaced with a world more complicated than they can hope to un-
Decisign makers typically frame problems narrowly rather clerstafld, decision makers develop ways of monitoring and
than brclaclly. They decide about local options and local prefer- comprehending that complexity. One standard approach is to
ences, without considering all tradeoffs or all alternatives. They rleal with surnmary numerical representations of reality, for ex-
are normally content to find a set of sufficient conditions for ample income statements and cost-of-living indexes. The num-
solving a problem, not the most efficient set of conditions. As- lrcrs are intended to represent phenomena in an organizatíon
signing proper weights to things in the spatial, temporal, and ()r its environment: accounting profits, aptitude scores, occu-
causal neighborhood of current activity as opposed to things I)¿rncy rates, costs of production. The phenomena themselves
that are more distant spatially, temporally, or causally is a ir re elusive-real but difficult to characterize and measure. For

major problem in assuring decision intelligence (see Chapter cxample, income statements confront a number of uncertain-
O). it is reflected in the tension between the frames of decision t ics. How quickly do resources lose their value (depreciate or

makers, who often seem to have relatively short horizofls, and s¡roil)? How should joint costs be allocated to various u$ers?
the frames of historians, who (at least retrospectively) often Ilow should inventory be counted and valued? How can the
have somewhat longer horizons. (lu¿rlity of debts be assessed? What is the value of a contr act? Of
The frames used by decision makers are part of their con- ir good name? There is ambiguify about the facts and much po-
sciclus and unconscious repertoires. fn part they are encased in lcrrtial for conflict over them. As a result, the numbers ate easi-
clrly inclividual experiences that shapo inclivicluitl ¿lpprtlaches ly dcscribed as inventions, subject to both debate and ridicule.
'l'ltt":y have elernents of magic about them, pulled mysteriously
t¡ ¡rroblcms. ln part thcy arc rcspollsivc: ttl thu" ¡rltrlic:tll¿tr sc-
ló A t,tuMtitr oN t)tictstoN MAKTNG
Limited Ratiottalit.v 17

from a statistician's or a manager's hat. For example, estimates answer, often in the face of substantial conceptual and technical
of U.S. government subsidies to nuclear power went from $40 difficulties. Numbers presuppose a concept of what should be
billion under one administration to $12.8 billion under another measured and a way of translating that concept into things that
with no change in actual programs. can be measured. IJnemployment numbers ráqui re a specifi
The numbers are magical, but they also become quite real. tion of when a person is "seeking employ*rrri" and 'Lot em-
Numbers such as those involved in a cost-of-living index or an ploye d" . The concepts and their measurement are sufficiently
income (profit and loss) statement come to be treated as ambiguous to make the creation of unemployment statistics a
though they were the things they represent. If the cost-of-living difficult technical exercise. Sirnilafly, the -definition and mea-
index goes down, decision makers act as though the cost of liv- surement of corporate profits, gross national product (GNp),
ittg has gone down-even though they are well aware of the or individual intelligence are by no means simpie
many ways in which, for many people, the cost of living may ac- involve professional skills of a high order. -
-utters. They
tually have gone up. trndeed, the whole concept of "cost of liv- The construction of magic numbers is also partly political.
ing" moves from being an abstract hypothetical figure to being Decision makers and others try to find an answer that serves
a tangible reality. their own interests. Unemployment levels, profits, GNp, indi-
Three main types of such numbers can be distinguished: vidual intólligence, and other numbers are negotiated among
L" Representations of external reality are numbers purporting contending interests. If the cost-of-living index ámects pric"r oI
to describe the environment in which decision makers exist. wages, affected groups are likely to org anize to seek a f*oruble
Measures of external reality include such numbers as the bal- number. If managers are evaluated in terms of their profits,
ance of payments with another country, the number of five-y eat they will seek to influence transfer prices, depreciation rates,
olds in a school district, the number of poor in a country, the and the application of accounting rulés and conventions that af-
cost of liviilg, the unemployment rate, and the number of peo- fect the "bottom line ." Ifpoliti care about GNp, they
ple watchit g a particular television program on a given night. will involve themselves in the"úleaders
negotiation of those numbers.
2. Representaticlns of processes are numbers purporting to Management involves account and number management as
measure "work" performed. They include the fraction of the much as it involves management of the things that the numb.;;
time of a machinist or lawyer that is allocated to a particular represent.
product or client, the total number of hours worked, and the These simultaneous searches for truth and personal advan-
length of time taken to produce a product. They also include tage often confound both participants and obrervers. Realist
records of how resources were allocated-for example, how cynics portray the pursuit of truth as a sham, noticing the
ways in which individuals, experts, and decision find
much was spent on administratiofl, on pure versus applied re- it
possible to "discover" a truth that happens to be consistent
search, and on graduate versus undergraduate education. with
3. Representations of outcomes ate numbers purporting to their own interests. Idealist professionals portray the pursuit of
report the outcornes of decisions or activities. In a business pcrsonal advantage as a perversion, noticing the *utry ways
firm, this includes outcomes such as sales or profits. In a school, which serious statisticians struggle to impiove the technical
student achievement is represented by a number. Numbers are t¡uality of the numbers without regard for policy conseqrrl.rr.
also constructed to measure such outcomes as number of lltrth groups have difficulty recogni zing the *uy, in which the
oncmy killed, changes in crime rates, and budget deficits. l)rocess subtly interweaves truth seeking and advantage seek-
iltg, leaving each somewhat compromisrá ny the other, .u*n ¿rs
'l'ltc construction of thcsc mrrgic: numbcrs is pirrtly problcm c¿tch somewhat seryes the other.
stllvittg. I)ccisioll nl¿lkcrs ¿ttttl prolcssiolrirls t ry ttl inrl thc riglrt 'l'ho tcnuotlsncss ¿tnd ptllitic¿rl h¿rsis of'
milny kcy ¡gtnScrs is
I tt A PRIMER oN DnctstoN MAKING Limited Rationality l9
compared and the best one chosen. Satisficing requires only a
well-known to decision makers. They regularly seek to improve
comparison of alternatives with a target until one that is good
and influence the numbers. At the same time, however, deci-
enough is found. Maximizing requirei thatpreferences among
sion makers and others have an interest in stabilizing the num-
alternatives meet strong consistency requirements, essentially
bers, securing agreement about them, and developing shared
requiring that all dimensions of preferences be reducible to a
confidence in them as a basis for joint decision making and
single scale-although that scale need not exist in conscious
communication. The validif of a number may be less important
than its acceptance, and decision makers may be willing to form. Satisficing specifies a targetfor each dimension and treats
the targets as independent constraints. LJnder satisficing, a bun-
forgo insisting on either technical correctness or immediate po-
dle that is better on each criterion will not be choser ou"r an-
litical advantage in order to sustain soci aL agreement.
other bundle that is good enough on each criterion if the latter
bundle is considered first. Satisficing also makes it possible that
1.2.3 Satisficing and Maximizing no bundle will satisSr all criteria, in which case a decision will
not be made.
Most standard treatments of rational decision making assume In personnel decisions, a ma:ri mizing procedure would involve
that decision makers choose among alternatives by considering finding the best possible combination of persons and tasks. A
their consequences and selecting the alternative with the largest satisficing procedure, on the other hand, would involve finding
expected return. Behavioral students of decision rules, on the a person good enough to do the job. A decision maker would
other hand, have observed that decision makers often seem to define a set of tasks adequate to accomplish the job, and would
satisfice rather than maximize. Maximizing involves choosing set targets (performance standards, job requirements) for per-
the best alternativc. Satisficing invcllves choosing an alternative fbrmance on the job. A decision maker would consider candi-
that excecds some critcrion or target. dates sequentially, perhaps by looking at the current job holder
The shopkocper in a small retail store could determine price or an immediate subordinate, and would ask whether that per-
by assessing information about the complete demand of the rel- son is good enough. When universities consid er granting tenure
evant population at a set of various prices and selecting the to professors, or when individuals consider mates, for example,
price that best serues her or his preferences. Alternatively he or they can choose among a host of decision rules varying from
she could use a simple mark-up over cost in order to ensure an relatively pure satisficing rules ("Does this person meet the
acceptable profit margin on each item. A maximizing procedure standards set for satisfactory performance as a tenured profes-
for choosing equipment at a new manufacturing facility would sor or spous e?") to relatively pure maxim izing rules ("Is this
involve finding the best combination of prices and features person the best possible person likely to be found-and avail-
available. A satisficing strategy would find equipment that fits irble-for tenure or marriage in the indefinite future ?").
specifications and falls within budget. A marketing manager There ate problems with using empirical data to tell whether
could seek to find the best possible combination of products, (trr when) decision makers maximize or satisfice. The usual dif'-
pricing, advertising expenses, and distribution channels; or he ficulties of linking empirical observations to theoretical st¿tc-
or she could create a portfolio of products that meets some ments are compounded by the ease with which either visipn ii¡r
sales, market share, or profit target. lrc made tautologically "ttute." Tkue believers in max imiz,¿rl iprr
t:¿lrl easily use circular definitions of preferences to ¿lccog¡l fttr
IX) I)H(IISION MAKERS SAT'ISfIICB OII MAXIMIT,Ii'I rrr¿Iny apparent deviations from maximizing. Tiuc bclicvcl's ill
sittisficing can easily use circular definitions ol' tir¡gcls f ¡ ¿lc-
Ncil hc,l' srrtisf ic:in¡¡ nor ntitxirttizirrg is likcly lo llc tlllsc'l'vctl in
c()l'lttt ftlr m¿l.tly appÍtrcnt clcvi¿ttions f'rutm s¿rtisf icitUl.
l'nn't. lill'lrr. M¡lxirrrizing t'rr¡rrircs llr¡rl irll ¡rossilrlr ;tllc't'tutlivt-:s llcr
20 A t,l{tMlitt oN DtictsloN MAKING Lirnited Rutir¡rrulitv 2l

Assessing whether organizations satisfice or maximize in- tornatives, when one alternative improves relative to another. A
volves inferring decision rules from one or more of three kinds maximizing search is sensitive to changes in expected return
of data: (1) data drawn from listening to participants as they and costs. Satisficing, on the other hand, emphasizes the posi-
talk about the process, (2) data drawn from obsenring decision tion of alternatives relative to a target" A satisficing procedure
processes, and (3) data drawn from obsenring decision outcomes. is sensitive to a change in the absolute value of the current
The different kinds of data lead to different impressions. choice, and thus to homogeneous downward shifts in alterna-
When participants talk about the process, they seem general- tives if they include the chosen one. A satisficing search is sensi-
ly to accept the ideology of maximization, but their descriptions tive to current position relative to the target.
sound a lot like satisficing. There is a strong tendency for partic- It is necessary to find situations in which the position of the
ipants to talk about targets as critical to the process of decisioll. chosen alternative is changing relative to either other alterna-
Although there are frequent efforts to reduce a few separate tives or the target, but not both. As an example, take the will-
goals to a common measure (e.g. profit), separate targets ate ingness of people to pursue energy conservation. Maximizers
treated as substantially independent constraints unless a solu- will be sensitive to shifts in relative prices but not to whether
tion satisSring them all cannot be found. In addition, alterna- they reach a target or not (except secondarily). Satisficers will
tives are considered semisequentially. It may not be true that lre sensitive to whether they ate reachittg a target but not to
only one alternative is considered at a time (at in the pure form shifts in relative prices (except secondarily). Observations of ac-
of satisficing), but only a few seem to be considered at a time. tual decision making in such dornains as new investments, ener-
In observations of the process of decision making, targets gy conservation, and curricular decisions indicate that satisfic-
frequently appear as components of both off,cial and unofficial irrg is an aspect of rnost decision making but that it is rarely
practices. It is common to specify goals as constraints, at least at Iound in pure forrn.
first. There is a tendency for only a few alternatives to be con- Beyond the evidence that such a portrayal seems to match
sidered at a time, but consideration often continues for some nrany observations of decision making behavior, there are two
more or less predetermined time, rather than strictly until the hroader theoretical reasons-one cognitive and one rnotiva-
first satisfactory alternative is found. Decision makers some- t ional-why behavioral students of decision making find satis-

times seem to maximize on some dimensions of the problem f icing a compelling notion. From a cognitive perspective, ta*

and satisfice on others. Sometimes they seem to try to maximize gots simplify a complex world. fnstead of having to worry about
the chance of achieving a target. Targets seem to be especially ¿ul infinite number of gradations in the environment, individu-
important when they are defined in terms of surviving until the rrls simpli$ the world into two parts-good enough and not
next period, meeting a deadline, or fulfilling a contract. The good enough. From a motivational perspective, it appears to be
pure maximization model seems not to fit the data, although in It'ue that the world of psychological sensation gives a privileged
some situations people might be described as maximizing with- ¡losition to deviations from some status quo.
in a much-edited choice set.
When decision outcomes are observed, it is difficult to differ- ,SAI'ISFTCING, ADAPTIVE. ASPIRATIONS, AND TF{E STAIUS QUO
entiate maximizing from satisficing. Most decisions are inter-
pretable in either w&y, so it is necessary to find situations in ln classical theories of rational choice, the importance tlf' lr l)o-
which the two yield distinctively different outcomes. Maximiza' lcntial consequence does not depend on whether it is porlr¿ryctl
tion emphasizes the relative position of alternatives. A maxi- irs ¿r "loss" or as a forgone "gain." The implicit aspil'¿rtioll lcvr-'l
ntizing prococlurc is sensitivc to nonhonrogollcous shitts in al- rt.l)rosontocl by the status quo is irrelevant. This poslul't-'ol'llle
22 A t,tuMtitt oN t)tlcttstoN MAKTNC Limited Rutionulit.y 23
thcory has long been resisted by students, and generations of The world is more complicated than such a simple model
economists have struggled to persuade students (and mana- would suggest, of course. Aspirations adapt not only to one's
gers) to treat cash outlays and forgone gains as equivalent. The own experience but also to the experience of others. They can
resistance of students has a natural satisficing explanation. Sat- becom e attached not just to the level of reward but to the rate
isficing assurnes that people are more concerned with success or of change of reward. They do not adapt instantaneously, and
failure relative to a target than they are with grad,ations of ei- they appear to adapt upward morc rapidly than downward. As a
ther success or failure. If out-of-pocket expenditures are treat- result, deviations in a t egative direction seem to be more per-
ed as decrements from a current aspiration level (and thus as sistently noticed than positive deviations. This "predisposition
unacceptable) and forgone gains are not, the forme r are more to dissatisfaction" is, of course, a strong stiinulus for search and
likely to be avoided than the latter. A satisficing decision maker change in situations where it exists.
is likely to make a distinction between risking the "loss" of
something that is not yet "possessed" and risking the loss of
1.3 Theories of Attention and Search
something that is already considered a possession.
The tendency to code alternatives as above or below an aspi- ln theories of limited rationalíty, attention is a scarce resource.
ration level or a status quo has important implications for deci- 'fhe evoked set, of alternatives, consequences, and preferences,
sion making. Whether a glass is seen as half-empty or half-full ¿tndthe process that produces the evoked set, take on an impor-
depends on how the result is framed by aspiration levels and a tance not found in models of infinitely rational decision makers.
decision maker's history. The history is important because aspi- Not all alternatives are known, they must be sought; not all con-
ration levels-the dividing line between good enough and not good sequences are known, they must be investigated; not all prefer-
enough-are not stable. fn particular, individuals adapt their aspi- onces ate known, they must be explored and evoked. The allo-
rations (targets) to reflect their experience. Studies of asp iia- cation of attention affects the information available and thus
tion level adjustment in situations in which information on the the decision.
performance of others is lacking indicate that decision makers Ideas that emph asize the importance of attention ate found
revise aspirations in the direction of past performance but retain t hroughout the social and behavioral sciences. In psychology,

a bit more optimism than is justified by that experience. Thus, the rationitg of attention is central to notions of editing, fram-
current aspirations can be approximated by a positive constant ittg, and problem solving"set"; in political science, it is central
plus an exponentially weighted moving average of past experience. to the notion of agendas; in sociolog¡r, it is central to the notion
If aspirations adapt to experience, then r,rcéss contains the that many things in life are "taken as given" and serye as con-
seeds of failure, and failure contains the seeds of success. In a st raints rather than as decision alternatives. fn economics, theo-
very general way, empirical data seem to support such a con- rics of search are a central concern of the study of decisions.
ception. Although there are some signs that chronically impov- 'l'he study of decision making is, in many ways, the study
erished individuals are less happy than chronically rich individ- scarch and attention.
uals, studies of lottery winners reveal that they are no more
happy than other people, and studies of paraplegics reveal that
they are no less huppy than others. This pattern of results has
l.,J.l The Rationing of Auention
led some people to describe life as a "hedonic treadmill." As in- ln contrast to traditional societies, which are orclinurily dc-
clividuals adapt their aspirations tcl their experioncc, [oth their scribr;d as short of physical and human resources rathcr lftt¡l
s¿rt isltrctitlus ¿tnd thcir cliss¿rtisfactions itrc shorl-|ivcrl. slttlrt ttf'time, the modern world is usually descrihcd ¿ls slirrrrr-
24 A t,tuMlilr 0N DHCtstoN MAKING Limitccl, tlutiottulit.v 25

lus-rich and opportunity-filled. There are more things to do I .,1.2 Rational Theories of Information and Auention
than there is time to do them, more claims on attention than
can be met. The importance of scheduling and time, and con- lnvestments in information and attention can be examined
cerns about "information overload ," ate distinctive complaints. rrsing the same rational calculations used to make other invest-
Industries have arisen to compete for the attention of individu- nrents. No rational decision maker will obtain all possible infor-
als, as well as to advise people on proper time management. rn¿rtion (unless it has some direct consumption value-as in the
The problems are conspicuously not ameliorated by informa- rr¿rse of rabid sports fans). Rational decision makers can be ex-
tion technology. Time pressures are further dram atized and
¡rccted to invest in information up to the point at which the
probably accentuated by telefa:res, car phones, and systems of rnarginal expected cost equals the marginal expected return.
electronic mail. Computers seem to have done more to increase 'l'he cost of inforrnation is the expected return that could be re-
information load than to reduce it. :rlized by investing elsewhere the resources expended to find
The problems of time, attention, and information manage- :rncl comprehend the current information. There are times
ment are critical to research on decision making. Limitations when information has no decision value. fn particular, from the
on attention and information raise dilemmas for actors in the point of view of decision making, if a piece of information will
system and cause difficulties for those who would try to under- not affect choice, then it is not worth acquiring or attending to.
stand decisions. If attention is rationed, decisions can no longer Since information is costly, rational decision makers can be
be predicted simply by knowing the features of alternative and oxpected to look for ways to reduce the average costs of atten-
desires. Decisions will be affected by the way decision makers tion, computation, calculatioil, and search. By assuming that ac-
attend (ot fail to attend) to particular preferences, alternatives, tual decision makers and organizations do in fact make such ef-
and consequences. They will depend on the ecology of atten- Iorts and are effective in optimizing with respect to information
tion: who attends to what, and when. Interested participants costs, information and transaction cost economists gener ate a
may not be present at a given decision because they ate some- scries of predictions about the organization of communication,
where else. Something may be overlooked because something incentives, contracts, and authority. For example, they consider
else is being attended to. I)ecisions happen the way they do, in the possibilities for using other resources to "brJy" time. Own-
large part, because of the way attention is allocated, and "tim- r:rs hire managers to act in their interests. Managers delegate
ing" and "mobilization" are important issues. r'osponsibility to employees. Since agents may not know the in-
Decision makers appear to simplify the attention problem tcrests of those who delegate to thern or may not take those in-
considerably. For example, they respond to deadlines and tcrests fully to heart, the use of agents incurs costs of delegation
the initiatives of others. They organ ize their attention around lhat are experienced in terms of time as well as money.
well-defined options. Insofar as decisions about investments in As a classic example of rationalizing information and its use,
attention are made consciously, they are delayed as long as consider the design of optimal information codes. A rational
possible. The simplifications do not always seem appropriate t'ode would be designed to minimize the expected cost of send-
to students of decision making. Decision makers are often ing messages. People typically tell others to "yell if you're in
criticized for poor attention management. They are criticized ll'ouble" rather than to "yell as long as you're okay." Yelling
for dealing with the "wrong" things, or for dealing with the ttkcs energy and so should be conserved. Since "being in trou-
right things at the "wrong" time. Short-run problems often Irlc" is a less likely state than "being okay," energy expenditure
seem to be favored over long-rutl. Crises seem to preempt is rninimized by associating it with the former state rather than
plann ing. tllc latter. Similarly, if we assume the early American patriot
26 A t,tuMlitr oN DlrctstoN MAKTNC
Limited Ratk¡nulit.t¡ 2l
Paul Revere was an optimal code designer, then we know that
he must have calculated the expected cost of alternative codes cfficient solutions to the many ways in which the world does not
match the simplifications of rational models of information.
in signaling an attack by the British as they moved out of
Boston. Under such assumptions, his code of "one if by land, Rational theories of attention, information, and information
stnrctures have become some of the more interesting and im-
two if by sea" tells us that he thought an attack by land was
more likely than an attack by sea (assumirg, of course, that he
portant domains of modern economics and decision theory.
They have been used to fashion substantial contributions to the
assumed the British would not know about his code).
practices of accountiflg, communication, and information man-
Organizations use many specially designed codes for record-
agement. They have also been used to predict important fea-
itg, retrieving, and communicating information. Accounting
tures of org anizational forms and practices. FIowever, there is a
systems, human resource management systems, and inventory
kind of peculiarity to all such theotries. Determining the optirnal
systems are examples. But the most familiar form of informa-
tion code is a natural language. Languages and other codes par-
information strate Ey, code, investment, or structure requires
complete information about information options, quality: pro-
tition continuous worlds into discrete states. Language divides
cessing, and comprehension requiremenB. ft requires a precise
all possible gradations of hues into a relatively small number of
specification of preferences that resolve complicated tradeoffs
colors . Language recognizes a small set of kin relationships (a
over time and space. fn effect, the problem of limits is "solved"
different set in different cultures) among the manJ relations
by a solution that presumes the absence of limits. Behavioral
that could be labeled. Insofar as a natural language can be
students of attention, search, and information have generally
imagined to have developed in response to considerations of
pursued a different set of ideas.
the costs and benefits of alternative codes, it should make deci-
sion relevant distinctions easier to communicate than distinc-
tions that are not relevant to decisions. Where fine gradations 1.3.3 Satisficing as a Theory of Anention and Search
in colors are important for decisions, the language will be elab-
orated to reflect fine gradations. Where color distinctions ate
Itather than focus on ration alizing attention and information
decisions, behavioral students of attention are more likely to
unimportant for decisions, they will tend to disappear.
build on ideas of satisficing. In its early formulations, satisficing
It is not trivial to imagine a process of code development that
was commonly presented as an alternative decision rule to max-
will optimize a code or language, and it would not be overly sur-
imizimg. Emphasis was placed on the step function ch aracteris-
prising to obserye suboptimal codes. I)ecision alternatives are
t ics of the satisficing utility function. Actually, satisficing
often ambiguous, overlapping, and changirg, as ane costs and is less
¿r decision rule than a search rule. It specifies the conditions
benefits. Decisions require tradeoffs across time and space that
trnder which search is triggered or stopped, and it directs search
are not easy to make. And languages are likely to endure for
some time after decision options have changed. Moreover,
Itt areas of failure. Search is controlled by a comparison be-
lween performance and targets. If performance falls below ta1-
there are strategic issues involved. If codes distinguish possible
actions efficiently from the point of view of a decision maker, 8ct, search is increased. If perforrnance achieves its target,
scarch is decreased. As performance rises and falls, search falls
they simultaneously provid e a guide for the strategic manipula-
;urcl rises, with a resulting feedback to performance.
tion of that decision maker's choices. Since natural languages
Thus, satisficing has close relatives in the psychology of deci-
have evolved in the face of these complications, one speculation
siotl making. The idea that decision makers focus on target,( tcl
is that some puzzling elements of languages-particular their
()r"g¿tnize their search and decision activities is standarcl. The
itmhiguities, inconsistencies, ancl rccluncl¿rncicsrirrc ¿rctually
"clinlination by aspects" model of choice assumes that clccisie¡
2¡t A t,t{tMtitr oN DtlctstoN MAKINc
Limited Ratiortulit,v 29
makers do not engage in tradeoffs, they simply consider each
tives are likely to be overlooked if inferior, but acceptable, al-
criterion sequentially-usually in order of importance-and ternatives ate evoked earlier.
elimin ate alternatives that do not exceed a threshold. The
3. Search is active in the face of adversity. In many ways, stan-
"prospect theory" of choice assumes that decision makers ate
dard decision theory is a passive theory. It emphasizes making
more risk-averse when returns ate expected to be above a tar-
the best of a world as it exists. I)ecision theory instructs deci-
get than when they ate expected to be below a target.
sion makers to calculate the odds, Iay the best bet they can, and
await the outcome. Satisfrcing stimulates a more active effort to
change adverse worlds. A satisficing decision maker faced with
The most important step in a satisficing model of search is the a host of poor alternatives is likely to try to find better ones by
comparison of achievernents to targets. Decision makers set as- changittg problem constraints. A maximizíng decision rnaker is
piration levels for important dimensions-firms for sales and more likely to select the best of the poor lot.
profits, museums for contributions and attendance, colleges for
enrollments and placernents. Achievements are evaluated with
respect to those aspirations. Failure increases search, and suc-
cess decreases search. fn a pure satisficing rnodel, search con- Satisficing theories of limited rationality assume two adaptive
tinues as long as achievement is below the target and ends when processes that bring aspirations and performance close to each
the tatget is exceeded. A natural modification of the pure tlther. First, aspirations adapt to performance. That is, decision
model would allow search to vary with the discrepancy befween makers learn what they should expect. Second, performance
achievement and the target, with a decreasing effect as the dis- adapts to aspirations by increasing search and decreasing slack
crepancy increases. in the face of failure, decreasing search and increasing slack
There ate three principal features of satisficing as a theory of when faced with success.
search: Such theories predict that as long as performance exceeds as-
piratioos, search for new alternatives is modest, slack accumu-
L. Search is thermostatic. Thrgets (o, goals) are essentialty
lates, and aspirations increase. When performance falls below
search branch points rather than ways of choosing among alter-
aspirations, search is stimulated, slack decreases, and aspira-
natives directly. They are equivalent to discrimination nets or
tions decrease. Search stops when targets ate achieved, and if
thermostats; they begin and end search behavior. As a result,
targets ate low enough, not all resources will be effectively
researchers frequently learn more about the real operational
tused. The resulting cushion of unexploited opportunities and
goals of decision makers by asking for their search triggers than
undiscovered economies-the difference between a decision
by asking about their "goals."
nraker's realízed achievement and potential achievement-is
2. Targets are considered sequentially. A satisficing search sl¿rck.
process is serial rather than parallel; things are considered one
Slack includes undiscovered and unexploited technological,
at a time-one target, one alternative, one problem. Since deci-
rnarketing, and cost reduction opportunities. It includes undis-
sion makers generally act as though they assum e a solution will ('()vered and unexploited strategies. Variations in search intensi-
be found in the neighborhood ofá ry*ptom of a probleffi, the
ly or efficiency result in variations in slack. Since knowledge
first alternatives they consider tend to be local. If sales fall in
;rbout opportunities may not be shared generally within an or*
Toxas, then they look for the problem and the solution in Texas.
l¡iur ization, org anizational slack resources may be preemptively
In this w¿ly, tlrder eff'ects becr)mc imprlrtunt, ¿u"rcl lrcttcr ¿rltcrna-
cxpropriated by subunits. Some units may not work ¿ls hard ¿rs
l0 A t,trrMt,tr tlN DrictstoN MAKTNG
Limited Rationulity 3 I
others. Some managers may fly first class or may have more ele-
gant offices and more support staff. Professionals may become However, the simple thermostat model of satisficing search
"rnore professional"; engineers rnay satisfy their love of a beau- c:aptures some important truths. Failure-induced search, the
tiful design rather than build the most efficient machine. basic idea of the model, is clearly a general phenomenon. Ne-
Slack has the effect of smoothing performance relative to po- cessity is often the mother of invention, and decision makers
tential performance. Slack stored in good times becomes a threatened with failure often discover ways to cut costs, pro-
buffer against bad times-a reservoir of potential performance. cluce better products, and market them more effectively. Slack
Thus, variations in realized, performance will be smaller than serves as a buffer, accumulating in good times and decreasing in
vañations in environmental munificence. Because performance lrad times. The simple model of search, which involves comp an-
is managed in this way, slack conceals capabilities. The level of ing changing performance with a fixed aspiration, does not cap-
slack is difficult to determine, and it is hard to estim ate what ture all that is known about satisficing search, however.
level of performance can be achieved if necessary. Individuals First, aspirations change over time, and they change endoge-
and organ izations that appear to be operating close to their ca- nously. They are affected by the past performances of the par-
pacities frequently are able to make substattiiut improvements ticular individual or org anization and by the past performances
in the face of adversity. The lack of clarity about the level of of those individuals and organizations perceived as comparable.
slack, however, makes slack reduction a highly strategic activity In general, as performances improve, so do aspirations; as per-
in which each part of an organ ization (and éuóft individual deci- ftlrmances decline, so do aspirations.
sion maker) seeks to have the other parts give up their slack Adaptive aspirations and have very general effects on organi-
first. zations. The way they, along with failure-induced search, tend
Thus, slack is managed. A decision maker may choose to to bring performance and aspirations together has already been
have slack as a hedge against adversity, to smooth fluctuations noted. When performance exceeds the target, search is re-
in profits or resources2 or as a buff'er against the costs of coordi- cluced, slack is increased, and the target is raised. On average,
nation. Slack may be used to inhibit the upward adjustment of this tends to reduce performance. When performance is below
aspirations. I)ecision makers cleliberately reduce performance the target, search is increased, slack is decreased, and the target
in order to manage their own expectations about the future. is lowered. On average, this tends to increase performance.
Even more, they do so in order to manage the expectations of Thus the process of target adjustment can be seen as a sub-
others. They restrict their performance in order to avoid over- stitute for slack adjustment. If targets adapt rapidly, then slack
achievirg a target and causing the targetto rise. rrnd search will not adapt rapidly, and vice versa. By virtue
of the adaptation of aspirations, subjective definitions of
success and failure (which control search behavior and-as will
ELABoRATTNG THE sEARCH n¿oopl bo developed later-both risk taking and learning from ex-
Not all search by decision makers is due to failure. Social sys- ¡rorience) depend not only on current performance but also on
tems and organizations may take a delibe rate anticipatory ap- current aspirations for performance (and thus on a perfor-
proach to search. They may create "search departments', both nl¿rnce history).
to solve problems (strategy, plannirg, research and develop- Second, search is success-induced as well as failure-induced.
ment) and to find them (quality control, custorner complaints). Whcn the presence of slack relaxes coordination and control
This search tends to be orderly, stand¿rrcl izecL, ¿ulcl semewhat in- l)r'ossures, decision makers ate free to pursue idiosyncratic,
dcpcnclont of success or ftr ilu rc. Iocal preferences. They may act opportunistically or imperialis-
tic¿rlly. If they ¿tre members of an organization, they may ¿tsscrt
Limited Rationality 33
independence from the organ ization or may pursue linkages
Figure 1
with outside constituents (professional organiiations or com- Expanded Model of Satisficing Search
munity interests). These activities are forms of slack search,
stimulated by success rather than failure.
Slack search differs in chara cter, as well as timing, from
search under adversity. It is less tightly tied to key obJectives greater than
and less likely to be careful. It involves experiments that are, on aspirations!
average, probably inefficient, particularly in the short run, rela-
tive to the primary goals of a decision maker or organ ization.
Most such experiments are probably disadv antagro.ri, but they
allow for serendipity, foolishness, and variation. The outcomes
of slack search are likely to have a lower mean and higher vari-
ance than the outcomes of failure-induced search or institution-
alized search. The possibilify that such activities find a protec-
tive cover in the "waste" of slack plays an important role in an
expanded theory of long-run adaptation.
Third, search is supply-driven as well as demand-driven. Performance
Search is a possible way of describing information acquisition in of others
decision making, but the metaphor has its limits if search is
seen as prospecting, seeking alternatives and information that
lie passively in the environment. A significant feature of con-
temporary life is that information is not passive. In some cir-
cumstances, a better analogy for information acquisition might
be to mating, where information is seeking users even as users
are seeking information (for example, in the purchase of equip-
ment). Or the proper analogy might be to huntiilg, where infor-
mation is actively eluding information seekers (for example,
military secrets) or where information "seekers" are actively
eluding information sources (for exarnple, investors and stock
salespeople). In general, the market in information is a joint
consequence of behavior by the recipient and behavior by the
transmittq of the information. It cannot be understood without side search, and the performance of others on the dynamics of
considering both sides of the transaction. the system.
The general structure of an expanded model of satisficing
search is sketched in Figure L. It displays the close relations t] N DERSTAND ING INNOVAIION
among changes in aspiratioos, changes in slack, and changes in
scarch, the direct and indirect effects of slack cln perforrnonrr,
It is possible to use the general ideas of satisficing search to
speculate about the long-run dynamics of individual and institu-
itnd thc oxogcnous effects of institution¿rlizccl sc¿lrch., sgpply-
tional change: Do those who have been successful in the past
34 A PRIMHR oN DECISIoN MAKING Limited Ratktrtulity 35

continue to be successful, or does success sow the seeds success in innovation increases the amount of innovative activi-
of fail-
ure? Do the rich get richer or poorer? ty. By increasing the amount of innovative activity, it increasss
There are no simple answers to such questions. Both success the likelihood of new success. But unless the pool of opportuni-
and failure stimulate mechanisms that encou rage subsequent ties is rich , ít mry not increase the likelihood enough to pay the
success' and both success and failure stirnulate other increased costs incurred by the search. IJnder those circum-
nisms that encourage subsequent failure. However, an impor- stances, it leads to long-term decline.
tant patt of the answer to the-stability of success depends on
richness of the search environment. Failure-induced search
creases efficiency and reduces foolishness. Success-induced I.4 Risk and Risk Taking
search introduces more risky alternatives. ft tends to produce
more distant search and introduces bigger changes wiitr lower As has been suggested above, understandittg risk and risk tak-
odds of success. The rich get richer if success-induced search ing is a serious concern of rational theorieJ of choice. In fact,
(slack search) gives better returns than failure-induced "risk" is sometimes used as a label for the residu alvatiance in a
search theory of rational choice. The strategy is to assume that risk
or if prior success was produced by either institutional ized
search or supply-side search that continues. preference accounts for any deviation in observed behavior
In technologically mature worlds, success will tend to breed from the behavior that would be observed if decision makers
failure. Slack will produce inefficiencies and unproductive had utilities for money that were linear with money and made
suc- decisions by maximizing expected monetary value. This strategy
cess-induced seutch. fn technologically young worlds,
on the has some appeal for many formal theorists of choice and for
other hand, success will tend to breed succer*. Th. specific in-
novation that will provide a breakthrough is hard to identi$r many students of aggregate decision behavior.
in Behavioral students of decision making are inclined to take a
advance, so there is a good deal of chance in the outcome
from different route. They try to understand the behavioral processes
any particular innovation. But slack search provides the re-
sources for relatively frequent experiments, thus increases that lead to taking risks. The emphasis is on understanding indi-
the vidual and organizational risk taking rather than fitting the con-
chance of an important discovery .
Will there then be persistent innovators? Assuming that all cept into aggre gate predictions. As a result, behavioral students
actors are competent, within the satisficing search theory trf risk are more interested in characterizing the way variability
major in possible outcomes affects a choice"*
successful innovations are produced by foolishness,
which in The factors that affect risk taking in individuals and organi-
turn is produced by a combination of slack (thus success) and
luck. Individuals or organizations must be roouril"ün ro zations can conveniently be divided into three sets:
look and lucky enough to find something. A few innovative 1,. Risk estimation. Decision makers form estimates of the
ideas will be successful, thus marking the in¿ividuals risk involved in a decision. Those estimates affect the risk
and orga-
nizations involved as "innovative." S.r.r.r* will lead to actually taken. If the risk is underestimated, decisions will
and thus to more foolish innovative ideas. reflect greater risk taking than is intended. If the risk is
As a result, persistently successful orga nizations will tend to overestimated, decisions will reflect less risk taking than is
be more innovative than others. However, since most innova- intended.
tive ideas will not be successful, most innovators will not 2. Risk-taking propensity. Different decision makers seem tcl
their successes, and their resources will fall, lc¿rcling thcm to
prtlcluco f'cwer and fcwcr potontially innov¿rtivc irlJ¿rs.'l'h's, *'l'ltis scrctiott clr¿tws tiom work clone "jointly with Zur Sh¿rpira.
36 A PRtMHtr tlN DltcrstoN MAKrNcj
Limited Ratk¡nality 37
have different propensities to take risk. In some choice probabilities. They do rather well in situations in which they
theories, decision makers are described as having "prefer- have experience.
ences" for risk. Obsen¡ations of risk taking suggest that On the other hand, the mental machinery they use to antici-
the term "preferences" may incorrectly imply that individ- pate the future contains some flaws. For .ru*pl;, future events
ual risk propensities are pii*urily ,orrrrioui preferences, are rated as more likely to the extent that similar events can be
whereas they appear to arise only partly through con- remembered in the decision maker's own past. This is one of
scious choice. the reasons why experienced decision makers do reasonably
3. Structural factors within which risk taking occurs. Both risk well in the domain of their experience. The sample from which
estimation and risk-taking propensity are affected by the they draw is related to the universe about which they make pre-
context in which they occur. Features of org antzing for de- dictiolls. Biases are produced by differences between the uni-
cisions introduce system atic effects into risk taking. verse of relevant events and the sample stored in memory.

Decision makers also assess the likelihood of an event b5r

considering how closely it conforms to a prototypical image of
1.4.1 Estimating Risk
what such an event would look like. Events are judged to be
Decision makers seek to form estimates of risk that are both more likely to the extent they are "tepresent ative." The rnost
technically and socially valid. Technically valid estimates are protofypical events are, however, not always the most frequent.
those that reflect the true situation faced by the decision maker. In particular, decision makers tend to overlook important infor-
Socially valid estimates are those that are shared by others, ate mation about the base rates of events. Even though the greatest
stable, and are believed with confidence. Neither technical nor hitters in history were successful only about 40 percent of the
social validity can be assured, nor can either be described as dis- time in their best seasons, there is a tendency to expect great
tinct. baseball hitters to hit whenever they bat,because hitting is what
is protofypical of great hitters. Simila rlyr, although greul d.rign-
IMP ROVI NG TECHN ICAL VALIDITY ers produce exceptional designs only a few times in a lifetime,
every failure of a great designer to produce a gÍeat design is ex-
Decision makers typically attribute uncertainty about outcomes perienced as a surprise.
to one or more of three different sources: an inherently unpre- There ate indications that decision makers, in effect, seek to
dictable world, incomplete knowledge about the world, and in- deny uncertainty by focusing on events that are certain to occur
complete complete contracting with strategic actors. Each pro- or certain not to occur and by ignoring those that are highly un-
duces efforts to reduce uncertainty. certain. This is accentuated by the tendency to round extreme
probabilities either to certainty or to imposriUitity. Very few de*
Inherently (Jnpredictable Worlds. Some uncertainties are seen as cision makers have the experience necessary to distinguish an
irreducible, inherent in the mechanisms of the universe. For event with a probability of 0.001 from one with a probabilit¡r of
uncertainties that are thought to arise from inherently un- 0.00001, although the difference is extremely large and, in some
certain environmental pto."isesz decision makers try to judge cases, critical.
the likelihood of events. There aÍe numerous studies of individ-
ual estimates of the likelihood of uncertain future events. In Incomplete Knowledge. Decision makers tend to exaggerate
general, the studies indicate that experienced decision makers their control over their environment, overweighting the impacts
aro by no means helpless when it comes to estimating future tlf their actions and underweighting the impact of other faótors,
Limited Ratktnality 39
including chance. They believe things happen because of their desired future actions, rather than to efforts to predict them
intentions and their skills (ot lack of them) more than because probabilistically.
of contributions from the environment. This tendency is accen- The tendency to negotiate and control the environment
tuated by success. As a result, although decision makers cer- rather than predict it is consistent with what has already been
tainly recognize that some uncertainties are unresolvable, there observed. Uncertainty is treated the same way any other prob-
is a strong tendency to treat uncertainty as something to be re-
lem is treaÍed-as something to be removed. Decision makers
moved rather than estimated.
seek control over,the uncontrolled part of their environments.
Some of these "avoidable" uncertainties ate seen as a result
Deadlines and guarantees ate more common than time-
of ignorance or lack of informatioo, incomplete knowledge of clependent or performance-dependent variable prices, and the
the world. For uncertainties that arise frorn gaps or ambiguities latter are more common than time and performance gambles.
in their knowledge of the environment, decision makers assume
that uncertainty can be removed by diligence and imagination.
They try to judge and, if possible, improve the quality of infor- I MPROVING SOCIAL VALIDITY
mation. They have a strong tendency to want their knowledge lndividuals, social systems, and systems of knowledge all re-
about what will happen to be couched in terms that deny doubt. quire reasonable stability and agreement in understandings of
They are more likely to seek to confirm their existing information the world. Without such social validity, decision makers may
than to acquire or notice disconfirming information. For exam- have difficulty acting, and social systems may have difficulty en-
ple, purchasing agents spend a'few minutes forming an impres-
during. The social robustness of beliefs is threatened by the am-
sion of a potential product, then devote the rest of their time to
biguities of experience and meanitrg and by the numerous alter-
seeking information consistent with their initial hypothesis. native interpretations of reality that can be sustained. Processes
Since their strategies for understanding uncertain worlds in- toward differentiation persistently break down tendencies to-
volve forming firm estimates, decision makers appear to prefer ward agreement. Successes lead to decentralization and experi-
stories to more academic information. They prefer information mentation in beliefs; failures lead to rejection of beliefs and dis-
about specific cases to information about general trends. They agreement.
prefer vivid information to pallid information. They prefer con-
Countering these pressures toward heterogeneity and insta-
crete information to abstract statistics. When confronted with bility are an assortment of mechanisms fostering shared and
inconsistent information, they tend to rely on one cue and ex- stable estimates of risk. Experience is edited to remove contra-
clude others from consideration.
dictiorls. Individuals recall prior beliefs as more consistent with
present ones than they ate.Incongruous data or predictions are
Incomplete Contracting. Some uncertainties are seen as a result
likely to be forgotten. Information is gathered to sustain deci-
of incomplete contracting, the failure to establish understand- sions rather than change them. Beliefs are adjusted to be con-
ings with critical people in the environment. Many of the other
sistent with actions. They arc shaped by the beliefs of others.
actors in the environment have interests at variance with those
Preferences for vivid and detailed information and for redun-
of any particular decision maker. Each decision maker acts dant, overly idiosyncratic information fit this picture of aug-
on the basis of the probable actions of the others, knowing menting robustness and building confidence. Detailed stories
that they are doing the same. The resulting indeterminacy tond to be filled with redundant and arguably irrelevant infor-
leads to intelligence systems designed to spy on the intentions
mation, thus probably inefficient and misleading frcÍm the
of'rlthers. It leads to the pursuit of resources to rcmove depen-
standpoint of making more valid estimates of risk. Neverthe-
dcnc:c r)n thorn. And it lcacls to ncgotiations to hincl othorri to
lcss, decision makers show a preference for detailed stories. In-
40 A I)RTMHR oN DECtstoN MAKING Limited Ratictrtulitv 4l
sofar as the goal of the decision process is to see the world with are assumed to be risk-averse. They ate assumed to prefer an
confidence rather than accur&cy, the double counting of evi- alternative that will yield a given return with cert arnty to any al-
dence becomes an asset rather than a liability. In social con- tcrnative having the same expected value but some chance of
texts, this justification could possibly be explained as the con- higher and lower returns. The assumption of risk aversion is
founding of social influence with personal preference, but the sometimes taken as an unexplained attribute of human beings,
same kind of effect seems to occur even within individuals who sometimes linked to an assumption of decreasing marginal util-
are merely trying to justify their choices to themselves. Confi- ity of money, sometimes given a somewhat casual competitive
dence increases with the amount of information processed, advantage survival interpretation.
even though accurucy typically does not. If people are risk-averse, it is argued, risk taking must be re-
The view of decision makers as seekers of stable, shared esti- warded. Thus, it is expected that risky gambles will be accepted
mates in which they can have confidence is consistent with re- only if they have higher expected returns than those without
search on reactions to alternative gambles. At one point, itwas risk or, more generally, there should be a positive relation be-
speculated that decision makers might be averse not just to un- tween the amount of risk in an investment and the return pro-
certainty about outcomes but also to uncertainty about the vided. The argument is impeccable if one accepts the risk-aver-
probabilities of those outcomes. In fact, people seem to seek sion ttait assumption and an assumption that markets in risk
not certainty of knowledge but social validity. Th ey actually re- are efficient. Such assumptions are not universally accepted,
ject clear bets in favor of those with ill-defined probabilities in and direct observation often produces a negative correlátion
domains where they feel their estimates and actions are based befween risk and return. The assumptions seem to have some-
on valid beliefs. They avoid bets with ill-defined probabilities in what greater merit in narrow finance markets than elsewhere-
domains where they lack such a sense of socially valid knowl- or at least somewhat greate r acceptance.
edge or competence. Skepticism about a generic trait of risk aversion, however,
does not preclude the possibility that any one individual has
¿r risk-taking propensity that is stable over time but that pro-
1 . 4. 2 Risk-Thking Propensity pensities vary among individuals. In this interp retatioil, dif-
f'erent individuals have different characteristic tastes for risk,
The level of risk taking observed in organ izations is affected not
some being inherently more risk-averse and some more risk-
only by the estimation of the risk but also by the propensify of a
seeking. Those tastes for risk are seen as established relatively
risk taker to seek or avoid a particular level of expected risk.
carly in life and to be maintained as stable personality traits in
Consider four different understandings of risk-taking propensi-
ty: (1) risk-taking propensity as a personality trait, (2) risk-tak-
ing propensity as a reaction to targets, (3) risk-taking propeqsi- The distribution of risk takers in a population (r.g. in a given
()rganization), therefore, is assumed to be affected primarily by
ty as a reasoned choice, and (4) risk-taking propensity as an
solection. Risk-averse people are assumed to select (and to be
artifact of reliability.
solected bV) different professions and different organizations
f'rom those chosen by people more comfortable with risk. The
¡rcople who become underwatu welders or racing drivers will
In one interpretation of risk-taking propensity, propensities for Ito different kinds of people from those who become postal
risk are described as individual traits. For exarnple, in many wttrkers or professors. Thus the solution to creating an organi-
thcorics tlf rational choice, particularly thosc in which risk is 'l,irtitln with a certain "risk propensity" is to attract the right kincl
nlLrilsl"lrctl lry nonlinc¿rritics in t lrc utilif V filr nloncy, inrlividg¿rls ol'pcoplo.
42 A PRIMHR ON DECISIoN MAKING Limited Rationulity 43

The evidence for variation among decision makers in individ- Since falling farther frorn a target and falling closer to extinc-
ually stable risk-taking propensities is mixed, but it seems plau- ticln are normally correlated, the effect of failure on risk taking
sible to suspect that some such variations exist, that there may appears to depend on whether decision makers focus attention
be consistent differences among people, even consistent dif- on their hopes (orga nized, around their aspiration level target)
ferences among cultures or subcultures. Ffowever, the evidence or their fears (org anizedaround their extinction level).
also seems to indicate that, at least within a given culture, the These links between success (outcomes minus aspirations)
risk-taking effects attributable to traít differences in risk pro- and risk taking are complicated by two importantfeedbacks:
pensity are relatively small when compared with other effects. First, outcomes areaffected by risk taking. At the least, deci-
sion makers who take greater risks realize a higher variance
RISK.TAKING PROPENSITY AS TARGET:ORIENTED in their returns than those who take lower risks. In situations
where risk and return are positively correl ated, risk takers
In most behavioral studies of risk taking, individual risk-taking will, on average, do better than risk avoiders. In situations
propensity is not seen as a stable trait of an individual but as where risk and return are negaiively correlated, risk avoiders
varying with the situation. Probably the best established situa- will, on average, do better.
tional effect stems from the way decision makers distinguish be- Second, utpitution levels (targets) ad ap)tto outcomes. Suc-
fween situations of success (ot expected success) and situations cess leads to higher aspirations; failure leads to lower aspira-
of failure (ot expected failure). Risk-taking propensity varies tions. In general, adaptive aspirations tend to mode rate the
with the relationship between an individual's position and a tar effects of success and failure by making very successful peo-
get or aspiration level, and thus between contexts of success ple less risk taking, and by making unsuccessful people less
and failure. risk taking. Thus adaptive aspirations smooth system perfor-
When they are in the neighborhood of a target and confront mance and risk taking. Explorations of the dynamic proper-
a choice between two items of equal expected value, decision ties and long-run competitive consequences of this system sug-
makers tend to choose the less risky alternative if outcomes in- gest that there are some survival advantages in variable risk
volve gains, and the more risky alternative if outcomes involve preferences when combined with adaptive aspiration levels.
losses. This is a relatively robust empirical result, true for col-
lege students, business executives, tacettack bettors, and small I{ISK-TAKTNG PROPENSITY AS CHOICE
granivorous birds.
When individuals find thernselves well above the target, they ln a third view of risk-taking propensity, risky behavior is treat-
tend to take greater risks-partly because, presumably, in that ccl not as a function of personality or of aspirations, but as a
position they have little chance of failing, and partly because reasoned choice. In the spirit of the present chapter, individuals
they may be inattentive to their actions as a result of thó large can be imagined as rationally calculating what level of risk they
cushion. The risk-taking propensities of decision makers-who think would selve them best. Consider, for example, risk-taking
are well below a target are more complicated, especially when strategy in a competitive situation where relative position
their position puts them in danger of not surviving. On the one ntakes a difference. Suppose that someone wishes to finish first,
hand, as they fall farther and farther below their targets, they ¿tnd anything else is irrelevant. Such an individual might want to
tend to take bigger and bigger risks, presumably to increase the choose a level of risk that maximizes the chance of finishing
ch¿tnce of achieving their targets. On the other hand, &s they f irst. In gen eral, strategies for maxim izing the chance of finish-
cotltc closcr and closer to extinction, they tencl to hecome rigid ing first are quite different from strategies for maximizing ex-
itttd imnttlhils, rcpo¿lting prcvit)u$i ilctitlns ¿rncl ¿lvoicling risk. pccted valuc.
44 A PRTMHR oN DHCtsroN MAKTNG Limited Rutionality 45
For example, suppose one were challenged to a tennis match nicatioil, coordination, trust, responsibility, or structure. Cases
and given the option of specifying the number of points in the trf risk taking through lack of reliability are eas)¡ to overlook,
match. Given a choice, how long a game would a rational tennis because they have none of the intentional, wi[fúl character of
player choose to play, assumitrg that the length of the game it- strategic, delibe rate, or situational risk-taking. Nevertheless,
self had no intrinsic value? The key to answering this question they can be important parts of the risk-taking stóry.
lies in recog nizing how the probability of outscoring utt oppo- For example, risk-taking behavior is influenced by changes in
nent depends both on the pioUubility of winning ant particular the knowledge of a decision rnaker. Those effects stóm froá the
point and on the length of the game. As the length o-f the game relation between knowledge and reliability. Ignorance is a
increases, the better player is more and more likely to win, be- prime source of variabilit¡r in the distribution of possible out-
cause the variability in outcomes declines with "sample" size comes from an action. The greater the ignorutt.é of decision
(relatively rapidly, itt fact). The game's outcome becomes more makers or of those implementing the deciiions, the greater the
and more certain, less and less risky. variability of the outcome distribution conditionál on the
Any disadvantaged player (i... , zny player who on average choice. That is, the greater the risk. Thus, increases in knowl-
loses, for example, a weaker tennis player or a customer at a cdge have two principal effects on a performance distribution:
casino) increases the chance of reaching a positive outcome by On the one hand, an increase in knowledge increases the mean
decreasing the number of trials (that is, by increasing the sam- performance that can be expected in a decision situation. At the
pling error or risk). That is one reason why better students same time, knowledge also increases the reliability of the out-
might prefer majors, courses, and examinations with relatively come (that is, dect.uirs the risk in the situation). Thus, ?s deci-
little random error in their evaluations, and poorer students sion makers become more knowledgeable, they improve their
might prefer majors, courses, and examinations with relatively ¿rverage performance and reduce their risk taking.
large random error. Similarly, social controls tend to increase reHíUility, thus de-
Anticipating somewhat the spirit of Chapter 2, it is also pos- crease risk taking. The mechanisms by which ,orrirols grow
sible to observe that individuals might make a reasoned choice looser and tighter, or become more or less effective, ate-only
of risk that depends not on calculations of expected conse- larginally connected to conscious risk taking. fn gener al, relia-
quences but on fulfilling the demands of an identity. A culture bility increases with education and experience, décreases with
might define appropriate risk behavior for different roles. For organ izational size. Organ izational stáck tends to increase in
example, it is sometimes reported that teachers seem to expect good times and to reduce reliability; it tends to decrease in poor
(and observe) greater playground risk taking by boys than by Limes and to increase reliability. Diversity in organ izational
girls. Rites of passage into different groups require different tasks or org anizational composition tends to reduce reliabiliry.
risk preferences. Símilarly, managerial ideology contains a large All of these changes affect the actual level of risk exhibited by
number of recommendations about the appropriate levels of clecision makers.
risk that should be assumed. Management is often defined in
terms of taking risks, acting boldly, making tough choices, and
1.4.3 organizationat Efficts on Risk Thking
makin g a difference.
Organizations often form the context in which riskiness is esti-
rrr¿rted and risk-taking propensities are enacted into the taking
tlf'risks. That context makes a difference. The forms and prac-
Risks may also be taken without consciousnes$, as a conse- ticos of organizing shape the determinants of risk and théreby
of unrcliability-hreakclowns in compctcncc, comfilu:
cluoncct{ t lrc levels clf risk taking otrserved.
46 A t,trrMtitt oN DECrstoN MAKING Limited Rationulity 47

BIASES IN ESTIMATION OF RISK luck in their achievements. They have confidence in their ability
ttr beat the apparent odds. The same conceits may be found in
The estimation of risk by decision makers is system afically bi-
organizational cultures. Successful organizations build a "can
ased by the experiences they have in organ izations. I)ecision
do" attitude that leads people in them to underestim ate risk.
maker experience is not random but is ittottgly biased in at 'fhis "can do" attitude is likely to be especially prevalent in
least two ways: Decision makers are characteristically success-
young, successful high-growth organ izations where the environ-
ful in their past performance in the organ ization, and they ment conspires to induce decision makers to believe they know
tarcly experience tate events. These t*"o mundane facts pro-
the secrets of success. As a result, successful managers (and
duce system atic effects in the estimation of risk.
others who record their stories) tend to underestimate the risk
they have experienced and the risk they currently face, and de-
Suc,cess-induced Bias. Organizations provide a context of suc-
cision makers who are by intention risk-averse may actually be
cess and failure, both for individuals and for the organizations
risk-seeking in behavior.
as a whole. Success and failure, in turn, affect the estimation of
This organizational inducement of risk underestimation ffi&y,
risk. Suppose that all outcomes ate a mix of ability and luck
trf course, be useful for the organization" On the one hand, it is
(risk). Then biases in the perception of the relative contribu-
¿t way of compensating for the negative effects of success and
tions of ability and luck to outcomes will transl ate into biases in
upward aspiration adjustments on risk taking. On the other
the estimation of risk. Any inclination to overattribute out- hand, it is a way of inducing the individually self-sacrificing risk
comes to luck will be associated with overestimating risk, thus
taking that serves the organization and the larger society. fn sit-
with decreasing risk taking. Similarly, any inclination to ove rat-
uations where risks must be taken in order to be successful,
tribute outcomes to ability will be associated with underestimat-
most of those overconfident decision rnakers will undoubtedly
ing risk, thus with increasing risk taking.
t'all prey to the risks they unwittingly face. But only the overcon-
Research on individual uttributions of causality to events in-
fident will be heroes. Actors in high-performance, quick-deci-
dicates that success and failure produce system atic biases in at-
sion, high-risk professions (neurosurg ery, air force pilots, in-
tribution. Individuals are more likely to attribute their successes
vestment bankers) all share a professional stereofype of being
to ability and their failures to luck than they are to attribute unusually confident. Overconfidence is still overconfidence and
their successes to luck and their failures to ability. They are tlften leads to disaster, but in some situations organizations
likely to experience lucky successes as deserved and to experi-
profit from the individual foolishness that unwarranted self-
ence unlucky failures as manifestations of risk. Persistent fail-
confidence provides.
ure leads to a tendency to overestimate the amount of risk in-
volved in a situation because of oversampling cases in which
luck was bad. Persistent success leads to a tendency to underes- IJiases in Estimating Extreme Probabilities. As has already been
timate the amount of risk involved because of oversampling trbserved, there appears to be a tendency for human subjects to
cases in which luck was good. ¿tssume that extremely unlikely events will never occur and that
Since organizations promote successful people to positions cxtremely likely events will occur. This tendency is accentuated
of power and authority, rather than unsuccessful ones, it is the lry ordin ary experiential learning in an organ izational setting.
biases of success that are particularly relevant to decision mak- ('onsider an event of great importance to an organ ization and
ing. Success makes executives conf,dent in their ability to han- vory low probability. Individuals in the organization can be ex-
clle future events; it leads them to believe strongly in thsir wis- pccted to estimate the probability of the event and to update
cltrm ¿tncl insight. Thcy h¿tvc clifficulty rccogtlirJng thc rolc ¡f thcir estimates on the basis of their experience.
48 A t)t{tMtitr oN DHCtstoN MAKINC Limit:etl Rationality 49
Suppose, for example, that an event of great importance is so Consider, similarlY, research and development org anizatlons
unlikely that it is expected to occur only once every hundred looking for a rare discovery. fnnovative breakthrough Oircover-
years. Examples might be a disaster in a nuclear power facility, ies are extremely unlikely events. Most individuals in research
an unprecedented flood, or a dram atic scientific discovery. The never experience them. They come to think breakthroughs are
rare individual or org anization that actually experiences a rare actually rarer than they are. This reduces the motivation io seek
event will come to overestim ate the likelihood of the event as a such breakthroughs, and thus further reduces the probability.
result of that experience. However, most individuals in most or- Most individuals in these two situations learn over time to
ganizations will never experience such an unlikely event. As a modify their estimates of risk in directions that are organ iza-
result, experience will lead most individuals in most organ iza- tionally peryerse. Individuals in high-reliability situatiJns un-
tions to underestimate the likelihood of a very unlikely event. derestimate the danger of breakdown and, as a result, increase
The effects of this underestimation are twofold. First, in the danger. Individuals in breakthrough creativity situátio"r
cases where the event being estimated is outside the control of ""-
derestimate the possibility of discovery and, as a result, reduce
the organization (e.g. natural disasters, revolutions), the under- the likelihood. The two situations are not entirely parallel, how-
estimation leads to a perversity in planning. The tendency is for ever. The pewersities involved in high-reliability are-at some
plans to ignore extremely unlikely events, to treat them as hav- substantial cost-self-correcting. I)egradation of reliability
ing no chance of occurring. When planning scenarios exclude leads to increasing the likelihoóO that individuals will experi-
extremely unlikely events, they tend to overlook (1) that many cnce a breakdown and recognize that they have underestimated
of these very unlikely events would have very substantial conse- the danger. On the other hand, the peryersities in research are
quences if they were to occur, and (2) that although each one of not self-correcting in the same way. Reduced motivation to
these events is extremely unlikely to occur, the chance of none seek discoveries leads to reduced likelihood of such discoveries,
of them occurring is effectively zero. Predicting precisely which thus confirming the earlier underestimate.
extremely unlikely event with important consequences will
occur is impossible, but some such event will almost certainly
occur. Yet plans tend to ignore all such events. As a result, plans
are developed for a future that is known (with near certainty) to Insofar as risk-taking propensity is an individual trait,the main
be inaccurate. way in which organizational risk taking can be affected is by af-
Second, in cases where the event being estimated is within f't)cting the entrance, exit, and promotion of individuals with
the control of an organization, underestimating the likelihood particular risk-taking propensitiei .
of an extremely unlikely event may have perverse motivational
and control consequences. Consider the case of "high-reliabili- Who Enters? Who Leaves? Entryinto and exit from an org aniza-
ty" organizations (e.g. nuclear power plants, air ftaffrc control tion ate commonly seen as voluntary matchmaking and match-
systems, the space progru*), where organizations go to great breakitg, acts of deliberate consequential choice. In such a vi-
lengths to avoid accidents-to manage the system so that an ac- sion, a match is established or continued if (and only if) it is
cident becomes an extremely raÍe event. In such high-reliability ¿rcceptable to both the individual and the organ ization. Thus, in
systems, most individual decision makers never experience a cfTect, the match between an individual and an organ ization
failure. They come to think the system is more reliable than it cttntinues as long as neither has a better alternativ.. This hyper-
is. This exaggprated confidence in the reliability of the system is simple rational model of entries and exits is, of course, subject
likcly tcl lead to relaxation of attention to reli¿rbility and to a ttl a variety of qualifications of the sort considered in this book.
rlcgruel¿rtion of rcliability ovcr timc. llut as long as it is taken as a very loose frame, it may serve to
50 A t)t{tMtiR oN DllcltsroN MAKtNo
Limired Rattunality 5l
highlight a few features of the process by which individuals and
roasons similar to those given above) an or ganization will tend
organizations select each other.
to favor risk-avoidittg managers for promotion. As a result, it is
In particular, it is possible to ask whether entry or exit predicted that the avetase risk-taking propensify of higher-level
processes are likely to be affected by risk-taking propensity.
managers will be less than that of lower-level managers.
One possibility is that an organization systematically monitors
Surprisingly enough, the small amount of information avail-
risk-taking propensify and explicitly includes that consideration
able to test the prediction indicates thatthe prediction is wrong.
in its decisions to hire or retain an individual. If risk-taking 'fhe average risk-taking propensity of higher-level managers
propensity is observable, the only question is whether one
¿tppears to be somewhat higher than that of lower-level man-
would expect an organization to prefer risk seekers or risk
¿tgers. One possibility is, of course, that organizations monitor
avoiders. The most common speculation is that organ izatiors,
risk-taking propensity and differentially promote managers
particularly those using formal hiring and firing procedures,
who ate prone to take risks. Alternatively, however, it is possi-
tend to prefer risk avoiders to risk seekers. The argument is
ble that risk-prone managers ate promoted not because the or-
straightforward: Since big employment mistakes are more visi-
ganization consciously seeks risk-seeking executives but be-
ble, more attributable, and more connected to the reward sys-
cause it promotes those who do particul arly well.
tem than big employment triumphs, rational employment
To explore how this might come to pass, consider the follow-
agents prefer reliable employees to high-risk ones. The argu-
ing simple model: Assume that there is a hierarchy within the
ment is plausible, but very little evidence exists for gauging the
organization, that there is competition for promotion, and that
extent to which it is true.
promotion is based on comparative reputation. Reputation is
A second possibility is that organizations do not (ot cannot) ¿lccumulated over a series of performances on the job. Each sin-
monitor risk-taking propensity but monitor other things that
gle performance on a job is a draw from a distribution having a
ate, perhaps unknowingly, correlated with risk-taking propensi-
mean equal to the individual's ability level and a vaúance equal
ty. For examPle, suppose employers seek competence. As they
ttl the individual's risk-taking propensity. Individuals accumu-
assess competence and secure it, they favor individuals who are
l¿rte reputations over a series of performances. Their reputa-
able to gain and exhibit competence. Since an important ele-
tions are avetages of their realized performances. Whenever a
ment of competence is reliability-being able to accornplish
v¿rcancy occurs in the organization, the person with the highest
something within relatively small tolerances for error-cornpe-
rcputation on the next lower level is promoted.
tence itself selects individuals by traits of risk-avoidance. Thus,
Let us assume that individual risk-taking propensity is a trait
unwittingly, zn organization in pursuit of ordinary competence
( individuals do not consciously choose to take
disproportionately selects risk avoiders. risks, they aÍe
simply either risky people or cautious people), and thatabilities
¿tnd risk-taking propensities are independent. Then, os the size
Who Moves Up? If risk taking is considered to be a trait that
trf' the performance samples becomes very large, the reputa-
varies from individual to individual, we need to ask not only
t ions of individuals approach their true abilities.
which individuals enter or exit an organ ization but also which The uisigtr-
tttcnt of individuals to levels is determined entirely by the rela-
individtlals move toward the top in a hierarchy.As before, it can
live abilities of employees. Average ability increases as you
be imagined that an org anization has some preference for risk-
nrove up the hierarchy, and average risk preference is approxi-
seeking or risk-avoiding managers, monitors the behavior of
nrÍrtely equal at every level in the organ ization.
candidates for promotion, and favors those who have the right
However, in real organizations perforr.nance samples ar'e typ-
tr¿tits. Also as before, the most common preclictiun is that (for
ically rather small. For very small performance samples (wiih
52 A r)nrMriR oN DricrsroN MAKIN(i
Limited Rationality 53

moderate variability in both ability and risk-taking propensity), lirr getting ahead on averase. But finishing first in a large field
reputation no longer depends exclusively on ability but ir u joint rcquires not just doing things others do well but doing some-
consequence of ability and risk-taking propensity. If the hierar- thing different and being lucky enough to have your particular
chy is steep (that is, only a few people are promoted from one deviation pay off.
level to another), the assignment of individuals to levels is heav-
In particular, experience gains that increase reliabilify sub-
ily dependent on risk preference. Average ability increases very stantially and mean performance only a little (e.g. standardiza-
little as you move up the hierarchy, while average risk prefer- tion, simplification) are not good for competitive advantage
ence increases substantially. Thus, a procedure tñat uppiurs to when the number of competitors is large. It may be no accident
promote people on the basis of their abilities actuak moves that while experience (us reflected in years of prior work) and
them ahead on the basis of the amount of risk they take. knowledge of standard beliefs (as reflected by success in
school) are fair predictors of individual success in org anizations
on average, very conspicuous success in highly competitive situ-
If experience on a job leads to an accumulation of skills and ittions is not closely related to either experience or knowledge
knowledge, then this cumulative knowledge should both in- irs conventionally defined.
crease average performance and increase reliability, decreasing The competitive situation inside and outside an organization
the variance in the performance. As long as competition, pro- ¿rffects optimal risk-taking strategies. Suppose that risk can be
motion, and order effects are relatively small, p.opte with expe- chosen deliberately and strategically by individual decision
rience will be more likely to stay in a job and in an organ ization makers competing for hierarchical promotion (us above). Any
because of their higher average performance, and the increased particular individual's reputation will depend on a sample of
reliability associated with longer tenure in a job should be man- performances, and the sample mean will depend on two things:
ifested in less risk taking. ability (which is fixed) and risk taken (which can be chosen). If a
Moreover, organ izations are adept at cumulating experience hierarchy is relatively steep and reputations are based on rela-
across individuals ttl increase both average performance and re- tively small samples of performances, a low-ability person can
liability. Thcy use rules, procedures, and standard practices to win only by taking high risks. But if low-ability persons take
ensure that the experiences of earlier individuals ate trans- high risks, the only way a higher-ability person can win in a
ferred to newer members of the organ ization. This process of highly competitive situation is also by taking substantial risks. If
routinization is a powerful factor in converting coileótive expe- the level of risk can be taken arbitrarily to any level, anyone
rience into improved avetage performance. It is also a powerfi.ll who wants to get ahead will choose to take maximum risks. In
influence on reliability and should tend to make the- average this situation there is no screening on ability at all. The "noise"
level of risk taken by individuals within an organ ization decline of risk makes it impossible to detect the "signal" of ability. The
as the organization ages. irverage ability level will be approximately the same at all levels
in the organization, and the average risk preference at alllevels
RISK STRATEGIES will be identical and high.
It should be observed that fluctuations in the importance of
In a competitive world, of course, the positive effects of increas- risk taking for hierarchical promotion also have implications
es in the mean performance must be weighed against the (po-
lirr the selection of org anizations by individuals. If individuals
tentially negative) performance effects of increased reliabiüty. who are ambitious for promotion can choose organizations
lncreasing bclth competence ancl reliability is ¿l goocl strategy lrirsed on organizational characteristics, then high-ability indi-
54 A PRIMER oN DECISIoN MAKING Limited Rationality 55

viduals will prefer situations where their ability is correctly ing. Often the taking of risk is inadvertant, as is the avoiding
identified. They will choose situations where reputation is es* of risk. Decision makers take larger or smaller risks because
tablished through large performance samplos, where absolute they make errors in estimating the risks they face, because they
performance is more important than relative performance, and l'cel successful or not, because they are knowledgeable or ig-
where strategic risk taking is constrained as much as possible. norant, because they find themselves in a particular kind of
Thus large, steep hierarchies that use small performance s&rr- c0mpetition.
ples to establish reputations will be differentially attractive to
low-ability people who are ambitious for promotion.

7.4.4 "Risk Thking" and "Risk Preference"

The concept of "risk-preference," like other concepts of prefer-
ences in theories of rational choice, divides students of decision
making into two groups. The first group, comprising many for-
mal theorists of choice, treats risk preference as revealed by
choices and associates it with deviations from linearity in a re-
vealed utility for money. For this group, "risk" has no necessary
connection to any observable behavioral rules followed by deci-
sion makers. It is simply a feature of a revealed preference
functioll. The second group, consisting of many behavio nl stu-
dents of choice, emphasize the behavioral processes by which
risky choices are made or avoided. This group finds many of the
factors in risk taking to be rather remote from any observable
"preference" for taking or avoiding risk.
To be sure, decision makers often attend to the relationship
between opportunities and dangers, and they are often rott-
cerned about the latter; but they seem to be relatively insensi-
tive to probability estimates when thinking about taking risks.
Although theories of choice tend to treat gambling as a proto-
typic situation of decision making under risk, decision makers
distinguish between "risk taking" and gambling, saying that
while they should take risks, they should never gamble. They
react to variability more by trying actively to avoid it or to con-
trol it than by treating it as a tradeoff with expected value in
makin g achoice.
Sometimes decision makers take greater risks than they do
at other times, but ideas of risk, risk taking, and risk preference
are all, to some extent, inventions of students of decision mak-

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