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CLAT 2010

Exam Held On : 09-05-2010 Based On Memory

U.' Why did Creon deny dK.tnt bu1i11 to·Polyu"tsl Ht did to r · <(c) Arochnopl\obll (d) AranchfiOil/lobla
セ 。オウ・@ 25. (1) Onlmon (b) OnMmon
(a) he did not love Polynlcts (c)Onnaman (d) Clnaman
(bl Polynlcts loughu911lnst Creon 26. (a) Alcohol (b) Alchohol
(c) Polynlcn was dlsobecl*lt 10 Creon · • (c) Akhohal (d) Ak hohel
(d) Polynkts did not show brMfY u. (a) Bloclymataloqy (b) Blocllmataloqy
14. Why did litntM 1101 IIJI)pOit Anll90ntl Hment (c) セャ ヲnエ ッャァ ケ@
(al was wuk anddidiiOihMthecountgttodefyordtn
of the powerfulldng ·
I セ@ .. (d) Bl<llmateloqy
comet mMIIInt of the ginn words In
.,.-on --.u to 12.
(bl did 1101 comidtf II right to defy \tie !ling
lcl didiiOithlnkltfittodefyhtfuncleespec:llll)laltertht a Leidc:on
(b) legal clocument
death of her fathfl' (a) number
(d) did not bellew IIIII Polynlcts dtseMid . benfl I (Q dlctiODMy
(d) captain's dog
treatmtnt 29. Hex
15. Why did the Gods curse Ot'dlpusl Btcaust OedlpOs.
(a) killtd hh father and mMIMd his mother
I (a) crude person
(c) J)irrot
(b) herb ·
(d) evil spell
(b) killed his flttt« 110. · Semlnary
(C) married his mother (a) ctlipel (b) college
(d) committed an unu- sin I (c) convoution hill (d) hostt4
16. Does the story apprOYt the pMdplt oh4cMtous lllblllty'"" S1. Ututgy
so howl • ' 1 (a) prayer (b) priest
(a) No, It dots 1101 . (() ritual (d) church
(b) Yes. It does, becauM of the .acts of Oedipus his I n. Laity
children suffered (a) church members not baptl!ed
(d Yes, it dots because hh father was ldllecl by Oedipus (b) church memben セ ーエャコ・、@
(d) Yes, it does, becauM ht matTIId his rnoct1et 11 (c) priests
5t1ect the ••llllt f/1-.••'Ad ....._...- (d) churthmembflswJho arenotordalllfd priests
pllr- Ill..,,.,.._ 111•111t'e11 u Q11117•22. AI Ill the blanks Ill question niii'IIIMrs 3l to J7
t7. 1havebii.J.tlllln 11900<1 pier) to !II( rtd of him. ss. , Slavery was not donuway ____. until the last century
(a) found (b) chanctd upon •
(c) decided to beat him (ell borrowed
I (II) with
(c) to •
(dl off
11. He Is sticking out for betlerttmls. J4. Dots he nottake ......... his lather?
(a) threattns to take Ktlon (a) before (b) for
(b) lnslstfon using the loftt (c) afier (d) like
(c) decldts to give conctlllons n. · We wlll have to take ...... more staff If we are to tdke ""
(d) persists In セョァ@ more work.
tt . He b!oktol! iothe ュォャ、エッヲセウ・ケ N@ (a) up (b) onto
(aJ(ailed (b) be9ll" crying (c) Into (d) on
(c) stopped suddenly (d) r.ll uneasy M. Mother takes everything In her .•.
10. He refused to be led bvtht DOH· (a) steps (b) face
(a) to follOw like an animal (p wkje (d) work
(b) to be tlltlled au fool J7. Sale have really takefll ....... now.
(c) to follow submlssl'ltly (tl up (b) on
(d) to be tTtited violently ' '
11. The new cotton milllsmortgl9ed YPtQttiti¥c.
(a) apparently lbl con'l)ltttiy
I (c) of (d) off
11Ac-m-t plwaMsol• sem-tanjumbled up
111 question numbln ll-40. Wed tilt most

(cl deceptiYely (d) actually
When they ernbrKed a , _ rtlglon. it Is Slit to say they
I セ@
nqnllCt to makt tht Mnltntt

did It for セオョ、@ lis"; I Jl. (i), built on the site of a church destroyed
(a) sei11tssly (b) hontst セ@ (Ill In the hilly area of the city Is the famous Shalldon
(C) fDICerlal btneftu • (d) b1ause of fear Steeple
ChooM the cOI'NCt セ@ out fll low cMiciM In (Ill) the bell tower of St. Anne's Church
q--...-blnDto2 7 (lv) when the city was hesleged by the Oukf " '
ll. (a) Mllogynisu H「Iセ@ M.lribotough
(c) Mysoglnlsts (d) セis@ (a) II, Ill, I, iv (b) h,l.lll,lv
14. H 。 I セ@ (b) Atanchophobll (cl iv. ゥセ@ lii (d) r)).IJ, i, IV

' the 60th Repubijc day ollndil キセ@
... Th4! dWf !"!est on the
3'9. (I) no law giving efftct io the policy ol the state towards
se<:uring all Of any ol tilt principles Ilk! In Plrt IV PmldentOf .
(iii not wltt'imndlng anything contalntd In Artlclt 13 . (a) UzbekiStan (b) Ta)Hcbtan
(ill) and no law containing a declaration tllat It Is fol (c) Kazakhstan (d) ·South Africa
ᄋ ァ ゥ カゥョァセ@ to such policy shall be called ill question 50, WhiCh of tilt foljowlng WIS not the bast of l TI'£ before
In any court on the ground that It does notg!Yeel*t being capiU(ed by Sri Lankah Forces1
to such policy (a) Elephant Pus (b) KllrnOchchi
liv) shall be deemed to be void on the ground·that It is (c) Mull;thNu (d) Muridkt
lnconsls1ent wlth Of takes aWiyOf abridges any of the S1. Who wu glvtn Col. CK Nay,du Ufe Tlm. •Adllevement
rights conferred by Miele Qセ@ Of 19 Award for 200Nl8 for exemplary contribution of cricket?
(a) ij, i,lli,lv (b) tv, I. II, Ill (a) ICIPI O.V (b) Guncr.PPI Vlshwanath
(c) II, I, tv, Ill (d) I, It iセ@ lv (c) SUnil GMsklr (d) Vl)ly Hazare
40. (i) neither House 'shall proceed further wtth the 8111. JZ. Who Is エィ ・セ@ minister of European Union?
(ii) If he 、セ@ so, the Houses sh4N meet accordingly (a) BlrontsS Ashlon (b) Masslmp D'Alema
(Ill) but the President may at any tlmuftefthe date of his •(c) OMd MINblnd (d) C1rl8lldt
notification summon the Houses to meet In 1 joint ,,, wィッャウエセヲ G gッ、ャョ Gャ@
sitting for tilt purpose specified In the セ@ (I) llhlshml Slhnl (b) Prem Chand
and. (c) Manohir Shyam Joshi
(lv) where the President has under dlluse (1) notified hls . (d) SN!rat Chandra Chattopadhyay
Intentionof summoning the Houses to meet In • Ji,lnt M. ""lch polltbl ptrty does Rllj Babbar belong to!
slnlng, (I ) Salylajwadl Parly · (b) llNiratiya Janta .Party
(a) lv, I, Ill II (b) iv, セ@ 11,111 lcl Congress (d) Bahujan セ@ Party
(c) iv, II, iii, i (d) I, ii, Ill, tv JS. lnwhlcllyearlllsdhfttlon Qセエィッヲ@ July?
(a) 1879' (b) 1789
G!NIRAL KNOWUDG! (c) 1787 (d) None ofthem
41 . Lumblnllstheplacewhertthe8uddh4 M. ' Albino fujlmorHs the former President of
(a) attained nirvana (b) attalried tnllghtenment,1 ' (l).llpln •, ' (li)Peru
(c)'(m bOfn (d) was married (C) SOuth KciM (d) VIetnam
42. Galvanometer Is an Instrument to measure J7, Which of the followmg .Is the r'oltlonal river of India1
(a) relative density of liquids (a) Brih'!'IPU!tl • . (b) Narmada
(b) electric "11rrents (t) Glngl (d) Cauvert
(c) pressure of gases M. tィエャYヲ エ ョオイ「・ッヲセウ。ャ@
(d) dlsunces (I) China (b) USA
43. Who wrote 'Mudra Rakshasa' 1 (c) Canada (d) India
(a}Vlshakhadatta (b) Bana llNitt It• The President of Maldives Is .
(c) Kalldasa (d) Jaya Dev (I ) hUumoom a「、オャセ@
44. Thevenueof AslanGamesln 1970was (b) MoillniNd Ashraf '·
(a} BeiJing (b) Jakarta (t) Mlli'J'OOII Allm .'
(c) Bangkok (d} New Delhi H 、 Imッィャュセ@
45. 19291s known for eo. Arablnda IIIJkhowlls a melllbe! of
(a) vlsJt ol Simon CommlssJon to I"'lla (a) 8JP (b) As.sam Gana Pa rtshad
(b) Congress resolution fol complete ゥセ@ o1 {c) Maoist Centr. (d) ULFA
india 61 , The 「セmォHィイッオァ@
In the セ@ セ ᄋ@ Of Darwjn on tl)e evolution
(c} coming of Indian National Congress undtl' the of species Clint after his カゥウセ@ エセ@ a cluster of Islands and
leadersilllp of Mahatma Gandhi where he w11 that Hc:h Island supported Its own formcl
(d) Burma was m.ldea Plrt ollndll finch. Mime the islands 1
46. INS Alravat Is India's (a) ke land ' (I)) Greenland
(a) amphlbloljS ship (b) subf111rine (c) g。ャセ@ (d) Christian Islands
(c) destroyer (d) frigate 62. Mahitma Gandhi never セ@ a Nobel LAureate, but he
47. Astra·MiuUe Is wu nominated five tlmft. tri Whldl of the following ye.111
(a) surface to surface missile kt was nOt nominated 1
(b) surfac•rolir.mlsslle
(c) air to stwficilnls.sile
(d) air to air ml$$lle u.
(I) 1937
(C) 1941 .'ttlo
'!1 lllfRJ9

WNch of the folloWing.eoMs has not till the end d

48. Nehru Institute of Mountaineering Is situated at 2009, clecodtd tht entiN 91nome of a humin being1 1
(a) Nalnital (b) Darjetllng (a) China 'l(b) Rus.sla
(c) Shlmla (d) Uttarklshl (C) Zimbabwe (d) '-nada

64. Whf'l was )tie Unlve111ty of llombly uubllshtdl (a) Resporulblflty of executive to lfglslattlfe
(a) 1861 (b) 1857 (b) セーイ・ュ。」ケ@ of democracy
!c) 1909 (d) 1890 (c) Rule of law
65. Harare Is the capital of (d) Supremacy of the Constitution
(a) Zambia (b) Zaire r・ーャ「uセ@ 71. Great tennis playe/ Bjorn Borg belongsto which country!
(c) Zimbabwe (d)Yemtn' (a) Italy (b) Latvia .
(c) USA (d) Sweden
66. 8efore the Indian tflrl\ left for cッョセ@ on CMmate
Change of Copen/ligen. JMam Rlmesh announctd !hit 7t. Which of the folowln9 1s the national song of India1
India would wortc for wluntary reductlon of (a) Vande Mmram
(a) 40 to 45 per cfftt (b) 20 to 25 per Cfflt (b) lana gana mana adhlnaylk
(c) 30 to 35 per cent (d) 10 to 1s per Cfflt (c) Ye mara cNmal\ ye mtra chaman
67. Which Is the largestlsllnd In the wor1d (if Australia Is not (d) Sare Jahan se achchha
comldtred an Island)! ' ' 10. Whldl country was known as sick INn of Eurijpe1
(a) Iceland (b) Borneo (a) Greece (bl latvia
(c) Sumatra (d) Greenland . (c)Turkey (d) Australia
61. lndo-Pak summit betwHn Pwvez Mushal'lllf and Alii 11.' In Malaysia. the word 'bhumlputra' refers to
Bih.t Vajpayee was held In l0011t (a) Malayas (b) Chinese
H 。 I セィャ@ (b) Shimli (C) Indians (d) Buddhists
(c) Njra (d) Mumbll ll. What was the rNI name of Munshl Premc:Nnd ?
69. In May 2008. In the flflli lo Sultan AUn Shih (a) Nawab Ral
Championshlplndlanmen'sHockfytumwasdeftlledby (b) Dhanpat Ral
(a) Pakistan (b) Argentina · (c) Ram Chandra Srivastava
(c) New Zealand (d)CaNCia (d) Harl Shankar
70. Which of the following Is not a union terTitoryl IJ, Who Is theauthorof'Oid Man and the Sea' I
(a) Trlpura (b) Oaman and Diu (a) Jollh Ruskin (b) Raja Rao
(c) l。ォウィ、セ・ー@ (d) Pududlerry (c) Gunter Grass (d) Ernest Hemingway
71 . Who was the
(a) @ セ lajpat
edltorof'K.flart' 1 .... Prophe1 Mohammed was born In
(a) 570 AO
(b) セi@ Gangadhar TJak I (c) 620AO (d) 510 AD
(c) Gopal Krishan Gokhalt IS. When WiiS the .First World War declared?
(d) Dadabhal Naoroji • (a) 191 4 (b) 1915
72. With whose permission did the English set up their flrst
factory at Surat 7
(a) Akbar (b) Shah)lhan
... (c) 1918
Oeodhar trophy Is given for the game of
(a) Cricket
(d) 1913

(b) Football
(c) .Jahanglr (d) aオイセァm「@ • (c) Hockey (d) Golf
7l. The group of nations known as G-8 started as G-7. Which 17. Ptrlyar Wlld·llfe sanctuary Is situated In the 5tate of

among the following was not oneoftheml
(a) Canada
(c) Rusw
(a) 1505
Akbar the Gl8l.
(b) IUiy
(d) Japln
died In the year
(bl 1605
. (a) Tamil Nadu
(c) Kmla
(a) steel mill
(c) potteries
(b) Kamataka
(d) Andhra Pradesh
In Madhya Pradesh Is known for
(b) sugar mills
(d) news print factory
(C) 1606 (d) 1590 19. ' Who destroyed the Somnath temple In gオェセイ。エ _@
75. What was the name of セュー・イッ@ Shah)ahan before he (a) Mphammad Ghourl (b) Mahmud Ghaznavl
become Emperor? (c) Changhez Khan (d) Talmur Lang
(a) Khusrau (b) Khurr1111
to. In Cape Tarafalgar, the famous battle of Trafalgar W<il
(c) Parvez (d) Shahfryar fought in 1805. Where Is Cape TrafaiQilrsituatedl
76. WNch of the following tttts has mtdldrlll value? (I} I!Jiy (b) Gre«e
(a) pine (b) teak (c) Spain (d) Portugal
(c) o.k (d ) -
77. Identify the main principle on whi<h the Plrilamtntii'Y
lt )' •d \llltudt ·

91. Thtll'linagerofwaql;jsknownas (a) In place of

(a) セウィ ゥョ@ , ., (b) Khadlm (b) by reason of flrst fact
(c) mオセキ。 ャ@ (d) MujaWar (C) by the same sourGtS
(d) by the way
92. 1pso facto' means

acquiセ iエゥoャGImA 。エゥs@ 10). Which d the following IS not セ@ セ エ@ a crimiNI
!.1) permanent transfer of the title of エ ィ・ ーエ セ@ ptoceedlngl
ib) 'upervision of ーイッセエケ@ (a) the coun ュ。セ@ Ilk to pay a flnt
tel taktng control of property tempor11Uy (b) the court may order the trlf)sf" of their owntrshlp of
tdJ taking possession permanently the proptlty
•)4. 'lorroborative evidence' means thert Is prtlf«UUion
!<li main evidence In case the '¥ flliY djschlrge ャHセ」オウ・、@
(b) ev1dence which wppo!ts other evidence \04. In Aim Y/SSlly.m, Ram cannot be1
ic: '-""dence that ptoves the gulh of an l<cused person (1) pllinllff lbl ippelllnts
;dt evidence of a person who supporu the 'l(Cused (cJ deftndlnt (d) Pf0MC1110r
9). rx pMtedeclslon means a decision given 105. Cr. PC undtfor
エセャ@ ッ ヲエセイ@ hearing both the parties (1) CJiminll Proctedin9S Code
·b.l wtthout ptoper ptcxedure (b) Criminll Proceedi!IC}S Court
iC) after ッセャョァ@ ptOper procedure (c) Crime Pl'f'mltlon Codt
id) without hearing the opponent (d) cイゥュョ。ャセ@ Code
96. 'NhKh of the following 」ッョウエゥオ エゥッョ セ@ · Is a ョオセ。イケ@ 1M. Mldlcal Sdlnce used b lnwstigatlng crimes Is known 11
( onstltutlonl (I ) Crimlnll M4cble
;,,; US (b) Bntlsh (b) Epimmologkll Science
(CJ Indian (d) aキイ。 ャ ャセョ@ (c) Fonensk Sdence
91 Which of the following Is not a fundamem 1l right In lndilf ,, • (d) c:lntolo9bl Sdtnce
.a) 1ight to form mociat1011 1f7. Apuilne judged1 High Court Is
tbl frel'dom of religion (I) I Jud9t Olhtf thJn I (N« !Jstice
(c) nght to property (b) me ChiefJustice
ld i 1ight to move throughout the tellitory of lndil セ@ (c) AttmpollfY Judge
98 Winch of the following marnages is approved by llltrnk: (d) . f'lthd judge
IJw? Between a エLNセオ ウャュ@ 1M. In\ravtmmetns
t•l ュセ ャ ・@ and a Christian female (., wtthln the poWt1$
tbJ female and a Hindu male " (b) outsldt the powen
tcl female and 1 ChriSiian male (c) wlttli'l tht KOpt d fundlmtnt M rights
tdl female and a Jew ュセャ・@ (d) rwgulllr
99. Which of the foll,owing constitutions when framed did not 1ot. X. the M!Vant of Y, likes 1 hundrtd rupee note from Y's
provide for judicial rtvlfNI pocltet llld hides It uncltr the carpet In the house of Y. X
.d_llndlan (b) Pakist.lnl ttl! Z another - t d Y, about the curmKy note 1nd
:c:· US (d) Aunrallan bod! agtt1 tO shift tile monf)' when the CUllen()' nolt Is
1oo. R,,tlo decidendi means liken by I( from tht hldlng pltct. セ ッ イ・@ X could ·rtcOVtl
tal a judklal decision the note. M セ@ WIS found by Y. Decide Wan offence was
1bl pan of the judgement whkh pos¥ authority commltlld IIICIW so セ」ッュイGャゥエ・、@ the orlftnce1
(cl any observallon made by the court. which goes (1) No orlftnct WIS commlttfd
beyond the requirement of the case (b) only X」ッ ュゥエ・セ@ tht offence
<dJ an observation made by a judge (c) 8oth Xand Z COIIImltted lhe offence
tO I. oケ 」。Q ィケ G オョ、・イエ ィ・ァッカイョュエヲ、セa」@ t919 nunt (d) Only committed tht olftra z
110. mッャウL ャョヲキセ ャヲエ@
tal division of powers @ セ キ エ ・ 「 thf,central and ptovlnc.!
governme nt (I) tl(Miles d llw tetchlng .,,
•.b) sepa1atlol\of judiciary from executive (b) le9ll problems in the forni d Imaginary Clse,セイァオ・、@
by two oppo5ing studenis bftore a bendl セ ャョァ@
'c' di111sion ci executive department under fleeted
mlntsters and the members of the gセョッイウ@ to be 1 rNI court
Executive Council ' ' . . (c) lmagl111ry class room ,.,_,. i student セ・オ@ as 1
[dJ separation between legislature and executive エ・セ\ィイ@
(d) a deblte on alegll proOiern
t02. rnn9ebenefittax fsatax
111. s」ィャ、オ・tイ「ウエセ ゥ ウ@
(al paid by an employer In 1espect of the fringe 「・ョセ@
provided or deemed to have been provided by an (I) restricted to Hindus
(b) • .,• ,"'* --li t""" '

(d) restricted toHinduu nd ,,, . s
lcl paid by a person for the benefits which he g«s from
his employer 111. Which of the following ti1s not セ@ 1 woman juclge of the
(dl paid by a member of scheduled usm andJChedu led · Supreme Court d India. t11 20IW7
tribes for benefru they rece1ve from dw セエ@ (I) Justicl Gy.n Such Mlsln

(b) Justke Sujata Manohlr (c) Madras High Court (d) o.lhl High Court
(c) Jusdce Ruma Pal 131. Which of tht following, II not the function of エィセ@
(d) Justice Fathima 8efvl International Court of Justlctl lt
113. What is the meaning o( chattel ? (a) gives advlrory opinion at the request of gc•'<• "'
(a}any p(operty . (b) ャュッカ。「セ@ ー イ ッセイエケ@ Anembly ·
(C) movable pro'perty (d) 」。エセ@ (b) gives advisory oplnlon at the request of Secullt)•
1 , • • In. cW
セァャョウエ キャエュ
- .,. . セM
NMセyL@ . CollllclL
I(() MiZjゥャウ@セ wtwn awllldtrtng セ@ 、ゥ ウーオエセ ウ@
(a) accused. prost<\110< (b) セ・」オウイ N@ dtfendtnl brought before it by Ntlons
{c) appetlant. イ・ウーッョ、\セH@ (d) pWnciff, セ@ (d) d«tdts ャョエセッ。 ャ@ crlrMs
115. In a criminal case, an 。」 ウエ、@セ I 12J. S.nk nalloNIIzltion
penon. who In conslderltion
<•J some
case rellltts to the nitionah:zauon o'
government of India afte•
of his non-prosKUtlon olftts to giwn evidence セァ。ゥョウエ@ · bJnks by the
other accused, Is calltd economic llberallsatllon In 1991
{a) accomplice (b) hostile witness (b) some banks under a law during the Prlrnr·
(c) approver , (d) hostile accomplice Mlnlstershlp of Mrs. Indira Gandhi
116. The pセャ、エョ@ of lndil 11 ettcttd by an el@ctoral college {c) all the private Indian Banks during the P11mr
consisting of Ministership of Na11simha Rao
(i) aVthe memben of the both the Houses offl,ullamtnt {d) all the private Indian Banks during the Pu•no·
and all the memben of a1 the lエァ「ャゥカセ@ セ ッヲ@ mイ セ@ lndka Glndhi
(b) ill the eiKtiw mtmbtrs ot both the Housts of 1M. Which of the fcltowfng Is no11ndudtd within the mean•Nt
Parliament and aH lhe membtfs ot all the Ltgilllllvt of intelltctvll property
Assemblies {a) Patents (b) Copyrights
(c) all th( mernbeiS of both the hッオウ・ヲpゥイャセュョエ@ (c) Trade matk and (d)PTOj)trty of an Intellectual
alt tile elected members of all me Legislative us. The main aim of the compedtlon Act 2002 1s to protQct thr
Assemblies Interests of
{d) all the electtd membtrt of botll the"Housts ol (a) the multinational tO<POtatlon
Parliament and all the etecttd members o1 Ill the (b) the Indian companies
l・ァャセエカ@ Aswnb'" {c) the consumen
117. Which olthefolowtng h ョッオセ。 (d) the rmtket
ィ エァィQ@
{a) Freedomofspeech @ セ ッ エ ィ ァ ゥ a A 「 H 1». Whkh of the following セ、ァエウ@ had never been the
(c) Right to equality (d) Right to work chairman of the Law Comm sslon ot India ?
111. International Labour セ。ョャオエッ@ 11M iエウセ@
(apystke 1\(: Lahotl at (bl Jwtke AR Lakshaman.>n
(a) The Hague (b) Geneva (c) JusJi" @ ョ セ カ ・ j Reddy (d) Mtke Jagnnatha Rao
(c) New York (d) London 117. Who among the following was the first Chief lnfornMtino
119. The Child Marriage rセエnゥョ@ Commlssloofl of India 1
Act. applkllil!'o
{a) only Hindus · (a) w。セィエ@ Hablbullah (bllrfan Habib
(b) •M Indians exctpt Mu$11ms as the ュゥョイオャセァ・@ (c) Tilhir Mahmood of (d) Najma Heptullah
marriage among loklsllm girls1:11. RTl stands for
Is pubeny (beginning
of memtruatlonl1n MWAim penonal セキ@ {a) Revenue tranSKtlons in India
(c) all irrespective of rtllglon (b) Research and Technol09y Institute
(d) all except Muslim, Christians 。ョ、セ@ 1
(c) Rur11•nd Transparency Infrastructure
120. X, a shopkeeper, セ。カ・ウ@ (d) Rightto information
I sealtd .S kllogran\ big of a
bfandtd wheat ftour at the doO< of Ywith ャBッエ セ ケ・オ@ wtlt
12t. Fiduciary relationship Isrelatlonshlp based on
hke this quality whMt lour and pay Rupees 1• 00 for this . (a) contract (bl trust
bag' wltllout being asloed1to do so. Y on coming back. • •(c) blood relationship (d) money
coll@cts the bJg from ィセ@ door, opens the セ@ ol the big, 1
and uses 1 quarter of kilo9ram for rnelrlng chlpAttls no. Human Rights day Is obser;td on
(unleawned 「イ・。、セ@ 11\.C (ltxt dl)' mums the bag. Is he {a) 14th ftbruiiiY {b) 26th November
bound to pay for tile bi'g1 Ht 1s {c) 2nd October (d) 1Otll December
(a) not bound to pay as he did not ask shopl111eper to. 1J1 : 'No fault liability' means
dellwl the big " '(a) liability for damage caustd through negligence
(b) ,bound to pay as ht his opentd til• bJg (b) liability for damage caustd through fault
(c) bound to pay @ ィ エ イ { y j セ ッ quantity used • (c) absolute liability even <Mthout any negligence orfauh
{d) neither bound fafo,y hor rt!Um the big (d) freedom from liability
121. Wltllln the ェオイゥセ@ of which High Cburt does QセR N@ An 'encumbrance'lnlegalparlancelsa
lakshidWMp fall {a) liabiHty on prOj)trty (b) orant of property
{a) Bombay High Court ' tb)Ker• High Court {c) gift of property (d) restrlctlon on property

133. Ahusband and wife have a right to each otlwrs 」ッイョーセケ N@ (a)
(c) KqultUI
(b) plfOit
(d) lease
This right is called
(a) matrimonial right (b) cons,ortium right 1U . Result ohucCtisfuf prosecullon Is
(c) marital right HセI@ 」ッ ョIオァセャ@ rlght (a) acqulttil (b) discharge
134. Release of prisoner before complttlon of his sentence Is (c) conviction · (d) charge sheeting ·

(I) WI'Cft!l (b) rlgllt

136. Sox studenU A,B.C,O,E and F ¥e lining. A and 8 111! from
Mumbai, rest are from Delhi. 0 and fare tall 「オエセ@ 111! (c) Wlong becMISt the frttdom to speu unnot men
shon. A. Cand 0 are girls. O(hersm b(jys. Whkh Is the IIA freedom nO( IOspeU
girHrom Delhi I (d) right beciust X!'MY opt to セッイ@ nO( to speak
(a)F (b)D 143. l'ltlld....
(c) E (d) C (I) Arnastll Is liable for the wrongful acts of his servant
t37. Pis the brothtrofO. RIs the sister of Q.Stis the SISler of R. (II) AptBOn can be called a servant only II there Is a
How is QrNted to S7 . l'llltlon of employmtnt tnd.he acts under the order
(a) brother
(c) brother 04' slsttr
(b) sister
(d) son ,..
and on betiiW ol his master

iョ セ@ IIUIIIMn 1Jiw l 40twotlbfiA_.IIIW t Xbli'llc laur\cfltd a $lYing schtme for poor sections of the
ctftlln Nlldoft. s.lect I wOld W Nftleo ... ' I d I A society and the customer can deposit Rs. 10 pet dAy. Yan
marlt so 11 10 Nile セ@ 1I1111W nltlh..l pllr wllll tiM UMiiiPfoytd )1011111 セ@ money from several
olhef word In dM third MI. CIIS1C)f'llen. and on behalf of them deposited the money at
138. Cat·Kitten; Goat·kld; Sheep+ 1 the •>link every day. The baM gave to Y a small
, CiOIMIIsllori. After ウッセゥュ・N@ Y dlsappealed without
la) colt (b) filly
<ltpotltlng the money gtwn by the customen. The
(C) lamb (d) wool
...-.,,.., bring. a r.u1t alltging that the Sink Is liable.
139. c。 エ。イ」M・ケ [ェ 。 オョ、ャセMカ・イ [@ pyoohM-7
(a) breath (b) tongue (I) the Bank b llalllt bt<Mt lt paid comrnW!on to Y
(<) ears (d) teeth (b) !f1e lri " Iaiiie beauM Y - their servanc
140. Blue-moon; blue-black; black·1 (c) the Bank Is nO( jlablt biCiuse Ywu nO( their servint
(a) shee9 (b) goat (d) No onels lilble
(c) sky (d) star 144. , . . . ,....
Aprinclple/princlplll end I fact .....on 11ft I)Mftlll )( ーセ@ tl)t principle that everyone In .this world

qlllltlon numller 141-145. ッN」エゥセwciケ@ Oft elM ...... always spnks lies.
エィャセ ャI N@ '
141. Principles
(i) Neighbour principle-A person Is lable if he hlrms his
neighbour. Aneighbour Is one who!t ldlon llhcts·
Xwants 10 kOOw whelher thl5 principle is loglaUy true or

Ill logically tht Pfln<lple may be true

another. (b) everyone In the wt1C)Ie ol this world does not alwiys
Ill) One isliMllt only for contrlctllll r*ons $pttk Nes
FKts (c) logically XIs also spealdng lies
Xmanufactures a food hem and sells ills food Item to Y, a (d) tvtryone Is basically 1n honest person
whole seller. Y appoints Z, 1 m.Jier to reuU tl\ese 14$. Mldple
Items. Z sells the food Item to 1 consumer who illfw Whoto!ver tn1ers Into 04' upon the property In the
eating them f1lls Ill. X Is liable to the consumer posseuton olanQther. wlltl lntent to commit an olftnce or
because to tntMlkiiCe Ill annoy , penon in possesllon of tht
(a) of contractual rNtions property, and rtl'nllnt lhtle with Intent thertby to
(b) of the Food Aduherl tlon Act lndmldate 04' lllf!OY another person or with lnttnt ,to
(c) the COIISUII)ft' Is the neighb04' of X
(d) of
14l. Principles
the consumer protection law ,...
commit an olftnct Is gullly o(crlmlnal trespiS5.
I '
The accused enttled at night Into a house to cany on
(i) Freedo(n consists in making chokes out of tw,o. or Intimate rtladons with an unmarried major gil1 on h11
. more alternative lnvltltlon and Information \W.t her family llltmbers lrt
(II) Everyone has freed04'n to $pttk 。 セ@ ljowtwr. he was セィエ@ by her uncle before he
Facts CGUitl 9ft --,. " the ゥ 、 \ ᆱ ャ G @ ケ エ ャ セ ol crlmlnll tlfiPMJI
He iS •IJI '
X says his fretdom 10 speech includes freedom nO( to
speak. X's ll5ff1ion is (a) guilty ol criminal trttpiS as he annoyld the uncle

guilty bKauM ht en1INd lht haiR ID commil I I H. Qu 11111 1 : Would the ptoblem of old parent!
be !Oiv@<ilf
crime tgalnst IN g1t1 」ィセ@ Mt lllldt legllly rf!POJI$lbie to take are of tile"
(c) guMty because no one should enlfl! Into tht house of plltnU in oldtge? .
1nothtr at night Al.-nt I 1 Yts. such problems can be solved only
(d) IIOt guilty of crlrNnlltNSpess through l.lw.
146. In a codt Mry le1ttf of tht alpNil« iウセ@ by JCml A/tUIIIIMII : Yts, this wtft Mng relief to old parents.
othMiettlf, Tile coclt rorthe !111111 Ram Kllmlris Qセ@ •. Chltlelon : Should rl9ht to primary eduttllon be made セ セ@
·(b) Ltn fセ@ .• 'fUncilmentl l right
(a) Ten floiwt
(C) Pen 5!ntt (d) 8epNnt AIJu 1111: Wt sllould llrst complete O!htrMvl'lopme nt
ptOject, ediiCIIton of chltdltn m11 wait.
Fowof 1M tlv• 1M .,. . . ln,f . -,llllf •
セi Z@ v-. without ーイエュセケ@ edliClltion for all therP
エィ。セ@ llllfUHtllllllllllllbtrl147·141. cannot be lnd111Mt da'l!to,lrntnt.
(Ul 143 (Ill) 2t4 157. Pf'Jmfsh Is '-ltr' than Jlll1m but light« than Gulab
147. (f) 211
Anlnd Is IIIMI!IhlnGullb.MIIhln Is light« than Ja11am
(IV) 157 (IV) 131
Who among them Is the huYiest7
(a) I (bl V ' (1) J1lram (b) Anand
(c) I (d) II (cJ Gullb (d) Prarntih
144. (1)!JOOrd (2) rldlsll 1M. セ@ Is tht bloctMf ol Amlt's son. How is Amilrelated ro
(3) spnach (4) cucumbef Rivt1
(S) beetroot (1) Cousin · (b) Father
(a) radlsll (b) bet!rooc (c) Son (d) g イセョ、ヲャエィ・@
(C) l'tutoe1 (d) Spinlctl 1,.., ' IfCABLE is coded ZCOAY, then STABLE wtll'b t coded 。セ@
Polnt OUitllt""'Ywflidl . . netfom l•diii•I IM (a) TPAOAY (b) TPCOCY
ッエィセイ・ョャ ャ ョセNゥャ・ウ ヲq エ ᆬ j エ [ @ G ' (c) TI'COAY (d) TPCYAY
14t . (a) house (b) mortgage 1-. If CHAPTER Is coded UMO£PYE tht PARTNERキャ セ@ be cod(>(l
(c) h)opolhealion (d) mmcwlblt ptopety IS

(b)Court (1) AONPCYE (b) AEEPCYE

ISO. (a) liw
(c) Morality (cj) Judge
Ill Mdl ofiiM ,.,..,.,. ftlllllben lt110 170 two •ords
m . (a) Frtedom of spe«<l lbl セ@ to lqUIIIty
IN セ@ wll6dl Mw I c.tMI ......... s.lec1 I
(c) FrMdom of religion (d) light to I!IIU セ@ mML SO as to
- ' ....... 10 Ill. Rlellll .........

tlltMr . . . Of . . . . . .. u.. ..

i Gセ@
..... ,..
. .............
11111111 1 ....., ......_lll lp pelr wldl tilt word given
111, Constltutnt Autmbly : ConstiMlon :: Parllamrnt : ?
I IJI,_, (b) Ltgblativt biMs
(1) Sutute
(I ) ArfuNIII I III f4nllt (c) Spetlc« (d) Prime Minister
H「I セ@

N. . . . . . .1A Right :duty :: Power : 7
r, II)Wrong
セ セ ᄋ セ@ ᄋ@ @セ
(b) WIIil
H、I ャ、A ᄋM i mA、n セ@

:C11f:: Tlgef: 1
(c) Power1tss (d) l"bllity

1u. セエャQ@ n1Should theft be complttt,ben on m1nur.cture IIJ. !lephant (b) Tlgj'tss
of fir! cracktrs in lndloll
(I) 1'\Jp
· (c) Cub (d) 8lby Ttger
セ@ I I No, tills wilt mdeJ thouSIJidl cl __,.
1M. •Patifnt : Doctor:: UtigMlt :7
joblfts. Help
(I) Advtsor (b)
Aog tMIII: Yes, liliAN aiCbrs , _ . .'"11M child (c) legal illd (d) Lawyer
labollf. ·' "' 1U. Pmtculor : Accused :: Plaintiff: 1
15l. 0..1111111 1Should p!WIIt opetaton be llloMd エッセ@ (I) Appellant (b) Dtftndant
ー。セエイゥョA・wGャ、W@ . • (d) Suit
(c) Plaint
AlgMiilllt I: No, ーイゥカセ@ 'Operltors do not セエッ@ optrltt
tM. lok Sabha: Met!a Kumar :: Rajy1 セ Z@ 7
on non proftublt sectOrs. • ' (I ) H1mttd AmM1 (b) Na)ml HtptuH1h
AigWIWit I : Yes, II wllllmprow セ@ qlllifty of lndiln (c) Sllshm1 Sw1tlj (d) Arun Jaltely
Railway StNice. " 1., : : Member of Parliament Hrセ ェケNャ@
' i'l ' 117. Plesklent of lndll : 35
154. Quillian r Shoulcl'f)ii ウセ@ of f'tiiiVI(ion セ G @ イ 「 Q G ウ エ ゥ ッ ー Slbha) : 7 .
セャ・、@ canes 「エゥャAヲセ@ in prllllte stetor7 (I) 18 (b) 21
セi Z@ Ye. .18ii!(IIW9Ukl giYt moq opporiUIIfty of (c) 25 (d) 30
devtlopmenllo these groul)i. • 1U. India :Plll'llamtntlry System :: USA : 7
........ . :No. tNtM!Uklllfftct merit (1) Otmocrltk System • (b) Pmlden!lai Symm

' I I t•der,JI System (d) r セ ーオ 「ャォ@ ウ セ@ ., ..., IIOt be ..... Ill tile ltllllaiMIIt Select yow
•·9. f x;·<utwe: President:: Judiciary: 7 NtpOMeln accordlnce . . tlltfollowtnt code
at \upreme Court (b) Chief Justke (I) Only HSUmptlon Its Implicit
• 1Cotlltitutlonal (d) Govtrnmtnt of llldll (b) Only usumptlon ll lslrnjlllclt
10. GNvオセエ@ War II : Uni1ed Nations: :World War I: 7 (c) Both assumptions li nd hrt lmplidt
a I u•aty of vエイウNャ ャ セ@ (d) Nellher ci the MSUmptlon lind !l lslmplkit
•.bJ ャョ エセイョ。 エゥッョ。ャ@ Commosslon of Jurists 1 176. Stat1•1nt1 : If liMn has flnislltd rHdlng tht Instructions,
l<i 1セアオ・@ of Nations I let him begin l<tlvltllf I«<fdingly•
.dt tnternatlonal court of Justice Auumpllon It Rim his understood thf Instructions.
In tiCh of the questiOns 171 to 175 two ltlltlllltntS ere J An• ,....,. 1: Rim woUld be able to act ae<ordlngly.
glvtn. There lillY Of lillY not be CIUII IIICI efftct j
relationship bttwMn the two nエセ@ Mlltt ,ow 117. セic@ mヲエ ゥZ cィ ャ、イ セ 「・ャッキエィオァ ッヲウ・カョィ ッオャ、@ not
answer uslft9 thlscocle. 1 be ptose<uted for ・ョ セ@
fa)Stlttmtnt llsthtuutund ltne-tM istheefftct Auu...a- f : g・ョセ。ャケ@ <hlldren below seven cannot
lbl sエャ エ ュ エョ ャヲ ウエィ・」。オョ、セャヲ@ I distinguished bttwttn right and wrong.
(c) Both lht stlttmtntnrel ncltpttldtntu - I Assulllpdoft II 1 Chlldrtn below tht age ci seven are
(d) 8oth the sttttmtntllrtlncltptndlnt j gentrally mentally unsound.
111 Stutmt nt f: S<hool educatioh has been ュゥ、 セ@ ヲイセ@ for 17t. 51alaR• I : Tht en'lpioyef his 1 right to イセェkエ@ the
choldren of poor fam•hes. セ@ ci any Qlldidate for employment without
Stlttmt nt II : literacy rate among tht poor Is steadily mlgnlng any rt11on wNit short Hstlng for fntt!VItw.
q10wong Att'IIIJfdlllll : Tht emp1oytr ls Impartial and belltves In
112. Statt mt nt I : Hallma1klng of gold jewellery has セ@ trlllspartncy In employment prKtkes.
111<1de compulsory. aNZuエセー、@ N: The empioyef w1nts to call only those
Stattment II : Many pe1sons do not prtfe1 to by Cllldldltes for Interview, who in 1m opinion art eligible.
H•• llnWked jewelltrY. j 17t. sエャオセ・@ I : Tht govti!YIItllt ha.s decided to reduce
113. St•ttmtnt I : M.lny vegetarians are ウオヲセイゥョァ@ from cU5tom"" .... on cornputtn.
I!Onld<h ailments. t '''" 1
Atn•pltOIII : Tht govti!YIItllt wants to makt computer
Stattment II : Many dead fish wert found ne.r the lakt j accessible to larger numbercipeople.
174. Stlttmtnt i:Ahmed lsa htakhyboy. / セ@ M: p セ ・ウ@ In domestk marlcet may go up In
Stattment·ll: His mothtr Is very partkular about the food 1 near fUture. ,
ill' Nts . 110. StiiiMMt : You 」セョ@ win over ntw friends by your warm
17 5. Stlttmtnt I: Ratt ol crime Isセイケャッキ@ In thiHity. smllt.
Statemt ntlh tィセ@ pollee is efficient In this city. ' 1 A1111 lltfiiOII I : It ls nectssary to win ovetrw frltnds.
tn 11ch of tht questions 176 to 1101 stlttmtnt Is At• •lblll : lt iS IIwlys.tosmlltwarmlytonew
followed by two 。エウオュセ ャッ ョエ N@ Thttt usumptlons lilly I persons.

I krtll'lll.ll'\ \l.alhl'lllolll l \ ( \t1111ni1 .tl \htli1

t81. AvNaguge ci ten peooos learning yogills31 y11. Wlltl'l l 116. YtrJW!s ISkmdue South. thel15kmduewesl. tller1 t8km
エョセ@ age of their lnstructCt Is added, tht average 1ge 1 dut Norttt then 3 km due Sout!l,then 5km due East. How
O•'<omes 34 yrs. Tht age of their •nsuuctor is . ヲセイャウ@ ht from the stmlng polnt7
I.JI 54 (b) 52 I (I) 6 km (b) 3 km
'<1 46 (d)56 (c)Okm • (d)9km
182. fuod 12%ofSOOO
Select app""'W.
1" .
fill In the ..... ln tilt
(.11620 {b)600 1 ttritslllquetdo n_...117111C1
1<1 680 (d)720 117. 3,9, ...... ,6561
181. セオm・ イッエヲTPウ@ I (a) 18 (b) 27
\•I 40 (b) 25 (c) 81 I (d) 61
lt)2o (d)1oo I '"·
• 2o
184. What is the place (location) value of Sin 325-47101 (al 25 (b) 30
1a) tOOOO (b) S (c)22 {d) 21
'c! S4710 (dl SOOOO 1•. Which ci the following fractions his tht highHt value
185. 6 d(J - Qis equalto I
315,4/3,2/5, 1/2
(,•) 53 (b) 36 I (I) 3/5 (bH/3
(d) 1/2
i<J 20 {d) 19 (c) 2/S

1) a 2) d 3) b 4) a 5) c 6) a 7) c 8) c 9) d 10) c
11) c 12) c 13) b 14) a 15) a 16) b 17) a 18) c 19) c 20) c
21) b 22) c 23) a 24) a 25) b 26) a 27) c 28) c 29) d 30) b
31) a 32) a 33) a 34) c 35) a 36) c 37) c 38) b 39) a 40) a
41) c 42) b 43) a 44) c 45) b 46) a 47) d 48) d 49) c 50) d
51) b 52) a 53) b 54) c 55) b 56) b 57) c 58) a 59) d 60) d
61) c 62) c 63) c 64) b 65) c 66) b 67) d 68) c 69) b 70) a
71) b 72) c 73) c 74) b 75) b 76) d 77) d 78) d 79) a 80) c
81) a 82) b 83) d 84) a 85) a 86) a 87) c 88) d 89) b 90) c
91) c 92) b 93) a 94) b 95) d 96) b 97) c 98) a 99) b 100) a
101) a 102) a 103) b 104) c 105) d 106) c 107) a 108) a 109) c 110) b
111) b 112) a 113) a 114) d 115) d 116) d 117) d 118) b 119) c 120) d
121) b 122) d 123) b 124) d 125) c 126) a 127) a 128) d 129) b 130) d
131) c 132) d 133) d 134) b 135) c 136) b 137) c 138) c 139) d 140) a
141) a 142) d 143) b 144) c 145) d 146) a 147) d 148) a 149) c 150) c
151) d 152) a 153) b 154) c 155) b 156) b 157) b 158) b 159) c 160) d
161) a 162) d 163) c 164) d 165) b 166) a 167) d 168) b 169) b 170) c
171) a 172) c 173) b 174) b 175) b 176) c 177) a 178) b 179) a 180) c
181) a 182) b 183) c 184) d 185) b 186) c 187) c 188) a 189) b 190) c
191) a 192) c 193) d 194) b 195) a 196) b 197) d 198) b 199) d 200) c

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