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Spin-related phenomena in two-dimensional hopping regime in magnetic field

A. V. Shumilin, D. S. Smirnov, and L. E. Golub

Ioffe Institute, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia

The spin relaxation time of localized charge carriers is few orders of magnitude larger than that
of free electrons and holes. Therefore mutual conversion of spin polarization, charge current and
spin current turns out to be underlined in the hopping conductivity regime. We reveal different
regimes of the coupled spin and charge dynamics depending on the relation between spin relaxation
time and the characteristic hopping time. We derive kinetic equations to describe electrical spin
orientation, dc spin-Hall effect, and spin galvanic effect in the transverse magnetic field. The gen-
arXiv:1805.04061v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 10 May 2018

eralized macroscopic conductivities describing these effects are calculated using percolation theory
supported by numerical simulation. The conductivities change the sign at least once as functions of
magnetic field for all values of the spin relaxation time.


Spin is in the center of condensed-matter physics for

almost two decades due to remarkable effects allowing
for both deeper understanding of fundamental physical
processes and some possible future applications [1]. One
of the most investigated spin-related phenomena is the
spin-Hall effect (SHE) which is a conversion of an electric FIG. 1. Impression of SHE effect. The hopping of electrons
current into spin current [2–5]. There is also an inverse (frogs) in one direction is accompanied by separation of elec-
effect (inverse SHE) consisting in the generation of the trons (frogs) with spins (arrows) up and down in perpendic-
ular direction.
electric current under the spin current flow [2, 6–8]. The
SHE is qualitatively similar to the ordinary Hall effect:
The electric current in the system is converted into the
spin current or spin-up and spin-down separation in the attract permanent interest due to long spin relaxation
perpendicular direction. This means that the charge car- times which can be by orders of magnitude larger than
riers with opposite spins flow preferentially in opposite for free carriers and vary in a broad range [26]. The rea-
directions. Impression of this effect is presented in Fig. 1. son for long spin lifetimes is that the major mechanisms
Microscopically SHE arises due to spin-orbit interaction, of spin relaxation related with free carrier momentum
and it is symmetry allowed in any system. There are scattering are absent for localized carriers, and spin relax-
some more subtle spin-dependent phenomena which take ation is determined by a weak hyperfine interaction with
place only in systems of low point symmetry. The first host lattice nuclei [27, 28]. Long spin memory allows for
example is the current-induced spin orientation (CISP) fast spin manipulation by optical pulses [29–31], resonant
consisting in the generation of a net spin polarization spin amplification [32, 33], electron spin precession mode
by electric current [9–15]. The reciprocal phenomenon, locking [34–38], nuclei induced frequency focusing [39–43]
the Spin-galvanic effect (SGE), is a generation of electri- and measurement of spin fluctuations [44–47].
cal current in the process of nonequilibrium spin relax- The two groups of the above-described spin-dependent
ation [16]. Both CISP and SGE are symmetry-allowed effects, related with the electrical current flow and with
in gyrotropic (optically active) systems. They have been the long-lived localized spins, meet in systems with hop-
investigated in gyrotropic bulk semiconductors, for ex- ping conductivity. Indeed, if the localized carriers can
ample, tellurium [9, 10], strained zinc-blende III-V crys- migrate between the localization sites then one can study
tals [17–19] and in various two-dimensional (2D) het- SHE, CISP and SGE in systems with slow spin relax-
erostructures [20]. CISP and SGE can be viewed as the ation. Recently we have shown that all three effects take
consequences of SHE (or inverse SHE), so all three spin- place in 2D systems with hopping conductivity and pro-
related phenomena are interconnected [21]. The micro- nounced spin-orbit interaction [21]. In the present work,
scopic source for the conversion of the spin current into we investigate these spin-related phenomena for localized
the net spin polarization (CISP) and to electric current carriers, as functions of the nuclei-induced spin relaxation
(SGE) is the spin-momentum linear coupling caused by time and external perpendicular magnetic field.
Rashba- and 2D Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions [22– The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we derive
25]. and analyze kinetic equations for the coupled charge and
Besides the spin-dependent effects related with the spin dynamics. In Sec. III we solve these equations using
electric current flow, there is a reach spin physics of carri- both numerical simulation and percolation analysis. The
ers localized at neutral dopants, interfaces of semiconduc- obtained results and their generalizations are discussed
tor heterostructures and in quantum dots. These systems in Sec. IV and are summarized in Sec. V.

II. GENERAL THEORY B. Derivation of the kinetic equation

A. Phenomenology In the hopping conductivity regime the electron ener-

gies are different for different localization sites. Therefore
CISP, SGE and SHE are introduced by the following hopping between the sites involves emission or absorption
phenomenological expressions [21] of phonons to ensure the energy conservation. The total
Hamiltonian of the system can be presented as
s = σ̂CISP E, j = σ̂SGE s, J = σ̂SHE E, (1)
H = He + Hph + He−ph . (5)
where s is the average spin polarization, E is the ap- Here the term He describes the Hamiltonian of the elec-
plied electric field, j is the current density, and J is tronic system, Hph is the phonon Hamiltonian, and
the spin current associated with spin component perpen- He−ph describes the electron-phonon interaction.
dicular to the structure. The generalized conductivities
The Hamiltonian describing the system of localized
σ̂CISP , σ̂SGE and σ̂SHE depend on structure parameters
electrons reads
and external magnetic field B.
We consider a semiconductor zinc-blende heterostruc- σσ 0 †
X † XX
He = i ciσ ciσ + Jij ciσ cjσ0 + HZ . (6)
ture grown along the [001] direction. In this case it is i,σ ij σσ 0
useful to introduce the coordinate frame as z k [001],
x k [11̄0] and y k [110]. In this coordinate frame Here c†iσ (ciσ ) are the creation (annihilation) operators
the Hamiltonian describing spin-orbit interaction has the of an electron at the site i with the spin projection
form [25] σ = ±1/2 on the normal to the 2D plane, z axis, and i
are the spin independent site energies. The second term
HSO = σ̂ · β̂k = σ̂x βxy ky + σ̂y βyx kx . (2) in Eq. (6) describes the spin-dependent hopping with the
σσ 0
amplitudes Jij . HZ is the Zeeman Hamiltonian. In this
Here σ̂x,y are the Pauli matrices, k = −i∇, and βxy , and the next section we neglect the electron g-factor for
βyx are two spin-orbit constants caused by both bulk- the sake of simplicity thus assuming HZ = 0. The modi-
and structure-inversion asymmetry. We assume that the fication of kinetic coefficients accounting for the Zeeman
external magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the splitting is discussed in Sec. IV.
structure, B = Bz ez where ez is the unit vector along z The hopping amplitude is determined by the transfer
direction. integral
The asymmetric heterostructures are described by C2v Z
point symmetry group. In this case the components Ex σσ 0
and sy transform according to Γ2 representation, Ey and Jij ∼ drΨ∗σ (r − ri )V (r)Ψσ0 (r − rj ), (7)
sx belong to Γ4 representation, while Bz transforms ac-
cording to Γ3 . Importantly, the symmetry analysis shows where V (r) is the potential energy including the attrac-
that tion potential of sites i and j. The localized electron
wave function has the asymptotic form [26]
• the diagonal components of all the generalized sus-  r 
ceptibilities σ̂ are odd in Bz , i Z h e i 
Ψσ (r) ∼ exp p(r 0 ) − A(r
e 0 ) dr 0 χσ . (8)
~ c
• the off-diagonal components are even in Bz .


In the particular cases of structure inversion asymmetry Here χσ is the basis spinor, p(r) is the imaginary quasi-
dominance (C∞v symmetry) and bulk inversion asymme- classical momentum of electrons, and
try dominance (D2d symmetry), the components of the
tensors σ̂CISP,SGE are related by A(r)
e = A(r) − σ̂ · β̂ (9)
xy yx xx yy
σCISP,SGE = ∓σCISP,SGE , σCISP,SGE = ±σCISP,SGE , is the modified vector potential. It includes the vector
(3) potential of the applied magnetic field and the term cor-
where the upper (lower) sign should be taken for C∞v responding to spin-orbit interaction. This allows us to
(D2d ) point symmetry. For the spin-Hall effect, the fol- obtain [48–51]
lowing relation takes place in both cases:
xy yx yy
Jˆij = Jij Ûij , (10a)
σSHE = −σSHE , σSHE = σSHE . (4)
The structures grown along crystallographic directions
other than [001] are briefly discussed in Sec. IV. Jij = J0 e−rij /ab , Ûij = exp (−idij · σ̂ + iϕij ) . (10b)

Here we neglected power-law terms in Jˆij in comparison will use the on-site spin density matrices ρ̂i . The master
to the exponential dependence e−rij /ab . The spin-orbit equation can be presented as
and magnetic-field induced phases are given by (k)
dρ̂i X dρ̂
= , (15)
dt dt
m eB k
dij = 2 β̂rij , ϕij = · (ri × rj ) , (10c)
~ 2~c where the sum runs over the orders of perturbation the-
ory in the hopping amplitude.
where m is the electron effective mass, ri are the coordi- The first nonvanishing term is the second-order contri-
nates of the sites in the 2D plane, rij = ri − rj , ab is the bution
localization length [52] and we have used the Coulomb
gauge. J0 is a real constant of the order of the binding dρ̂i XπD 
= δ(En − Em ) 2V̂nm ρ̂j V̂mn
energy. In general case J0 and ab are even functions of dt ~
the magnetic field [52]. E
The phonon Hamiltonian has the form −ρ̂i V̂nm V̂mn − V̂nm V̂mn ρ̂i . (16)

X Here n and m denote the states of the electron-phonon

Hph = ~Ωq b†q bq , (11) system where the given electron is localized at sites i and
q j, respectively, and the angular brackets denote averag-
ing over the phonon bath state. The contribution ρ̂i
describes hopping and spin rotations. Since
where ~Ωq is the energy of the phonon with the wavevec-
tor q, and bq (b†q ) is the corresponding annihilation (cre- 2
V̂nm V̂mn = Jij 1̂Qij Qji , (17)
ation) operator. The Hamiltonian of the electron-phonon
interaction reads where 1̂ denotes the 2 × 2 unit matrix, the outgoing term
in the second order is the same for all spin orientations.
Accordingly the second-order contribution can be pre-
vq (eiqRi bq + e−iqRi b†q )c†iσ ciσ
He−ph = (12)
sented as
i,σ,q !
dρ̂i X ρ̂i Ûij ρ̂j Ûji
= − + , (18)
with vq being the electron-phonon interaction constants. dt j
τji τij
The spin dependence of electron-phonon interaction is
negligible. with Ûij being the unitary spin rotation operator
After the canonical transformation [53, 54], the total Eq. (10a) and τji being the hopping time from the site i
Hamiltonian can be presented as to j. In the lowest (second) order in the electron-phonon
interaction the hopping time is given by
0 1 2π 2 2
i c†iσ ciσ + Vijσσ c†iσ cjσ0 , (13)
~Ωq b†q bq +
H= = Jij 2γqij D(|ij |) N|ij | + Θ(ij ) , (19)
i,σ q i,j,σ,σ 0
τji ~
where ij = i − j , qij is the phonon wave vector cor-
0 0 responding to this energy, Θ() is the Heaviside func-
where Vijσσ = Jij
Qij with
tion, D() stands for the phonon density of states,
and N = 1/ [exp(/kB T ) − 1] is the occupation of the
phonon state with kB and T being the Boltzmann con-
( )
eiqri − e iqrj
Qij = exp − γq bq + h.c , (14) stant and temperature, respectively. This result can be
q conveniently obtained using the hopping diagrams intro-
duced in Ref. [21]. The multiplier 2 reflects the fact that
the phonon can be emitted either at site i or j. Note that,
and γq = vq /(~Ωq ). due to the energy difference, τji 6= τij . As it is commonly
The aim of microscopic theory is to to derive the ki- accepted, we neglect simultaneous hops of two and more
netic equation. For the sake of simplicity we limit our- electrons.
selves to the lowest orders of perturbation theory in the In what follows we derive all the other terms of the ki-
electron-phonon and spin-orbit interactions. Provided netic equation in the lowest nonvanishing order in spin-
the concentration of charge carriers n is inferior by far orbit interaction. The effective frequency of spin pre-
than the concentration of localization sites ns , one can cession during the hop is accordingly given by Ωij =
neglect correlation effects. Additionally, under assump- 2dij /τij provided |Ωij τij |  1.
tion that the concentration of localization sites is much The third-order contribution to the master equation
smaller than the localization length ab , ns a2b  1, we has the form
 h   i +
Re ρ̂i Re V̂nm V̂ml V̂ln − V̂nm ρ̂j V̂ml V̂ln 
dρ̂i 4π X   
=− δ(En − Em ) π Im V̂nm ρ̂j V̂ml V̂ln δ(En − El ) + ,
dt ~  En − El 
where we have introduced the notations Re O ≡ (O + O† )/2 and Im O ≡ (O − O† )/(2i). It can be rewritten in a form
similar to Eq. (18):
     
dρ̂i X  Ûij ρ̂j Ûjk Ûki ρ̂ i Re Ûij Ûjk Ûki Im Ûij ρ̂ j Û jk Ûki 
= Re  − −
0 , (21)
dt  τikj τjki τikj 

where We note that the hopping time τij as well as the spin re-
  laxation time τs can be anisotropic, which is disregarded
1 1 Jik Jkj 1 1
= + , (22a) in Eqs. (24). The spin current flowing from the site j to
τikj τij 2Jij i − k j − k the site i is a sum of two contributions
  s Sj Si
1 ~ Jij Jjk Jik Iij = − + Wij nj − Wji ni . (26)
0 = + + . τij τji
τikj 4Jkj Jki τik τkj Jij Jki τki τij Jij Jkj τij τkj
(22b) The first two terms describe spin diffusion, while the lat-
These expressions can be also directly obtained from the ter terms arise due to a difference in spin-conserving tun-
diagrammatic approach [21]. We note that the rate 1/τikj neling rates for electrons with spin oriented along (↑)
describes emission/absorption of one phonon. These and opposite (↓) to the axis α: Wijα = (W↑↑ − W↓↓ )/2.
rates contribute to the interference mechanism of mag- Similarly Gαij = (W↑↓ − W↓↑ ) /2 describes spin genera-
netoresistance [55, 56]. The rate 1/τikj describes inter- tion. The spin-galvanic coefficient can be presented as
action with at least two phonons. The corresponding Λαij =2 (W↑↑ + W↓↑ − W↓↓ − W↑↓ ). Therefore we obtain
processes lead to the hopping Hall effect [48, 57]. For a general relation
our purposes, it is important to keep both contributions
because they have different symmetry. Λij = 4 (Wij − Gij ) . (27)
It is convenient to present the on-site density matrix
in the form The kinetic coefficients Kij (K = Λ, G, W ) in P
Eq. (24)
ni are equal to sums over the auxiliary sites Kij = Kijk ,
ρ̂i = 1̂ + σ̂ · Si , (23) k
2 and the relation (27) holds for Kijk as well. These expres-
where ni is the occupancy of site i, and Si is the cor- sions demonstrate that CISP, SGE and SHE arise only
responding spin density. Substitution of this expression taking into account hopping between three sites, i.e. tri-
into Eq. (21) yields a system of coupled kinetic equations: ads should be considered. From the ingoing contributions
in Eq. (21) we obtain that
ṅi = Iij + (Λij · Sj − Λji · Si ) , (24a) 
j j Γikj ≡ Gikj + Wikj = αxy αyx Aikj × α̂ (rij + rik )
cos ϕikj sin ϕikj
X Si − Aikj 0 + , (28a)
Ṡi + Sj × Ωij + + Si × ΩL τikj τikj
= Iij + (Gij nj + Gji ni ) . (24b)  
j j
Λikj = 4αxy αyx Aikj × α̂ (rjk + rji ) − Aikj
Here !
nj ni cos ϕikj sin ϕikj
Iij = − (25) × 0 + , (28b)
τij τji τikj τikj

is the particle flow between sites i and j, and ΩL is where Aikj = rki ×rij /2 is the oriented area of the triad,
the Larmor precession frequency in the external mag- α̂ = mβ̂/~2 and
netic field. Assuming that spin relaxation is mainly
governed by the on-site hyperfine interaction, we phe- Φikj
nomenologically introduced the spin relaxation time τs . ϕikj = ϕij + ϕjk + ϕki = 2π (29)

with Φikj = B · Aikj being the magnetic flux through where one and two primes denote the even in Bz contri-
the triad and Φ0 = 2π~c/|e| being the magnetic flux butions proportional to 1/τikj and the odd in Bz ones
quantum, see inset in Fig. 5. Using the relation (27) one proportional to 1/τikj , respectively, see Eq. (28). Com-
finds bining all together one finds Υikj = 0 in thermal equilib-
! rium, as expected. In close to equilibrium conditions we
cos ϕikj sin ϕikj
Gikj = αxy αyx Aikj × α̂rij 0 + , obtain:
τikj τikj
(30a) Υikj = Γ0ikj τkj Ikj + Γ00ikj τij Iij + Γ00ijk τik Iik . (36)
Aikj This expression is similar to “Hall source” in the theory
Wikj = αxy αyx × α̂ (rjk + rik ) − Aikj
3 of hopping Hall effect [57].
! The average spin evolution follows from Eq. (32):
cos ϕikj sin ϕikj
× 0 + . (30b)
τikj τikj 1 X 1 X s
ṡ = Ṡi = (2Gij nj + Ωij × Sj ) − ,
nA i nA ij τs
We see that the kinetic coefficients oscillate with mag-
netic field, and the period of oscillations is determined (37)
by the triad area Aikj . where A is the total area of the sample. This expres-
We note that the phase related with the spin-orbit in- sion differs from Eq. (32) by omission of spin conserving
teraction is equivalent to the dynamical phase factor: tunneling terms. It can be conveniently rewritten intro-
Z ducing the total spin current
σ̂dij = σ̂ β̂kij (t)dt, (31)
~ 1 X s,z
J = rij Iij , (38)
where the wavevector kij (t) describes propagation of an 2A ij
electron from site j to i. In the same time, the Aharonov-
Bohm phase ϕij is known to be geometric or Berry as follows [6, 21]
phase [58, 59].
2 s
ṡ = − ez × α̂J − , (39)
n τs
C. General properties of kinetic equation
with ez being a unit vector along the z axis. We remind
that we restrict ourselves only to the lowest (third) order
Summation of Eq. (24b) over all sites yields the total
in spin-orbit interaction. Defined in this way the spin
spin generation rate in the form
current vanishes in thermodynamic equilibrium. One can
X X0 X X Si separate two qualitatively different contributions to the
Ṡi = Υikj + Ωij × Sj − , (32)
τs spin current: J diff and J dr , as the two first and two
i ijk ij i
latter terms in Eq. (26). Provided the electric field is
where the prime denotes that each pair (j, k) should be applied to the structure along x direction the difference
taken only once, and between two contributions in the perpendicular direction
ni is related only to the spin relaxation:
Υikj = Γikj nj + Γijk nk − (Λjki + Λkji ) . (33)
4 1 X
Jy = yi Siz . (40)
Note that the terms with spin conserving tunneling rates τs A i
(Wij ) canceling each other after summation are kept in
this expression for convenience. The spin current in the longitudinal (x) direction can
In thermal equilibrium the rate Υikj vanishes, and the be nonzero even without spin relaxation as a product of
spin polarization is absent. This can be explicitly shown spin polarization and electric current. We remind that,
with the help of relations: in accordance with the symmetry analysis performed in
nj ni nj ni nj nk 0 0 Sec. II A, the odd and even in Bz contributions to spin
= , = , 0 = 0 , τikj = τkij .
τij τji τikj τjki τikj τijk orientation and spin current averaged over disorder are
(34) perpendicular to each other.
The first of these relations follows from Eq. (19) and rep- It follows from Eq. (37) in the steady state that the
resents the detailed balance equation Iij = 0, while the CISP conductivity can be presented as
rest follow directly from Eqs. (22). These expressions
along with the definitions Eq. (28) yield σ̂CISP = [f (ns , τs ) + g(ns , τs )ez ×] Tr(β̂ 2 )β̂ T Pτs . (41)

Λ0jki + Λ0kji = 0, Γ0ikj nj + Γ0ijk nk = 0, Here

1 1  ma 3 2~n a
Γ00ikj nj − Λ00jki ni = 0, Γ00ijk nk − Λ00kji ni = 0, (35) P=
b s b
, (42)
4 4 ~2 enJ0 τ0 ρ

ρ is the resistivity, J0 and τ0 are the characteristic hop- A. Numerical simulation

ping integral and time for the distance ∼ ab [60]. The
dimensionless functions f (ns , τs ) and g(ns , τs ) are even We have performed a numerical simulation of coupled
and odd in Bz , respectively, as follows from the symme- charge and spin dynamics described by Eqs. (24). As it
try analysis presented in see Sec. II A. is mentioned above, we have assumed that the spatial
The spin-galvanic current can be similarly obtained disorder dominates over energy disorder. In this case the
from the kinetic equation (24a). The calculation yields hopping time in each pair (ij) has the form
the following result for the SGE response:
τij = τji = τ0 e2rij /ab (45)
2 T
σ̂SGE = [f (ns , τs ) − g(ns , τs )ez ×] 4 Tr(β̂ )β̂ PkB T n.
(43) with τ0 being a constant. The conductivity of the sys-
Here the functions f and g coincide with those for CISP, tem was analyzed using Miller-Abrahams random resistor
Eq. (41), as follows from the Onsager relation [12, 21, 61]. network where each pair is replaced by a resistor with the
The spin-Hall conductivity can be deduced from resistivity Rij = nkB T τij /(e2 ns ) [52]. In this model, a
Eqs. (39) and (41): numerical solution of a set of Kirchhoff equations yields
the particle flows Iij for each pair of sites. In the next
  ~2 nP step the spin generation rates Υijk were calculated us-
σ̂SHE = − [f (ns , τs ) + g(ns , τs )ez ×] β̂ T ez × β̂ . ing Eqs. (36). Then the steady-state spin density was
m found from Eqs. (24b). At this step we neglect spin gen-
(44) eration rate Gij and spin precession Ωij because they
We stress that, in the inhomogeneous system under are proportional to the third power of spin-orbit con-
study, the drift and diffusion currents are always in- stants. And finally the spin current was calculated using
terconnected. Therefore the spin-Hall conductivity de- Eq. (40). Comparison of the result with Eq. (44) yields
scribes the total spin current induced by the applied elec- the spin susceptibility f (ns , τs ). We have performed nu-
tric field. The pure drift spin current, leading to spin merical simulations for Ns = 512 × 103 localization sites
separation, can be found formally from Eq. (44) in the with the Poisson distribution, and we have checked that
limit τs → 0 when the diffusion spin current vanishes. the difference between the three realizations of the disor-
der in less than 1%.
The dependence of the spin susceptibility on the spin
relaxation time at zero magnetic field is presented in
Fig. 2 for fixed values of the concentration. The black
line in Fig. 2 shows the function f (ns , τs ) calculated for
The above analysis provides microscopic equations
that describe CISP, SGE and SHE in the hopping regime.
Ultimately, we are interested in the macroscopic suscep-
tibilities introduced in Eqs. (1). However in the disor-
dered system the link between microscopic expressions
and macroscopic parameters is not straightforward due
to an exponential distribution of the hopping times.
Equations (41)—(44) express macroscopic susceptibil-
ities through the dimensionless functions f (ns , τs ) and
g(ns , τs ). In this section we study in detail the even in
magnetic field effects that are described by f (ns , τs ). In
what follows, for brevity we call the function f (ns , τs )
the spin susceptibility. As it is shown in the previous sec-
tion, the kinetic coefficients, Eqs. (28) and (30) oscillate
with magnetic field. In this section we demonstrate that
these oscillations are strongly modified in a macroscopic
system due to the disorder.
FIG. 2. The spin susceptibility f (ns , τs ) calculated numeri-
We consider the system with dominant spatial disor- cally for ns a2b = 0.01 (black curve) and its analytical approx-
der. So we assume that the energy disorder |i − j | is imation, Eq. (56), (white dashed curve) with the parameters
small or comparable to the temperature. In this case γ = 1 and D = 0.5 × 10−8 a2b /τ0 . The background colors
we can neglect the dependence of hopping times τij on distinguish the four regimes (A), (B), (C) and (D) discussed
energies in comparison to the strong dependence on site in the text. Yellow and green curves show the two contribu-
positions. Finally we limit ourselves to Ohmic regime. In tions, Eqs. (58) and (66), to the spin current in the percola-
the analysis of the magnetic-field dependence of the spin tion model. The inset shows the same black solid curve and
susceptibility we neglect for simplicity the dependencies the spin susceptibility calculated for ns a2b = 0.3 (red dashed
of τ0 and ab on Bz as well as magnetoresistance. curve) and 0.1 (blue dotted curve).

FIG. 3. Distributions of Si,z for different spin relaxation times in zero magnetic field. The four panels from left to right
correspond to the regimes (A)—(D). The red color correspond to Si,z > 0 and blue color — to Sz,i < 0. The color scale
is arbitrary. The black lines show the particle fluxes between the sites. Parameters of the calculation are ns a2b = 0.1 and
Ns = 104 .

ns a2b = 0.01. One can distinguish four regimes in the de-

pendence of the spin susceptibility on the spin relaxation
time which are shown by different background colors in
Fig. 2. For small τs we find that f tends to 1 (cyan re-
gion, regime A). When τs increases and reaches the blue
region, the spin susceptibility decays approximately as

1/ τs (regime B). This decrease stops at a certain value,
and in the magenta region of τs the spin susceptibility
hardly changes (regime C). Finally for large enough spin
relaxation time, f decays as 1/τs (red region, regime D).
As it is shown in the inset, the second (blue) region nar-
rows down with increase of the concentration ns .
We show the numerically calculated distribution of
generated spin in Fig. 3. It can be seen that in the regime
(A) all the generated spin is localized at close pairs with
small separations. In the regime (B) the spin is still local- FIG. 4. Dependence of the normalized spin susceptibility on
τs and Bz for ns a2b = 0.01.
ized on rare sites but the separation of the up and down
spins is larger. In the regime (C) the generated spin cov-
ers entire regions of the sample indicating spin diffusion First, let us briefly summarize the main facts of perco-
with a finite length ls . Finally in the regime (D) the spin lation theory for system conductivity [52]. As mentioned
polarization is distributed over the whole sample pdue to in the previous subsection, the ensemble of localization
the large spin diffusion length ls > L, with L = Ns /ns sites can be mapped onto the Miller-Abrahams network
being the sample size. of resistors with the resistivities
Figure 4 demonstrates the magnetic field dependence
of the normalized spin susceptibility as a function of two Rij ∝ τij . (46)
parameters, τs /τ0 and Bz /B0 , where B0 = Φ0 /(2πa2b ). Due to the exponentially broad distribution of the hop-
One can see that the dependence f (Bz ) can have either ping times, the current mainly flows in a percolation clus-
only one or multiple changes of sign depending on the re- ter. It includes only resistors with
lation between the spin relaxation and the hopping times.
kB T nτ0
Rij . Rperc = exp(2rc /ab ), (47)
ns e2
B. Percolation analysis p −1/2
where rc = 2 ηc /πns is the percolation distance. For
the 2D system under study the percolation threshold is
In this subsection we develop an analytical theory to
ηc ≈ 1.128 [62]. We note that the system resistivity can
describe the dependence of the spin susceptibility on the
be estimated as ρ ∼ Rperc . Despite the strong disorder,
spin relaxation time and magnetic field. This is possible
the system can be considered as a homogeneous one with
in the limit of strong disorder, ns a2b  1, when the perco-
a usual diffusive conductivity on the lengthscale exceed-
lation theory can be applied [52]. The presented results
ing the correlation length
are qualitative, however they are in a good agreement
with numerical simulations. Lcor = n−1/2
s (rc /ab )ν , (48)

with the critical exponent ν ≈ 1.3 [62]. since we limit ourselves to the study of spin separation
Now we turn to the analysis of the spin susceptibility. and neglect CISP here. The total contribution of the
Similarly to the numerical simulation discussed above, its given triad to the total spin current has the form
calculation consists of two steps. In the first step, a distri-
triad med
bution of electric currents in the system is determined. In Jijk = Jijk + Jijk , (53)
the second step one can analyze the spin-related phenom-
ena on the basis of Eqs. (24b) and (36) with the known where
particle fluxes Iij . The analysis of the spin susceptibility triad 1  (ijk) (ijk) (ijk)

can be conveniently done considering SHE, so we again Jijk = yi S̃i + yj S̃j + yk S̃k , (54)
reduce the kinetic equations (24) to the second order in
spin-orbit interaction. The corresponding equations for and
spin dynamics have the form 1
Jijk = dr y S̃ (ijk) (r). (55)
Si X Si − Sj X0 τjk cos ϕikj τs
Ṡi + + = αxy αyx Aikj 0 Ijk .
τs τ ij τikj
j jk The net spin current is presented as
Note that only z component of these equations is nonzero, 1 X0
Jy = Jijk . (56)
which corresponds to SHE effect under study. Here we A
have neglected the odd in Bz terms in the right hand side
because we are aimed only at the description of the even These equations allow one to describe the dependence of
in magnetic field spin susceptibility f (ns , τs ). the spin susceptibility on the spin relaxation time and
The inhomogeneous part of Eqs. (49) is related to the magnetic field shown in Figs. 2 and 4.
triads of sites along the percolation cluster where the
particle flux is nonzero. Since Eqs. (49) are linear, the
triads can be considered separately. Let us discuss one of 1. Zero magnetic field
these triads (ijk). We separate the contributions to the
total spin current, Eq. (40), from this particular triad, First, we analyze the spin susceptibility at zero mag-
and from all the others, which we model by a diffusive netic field. The particle flux in each branch of the per-
medium as S̃ (ijk) (r). It is assumed that the spin polar- colation cluster has the same order of magnitude Iperc .
ization can escape each triad with the rate 1/τd , and the In a 2D system it can be estimated as Iperc ∼ jLcor /e.
income of spin polarization from the diffusive medium to In a given triad Iperc is divided between the current in
the triad under consideration is negligible. The corre- pairs Iij , Ijk and Iki in accordance with the resistivities,
sponding steady-state spin polarizations of the sites sat- Eq. (46). This defines the right-hand side in Eqs. (50).
isfy the equations The solution of these equations yields the contribution
(ijk) (ijk) (ijk) (ijk) (ijk) (54) of the triad to the total spin current. It turns out
S̃i S̃k − S̃i S̃j − S̃i (0) that it has a very strong dependence on the geometry of
− − = Ikj τkj Γijk ,
τs0 τik τij the triangle formed by the three sites under study. The
(ijk) (ijk) (ijk) (ijk) (ijk) maximum value of this contribution dominates the spin-
S̃j S̃k − S̃j S̃i − S̃j (0)
− − = Iik τik Γijk , Hall effect.
τs0 τjk τij At very short spin relaxation times τs < τ0 , in the
(ijk) (ijk) (ijk) (ijk) (ijk) regime (A), the maximum is reached in the smallest tri-
S̃k S̃i − S̃k S̃j − S̃k (0)
− − = −Iij τij Γijk , angles, and J diff can be neglected. Therefore J = J dr ,
τs0 τik τjk
and the spin susceptibility is independent of τs in this
(50) case.
(0) 0 For longer spin relaxation times τs > τ0 , regimes (B)—
where Γijk = αxy αyx Azijk cos ϕikj /τijk ,
(D), the maximum is reached when the sites i, j and k
1 1 1 form an equilateral triangle, see Appendix A. The con-
= + , tribution of the triangle with rij = rik = rjk = r to the
τs0 τs τd
spin current can be expressed as follows
and for the diffusive medium
3~αxy αyx r3 τs0 er/ab
S̃ (ijk)
(r) J0 (r) = −Iperc . (57)
− D∆S̃ (ijk) (r) 16J0 τ0 τs e2r/ab + 3τs0 /τ0
1 h (ijk) (ijk) (ijk)
i The side of triangle r is arbitrary in Eq. (57). The triad
= S̃i δ(ri ) + S̃j δ(rj ) + S̃k δ(rk ) (51) contribution to the total spin current can be written in
the form
with D being the spin diffusion coefficient. We note that Z rc
+ Sj
+ Sk
= 0, (52) J = dr p(r)J0 (r), (58)

where p(r) is proportional to the distribution function of with

the triangles of the size r along the percolation cluster.
L − |y − y 0 | y + y0
We assume that it has the form ch + ch
τs ls ls
p(r) ∝ 1/r , γ
(59) K(y 0 , y) = (64)
ls 2 sh (L/ls )
where γ is a constant. This dependence with γ > 0 being the Green function of the diffusion equation.√Here
reflects the fact that the probability to find an equilateral |y| < L/2 with L being the sample length, and ls = Dτs
triangle with a side r . rc belonging to the percolation is the spin diffusion length. Substitution of this expres-
cluster drops with r. sion into Eq. (63) yields
For moderately long spin relaxation times τs > τ0
[regime (B)], the maximum is reached at the optimal 1

sh(y/ls )

value r = ropt . F (y) = y − ls . (65)
τd ch(L/2ls )
ab 3τs
ropt (τs ) = ln , (60) The sizes of triangles (ikj) are smaller than ls in regimes
2 τ0 (C) and (D). This allows us to relate the contribution
med triad med triad
where we neglect the contribution ∝ r3 in Eq. (57) in Jijk to Jijk : Jijk = τs Jijk dF/dy, where we have
comparison with the fast exponents. The optimal side taken into account Eq. (52). The contribution J med from
ropt is a result of the interplay of two factors. On one all the triads is
hand, for very large triangles the spin generation effi-   
(0) med triad τs 2ls L
ciency Γijk decreases exponentially. On the other hand, J =J 1− th . (66)
for small triangles the diffusion and the drift spin cur- τd L 2ls
rents exponentially well compensate each other [21]. In
Here the multiplier τs /τd describes the ratio of the times
other words, the spin polarization in different directions
spent by the spin inside the triad and outside of it. In
at different sites “recombines” due to fast hopping. As
the regime (C) one has τs  L2 /D (ls  L), so the
a result, there is an exponentially sharp maximum for
mesoscopic effects do not take place. In this case the
optimal triangles: J triad ≈ J0 (ropt ), and the exact value
second terms in Eqs. (65) and (66) can be neglected, and
of γ is not very important in comparison with the strong
Jy ≈ J med is independent of τs . However in the regime
exponential dependence J0 (r).
(D) the spin separation in the sample is suppressed due
The time τd corresponding to start of diffusion is re-
to diffusion of spin polarization from one boundary of
lated to hopping on the critical distance rc ,
the sample to the opposite one, Fig. 3. In this regime for
τd ≈ τ0 exp(2rc /ab ). ls  L we obtain

The larger is the spin relaxation time τs , the larger is Jy ≈ J med ∝ 1/τs . (67)
the optimal triangle ropt . Provided ropt < rc , the dif-
fusive medium in our model does not play an essential
role because the generated spin relaxes faster than τd . 2. Nonzero magnetic field
Therefore the contribution J med can be neglected, and
the total spin current J ≈ J triad . As a result we obtain Now we proceed to the analysis of the spin suscepti-
for regime (B) bility as a function of an external magnetic field. This
√ dependence is related to the factor cos ϕikj in Eq. (49)
Jy ∝ J0 [ropt (τs )] ∝ 1/ τs . (61) which means that the spin separation and spin genera-
In the regimes (C) and (D) the size of the optimal tion rates in each triad of sites oscillate as functions of Bz .
triangle ropt (τs ) is larger than the critical distance rc . Hence one can expect the oscillations of the spin suscep-
In this case the main contribution to J triad is given by tibility similar to Aharonov-Bohm oscillations. Numeri-
the largest triad along the percolation cluster. At the cal calculation indeed demonstrates this effect, as shown
same time, the spin polarization is partially transferred in Fig. 4. The presence of oscillations is determined by
to the diffusive medium. It follows from Eq. (51) that the spread of oscillations period in optimal triads. If
the contribution to the spin current from the diffusive the spread of triad areas is much smaller than the mean
medium has the form area, then the period of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in
a macroscopic system is well defined. Otherwise the os-
med (ijk) (ijk) (ijk) cillations are efficiently smeared.
Jijk = S̃i F (yi ) + S̃j F (yj ) + S̃k F (yk ), (62)
In the regime (A) the optimal triads are the isosceles
where triangles with one small side ra ∼ ab , see Appendix A.
Z L/2
The long sides of the triangle rside can be arbitrary large.
1 However we assume that these long sides participate in
F (y) = K(y 0 , y)y 0 dy 0 (63)
τs τd −L/2 the percolation cluster, rside < rc . The contribution of

such a triangle to the spin current Jijk in the regime (A) spin susceptibility in the form
3~αxy αyx Iperc f (Bz ) = f (0) cos exp − . (72)
Jiso = rside ra2 cos θe−ra /ab Bopt Bopt B0
16J0 τ0

Bz rside ra
 Here the period of the oscillations is determined by the
× cos 2π . (68) area of the optimal triangle:
Here θ is an angle between the long sides of the trian- Bopt = √ 2
, (73)
gle and the x axis and we have taken into account that 3|e|ropt
ra  rside . This contribution exponentially drops with
and the rate of oscillations decay is related to the decrease
ra , therefore the area of the optimal triangle can be arbi-
of the triad contribution to the spin current when its size
trary small. According to Eq. (56), this expression should
deviates from the optimal one. Qualitatively the number
be averaged over different optimal triangles to obtain the p
of oscillations is of the order of B0 /Bopt .
magnetic field dependence of spin susceptibility. Averag-
ing over θ yields a factor on order of unity. The distribu-
tion of the short sides ra is related to the probability to IV. DISCUSSION
find a third site k participating in the percolation clus-
ter near one of the sites i or j. The third site k should
The results of the previous section indicate that the
form an approximately isosceles triangle with sites i and
dependence of the spin susceptibility on τs as well as its
j, |rij −rjk | . ab . The probability to find this site can be
oscillations as a function of the magnetic field are closely
estimated as ns ab dra . Integration of Eq. (68) with this
related to the spin transport in strongly disordered sam-
probability yields the contribution to the spin current of
the isosceles triangles averaged over ra in the form
The sum of two contributions, Eqs. (58) and (66),
describe the total spin current in the framework of
hJiso ira ∼
the percolation analysis at zero magnetic field for any
~αxy αyx Iperc ns a4b rside 1 − 3 (πBz ab rside /Φ0 ) τs . The corresponding calculation of the spin suscep-
i3 . (69) tibility f (τs , ns ) is shown by the white line in Fig. 2.
J0 τ0
1 + (πBz ab rside /Φ0 ) Reasonably good agreement of the percolation analysis
with the results of numerical calculations is evident for
The total spin current in the regime (A) is given by av- all the regimes. Moreover, the analytical dependencies
eraging of this expression over rside . The distribution of √
1/ τs for regime (B) [Eq. (61)] and 1/τs for regime (D)
distances rside between sites in the percolation cluster is [Eq. (67)] as well as constants for regimes (A) and (C)
not uniform. When rside  ns it can be estimated describe the numerical simulations with high accuracy.
as pA (rside ) = p0 rside where p0 is a constant. This dis- The contributions to the spin current from triads and
tribution reflects the fact that the probability to find a from the diffusive media are shown in Fig. 2 by yellow
small triangle with rside  rc in the percolation cluster and green lines, respectively. Figure 2 demonstrates that
raises with rside . We extrapolate this distribution up to the triads’ contribution dominates in the regimes (A) and
the largest possible rside = rc . It leads to the following (B). In contrast, triads serve only as sources of the spin
expression for the spin current in the regime (A) current in the regimes (C) and (D) where the diffusive
media contribution is the largest.
x + 2x3
3 We note, however that the diffusion coefficient D =
f (Bz ) = f (0) 3 − arctan x , (70)
x (1 + x2 )2 0.5 · 10−8 a2b /τ0 used in the analytical calculation in Fig. 2
is different from the charge diffusion coefficient, obtained
where x = Bz rc /(2B0 ab ). The function (70) does not from the numerical simulation of system conductivity
oscillate but it contains one change of sign. 5.6 · 10−5 a2b /τ0 , and from the estimation L2cor /τd ≈
In the regimes (B)—(D), as discussed above, the op- 2.9 · 10−6 a2b /τ0 . This is most probably an artifact of our
timal triads form equilateral triangles, see also Ap- oversimplified model.
pendix A. An exponentially sharp maximum exists in the Figure 5 demonstrates the magnetic field dependence
dependence J0 (r) meaning that the dominant contribu- of the spin susceptibility for the regimes (A)—(D). The
tion to SHE comes from the triangles with the same area. colors of the curves correspond to the background colors
With account for the Aharonov-Bohm phase in Fig. 2. We note that the magenta curve in the figure
√ ! is absent, because it coincides with the red one. The de-
πBz r2 3 pendence Eq. (70) is shown by the black dashed curve in
cos , (71)
2Φ0 Fig. 5. The very good agreement between Eq. (70) and
numerical simulation results in the regime (A) is clearly
we evaluate the integral Eq. (58) by the stationary-phase seen. The numerical results for the regimes (B)—(D)
method and obtain the magnetic-field dependence of the agree qualitatively with Eq. (72) as shown by solid blue

1.0 metry analysis shows that the following even in Bz com-

ponents are nonzero:
xy,yx zx xz
0.5 σCISP,SGE,SHE , σCISP , σSGE , (74)

as well as the following odd in Bz ones

xx,yy zy yz
σCISP,SGE,SHE , σCISP , σSGE . (75)
Due to low symmetry, all these components are linearly
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 In this paper we neglected Zeeman effect, which does
not affect the spin current. However, external magnetic
field can significantly suppress the in-plane spin polariza-

tion due to Hanle effect as 1/ 1 + (gµB Bz τs /~)2 with g
FIG. 5. Magnetic field dependencies of the normalized spin being effective electron g-factor and µB being Bohr mag-
susceptibility for τs /τ0 = 10−3 (cyan curve), 3 × 107 (blue
neton. Interestingly, in the structures of crystallographic
dashed curve) and 4 × 1014 (red dashed curve). Parameters
of the calculation are the same as in Fig. 2. The numeri-
orientations other than (110), Hanle effect can manifest
cal results for the susceptibility are compared with Eq. (70) itself as only partial suppression of spin polarization. De-
(dashed black curve) and with Eq. (72) (solid blue and red tailed analysis of these effects is beyond the scope of this
curves). The inset illustrates the magnetic flux through a paper.
triad of localization sites responsible for Aharonov-Bohm like Finally we note that in GaAs-based heterostructures,
oscillations. the spin relaxation is usually dominated by the hyper-
fine interaction [1, 27]. This makes spin relaxation non-
Markovian, or non-monoexponential, so it can not be de-
and red curves in Fig. 5. Moreover, the analytical ex- scribed by a single time τs [63, 64]. However at moder-
pression (73) for the oscillation period is in quantitative ate magnetic field the spin relaxation is isotropic, which
agreement with numerical results in the regime (B). In means that the expressions for macroscopic susceptibili-
the regimes (C) and (D) the agreement is slightly less ties (41)—(44) can be applied, where τs should be con-
perfect: for τs /τ0 = 4 × 1014 the numerical result for sidered as an “effective” or average spin relaxation time.
the period exceeds the analytical estimate Eq. (73) by
∼ 18 %.
Because of suppression of spin polarization with in- V. CONCLUSION
crease of magnetic field, we focused mainly on the even
in magnetic field effects which are described by the spin
Based on the derived kinetic equations describing the
susceptibility f (ns , τs ). The odd in Bz kinetic coefficients
coupled spin-charge dynamics, we have identified four
contain energy differences between initial and intermedi-
regimes of hopping spin transport where SHE, CISP and
ate states, Eq. (22a). Therefore they can not be analyzed
SGE have different behavior. The numerical simulation
neglecting energy disorder, as it is done in Sec. III. We
shows the map of the spin distribution in the sample in
note, however, that these terms can vanish due to this
all four regimes. The spin susceptibility is shown to be
averaging, which deserves a separate study.
governed by the ratio of the spin relaxation and hopping
We note that the definitions of macroscopic suscep- times. The percolation analysis being in a very good
tibilities, Eqs. (41)—(44), are valid for the particular agreement with the numerical simulations demonstrates
form of spin-orbit interaction, Eq. (2), which is realized how the contributions to the spin effects from each triad
in zinc-blende heterostructures grown along [001] direc- in the percolation cluster average over disorder realiza-
tion. Nevertheless the presented results can be applied tions. Application of the perpendicular magnetic field
to a wider class of systems, where one can choose the ref- results in damped oscillations of the spin susceptibility
erence frame in the spin space formally coinciding with where the number of sign changes is also determined by
Eq. (2). This can be done, in particular, for asymmetric the spin relaxation rate.
structures grown along [110] direction. Moreover, despite
all three effects in (001) heterostructures are related with
the in-plane spin components, in (110) quantum wells the
electric current orients the spin component normal to the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
2D plane. If the (110) system is structure-asymmetric,
then its point symmetry group is Cs with a reflection The support from the foundation “BASIS” is gratefully
in the (yz) plane being only one nontrivial symmetry acknowledged. The work of D. S. S. and L. E. G. was
element. Here z k [110] is the normal direction, and supported by Russian Science Foundation (project 17-
x k [1̄10], y k [001] are the in-plane axes [25]. The sym- 12-01265).

Appendix A: Optimal triads

In our percolation analysis we discussed that the con-

tributions of different triads of sites to SHE have an expo-
nentially broad distribution. The effect is dominated by
the optimal triads of sites ikj that are defined by optimal
geometry of the corresponding triangle (ikj). However
this geometry is different in different regimes. Here we
discuss in details the optimal geometry in all the regimes
In the regime (A) all the hopping terms can be ne-
glected in Eqs. (50). It allows to write the solution ex-
(ikj) 0 (0) rkj − rij − rik
e = τs Ikj τkj Γijk ∝ Ikj exp . FIG. 6. A part of the percolation cluster. The non-critical
ab resistors participating in the cluster are shown with blue color.
(A1) The critical resistors are shown with red color. The area of
(ikj) the optimal triangles in different regimes is filled in accordance
The similar expressions can be derived for Sj e and
(ikj) with the background colors in Fig. 2.
Sk . The exponential part of Eq. (A1) disappears in
the isosceles triangle with
rij = rkj , rik ∼ ab . (A2) of the r.h.s of Eq. (A3). This expression has a maximum
at r = ropt
The long sides rij and rkj are assumed to belong to
the percolation cluster, see a cyan triangle in Fig. 6. 3/2 1/2
When the geometry of the triangle deviates from the dis- (opt) αxy αyx Aopt Iperc τ0 τs
Sek = √ , (A4)
cussed one, Sej
exponentially decreases. It is clear 3 3τ00
from Eq. (A1) that it decreases with increasing rik as √ 2
exp(−rik /ab ). When the triangle ikj deviates from where Aopt = ( 3/4)ropt .
Eq. (A2) the generated spin decreases due to the re- Now we should compare a contribution of non-
distribution of the currents. Let the side rkj be larger equilateral triangles with expression (A4). In this proce-
than rij . The current Ikj in this case can be estimated dure we consider rij = ropt and displace the site k from its
as Ikj = Iperc exp [−2(rkj − rij )/ab ]. It leads to the ad- position corresponding to the equilateral triangle. If we
ditional exponentially small term exp(−|rkj − rij |/ab ) move the site along the x axis, one of the sides rik and rjk
in the expression for the generated spin. When rij > becomes larger than another. Let us consider rik < rjk .
rkj the current Ikj is equal to Iperc , but the term In the limit ns a2b  1 it means that τik  τij  τjk .
exp(−|rkj − rij |/ab ) appears in Eq. (A1) directly. However at least for relatively small displacements we
The optimal triangle in the regime (B) is the equilat- can still consider τikj = τ00 e3ropt /ab . Also the spin relax-
eral triangle with a side ropt given by Eq. (60), see a ation rate is comparable with τij because rij is still equal
blue triangle in Fig. 6. The triangle should participate in to ropt : τs = τij /3. In this case we can neglect the term
the percolation cluster. As mentioned in the main text, τs /τkj in the equation for Sj and disregard spin diffusion
the discussed geometry is actually the optimal one. To between sites j and k. Also the spin generation at the
prove this we consider the triangle with yi = yj = 0. site j is exponentially smaller than at sites i and k and
The side ij of the triangle is assumed to be included into can be neglected. It leads to direct relation between the
(ikj) (ikj)
the percolation cluster. Its contribution to spin current polarizations on sites i and j: Sej = Sei /4. With
(ikj) (triad) (ikj)
is directly related to Sek as Jikj = Sek yk /τs . We Eq. (52) it allows us to give an explicit expression for
0 (ikj)
remind that in the regime (B) τs ≈ τs  τd , and the Se
contribution Jikj can be neglected.
We start with the comparison of the contributions to (ikj) 5 Iperc τs τik αxy αyx Aopt τik
the spin current of equilateral triangles with different Sek =
3 τ00 e3ropt/a
length r of the side. In this case τik = τij = τjk = (opt) (opt)
0 ∼ Sek e2(rik −rij )/ab  Sek . (A5)
τ0 e2r/ab , τikj = τ00 e3r/ab , τ00 = (4/3~)J0 τ02 . The system
of equations (50) in this case can be analytically solved:
Now we consider the displacement of the site k along
(ikj) 2 τs τ0 αxy αyx Azijk er/ab the y axis. For this displacement the triangle ikj stays
Sek = Iperc 0 . (A3) isosceles. Therefore the relation of the spins Sei
(ikj) e(ikj)
, Sj
3 τ0 e2r/ab + 3τs /τ0
In our analysis we neglect the power law dependence and Sek is the same as in the case of equilateral triangle
(ikj) (ikj) (ikj)
Azijk (r) in comparison to exponential dependence ∼ er/ab Se
i =S e
j = −Se
k /2. It leads to the the explicit

expression for Sek . In the above analysis we assumed that the triangle ikj
is included into the percolation cluster. It is not possible
(ikj) αxy αyx Azikj τs τside when rij > rc leading to the upper boundary for the side
Sek = Iij τij of the optimal triangle. Therefore in the regimes (C) and
τ00 τside + 3τs
  (D) the dominant triangles have sides ∼ rc .
rij + 2rside
× exp − . (A6) The spin generation in the regimes (C), (D) is con-
trolled not only by the processes inside the triangle ikj
Here rik = rjk = rside and τside = τ0 exp(2rside /ab ). but also by the transition of the spin to the surrounding
When rside = rij , the current Iij = 2Iperc /3, and medium. It leads to the additional restrictions for the
Eq. (A6) is reduced to Eq. (A3). When rside is larger position of the triangle ikj. All the three sites of the
than rij , the last term in Eq. (A6) exponentially de- triangle should be parts of the percolation cluster, oth-
creases leading to the exponentially small spin polariza- erwise the effective transition of spin from the triangle
tion Sek . When rside < rij the current Iij becomes to the medium is impossible. However they should be
small, Iij ∼ Iperc exp [−2(rij − rside )/ab ], because the re- included in different branches of the cluster, otherwise
sistor Rij is shunted by the resistors Rik and Rkj . It the resistors of the triangle will be shunted by the non-
again leads to the exponentially small spin generation critical resistors of the cluster. The optimal triangle in
(ikj) regimes (C) and (D) is shown in Fig. 6. It lies at the
Sek .
intersection of three branches of the percolation cluster.
The above arguments prove that, in the regime (B),
the dominant contribution to the spin-Hall effect comes In the limit τs → ∞ our theory of SHE can be mapped
from the equilateral triangles with sides ropt . ropt on the theory of the ordinary hopping Hall effect. The
increases with τs and becomes larger than rc at optimal triangles for the Hall effect are discussed in
τs  τ0 exp(2rc /ab ). This spin relaxation time corre- Ref. [54]. Our predictions for the optimal triangles in
sponds to the transition from regime (B) to regime (C). regimes (C) and (D) agree with this work.

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