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Asigurat impotriva hotilor – burglar-proof

2. Valoros – valuable
3. Cheia pentru – the key to
4. Atat… cat si… - both… and…
5. A Evita – to avoid
6. Implcat in- involved in
7. Si asa mai departe- and so on
8. Dornic sa- willing to
9. A-I lipsi- to lack
10. Cartier- neighbourhood
11. De serviciu- on duty
12. Abordare- approach
13. A ii fi mai bine- be better off
14. Pedeapsa cu inchisoarea- prison sentence
15. Pedeapsa cu moartea- death penalty
16. A elibera- to set free / to release
17. Supraaglomerat- overcrowded
18. A respecta legea- to obey the law
19. A patrunde prin efractie- to break in
20. A jefui- to rob
21. A inoportuna- to intrude
22. A rapi- to kidnap
23. A ucide-to slaughter
24. A talhari- to mug
25. A fura din magazine- to shoplift
26. A prinde in capcana- to trap
27. A viola- to rape
28. A face contrabanda- to smug
29. A falsifica- to forge
30. Jaf- burglary
31. Incendiere- arson
32. Crima- murder
33. Furt-theft
34. Atac- assault
35. Incendiu-blaze
36. In plina zi-broad daylight
37. Rascumparare- ransom
38. Amenda- fine
39. Luarea carnetului de conducere- a ban on driving
40. Neajunsuri- drawback
41. A lua in considerare- to take into account
42. Cu conditia sa- providing
43. Locuitor- resident
44. A se umfla- to swell
45. Mal- banks
46. Distrus- damaged
47. A prognoza- to forecast
48. Baraj- dam
49. A curge- to flow
50. Pescarus- seagull
51. Nelinistit- nervous
52. A frunzari- to shuffle
53. A clipi- to blink
54. Asurzitor- deafening
55. Rancet- musty
56. Aroma- scent
57. Impunator- towering
58. A pocni- to snap
59. A apuca strans- to grip
60. A infasura- to tie
61. Revolta / zarva- riot
62. Culme / varf- summit
63. Dureros- sore
64. Sorbitura- sip
65. Fulger- flash
66. Tunet-thunder
67. A imprastia- to scatter
68. Ingrozitor- appalling
69. Moloz- debris
70. Conform lui-according to
71. Martor ocular- eyewitness
72. Intarziere- delay
73. Stins- extinguished
74. Varstnic- elderly
75. Decedati- deceased
76. Invinetit- bruised
77. Nici… nici…- neither… nor
78. A agita/ a misuna- to stir
79. Tentative- attempt
80. A pretinde ca- to claim
81. Otrava- poison
82. A fi mai istet decat-outsmart
83. Mamifer-mammal
84. Canal- sewer
85. Mijloc de aparare- means of defense
86. Confruntat cu- faced with
87. Pui- offspring
88. Neincredere- mistrust
89. Sceptic fata de- to be shy about
90. A modifica- to alter
91. O atractie pentru- to have a liking for
92. Pagube in valoare de sute de dolari-
93. Bland-mild
94. A se inmulti- to breed
95. Un belsug de- a plentiful of
96. Dauntaor-pest
97. Gandac- cockroach
98. Purice-flea
99. A scapa de- to get rid of
100. Recolta-crop
101. Aripa- wing
102. Pana- feather
103. Sondaj- survey
104. A aparea- to emerge
105. A insufla- to instil
106. De importanta mai mica- of lesser importance
107. A aprecia- to esteem
108. Muncitor- industrious
109. Constionciozitate- conscientiousness
110. Reactie- response
111. Uimitor- bewilderingly
112. Maxima- paramount
113. Infumurare- conceitedness
114. A lua de bun- to be taken for granted
115. Rasfatat / stricat- spoiled
116. Lacom- greedy
117. A certa- to scold
118. A exagera- to overdo
119. Din toata lumea- all over the world
120. Taxa- fee
121. A impiedica de la- to prevent
122. Grija-
123. Preocupare- concern
124. Nepotrivit- unsuitable
125. A evalua- to assess
126. A se arata la orizont- to loom on the horizon
127. A creste- to enhance
128. Inainte/ in fata- forward
129. Rotire- spin
130. Potrivit pentru- suitable for
131. De-a lungul / pe parcursul- throughout
132. Bantuit- haunted
133. O altfel de casa- house with a difference
134. A se intinde sa- to reach
135. A inhata- to grab
136. Cascadorie- stunt
137. Labirint- maze
138. Ori… ori…- either… or…
139. Ulterior- afterwards
140. Duh- genic
141. Dorinta ta e lege- your wish is our command
142. Gonflabil- inflatable
143. Hublou- porthole
144. Catarg- mast
145. Panze- sails
146. A stropi- to splash
147. Pe mare- at sea
148. Intindere de apa- stretch of water
149. A se baza pe- to rely on
150. Tombola- prize draw
151. Suprem- ultimate
152. Balci- funfair
153. In egala masure- alike
154. Precum si- as well as
155. Instelat- starry
156. A asigura- to ensure
157. Maxima siguranta- utmost safety
158. Dupa placul inimii- heart’s content
159. A atinge viteza de- to reach speed of
160. Motaiala- snooze
161. In numele- on behalf of
162. Ca raspuns ls- in response to
163. A da un telefon-to give a ring

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