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Kelompok 5

Nama : Erlis Andriani (2016.16.002)

Ida Nuraini (2016.16.004)
Dialogue between patient and midwife
Patient : Erlis Andriani
Midwife : Ida Nuraini

Patien : Good morning miss

Midwife : Good morning miss, please set
Patient : Yes, thanks miss
Midwife : What a complaint miss ?
Patient : I fell stomach al ready tighteen
Midwife : Yes miss, I Will meesure the height and weight of the mother, after that
check vital signs, before I check mother I will ask some times things to
Patient : Yes miss
Midwife : What your name ?
Patient : My name is erlis andriani
Midwife : How old are you miss?
Patient : 28 year
Midwife : Where is your address ?
Patient : Jl.gajah mada no 07 purwodadi
Midwife : What is your husben ?
Patien : Mr. Basuki
Midwife : What is her job?
Patient : Entrapeuner
Midwife : Is this a pregnancy?
Patient : It is first
Midwife : What family history has a contagious disease ?
Patient : No miss
Midwife : Normal menstrual cycle ?
Patient : Yes miss
Midwife : Thanks miss, please lay on the bed ?
Patient : Yes miss
Midwife : Vital signs include blood presure at the respiratory, temperature and pulse,
miss will just follow my instruction, how is the mother willing?
Patient : Yes miss,
Midwife : Normal blood preassure 120/80 mmHg, Respiratory 20x/minutes,
temperature normal 36,50 C and pulse 80x/minutes , all normal miss
Patient : Yes miss
Midwife : Then, check the condition of the fetus in the abdomen , all normal miss, high
fundus uteri 30 cm
Patien : Yes miss, I want to cast miss
Midwife : Yess miss, I will see the way of birth first, take a deep breath miss. Evidently
it’s complete opening. I will prepare the tools and mothers eat and drink whwn
there is no contraction to fill the energy
Patient : Yes miss
Midwife : Be patient and take a deep breath to reduce pain
Patient : Yes miss, come on miss is not strong
Midwife : Yes miss, come on miss, smart again yes miss , a little bit more , yes miss
very smart . baby born alhamdulillah miss, crying strongly, active mition and
reddish collor, this baby miss held and hugged yes miss
Patient : Yes miss
Midwife : Excuse miss to inject oxy to your thight
Patienht : Yes miss
Midwife : Contraction nornal miss, placenta was born placenta complete and
contaction normal, I will clean the maternal bed.
Patient : Yes miss
Midwife : Congratulation miss , his daughter is female and beautiful miss

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