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Turkey After the Verdict: Back to Normal?

Summary: The decision by Turkey’s
constitutional court to warn and by Dr. Ian O. Lesser*
sanction, but not close the Justice
and Development Party (AKP),
offers an opportunity to Turks and WASHINGTON — The decision by Tayyip Erdoğan, top generals, and
Turkey’s international partners.
Turkey’s constitutional court to warn others in the secular establishment:
and sanction, but not close the ruling AKP left in power, but with a promise
After almost a year of distraction Justice and Development Party (AKP), of moderation on headscarves,
and disarray, Ankara may now be offers an opportunity to Turks and education policy, and other critical
able to focus on the most pressing Turkey’s international partners. After issues in the secularism debate. As
problems facing the country. Europe almost a year of distraction and disar- likely, and perhaps more important
ray, Ankara may now be able to focus for the longer term, diverse sectors
and the United States may now be
on the most pressing problems facing in Turkey may have judged that
able to treat Turkey as a “normal” the country. Europe and the United the costs of a party closure were
country again. Much will depend States may now be able to treat Turkey simply too high. The economy,
on whether the court’s decision as a “normal” country again. Much already under pressure from political
will depend on whether the court’s risk and troubles in global markets,
ushers in a period of moderation or
decision ushers in a period of would have been badly hurt. Turkey’s
renewed polarization, and whether moderation or renewed polarization, EU candidacy, already troubled,
the AKP government uses its and whether the AKP government uses would have been dealt a further blow.
renewed freedom of action to think its renewed freedom of action to think An outright suspension of accession
strategically about external policy.
strategically about external policy. negotiations could not be ruled out
and, once suspended, Turkey’s
Interpreting the Decision candidacy would be difficult or
impossible to restart.
Admit it or not, most observers were
surprised by the verdict. Over the Even for hard-line Kemalists eager to
past months, Turks on all sides, and see Erdoğan out of power and AKP’s
Turkey’s international interlocutors, political primacy brought to an end,
had prepared themselves for a party it was never clear that a party closure
closure and, most likely, a ban on key would bring the desired result. AKP
AKP political figures. In the event, the would likely have reorganized under a
court stepped back from this “nuclear different name, and perhaps secured
option,” leaving the current political an even larger mandate in new
constellation in place. Some will spec- general elections. In the worst case,
ulate that a quiet deal may have been AKP supporters and opponents might
struck between Prime Minister Recep have gone to the streets, with unfore-
Washington, DC • Berlin • Bratislava • Paris
Brussels • Belgrade • Ankara • Bucharest *
Dr. Ian O. Lesser is a senior transatlantic fellow with the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). The views expressed
here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of GMF.

seeable consequences for internal stability. This scenario,

however unlikely, must still be regarded as one of the few
“AKP’s rise has been as much
paths to a military coup of a traditional kind. Political
frictions alone would not be sufficient. about class as about religion. The
Some Lessons
current reality is not so much the
So, Turkey has stepped back from the brink. Several lessons
can be drawn from this experience. First, in today’s Turkey, struggle of embattled secular elites
public opinion counts. AKP has arguably understood this
better than any of the other forces on the political scene. against a more religious mass of
No sector, from the military to the business community,
from secular nationalists to “Islamists,” can ignore this
reality. This is a marked change from even a decade ago, and
provincial origins, but rather an
it imposes real constraints on the military, the state, and not
least, political parties. This is a significant dimension of ongoing competition between
Turkey’s progressive Europeanization and convergence with
transatlantic norms. parallel elites.”
Second, the international context matters. Without economic growth in the wake of the financial collapse of
question, the Turkish discourse in recent years has been 2000-2001. The lack of an effective political opposition has
driven by resurgent nationalism, a degree of xenophobia, reinforced these advantages. As many observers have noted,
and an internal stability “lens” affecting policy toward every- AKP’s rise has been as much about class as about religion.
thing from the Kurdish issue to the European Union. It has The current reality is not so much the struggle of embattled
been especially pronounced in relations with the United States secular elites against a more religious mass of provincial
(the court’s original indictment against AKP made frequent origins, but rather an ongoing competition between parallel
mention of Washington’s alleged role in encouraging Turkey’s elites—secular and religious, cosmopolitan, and provincial
drift toward religious politics). But despite this pervasive —in various sectors. With AKP controlling parliament and
climate of suspicion, the very negative international reaction the presidency, and increasingly prominent in the state
to the prospect of a party closure arguably had some role in bureaucracy and the economy, the AKP ascendancy in
the outcome. Certainly, it has been a key part of the Turkish Turkish society will be hard to reverse.
debate. At the broadest level, Ankara has important business
to attend to in its region and in transatlantic relations. The Day After–and Beyond
Domestic political turmoil inevitably limits the energy left
for credible international initiatives. The verdict seems genuinely to have taken Turks by
surprise. All sides will now face some critical decisions on
Third, the frictions in Turkish society will remain and the internal and external fronts. Open questions abound.
perhaps deepen. The trends that have put AKP in power Erdoğan and AKP will now face a key test on style and
and polarized Turkish society have been gathering for substance. A somewhat chastened party leadership may
decades, and the resulting tensions over the future of the opt for a period of consolidation and moderation, avoiding
country will not be resolved by the court’s ruling. AKP “hot button” issues that might reopen the legal challenge.
forms a majority government in Turkey today because its Less likely, but quite possibly, the AKP leadership, and
message of cultural conservatism and populism resonates Erdoğan in particular, will see the court’s decision as a
with the electorate, it is well-funded and well-organized at vindication and an opportunity to renew the struggle for
the local and national levels, and it has a charismatic leader. power across multiple issues, including the highly symbolic
The party has also presided over a prolonged period of high ones.


On the external front, Ankara will now have an opportunity to

reinvigorate its foreign policy beyond the dilute, all-azimuths Dr. Ian O. Lesser, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, GMF
approach of the last few years. AKP’s new look in international
policy has emphasized engagement over priority-setting. Dr. Lesser is a GMF senior transatlantic fellow in Washington, DC,
Relations with Russia have expanded, Ankara has become an where he focuses on Mediterranean affairs, Turkey, and international
active player in the Black Sea, and Turkey has returned security issues. Prior to joining GMF, he was a public policy scholar
to the Middle East through improved ties to the Gulf at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Dr. Lesser
monarchies, Iran, and Syria (Turkey kept up its role as is also president of Mediterranean Advisors, LLC, a consultancy
facilitator in Israeli-Syrian talks despite domestic political specializing in geopolitical risk. Previously, he served as vice president
distractions). Ankara plans to open new embassies in Africa and director of studies at the Pacific Council on International Policy
and Asia. Relations with the United States and the European (the western partner of the Council on Foreign Relations) and a senior
Union remain critical by almost any measure, yet ties with staff member at RAND. From 1994-1995, he was a member of the
European and transatlantic partners have been badly frayed Secretary’s Policy Planning Staff at the U.S. Department of State,
in recent years, despite a declared commitment to improve- responsible for Turkey, Southern Europe, North Africa, and the
ment on all sides. multilateral track of the Middle East peace process.

About GMF
An AKP government, free of legal distractions and in a
less confrontational stance with the military and secular
The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a
forces, may be better placed to think strategically about
nonpartisan American public policy and grantmaking institution
external policy. In particular, a more testing economic and
dedicated to promoting greater cooperation and understanding
security environment will compel Turkey to think in terms
between North America and Europe. GMF does this by supporting
of foreign policy priorities. All international partnerships
individuals and institutions working on transatlantic issues, by
are not equal, and the key challenges on the horizon, from
convening leaders to discuss the most pressing transatlantic themes,
the future of Iraq to the reform of NATO, from the Cyprus
and by examining ways in which transatlantic cooperation can
dispute to EU negotiations, will require more effective and
address a variety of global policy challenges. In addition, GMF
less suspicious partnership with the West. To be sure, the
supports a number of initiatives to strengthen democracies. Founded
United States and Europe will also need to take Turkish
in 1972 through a gift from Germany, on the 25th anniversary of the
interests seriously (for Washington, that may be hard to do
Marshall Plan, as a permanent memorial to Marshall Plan assistance,
until a new Administration is in place). And Turkey’s own
GMF maintains a strong presence on both sides of the Atlantic. In ad-
security establishment will need to be convinced. But a
dition to its headquarters in Washington, DC, GMF has seven offices
Turkey headed “back to normal” will be in a far better
in Europe: Berlin, Bratislava, Paris, Brussels, Belgrade, Ankara, and
position to reinvigorate the country’s Euroatlantic

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