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Oral surgery in patients under antithrombotic therapy.

Narrative review.
Anggelo Carrizo1. Abstract: Population aging and the increasing rates of cardiovascular di-
David Carrasco2. seases have raised the number of patients receiving antithrombotic therapy in
elective or emergency dental care, including surgical procedures. The aim of
this article is to review the evidence and clinical guidelines for management
of patients on antithrombotic therapy published in the past five years. The
1. CESFAM Boca Sur, San Pedro de American Antithrombotic Therapy Guideline - 2012 - generally recommends
la Paz. Chile.
not to suspend antiplatelet or anticoagulant treatment in dental procedures
2. Práctica Privada. Chile.
since they are considered to have low bleeding risk and easy resolution. In
the dental field, there is ample published evidence regarding oral surgical
procedure management, especially by maxillofacial surgeons, showing a low
number of complications associated with extractions or other minor oral sur-
gical procedures without suspending antithrombotic drugs and only taking
some minimum safeguards, such as healing by first intention or the use of
some local hemostatic agents. In general, patients under chronic antithrom-
botic therapy should keep their medication when undergoing low and me-
dium complexity dental procedures, since complications are minor and easy
to handle. Due to interactions between them, particular care should be taken
with patients using more than one drug.
Corresponding author: Anggelo Carrizo.
2° Transversal N° 457, Boca Sur. San Pedro Keywords: Antithrombotic, coagulation, exodontia, oral surgery, hemorrhage,
de la Paz. Chile. Phone: +56 800500818. aspirin.
E-mail: DOI: 10.17126/joralres.2015.012

Receipt: 12/30/2014 Revised: 01/15/2014 Cite as: Carrizo A & Carrasco D. Oral surgery in patients under antithrombotic therapy.
Acceptance: 02/13/2015 Online: 02/13/2015 Narrative review. J Oral Res 2015;4(1):58-64.

INTRODUCTION. dentist to consider certain handling guidelines to avoid

Population aging and the increasing prevalence of triggering a cardiac event and allow relevant and efficient
chronic diseases, especially the cardiovascular ones, make care for these patients, especially in emergency situations
cardiac events the main cause of death in developed cou- involving routine and low complexity surgical procedures.
ntries and this is also happening in Chile1. Although there The objective of this article is to review the evidence
are several ways to intervene and prevent cardiovascular and international clinical guidelines with regard to the
diseases (CVD), the pharmacological treatment is the management of dental patients treated with antithrombo-
most important. Prescribing antithrombotic drugs is cu- tic therapy published in the last 5 years. This is intended
rrently the most used strategy to prevent the development to generate recommendations for the national context ac-
of a major cardiac event 2,3. cording to today’s patients’ risk level.
Given that, it is becoming more and more frequent to Antithrombotic drugs.
find patients with CVD treated with antithrombotic the- Currently, in Chile, the most commonly used an-
rapy in the dental office2 . This makes it necessary for the tithrombotic drugs are acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), ace-

58 ISSN Online 0719-2479 - ©2014 - Official publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción -
Carrizo A & Carrasco D.
Oral surgery in patients under antithrombotic therapy. Narrative review.
J Oral Res 2015; 4(1):58-64. DOI:10.17126/joralres.2015.012

nocoumarol (Neosintron), warfarin (Coumadin) and Its indication is similar to warfarin and no significant di-
clopidogrel4. Antithrombotics for ambulatory use can be fference was found between them7.
classified into 2 groups:
Antiplatelet: they inhibit platelet activation pathways. CLINICAL GUIDELINES FOR ANTITHROM-
The most commonly used are acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) BOTIC THERAPY.
and clopidogrel. Acetylsalicylic acid is a COX - 1inhibi- Regarding preoperative management of these patients,
tor. It affects thromboxane A 2 synthesis to achieve a per- there are rules set forth in the clinical guidelines for an-
sistent and almost complete suppression of platelet COX tithrombotic therapy, published in CHEST 20129.
(COX-1) for more than 24 hours. The usual dose ranges The main indications are the following:
from 85 to 325mg/day 5. 1. Perioperative management of users of VKA: In pa-
Clopidogrel has an active metabolite that selectively tients who require a minor dental procedure, it is sugges-
inhibits the binding of the adenosine diphosphate to its ted to continue with the AVK associated with the co-ad-
platelet P2Y12 receptor and the subsequent ADP media- ministration of an oral pro-hemostatic agent or suspend
ted activation of the GPllb/llla complex, thus inhibiting AVK two or three days before the procedure (evidence
platelet aggregation. The usual dose is 75mg/day 5. grade: 2c).
These drugs are mostly used in prophylaxis or treatment 2. For patients undergoing a minor dental procedure
of arterial thrombosis in patients with cardiovascular di- who are receiving aspirin for secondary prevention of car-
sease, particularly in coronary heart disease5. diovascular disease, it is suggested to continue its admi-
Anticoagulants: The most current usage corresponds nistration rather than suspending it 7 to 10 days prior to
to vitamin K antagonists (VKA), such as warfarin and the procedure (evidence grade: 2C).
acenocoumarol (Neosintron). 2.1 In patients with moderate to high risk of cardio-
Warfarin acts on vitamin K-dependent clotting fac- vascular events and who are receiving aspirin, it is sugges-
tors (II, VII, IX and X), inhibiting primarily extrinsic ted to continue rather than suspending it 7 to 10 days
and common pathways of coagulation5. Doses must be before surgery (evidence grade: 2C). In patients with low
adjusted on the basis of the patient’s INR and the condi- risk of cardiovascular events who are receiving aspirin, it
tion treated. There are medications that affect its power; is suggested to suspend it 7 to 10 days before the procedu-
the R-warfarin is metabolized by the CYP1A2 and CYP re (evidence grade: 2C).
3A4 and is inhibited by quinolones, macrolides, as well These recommendations are essentially the same as
as metronidazole and fluconazole 6. Its main indication is those on the preoperative management of chronic an-
for prophylaxis and/or treatment of venous thrombosis, tithrombotic therapy made in the revision published in
pulmonary embolism, thromboembolic complications as- BLOOD in 201210. Dental procedures are considered
sociated with atrial fibrillation, heart valve replacement to have a low bleeding risk and it is recommended to
and recurrence of myocardial infarction or cerebrovascu- continue using AVK together with the concomitant ad-
lar accident 6. ministration of a pro-hemostatic agent (for example, an
Acenocoumarol (Neosintron) has an anticoagulant antifibrinolytic agent, such as tranexamic acid or amino-
effect due to the inhibition of the epoxide reductase enzy- caproic acid used as a mouth rinse before and after the
me, interfering in the gamma-carboxylation of glutamate procedure), or interrupt VKA only 2-3 days before. This
residues in factors II, V, VII and IX, in addition to inhi- results in an INR which is slightly subtherapeutic at the
biting carboxylation of protein C and S7. Substances such time of the procedure. Regarding antiplatelet therapy,
as omeprazole may enhance the effect of acenocoumarol8. the suggestion is not to stop it.

ISSN Online 0719-2479 - ©2014 - Official publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción - 59
Carrizo A & Carrasco D.
Oral surgery in patients under antithrombotic therapy. Narrative review.
J Oral Res 2015; 4(1):58-64. DOI:10.17126/joralres.2015.012

Other recommendations which are closer to local rea- prolonged bleeding were successfully managed with sim-
lity (Cuba) show that, in moderate bleeding risk surgery ple local hemostatic measures such as pressure, wound su-
(cardiac surgery, orthopaedic, major abdominal, otorhi- turing, gel foam, electrocoagulation or the topical use of
nolaryngological and urological), if there is a high throm- thrombin, tranexamic acid or 1% feracrylum solution. Fe-
bosis risk, aspirin should be kept, Clopidogrel should be racrylum is an effective and safe topical hemostatic agent
suspended between 3 and 5 days prior to the surgical to minimize significantly diffuse capillary exudation
procedure. If the thrombotic risk is intermediate, aspirin and superficial hemorrhage, thus reducing intraoperative
should be used between 10 and 14 days prior to the sur- blood loss, postoperative hematoma, edema of the wound
gical procedure11. and postoperative complications13. The authors conclude
In general, all guidelines indicate treatment with oral that only patients under dual therapy have an increased
anticoagulants for surgical oral procedures should not risk of prolonged bleeding so they should always be su-
be stopped since bleeding during the intra-operative and tured. Also, bleeding is controllable with local measures;
postoperative period is easy to handle and resolve, not so therefore, it is not necessary to suspend drugs due to in-
the consequence of stopping therapy. creased thrombogenic risk.
On the other hand, Broekema et al.14 analyzed the blee-
EVIDENCE OF DENTAL MANAGEMENT. ding risk in patients on anticoagulants (INR 1.8 to 3.5 )
In the dental field, several research papers and revi- compared with patients on antiplatelet therapy and a con-
sions with different level of evidence, patient type and an- trol group that did not take this type of medications. The
tithrombotic therapy have recently been published, but, objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of
in general, they reaffirm what is stated in cardiovascular the ACT protocol, which indicates the use of mouthwash
and hematologic clinical guidelines. with tranexamic acid (4 times per 5 days) in patients un-
Recently, Girotra et al.12 analyzed the bleeding risk in der anticoagulant therapy. Patients on anticoagulants
patients with prolonged antiplatelet drugs, specifically as- showed a greater prevalence of mild bleeding, but it was
pirin and clopidogrel, as well as the combination of the- not statistically significant. The authors concluded on the
se. The subjects were compared with patients who were proper effectiveness of the protocol, but it is necessary to
not taking them and only minor oral surgery procedures investigate in elderly population.
which included multiple extractions, surgical extractions, Svensson et al.15 analyzed the effectiveness of using he-
lifting flaps, alveoloplasties and biopsies were performed. mostatic or collagen sponge and suture and tranexamic
With consent from the patient, the patient’s physician or acid to prevent increased bleeding in patients using warfa-
cardiologist and the dentist, none of those under antipla- rin (INR≤3.5). Out of 124, five patients had postoperative
telet therapy suspended medicines for the surgery, which bleeding, all of them due to extraction in the jaw molar
were carried out in an ambulatory setting and with stan- area and 2 associated with the concomitant use of aspirin
dard surgical protocols. A higher prevalence of prolonged and warfarin. These 5 patients were managed with local
bleeding was found in patients under dual therapy (as- measures and none required hospitalization. The authors
pirin and clopidogrel), but the correlation between both conclude that there is a low bleeding risk in patients who
variables was poor. Depending on the type of procedure, take warfarin and the utility of minimum coagulation
patients with antiplatelet drugs showed a more prolonged measures. However, clinical trials are needed to determi-
bleeding when they were subjected to surgical extractions, ne the role of these measures for managing patients trea-
lifting of flaps and biopsies, but the difference was not sta- ted with antithrombotic therapy.
tistically significant. Notwithstanding, all patients with a Regarding management of patients receiving warfarin

60 ISSN Online 0719-2479 - ©2014 - Official publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción -
Carrizo A & Carrasco D.
Oral surgery in patients under antithrombotic therapy. Narrative review.
J Oral Res 2015; 4(1):58-64. DOI:10.17126/joralres.2015.012

sodium, a review revealed little or no risk of significant of dabigatran. However, the authors agree that in minor
hemorrhage in patients with a TP 1.5 to 2 times higher procedures (1 to 3 extractions), stopping the medication
than normal after surgical procedures. Also, it reported would not be indicated. Given the recent incorporation of
that there is little risk of hemorrhagic complications as dabigatran, further research is needed regarding its effect
long as the TP is up to 2.5 times the normal value and in patients undergoing dental procedures.
that the risk of complications is greater when the anticoa- In addition to the drugs taken by patients with chro-
gulant therapy is stopped16. nic diseases, possible interactions with those that are in-
Ripolles-Ramon et al.17 investigated the effect of the dicated by the dentist should be considered. For exam-
tranexamic acid gel in post extraction healing in patients ple, Goodchild and Donaldson 22 describe the interaction
undergoing anticoagulant therapy (acenocoumarol) and between warfarin and amoxicillin in a patient who was
a control group. The results indicate that the use of the subjected to multiple extractions. In this case, INR in-
gel reduces healing time in patients under anticoagulant crease from 2.0 to 5.8 was seen with the use of amoxi-
drugs, but not in the control group and patients did not cillin (which is a range for ASA IV patients). Therefore,
report episodes of excessive bleeding. The authors conclu- additional measures were required for up to 1 week after
de about the potential usefulness of this new presentation the procedure. This interaction with warfarin adds to the
form of the tranexamic acid gel. already reported for the use of NSAIDS, which must be
Okamoto et al.18 compared the effect of the hemostatic used with caution, after oral surgeries23.
sponge gel, blue-violet LED and the combination of both Most of the evidence indicates that surgical procedures
in the prevention of post-extraction bleeding in patients such as tooth extractions or limited periodontal surgery
under warfarin, not control groups were included for the may be executed without modification of INR values ex-
treatment or type of patient. The results show a synergis- cept in extreme circumstances. Prolonged postoperative
tic effect in the use of LED and the sponge. The authors hemorrhage occurs rarely with INR in range of 1.0 to 3.0,
conclude about the utility of this new method, described however higher levels would be associated with mild and
as easy to use, but that further research is needed in this moderate localized bleeding16.
regard, including dental extractions and other types of A recent systematic review about the bleeding risk in
dental procedures. patients treated with antiplatelet therapy who were subjec-
In addition to the most commonly used antithrombotic ted to dental procedures24,25 concludes in a similar manner
medication, new drugs have been developed and recently as the previously described: although patients using these
approved by the FDA. One of them is dabigatran, a direct medications have an increased bleeding, it is not clinically
thrombin inhibitor19. Romond et al.20 describe handling relevant and can be easily handled with local measures,
of a patient under this medication whom had 8 extrac- paying special attention to those patients using more than
tions, alveoloplasty and tuberosity reduction. In this case one medication. Given the above, it is recommended not
and with medical consent, dabigatran was suspended the to alter or suspend antithrombotic therapy and highlight
night before the procedure and restarted the day after. the need to continue researching this topic.
There were no immediate postoperative complications nor A practical and simplified vision is given by Wahl 26
in a 7-month follow-up period. Unlike management des- when noting “bleed or die” because the evidence is broad
cribed in the literature, the authors support the suspension in pointing out a low bleeding risk in these patients,
of dabigatran in accordance with the recommendations which are easily controllable and that the suspension of
by Van Ryn et al.21, as well as the fact of the extent of the these drugs involve pondering about exposing patients to
procedure and the absence of an agent to reverse the effect a remote bleeding risk with non-fatal consequences versus

ISSN Online 0719-2479 - ©2014 - Official publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción - 61
Carrizo A & Carrasco D.
Oral surgery in patients under antithrombotic therapy. Narrative review.
J Oral Res 2015; 4(1):58-64. DOI:10.17126/joralres.2015.012

exposing them to a small risk, but fatal due to a throm- patients are suspended from their antithrombotic medica-
boembolic complication. tion mainly to conduct low risk and short duration oral
Current evidence suggests that, in most cases, the risk surgeries that are not justified.
does not have a significant clinical impact. Even more, in In patients with low thrombotic risk, who usually take
many situations, stopping medication, and/or performing aspirin, the suspension should take 7 days to decrease the
bridge therapy does not provide adequate protection, but antiaggregation effect. In the case of patients recieving
increases embolic or thrombotic phenomena risk and may more than one antithrombotic medication, the bleeding
even be associated with increased hemorrhagic phenome- risk increases, but it is precisely these patients who have an
na risk. Therefore, it is essential to carry out an individua- increased thrombotic risk and the suspension of the medi-
lized assessment to define the bleeding risk associated with cation exposes them to an event of serious consequences,
each surgical procedure and compare it with thrombotic while excessive bleeding can be prevented or controlled
risk, and embolic cardiovascular mortality associated with in a simple way without major complications. Thus, it is
the suspension of these medications. Only in this way, it always necessary to assess what is more dangerous.
will provide the best therapeutic option for each patient 25. On the other hand, there may be unnecessary referrals
for the physician to “authorize” a procedure. This beco-
DISCUSSION. mes important in those patients who have acute and in-
Patients treated with antithrombotic therapy do not tense pain and/or an infection in progress. In these cases,
represent a significant percentage of the general popula- an oral surgery can be performed with a low bleeding risk,
tion and therefore those who receive dental treatment, in prior evaluation of the patient’s medical history. Unless
Spain are only 1.89%27. However, the underlying patho- there is some pathology or concomitant medication of re-
logies (CVD) imply the need for special clinical mana- levance for the dental procedure (usually simple extrac-
gement. Additionally, it should not be ignored that the tions), this should not be postponed because of the mere
increase in the risk factors for CVD2 will lead to a greater presence of an antithrombotic medication. It is important
presence of these patients in dental consultations during to consider that leaving an odontogenic infection without
the coming years. They must be stabilized to perform mi- treatment in its initial stages will generally lead to a pro-
nor oral surgery, which are generally elective procedures. cess of greater seriousness that will require hospitaliza-
It is necessary to clarify that the reference to oral surgery tion, unnecessarily exposing the patient and generating
in the reviewed literature includes simple and flap extrac- higher health care costs.
tions, osteotomies, cystectomies, alveoloplasties and other Although much of the recent literature mentions pro-
procedures of minor or medium complexity. cedures for controlling bleeding require special imple-
While there are no precise numbers as to how the den- ments12-21, which are not usually available in most of the
tists manage these patients in Chile, an investigation in Chilean hospital facilities, there are still other simple pro-
Dutch maxillofacial surgeons found that there was an over- cedures applied locally in the surgical area. These include
estimation of the bleeding risk that led to an inadequate initial hemostasis control before dispatching the patient,
management in view of the current evidence, materialized follow-up appointments in the following days, pressure
in risky behaviors such as the suspension of the medication bleeding area or simple wound suturing and closure by
for the realization of invasive oral procedures28. first intention. In this sense, the possibility to manage
Considering this, it is not uncommon to find in the these patients in a simple manner, without interrupting
Chilean context a poorly focused and excessive caution their antithrombotic therapy or generating unnecessary
for hemorrhages associated with dental procedures. Many referrals and inter-consultations, is reaffirmed.

62 ISSN Online 0719-2479 - ©2014 - Official publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción -
Carrizo A & Carrasco D.
Oral surgery in patients under antithrombotic therapy. Narrative review.
J Oral Res 2015; 4(1):58-64. DOI:10.17126/joralres.2015.012

In spite of all of the above, it is always necessary to con- tithrombotic therapy should keep their medicines when
sider that patients under antithrombotic therapy often pre- they are subjected to dental procedures. Possible compli-
sent a series of concomitant pathologies and take multiple cations are minor and their resolution is easy, while their
medications that could alter the decision to perform a spe- suspension can lead to complications that could be fatal.
cific dental procedure. In these cases, medical inter-consul- Special attention must be paid to patients using more
tation is necessary to clear up doubts and reduce risks. than one medication, concomitant disorders, who use the
latest generation anticoagulant drugs and the interactions
CONCLUSION. with drugs prescribed during dental treatment. Only in
In general terms, patients undergoing chronic an- these cases, medical inter-consultation may be necessary.

Cirugía bucal en pacientes con terapia antitrom- tos quirúrgicos bucales, especialmente por cirujanos
bótica. Revisión narrativa. maxilofaciales, que ha demostrado la baja cantidad de
Resumen: El envejecimiento poblacional y el aumen- complicaciones asociadas a exodoncias u otras cirugías
to patologías cardiovasculares ha aumentado la cantidad menores de la cavidad bucal; sin la necesidad de suspen-
de pacientes bajo terapia antitrombótica que reciben der los medicamentos antitrombóticos y tomando algu-
atención dental electiva o de urgencia, incluidos los pro- nos resguardos mínimos como la cicatrización por pri-
cedimientos quirúrgico. El objetivo de este artículo es mera intención o el uso de algunos agentes hemostáticos
revisar la evidencia y las guías clínicas publicadas en los locales. En términos generales los pacientes bajo terapia
últimos 5 años respecto al manejo odontológico de pa- antitrombótica crónica deben mantener sus medicamen-
cientes bajo terapia antitrombótica. La guía clínica ame- tos cuando son sometidos a procedimientos dentales de
ricana de terapia antitrombótica del año 2012 recomien- baja y mediana complejidad, ya que las complicaciones
da en general no suspender la terapia antiplaquetaria ni son menores y de sencillo manejo. Se debe poner especial
anticoagulante, en los procedimientos dentales ya que atención en pacientes con más de un medicamento, por
son considerados como de bajo riesgo de sangrado y de las interacciones entre ellos.
fácil resolución. En el área odontológica existe amplia Palabras clave: Antitrombótico, Coagulación, Exodon-
evidencia publicada respecto al manejo de procedimien- cia, Cirugía bucal, Hemorragia, Aspirina.

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nidades pehuenches, Alto Biobio. Rev Chil Rev Dent Chile 2005; 96(2): 18-23. 8. Thijssen, HH, Flinois JP, Beaune PH.
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2. Fakhri HR, Janket SJ, Jackson EA, M. Mecanismo de acción de los fármacos talyst of racemic acenocoumarol hydroxyla-
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Oral surgery in patients under antithrombotic therapy. Narrative review.
J Oral Res 2015; 4(1):58-64. DOI:10.17126/joralres.2015.012

10. Ortel T. Perioperative management of no M, Benito-Urdaneta M. Manejo odon- nically significant drug interaction between
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64 ISSN Online 0719-2479 - ©2014 - Official publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción -

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