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Moving The Planet Towards

Greater Acceptance

A Free Guide Written by

Chaun Conscious

A New Message for Planet Earth


May this Guide serve to reveal the Truth of

Your Divine Nature and allow You to see the
True Fullness and Brightness of Your Potential,
Your Beauty and Your Divine Quality.

Love, Chaun Conscious. x

In The Beginning God
Created Hatred

In the beginning God created everything by

love. In the beginning God rejected Himself
to experience that love. When God rejected
Himself a new emotion was born. This
emotion is called self hatred. For God so
loved the world that He allowed Himself to
experience self hatred.
Who Am I To Speak on Christianity?

About The Author

I came into the world with an enormous amount of pain.

To deal with my pain I turned to religion at a very young
age, namely at 10 or 11 years old. After experiencing the
religion of Christianity I converted to Islam at the age of
18 and by the age of 21 I left religion entirely.

At the age of 29 I embraced myself as male and I

underwent a physical gender transition and at the age of
31 I went through a series of intense supernatural
experiences which revealed insights previously unknown
to the Planet.

It is important to recognise that when I spent time as a

Christian and then as a Muslim, I wholeheartedly
believed in both of the Faiths at the time of practicing it.
Who Am I To Speak on Christianity?

About The Author

As a Christian I read the Bible cover to cover and

regularly attended Church and ‘cell groups’.

As a Muslim I wore a headscarf, prayed 5 times a day

and I wrote articles about why Islam is the perfect and
true religion.

This Guide is for anyone wanting to explore themselves

deeper than they may have allowed themselves to whilst
concentrated within the parameters of a religion -
namely the monotheistic religions. I hope that it causes
movement within you that feels both good to you as
well as freeing.

Let’s continue.
Healing The Christian Wound

The Christian Wound it is a vibration that 89% of us hold

which means that learning about it is not only important
for Christians, but for us all.

Put simply, the Christian Wound is the vibration which

manifests into a belief that “I am wrong and there is
something wrong with the world”. People with a lot of
money, wealth or fame tend to not hold this vibration
very strongly. This vibration is most common amongst
the impoverished, the downtrodden and the ill fated.

Whilst this vibration was not caused by Christianity per

se, it has it’s origins in Christianity because when the
vibration first arrived on planet Earth it manifested as the
invention of Christianity – officially around 323 AD – that
is, 323 years after the prophet Yeshua died.
Who Was Prophet Yeshua?

Yeshua is the Aramaic name for the person we in English

call Jesus. Jesus Christ as a concept represents both a
historical myth and a historical falsehood. There is no
power in the word Jesus. Words only have power
according to the meaning we as God give to them. There
is no more power in the word Jesus than there is in the
very offensive word ‘nigger’.

Yeshua was a devout Prophet who dedicated his life to

the service of truth and the practice of Love. It is said
that during Yeshua’s life he had no more than 100 or so
followers. About a century after the death of Yeshua, his
life was hijacked by the powerful Roman State and
Christianity was born out of a mixture of Paganism,
Hellenism and Satanism, for example drinking blood,
eating eggs and blood sacrifices were ideas all birthed
out of Pagan and Satanic practices.

The fallacy of Jesus is a manifestation of our collective

propensity for denial and self deception. Escaping the
fallacy is incredibly difficult and involves deep soul
searching. This Guide will help with the process.
The Invention of Christianity

The Prophet Yeshua did not invent Christianity and

neither did he ever preach or advocate the advent of a
new religion. That Christianity was born over a century
after his death and used for widespread bloodshed and
acts of mass and systemic violence, slavery and invasion,
has nothing to do with the life of Yeshua – a humble
man born out of wedlock who fell in love with and
married a former prostitute – such was his unconditional

One of The Devil's most powerful and effective tools on

Earth henceforth has for a long time been Christianity
and the Bible. Later we will learn what we mean by The
Devil in this context.
Christianity and the Vibration of Hatred

The religion of Christianity was born from a vibration of

self hatred. Self hatred is the vibration which instigates a
belief that there is something inherently wrong with the
individual (and therefore with the world).

Hence it makes sense that the religion of Christianity is a

mixture of Hellenism, Paganism and Satanism. The similar

appearance of well known hate groups like the Ku Klux

Klan and the Lodge can easily be recognised as similar to

the stately appearance of the Pope and other established

Christian Authorities.

The religion of Christianity has been a vibrational match

to hatred on a global and systemic level for centuries for

the reason described above. Henceforth the religion of

Christianity is a magnet for any persons suffering with

deeply repressed feelings of self hatred and self disgust

most likely to have occurred during primal stages of

What Is The Christian Wound?

Let us now learn more about the concept of

The Christian Wound and learn how we may

heal it so that we can move towards creating

a world of greater equality, love and

freedom for all humankind.

The Vibration of Self Hatred
God Deluded

The Christian Wound tells us that there is something

wrong with us and therefore God had to send his son to

redeem us. The Christian Wound means that we are

literally born into an unconscious state of victimisation

which we absorb from the energetic cultural environment

of Earth when we get here. Now, of course, we as God

are born perfect. We then undergo socialisation and

experience various complex forms of childhood

experiences which sort of taints our godliness – we in

effect become God deluded.

Who Is God Deluded?

God deluded is who we have traditionally called the Devil

and we all have the capacity to vibrate as God Deluded.

Anything that embodies Self Love is God, anything

that embodies Self Hatred is God deluded.

Wrongof Self

Because The Christian Wound sees God and man as separate,

the 89% of us who hold this vibration are not able to see that

we – and indeed everything in creation – are God. Notice that

The Christian Wound not only effects Christians – most people,

especially poor people – hold this vibration – it is the vibration

which says:

1) Some things are wrong…

2) (..and therefore) I am in some way wrong…

3) (..and therefore) other people are wrong…

4) (..and therefore) the world is wrong.

Even though I can make you understand that there is no such

thing as wrong using words alone, the beauty and perfection of

freewill and free choice means that you will realise this truth at

your own time – Divine time as they say. I could tell you that if

the world is wrong then “are you saying that God made a

mistake?” I could ask you, “are you saying that God made the
God and Vibration
‘The Devil’ofAre
Self Not

world wrong?” I could ask you, “are you saying that God

did a lousy job?” Etc. You cannot believe that the world

is wrong and at the same time think God is perfect. It

makes no logical sense. This page and indeed this entire

website is not about proving anything – for truth and

love do not have to be proven.

When God decides that He wants to experience Himself

– as in become His creation – the first thing God does is

reject Himself. When God rejects Himself He turns

Himself into God deluded. God deluded is an

embodiment of self hatred whilst God is an embodiment

of self love. Hence we see that there is no separation

between God and The Devil.

There is only One, One God,

and that God is contained

within Everything and Every I.

Ignoring, Vibration of and

Ignoring, abolishing and abandoning are common acts

for God deluded. In the Bible and later in the Quran God

behaves like God Deluded. The God of the Bible and

indeed the Quran often ignores, abolishes or abandons

to express disapproval.

God is concentrated as God deluded in the Bible and in

the Quran because this was the energetic climate of

planet Earth at that time – we existed – and indeed have

up until now – as God deluded. The God of any periodic

time such as that which is captured in historical writing is

none other than the collective spirit-mind of the Planet

projected on to a symbolic totem which we call God.

Whilst we are in the state of falsehood we are not able

to see reality objectively and so we wholeheartedly

believe that our fears are real. We are in fact living in

We The Vibration
Currently of Acceptance
Exist as God False

falsehood, what that means is that we are drawn towards

our fears, such that the law of attraction appears to be

attracting our fears rather than our conscious desires.

For as long as we exist in our current collective state of

falsehood, we are not able to see reality objectively. In

this state we wholeheartedly believe that our fears are

real and in this state we are in actual fact living in

darkness, or living in our shadow as it has been said.

The Vibration
What of Acceptance
is Falsehood?

The world is currently governed by falsehood. When you

decide that you wish to embark on a life dedicated to
truth this experience might be quite painful, for example
this can happen when you decide that you want to live a
life that is truly happy and not based on the expectations
of “the other”.

You may find that life actually seems to become worse

when you decide to embrace truth but this is only the
case because we have built an entire civilization based
on falsehood. For example in order to be happy you may
need to quit your job, but quitting your job is not an
easy decision. It is incredibly difficult to make choices
based upon truth when we live in a world founded upon

When we go to that workplace that we hate, when we

stay in that relationship and pretend we are happy, these
are manifestations of our second by second life of
perpetually lying to ourselves about how we feel. We eat
breakfast because we should, even though we may not
The Vibration of
Falsehood is Acceptance
Not Bad

feel hungry. We have sex in positions we don’t really feel

like just because we should. We want to please “the
other” more than we want to be true to how we feel. We
lie to ourselves. Lying to ourselves in this world is
normal. Falsehood is normal.

Falsehood is not a bad thing however and it is not

wrong to exist as falsehood, it just comes with a
particular vibration that may not feel good to you
depending on where you are now.

If something feels bad, it doesn’t mean that it is bad.

Also, if something feels bad then it doesn’t mean that it
is wrong. For example, when we grieve we feel bad. But
it is not bad or wrong to grieve.

When we obsessively think of life in terms of what’s

good and what’s bad, or what’s wrong and what’s right
then we live a life from a vibration of deeply repressed
Blame of Acceptance
The World

Know that you are love. You are good. You are perfect.
Also remember that there really is no you or me. There is
only One. We are all connected and we have built a
world based on falsehood so that we may experience
soon a world based upon truth.

We look at the systems that we have created, our

governments, our leaders. We lament because we think
they’re all a load of shit, all they do is lie.

We blame them.

We blame the government, we blame the NHS, we

blame the systems that we have created and say that
these things are the root of all evil, they are the cause of
all our problems.

In truth, the systems we have created are projections of

ourselves. In our day to day lives we live in falsehood.
Most of us. Most of us lie to ourselves every second of
the day – about how we feel, about why we feel the way
we feel, we indeed therefore lie about who we are.
WeThe Vibration
Want of Acceptance
To Become God True

When we do not know how we feel then we do not

know who we are. A Planet where we exist as not
knowing who we are feels lonely and depressing. The
planet as God False is lonely and depressing.

We are now ready for change. We want to become God

True. There is no separation. The systems we have
created just reflect who we are in our individual god self
versions. We are falsehood at the moment. At the
moment we are falsehood.

The time for a shift is now.

The Vibration
Who of Acceptance
is God True?

God True of Love does not ignore but He may stay

silent. God True of Love does not abandon but He

may let go and God True of Love does not abolish but

he may leave behind. God True of Love always

embraces all unconditionally, He prefers Love over

Hate but God True of Love accepts that Hate is a

necessary stage in His development of becoming True.

GOD (Self Vibration of Self Hatred
vs DGOD (Self Hatred)

When we are hatred we lose awareness of

our own goodness first and then we lose

awareness of the goodness of ‘others’. The

idea that we ever exist as bad is an illusion

created by hatred.
The Vibration of Guilt

Let us now take some time to think about the role of the
vibration of guilt when considering the Christian wound.

We have already learnt that the Christian Wounded

relationship with God is one of separation, this means
that the Christian Wound sees that there are people,
there is God and then there’s Jesus, or there are people
and there’s Jesus who is God – however you put it, there
is a clear separation between man and God.

What is different about Christianity compared to other

religions, is the role of the vibration of guilt. Let’s

The Guilty Separation Between Man and God

The Christian Wounded relationship with God is one based

upon Guilt: There’s God, Jesus and us and God so loved the
world that he sent his only son. We see that as we say this
statement we immediately slip into the vibration of guilt.
Let’s think about it – God so loved the world (poor him) that
he sent (for unworthy us) his only son (oh my).

I only use sarcasm here as a way to help unlock the very

subconscious assumptions and vibrations that are at work
here. The feeling sentiment is that oh so righteous God sent
His son to unworthy people and we are therefore somehow
indebted to God. We owe God something – we owe God
worship – and even more, we owe God belief in his son as a
way to not only say thank you, but as a way to let god
know that we believe in him. Guys, I hope you can feel how
dysfunctional this relationship is.
The Christian Separation Between Man and God

Even though we are all pretty much subject to this

Wound we’re now as a Planet ready to heal it. Let’s

In the Christian Wound we are in a perpetual and vicious

cycle of feeling like we owe God something – what we
feel is guilty and, what’s more, we believe that God loves
us not only when but also because we feel guilty.

I’ll repeat that.

The Christian Wound tells us that
God loves us not only when, but also
because we feel guilty. Guilt here is
not only welcomed, but it is
celebrated. I gave you my son – now
love me for it.
A Dysfunctional Kind of Love

The Christian Wounds says that God is only able to offer

forgiveness to us (notice the separation) because he sent
his son to die for us. If God did not send his son to die
then He would in effect be UNABLE TO FORGIVE. I
repeat, God Almighty IS NOT ABLE TO OFFER

You must know that I love as I type this,

but seriously this is some real
dysfunctional stuff here.

Do we also see how this guilt-based

relationship permeates into our homes
as almost normal?
What does it mean to be judgemental?

Judgemental is making the assumption, insinuation or

suggestion that where someone is, is wrong. The more
fixed we are in the notion of wrong or right the more
judgemental we look.
A Wrong Or Right Kind of World

To think of a world not founded upon wrong and right

seems almost stupid – that’s how deeply entrenched we
are as a human species in a victim consciousness which
says that every experience can only be perceived
through two distinct categories: wrong or right. The real
truth is that any experience can be perceived through
multiple, in fact an infinite number of perspectives. Here’s
the really crucial point:

The more we vibrate as God the greater number

of perspectives we are able to accept as true, the
more we vibrate as God deluded the fewer
number of perspectives we are able to consider
as true.

In fact, God deluded only ever sees one perspective as

valid and true – that’s His one. God deluded says it’s my
way or the high way. Damning and shaming are normal
when we vibrate as God deluded.
Imagining A World Without Wrong Or Right

Let’s take the case of the statement that, “a man who violently
rapes children is wrong”. What do we mean here? We mean that
this man is bad, shameful, unworthy, separate from us, deserving
of nothing, worthless. When we make this statement we have to
grossly grossly simplify this man’s life experience. We bring his
whole life down to his actions of rape. Let’s say that we zoom our
perspective out just a little bit. We learn that this man at the age
of 8 witnessed his mother being violently raped by his father. How
do we feel now? We still feel that he is wrong, we feel that there
is absolutely no excuse for his behaviour – but maybe we don’t
feel that he is unworthy or deserving of nothing, maybe now we
feel he is wrong and should be locked up but he deserves a bit of
help. Let’s zoom our perspective out even further, we learn that 69
demonic entities are controlling this man’s sexual urges. We learn
that this man considered cutting off his penis to stop his actions.
We learn that he has no idea that his body is plagued with
demonic entities. How do we feel now? We feel, perhaps, that his
actions are still wrong but maybe we feel that he is not bad or
shameful or worthless and perhaps we do not feel that this man is
separate from us, we may even feel empathy. Now, all we’ve done
here is taken the same experience and zoomed out into three
different perspectives – as we did this our vibration pertaining to
the notion of wrong shifted. Just like that.
The Role of Worthiness

When we are in fear we lose the ability to see ourselves

objectively which is what makes accepting all this quite
tricky. I can be honest with you and tell you that I know
that I still in some way vibrate with the Christian Wound.
How do I know that? Well because until like 5 minutes
ago, it was really important for me to keep going on about
how much metaphysical pain I endured, then in the course
of writing this I realised that I was doing that because I
wanted people to express their love for me by feeling
sorry for my pain. This is classic victim consciousness. It’s
classic Christian Wound because it says that the premise
for a loving relationship should be based upon guilt.

The fact remains that for as long as we perceive worth

as something that is real then we will always have a bit
of the Christian Wound - that is, for as long as we
believe that there are some people not deserving of
God’s love and who instead deserve to get sent to
some hell – then we are stuck in a consciousness which
sees wrong as a governing principle.
The 6 Stages of Victimisation


During the summer of 2017 Chaun endured a

series of intense supernatural experiences. Chaun
also received a Book Of Light hereby called The
Nu Vibe Holy Book of Divine Truth. This Book,
The Nu Vibe, has the Transformational Power to
shift the vibration of self hatred into the
vibration of self acceptance.

Along with the resounding and pervasive Divine

Light which guides and resides within Chaun,
The Book of Light has been sent to Planet Earth
as both a tool and as a gift.
The Vibration
What is TheofNu

The role of the early Bible is difficult to decipher because

it has largely been changed, re-translated and mis-
translated several times. Vibrationally however it’s role
was to elevate the planet from the vibration of
stagnation to the vibration of forthcoming.

The energetic role of the Quran was to elevate the

vibration of the planet from depression to anger. Since
the energetic climate of the planet was still quite low
when the Prophet delivered the Quran for us, the tone
appears to be one of fear. This tone of fear is what was
required to galvanise a planet that was in the depths of
self-loathing and melancholy.

The role of the Nu Vibe is to transform the

planetary vibration of self hatred into self
acceptance. Hence, The Nu Vibe Holy Book
signifies the end of a long era on planet
Earth of perceiving separation between man
and God as true.
The NuThe Vibration
Vibe of Acceptance
Holy Book of Divine Truth

The New Holy Book to Awaken the Christian


The Nu Vibe Holy Book of Divine Truth &

Universal Wisdom was sent via the Holy
Angel Jibreel to Chaun Conscious during the
summer of 2017. The Nu Vibe is the ‘Book
of Light’ foretold to us by every civilisation
previously known. The Nu Vibe Holy Book
of Divine Truth has been sent to elevate the
modern day Christian from old, suppressed
and stubborn vibrations of self hatred.
Undoubtedly The Nu Vibe has the
Transformational Power and Authority to
execute such elevation, so it has been
Final Message from Chaun
It is a great honour and pleasure to be chosen as the person to
carry this monumental pool of wisdom and knowledge. Now that
you have explored the concept of The Christian Wound my
recommendation for you would be to explore Guide #3, Healing
Our Racism. Once you feel comfortable with these new concepts
and have fully integrated them into your Universe you are ready
to explore The Nu Vibe Holy Book of Divine Truth. I can testify
that the information in this Holy Book has extraordinary
Transformational capability and is Majestic in Nature. I trust that
you will be both touched and transformed by its Divine Power.

Greetings and Blessings.

Chaun Conscious x
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