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is very safe, but the establishment press would have you believe the

exact opposite.
One million American school children are prescribed a cheap form
of speed called Ritalin, a recreational drug used to get high in the six-
ties. Ritalin stunts physical growth and eventually causes hyperactivity,
depression, mental disorders, acute withdrawal symptoms and an
amphetamine like psychosis. In the long term, Ritalin creates drug
addicts, all in the name of medicine.
Over one million nutritionally deficient citizens are suffering from
brain damage as a result of the administration of one single class of
psychiatric drug, the neuroleptics. Still the beat goes on.
As a result of a lifetime accumulative use of drug medicine, quality
of life for the average American stops at age 50. It then takes medical
intervention to manage their symptoms just to maintain their life. The
Warning: Doctors May Be average American exchanges short term gain for long term pain, sup-
pression for intractable degenerate disease, including heart disease,

Hazardous To Your Health diabetes, strokes and cancer when they start on drug medicines.
Americans pay 20 million dollars a minute for healthy care, and what
do we get for our money? We are 29th in life expectancy and 100th in
By Robert H. Sorge N.D., Ph.D health according to the world health organization. We are among the
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine sickest people on the face of the earth because we are the most over
medicated, over drugged, pharmaceutically dependent people on the

atrogenic Disease is the fastest growing and most dangerous dis- face of the earth.
ease in America. Each year Iatrogenic Disease takes the lives of six Earlier in the article I said that Iatrogenic is the fastest and most dan-
times as many persons as American soldiers killed in the entire gerous of all known diseases in America. Heart disease is still ranked
Vietnam War. Don’t be surprised if you don’t hear about America’s most the number one killer in America. This followed by cancer and third
dangerous and fastest growing disease on so-called medical news. with 350,000 deaths and 4 million hospitalizations a year is seeing
Iatrogenic, according to Webster’s 7th Collegiate Dictionary is defined your orthodox drug doctor. It is a known fact that every time medical
as, “a physician, and /or drug induced disease.” In short: a disease that doctors go on strike the death rate declines. Why is Iatrogenic Disease
never existed until the drug doctor administered his/her medication so dangerous? Because for the last 100 years, the medical profession
A recent article in the New England Journal Of Medicine acknowl- has been under the complete control of the international pharmaceu-
edges that “practicing medicine by the book kills 100,000 Americans tical trust. It’s like putting the fox in charge of the hen house.
each year”. This article was not referring to malpractice, incompetence The real danger is in our one party medical system. It is more dan-
or nut cases, but competent physicians practicing medicine exactly gerous than a one party political system. Saddam Hussein’s bath party,
according to their training. Most scientific experts on the subject Hitler’s Nazi Party and Marxism are all perfect examples of what hap-
believe that the established 100,000 deaths and two million hospital- pens under a one party system. Ideas have consequences. That is why
izations caused by drug doctors are grossly underestimated. William Benjamin Rush, M.D. was the only medical doctor to sign the Declaration
Vonpeters D.O., President of the United States School of Naturopathy Bill of Independence, which stated that freedom of choice in health care
and Applied Sciences is of the opinion that 350,000 deaths and five should have been written into the Bill of Rights of our U.S. constitution.
million hospitalizations are directly attributed to drug medicine. In orthodox drug medicine almost every disease is addressed with
Jay S. Cohen M.D., author of “Overdose, The Case Against Drug a corresponding drug. Most research revolves around new and more
Companies,” is of the opinion that we’ve reached a point in our histo- powerful drugs. All other healing possibilities are ignored. It is this
ry where the long term side effects from most drug treatments are mindset that has created our present health crises.
often worse than the condition that is being treated. In naturopathic medicine we believe that toxicity is the common
The term, “Side Effect” is a bought and paid for Madison Avenue denominator to all disease. We believe an once of prevention is worth
euphemism. If we were more honest in our language, we would use a ton of medical cures. We begin our natural treatment process when-
the proper term - “poisoning effect.” Allopathic medicine is the science ever possible long before a disease ever gets its foot hold. We uncov-
of using poisons, which work against the body’s natural processes er nutritional deficiencies, metabolic imbalances, toxicity,
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicines’ first rule of medicine underperforming glands, organs prematurely aging systems of body,
is well stated:“do the patient no harm”. In every medical treatment, the long before they become a named medical condition.
benefit must be carefully weighed against the possibility of downside We believe our natural health care system is incongruously back-
risk of harm. What is the downside risk of naturopathic and alternative wards. Does it make sense for primary health care to be surgery, drugs,
medicine verses allopathic drug medicine? In the history of record radiation, antibiotics and chemotherapy?
keeping, no one has ever died from the proper use of natural foods, Primary means first. We believe that primary care should consist of
natural food supplements, homeopathic remedies, herbs, colon education, lifestyle, fitness, nutrition, spiritual life development, family
hydrotherapy, I.V. Vitamin/chelating therapy, hyperbaric oxygen thera- relations, and prevention.
py, naturopathic detoxification, thermogenic fat burning, internal Secondary care should consist of naturopathic medicine, chiroprac-
purification and other natural healing modalities. tic care, etc. Emergency care is what our medical profession does best.
Let’s compare that with drug medicine, which is the direct cause of They are the best in the world when it comes to crisis intervention.
36% of all hospital admittance, of which 100,000 people die each year This should be our last system of care, never our primary.
from infections acquired while in the hospital. Another 60,000 people Iatrogenic disease is our nation’s fastest growing and most danger-
die as a result of unnecessary surgeries while in the hospital. Allopathic ous disease because we have mindlessly made it our primary rather
medicine is indeed a very dangerous endeavor. Naturopathic medicine than our final healthcare system. ■

• January-February 2004 • 23

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