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Presentado por:

Magda Stefanny Arias Real

Fase Análisis
Product distribution: “The basic”

The distribution of the products:

From small companies to large, there will always be a need to expand which
involves a series of operations, including the transport of the products. The
effectiveness of this new service creates profitability and attract new customers.
To run properly the mobility of these products it is necessary to evaluate the
budget, the speed of delivery and reliability of the transport. You should also take
into account the type of rules that you must adhere, depending on the means by
which it will mobilize and the insurance offered by the different conveyor belts in
the event of calamities or natural disasters.
If you are handled loads valued at several million pesos, it is important to have a
vehicle tracking to prevent theft.
The packaging of the products plays an important role at the time of transport
because of its correct packaging and label ensures its integrity. The volume and
weight of the product also because, according to these measures you must choose
a means of transport with greater capacity.
The means of transport are divided in the following way:
Terrestrial: are the most used by its economy and flexibility; but they can cause
delays in the operation by vehicular congestion, road accidents and natural
disasters, in addition to the environmental damage that it generates. The volume
limit to load is 16.5 meters long by 2.55 meters wide and 44 tonnes.
Ferrovial: Environmentally Friendly, fast and with a low probability of delays.
However their costs are quite high and you must have transportation from point to
Air: It is the fastest of all but also the most expensive since airlines charge per
kilogram, Customs, your taxes are higher, among others.
Maritime: Effective for the transport of several volumes and economic but is not
very fast and generates further delays by the low number of ports.
Presentado por:
Magda Stefanny Arias Real


1. Air: De la aviación o relacionado con ella.

2. Appraisal: Un avalúo es la estimación del valor comercial de un inmueble o
artículo reflejado en cifras monetarias
3. Budget: Cálculo anticipado del coste de una obra o un servicio.
4. Calamity: Desgracia, adversidad o infortunio colectivos.
5. Customers: Persona que utiliza los servicios de un profesional o de una
empresa, especialmente la que lo hace regularmente.
6. Customs: Oficina pública del Estado, situada en las fronteras, puertos o
aeropuertos, donde se registran los géneros y mercancías que se importan
o exportan y se cobran los derechos que adeudan según el arancel
7. Distribution: Dividir o repartir una cosa, señalando lo que corresponde a
cada parte.
8. Economy: Reducción o ahorro de dinero o de los gastos de una persona o
9. Label: Papel, cartón, plástico, etc., impreso o manuscrito que se pone en
un lugar visible para anunciar o indicar algo.
10. Load: Conjunto de cosas que se transportan juntas, especialmente géneros
y mercancías
11. Maritime: Del mar o que tiene relación con las actividades relacionadas con
12. Packaging: Caja o cualquier envoltura con que se protege un objeto que se
va a transportar.
13. Port: Lugar resguardado del viento a la orilla del mar o de un río donde las
embarcaciones pueden detenerse y permanecer seguras, que dispone de
instalaciones para hacer reparaciones o realizar operaciones de embarque
y desembarque.
14. Profitability: Relación existente entre los beneficios que proporciona una
determinada operación o cosa y la inversión o el esfuerzo que se ha hecho;
cuando se trata del rendimiento financiero; se suele expresar en
15. Rail: Del ferrocarril o relacionado con él. Ferrovial.
16. Tax: Cantidad de dinero que hay que pagar a la Administración para
contribuir a la hacienda pública.
17. Tracking: Búsqueda de una persona o cosa siguiendo su rastro o señal.
18. Transport: Vehículo o medio que se usa para trasladar personas o cosas
de un lugar a otro.
19. Terrestrial: De la tierra (superficie del planeta) o relacionado con ella.
20. Volume: Medidas del espacio de tres dimensiones ocupado por un cuerpo.
Presentado por:
Magda Stefanny Arias Real


1. The port of Buenaventura is the largest in Colombia.

2. The packaging of goods in good conditions help to not present risks
3. It is important to look for the economy and effectiveness when transporting
4. The speed in the distribution of goods will bring new customer
5. Some means of transport generate cost overruns by payment of taxes

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