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Accurate measurements of gross vehicle

weight through bridge weigh-in-motion: a

case study

Karim Helmi, Baidar Bakht & Aftab


Journal of Civil Structural Health


ISSN 2190-5452
Volume 4
Number 3

J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014)

DOI 10.1007/s13349-014-0076-5

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1 23
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J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208
DOI 10.1007/s13349-014-0076-5


Accurate measurements of gross vehicle weight through bridge

weigh-in-motion: a case study
Karim Helmi • Baidar Bakht • Aftab Mufti

Received: 18 December 2013 / Revised: 18 March 2014 / Accepted: 21 March 2014 / Published online: 3 April 2014
 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract In a bridge design code, the design live loads Keywords Bridge weigh-in-motion  Externally
should be based on actual traffic loads. In the past, the restrained deck slab  Gross vehicle weight 
information about the actual truck loads on highway Steel girder bridge  Strain gauge  Truck
bridges was obtained from truck surveys, in which the
trucks are stopped for measurement and weighed on ‘static’
weighing scales. During the past few decades, however, the 1 Introduction
information about truck loads is collected either by pave-
ment weigh-in-motion or bridge weigh-in-motion (BWIM) In a bridge design code, the design live loads should be based
systems. This paper provides details of three BWIM on actual truck loads. In the past, information about the
methods, which were calibrated with extensive testing on a actual traffic loads on highway bridges was obtained from
slab-on-girder bridge in Winnipeg, Canada. The first two truck surveys, in which the trucks were stopped for mea-
methods are based on the assumption that truck loads could surement and weighing on ‘static’ weighing scales. During
be represented by an equivalent uniformly distributed load. the past few decades, however, information about truck loads
The first method uses the asymmetry in the shape of the is collected while the trucks move at normal speeds. Some of
bending moment diagram to calculate the gross vehicle the weigh-in-motion (WIM) scales are installed in the
weight (GVW), while the second method compares the pavement. In other WIM systems, a highway bridge is used
girder response at two instrumented transverse sections. for the weigh-in-motion of the trucks; this latter system is
The third method calculates GVW using strain signal area referred to herein as the bridge WIM (BWIM) system, and
as proposed by Ojio and Yamada in 2002. The results show the system installed in the pavement as simply the WIM
that the first method was inconsistent in its accuracy; the system. The WIM systems are significantly more expensive
second method’s accuracy reduced with the length of the and are not more accurate than the BWIM systems.
vehicle. The third method proved consistent and accurate A number of BWIM systems, with varying degrees of
to within 5 % for the test trucks provided that the vehicle accuracy in predicting the axle and gross vehicle weights
speeds could be estimated accurately. Accurate calcula- (GVW) of the trucks, have been introduced. An interna-
tions of the truck speeds were achieved by using the time tional society for weigh-in-motion (ISWIM) is already in
delay in the peak responses of the straps that confine the existence; this society deals with both the WIM and BWIM
externally restrained deck slab of the bridge. systems. This paper introduces three BWIM systems for
determining the gross vehicle weights (GVWs). Two of the
methods were developed by the authors, while the third is
an application of an existing method.

2 Literature review
K. Helmi (&)  B. Bakht  A. Mufti
ISIS Canada Resource Centre, A250-96 Dafoe Rd, Winnipeg,
MB R3T 2N2, Canada
Moses [1] is the first researcher to introduce a BWIM
e-mail: system; his method, determines the truck configuration,

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196 J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208

number and spacing of axles, and the vehicle speed through

tape switches that are installed on the top surface of the
bridge. The constant vehicle speed enables the transfor-
mation of the length scale on the response diagram into the
time scale and vice versa, thus leaving the axle weights to
be determined through the analysis of the observed bridge
response using the method of influence lines. The unknown
weights of N axles of a truck can be determined by N dif-
ferent measurements of the bridge response for different
positions of the truck along the bridge. However, since the
bridge response is measured almost continuously, there is
an abundance of ‘redundant’ data. By using the influence
Fig. 1 Notation for a set of point loads
lines of the bridge at the instrumented section and the truck
speed, the total static response of a girder under a truck
load is predicted in terms of the unknown axle weights and accurate enough for all practical purposes. Equation (1)
a scalar error function obtained by summing the squares of was developed from the following exact expression, which
the differences in the predicted and calculated responses at incorporates the span length (L) in the following equation:
different intervals. Minimizing the error function leads to ( )2
N simultaneous equations to give N axle weights. 4 X N
2 XN
Bm ¼ j Pi x i j  ð Pi x i Þ ð2Þ
The method developed by Moses has been adopted by GVW i¼1 LðGVWÞ2 i¼1
several researchers, and many enhancements have been
introduced to it. Quilligan et al. [2] for example, extended In the Ontario method, theoretical longitudinal strains
the algorithm to be two dimensional, i.e., to be able to at the bottom flange located at the mid-span of the
detect the lane position of the truck in addition to its girders of an instrumented simply supported bridge,
weight. However, the major drawback in the method is the idealized as a simply supported beam, were calculated
need for the identification of the number of axles and the for Bm varying between 1.22 and 30.5 m at intervals of
speed of the vehicle using external devices such as tape 0.61 m; the distances were converted into the time scale
switches [3]. by using the speed of the vehicle, which was computed
A method was developed in Ontario, Canada, in the from the response of tape switches installed on the top
early 1980s for obtaining truck weights through BWIM [4]. surface of the bridge. The time–strain plots due to dif-
The method, which was used for vehicle weight surveys in ferent theoretical UDLs were then used to find the best
Ontario, idealized the axle weights of a truck as point fit for the sum of observed girder strains at the instru-
loads, and the set of point loads in turn were represented as mented transverse section of the bridge, which was
an equivalent uniformly distributed load (UDL) having the always at the mid-span. The equivalent base length, Bm,
same total load GVW as that of the set of point loads, but for which the discrepancy between the theoretical and
having an equivalent base length Bm, which is larger than observed responses was the smallest was adopted as the
the actual base length b (the distance between P1 and PN), assumed value of Bm and the corresponding value of the
and is given by the following approximate equation: GVW of the truck [4].
( )2 The determination of actual axle weights requires the
4 X i¼N
2ð N  1Þ X
identification of strain peaks in the observed strain–time
Bm  j Pi x i j  ð Pi x i Þ ð1Þ
GVW i¼1 bNðGVWÞ2 i¼1 plots, which is made difficult by the fact that the influence
lines for longitudinal moments at transverse sections within
where, as shown in Fig. 1, N is the number of point loads, the middle-third length of the bridge are relatively insen-
P1 through PN are the magnitudes of successive N point sitive to individual axle weights because of which the
loads, and the distances xi are measured with respect to the time–strain plots do not have distinct peaks associated with
point load closest to the center of gravity of the set of point the axle weights.
loads. The significance of the equivalent UDL is that the The problem of an influence line without well-defined
bending moments and shear forces induced by this load, in peaks corresponding to axle weights was solved by a
beams of any span length in the region of maximum BWIM method developed in Australia, called CULWAY;
responses, are nearly the same as those induced by the set this method, which was introduced in late 1980s and early
of point loads. 1990s, measures axle weights of trucks by using small span
Equation (1) is independent of the span length of the concrete box culverts, instrumented at the bottom surfaces
beam, giving only approximate values of Bm, which are of the top slabs of the boxes by means of strain transducers

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J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208 197

[5, 6]. The method depends upon the knowledge of the idealized as a point loads. Positive spikes correspond to the
transverse position of the truck on the culvert and cannot time when each axle load enters and leaves the span, and
measure spacing between axles without the help of tape the negative spikes represent the time when each axle load
switches or other similar devices. It is also important to is over the instrumented section, which was at the mid-span
note that the strain transducers used in the CULWAY for the bridge dealt with by Wall et al. [9]. Unlike the case
system were subject to large drifts, thus requiring frequent of the idealized beam, the spikes in the second derivative of
calibration tests. strains in an actual bridge are not so well defined, because
Znidaric et al. [3] developed a free-of-axle detector (FAD) of which the calculation of speed by the Wall et al. method
WIM method by observing the peak responses of multiple is subject to considerable numerical errors. For their cali-
strain gauges to estimate the number of axles. The speed of the bration tests, they had used a test truck which was installed
truck is estimated by calculating the time delay in the peak with an accurate speed-measuring device. The differences
responses of several sensors at different locations along the between the speeds measured with device and by the sec-
span. The axle spacing is estimated by calculating the time ond derivative method ranged between ?7.8 and -13.5 %.
delay in the peak responses at the same sensor. The method, Since the calculated speed of a vehicle has a direct influ-
however, is only applicable to short span concrete bridges. ence on the accuracy of prediction of the GVW, it is not
A novel BWIM system was introduced in Japan by surprising that the GVWs of the test truck predicted by this
Yamada and Ojio [7], in which the problem of the strain– method are subject to fairly large errors.
time curves with ill-defined peaks was overcome by a The methods mentioned earlier are based on the static
method that the authors call a reaction force method; in this response of the bridge. Several methods were developed
method, the stiffeners in a support cross-frame at one end of using the dynamic response of the bridge, e.g., Leming and
a simply supported girder bridge are instrumented to mea- Stalford [10], Deesomsk and Pinkeaw [11], and Law et al.
sure vertical strains, corresponding to the reactions at the [12]. However these methods are fairly complicated, not
support. The influence lines for support reactions do indeed given to easy implementation. In addition, some of these
have distinct peaks corresponding to each axle load. The methods were developed using simulated data which often
authors calibrated their BWIM system with the help of three involved simplified problems such as a two-axle vehicle.
pre-weighed 3-axle trucks; from the data that they have Rowely et al. [13] implemented a BWIM method based on
provided it was found that their BWIM system could predict the dynamic response at the Vransko Bridge in Slovenia.
axle weights and GVW with accuracies of ±75 and ±15 %, The authors used an algorithm developed by Gonzeales
respectively. It is noted that the accuracy of prediction of et al. [14] based on the moving load identification theory.
this BWIM system might have been poor, because only one The algorithm, however, still needed extra axle detecting
vertical member of the cross-frame was instrumented. equipment to be installed and the finite element modeling
To test the efficiency of the reaction force method of the instrumented bridge.
developed by Yamada and Ojio [7], Bakht et al. [8]
instrumented a support diaphragm of a slab-on-girder
bridge in Manitoba. The instruments consisted of strain 3 Proposed methods
gauges placed on the stiffeners of the diaphragm. The
strain–time plots for the diaphragms had distinct peaks and The purpose of this paper is to provide an accurate free-of-
permitted the calculation of axle loads of moving trucks; axle detector BWIM method. Three methods are investi-
however, the strains were found to be highly sensitive to gated and implemented on a bridge in Winnipeg, MB,
the transverse position of the vehicle on the bridge and, Canada. Two of the methods were developed by the
thus, not very accurate in calculating the axle weights for authors, while the third is an extension of an existing
trucks in random transverse positions. method. The theoretical bases of the three methods are
A BWIM method was recently developed in Connecti- provided in the following.
cut, USA, to predict GVWs, axle weights and axle spacing
of trucks through strains measured near the mid-span of a 3.1 Asymmetry coefficient method
simply supported steel girder bridge with a concrete deck
slab [9]. The unique aspect of this method is that it Similar to the Ontario method [4], this method also uses the
determines the speed of a vehicle from only girder strains, UDL as being representative of all the axle loads of a truck,
i.e., without resorting to ‘intrusive’ devices such as tape which are usually regarded as point loads in theoretical
switches. For calculating vehicle speeds, the authors used calculations. It is assumed that the total load of a truck
the second derivative of recorded strain with respect to GVW is distributed uniformly over a length nL, where L is
time. For an idealized beam, these second derivatives are the span of the bridge and n is a fraction, so that the
pure spikes, each corresponding to an axle load, which is intensity of the UDL is GVW/nL per unit length. The

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198 J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208

Mmax ¼ WLað1  aÞð1  n=2Þ ð3Þ

An ideal beam is considered first, in which the time of
the UDL at entering and leaving the beam is known
exactly. When the leading edge of the UDL comes on the
left-hand support of the beam, its distance from the left-
hand support, x1, is equal to zero, and when its tailing end
leaves the right-hand support, its distance from the left-
hand support is x3, given by:
x3 ¼ ð1 þ nÞL ð4Þ
For the maximum moment, the leading edge of the UDL is a
Fig. 2 Influence line for bending moments at the instrumented distance x2 from the left-hand support; this distance is given by:
section in the simply supported beam
x2 ¼ Lfn þ að1  nÞg ð5Þ

method is based on the assumption that the BWIM system The asymmetry coefficient a is the ratio of the distance
is applied to a right simply supported slab-on-girder bridge of the front end of the UDL inducing Mmax from the left-
having a span length greater than the length of most trucks, hand support and the length of the moment–distance plot,
which is assumed to be a maximum of about 20 m. All so that:
girders are assumed to be parallel to each other.
Consider a simply supported beam with span L, with an x2  x1 n þ ð1  nÞa
a¼ ¼ ð6Þ
instrumented section at a distance aL from the left-hand x3  x1 ð 1 þ nÞ
support, where a is a fraction of the span length (Fig. 2). As The bridge response collected for BWIM systems is
shown in Fig. 2, the influence line for bending moments at usually in terms of strains plotted over time, which can be
the instrumented section is triangular, and the area under converted into the distance scale only if the speed of the
the influence line is a(1 - a)L2/2. From the records of the vehicle is known. In the absence of the knowledge of the
instrumented section, the objective is to determine n, from vehicle speed, the asymmetry coefficient a can be calcu-
which GVW can be determined as explained later. lated from the time records as follows:
Assuming that the UDL travels from left to right, the t2  t1
complete record for a given truck has the length (1 ? n)L, a¼ ð7Þ
t3  t1
as it covers the leading edge of the UDL coming to the left-
hand support and leaving the beam when the trailing edge where t1 is the time when the leading edge of the load just
of the load just leaves the right-hand support. comes on the beam, t2 is the time at which Mmax occurs,
As shown in Fig. 3, the maximum moment at the and t3 is the time when the trailing edge of the load just
instrumented section, Mmax, occurs when the leading and leaves the bridge.
trailing edges of the UDL have the same height ordinate on Real data contains noise and oscillations caused by
the influence line, so that a fraction a of the UDL is to the vibrations and it is difficult to establish the start and end
left of the instrumented section and a fraction (1 - a) to time of a truck event accurately. Instead, the start and end
the right. Mmax for the UDL is given by the following time are determined by a threshold value that is a fraction
equation: of the maximum moment.

Fig. 3 Maximum bending

moment position

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J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208 199

Fig. 5 Notation for the two-station method

the truck is calculated from the following equation, which

Fig. 4 The girder response diagram for the instrumented section is a rewrite of Eq. (3):
showing curtailment at 2 % of the maximum moment level Mmax
GVW ¼ ð11Þ
aLð1  aÞð1  n=2Þ
For the procedure described herein, a threshold value of 3.2 Two-station method
2 % of the maximum moment was chosen. The 2 % value
was chosen based after observing the test data, as it was the In the two-station method, the estimate of GVW is
minimum value where the beginning and the end of an obtained from girder responses at two transverse sections,
event could be observed clearly. The equations for x1 and which as shown in Fig. 5 are designated as DD and CC,
x3 were modified to represent the distance at which a value with distances of a1L and a2L, respectively, from the left-
of 2 % of the maximum moment occurs due to the UDL hand support. Also, as shown in Fig. 5, the distance
instead a value of zero, resulting in the following between DD and CC is denoted as rL, where L is the span
equations: length. The total truck axle load, GVW, is again repre-
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sented as a uniformly distributed load over a length nL.
x1 ¼ L 0:04anð1  n=2Þ ð8Þ
h The total time interval for the leading edge of the UDL
x3 ¼ L ð1 þ nÞ  0:04nð1  aÞð1  n=2Þ ð9Þ to enter the span and for its trailing edge to leave the span
is denoted as T. If the load is traveling at speed V, T is
x2  x1 given by the following equation:

x3  x1
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð1 þ nÞL
n þ ð1  nÞa  0:04anð1  n=2Þ T¼ ð12Þ
¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi V
ð1  nÞ  0:04anð1  n=2Þ  0:04nð1  aÞð1  n=2Þ
The maximum response at an instrumented section
occurs when the leading edge of the load has advanced a
From a known value of a, Eq. (10) can give the corre- distance x from the left support:
sponding value of n, but the calculation requires a time- x ¼ L½n þ ð1  nÞa ð13Þ
consuming iterative process. It is convenient to either
tabulate values of a and corresponding values of n, or to where aL is the distance of the instrumented section from
store the n–a relationship in a graphical format. It is worth the left support. Using x1 and x2 for Sections DD and CC,
noting that the curtailment of the response diagram at the respectively, Eq. 13 can be written as follows for the two
2 % level has negligible effect on the value of the asym- sections:
metry coefficient. x1 ¼ L½n þ ð1  nÞa1  ð14Þ
The proposed BWIM system requires four segments of
data for each truck event, these being Mmax, t1, t2 and t3, x2 ¼ L½n þ ð1  nÞa2  ð15Þ
which are identified in Fig. 4. By subtracting Eq. (14) from Eq. (15), and denoting
The equivalent length of the UDL representing a (a1 - a2) as r, the following equation can be written as:
weighed truck is equal to nL, where n is then obtained with
x2  x1 ¼ ð1  nÞrL ð16Þ
the help of Eq. (10).
Having found Mmax and n for a truck event at the Ideally, the responses at each of Sections DD and CC
instrumented transverse section, the value of the GVW of due to the moving UDL will have peaks at different times;

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200 J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208

Fig. 6 Bending moments at the

reference section in a simply
supported beam due to a set of
three moving point loads

the time interval between the two peak responses is aLðL  aLÞ L aLðL  aLÞ
denoted as t. Since (x2 - x1) = Vt, Eq. (16) can be written A ¼ ðP1 þ P2 þ P3 Þ ¼ GVW
L 2 2
as: ð19Þ
Vt ¼ ð1  nÞrL ð17Þ
where GVW is the sum of all three loads.
Denoting t/T as s and dividing Eq. (12) by Eq. (17), the The total area A under a response diagram can be easily
following equation is obtained: obtained by numerical integration. The advantage of using
rs numerical integration is that A becomes relatively insen-
n¼ ð18Þ sitive to the smoothing process. By using Eq. (19), GVW is
given by the following equation:
After determining n from Eq. (18), GVW can be found
using Eq. (11). GVW ¼ ð20Þ
aLðL  aLÞ
3.3 Beta method The relation between the moment and strain below the
proportional limit is linear, so that:
This method was proposed by Ojio and Yamada [15], the basis
of which could be explained with the help of Fig. 6 which e¼ y ¼ CM ð21Þ
shows bending moments at a reference point in a simply
supported beam due to a set of three moving point loads. If the strain area is used instead of the moment area, Eq.
It is well known that the influence line for each of the (20) could be rewritten as:
point loads has a triangular shape with maximum moment 2Astrain
being PaL(L - aL)/L, where P is the magnitude of the GVW ¼ C ð22Þ
aLðL  aLÞ
load, aL is the distance of the reference section from the
left support, and L is the span of the beam. Although the For practical application, the strain readings are recor-
moments due to P2 and P3 are offset from the left support ded in the time scale. To convert strain into the distance
by x1 and (x1 ? x2), respectively, the length of the bending scale, the strain is multiplied by velocity, v, so that Eq. (22)
moment diagram remains L for each load. It can be shown could be rewritten as:
that the total area, A, of the bending moment diagram under 2Astrain
GVW ¼ Cv ¼ bA ð23Þ
the three moving loads is given by: aLðL  aLÞ

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J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208 201

Fig. 7 Plan and elevation of the South Perimeter Bridge

Although referred to as a ‘constant’, b is really a vari- resistance strain gauges on the underside of the top flanges,
able that depends upon: (a) the speed of the vehicle, (b) the as well as strain gauges on the external steel straps,
direction of travel, (c) the location of the instrumented restraining the deck slab. Strain gauges at the girders are
transverse section, and (d) sometimes on the transverse identified by the letter ‘‘G’’, while strain gauges installed at
position of the vehicle. the straps are identified by the letter ‘‘S’’.
The steel straps of the externally restrained deck slab of
the bridge were instrumented at Sections AA and CC.
Figure 9 shows the locations of the electrical resistance
4 Calibration tests strain gauges on the straps and girders at Section AA.
The instrumented sections were calibrated for BWIM
To apply the proposed BWIM system, a bridge in Manitoba under two trucks, one of which had a single steering axle
was instrumented and tested for calibration using two and two 2-axle groups; this truck, designated as truck A, is
vehicles of known configurations. The following sections shown in Fig. 10.
describe the bridge and the tests. The other truck, designated as truck B, had a single
steering axle, followed by two 2-axle and 3-axle groups.
4.1 Details of bridge and calibration trucks Details of truck B are shown in Fig. 11a and b. Figures 10
and 11 also show GVW and Bm values for the two test
The bridge used in this study was the South Perimeter trucks. As noted in previous sections, Bm is the length of the
Bridge in Winnipeg, Canada, having seven spans, of which equivalent uniformly distributed load that induces nearly
four are continuous and the remaining three simply sup- the same maximum moments and shears in a beam as the set
ported. Figure 7, which identifies the span numbers, shows of idealized point loads. In the context of the asymmetry
that the simply supported span 2 was instrumented at two coefficient and the two-station methods, Bm = nL.
transverse sections, DD and CC, in addition to the trans- The calibration tests were conducted under two sets of
verse section AA over the third pier from the western end. loads. In the first set, truck A was made to travel at a
The bridge has both west-bound and east-bound traffic. crawling speed in 14 different transverse positions, which
Sections CC and DD are located at a distance of 18.8 and are identified in Fig. 12 as crawling speed load cases
5.6 m from the west support of span 2, respectively. (CSLC). The purpose of this series of tests was to deter-
As shown in Fig. 8, the bridge comprises an externally mine the value of the constant C that relates the sum of
restrained concrete deck slab designed according to the theoretical peak girder moments M to the corresponding
Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (2006) [16] on sum of observed girder strains, e, according to Eq. (21).
eight steel girders. At Section DD, which is closer to the For the second series of tests, both trucks A and B were
left-hand support of the bridge, electrical resistance strain made to travel at different speeds in the middle of the
gauges measuring longitudinal strains were installed on the normal and passing lanes. The purpose of the second series
upper side of the bottom flanges of all girders (Fig. 8b). At of tests was to determine the accuracy of the various
Section CC (Fig. 8a), the girders also included electrical BWIM methods described earlier. The load case numbers,

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202 J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208

Fig. 8 Cross sections of bridge: a at Section CC and b at Section DD

Fig. 9 Instrumentation at Section AA

Fig. 10 Details of truck A: (a) (b)

a photo, b axle weights and

speeds of the trucks and other information are provided in The percentage difference from the average in the cal-
Table 1. culated values of C is plotted in Fig. 13 against the trans-
verse positions of the center of truck A. It can be seen in
4.2 Calculation of bridge constant C Fig. 13 that the magnitude of C is little affected by the
transverse position of the vehicle. The average value of
By using the observed data, smoothed using a low pass C for Section CC was found to be 11.307 9 for
filter, under crawling speed load cases 1 through 14 the east-bound direction and 12.077 9 for the
(Fig. 12) and Eq. (21), values of constant C were calculated west-bound direction, with a maximum variation of 1.5 %,
for both Sections CC and DD for truck A traveling in each and the average value of C for Section DD was found to be
of east-bound and west-bound directions. 9.836 9 for the east-bound direction and

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J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208 203



Fig. 11 Details of truck B: a photo, b axle weights and configurations

Fig. 12 Transverse positions of truck A, moving at crawling speed for calibration tests

4.3 Calculation of vehicle speed

Table 1 Details of tests with vehicles running at high speeds
Direction High-speed Lane Approximate The speed of the vehicle needed to convert the time scale to
load case no. speed (km/h) distance scale for the beta method was calculated from the
peak strains in the straps at Sections AA and CC. Figure 14
East bound 1 Normal 50
presents the strain–time plots for Strap 8 (at Section AA)
2 Normal 75
and Strap 2 (at Section CC) due to trucks A and B traveling
3 Normal 95
in high-speed test 2; the plots were smoothed by a low pass
4 Passing 95
filter at a cutoff frequency of 10 Hz. It can be seen in
West bound 5 Normal 50
Fig. 14 that the peak strains in both the straps are well
6 Normal 75
defined. The peak strains in Strap 8 are considerably
7 Normal 90
smaller than the corresponding peak strains in Strap 2; this
8 Passing 90 phenomenon is because of the proximity of Strap 8 to
support diaphragms above Pier 3.
Dividing the distance between Sections AA and CC by
the time interval between corresponding peaks at the two
10.239 9 for the west-bound direction, with a sections directly gave the vehicle velocity V. This method
maximum variation of 3 %. The average values of C were took advantage of a structural system that is not commonly
used for calculating the bending moment from strain used in bridges, limiting its applicability. However other
readings. measurements like strains in vertical stiffeners, shear

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204 J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208

Fig. 13 Percentage difference

from average C value

Fig. 14 Strains in straps due to trucks A and B during high-speed load case 2

strains calculated from strain rosettes, or even one inclined 5.1 The asymmetry method
strain gauge in the web could produce the same desired
effect of distinct sharp peaks that appears with the passing Table 3 presents the summary of the percentage of
of individual axle or axle groups, and the same procedure deviation from the scale weighed GVW for trucks A and
could be used. The speeds were also calculated from the B, using the asymmetry method while taking the start and
two-station method using Eq. (12). end times as 2 % of the maximum sum of strains for all
Table 2 compares the velocity calculated by the strap girders.
and two-station methods with those reported by the truck The results in Table 3 show that that the asymmetry
driver. It is noted that in the absence of an accurate mea- method produces inconsistent results and in many cases the
suring device, the reported speeds can only be used as deviation from the measured GVW is quite large. In the
guides. The table shows that the variation in the velocities case of test 1 for truck B at Section CC, the value of a was
calculated by the strap method for trucks A and B is calculated as 0.59, which produced a value of n larger than
smaller than that of the two-station method. 1, and therefore a negative value for the GVW which is

5 GVW estimations for high-speed tests

5.2 The two-station method
The three methods detailed in the previous sections were
implemented on the data that was obtained during the high- Table 4 presents the results of calculating the GVW using
speed tests for both trucks A and B. The data were filtered the two-station method. The values of n and the average
using a Butterworth filter for the girder strains with the percentage deviation shown in the table were calculated
cutoff frequency being the first natural frequency of the from Eq. (18) using the average value for s, calculated
bridge to eliminate all noise and dynamic effects. The using both values of T obtained from the data at Sections
following is a summary of the results of each method. CC and DD.

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J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208 205

Table 2 Reported and Test East-bound traffic West-bound traffic

calculated speeds of test trucks truck
in km/h by the strap method High-speed test no. High-speed test no.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Reported speed (approximate) A 50 75 95 95 50 75 90 90

B 50 75 95 95 50 75 90 90
Calculated speed (straps) A 45.2 71.2 83.1 87.8 50.9 68.7 89.4 91.4
B 45.2 72.1 83.8 85.9 51.0 66.1 89.1 89.6
Calculated speeds (2-station A 50.6 84.3 91.3 92.1 56.2 76.3 102.5 105.7
method) B 56.7 79.6 94.3 102.2 61.6 84.1 110.7 109.9

Table 3 GVW results Travel direction East bound West bound

calculated using the asymmetry
method Test number Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8

Truck A % Deviation CC 18.89 78.46 71.55 119.61 -5.57 -9.65 -7.64 -15.78
% Deviation DD -9.84 -0.61 -3.90 -11.24 13.28 13.50 12.83 25.50
% Deviation Av. 4.52 38.93 33.83 54.19 3.86 1.93 2.59 4.86
Truck B % Deviation CC N/A -11.08 28.01 74.33 9.42 -32.87 -31.18 -30.95
% Deviation DD -6.21 -17.24 -0.30 24.61 24.31 34.74 24.83 29.44
% Deviation Av. N/A -14.16 13.86 49.47 16.86 0.93 -3.17 -0.75

Table 4 GVW results using the Travel direction East bound West bound
two-station method
Test no. Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test Test 6 Test 7 Test 8

Truck n 0.42 0.57 0.51 0.50 0.45 0.48 0.50 0.49

A % Deviation (T from -1.29 7.26 1.22 -1.98 0.89 0.18 0.13 -2.53
% Deviation (T from -5.14 1.81 -0.39 -1.66 2.85 0.40 2.58 8.64
% Deviation (T av.) -3.21 4.53 0.41 -1.82 1.87 0.29 1.35 3.05
Truck n 0.99 0.57 0.97 0.96 0.99 0.65 0.53 0.54
B % Deviation (T from 21.05 -19.01 22.64 17.95 15.92 -12.07 -11.46 -9.85
% Deviation (T from 22.06 -18.35 18.82 15.23 20.12 -13.01 -13.55 -9.69
% Deviation (T av.) 21.56 -18.68 20.73 16.59 18.02 -12.54 -12.51 -9.77

The values of percentage deviations for Sections CC and 5.3 The beta method
DD were calculated using n, based on the values of T obtained
from the data at Sections CC and DD, respectively. Figures 15 and 16 present the calibration of beta for the
The percentage deviation in calculating the GVW for east-bound and west-bound directions, respectively. It
truck A from the measured value, using the averages from could be shown that the speeds from straps give smaller
Sections CC and DD, was a maximum of about 4.5 %. scatter for beta than the speeds calculated from the two-
Deviations calculated using data from Sections CC and DD station method, thus providing more accurate calibration
were below 5 % in all but three cases, with once case for the parameter beta. This could be demonstrated in
barely exceeding 5 % and the other two with a maximum Table 5, which presents the percentage variation of GVW
deviation of 8.6 %. from the measured value, calculated using the beta
On the other hand for truck B, the average deviation parameters obtained from Figs. 15 and 16.
ranged from 9.8 to 21.5 %, with individual deviations The results in Table 5 show that the percentage devia-
consistently above or slightly below 10 %. tion from the measured value in calculating the GVW for

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206 J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208

Fig. 15 Calibration of beta for east-bound direction

Fig. 16 Calibration of beta for west-bound direction

truck A ranged from 0.23 to 8.9 % when using speeds measured values ranged from 0.6 to 4.4 % when using the
calculated with the two-station method, while the per- speeds calculated from the straps.
centage deviation from the measured values ranged from
0.36 to 4.4 % when using the speeds calculated from the
straps. 6 GVW estimate for permit trucks
The results also show that for truck B the percentage
deviation from the measured value ranged from 0.19 to A structural health monitoring (SHM) system has been installed
18.5 % when using the speeds calculated using the two- on the South Perimeter Bridge and the data are continuously
station method, while the percentage deviation from the collected, to be used for identifying information about truck

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J Civil Struct Health Monit (2014) 4:195–208 207

Table 5 Percentage deviation Direction East bound West bound

from measured GVW using the
beta method Test number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Truck A Speed (two station) -6.87 4.65 0.23 -1.16 2.70 -7.71 -8.91 -8.89
Speed (straps) -0.97 0.36 0.58 -1.71 -1.27 -3.55 -4.44 -1.92
Truck B Speed (two station) 8.29 -15.03 0.12 5.70 1.19 -13.00 -18.26 -18.45
Speed (straps) 1.24 0.72 1.12 -0.60 -2.61 -4.38 -3.98 -1.89

Table 6 674 kN permit truck results summary • The asymmetry method gives large errors and is not
Calculation GVW GVW Average % reliable.
method calculated calculated GVW variation • The two-station method provides good prediction for
from from (kN) of average the GVW when the length of the truck is less than half
Section Section from
CC (kN) DD (kN) measured
the length of the bridge. Further investigation is needed
to estimate accurate limitations of the method.
Two-station 384 425 405 -40.0 • The beta method provides predictions with errors\5 %
method of the GVW, provided that accurate estimates of
Beta 382 382 382 -43.4 vehicle speeds could be obtained.
method(v from
2-station • Responses of the straps of the externally confined deck
method) slab provide reliable estimates of the truck speeds.
Beta method 723 723 723 7.2
(v from straps)
Acknowledgments The authors wish to acknowledge the contri-
bution of the late Dr. Leslie Jaeger in formulating the two-station
weights. To test the BWIM methods against trucks under actual method.
traffic conditions, Manitoba Infrastructures and Transportation
(MIT) was asked for data about the permit trucks; the required
data included truck weights, speeds and the time of crossing the References
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Author's personal copy
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