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School Year 2015-2016 Eastern Carver County Special Education
Funding Stream Amount Allocation

Census based funds are state dollars (as a part of the funding formula) and are used district
student related costs. This includes but is not limited to books, materials, transition service
Census Based $412,422.66 equiptment, and saff salaries/benefits.

Funds must directly go toward student service. Examples include materials/supplies, equipm
salaries/benefits for staff who bill. Individuals who complete third party billing, such as spe
pathologists, are provided budgets to use for materials that are IEP specific and based off o
Third Party Billing 223,422.32 number of students they bill.

Funds are spent on district wide on programming, transportation, staffing, and maintaining
Maintenance of Effort $17,297,555.99 special education services that have been available previous years.
Cross subsidy dollars are pulled from general education to support complete funding of spe
Cross Subsidy $6,734,405.75 education services. Any district wide specail education cost can be paid for using this fundin

ECCS Sped Funding
1. If special education was fully funded as it is intended
district would never need to pursue a referendum. This
the importance and investment that general education,
to special education, should be putting on policy and law

27.30% 1.67% 0.91%

2. Federal funds time tie to things that relate to teachers
example, professional development, furniture, and the
administrative team salaries and benefits; whereas state
be thought of as tying to things that relate to students: m
books, equipment, teacher salaries and benefits.

3. I was under the impression that each district complet

70.12% SPED funding formula and then told the state which opti
would be using. I was interested to learn that it is in fact
that completes the formula and then informs the distric
option they will be using/funds received.

Understanding of Categorical Funding: This assignment and the time spent with my Special Education Director discussing fund
streams allowed me a clearer understanding of state vs. federal funding. It also provided clarity around the funding formula, ho
used, and why there is discussion surrounding the "winners" and "losers" of the new formula. Each finance assignment has affi
common theme, find your “people”. Through this experience my Director clarified questions with the special education finance
looked at MDE resources, and reminded me of the importance of using other local directors for support.
Special Education

ding formula) and are used district wide for

books, materials, transition services,

include materials/supplies, equipment, and

ete third party billing, such as speech
hat are IEP specific and based off of the

ortation, staffing, and maintaining the level of

ous years.

o support complete funding of special

ost can be paid for using this funding stream.


was fully funded as it is intended to be, the

eed to pursue a referendum. This emphasizes
vestment that general education, in addition
hould be putting on policy and law makers.

tie to things that relate to teachers, for

development, furniture, and the
alaries and benefits; whereas state funds can
to things that relate to students: materials,
acher salaries and benefits.

pression that each district completed the new

and then told the state which option they
interested to learn that it is in fact the state
rmula and then informs the district of what
ng/funds received.

ucation Director discussing funding

around the funding formula, how it is
ach finance assignment has affirmed a
th the special education finance director,

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