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Australian Dental Journal

The official journal of the Australian Dental Association

Australian Dental Journal 2010; 55:(1 Suppl): 85–102

doi: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.2010.01203.x

The mouth in HIV⁄AIDS: markers of disease status and

management challenges for the dental profession
NW Johnson*
*Professor of Dental Research, Griffith Institute for Health and Medical Research; Foundation Dean, School of Dentistry and Oral Health, Griffith
University, 2005–2009.

There are over 30 million people in the world with HIV infection and, whilst the rate of new infections is slowing, this
number continues to grow. Although in Australia the overall prevalence of HIV infection in adults aged 15–49 is officially
estimated at only 0.2%, representing less than 20 000 people living with HIV and AIDS, our geographical area contains
populations with prevalences exceeding 10 times this. Oral health professionals must therefore practise safe, standard
infection control at all times and be aware of the oral manifestations of HIV disease. These are predominantly opportunistic
infections with fungi such as Candida albicans or with viruses of the herpes family, particularly herpes simplex, herpes
zoster and Epstein-Barr virus infections. Warts or papillomas may arise due to human papilloma viruses – even in
individuals on effective antiretroviral therapy. Rare types of fungal infection can occur, and severe bacterial infections,
notably tuberculosis, are an ever-present risk. Susceptibility to periodontal breakdown is somewhat enhanced by the effects
of HIV disease itself, and caries activity may increase because the patient neglects attention to diet and oral hygiene.
Restorative and periodontal care need, therefore, to be maintained at a high level. Oral opportunistic infections cause much
distress and the diagnosis and management of these is the responsibility of our profession.
Keywords: HIV, AIDS, blood-borne viruses, infected health care worker, oral manifestations, Candidiasis, herpes viruses, papilloma
viruses, tuberculosis, periodontal diseases.
Abbreviations and acronyms: ANUG = acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis; ASHM = Australian Society for HIV Medicine; CDC =
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CMV = cytomegalovirus; EBV = Epstein-Barr virus; FSW = female sex workers; HAART =
highly active antiretroviral therapy; HBV = hepatitis B; HCV = hepatitis C; HHV = human herpes virus; HPV = human papilloma virus;
HSV = herpes simplex virus; IDU = injecting drug users; IRIS = immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome; KS = Kaposi sarcoma;
MAC = mycobacterium avium complex; MSM = men who have sex with men; NACO = National AIDS Control Organization; NHMRC =
National Health and Medical Research Council; NNRTI = non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; NRTIs = nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitors; OC = oral candidiasis; OHL = oral hairy leukoplakia; OSAP = Organization for Safety and Asepsis Proceedures;
PEP = post-exposure prophylaxis; PI = protease inhibitors; PLHA = people living with AIDS ⁄ HIV; PMBC = peripheral blood mononuclear
cells; RAS = recurrent aphthous stomatitis; TB = tuberculosis; UN = United Nations; WHO = World Health Organization.

also viral and sometimes severe bacterial infections,

including tuberculosis. The dental and oral health
The global pandemic of HIV infection and AIDS professions therefore have a key role in early diagnosis,
continues unabated. In much of the Western world a and in the management of these distressing infections.
degree of complacency has set in because being HIV- The highest standards of infection control must be
positive is no longer a death sentence: we have seen a maintained in all clinical situations and appropriate
remarkable transition to a chronic, and largely man- action taken should a clinician find him or herself HIV
ageable disease. This is due to the efficacy of modern positive.
highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). How- The single most useful entry point for all matters to
ever, the situation remains a global disaster and do with HIV diseases and the dental profession is the
awareness amongst professionals and the public must HIVdent website.1 This site itself has extensive current
remain high. Many of the earliest manifestations of the information on facts, policies and procedures, many
immune suppression associated with HIV infection links to other valuable internet sites, as well as to
occur in the mouth – particularly oral candidiasis, but current periodical literature.
ª 2010 Australian Dental Association 85
NW Johnson

Current status of the global pandemic biggest challenge: in Zwaziland 25.9% of the popula-
tion is HIV positive; in Botswana 25%; 23.4% in
The latest data available from the global databases
Lesotho; 18.1% in Zimbabwe and 16.9% in the
managed by the United Nations (UN) and the World
Republic of South Africa.
Health Organization (WHO)2 reveal that, at the end of
2008, there were some 33.4 million people living with
HIV ⁄ AIDS in the world, with 2.7 million new
The situation in the Asia-Pacific region
infections that year alone, and 2 million deaths. These
are breathtaking numbers. There were more than 7400 As given in Fig 1, there is a considerable burden of
new infections per day in 2008. More than 97% of disease in our region: 3.8 million people living with
these are in low- and middle-income countries, about HIV and ⁄ or AIDS in South and South-East Asia; a
1200 are in children under 15 years of age and, of those comparatively small number, 59 000 in Oceania.
in adults, almost 48% are among women and about However, these statistics disguise some serious situa-
40% are among young people aged 15–24. Given that a tions. Again we need to look at the prevalence of HIV
high proportion of these will die or remain chronically infections country by country: the Indonesian Province
severely unwell, the personal, social, economic and of Papua was estimated by UNAIDS to have a
political consequences for societies with high preva- prevalence of 2.4% in 2006; Cambodia 0.6% in
lence of HIV disease are clearly immense. 2005; and India 0.3%.
Figure 1 shows the global distribution. The major As a regional power, and a nation with well-
burden remains sub-Saharan Africa but our region, developed professional standards, we have a responsi-
South and South-East Asia, ranks second. India is in bility to help stem the epidemic in these countries and
fact the single country on earth with the highest number to assist in helping the afflicted.
of cases. In India, the 2007 estimates of prevalence of
Figure 2 is perhaps some good news. Whilst the total HIV infection in adults aged 15–49 range from 0.2%
number of people in the world living with HIV ⁄ AIDS to 0.5%.3 In a nation with a population of over a
continues to rise, partly due to population growth, the billion (1 151 147 600) souls,4 this translates to some
number of new infections per annum is falling, largely 2 400 000 infected individuals – both figures growing
due to health promotion campaigns. Death rates are also by the second. High-risk groups, inevitably, show
falling, predominantly because of increasingly effective higher numbers. Among injecting drug users (IDUs), it
therapy. However, these generalizations cover many is as high as 8.71%, 5.69% and 5.38% among men
serious situations, including in our part of the world. who have sex with men (MSM) and female sex workers
Prevalence rates of HIV infection around the world (FSWs), respectively. India has an excellent National
range from 5.2% in sub-Saharan Africa, through 0.7% AIDS Control Organisation (NACO),5 which describes
in Eastern Europe, 0.6% in North and Latin America, the considerable national programme therein, and
to 0.3% in South and South-East Asia and in Oceania. provides data showing there is now a gradual decline
Such averages, however, disguise some astoundingly in the numbers of people living with HIV ⁄ AIDS
high infection rates. Again, sub-Saharan Africa is the (PLHA).

World Health

Adults and children estimated to be living with HIV, 2008

Total: 33.4 million (31.1–35.8 million)

December 2009 4

Fig 1. Adults and children living with HIV, 2008 (source UNAIDS 2009).
86 ª 2010 Australian Dental Association
The mouth in HIV ⁄ AIDS

Global estimates 1900–2008

Number of people living with HIV Adult (15–49) HIV prevalence (%)

40 1.2
Number (millions)

30 0.9

20 0.6

10 0.3

0 0
1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008

Number of people newly infected with HIV Number of adult and child deaths due to AIDS
5 5
Number (millions)

Number (millions)
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008

Estimate High and low estimates

Source: UNAIDS/WHO World Health

Figure 1 Organization
2009 AIDS epidemic update

Fig 2. Global estimates 1990–2008 (source UNAIDS 2009).

Most near neighbours in South-East Asia, including However, as the HIV status of an individual will usually
popular tourist destinations and trading partners, have be unknown, universal precautions remain mandatory
substantially higher rates than Australia. Prevalence (see below). It is also prudent to remember that HIV is
rates in adults aged 15–49 are currently estimated at the least infectious of the blood-borne viruses (see
0.8% in Cambodia; 0.5% in Vietnam and in Malaysia; below); the number of Australians estimated to be
and 0.2% in Indonesia overall. infected with hepatitis C is approximately 200 000, and
Figure 3 shows how the situation in the Pacific is 90–160 000 with hepatitis B – again Aboriginal and
dominated by our near neighbour, Papua New Guinea Torres Strait Islander citizens are over-represented.6
(PNG). In PNG, the prevalence in adults aged 15–49 is Figure 4 suggests that the rate of newly diagnosed
estimated at 1.5%, with 54 000 PLHA. HIV infections may have plateaued. However, this
shows no significant change in the number of newly
acquired infections. A more detailed look at data up to
The situation in Australia
2007 shows a steady rise in the number of infected
The remainder of this paper will mainly concentrate on individuals, largely explained by Australia’s continuing
the situation in Australia, with international compari- population growth (Fig 5). Also, the vast majority of
sons where informative. In Australia, the overall new cases in Australia are in people born outside
prevalence of HIV infection in adults aged 15–49 is Australia – especially those from sub-Saharan Africa.
officially estimated at 0.2% (0.1–0.3%): some 18 000 During this time there has been a dramatic fall in the
PLHA. This seems a small number, and indeed it is death rate from AIDS-related illnesses, the downturn
compared to the numbers given above. With some dating from the mid 1990s (Fig 6). This follows the
11 000 practising dentists in the nation, few of us will downturn in AIDS diagnoses from that time (Fig 7),
be caring for such an individual, and those patients largely explained by the increasing availability, and
known to be HIV positive, and ⁄ or patients with increasing efficacy, of HAART.
oral ⁄ dental problems associated with HIV disease, tend Chemotherapy for HIV infection per se has advanced
to be concentrated in clinics conducted by colleagues dramatically in both efficacy and coverage. The vast
with a special interest or skill in their management. majority of infected individuals in Australia are under
ª 2010 Australian Dental Association 87
NW Johnson

Proportion of all HIV and AIDS cases in different Pacific island

countries and territories, 1984–2007

New Caledonia 1.2%

French Polynesia 1.1%

Fiji 1.1%

Guam 0.8%

All others 0.8%

Papua New Guniea 95.0%

Sources: The Secretariat of the Pacific Community and Papua New Guinea Department of Health.
World Health
2009 AIDS epidemic update Figure 27 Organization

Fig 3. Proportion of HIV ⁄ AIDS in the Pacific (source UNAIDS 2009).

Newly diagnosed HIV infection in Australia, Number of people living with HIV, 1990–2007
including diagnoses of newly acquired HIV
1200 infection, by year Number of people living with HIV
High estimate
1000 Low estimate
40 000

30 000
People living with HIV


20 000
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Other HIV diagnoses Newly acquired HIV 10 000
Source: state and territory health authorities

Fig 4. Newly diagnosed HIV infections in Australia, 1999–2008


treatment (Fig 8), those not receiving such care having

fallen from around 15% of cases at the turn of the
Fig 5. People living with HIV and AIDS (PLHA) in Australia,
millennium to 10% today. Most are now on triple 1990–2007 (source61).
therapies, with various mixtures of protease inhibitors
(PI), nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) Trends across and within Australia in all these
or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors measures can be seen on the NCHER website,7 and in
(NNRTIs). the paper by Guy et al.8
88 ª 2010 Australian Dental Association
The mouth in HIV ⁄ AIDS

Estimated number of deaths due to AIDS, 1990–2007

1400 Annual number of deaths due to AIDS

1200 High estimate
Low estimate





1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007

Fig 6. Estimated deaths due to AIDS in Australia, 1990–2007 (source62).

Diagnoses of HIV infection and AIDS in Australia Risk factors for transmission of HIV: MSM,
heterosexual, IDU, mother-to-child, clinical settings
2000 Within Australia, the major routes of transmission
(Fig 9) remain those involved with MSM. Whilst a
1500 proportion of these are also IDUs, and could have

acquired their infection by either route, most of the

transmission would be from anal intercourse, without
effective condom use. Free virus can be present in
ejaculate and anal mucosa is both thin and physically
fragile, and lacks Langerhans’ cells. Of interest to us
1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 as oral health clinicians are the risks associated with
Year oral fluids and oral–genital contact. There are risks in
HIV diagnoses AIDS diagnoses
Source: state and territory health authorities both directions; the risk of transmission via saliva ⁄
oral fluids and the risk of becoming infected through
Fig 7. New HIV infections and diagnoses of AIDS in Australia,
1999–2008.63 the mouth. This is amplified below. It has been
shown that a major route of transmission of human
herpes virus 8 (HHV-8), the causative agent of
Kaposi’s sarcoma, an AIDS defining illness, is the
use of saliva as a lubricant during anal intercourse –
Treatment uptake among people enrolled on the oropharynx being the major reservoir of this
the Australian HIV observational database by virus.9
These data indicate that the practice of safe sex is not
universally followed in this high-risk community,
indicating a continuing challenge for education and
social support networks.

The next major route is heterosexual. In some
Western countries, the UK for example, this is now
10 the most common route, and it was always so in the
high-incidence countries in Africa and in Eastern
0 Europe and South-East Asia. Because most sexual
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
activity takes place between men and women, the risks
None Monotherapy
Double therapy 3+ (NRTI +/– PI, not NNRTI) of disease being spread throughout a population are
3+ (NRTI + NNRTI, not PI) 3+ (PI + NNRTI +/– NRTI)
1 Dashed lines indicate the years of retrospective data collection
vastly increased once HIV infection becomes estab-
Source: Australian HIV observational database
lished in this majority. (In Africa, most infections are
Fig 8. Treatment uptake and modalities for HIV-infected people in amongst young women.) Whilst rates of HIV infection
Australia, 1999–2008 (source63). in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are
ª 2010 Australian Dental Association 89
NW Johnson

HIV infection, 2004–2008, by HIV exposure

Newly diagnosed HIV infection Newly acquired HIV infection

3% 3%
8% 1%

4% 10%

4% 64%

Men who have sex with men
Men who have sex with men and injecting drug use
Heterosexual contact
Injecting drug use
Source: state and territory health authorities
Fig 9. Routes of transmission for new HIV infections in Australia, 2004–2008 (source63).

similar to those of non-Indigenous Australians, and

The natural history of HIV infection
MSM is again the major route, heterosexual transmis-
sion is a larger proportion (Fig 10), indicating risk of a Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood,
growing epidemic. semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk.
Sharing of drug injection equipment has long been Within these body fluids, HIV is present in two different
recognized as a very dangerous practice. ways: free virus particles and virus within infected
Transmission of HIV from an infected mother to her immune cells. It is possible to find HIV in the saliva,
offspring occurs predominantly during passage down tears, and urine of infected individuals, but there are no
the birth canal. It is almost entirely preventable if recorded cases of infection by these secretions, and the
appropriate antiviral drugs are given to the mother risk of infection is minimal.
before labour, but unfortunately remains a major It is prudent to remind ourselves of the changes over
problem in Africa where paediatric AIDS cases are time in viral loads in circulating blood and the
distressingly common.10 development of an immune response. Figure 11 shows

HIV diagnoses in Australian born cases, 2004–2008, by Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander status and HIV exposure category
Aboriginal and Torres Non-
Strait islander Indigenous


1% 75%

22% 12% 3% 5%
Male homosexual contact
Male homosexual contact and injecting drug use
Injecting drug use
Heterosexual contact

Fig 10. Transmission in Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians (source64).

90 ª 2010 Australian Dental Association

The mouth in HIV ⁄ AIDS

tional dental boards.15 No doubt the new national

in plasma Dental Board of Australia will proscribe such also.
Infection control procedures are designed to minimize
Relative level above detection

HIV antibody the risk of transmission of all micro-organisms, from

operator to patient, patient to operator, patient to
patient and also to other clinical and laboratory staff. In
the context of HIV, the risks are associated with infected
Exposure in PBMC fluids – blood or saliva ⁄ oral fluids – or instruments
contaminated with such, entering a new host. It is,
HIV p24 Ag
therefore, salient to remind ourselves of the viral loads –
the ‘‘dose’’ – necessary for infection to be transmitted.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
HIV has a comparatively low risk of transmission: HIV
Days post-infectious viremia
is much less infectious than hepatitis C (HCV) which in
Fig 11. Changes over time in blood levels of HIV and of antibodies to turn is much less infectious than hepatitis B (HBV).
HIV components following infection. Virus RNA levels in plasma Extensive monitoring following needle stick injuries
measured by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT- in the USA (CDC data – op cit.) indicate that the risk of
PCR) – red: HIV DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMC) – yellow; immunoglobulin antibodies to HIV – blue; HIV the recipient seroconverting following injury with a
core protein antigen p24 – green. syringe contaminated from a patient who is HBsAg+
(Source and HBeAg+ is that 22.0–31.0% will develop clinical
hepatitis and 37–62% serological evidence of HBV
infection. For a ‘‘donor’’ who is HBsAg+ and HBeAg-,
the beginning of an infectious viraemia within a few 1.0–6.0% will develop clinical hepatitis and 23–37%
days of exposure. This rises to a peak some three weeks develop serological evidence of HBV infection.
later, during which the subject has large numbers of In contrast, from an HCV positive ‘‘donor’’, only
virus in plasma and is shedding these in secretions. It 1.8% (0–7% range) will seroconvert and from an HIV
takes a little longer for viral load to rise within positive donor, only 0.3% (0.2–0.5% range). Never-
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). It takes theless, first aid is mandatory: wounds must be made to
three weeks or so for antibodies to build up sufficiently bleed and washed with saline. The recipients must
to suppress the virus, and this is the important report to an occupational health clinic where advice on
‘‘window’’ when antibody-based HIV tests can give a post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) will be given. Antiret-
false negative result. After months or years (not shown), roviral drugs given at this stage are very effective. The
if there is no or ineffective antiviral therapy, there is website of the Australasian Society for HIV Medicine
successive immune suppression with falls in peripheral (ASHM) is a good starting point for the range of polices
blood CD4 lymphocyte counts, rises again in free extant across Australia and New Zealand.16
and cell-associated virus, increasing infectivity and
The HIV-positive health care worker: current policies
This has been an area of considerable controversy, and
Transmission of HIV in clinical settings
evolving policy. There are wide international varia-
Clearly, this is an area of great interest to oral health tions. At the 2009 6th World Workshop on The Mouth
professionals. This is why we have universal precau- and AIDS, the ‘‘Beijing Declaration’’ was approved by a
tions, or today preferably called standard precautions, to gathering of global expertise.17 This states:
prevent cross-infection. It is not the intent of this review BEIJING DECLARATION 2009
to repeat details of these protocols. They are available The participants of the 6th World Workshop on Oral
from many sources, e.g., the Centers for Disease Control Health and Disease in AIDS, which took place from
and Prevention (CDC) in the USA,11 and the Organiza- 21–24 April 2009 in Beijing, China, welcomed the
tion for Safety and Asepsis Procedures (OSAP).12 The opportunity to assess the evidence relating to the
latter is ‘‘dedicated to promoting infection control and transmission of HIV in the dental setting from oral
safety policies and practices supported by science and health care professionals to patients.
research to the global dental community’’. Their advice Participants from over 30 countries noted and
is current and comprehensive. Within Australia, those considered the inconsistencies in the regulation of the
from the National Health and Medical Research Coun- ability of an HIV positive oral health care professional
cil (NHMRC) are currently under review with a 2010 to continue practice.
draft out to consultation.13 Amongst those which Having analysed the scientific evidence that has
morally and legally guide us are those from the become available over the last 20 years, the participants
Australian Dental Association,14 and all of the jurisdic- of this workshop conclude that the evidence now
ª 2010 Australian Dental Association 91
NW Johnson

supports the view that Oral Health Care Professionals involved, assuming the conduct of standard precau-
with HIV do not pose a risk of transmission to patients in tions, and the availability of modern HAART, an HIV-
the dental setting. They can continue a career in clinical positive dentist conveys minimal risk to his ⁄ her patients
practice, provided that the following criteria are met: unless and until they are cognitively impaired. This is
(1) The individual is under ongoing care by a suitably the rationale for requiring ongoing care by a suitably
qualified HIV Health Care Professional qualified HIV health care professional.
(2) The individual remains aware of his ⁄ her health
status and acts appropriately
Oral manifestations of HIV and AIDS
(3) Standard Infection Control is observed
(4) Scientific evidence related to HIV transmission will
The common opportunistic infections: their diagnosis
continue to be reviewed.
and management
As but one example of an Australian jurisdictional
guideline, the Dental Board of Queensland currently In the early days of the HIV epidemic, the oral
states:18 medicine ⁄ oral pathology community around the world
‘‘Paragraph 5.2 A Dental Practitioner who discovers agreed upon a classification of oral manifestations of
that he ⁄ she returns test results in any of the following HIV ⁄ AIDS and, importantly, their diagnostic criteria.21
categories: This was based on how common each lesion, or type of
5.2.1 Hepatitis C antibody and PCR positive; lesion, was seen in known AIDS patients at that time –
5.2.2 Hepatitis B e antigen or hepatitis B virus DNA the classification was published in 1993, a little over a
positive; or decade into the epidemic. As the years have passed, the
5.2.3 HIV antibody positive. relative frequency of these lesions, or oral manifesta-
must immediately cease to perform exposure prone tions, has changed, largely due to the impact of
procedures; and seek expert advice, from a specialist in HAART in the West, and considerable regional varia-
the field of infectious diseases. tions have been described.22 Today it is more fruitful –
Failure by such a Dental Practitioner to cease certainly more logical – to deal with lesions according
performing exposure prone procedures may constitute to type of opportunistic infection, and then by the
unsatisfactory professional conduct leading to disci- major organ involved.
plinary action before the Health Practitioners Tribunal. These manifestations have long been regarded as
Dental Practitioners who meets the criteria of 5.2 ‘‘sentinels and signposts’’ of HIV infection,23 and now
have an obligation to notify the Board of their status. have value in monitoring the efficacy of anti-HIV
Failure by such a Dental Practitioner to notify the therapy, with predictive value for treatment failure.
Board immediately of their status may constitute Figure 12 shows the ‘‘staircase’’ of progressive immune
unsatisfactory professional conduct leading to disci- suppression and the stage at which various opportunis-
plinary action before the Health Practitioners Tribunal.
Exposure-prone procedures are those where the
operator’s fingers are out of sight and likely to come into MEAN CD4 COUNTS
close contact with sharp objects. The latter include teeth,
bone, wires, appliances and instruments. Clearly, this 350

encompasses almost all procedures in clinical dentistry – 300


effectively barring the infected health care worker from 270

any clinical work – save the taking of radiographs and



impressions in an edentulous patient. Many regard this as 200 192 192 190 190 187
unnecessarily restrictive and, indeed, such concerns are 180

the basis of the Beijing Declaration. There remains only a 150 148 144
single established case of an HIV-positive dentist having 100



transmitted his infection to a patient – the infamous Acer



























case in Florida in late 1987. The mode of transmission


















has never been established;19 malice is suspected.20 Of













course there could be unknown cases, and the risk of



these may be higher in resource-poor settings where they Fig 12. A ‘‘staircase’’ of progressive immune suppression and the
are less likely to come to light, hence continued vigilance stage at which various opportunistic infections emerged; from a large
cohort of South Indian patients in the days before HAART was widely
in monitoring the scientific literature. available.24 (OHL = oral hairy leukoplakia; OP = oropharyngeal; TB
It remains to be seen how widely regulatory author- = tuberculosis; RTI = respiratory tract infection; CMV = cyto-
ities around the world accept the view of the Beijing megalovirus; PCP = pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.)
(Source: Courtesy of Professor Suniti Solomon and Drs Kumarasamy
Workshop. Given the low risk of transmission (as and Ranganathan, YRG Centre for AIDS Research and Epidemiol-
identified above) when small volumes of blood are ogy, and Ragas Dental College, Chennai, India.)
92 ª 2010 Australian Dental Association
The mouth in HIV ⁄ AIDS

tic infections emerged in a study of a large cohort of

patients in South India in the days before HAART was
widely available.24
The dental ⁄ oral health professions have a duty of
care to manage oral and dental conditions in HIV-
positive patients, no less than any member of society.
This applies to ‘‘routine’’ aspects of preventive den-
tistry, and to maintenance and repair of the dentition.
This can be challenging because patients, with their
many stresses following a diagnosis of HIV infection,
sometimes neglect their oral hygiene, may be in
financial difficulties, and may present with severe caries
or unresolved periodontal problems. Xerostomia asso-
ciated with anti-HIV drugs often compounds the
problems. Within this complexity, there are no funda-
mental reasons why an HIV-positive patient should not
receive the full range of high quality dental care. There
Fig 14. Acute candidiasis with thrush deposits on an erythematous
is good evidence that the outcomes of, for example, base affecting hard and soft palate.
endodontic treatments are not compromised.
Management of the opportunistic oral infections
described below may require referral to an oral common in severe immunosuppression and even in
medicine specialist and, in any event, should be planned the era of HAART remain a major clinical problem, as
in conjunction with the patient’s HIV physician. Best recently reviewed by Thompson et al.28 Infection can
practice protocols are widely available from many spread to the oesophagus. Whilst in an emergency
national and international sources and the approaches situation, or in mild infections, topical amphotericin,
summarized below are derived mostly from the WHO, nystatin, clotrimazole or posaconazole can be effective,
USA25 and Australian sources through the gateway of systemic treatment with fluconazole is usually required
the ASHM.26 These include user-friendly information in established HIV infection. Ketoconazole or itraco-
for patients.27 nazole have poor absorption from the gut and are not
Effective treatment of opportunistic infections is also first-line treatment. There are increasing reports of
dependent on effective antiretroviral treatment and oral azole resistance, so patients should ideally be referred
clinicians also need to be alert to the possible emergence for culture and antifungal sensitivity testing before
of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome prescribing these drugs – and because of the risk of drug
(IRIS) (see later). interactions, liver toxicity and other side effects,
patients require close medical monitoring.
Candida albicans is the most common species, but
Infections with Candida albicans and other fungi
C. glabrata and C. dubliniensis are described.
Figures 13 and 14 show cases of overt oral candidiasis Other so-called ‘‘deep mycoses’’ can infect oral
in AIDS patients. Such florid infections are more tissues, particularly in tropical and some developing
countries where these organisms are more commonly
picked up from the soil of other natural habitats. These
infections include cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, para-
coccidiomycosis, penicilliosis and aspergilosis.29 Fig-
ure 15 shows an HIV-positive African patient who
presented with a granulomatous gingival enlargement
which proved to harbour histoplasma spores on biopsy,
and who had a raised specific antibody titre to this

Significant bacterial infections

Mycobacterial infections: The WHO estimates that
tuberculosis (TB) is the cause of death in 13% of AIDS
patients. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is usually ac-
Fig 13. Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis in an AIDS patient. quired through droplet infection – coughing, sneezing,
Heavy deposits of ‘‘thrush’’ cover the gingivae and tooth surfaces. shouting by an already infected individual nearby, and
ª 2010 Australian Dental Association 93
NW Johnson

are occasionally seen,33 and there may be widespread

involvement of paranasal sinuses.34

Viral infections
Viral infections are very common in the immunocom-
promised. Those affecting the head and neck, or mouth,
are mostly members of the human herpes virus (HHV)
family or are human papilloma viruses (HPV).
HHVs cause a spectrum of disease in the head and
neck. Their major reservoirs are salivary glands and
oropharyngeal lymphoid tissues, and a high proportion
of healthy adults silently harbour these viruses, having
developed reasonable immunity from subclinical infec-
tions earlier in life. With progressively failing immu-
Fig 15. Granular inflammation of free and attached gingiva caused by nity, active infections may re-emerge, and be transmit-
infection with the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum.
ted via saliva. In the era of HAART the prevalence of
usually results in an acute pulmonary infection in the these lesions – at least in the Western world, has
susceptible recipient. In many countries where TB is decreased dramatically.35
endemic, a subject may have acquired TB long ago and
has remained in a latent state which becomes reacti- Herpes simplex (HHV1 and HHV2) infections
vated when he ⁄ she becomes immunosuppressed. With Oral health practitioners are familiar with herpes
increasing degrees of immunodeficiency, extra-pulmo- simplex virus infections: usually HSV1 – occasionally
nary TB is more common, affecting many internal body HSV2 – in the form or recurrent herpes labialis. We see
sites, but also occasionally the mouth (Fig 16). There- a primary herpetic gingivostomatitis less frequently than
fore, lesions in the mouth can lead to diagnosis. our general medical practitioner colleagues, because a
Management is systemic in the hands of a specialist child with an acute febrile illness is not usually taken to
physician. the dentist. Almost all adults will have acquired a degree
A review of 18 cases in AIDS patients from Brazil, of immunity to herpes simplex viruses, but severe oral
with a literature review, is given by Miziara.31 Our blistering can occur in HIV patients (Fig 17). Unsur-
work amongst HIV patients in Kenya reveals oral prisingly these are very painful, and patients are usually
candidiasis (OC) in 72% of patients, and TB (anywhere quite febrile. If lesions are widespread, treatment in
in the body) in 57%: the crude odds ratio for TB in the collaboration with the patient’s physician is advisable.
presence of OC was 4.0, indicating that, especially in For the management of oral lesions, high systemic doses
high-incidence communities, TB diagnosis must be of modern antiviral drugs are required. Topical acyclo-
sought when a patient presents with OC, so that early vir, often used for recurrent herpes labialis on pro-
treatment can be initiated.32 drome, will have no effect. Ganciclovir or famciclovir
Occasionally other mycobacteria are involved, oral would be preferred today.
lesions caused by Mycobacterium avium intracellulare, If diagnosis is in doubt, this can be reached by
sending blood for herpes simplex antibody titres –

Fig 16. Typical punched-out TB ulcers in the retromolar area. This

AIDS patient also had extensive pulmonary and lymphatic involve- Fig 17. Severe blistering of the tongue in an HIV-positive patient
ment. Clearly, such a patient is a danger for transmission to others. caused by herpes simplex virus.
94 ª 2010 Australian Dental Association
The mouth in HIV ⁄ AIDS

rising titres if sequential samples are taken in acute

phase or, if facilities exist, for identification of the
presence and type of HSV by polymerase chain
reaction. A smear for light microscopy may reveal
characteristic Tzank cells.
Supportive treatment by way of analgesic mouth-
washes, such as benzydamine hydrochloride (Difflam),
obtundant gels (topical steroids should not be used),
maintenance of fluid balance should be provided.
Systemic antivirals are unlikely to be helpful in
established infections such as that illustrated, though
may be indicated under medical guidance to avoid risk
of spread.

Herpes zoster (HHV3) infections Fig 19. Non-specific ulcers of the buccal mucosa caused by cyto-
Herpes zoster, or shingles, may affect nerves of the head megalovirus.
and neck (Fig 18). Once again, the vast majority –
probably in excess of 90% of adults in Australia – will
be VZV seropositive, acquired through chicken pox as fovir, orally and ⁄ or intravenously will be required for
a child. any spreading infection.

Cytomegalovirus (HHV5) infections Epstein-Barr virus (HHV4) infections

Another member of the human herpes virus family, Perhaps the most ubiquitous HHV is Epstein-Barr virus
cytomegalovirus (CMV), can cause relatively innocu- (EBV). In the Western world, as many as 95% of adults
ous-looking ulcers of the lining mucosa of the mouth between 35 and 40 years of age have been infected with
(Fig 19). Like any oral ulcer these can be very painful, EBV, having had a primary infection in childhood or
and require symptomatic treatment. Unless they resolve adolescence.36 The acute primary infection is glandular
rapidly, further advice should be sought because CMV fever (infectious mononucleosis, IM), but the first
is the major cause of retinitis in HIV patients, and can infection is often subclinical. EBV is again harboured
cause encephalitis. Indeed before the era of HAART in the upper aerodigestive tract – IM is not called ‘‘the
some 30% of patients in the West developed CMV kissing disease’’ for nothing – and it re-emerges in
retinitis sometime between the time of AIDS diagnosis the immune-suppressed with disease manifestations in
and death. CMV disease can spread elsewhere in the this anatomical area. Further information is available
gastro-intestinal tract, and cause a terminal pneumoni- on the ‘‘Virology Down Under’’ website.37
tis. Intensive treatment with modern antiviral drugs EBV is also the primary cause of Burkitt’s lymphoma,
such as valganciclovir, ganciclovir, foscarnet, or cido- a disease endemic in the malaria belt of Africa, and of a
number of other lymphoproliferative diseases (see
below). For dentists, the signature EBV-associated
lesion is so-called oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL)
(Figs 20–23). Described by dental colleagues in San
Francisco in the early days of the HIV epidemic there,38
it is a lesion renowned as an early marker of HIV
infection, and well known to the public and the
profession alike. The ‘‘hairy’’ descriptor arises from
the appearance of elongated filiform papillae and these
are associated with white, often plaque-like changes.
However, OHL has no aetiological or pathological
associations with other forms of oral leukoplakia, a
minority of which have the potential to transform over
time into squamous cell carcinomas.39
EBV also drives a range of malignancies of the
lymphatic system, predominantly B-cell non-Hodgkin’s
lymphomas.40 These were very common in the pre-
HAART era. Such a case is shown in Figs 24 and 25.
Fig 18. Blisters caused by herpes zoster virus (shingles) which affected
the mandibular branch of the right trigeminal nerve in this HIV The pain and swelling in the right mandible in this HIV-
patient: lesions existed across the skin of his lower face. positive patient was, perhaps not surprisingly, assumed
ª 2010 Australian Dental Association 95
NW Johnson

Fig 23. The process known as in situ hybridization localizes EB-virus

Fig 20. Typical oral hairy leukoplakia affecting the lateral border of particles, predominantly within the nuclei of these balloon cells.
the oral tongue.

Fig 24. Swelling over the posterior part of the body of the right
mandible. The differential diagnosis would include an odontogenic
Fig 21. Oral hairy leukoplakia extending from the lateral borders of
the tongue to the ventral tongue and floor of mouth mucosa.

Fig 25. An orthopantomogram of the patient in Fig 23 reveals

periapical radiolucencies on tooth 46, attempted obturation of both
roots and a metal crown. In fact, the radiolucency was caused by an
AIDS-associated lymphoma.
Fig 22. Haematoxylin and eosin-stained section from an OHL lesion.
There is increased thickness of the upper layers of the epithelium, with
‘‘balloon’’ or clear cells and a conspicuous absence of inflammation in
the connective tissue. had no effect, the diagnosis being lymphoma eroding
mandibular bone and spilling into a soft tissue tumour.
by his dentist to be the result of an odontogenic Acyclovir (acycloguanosine) inhibits viral DNA synthe-
infection, especially as the original radiograph probably sis in lytic infection but not latent infection, so
revealed a periapical radiolucency. Endodontic therapy treatment of lymphomata requires more complex
96 ª 2010 Australian Dental Association
The mouth in HIV ⁄ AIDS

cytokine or cytotoxic therapies in the hands of specialist


Kaposi sarcoma virus (HHV8) infections

It is now well established that Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) is
caused by another of the human herpes viruses, HHV8.
KS has been known for decades as a rare neoplasm with
a predilection for Ashkenazi Jews and races of Medi-
terranean descent. Such traditional forms of the disease
tended to occur in the elderly and affect peripheral
tissues, e.g., the skin of the limbs. At the beginning of
the AIDS epidemic in California and New York in the
1980s, purple vascular lesions began to appear more
Fig 27. A small, early Kaposi sarcoma presenting on the palatal
centrally, especially the head and neck. Oral lesions gingiva.
were common; indeed the deeper gastro-intestinal tract
can be affected, as can viscera. Subsequent research step leading to diagnosis of HIV disease. Lesions of KS
demonstrated a close association of HHV8, or KSHV, can grow to a very considerable size. These present in
infecting endothelial cells which are driven to a form of advanced AIDS and are likely to be multiple. Clearly
neoplastic hyperproliferaiton. growths of the kind shown in Fig 28 risk complications
As with other herpes viruses, a proportion of the of haemorrhage, secondary infection, destruction of
population carry latent infections. There are no com- bone and periodontium and are a serious aesthetic and
prehensive data from Australia but in the USA the functional problem. Adequate management of HIV
overall sero-prevalence is <5%, and may approach infection itself is the key to treatment. The family of
80% in groups of MSM.36 The virus resides primarily DNA-antiviral drugs described earlier for other HHV
in the oropharynx, and saliva ⁄ oral fluids are the major infections, cancer cytotoxic drugs and radiation therapy
source of transmission. Transmission occurs more are all employed.
commonly in MSM because of oral–genital contact
and carriage of oral fluids to rectal mucosa. We have Human papilloma virus infections
recently reviewed the methods for laboratory diagno- The human papilloma viruses (HPVs) comprise a very
sis41 and the value of saliva as a diagnostic fluid.9 large family of over 100 known genotypes. They are
KS has long been regarded as an AIDS-defining epitheliotropic, certain types having predilection for
lesion. Its prevalence has declined sharply in the era of skin – others for mucous membranes. A group known
HAART in the West, but it is still a major clinical as ‘‘high-risk’’ HPVs (especially HPV 16, 18, 31, 33)
problem in sub-Saharan Africa. Astonishingly, it is have attracted much interest in recent years because
practically unknown in India. they have a clear role in the causation of certain
Subtle discolourations of skin (Fig 26) or of oral epithelial malignancies – notable of the uterine cervix,
mucosa (Fig 27), initially with minimal tumour forma- and some vulval, vaginal, penile and anal cancers. All of
tion, can be the first presentation. Oral clinicians need
to be aware of such appearances, as they can be the first

Fig 26. Early Kaposi sarcoma lesions on back of hand and middle Fig 28. A massive Kaposi sarcoma engulfing all of the maxillary
finger in an HIV-positive patient. gingival tissues in this patient with AIDS.
ª 2010 Australian Dental Association 97
NW Johnson

these malignancies are more common in HIV-infected irritating to the patient. Surgical excision, laser excision
persons.42 Vaccination programmes are now underway or cryotherapy are employed. Lesions on wet mucosal
in Australia and in other countries with proven efficacy surfaces are not easily amenable to topical chemical
for developing a protective immune response, though it ablation such as is commonly used on the skin.
will take decades to see if this impacts on the incidence
of cervical cancer in the population as a whole. These
Recurrent oral ulceration of the aphthous stomatitis
high risk HPVs are also associated with a subset of
upper aerodigestive tract cancers, particularly of the
oropharynx.43,44 ‘‘Low-risk’’ HPVs, especially HPV 6 Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS), usually of the
and 11, have long been known to be the cause of the minor, but sometime the major type, occurs in HIV-
common viral wart, e.g., picked up by children from positive persons. Diagnosis is based on clinical history,
swimming pools, or transmitted from lesions on the typical appearances (Fig 31) and the same type of
hands by direct contact. routine screening for haematological abnormalities,
The latter family also cause papillomas on mucous bowel disease, gluten sensitivity or other food allergies,
membranes, and these are seen more commonly in HIV such as one would employ in a patient without any
patients, frequently as flat condylomata, similar to suggestion of HIV disease. The same range of therapies
those of the perianal mucosa (Fig 29). Typical ‘‘papil- is employed – many simply giving symptomatic relief.
lomatous’’ or pedunculated lesions also occur, some- Topical steroids do have a place48 and thalidomide has
times as simple tags of mucosa45 (Fig 30). been used successfully; this appears to act by inhibition
In the era of HAART there has been a notable of TNF alpha – but because of its teratogenicity should
increase in the prevalence of benign HPV-related oral only be used on a named-patient basis.49
mucosal lesions.46,47 They can be unsightly, and
Intra-mucosal haemorrhages ⁄ purpura
HIV infection can cause a marked thrombocytopaenia,
particularly in the acute or initial phase. This can
present to dental clinicians as intramucosal haemor-
rhages, such as that seen in Fig 32. This patient had
widespread bruising elsewhere in his mouth, and
conjunctival and intra-ocular bleeding.

Hyperpigmentation of the oral mucosa

Patchy pigmentation of the oral mucosa is a common
finding in dark-skinned races. However, increased
melanin deposits are common in longstanding HIV
disease50,51 (Figs 33 and 34). Sometimes these can be
Fig 29. HPV-related flat condylomas on the vermillion lip mucosa of
an HIV-positive patient.
explained as a side effect of drugs, especially antimal-

Fig 30. Tags of mucosa at the commissure of the mouth in an HIV Fig 31. Minor aphthous ulcers, with typical appearance, in an HIV-
patient. These are also HPV-induced. positive patient.
98 ª 2010 Australian Dental Association
The mouth in HIV ⁄ AIDS

arials. In advanced disease, with adrenal gland involve-

ment, it represents a manifestation of Addison’s disease.
These appearances should trigger investigations of
adrenal function.

Periodontal diseases in HIV infection

In the early days of the HIV epidemic in the West, a
great deal of attention was paid to periodontal mani-
festations. Complex classifications were proposed and
their diagnostic criteria hotly debated.52 This has now
been simplified.
A quite distinctive fiery red marginal gingivitis may be
seen (Fig 35), the term ‘‘linear gingival erythema’’
having been used. This is usually associated with
deposits of dental plaque ⁄ oral biofilm at the gingival
margin, often containing considerable numbers of
candida species. It is amenable to improved oral hygiene,
judicious (limited) use of disinfectant mouthwashes and,
if Candida is identified, antifungal drugs (see above).
As in patients severely debilitated for other reasons,
acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG) is seen in

Fig 34. Marked pigmentation of the dorsal tongue. Although this

patient is dark-skinned, the intensity and distribution of the oral
pigmentation is more than normally seen as racial pigmentation.

Fig 32. Bleeding within the tongue in a recently HIV-infected

individual. This particular patient had an extremely low platelet count.

Fig 35. Distinctive marginal gingivitis, resembling that sometimes

described as ‘‘linear gingival erythema’’ in an HIV patient.

immunocompromised patients (Fig 36), particularly if

they have psychological ⁄ motivational problems, poor
nutrition, and use tobacco or other drugs. In the early
days of the HIV epidemic, extension of ANUG to
produce local exposure and necrosis of bone – termed
necrotizing periodontitis – was seen (Fig 37). This is
now rare in the West, but remains a major problem in
Africa. Such lesions may progress to sequestration of a
significant piece of alveolar bone. Unsurprisingly, they
Fig 33. Pigmented patches on the buccal mucosa, with slight keratosis. are extremely painful. Local debridement as part of
ª 2010 Australian Dental Association 99
NW Johnson

the 1990s there was not compelling evidence for greater

progression of disease.56 However, a recent study from
the USA confirms increased severity in HIV patients and
emphasizes the need for continuing periodontal care.57

Necrotizing stomatitis
Occasionally an oral infection, such as ANUG, may
extend to adjacent soft tissues, producing a necrotizing
stomatitis (Fig 38). This is similar to the appearance of
Noma or Cancrum oris. Local debridement with
disinfectants such as chlorhexidine or povidone iodine
can result in rapid resolution (Fig 39). Broad spectrum
antibiotics, as listed above, may be needed.

Fig 36. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis in an HIV patient. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)
This is a now well recognized situation in which a
recovering immune system responds to a previously
acquired opportunistic infection, which may have
become occult, with an exaggerated response that can
make the symptoms of the infection worsen.58 Cell-
mediated immunity is raised, whether directed against a
new infection, and old infection, or antigens from dead
organisms sequestered in necrotic tissue.

Fig 37. Acute necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis in an HIV patient.

Note the exposed and necrotic bone lingual to teeth 43 and 44.

comprehensive periodontal care is effective if other

opportunistic infections are under control and especially
if antiretroviral therapy is in place. Systemic antibiotics, Fig 38. Necrotic ulcer in the retromolar area in an HIV patient.
such as metronidazole, tetracycline, clindamycin, amox-
icillin, and amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium, should
be combined with debridement of necrotic tissues. As
systemic antibiotics increase the patient’s risk of devel-
oping candidiasis, concurrent, empirical administration
of an antifungal agent should be considered.53
There is some controversy as to whether or not the
severity and extent of the common forms of destructive
periodontitis are increased in those with HIV ⁄ AIDS.
Again, it depends on the quality of therapy for HIV
disease itself, and on the quality of periodontal care. In
our Indian cohort of largely untreated subjects, we
found that measures of periodontal disease had some
predictive value for HIV.54 In the early days of the
epidemic in New York, a high quality longitudinal
study did show greater disease progression in the more Fig 39. The lesion seen in Fig 38 a few days after local debridement
severely immunosuppressed.55 In our London cohort of and disinfection.
100 ª 2010 Australian Dental Association
The mouth in HIV ⁄ AIDS

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