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Michael Welsh

Mrs. Moss

Pre AP English 10

11 January 2018

Global Warming: research project/ discussion

Lindsay Beevers, Professor/Chair Futures Forum, Heriot-Watt University. “Will the Weather Get

Worse in 2018? What the Experts Say.” The Conversation, 12 Jan. 2018,

In “Will The Weather Get Worse in 2018? What The Experts Say” by Lindsay Beevers,

the idea that global warming is a real issue that has not only already affected this planet, but will

continue to affect the earth is made clear through statement of pure facts. Lindsay states that over

the last year the planet has shown signs of negative consequences of global warming. Australia

experienced one of the hottest summers ever to be recorded last year along with wild fires in

both Western Europe and in California. This all being explained by the .8 degree Celsius rise in

global temperature over the globe. The planet has only just begun to show the impact of what

global warming will do to nature and infrastructure.

Now what does this mean for the future? The most tangible of all the human

consequences is debt; there where a recorded three category five hurricanes in the Atlantic last

year that racked up a grand total of 260 billion dollars of damage across our American coast.

With the rise in natural disasters the landscape of the world will be negatively affected and as

one could assume, the world will have to literally pay the cost to fix what we have done. Just
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repairing the damage is not enough to fix the problem, global warming will occur until humans

limit their greenhouse gas emissions; sadly, while we cannot immediately undo the damage that

we have done to the planet, by going green we may stop before it’s too late.

Andrew King, Climate Extremes Research Fellow, University of Melbourne. “2017: The Year in

Extreme Weather.” The Conversation, 11 Jan. 2018,


In “2017: The Year in Extreme Weather” Andrew King uses the accounts of last year’s

weather disasters to try and depict what the year 2018 will hold for the earths weather. The fact

that 2017 had extreme and devastating weather is no coincidence. In most cases of disastrous

weather a human influence can be easily identified. The gas emissions released by humans into

the atmosphere is increasing the amount of greenhouse gasses being placed in the O zone; and as

a result, less of these gasses escape into space. These gasses are heat trapping gasses and are

necessary to keep earth warm and habitable but too much of the greenhouse gasses results in the

trapping of too much heat in the planet. This is what we call Global Warming.

The results shown in 2017 can be used to predict the weather in 2018. La nina indicates

that while 2018 will not be a burning hot year like its predecessor it will still be one of the hottest

on record. These record hot years have resulted in flooding before, last year over 1000 people

were killed due to flooding in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. For this reason it’s

reasonable to assume that our future will be soaked with another very wet year worldwide. While

these statements make sense and are based on fact Andrew King states, “It’s hard to say much
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about what extreme weather we’ll experience in 2018, other than to say that there’s likely to be

plenty more weather news to wrap up in a year’s time.”

Bloomberg, Michael R., and Jerry Brown. “The U.S. Is Tackling Global Warming, Even If

Trump Isn’t.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 14 Nov. 2017,

In “The U.S. Is Tackling Global Warming, Even If Trump Isn’t” Michael Bloomberg

shares the opinions of the American public on the issue while he clears up confusion on what

exactly the government has done and plans to do about Global Warming under control of

President Trump. The first issue stated as a rumor to be cleared up is that, just because the United

States now promises to remove from the Paris Agreement does not mean that we have

abandoned the pledge made there to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26% by 2025. The

controversial decision to leave sent the wrong message to the American public that president

Trump is looking to abandon all of the country’s progress.

Just because the president has abandoned the alliance of other countries in the agreement

does not mean that every part of the government has given up on working as a team to stop the

issues that we as humans have caused. Bloomberg states “Thousands of mayors, governors, chief

executives and others stepped forward to reaffirm their commitment to it after the president

walked away from the accord.” The combination of all the American officials and their respected

territories make up more than half of the country. If the states that still verbally support the Paris

Agreement where to secede and form a new country it would have the Third largest economy in
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the world. Even though the president has decided to tackle this issue as a lone country, most of

our citizens, and represented officials are still part of the team at heart.

Nesbit, Jeff. “Climate Change Is Bad for Your Health.” The New York Times, The New York

Times, 30 Oct. 2017,


In “Climate Change Is Bad for Your Health” Jeff Nesbit tells the opinions and ideas of

some of today’s leading experts on the matter of global warming and its negative influences on

health both directly and indirectly. Anthony Castello, chairman of The Commission who

produced Lancet Countdown, one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, believes that

global warming is such a prevalent medical issue that in today’s society personal physicians

should be required to share the consequences and dangers of it with their patients. The

commission believes it is necessary to get the word of the harmful effects we all will now face

out to the public more so than the main stream media has already done.

Global Warming is believed to be one of the main contributors to pollution of air water

and soil; which happens to be the world’s leading cause of disease. The Global Warming crisis

has affected the worlds economy as well, over all outdoor labor in rural areas has fell by 5.3%

due to heat conditions. It’s because of these facts that Anthony Castello believes the public

should be much more educated than they are now about the effects of global warming. This is a

much deeper issue than just natural disasters, while the dangers of extreme weather is very real

and prevalent the economic effects and individual effects are just as important. The more

constant heat warnings along with rise in disease and fall in labor are tangible evidence that

Global Warming affects everyone, not only in mass quantities but on an individual scale.

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