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Turner Middle School

95O Massachusetts Avenue

Berthoud, CO 8O5t3
(}fflee: 97G61&74OO
Fax: 97(}613-7420
950 Mossochusetts Avenue
Berthoud, Colorodo B05l 3
(e70) 61s-7424

Re: Letter of Recommendolion for Soroswotishinkle

To Whom lt Moy Concern:

It is with greot enthusiosm ihot Iwrite this letter of recommendotion on beholf of Soroswoti Shinkle with
regords to o position of your school. I hove hod the pleosure of working with Swoti ihis yeor on the Brn
grode teoching teom of Turner Middle School. ln oddition, I om twice os lucky becouse I wos Swoti's Brh
grode Longuoge Arts ieocherl

Swoti's possion for teoching ond her sincere interesi in her conlent oreo ore infectious. Hoving tought for
neorly 20 yeors, I find myself osking Swoti for her toke on moteriol I mighi be leoching. Her fresh ond
energetic outlook on oll things is very refreshing ond I encouroge onyone who might be lucky enough to
work olongside Swoti to osk her for such ideos often. lt is this input thot enriches not only my own lessons.
but those of the resl of Swoli's colleogues, os well.

Swoti hos tought in o voriety of schools ond environmenis, enough to know whot odditionol perspeclives
or opprooches will reoch her diverse populotion of students. She hos ployed guitor for her sludenis ond
set the exomple for o poetry slom in her clossroom by porticipoting in it herself. I know becouse it is the
only thing the students tolked oboui thot entire weekl I've not seen kids so enthused obout shoring their
own writing wilh one onother. This only goes to show thot her commitment io leorning goes beyond whol
moteriol she is lo teoch, bui rother the methods by which she will teoch it best for her students.

Though Swoti is more ihon copoble to reseorch ond prepore lessons on her own, she is o greot
colloborotor on our teom. Swoti eosily tronslotes moteriol ond ideos technologicolly ond hos of times
updoted our Bth grode website in reol time os the resl of us discuss doing so, not completely sure how io
go obout ii ourselves. We only need to turn oround ond it is done! Swoti is o teom ployer ond represents
our leom well.

I om confident of the greot mony contribulions Swotiwould moke os o port of your school ond you must
know lhe even brooder experiences she'll give to her future studenfs.

Pleose feel free lo contoct me wilh ony questions you moy hove oboul Swoli's oddilion to your school.

L. Rector

Turner Middle School

s I epho nie.rec lor@thom psorlsc hools. orq

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