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SAP PowerDesigner

Physical Data Model Report

Model: PhysicalDataModel_SISUNIVIR
Report: Report 2

Author: Ing. Juan Santos

Date: 03/11/2016
Physical Data Model PhysicalDataModel_SISUNIVIR Report Report 2

Table of Contents

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SAP PowerDesigner 03/11/2016 Page 2 of 290

Physical Data Model PhysicalDataModel_SISUNIVIR

I Introduction
I.1 Description

I.2 Card of model PhysicalDataModel_SISUNIVIR

Name PhysicalDataModel_SISUNIVIR
DBMS PostgreSQL 9.x (Copy)
Database <None>

PowerDesigner 03/11/2016 Page 3

Physical Data Model PhysicalDataModel_SISUNIVIR

II Short model description

II.1 Non graphical objects
II.1.1 List of users
Name Code
postgres postgres

II.2 List of diagrams

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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Physical Data Model PhysicalDataModel_SISUNIVIR

II.3 Diagram PhysicalDiagram_1 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

curricula acumulado_otrasrepartici ones acumulado_untestado al umno alternativa acumul ado_estudios acumul ado_universidad alcance al umno_tramite ambarea_uso ambiente ambiente_bien area area ascenso asignaci on_requi sitos autoevaluacion banco
i dcurri cula int8 <pk> idacumulado_otrasrep i nt4 <pk> idacumulado_untestado int4 <pk> idalumno char(10) <pk> idalternati va i nt8 <pk> i dacumula do_estudios i nt4 <pk> i dacumula do_universidad i nt4 <pk> i dal umnotramite int8 <pk> idarea i nt8 <pk,fk3> idambi ente int8 <pk> idbien int8 <pk> i darea int8 <pk> i darea int8 <pk> idascenso int4 <pk> i dpostul ante int8 <pk,fk2> i dautoeval uacion i nt8 <pk> i dbanco int8 <pk>
curr_descri pci on varchar aor_ofi ci o varchar(15) idtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> idpersona int4 <fk3> alt_descripcion varchar aceu_oficio varchar(15) acuni_ofici o varchar(15) alcance int2 i dal umno varchar(10) <fk1> idambi ente i nt8 <pk,fk1> idpabellon int8 idambi ente int8 <pk,fk> i darea i nt8 i darea i nt8 fl ag_auxil iar bool i drequisito int8 <pk,fk1> i darea i nt8 <fk> ban_descri pci on varchar(50)
idperi odo forei gn_ambi ente
varchar(10) <pk,fk2> foreign_ambi enteamb_bien_fecasi gn date
curr_fechai nicio date aor_fecha_oficio date acue_nro_ofi cio varchar(15) idarea int8 <fk1> alt_orden int4 aceu_fecha_ofi ci o date acuni_fecha_ofici o date i dtramite int8 amb_excl usivo bool i darea_dependiente i nt8 i darea_dependiente i nt8 fecha_i ni_aux date asigreq_estado bool auto_fechaini ci o date ban_estado bool
curr_fechafinal date aor_resol ucion varchar(15) acue_fec_ofici o date idmodali dadi ngreso int8 <fk2> idtipo int8 <fk> aceu_resol uci on varchar(15) acuni_resolucion varchar(15) al um_tram_e stado int4 ambar_estado bool amb_observacion varchar(100) amb_bien_estado bool are_estado bool are_estado bool fecha_fin_aux date asigreq_observaci on varchar(50) auto_fechatermino date
curr_estado char(1) aor_fecha_resol uci on date acue_nro_resolucion varchar(15) alu_anioegreso int2 aceu_fecha_resolucion date acuni_fecha_resol uci on date al um_tram_fecha_soli date amb_descri pci on varchar(60) amb_bien_fecret date are_ni vel i nt4 are_ni vel i nt4 fl ag_asoci ado bool auto_estado bi t
i destructura i nt8 <fk> aor_tanios int2 acue_fec_resolucion date alu_puesto int2 aceu_tani os int4 acuni_tani os int2 al um_tram_fecha_proc date amb_ti po_amb int4 i dsede i nt8 <fk2> i dsede i nt8 <fk2> fecha_i ni_asociado date auto_docu mento varchar
curr_totalcreditos i nt2 aor_tmeses int2 acue_ser_aa i nt4 alu_ponderado int2 aceu_tmeses int4 acuni_tme ses int2 al um_tram_fecha_aten date amb_capacidad int4 i destructura i nt8 <fk1> i destructura i nt8 <fk1> fecha_fin_asociado date
curr_ti po varchar aor_tdi as int2 acue_ser_mm i nt4 alu_seccion varchar(1) aceu_tdias int4 acuni_tdia s int2 forei_alum idarea int8 fl ag_principal bool
cur_usuario varchar aor_ini ci o date acue_ser_dd i nt4 alu_nrocrdsaprob int2 aceu_estudio s_acumulados text acuni_cargo int2 amb_esta do bool fecha_i ni_pri nci pal date
aor_fi n date acue_obr_aa i nt4 alu_nrocrdsdesap int2 aceu_fuen te varchar(30) i dcondicion int4 <fk1> fecha_fin_pri nci pal date
aor_cargo varchar(100) acue_obr_mm i nt4 alu_nombrecompleto varchar aceu_nota ci on varchar(30) acuni_uni dad int4 idtrabajador varchar(10) <fk>
idcondi ci on int4 <fk1> acue_obr_dd i nt4 alu_curri cul a int8 i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk2> fl ag_j efepracti cas bool
aor_lugar varchar(85) acue_asi _aa i nt4 alu_idresolucion int8 acuni_inici o date fecha_i ni_jefepracticas date
aor_fuente varchar(35) acue_asi _mm i nt4 alu_estad o int8 acuni_fi n date fecha_fin_jefepracticas date
idtrabajador varchar(10) <fk2> acue_asi _dd i nt4 alu_ci clo int2 asc_ti po int2
acue_bec_aa i nt4 idperi odo varchar(8) fl ag_tecni co bool
acue_bec_mm i nt4 alu_foto varchar(100) fecha_tecni co date
acue_bec_dd i nt4 fl ag_profesi on al bool
acue_con _aa i nt4 fecha_profesi onal date
acue_con _mm i nt4 fl ag_funci onario bool
acue_con _dd i nt4 fecha_funci on ario date
acue_reg_aa i nt4 asc_estad o bool
acue_reg_mm i nt4
acue_reg_dd i nt4
acue_tot_aa i nt4
acue_tot_mm i nt4
acue_tot_dd i nt4
acue_otr_aa i nt4
acue_otr_mm i nt4
acue_otr_dd i nt4
acumulado_universidad_idcondi ci on_fkey
acue_for_aa i nt4
acue_for_mm i nt4
acue_for_dd i nt4
acue_est_aa i nt4
acue_est_mm i nt4
deta_pre_alt_idal ternati va_fkey are_foreign estruc_foreig
acue_est_dd i nt4 fk_estructura
acue_fec_computo date estruc_forei g
acue_des_fuente varchar(5)
acumulado_otrasrepartici ones_i dcondi cion_fkey
fk_curricul a
acumulado_estud ios_i dtrabajador_fkey
acumulado_universidad_idtrabaj ador_fkey
bi en cabecera_asi stenci a cargahoraria cargal ecti va carganol ectiva cargo cargo_autori dad cargos_general carrera_l aboralunt categori a col egi o comi te comportamiento condici on constancia_hij o convali da ci on criterio cri terios_evaluacion
idbien i nt8 <pk> idtrabajador varchar(10) <pk> idcargahorari a int4 <pk> i dcargal ectiva i nt8 <pk> i dcarganol ectiva int8 <pk> i dcargo i nt8 <pk> idcargoautori dad int4 <pk> codi go_cargo varchar(5) <pk> i dcarrerala boralunt int4 <pk> idcategori a int4 <pk> i dcol egi o int8 <pk> i dcomite i nt8 <pk> i dcomportami ento int4 <pk> idcondi ci on int4 <pk> idconstancia_hij o int8 <pk> idconvali daci on int8 <pk> i dcriterio int8 <pk> i dcriterioseval uaci on i nt8 <pk>
bien_descri pci on varchar(100) idcurso i nt8 <pk> ca_cargahoraria varchar(300) i dcursoprogra mad o i nt8 <fk2> secci on varchar(1) cargo_descri pci on varchar(200) codi go_cargo varchar(5) cargo_descripcion varchar(100) cl_oficio varchar(15) cate_descripci on varchar(80) col_descri pcion varchar(40) i dautoeval uacion i nt8 i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> cond_cod igo varchar(6) ves i nt8 idalumno char(10) i dfactor i nt8 <fk> i darea i nt8 <fk>
bien_ti po_bien i nt8 idperi odo varchar(8) <pk> ca_descripcion varchar(300) cal_esprincipal varchar(2) i dcargahoraria int8 <fk1> cargo_abrev varchar(100) descri pci on_cargo varchar(100) alcance i nt2 cl_fecha_ofi cio date cate_acti vo bool col_estado bool com_estado bi t com_fecha_oficio date cond_descri pcion varchar(60) idhij os i nt4 <fk2> idcurso i nt8 cri _nombre varchar cri ev_descripcion varchar(40)
idsede i nt8 <pk> cargal ecti va_idcargahorari a_fkey banc_cue ntcl_resoluci on
bien_peso numeric al _numerogrupos i nt4 numhoras int4 cate_abrev varchar(6) codi go_unidad varchar(5) ti po char(2) varchar(15) cate_tipo char(2) col_tipo int4 com_cargo i nt8 com_resolucion varchar(15) cond_acti vo bool documento_i d i nt4 <fk1> nota i nt2 cri _descrip ci on varchar cri ev_sigla varchar(5)
bien_seri e varchar(20) seccion char(1) <pk> secci on varchar(1) <fk2> cnl_descri pcion varchar(600) cargo_ti po char(2) descri pci on_unidad varchar(100) estado bool cl_fecha_resolucion date carrera_l aboralunt_idcategoria_fkey
cate_abrev varchar(6) i dubi geo int8 <fk> i dpersona i nt8 <fk> com_fecha_resol uci on date periodo varchar(10) cri _orden i nt4 cri ev_obli gatori o bool
bien_marca varchar(20) idgrupocurso i nt8 <pk> i dcargahoraria i nt8 <fk1> i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk2> horas_total es i nt2 cl_uni dad i nt4 horariolectivo_ambi uso_fkey com_tipomiembro i nt8 com_moti vo text ti po i nt2 cri _numeroindi cadores i nt4 cri ev_estado bool
bien_fecha_al ta date cabasis_fecha date <pk> i dtrabajador varchar(10) i dcursoprogra mad o int8 horas_lecti vas i nt2 cl_i nicio date com_fuente varchar(50) cri _estado bi t cri ev_tipo i nt8
bien_fecha_baja date cabasis_h ora varchar(15) <pk> cal_tipocarga i nt8 i dperiodo varchar(64) cargo_horasp repa racion i nt2 cl_termi no date com_notacion varchar(50)
carrera_l aboralunt_idcondicion_fkey
bien_codi go_i nterno varchar(10) cabasis_o bservacion varchar(200) cal_horas i nt2 cargo_horasconse jeri a i nt2 cl_tanios i nt2 com_tipo int2
bien_observacion varchar(100) cabasis_ti poasistenci a i nt4 cal_totalhoras i nt2 cargal ecti va_ idcursoprogramado _fkey cargo_horasi nvestigaci on i nt2 cl_tmeses i nt2 com_ofi ci o varchar(15)
bien_esta do bool cabasis_e stado i nt4 cargo_horascapacitaci on i nt2 cl_tdias i nt2
cabasis_fechaprogramacion date cargo_horasg obie rno i nt2 i dcategori a i nt4 <fk1>
cabasis_fechatomaasi stenci a date cargo_horasa dmi nistraci on i nt2 i dcondicion i nt4 <fk2> fk_autoevaluacion
cabasis_h oratomaasi stenci a varchar CargaNoLecti va_idCargaHorari a_fkey cargo_horasa sesoria i nt2 i dtrabajador varchar(10) constancia _hi jo_documento_i d_fkey
idambi enteprogramacion i nt8 cargo_horase xtension i nt2 cl_estado bi t encuesta_idestandar_fkey
cabasis_h orap rogramacion varchar(17) cargo_horascomi tes i nt2
condicion i nt2

cabeceras_asistencia_foreign fk_idencuesta
ascenso_i dtrabajador_fkey
fk_iddetal leen cuesta
crono_matri cu la cuenta curso curso_di ctar cursoprogramado deta_enc_ pre deta_pre_alt detall e_asistencia detall e_autoevaluacion detal le_encuesta detall eperiodo dimension documento encuesta equi val enci a escuela esprincipal estandar estructura
i darea int8 <pk,fk1> idcuenta i nt8 <pk> i dcurso i nt8 <pk> i dcursodictar int8 <pk> idcursoprogramado int8 <pk> i ddetalleencuesta pregunta int8 <pk> idasi stencia int8 <pk> iddetal leautoeval uaci on int8 <pk> iddetal leencuesta i nt8 <pk> idarea int8 <pk,fk1> iddimensi on i nt8 <pk> documento_i d int4 <pk> idencuesta i nt8 <pk> i dequi vale nci a int8 <pk> i destandar int8 <pk> idestructura i nt8 <pk>
secci on char(1) <pk> idbanco i nt8 <fk> i dcurri cula i nt8 <fk> i dperiodo cursoprogramado_idcursodi
varchar(8) <fk1> seccion
ctar_fkey varchar(1) <pk> i dpregunta int8 <fk2> i dpregunta i nt8 <fk2> idmatri cul adetal le int8 <fk2> idfuente int8 <fk2> idencuesta int8 <fk> idperi odo varchar(8) <pk,fk3> dim_descripcion varchar doc_descripci on varchar(65) enc_nombre varchar area_ori gen int8 i dcriterio int8 <fk> estr_descripci on varchar(200)
idestructura i nt8 case i nt4
i dperiodo varchar(8) <pk,fk2> cuen_nrocuen ta varchar(15) cur_fundamentaci on varchar(1000) i dcurso int8 idcursodi ctar i nt8 <fk> i dal ternativa i nt8 <fk1>
i ddetalleencuesta int8 <fk1>GrupoLecti vo _i dCursoProgramado_fkey idtrabajador varchar(10) <fk1> idautoevaluacion int8 <fk1> idautoevaluacion int8 idparametro int8 <pk,fk2> dim_orden i nt4 doc_activo bool enc_descripci on varchar curso_origen int8 est_nombre varchar estr_codi go_i nterno varchar(6)
cmat_letra inicio char(1) <pk> cuen_fechaal ta date cur_aprendizaje varchar(1000) i dsede int8 <fk2> idcurso i nt8 idcurso int8 <fk1> dat_descri pci on varchar detaperi_fechaini cio date dim_estado bi t idestanda r i nt8 <fk> curricula_ori gen int8 est_orden int4 fk_cri teri o estr_estado bool
cmat_letra final char(1) cuen_fechaba ja date cur_hrsteoria i nt2 cud_numseccion int4 idperi odo varchar(8) idperi odo varchar(8) <fk1> dat_resul tado numeri c detaperi_fechafi n date dim_nombre varchar enc_ti podocente bool area_trasl ado int8 est_objeti vo varchar iddependencia int8
cmat_fechai nicio date cuen_estado bool cur_hrspracti ca i nt2 idesde int8 <fk1> dat_dato varchar(50) detaperi_anioencurso i nt4 enc_ti poalumno bool curso_traslado int8 est_estado bit estr_nivel matri
int4cul a_ detll ae_foreign
cmat_hora inicio char(8) cur_hrslab i nt2 seccion char(1) <fk1> dat_estad o bool detaperi_obse rvaci on varchar(50) enc_ti poadmin bool curricula_trasl ado int8 estr_cocurricul ar bool
cmat_fechafinal date cur_tipocurso i nt8 idgrupocurso int8 <fk1> dat_concl usion varchar detaperi_estado bool enc_ti popadre bool estado_equi val en ci a bool estr_deno minacion varchar(100)
cmat_hora final char(8) cur_numro tacion numeric cabasis_fecha date <fk1> detaperi_numresol uci on varchar(30)
cmat_estado char(1) cur_ciclo i nt2 cabasis_h ora varchar(15) <fk1>
cur_estado char(1) detasi s_estado bool constancia _hi jo_idhi jos_fkey
cur_numcredi tos i nt2 detasi s_j ustifi caci on varchar(300)
cur_descri pcion varchar(1000) horarionolecti vo_i dcarganolecti va_fkey
cur_creditosminimos i nt2
cur_duracionrotacion i nt2
i destructura i nt8 fk_estanda r forei gn_periodo
fk_modali dad
cur_mul titeori a bi t
cur_mul tip ractica bi t fk_detalle auto evaluacion
cur_mul til aboratorio bi t
cur_mul titeoyprac bi t
cur_sumil la varchar fk_fuente
cur_usuario varchar
cur_orden i nt2
cur_nomin aci oncurso i nt8 organos_gobi erno_idcondicion_fkey
cur_areaestudio i nt8
cur_duracioncurso i nt8
cur_hrsestudio i nt2

CargaNoLecti va_idTrabajador_fkey

estudio eval uacio n factor famil ia fuente grupo grupolecti vo grupovia hi jos horari olectivo horarionolecti vo indicador i nventory i nventory_flow l icenci as local matricula matri cul a_ detalle
i destudi o int4 <pk> i deval uacion int8 <pk> i dfactor int8 <pk> idfamil ia i nt4 <pk> idfuente int8 <pk> grupo_id i nt4 <pk> i dgrupol ectivo i nt8 <pk> i dgrupovia i nt4 <pk> i dhi jos int4 <pk> i dhorariol ectivo i nt8 <pk> i dhorarionole ctivo int8 <pk> idi ndi cador i nt8 <pk> i tem_i d i nt4 <pk> i nventory_flow_id i nt4 <pk> i dlicencia int4 <pk> idl ocal i nt8 <pk> idmatri cul a i nt8 <pk> idmatri cul adetal le int8 <pk>
es_entidad varchar(45) i duni dadessi labo i nt8 <fk> fac_descri pcion varchar fam_madre_fechanac date idestanda r int8 <fk> gru_nombre varchar(50) i dcursoprogra mad o int8 <fk> i dtipogrupo int4 <fk> hi jo_nombres varchar(60) horai nicio varchar(20) i darea int8 ind_nombre varchar(100) i tem_name varchar(100) i tem_i d int4 <fk> i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> loc_descri pcio n varchar(50) idalumno char(10) <fk> idmatri cul a i nt8
fk_item_i d
es_tipo int8 eva_peso i nt2 fac_orden i nt4 fam_padre_fechanac date fue_descri pci on varchar gru_descri pci on varchar(50) gul_numgrup o int2 grv_descri pcion varchar(20) hi jo_apepate rno varchar(45) horafin varchar(20) i dambiente int8 ind_formula varchar(50) proj ect varchar(100) l ic_fecha_oficio date loc_estado bool mat_fecha timestamp idcursoprogramado i nt8
es_fecha date eva_idcriteri o i nt8 fac_estado bi t fam_padre_civil bool fue_estad o bool gru_icono varchar(20) gul_tipo int8 grv_estado bool hi jo_apematerno varchar(45) di a varchar(20) i dcarganol ectiva int8 <fk> ind_estad o bool num_used int4 l ic_resol ucion varchar(15) idsede i nt8 <fk> mat_estado char(1) seccion varchar(1)
i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> i ddi mensi on i nt8 <fk> fam_madre_ci vi l bool fue_nombre varchar gru_orden int4 secci on varchar(1) <fk> hi jo_civil i nt2 i darea i nt8 <fk1> di a varchar(20) iddetal leautoeval uaci on i nt8 <fk> num_ordered int4 l ic_fecha_resol uci on date mat_ponderado numeric(10,2) dem_idgrupoteo i nt8
es_descripcio n varchar(500) fac_nombre varchar fam_padre_vive bool fue_ti po int4 gru_activo bool gl _horas int2 hi jo_fecha nac date i dambiente i nt8 <fk1> horai nicio varchar(20) acti on_date ti mestamp l ic_moti vo text mat_credi taje i nt2 dem_idgrupoprac i nt8
fam_madre_vi ve bool fue_interpretacion varchar gl _vacantes int2 hi jo_sexo bool i dperiodo varchar(10) <fk1> horafin varchar(20) l ic_ini ci o date idarea i nt8 dem_idgrupolab i nt8
fam_cony_apepaterno varchar(45) gl _ocupad os int2 i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> i dgrupol ectivo i nt8 <fk2> l ic_fi n date mat_tipomatricula i nt2 dem_idgrupoteoprac i nt8
fam_cony_apematerno varchar(45) hi jo_estado bool i dtrabajador varchar(10) l ic_tanios i nt2 mat_secci on char(1) dem_promedio1 numeric(10,2)
fam_cony_nombre varchar(60) color varchar(30) l ic_tmeses i nt2 mat_curricula i nt8 dem_promedio2 numeric(10,2)
fk_i dmatri cul a_idmatri cul a
fam_cony_dni char(8) horariolectivo_i dgrupolectivo_fkey capaci dad i nt4 l ic_tdi as i nt2 mat_peri odo varchar dem_promedio3 numeric(10,2)
fam_cony_fechanac date resumen varchar(500) l ic_fuente varchar(40) dem_promedio4 numeric(10,2)
fam_fecha_matrimoni o date l ic_ofi ci o varchar(15) dem_promedio5 numeric(10,2)
fam_cony_l ug artrabaj o varchar(150) l ic_ti po i nt2 dem_promedio6 numeric(10,2)
fam_cony_direcci ontrabajo varchar(150) dem_promedio7 numeric(10,2)
fam_cony_sexo bool detaperi_peri dem_promediofinal numeric(10,2)
fam_padre varchar(100) dem_numvez i nt2
fam_madre varchar(100) forei gn_periodo dem_esta do char(1)
idubigeo int8 dem_reso luci on varchar
idtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> dem_repeti ci on i nt2 sede_fore ign
fam_cony_nacionali dad varchar(80) dem_voucherepeti ci on varchar
dem_codi gocursococurricular i nt8
fk_dimensi on dem_reso luci oncocurricular varchar sede_fore ign
dem_idcurso i nt8
fk_not_ideval foreign_matri _det_notas dem_ti po_i ngresonota i nt2
dem_lugar i nt8
forei gn_al um_tram dem_monto numeric
peri odo_forei gn dem_apl azado numeric(10,2)
dem_inhabili tado bi t

colegi o_fo re_ubi
matri cul a_ detalle_temp nombramiento_emerito
mejora modal idad modal idad_e xamen modali dad_peri odo_area modali dad_peri odo_precio modali dad_requi si tos modul o mul ti tabla nota observaciones organos_gobi erno p_escuel a p_fechafin pabell on parametros periodo periodoid permiso
i dmejora int8 <pk> idmodali dad int4 <pk> idmodexamen i nt8 <pk> idmodexamen int8 <pk,fk3> i dmodexamen i nt4 <pk,fk1> idmodexamen int8 <pk,fk2> mod_codi go i nt4 <pk> tabla_i d int8 <pk> i deval uacion int8 <pk,fk1> idobservacion i nt8 <pk> i dorganogobi erno int4 <pk> i dpabell on int8 <pk> idparametro int8 <pk> i dperiodo varchar(8) <pk> i dpermiso i nt8 <pk>
idalumno char(10) cod_empl eado char(4)
i dindicado r i nt8 mod_codi go varchar(15) mod_exa_descri pcion varchar(40) mod_foreign idarea int8 <pk,fk1> i dperiodo varchar(8) <pk,fk2> idrequi sito int8 <pk,fk1> mod_descri pci on varchar(50) val or int8 i dmatricul adetall e int8 <pk,fk2> idsilabo i nt8 og_ofi ci o varchar(15) idestructura i nt8 detaperi_fechafi n date pab_descri pci on varchar(50) para_descri pci on varchar(100) peri _estado bool max text rol_id i nt4 <pk,fk1>
idcursoprogramado i nt8 idperi odo varchar(8) <pk,fk2> nro_resolucio n char(15)
i dautoeval uacion i nt8 mod_descri pci on varchar(60) mod_exa_ti po i nt4 monto numeric modreq_estad o bool mod_esta do int2 dep_i d int8 not_nota numeri c ob_parteprogramacion varchar og_fecha_ oficio date pab_estado bool pabel lon_forei gnpara_esta do bool peri _observacion varchar(100) tarea_id int4 <fk2>
seccion varchar(1) col egi o_forei gn fec_resolucion date
mej _sugerencia varchar mod_abrevi atura varchar(8) mod_exa_estado bool nro_vacante i nt4 estado bool descri pci on varchar(80) not_fechareal izo date ob_partenormas varchar og_resolucion varchar(15) i dlocal int8 <fk> para_ti po i nt4 pso_acti vo bool
alternativa_idtipo_fkey varchar(8) tip_nombramiento char(1)
mej _cump lido bi t mod_activo bool mod_exa_clase i nt4 estado bool abrev varchar(80) not_antrectificar int4 ob_parteconsejeria varchar og_fecha_ resol uci on date para_cl ase i nt4
idcurso i nt8 grupo i nt4 estado bool fec_nombramiento date ob_partebibli ografi a varchar og_cargo varchar(5)
curso varchar foreign_modali da d ob_estado char(2) i dcondicion int4 <fk1>
ti po_curso varchar
og_tdi as int2
ci clo varchar
og_autori dad bool
f_regi stro timestamp
og_dependencia varchar(5)
dem_idgrupoteo i nt8
og_ini ci o date
dem_grupoteo varchar
mod_req_mod og_fi n date
dem_horari oteo varchar
og_tanios int2
dem_idgrupoprac i nt8
og_tmeses int2
dem_grupoprac varchar
i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk2>
dem_horari oprac varchar forei gn_tram
acumulado_otrasrepartici ones_i dtrabaj ador_fkey og_url _firma varchar(50)
dem_idgrupolab i nt8 forei gn_requ
dem_grupolab varchar
dem_horari ol ab varchar
dem_idgrupoteoprac i nt8
dem_grupoteoprac varchar
acumul ado_untestado_idtrabajador_fkey
dem_horari oteoprac varchar
dem_docente varchar
dem_numvez i nt2
dem_credito i nt2 fk_cursoprogra mado_sil abo
dem_reso luci on varchar pregunta_i de standar_fkey
dem_repeti ci on i nt2
dem_reso luci onrepeti ci on varchar
dem_codi gocursococurricular i nt8 cargo_fk
dem_reso luci oncocurricular varchar estudi o_i dtrab aj ador_fkey
fk_evaluacion_uni dadsil abo
comportami ento_idtrabajador_fkey
pg_aggregate pg_am pg_amop pg_amproc pg_attrdef pg_attribute pg_auth_members pg_authid pg_cast pg_class pg_collati on pg_constraint pg_conversion pg_database pg_db_rol e_setting pg_defaul t_acl pg_depend pg_description pg_enum pg_event_ tri gger pg_extensi on pg_forei gn_d ata_ wrapper pg_foreign_se rver pg_forei gn_table
idpersona int8 <pk>
aggfnoid regproc amname name amopfamil y oid amprocfami ly oi d adreli d oi d attrel id oid roleid oi d rolname name castsource oid relname name coll name name conname name conname name datname name setdataba se oid defacl rol e oi d classi d oid objoid oi d enumtypid oid evtname name extname name fdwname name srvname name ftreli d oi d
per_nombres varchar(60)
aggkind char amstrateg ies i nt2 amopl efttype oid amproclefttype oi d adnum i nt2 attname name member oi d rolsuper bool casttarget oid relnamespace oi d coll namespace oi d connamespace oid connamespace oi d datdba oid setrole oid defacl namespace oi d obji d oid cl assoid oi d enumsortorder fl oat4 evtevent name extowner oid fdwowner oi d srvowner oi d ftserver oi d
per_apepaterno varchar(50)
aggnumdi rectargs int2 amsupport i nt2 amoprighttype oid amprocri ghttype oi d adbi n pg_node_tree atttypi d oid grantor oi d rolinheri t bool castfunc oid reltype oi d coll owner oi d contype char conowner oi d encoding int4 setconfig text[] defacl objtype char objsubid int4 objsubi d i nt4 enumlabel name evtowner oi d extnamespace oid fdwhandl er oi d srvfdw oi d ftoptions text[]
per_apematerno varchar(50)
aggtransfn regproc amcanorder bool amopstrategy int2 amprocnum i nt2 adsrc text attstattarget int4 admi n_option bool rolcreatero le bool castcontext char reloftype oi d coll encoding i nt4 condeferra bl e bool conforencoding i nt4 datcol late name defacl acl acli tem[] refclassi d oid descri ption text evtfoid oi d extrelocatable bool fdwvali dator oi d srvtype text
per_dni varchar(10)
aggfinalfn regproc amcanorderbyop bool amoppurpose char amproc regproc attlen int2 rolcreatedb bool castmethod char relowner oi d coll col late name condeferre d bool contoencodi ng i nt4 datctype name refobji d oid evtenabled char extversi on text fdwacl acli tem[] srvversion text
per_fechanaci miento date
aggmtransfn regproc amcanbackward bool fk_i dcursoamopopr oid attnum int2 rolcatupda te bool relam oi d coll ctype name conval idated bool conproc regproc dati stemplate bool refobjsubi d int4 evttags text[] extconfig oid[] fdwopti on s text[] srvacl acli tem[]
per_estad ocivi l int2 cuen_vocuhe r
aggminvtransfn regproc amcanuni que bool amopmethod oid attndims int4 rolcanlogi n bool relfi lenode oi d conrel id oid condefaul t bool datal lowconn bool deptype char extconditi on text[] srvopti ons text[]
per_sexo bit
aggmfi nal fn regproc amcanmulti co l bool amopsortfami ly oid attcacheoff int4 rolrepl icati on bool reltabl espace oi d contypid oid datconnlimit int4
per_tel efono varchar(10)
aggfinalextra bool amopti onal key bool atttypmod int4 rolconnl imit i nt4 relpages i nt4 conindid oid datl astsyso id oid
per_cel ular varchar(20) mod_post
aggmfi nal extra bool amsearcharray bool attbyval bool rolpassword text reltupl es float4 confrelid oid datfrozenxi d xi d
per_email varchar(40)
aggsortop oid amsearchnull s bool attstorage char rolvali duntil timestamptz relall visi ble i nt4 confupdtype char datminmxi d xi d
idubigeo int8 <fk1>
aggtranstype oid amstorage bool attali gn char reltoastrel id oi d confdeltype char dattablespace oid
per_foto varchar(200)
per_gruposanguineo int2 aggtransspace int4 amclusterable bool attnotnull bool relhasi ndex bool confmatchtyp e char datacl acl item[]
per_factorrh varchar(6) aggmtranstype oid ampredlocks bool atthasdef bool relisshared bool conislocal bool fk_tarea
foreign_sede aggmtransspace int4 amkeytype oi d attisdropped bool relpersistence char coninhcount int4
per_donacion bool
aggi nitval text aminsert regproc attislocal bool relkind char connoinhe rit bool
per_carneextranjeria varchar(10)
aggminitval text ambeginscan regproc attinhcoun t int4 relnatts i nt2 conkey int2[]
per_manzana text
amgettupl e regproc attcoll ation oid relchecks i nt2 confkey int2[] fk_roles
per_cuadra varchar(10)
amgetbitmap regproc attacl acl item[] relhasoi ds bool conpfeqop oid[]
per_lote varchar(10)
amrescan regproc attopti ons text[] relhaspkey bool conppeqop oid[]
per_interior char(5)
amendscan regproc attfdwopti ons text[] relhasrules bool conffeqop oid[]
per_direccionl ocal varchar(200) usuario_encu esta_idencuesta_fkey
ammarkpos regproc relhastri ggers bool conexclop oid[]
per_direccionexterna varchar(200)
amrestrpo s regproc relhassubcl ass bool conbin pg_node_tree
idvias int4 <fk2>
ambuil d regproc relispopul ated bool consrc text
per_estad o bool fk_sil abo_observacion
ambuil dempty regproc relrepl ident char
idubigeo_naci miento int8 i dtipogrupo_fk
ambulkde lete regproc fk_grupo relfrozenxid xid
per_naci onal idad varchar(100)
amvacuumcleanup regproc relmi nmxi d xid li cencias_idtrabaj ador_fkey
per_brevete varchar(15)
amcanreturn regproc relacl acli tem[]
per_li bretami li tar varchar(15)
amcostestimate regproc relopti ons text[]
per_grupovi a varchar(150)
amopti ons regproc
idgrupovia int4 req_mod_req
per_parti da varchar(12)
famil ia_idtrabajador_fkey
per_coddomi cili o int4
forei gn_periodo
organos_gobi erno_idtrabajador_fkey

pg_index pg_i nherits pg_l anguage pg_largeobje ct pg_largeobje ct_metadata pg_namespace pg_opcl ass pg_operator pg_opfamil y pg_pl templ ate pg_proc pg_range pg_rewrite pg_seclabel pg_shdepend pg_shdescription pg_shsecl abel pg_statisti c pg_tablespace pg_trigger pg_ts_config usuario_encupg_ts_config_map
esta_idpersona_fke y pg_ts_dict pg_ts_parser pg_ts_templ ate pg_type

indexreli d oid i nhreli d oi d lanname name l oid oi d lomowner oid nspname name opcmethod oi d oprname name opfmethod oid tmpl name name proname name rngtypid oid rul ename name objoid oid dbid oi d objoid oi d objoid oi d stareli d oi d spcname name tgreli d oi d cfgname name mapcfg oi d dictname name prsname name tmplname name typname name
indrel id oid i nhparent oi d lanowner oi d pageno i nt4 lomacl acl item[] nspowner oi d opcname name oprnamespace oi d opfname name tmpl truste d bool pronamespace oi d rngsubtype oid ev_class oid cl assoid oid cl assid oi d cl assoid oi d cl assoid oi d staattnum i nt2 spcowner oi d tgname name cfgnamespace oi d maptoken type i nt4 dictnamespace oi d prsnamesp ace oi d tmplnamespace oi d typnamespace oi d
indnatts int2 i nhseqno i nt4 lanispl bool data bytea nspacl acli tem[] opcnamespace oi d oprowner oi d opfnamespace oid tmpl dbacreate bool proowner oi d rngcol lation oid ev_type char objsubi d int4 objid oi d descri ption text provider text stainherit bool spcacl acli tem[] tgfoid oi d cfgowner oi d mapseqno i nt4 dictowner oi d prsstart regproc tmpli nit regproc typowner oi d
indisunique bool lanpltrusted bool opcowner oi d oprkind char opfowner oid modali dad_fk
tmpl handl er text prol ang oi d rngsubopc oid ev_enabled char provider text objsubi d i nt4 label text stanul lfrac float4 spcoptions text[] tgtype i nt2 cfgparser oi d mapdict oi d dicttemplate oi d prstoken regproc tmpll exi ze regproc typl en i nt2
indispri mary bool lanplcall foid oi d foreign_persona opcfamil y oi d oprcanmerge bool tmpl inl ine text procost float4 rngcanoni cal regproc is_instead bool label text refcl assid oi d stawidth i nt4 tgenabled char dicti ni toption text prsend regproc typbyval bool
indisexcl usi on bool laninl ine oi d opci ntype oi d oprcanhash bool tmpl val idator text prorows float4 rngsubdiff regproc ev_qual pg_node_tree refobj id oi d stadi stinct float4 tgisinternal bool prsheadline regproc typtype char
indimmediate bool lanval idator oi d opcdefaul t bool oprl eft oi d tmpl li brary text provariadi c oi d ev_acti on pg_node_tree deptype char staki nd1 i nt2 tgconstrreli d oi d prsl extype regproc typcategory char
indisclustered bool lanacl acli tem[] opckeytyp e oi d oprright oi d tmpl acl acli tem[] protransform regproc staki nd2 i nt2 tgconstri ndid oi d typi spreferred bool
indisvalid bool oprresul t oi d proi sagg bool staki nd3 i nt2 tgconstrai nt oi d typi sdefi ned bool
indcheckxmin bool oprcom oi d proi swindo w bool staki nd4 i nt2 tgdeferrabl e bool typdel im char
indisready bool oprnegate oi d prosecdef bool staki nd5 i nt2 tginitdeferred bool typreli d oi d
indisli ve bool usuari o_respuesta_idpersona_fkey
oprcode regproc prol eakproof bool staop1 oi d tgnargs i nt2 typel em oi d
indisrepli dent bool oprrest regproc proi sstrict bool staop2 oi d tgattr i nt2[] typarray oi d
indkey int2[] oprj oin regproc proretset bool staop3 oi d tgargs bytea typi nput regproc
indcol lation oid[] provol atile char staop4 oi d tgqual pg_node_tree typoutput regproc
indclass oid[] pronargs i nt2 staop5 oi d typrecei ve regproc
indopti on int2[] pronargdefau lts i nt2 stanumbe rs1 float4[] typsend regproc
indexprs pg_node_tree prorettype oi d stanumbe rs2 float4[] typmodi n regproc
indpred pg_node_tree proargtype s oi d[] stanumbe rs3 float4[] typmodout regproc
proal largtypes oi d[] stanumbe rs4 float4[] typanalyze regproc
hij os_idtrabaj ador_fkey
proargmodes char[] stanumbe rs5 float4[] typal ign char
proargnames text[] staval ues1 anyarray typstorage char
proargdefaul ts pg_node_tree staval ues2 anyarray typnotnull bool
prosrc text staval ues3 anyarray typbasetyp e oi d
probi n text staval ues4 anyarray typtypmod i nt4
proconfi g text[] staval ues5 anyarray typndi ms i nt4
proacl acli tem[] typcoll ation oi d
typdefaultbin pg_node_tree
typdefault text
typacl acli tem[]
fk_i dprogramacion

pg_user_mappi ng resp resp
postul ante pregunta prerequi si tos programacion r_horariolecti vo recurso requi si to_presentado requisitos resolucion roles rol es_usuari o rsp sanciones sede servici o servi ci o_pagos si labo
idpostulante int8 <pk> idpregunta i nt8 <pk> i dprerequisitos i nt8 <pk> idprogramaci on int8 <pk> i dhorariol ectivo int8 <pk> i drecurso i nt8 <pk> idalumnotrami te i nt8 <pk,fk1> idrequi sito int8 <pk> i dresol uci on int8 <pk> rol _i d i nt4 <pk> urol_i d int4 <pk> idsanci ones int8 <pk> idsede int8 <pk> i dservi ci o int8 <pk> i destructura int8 <pk> idsilabo i nt8 <pk>
umuser oi d forei gn_req roles_fk
idpersona int8 <fk3> pre_descri pci on varchar i dcurso i nt8 <fk> idunidadessil abo int8 <fk> horai nicio varchar(20) i dprogramacion i nt8 <fk> idrequi sito i nt8 <pk,fk2> requ_descri pci on varchar(50) res_numero varchar(100) count int4 count int4 rol _nombre varchar(50) idpersona int8 <fk2> idalumno char(10) <fk1> sed_descripci on varchar(50) ser_descri pci on varchar i dperiodo varchar <pk> idcursoprogramado int8 <fk>
umserver oi d int4 i nt4
idmodexamen int8 <fk4> orden int4 i dprecurso i nt8 pro_sema na int2 horafin varchar(20) rec_descri pcion varchar(100) docpres_estad o bool requ_ti porequi si to i nt4 i dtiporesoluci on i nt8 <fk> count int8 count int8 fk_tiporesoluci
rol _descripcion on
varchar(50) rol _i d int4 <fk1> idtiporeso luci on int8 <fk2> sed_estado bool ser_monto numeric i dservi ci o int8 <pk> seccion char(1) <fk>
umopti ons text[]
idarea_se g_opcion int8 idestanda r int8 <fk> prer_estado char(1) pro_fechainici o date di a varchar(20) rec_archivo varchar(50) docpres_observacion varchar(150) requ_esta do bool res_fecha date rol _acti vo bool activo bool san_resolucion varchar(100) idubigeo i nt8 <fk> ser_ti poservi cio i nt8 tapa_i mporte numeri c si l_aprendizaje varchar
idarea_pri m_opci on int8 pre_ti poseleccion int2 pro_fechatermino date i darea i nt8 rec_estado bool res_area i nt8 san_temp oral bit ser_costofij o bi t tapa_solopri merci cl o bit si l_proposito varchar
i dvi as_fk
post_dni_ apoderado varchar(8) pro_activi dadesconteni do varchar i dambiente i nt8 rec_url varchar(50) res_observaci on varchar(1000) san_fechainici o date ser_estado bi t tapa_estado bit si l_bibl iografi a varchar
post_ape_apo derado varchar(50) pro_tecnicaintrumento varchar i dperiodo varchar(10) rec_urlcorta varchar(50) san_fechatermino date si l_numunidades int2
post_nomb_apoderado varchar(50) pro_docentes varchar i dgrupol ectivo i nt8 fk_tiporesoluci on san_estado bit si l_fundamentaci on varchar
post_puntaj e numeri c i dtrabajador varchar(10) si l_estrategi a varchar
post_puesto int4 color varchar(30) si l_estado char(2)
post_carpeta varchar(8) capaci dad i nt4 si l_hrsaplazad o int2
idsede int8 <fk5> resumen varchar(500) si l_fechacompletada date
post_cl ave char(8) si l_fechavisado date
post_estado int4 si l_fechaplazo date
post_i magen_ dni varchar(100) si l_fechaaplazado date
idcolegio int4 <fk1> forei gn_postul ante
idperi odo varchar <fk2> sede_foreign
post_i magen varchar(100)
post_huel la varchar(100)
post_firma varchar(100)
post_tipo_discapacidad varchar(50) idsede_fk
post_anio _culminaci on int4 foreig_tram
post_ape_mat_apoderado varchar
post_talla numeri c
post_peso numeri c
post_puesto_col e int4
post_prom_col e numeri c
post_carnet varchar(6)
post_opcion_ingreso int4
post_i magen_ ac varchar(100)
post_huel la_a c varchar(100)
post_firma_ac varchar(100)

usuari o_fk

sql_features sql _i mple men tati on_i nfo sql _l angu ages sql _packa ges sql _parts sql_sizing sql _sizi ng _pro fil es
tarea temp ti po_grupovia tipo_pregunta ti po_resol ucion ti po_via trabaj ador trami te trami te_documento ubigeo unidad_escal afon
tarea_i d i nt4 <pk> idtipogrupo int4 <pk> i dtipo i nt8 <pk> idtiporeso luci on i nt8 <pk> idtipovi a int4 <pk> i dtrabajador varchar(10) <pk> i dtramite i nt8 <pk> i dtramite int8 <pk> idubigeo i nt8 <pk> idunidadescalafon i nt4 <pk>
feature_i d usuario_respuesta _ii dpregunta_fkey
character_data mplementati on_i nfo_id character_data sql _l angu age_source character_data feature_id character_data feature_id character_data sizing_id cardinal_number sizing_id cardinal_number forei gn_req
grupo_id i nt4 <fk1> tgv_descri pcio n varchar ti pr_descri pci on varchar(1000) ti povia_descripcion varchar(20) i dpersona i nt8 <fk1> tram_descripcion varchar(150) i drequisito int8 <pk,fk1> coddepartamento char(6) codi go_unidad varchar(5)
feature_name character_data i mplementati on_i nfo_name character_data sql _l angu age_year character_data feature_name character_data feature_name character_data sizing_name character_data sizing_name character_data idgrupolecti vo int8 descripcion varchar
tar_nombre varchar(30) tgv_estado bool ti pr_estad o char(1) ti po_estado bool i dmodal idad i nt4 <fk4> tram_estado bool tramdoc_e sta do bool codprovin ci a char(6) descri pci on_unidad varchar(100)
sub_featu re_i d character_data i nteger_va lue cardi nal _n umber sql _l angu age_conformance character_data i s_supported yes_or_no i s_supported yes_or_no supported_va lue cardinal_number profil e_i d character_data
tar_descripcion varchar(70) i dcondicion i nt4 <fk3> tram_areai int8 coddistrito char(6) codi go_subuni dad varchar(5)
sub_featu re_n ame character_data character_val ue character_data sql _l angu age_integrity character_data i s_veri fied_by character_data i s_veri fied_by character_data comments character_data requi red_val ue cardinal_number
tar_i cono varchar(20) tipo i nt2 tram_areaf int8 departamento varchar(50) descri pci on_subuni dad varchar(100)
is_supported yes_or_no comments character_data sql _l angu age_implementation character_data comments character_data comments character_data comments character_data
tar_orden i nt4 trab_email institucional varchar(70) provincia varchar(50) activo bool
is_verified_by character_data sql _l angu age_binding_style character_data
comments character_data sql _l angu age_programming_language character_data tar_url varchar(150) trab_codig o varchar(15) distri to varchar(50)
tar_acti vo bool trab_essal ud varchar(15)
mod_codi go i nt4 <fk2> trab_codafp varchar(15)
i dsede i nt4 <fk5>
i dcargo i nt8 <fk2>
i darea i nt8
trab_email al terna tivo varchar(70)
trab_estado bool
regi menpensi ones i nt4
afp i nt4
i dtipovia_fk trab_fecha ingreso date

usuari o_e ncuesta usuario_respuesta

unidades_sil abo user_prei nscri pcion usuari o vari able variables_indicador vi as voucher
idunidadessil abo int8 <pk> dni char(8) <pk> i dpersona i nt8 <pk,fk> idvariabl e i nt8 <pk> i dvi as int4 <pk> i dvoucher int8 <pk>
idpersona int8 <fk2> i dpregunta int8 <fk2>
idsilabo i nt8 emai l varchar(60) fecha_cese ti mestamptz i ddependenci a int8 var_nombre varchar(100) via_descri pcion varchar(20) i dcuenta int8 <fk1>
idencuesta int8 <fk1> i dpersona int8 <fk1>
uns_descripci on varchar clave char(8) estado varchar(5) var_estado bool i dtipovia i nt4 <fk> vou_fecha date
usu_respuesta int4
uns_deno minacion varchar sesi on varchar(100) fecha_creaci on ti mestamptz var_val or numeric via_estado bool vou_nummov int4
i dencuesta int8
uns_fechainici o date l astuser varchar(100) per_l ogi n varchar(50) var_abreviatura varchar(30) vou_monto numeri c
uns_fechatermino date per_pass varchar(150) idi ndi cador i nt8 <fk> i dpostul ante int8 <fk2>
uns_numsemanas i nt2 per_l ast varchar(150) vou_codagenci a varchar(6)
uns_objetivosaprendizaje varchar per_session varchar(150) fk_uni dsi labo
fk_si labo
uns_formula varchar
uns_unidad i nt2
uns_numeval uaci ones i nt2
uns_hrsteori a i nt2
uns_hrspractica i nt2
uns_hrslab i nt2
uns_hrseval ua ci on i nt2

II.3.1 List of tables in diagram

Name Code
acumulado_estudios acumulado_estudios
acumulado_otrasreparticiones acumulado_otrasreparticiones
acumulado_universidad acumulado_universidad
acumulado_untestado acumulado_untestado

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alcance alcance
alternativa alternativa
alumno alumno
alumno_tramite alumno_tramite
ambarea_uso ambarea_uso
ambiente ambiente
ambiente_bien ambiente_bien
area area
area area
ascenso ascenso
asignacion_requisitos asignacion_requisitos
autoevaluacion autoevaluacion
banco banco
bien bien
cabecera_asistencia cabecera_asistencia
cargahoraria cargahoraria
cargalectiva cargalectiva
carganolectiva carganolectiva
cargo cargo
cargo_autoridad cargo_autoridad
cargos_general cargos_general
carrera_laboralunt carrera_laboralunt
categoria categoria
colegio colegio
comite comite
comportamiento comportamiento
condicion condicion
constancia_hijo constancia_hijo
convalidacion convalidacion
criterio criterio
criterios_evaluacion criterios_evaluacion
crono_matricula crono_matricula
cuenta cuenta
curricula curricula
curso curso
curso_dictar curso_dictar
cursoprogramado cursoprogramado
deta_enc_pre deta_enc_pre
deta_pre_alt deta_pre_alt
detalle_asistencia detalle_asistencia
detalle_autoevaluacion detalle_autoevaluacion
detalle_encuesta detalle_encuesta
detalleperiodo detalleperiodo
dimension dimension
documento documento
encuesta encuesta

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equivalencia equivalencia
escuela escuela
esprincipal esprincipal
estandar estandar
estructura estructura
estudio estudio
evaluacion evaluacion
factor factor
familia familia
fuente fuente
grupo grupo
grupolectivo grupolectivo
grupovia grupovia
hijos hijos
horariolectivo horariolectivo
horarionolectivo horarionolectivo
indicador indicador
inventory inventory
inventory_flow inventory_flow
licencias licencias
local local
matricula matricula
matricula_detalle matricula_detalle
matricula_detalle_temp matricula_detalle_temp
mejora mejora
modalidad modalidad
modalidad_examen modalidad_examen
modalidad_periodo_area modalidad_periodo_area
modalidad_periodo_precio modalidad_periodo_precio
modalidad_requisitos modalidad_requisitos
modulo modulo
multitabla multitabla
nombramiento_emerito nombramiento_emerito
nota nota
observaciones observaciones
organos_gobierno organos_gobierno
p_escuela p_escuela
p_fechafin p_fechafin
pabellon pabellon
parametros parametros
periodo periodo
periodoid periodoid
permiso permiso
persona persona
pg_aggregate pg_aggregate
pg_am pg_am

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pg_amop pg_amop
pg_amproc pg_amproc
pg_attrdef pg_attrdef
pg_attribute pg_attribute
pg_auth_members pg_auth_members
pg_authid pg_authid
pg_cast pg_cast
pg_class pg_class
pg_collation pg_collation
pg_constraint pg_constraint
pg_conversion pg_conversion
pg_database pg_database
pg_db_role_setting pg_db_role_setting
pg_default_acl pg_default_acl
pg_depend pg_depend
pg_description pg_description
pg_enum pg_enum
pg_event_trigger pg_event_trigger
pg_extension pg_extension
pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_foreign_data_wrapper
pg_foreign_server pg_foreign_server
pg_foreign_table pg_foreign_table
pg_index pg_index
pg_inherits pg_inherits
pg_language pg_language
pg_largeobject pg_largeobject
pg_largeobject_metadata pg_largeobject_metadata
pg_namespace pg_namespace
pg_opclass pg_opclass
pg_operator pg_operator
pg_opfamily pg_opfamily
pg_pltemplate pg_pltemplate
pg_proc pg_proc
pg_range pg_range
pg_rewrite pg_rewrite
pg_seclabel pg_seclabel
pg_shdepend pg_shdepend
pg_shdescription pg_shdescription
pg_shseclabel pg_shseclabel
pg_statistic pg_statistic
pg_tablespace pg_tablespace
pg_trigger pg_trigger
pg_ts_config pg_ts_config
pg_ts_config_map pg_ts_config_map
pg_ts_dict pg_ts_dict
pg_ts_parser pg_ts_parser

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pg_ts_template pg_ts_template
pg_type pg_type
pg_user_mapping pg_user_mapping
postulante postulante
pregunta pregunta
prerequisitos prerequisitos
programacion programacion
r_horariolectivo r_horariolectivo
recurso recurso
requisito_presentado requisito_presentado
requisitos requisitos
resolucion resolucion
resp resp
resp resp
roles roles
roles_usuario roles_usuario
rsp rsp
sanciones sanciones
sede sede
servicio servicio
servicio_pagos servicio_pagos
silabo silabo
sql_features sql_features
sql_implementation_info sql_implementation_info
sql_languages sql_languages
sql_packages sql_packages
sql_parts sql_parts
sql_sizing sql_sizing
sql_sizing_profiles sql_sizing_profiles
tarea tarea
temp temp
tipo_grupovia tipo_grupovia
tipo_pregunta tipo_pregunta
tipo_resolucion tipo_resolucion
tipo_via tipo_via
trabajador trabajador
tramite tramite
tramite_documento tramite_documento
ubigeo ubigeo
unidad_escalafon unidad_escalafon
unidades_silabo unidades_silabo
user_preinscripcion user_preinscripcion
usuario usuario
usuario_encuesta usuario_encuesta
usuario_respuesta usuario_respuesta
variable variable

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variables_indicador variables_indicador
vias vias
voucher voucher

II.3.2 List of references in diagram

Name Code Parent Child Table Foreign Parent Role Child Role
Table Key
acumulado acumulado trabajador acumulado idtrabajador
_estudios_i _estudios_i _estudios
dtrabajador dtrabajador
_fkey _fkey
acumulado acumulado condicion acumulado idcondicion
_otrasrepart _otrasrepart _otrasrepart
iciones_idc iciones_idc iciones
ondicion_fk ondicion_fk
ey ey
acumulado acumulado trabajador acumulado idtrabajador
_otrasrepart _otrasrepart _otrasrepart
iciones_idtr iciones_idtr iciones
abajador_fk abajador_fk
ey ey
acumulado acumulado condicion acumulado idcondicion
_universida _universida _universida
d_idcondici d_idcondici d
on_fkey on_fkey
acumulado acumulado trabajador acumulado idtrabajador
_universida _universida _universida
d_idtrabaja d_idtrabaja d
dor_fkey dor_fkey
acumulado acumulado trabajador acumulado idtrabajador
_untestado_ _untestado_ _untestado
idtrabajador idtrabajador
_fkey _fkey
alternativa_ alternativa_ tipo_pregun alternativa idtipo
idtipo_fkey idtipo_fkey ta
are_foreign are_foreign area detalleperio idarea
area_foreig area_foreig area modalidad_ idarea
n n periodo_are
ascenso_idt ascenso_idt trabajador ascenso idtrabajador
rabajador_f rabajador_f
key key
banc_cuent banc_cuent banco cuenta idbanco

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cabeceras_a cabeceras_a cabecera_as detalle_asis idtrabajador

sistencia_fo sistencia_fo istencia tencia ; idcurso;
reign reign idperiodo;
cargalectiva cargalectiva cargahorari cargalectiva idcargahora
_idcargahor _idcargahor a ria
aria_fkey aria_fkey
cargalectiva cargalectiva cursoprogra cargalectiva idcursoprog
_idcursopro _idcursopro mado ramado;
gramado_fk gramado_fk seccion
ey ey
CargaNoLe CargaNoLe cargahorari carganolecti idcargahora
ctiva_idCar ctiva_idCar a va ria
gaHoraria_f gaHoraria_f
key key
CargaNoLe CargaNoLe trabajador carganolecti idtrabajador
ctiva_idTra ctiva_idTra va
bajador_fke bajador_fke
y y
cargo_fk cargo_fk cargo trabajador idcargo
carrera_lab carrera_lab categoria carrera_lab idcategoria
oralunt_idc oralunt_idc oralunt
ategoria_fk ategoria_fk
ey ey
carrera_lab carrera_lab condicion carrera_lab idcondicion
oralunt_idc oralunt_idc oralunt
ondicion_fk ondicion_fk
ey ey
colegio_for colegio_for ubigeo colegio idubigeo
e_ubi e_ubi
colegio_for colegio_for colegio postulante idcolegio
eign eign
comportami comportami trabajador comportami idtrabajador
ento_idtrab ento_idtrab ento
ajador_fkey ajador_fkey
condicion_f condicion_f condicion trabajador idcondicion
k k
constancia_ constancia_ documento constancia_ documento
hijo_docum hijo_docum hijo _id

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ento_id_fke ento_id_fke
y y
constancia_ constancia_ hijos constancia_ idhijos
hijo_idhijos hijo_idhijos hijo
_fkey _fkey
cuen_vocuh cuen_vocuh cuenta voucher idcuenta
er er
cursoprogra cursoprogra curso_dicta cursoprogra idcursodict
mado_idcur mado_idcur r mado ar
sodictar_fk sodictar_fk
ey ey
deta_enc_p deta_enc_p pregunta deta_enc_p idpregunta
re_idpregun re_idpregun re
ta_fkey ta_fkey
deta_pre_al deta_pre_al alternativa deta_pre_al idalternativ
t_idalternati t_idalternati t a
va_fkey va_fkey
deta_pre_al deta_pre_al pregunta deta_pre_al idpregunta
t_idpregunt t_idpregunt t
a_fkey a_fkey
detaperi_pe detaperi_pe periodo detalleperio idperiodo
ri ri do
detapero_p detapero_p parametros detalleperio idparametro
ara ara do
encuesta_id encuesta_id estandar encuesta idestandar
estandar_fk estandar_fk
ey ey
estruc_forei estruc_forei estructura area idestructura
g g
estruc_forei estruc_forei estructura area idestructura
g g
estudio_idtr estudio_idtr trabajador estudio idtrabajador
abajador_fk abajador_fk
ey ey
familia_idtr familia_idtr trabajador familia idtrabajador
abajador_fk abajador_fk
ey ey
fk_alumno fk_alumno alumno matricula idalumno
fk_alumno fk_alumno alumno sanciones idalumno
fk_area fk_area area autoevaluac idarea
fk_area fk_area area crono_matr idarea
fk_autoeval fk_autoeval autoevaluac detalle_aut idautoevalu
uacion uacion ion oevaluacion acion
fk_criterio fk_criterio criterio estandar idcriterio

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fk_curricul fk_curricul curricula curso idcurricula

a a
fk_cursopro fk_cursopro cursoprogra silabo idcursoprog
gramado_si gramado_si mado ramado;
labo labo seccion
fk_detallea fk_detallea detalle_aut indicador iddetalleaut
utoevaluaci utoevaluaci oevaluacion oevaluacion
on on
fk_dimensi fk_dimensi dimension factor iddimensio
on on n
fk_estandar fk_estandar estandar fuente idestandar
fk_estructur fk_estructur estructura curricula idestructura
a a
fk_evaluaci fk_evaluaci unidades_si evaluacion idunidadess
on_unidads on_unidads labo ilabo
ilabo ilabo
fk_factor fk_factor factor criterio idfactor
fk_fuente fk_fuente fuente detalle_aut idfuente
fk_grupo fk_grupo grupo tarea grupo_id
fk_idcurso fk_idcurso curso prerequisito idcurso
fk_iddetalle fk_iddetalle detalle_enc deta_enc_p iddetalleenc
encuesta encuesta uesta re uesta
fk_idencues fk_idencues encuesta detalle_enc idencuesta
ta ta uesta
fk_idindica fk_idindica indicador variables_i idindicador
dor dor ndicador
fk_idmatric fk_idmatric matricula matricula_d
ula_idmatri ula_idmatri etalle
cula cula
fk_idperson fk_idperson persona alumno idpersona
a a
fk_idprogra fk_idprogra programaci recurso idprograma
macion macion on cion
fk_item_id fk_item_id inventory inventory_f item_id
fk_modalid fk_modalid modalidad_ alumno idmodalida
ad ad examen dingreso
fk_not_idev fk_not_idev evaluacion nota idevaluacio
al al n
fk_periodo fk_periodo periodo crono_matr idperiodo
fk_persona fk_persona persona comite idpersona
fk_roles fk_roles roles permiso rol_id
fk_silabo fk_silabo silabo unidades_si

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fk_silabo_o fk_silabo_o silabo observacion
bservacion bservacion es
fk_tarea fk_tarea tarea permiso tarea_id
fk_tiporesol fk_tiporesol tipo_resolu resolucion idtiporesolu
ucion ucion cion cion
fk_tiporesol fk_tiporesol tipo_resolu sanciones idtiporesolu
ucion ucion cion cion
fk_unidsila fk_unidsila unidades_si programaci idunidadess
bo bo labo on ilabo
fl_area fl_area area alumno idarea
forei_alum forei_alum alumno alumno_tra idalumno
foreig_tram foreig_tram requisitos tramite_doc idrequisito
foreign_alu foreign_alu alumno_tra requisito_pr idalumnotra
m_tram m_tram mite esentado mite
foreign_am foreign_am ambiente ambiente_b idambiente
biente biente ien
foreign_am foreign_am ambiente ambarea_us idambiente
biente biente o
foreign_are foreign_are estructura criterios_ev idarea
a a aluacion
foreign_ew foreign_ew periodo modalidad_ idperiodo
qperiodo qperiodo periodo_pre
foreign_ma foreign_ma matricula_d nota idmatricula
tri_det_nota tri_det_nota etalle detalle
s s
foreign_mo foreign_mo modalidad_ modalidad_ idmodexam
dalidad dalidad examen periodo_pre en
foreign_per foreign_per periodo curso_dicta idperiodo
iodo iodo r
foreign_per foreign_per periodo ambarea_us idperiodo
iodo iodo o
foreign_per foreign_per periodo postulante idperiodo
iodo iodo
foreign_per foreign_per persona postulante idpersona
sona sona
foreign_pos foreign_pos postulante voucher idpostulant
tulante tulante e
foreign_req foreign_req requisitos requisito_pr idrequisito
foreign_req foreign_req tramite tramite_doc

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foreign_req foreign_req requisitos asignacion_ idrequisito

u u requisitos
FOREIGN_ FOREIGN_ sede local idsede
foreign_sed foreign_sed sede curso_dicta idsede
e e r
foreign_tra foreign_tra tramite alumno_tra
m m mite
GrupoLecti GrupoLecti cursoprogra grupolectiv idcursoprog
vo_idCurso vo_idCurso mado o ramado;
Programad Programad seccion
o_fkey o_fkey
hijos_idtrab hijos_idtrab trabajador hijos idtrabajador
ajador_fkey ajador_fkey
horariolecti horariolecti ambarea_us horariolecti idarea;
vo_ambius vo_ambius o vo idambiente;
o_fkey o_fkey idperiodo
horariolecti horariolecti grupolectiv horariolecti idgrupolecti
vo_idgrupo vo_idgrupo o vo vo
lectivo_fke lectivo_fke
y y
horarionole horarionole carganolecti horarionole idcarganole
ctivo_idcar ctivo_idcar va ctivo ctiva
ganolectiva ganolectiva
_fkey _fkey
idsede_fk idsede_fk sede trabajador idsede
idtipogrupo idtipogrupo tipo_grupo grupovia idtipogrupo
_fk _fk via
idtipovia_f idtipovia_f tipo_via vias idtipovia
k k
idvias_fk idvias_fk vias persona idvias
kkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkk area ambarea_us idarea
kkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkk o
kk kk
licencias_id licencias_id trabajador licencias idtrabajador
trabajador_ trabajador_
fkey fkey
matricula_d matricula_d matricula_d detalle_asis idmatricula
etllae_forei etllae_forei etalle tencia detalle
gn gn
mod_foreig mod_foreig modalidad_ modalidad_ idmodexam
n n examen periodo_are en
mod_post mod_post
modalidad_ postulante idmodexam
examen en
mod_req_m mod_req_m modalidad_ modalidad_ idmodexam

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od od examen requisitos en
modalidad_ modalidad_ modalidad trabajador idmodalida
fk fk d
modulo_fk modulo_fk modulo tarea mod_codig
organos_go organos_go condicion organos_go idcondicion
bierno_idco bierno_idco bierno
ndicion_fke ndicion_fke
y y
organos_go organos_go trabajador organos_go idtrabajador
bierno_idtr bierno_idtr bierno
abajador_fk abajador_fk
ey ey
pabellon_fo pabellon_fo local pabellon idlocal
reign reign
periodo_for periodo_for periodo modalidad_ idperiodo
eign eign periodo_are
persona_fk persona_fk persona trabajador idpersona
persona_fk persona_fk persona usuario idpersona
post_asig post_asig postulante asignacion_ idpostulant
requisitos e
pregunta_id pregunta_id estandar pregunta idestandar
estandar_fk estandar_fk
ey ey
req_mod_re req_mod_re requisitos modalidad_ idrequisito
q q requisitos
roles_fk roles_fk roles roles_usuar rol_id
sede_foreig sede_foreig sede postulante idsede
n n
sede_foreig sede_foreig sede area idsede
n n
sede_foreig sede_foreig sede area idsede
n n
sede_ub_fo sede_ub_fo ubigeo sede idubigeo
re re
ubigeo_fk ubigeo_fk ubigeo persona idubigeo
usuario_enc usuario_enc encuesta usuario_enc idencuesta
uesta_idenc uesta_idenc uesta
uesta_fkey uesta_fkey
usuario_enc usuario_enc persona usuario_enc idpersona
uesta_idper uesta_idper uesta
sona_fkey sona_fkey
usuario_fk usuario_fk usuario roles_usuar idpersona

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usuario_res usuario_res persona usuario_res idpersona

puesta_idpe puesta_idpe puesta
rsona_fkey rsona_fkey
usuario_res usuario_res pregunta usuario_res idpregunta
puesta_idpr puesta_idpr puesta
egunta_fke egunta_fke
y y

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III Full model description

III.1 Non graphical objects
III.1.1List of users
Name Code
postgres postgres

III.1.2User postgres

III.1.2.1 Card of user postgres

Name postgres
Code postgres

III.1.2.2 List of tables of the user postgres

Name Code
acumulado_estudios acumulado_estudios
acumulado_otrasreparticiones acumulado_otrasreparticiones
acumulado_universidad acumulado_universidad
acumulado_untestado acumulado_untestado
alcance alcance
alternativa alternativa
alumno alumno
alumno_tramite alumno_tramite
ambarea_uso ambarea_uso
ambiente ambiente
ambiente_bien ambiente_bien
area area
area area
ascenso ascenso
asignacion_requisitos asignacion_requisitos
autoevaluacion autoevaluacion
banco banco
bien bien
cabecera_asistencia cabecera_asistencia
cargahoraria cargahoraria
cargalectiva cargalectiva
carganolectiva carganolectiva
cargo cargo
cargo_autoridad cargo_autoridad
cargos_general cargos_general
carrera_laboralunt carrera_laboralunt

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categoria categoria
colegio colegio
comite comite
comportamiento comportamiento
condicion condicion
constancia_hijo constancia_hijo
convalidacion convalidacion
criterio criterio
criterios_evaluacion criterios_evaluacion
crono_matricula crono_matricula
cuenta cuenta
curricula curricula
curso curso
curso_dictar curso_dictar
cursoprogramado cursoprogramado
deta_enc_pre deta_enc_pre
deta_pre_alt deta_pre_alt
detalle_asistencia detalle_asistencia
detalle_autoevaluacion detalle_autoevaluacion
detalle_encuesta detalle_encuesta
detalleperiodo detalleperiodo
dimension dimension
documento documento
encuesta encuesta
equivalencia equivalencia
escuela escuela
esprincipal esprincipal
estandar estandar
estructura estructura
estudio estudio
evaluacion evaluacion
factor factor
familia familia
fuente fuente
grupo grupo
grupolectivo grupolectivo
grupovia grupovia
hijos hijos
horariolectivo horariolectivo
horarionolectivo horarionolectivo
indicador indicador
inventory inventory
inventory_flow inventory_flow
licencias licencias
local local
matricula matricula

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matricula_detalle matricula_detalle
matricula_detalle_temp matricula_detalle_temp
mejora mejora
modalidad modalidad
modalidad_examen modalidad_examen
modalidad_periodo_area modalidad_periodo_area
modalidad_periodo_precio modalidad_periodo_precio
modalidad_requisitos modalidad_requisitos
modulo modulo
multitabla multitabla
nombramiento_emerito nombramiento_emerito
nota nota
observaciones observaciones
organos_gobierno organos_gobierno
p_escuela p_escuela
p_fechafin p_fechafin
pabellon pabellon
parametros parametros
periodo periodo
periodoid periodoid
permiso permiso
persona persona
pg_aggregate pg_aggregate
pg_am pg_am
pg_amop pg_amop
pg_amproc pg_amproc
pg_attrdef pg_attrdef
pg_attribute pg_attribute
pg_auth_members pg_auth_members
pg_authid pg_authid
pg_cast pg_cast
pg_class pg_class
pg_collation pg_collation
pg_constraint pg_constraint
pg_conversion pg_conversion
pg_database pg_database
pg_db_role_setting pg_db_role_setting
pg_default_acl pg_default_acl
pg_depend pg_depend
pg_description pg_description
pg_enum pg_enum
pg_event_trigger pg_event_trigger
pg_extension pg_extension
pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_foreign_data_wrapper
pg_foreign_server pg_foreign_server
pg_foreign_table pg_foreign_table

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pg_index pg_index
pg_inherits pg_inherits
pg_language pg_language
pg_largeobject pg_largeobject
pg_largeobject_metadata pg_largeobject_metadata
pg_namespace pg_namespace
pg_opclass pg_opclass
pg_operator pg_operator
pg_opfamily pg_opfamily
pg_pltemplate pg_pltemplate
pg_proc pg_proc
pg_range pg_range
pg_rewrite pg_rewrite
pg_seclabel pg_seclabel
pg_shdepend pg_shdepend
pg_shdescription pg_shdescription
pg_shseclabel pg_shseclabel
pg_statistic pg_statistic
pg_tablespace pg_tablespace
pg_trigger pg_trigger
pg_ts_config pg_ts_config
pg_ts_config_map pg_ts_config_map
pg_ts_dict pg_ts_dict
pg_ts_parser pg_ts_parser
pg_ts_template pg_ts_template
pg_type pg_type
pg_user_mapping pg_user_mapping
postulante postulante
pregunta pregunta
prerequisitos prerequisitos
programacion programacion
r_horariolectivo r_horariolectivo
recurso recurso
requisito_presentado requisito_presentado
requisitos requisitos
resolucion resolucion
resp resp
resp resp
roles roles
roles_usuario roles_usuario
rsp rsp
sanciones sanciones
sede sede
servicio servicio
servicio_pagos servicio_pagos
silabo silabo

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sql_features sql_features
sql_implementation_info sql_implementation_info
sql_languages sql_languages
sql_packages sql_packages
sql_parts sql_parts
sql_sizing sql_sizing
sql_sizing_profiles sql_sizing_profiles
tarea tarea
temp temp
tipo_grupovia tipo_grupovia
tipo_pregunta tipo_pregunta
tipo_resolucion tipo_resolucion
tipo_via tipo_via
trabajador trabajador
tramite tramite
tramite_documento tramite_documento
ubigeo ubigeo
unidad_escalafon unidad_escalafon
unidades_silabo unidades_silabo
user_preinscripcion user_preinscripcion
usuario usuario
usuario_encuesta usuario_encuesta
usuario_respuesta usuario_respuesta
variable variable
variables_indicador variables_indicador
vias vias
voucher voucher

III.2 List of diagrams

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III.3 Diagram PhysicalDiagram_1 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

curricula acumulado_otrasrepartici ones acumulado_untestado al umno alternativa acumul ado_estudios acumul ado_universidad alcance al umno_tramite ambarea_uso ambiente ambiente_bien area area ascenso asignaci on_requi sitos autoevaluacion banco
i dcurri cula int8 <pk> idacumulado_otrasrep i nt4 <pk> idacumulado_untestado int4 <pk> idalumno char(10) <pk> idalternati va i nt8 <pk> i dacumula do_estudios i nt4 <pk> i dacumula do_universidad i nt4 <pk> i dal umnotramite int8 <pk> idarea i nt8 <pk,fk3> idambi ente int8 <pk> idbien int8 <pk> i darea int8 <pk> i darea int8 <pk> idascenso int4 <pk> i dpostul ante int8 <pk,fk2> i dautoeval uacion i nt8 <pk> i dbanco int8 <pk>
curr_descri pci on varchar aor_ofi ci o varchar(15) idtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> idpersona int4 <fk3> alt_descripcion varchar aceu_oficio varchar(15) acuni_ofici o varchar(15) alcance int2 i dal umno varchar(10) <fk1> idambi ente i nt8 <pk,fk1> idpabellon int8 idambi ente int8 <pk,fk> i darea i nt8 i darea i nt8 fl ag_auxil iar bool i drequisito int8 <pk,fk1> i darea i nt8 <fk> ban_descri pci on varchar(50)
idperi odo forei gn_ambi ente
varchar(10) <pk,fk2> foreign_ambi enteamb_bien_fecasi gn date
curr_fechai nicio date aor_fecha_oficio date acue_nro_ofi cio varchar(15) idarea int8 <fk1> alt_orden int4 aceu_fecha_ofi ci o date acuni_fecha_ofici o date i dtramite int8 amb_excl usivo bool i darea_dependiente i nt8 i darea_dependiente i nt8 fecha_i ni_aux date asigreq_estado bool auto_fechaini ci o date ban_estado bool
curr_fechafinal date aor_resol ucion varchar(15) acue_fec_ofici o date idmodali dadi ngreso int8 <fk2> idtipo int8 <fk> aceu_resol uci on varchar(15) acuni_resolucion varchar(15) al um_tram_e stado int4 ambar_estado bool amb_observacion varchar(100) amb_bien_estado bool are_estado bool are_estado bool fecha_fin_aux date asigreq_observaci on varchar(50) auto_fechatermino date
curr_estado char(1) aor_fecha_resol uci on date acue_nro_resolucion varchar(15) alu_anioegreso int2 aceu_fecha_resolucion date acuni_fecha_resol uci on date al um_tram_fecha_soli date amb_descri pci on varchar(60) amb_bien_fecret date are_ni vel i nt4 are_ni vel i nt4 fl ag_asoci ado bool auto_estado bi t
i destructura i nt8 <fk> aor_tanios int2 acue_fec_resolucion date alu_puesto int2 aceu_tani os int4 acuni_tani os int2 al um_tram_fecha_proc date amb_ti po_amb int4 i dsede i nt8 <fk2> i dsede i nt8 <fk2> fecha_i ni_asociado date auto_docu mento varchar
curr_totalcreditos i nt2 aor_tmeses int2 acue_ser_aa i nt4 alu_ponderado int2 aceu_tmeses int4 acuni_tme ses int2 al um_tram_fecha_aten date amb_capacidad int4 i destructura i nt8 <fk1> i destructura i nt8 <fk1> fecha_fin_asociado date
curr_ti po varchar aor_tdi as int2 acue_ser_mm i nt4 alu_seccion varchar(1) aceu_tdias int4 acuni_tdia s int2 forei_alum idarea int8 fl ag_principal bool
cur_usuario varchar aor_ini ci o date acue_ser_dd i nt4 alu_nrocrdsaprob int2 aceu_estudio s_acumulados text acuni_cargo int2 amb_esta do bool fecha_i ni_pri nci pal date
aor_fi n date acue_obr_aa i nt4 alu_nrocrdsdesap int2 aceu_fuen te varchar(30) i dcondicion int4 <fk1> fecha_fin_pri nci pal date
aor_cargo varchar(100) acue_obr_mm i nt4 alu_nombrecompleto varchar aceu_nota ci on varchar(30) acuni_uni dad int4 idtrabajador varchar(10) <fk>
idcondi ci on int4 <fk1> acue_obr_dd i nt4 alu_curri cul a int8 i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk2> fl ag_j efepracti cas bool
aor_lugar varchar(85) acue_asi _aa i nt4 alu_idresolucion int8 acuni_inici o date fecha_i ni_jefepracticas date
aor_fuente varchar(35) acue_asi _mm i nt4 alu_estad o int8 acuni_fi n date fecha_fin_jefepracticas date
idtrabajador varchar(10) <fk2> acue_asi _dd i nt4 alu_ci clo int2 asc_ti po int2
acue_bec_aa i nt4 idperi odo varchar(8) fl ag_tecni co bool
acue_bec_mm i nt4 alu_foto varchar(100) fecha_tecni co date
acue_bec_dd i nt4 fl ag_profesi on al bool
acue_con _aa i nt4 fecha_profesi onal date
acue_con _mm i nt4 fl ag_funci onario bool
acue_con _dd i nt4 fecha_funci on ario date
acue_reg_aa i nt4 asc_estad o bool
acue_reg_mm i nt4
acue_reg_dd i nt4
acue_tot_aa i nt4
acue_tot_mm i nt4
acue_tot_dd i nt4
acue_otr_aa i nt4
acue_otr_mm i nt4
acue_otr_dd i nt4
acumulado_universidad_idcondi ci on_fkey
acue_for_aa i nt4
acue_for_mm i nt4
acue_for_dd i nt4
acue_est_aa i nt4
acue_est_mm i nt4
deta_pre_alt_idal ternati va_fkey are_foreign estruc_foreig
acue_est_dd i nt4 fk_estructura
acue_fec_computo date estruc_forei g
acue_des_fuente varchar(5)
acumulado_otrasrepartici ones_i dcondi cion_fkey
fk_curricul a
acumulado_estud ios_i dtrabajador_fkey
acumulado_universidad_idtrabaj ador_fkey
bi en cabecera_asi stenci a cargahoraria cargal ecti va carganol ectiva cargo cargo_autori dad cargos_general carrera_l aboralunt categori a col egi o comi te comportamiento condici on constancia_hij o convali da ci on criterio cri terios_evaluacion
idbien i nt8 <pk> idtrabajador varchar(10) <pk> idcargahorari a int4 <pk> i dcargal ectiva i nt8 <pk> i dcarganol ectiva int8 <pk> i dcargo i nt8 <pk> idcargoautori dad int4 <pk> codi go_cargo varchar(5) <pk> i dcarrerala boralunt int4 <pk> idcategori a int4 <pk> i dcol egi o int8 <pk> i dcomite i nt8 <pk> i dcomportami ento int4 <pk> idcondi ci on int4 <pk> idconstancia_hij o int8 <pk> idconvali daci on int8 <pk> i dcriterio int8 <pk> i dcriterioseval uaci on i nt8 <pk>
bien_descri pci on varchar(100) idcurso i nt8 <pk> ca_cargahoraria varchar(300) i dcursoprogra mad o i nt8 <fk2> secci on varchar(1) cargo_descri pci on varchar(200) codi go_cargo varchar(5) cargo_descripcion varchar(100) cl_oficio varchar(15) cate_descripci on varchar(80) col_descri pcion varchar(40) i dautoeval uacion i nt8 i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> cond_cod igo varchar(6) ves i nt8 idalumno char(10) i dfactor i nt8 <fk> i darea i nt8 <fk>
bien_ti po_bien i nt8 idperi odo varchar(8) <pk> ca_descripcion varchar(300) cal_esprincipal varchar(2) i dcargahoraria int8 <fk1> cargo_abrev varchar(100) descri pci on_cargo varchar(100) alcance i nt2 cl_fecha_ofi cio date cate_acti vo bool col_estado bool com_estado bi t com_fecha_oficio date cond_descri pcion varchar(60) idhij os i nt4 <fk2> idcurso i nt8 cri _nombre varchar cri ev_descripcion varchar(40)
idsede i nt8 <pk> cargal ecti va_idcargahorari a_fkey banc_cue ntcl_resoluci on
bien_peso numeric al _numerogrupos i nt4 numhoras int4 cate_abrev varchar(6) codi go_unidad varchar(5) ti po char(2) varchar(15) cate_tipo char(2) col_tipo int4 com_cargo i nt8 com_resolucion varchar(15) cond_acti vo bool documento_i d i nt4 <fk1> nota i nt2 cri _descrip ci on varchar cri ev_sigla varchar(5)
bien_seri e varchar(20) seccion char(1) <pk> secci on varchar(1) <fk2> cnl_descri pcion varchar(600) cargo_ti po char(2) descri pci on_unidad varchar(100) estado bool cl_fecha_resolucion date carrera_l aboralunt_idcategoria_fkey
cate_abrev varchar(6) i dubi geo int8 <fk> i dpersona i nt8 <fk> com_fecha_resol uci on date periodo varchar(10) cri _orden i nt4 cri ev_obli gatori o bool
bien_marca varchar(20) idgrupocurso i nt8 <pk> i dcargahoraria i nt8 <fk1> i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk2> horas_total es i nt2 cl_uni dad i nt4 horariolectivo_ambi uso_fkey com_tipomiembro i nt8 com_moti vo text ti po i nt2 cri _numeroindi cadores i nt4 cri ev_estado bool
bien_fecha_al ta date cabasis_fecha date <pk> i dtrabajador varchar(10) i dcursoprogra mad o int8 horas_lecti vas i nt2 cl_i nicio date com_fuente varchar(50) cri _estado bi t cri ev_tipo i nt8
bien_fecha_baja date cabasis_h ora varchar(15) <pk> cal_tipocarga i nt8 i dperiodo varchar(64) cargo_horasp repa racion i nt2 cl_termi no date com_notacion varchar(50)
carrera_l aboralunt_idcondicion_fkey
bien_codi go_i nterno varchar(10) cabasis_o bservacion varchar(200) cal_horas i nt2 cargo_horasconse jeri a i nt2 cl_tanios i nt2 com_tipo int2
bien_observacion varchar(100) cabasis_ti poasistenci a i nt4 cal_totalhoras i nt2 cargal ecti va_ idcursoprogramado _fkey cargo_horasi nvestigaci on i nt2 cl_tmeses i nt2 com_ofi ci o varchar(15)
bien_esta do bool cabasis_e stado i nt4 cargo_horascapacitaci on i nt2 cl_tdias i nt2
cabasis_fechaprogramacion date cargo_horasg obie rno i nt2 i dcategori a i nt4 <fk1>
cabasis_fechatomaasi stenci a date cargo_horasa dmi nistraci on i nt2 i dcondicion i nt4 <fk2> fk_autoevaluacion
cabasis_h oratomaasi stenci a varchar CargaNoLecti va_idCargaHorari a_fkey cargo_horasa sesoria i nt2 i dtrabajador varchar(10) constancia _hi jo_documento_i d_fkey
idambi enteprogramacion i nt8 cargo_horase xtension i nt2 cl_estado bi t encuesta_idestandar_fkey
cabasis_h orap rogramacion varchar(17) cargo_horascomi tes i nt2
condicion i nt2

cabeceras_asistencia_foreign fk_idencuesta
ascenso_i dtrabajador_fkey
fk_iddetal leen cuesta
crono_matri cu la cuenta curso curso_di ctar cursoprogramado deta_enc_ pre deta_pre_alt detall e_asistencia detall e_autoevaluacion detal le_encuesta detall eperiodo dimension documento encuesta equi val enci a escuela esprincipal estandar estructura
i darea int8 <pk,fk1> idcuenta i nt8 <pk> i dcurso i nt8 <pk> i dcursodictar int8 <pk> idcursoprogramado int8 <pk> i ddetalleencuesta pregunta int8 <pk> idasi stencia int8 <pk> iddetal leautoeval uaci on int8 <pk> iddetal leencuesta i nt8 <pk> idarea int8 <pk,fk1> iddimensi on i nt8 <pk> documento_i d int4 <pk> idencuesta i nt8 <pk> i dequi vale nci a int8 <pk> i destandar int8 <pk> idestructura i nt8 <pk>
secci on char(1) <pk> idbanco i nt8 <fk> i dcurri cula i nt8 <fk> i dperiodo cursoprogramado_idcursodi
varchar(8) <fk1> seccion
ctar_fkey varchar(1) <pk> i dpregunta int8 <fk2> i dpregunta i nt8 <fk2> idmatri cul adetal le int8 <fk2> idfuente int8 <fk2> idencuesta int8 <fk> idperi odo varchar(8) <pk,fk3> dim_descripcion varchar doc_descripci on varchar(65) enc_nombre varchar area_ori gen int8 i dcriterio int8 <fk> estr_descripci on varchar(200)
idestructura i nt8 case i nt4
i dperiodo varchar(8) <pk,fk2> cuen_nrocuen ta varchar(15) cur_fundamentaci on varchar(1000) i dcurso int8 idcursodi ctar i nt8 <fk> i dal ternativa i nt8 <fk1>
i ddetalleencuesta int8 <fk1>GrupoLecti vo _i dCursoProgramado_fkey idtrabajador varchar(10) <fk1> idautoevaluacion int8 <fk1> idautoevaluacion int8 idparametro int8 <pk,fk2> dim_orden i nt4 doc_activo bool enc_descripci on varchar curso_origen int8 est_nombre varchar estr_codi go_i nterno varchar(6)
cmat_letra inicio char(1) <pk> cuen_fechaal ta date cur_aprendizaje varchar(1000) i dsede int8 <fk2> idcurso i nt8 idcurso int8 <fk1> dat_descri pci on varchar detaperi_fechaini cio date dim_estado bi t idestanda r i nt8 <fk> curricula_ori gen int8 est_orden int4 fk_cri teri o estr_estado bool
cmat_letra final char(1) cuen_fechaba ja date cur_hrsteoria i nt2 cud_numseccion int4 idperi odo varchar(8) idperi odo varchar(8) <fk1> dat_resul tado numeri c detaperi_fechafi n date dim_nombre varchar enc_ti podocente bool area_trasl ado int8 est_objeti vo varchar iddependencia int8
cmat_fechai nicio date cuen_estado bool cur_hrspracti ca i nt2 idesde int8 <fk1> dat_dato varchar(50) detaperi_anioencurso i nt4 enc_ti poalumno bool curso_traslado int8 est_estado bit estr_nivel matri
int4cul a_ detll ae_foreign
cmat_hora inicio char(8) cur_hrslab i nt2 seccion char(1) <fk1> dat_estad o bool detaperi_obse rvaci on varchar(50) enc_ti poadmin bool curricula_trasl ado int8 estr_cocurricul ar bool
cmat_fechafinal date cur_tipocurso i nt8 idgrupocurso int8 <fk1> dat_concl usion varchar detaperi_estado bool enc_ti popadre bool estado_equi val en ci a bool estr_deno minacion varchar(100)
cmat_hora final char(8) cur_numro tacion numeric cabasis_fecha date <fk1> detaperi_numresol uci on varchar(30)
cmat_estado char(1) cur_ciclo i nt2 cabasis_h ora varchar(15) <fk1>
cur_estado char(1) detasi s_estado bool constancia _hi jo_idhi jos_fkey
cur_numcredi tos i nt2 detasi s_j ustifi caci on varchar(300)
cur_descri pcion varchar(1000) horarionolecti vo_i dcarganolecti va_fkey
cur_creditosminimos i nt2
cur_duracionrotacion i nt2
i destructura i nt8 fk_estanda r forei gn_periodo
fk_modali dad
cur_mul titeori a bi t
cur_mul tip ractica bi t fk_detalle auto evaluacion
cur_mul til aboratorio bi t
cur_mul titeoyprac bi t
cur_sumil la varchar fk_fuente
cur_usuario varchar
cur_orden i nt2
cur_nomin aci oncurso i nt8 organos_gobi erno_idcondicion_fkey
cur_areaestudio i nt8
cur_duracioncurso i nt8
cur_hrsestudio i nt2

CargaNoLecti va_idTrabajador_fkey

estudio eval uacio n factor famil ia fuente grupo grupolecti vo grupovia hi jos horari olectivo horarionolecti vo indicador i nventory i nventory_flow l icenci as local matricula matri cul a_ detalle
i destudi o int4 <pk> i deval uacion int8 <pk> i dfactor int8 <pk> idfamil ia i nt4 <pk> idfuente int8 <pk> grupo_id i nt4 <pk> i dgrupol ectivo i nt8 <pk> i dgrupovia i nt4 <pk> i dhi jos int4 <pk> i dhorariol ectivo i nt8 <pk> i dhorarionole ctivo int8 <pk> idi ndi cador i nt8 <pk> i tem_i d i nt4 <pk> i nventory_flow_id i nt4 <pk> i dlicencia int4 <pk> idl ocal i nt8 <pk> idmatri cul a i nt8 <pk> idmatri cul adetal le int8 <pk>
es_entidad varchar(45) i duni dadessi labo i nt8 <fk> fac_descri pcion varchar fam_madre_fechanac date idestanda r int8 <fk> gru_nombre varchar(50) i dcursoprogra mad o int8 <fk> i dtipogrupo int4 <fk> hi jo_nombres varchar(60) horai nicio varchar(20) i darea int8 ind_nombre varchar(100) i tem_name varchar(100) i tem_i d int4 <fk> i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> loc_descri pcio n varchar(50) idalumno char(10) <fk> idmatri cul a i nt8
fk_item_i d
es_tipo int8 eva_peso i nt2 fac_orden i nt4 fam_padre_fechanac date fue_descri pci on varchar gru_descri pci on varchar(50) gul_numgrup o int2 grv_descri pcion varchar(20) hi jo_apepate rno varchar(45) horafin varchar(20) i dambiente int8 ind_formula varchar(50) proj ect varchar(100) l ic_fecha_oficio date loc_estado bool mat_fecha timestamp idcursoprogramado i nt8
es_fecha date eva_idcriteri o i nt8 fac_estado bi t fam_padre_civil bool fue_estad o bool gru_icono varchar(20) gul_tipo int8 grv_estado bool hi jo_apematerno varchar(45) di a varchar(20) i dcarganol ectiva int8 <fk> ind_estad o bool num_used int4 l ic_resol ucion varchar(15) idsede i nt8 <fk> mat_estado char(1) seccion varchar(1)
i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> i ddi mensi on i nt8 <fk> fam_madre_ci vi l bool fue_nombre varchar gru_orden int4 secci on varchar(1) <fk> hi jo_civil i nt2 i darea i nt8 <fk1> di a varchar(20) iddetal leautoeval uaci on i nt8 <fk> num_ordered int4 l ic_fecha_resol uci on date mat_ponderado numeric(10,2) dem_idgrupoteo i nt8
es_descripcio n varchar(500) fac_nombre varchar fam_padre_vive bool fue_ti po int4 gru_activo bool gl _horas int2 hi jo_fecha nac date i dambiente i nt8 <fk1> horai nicio varchar(20) acti on_date ti mestamp l ic_moti vo text mat_credi taje i nt2 dem_idgrupoprac i nt8
fam_madre_vi ve bool fue_interpretacion varchar gl _vacantes int2 hi jo_sexo bool i dperiodo varchar(10) <fk1> horafin varchar(20) l ic_ini ci o date idarea i nt8 dem_idgrupolab i nt8
fam_cony_apepaterno varchar(45) gl _ocupad os int2 i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> i dgrupol ectivo i nt8 <fk2> l ic_fi n date mat_tipomatricula i nt2 dem_idgrupoteoprac i nt8
fam_cony_apematerno varchar(45) hi jo_estado bool i dtrabajador varchar(10) l ic_tanios i nt2 mat_secci on char(1) dem_promedio1 numeric(10,2)
fam_cony_nombre varchar(60) color varchar(30) l ic_tmeses i nt2 mat_curricula i nt8 dem_promedio2 numeric(10,2)
fk_i dmatri cul a_idmatri cul a
fam_cony_dni char(8) horariolectivo_i dgrupolectivo_fkey capaci dad i nt4 l ic_tdi as i nt2 mat_peri odo varchar dem_promedio3 numeric(10,2)
fam_cony_fechanac date resumen varchar(500) l ic_fuente varchar(40) dem_promedio4 numeric(10,2)
fam_fecha_matrimoni o date l ic_ofi ci o varchar(15) dem_promedio5 numeric(10,2)
fam_cony_l ug artrabaj o varchar(150) l ic_ti po i nt2 dem_promedio6 numeric(10,2)
fam_cony_direcci ontrabajo varchar(150) dem_promedio7 numeric(10,2)
fam_cony_sexo bool detaperi_peri dem_promediofinal numeric(10,2)
fam_padre varchar(100) dem_numvez i nt2
fam_madre varchar(100) forei gn_periodo dem_esta do char(1)
idubigeo int8 dem_reso luci on varchar
idtrabajador varchar(10) <fk> dem_repeti ci on i nt2 sede_fore ign
fam_cony_nacionali dad varchar(80) dem_voucherepeti ci on varchar
dem_codi gocursococurricular i nt8
fk_dimensi on dem_reso luci oncocurricular varchar sede_fore ign
dem_idcurso i nt8
fk_not_ideval foreign_matri _det_notas dem_ti po_i ngresonota i nt2
dem_lugar i nt8
forei gn_al um_tram dem_monto numeric
peri odo_forei gn dem_apl azado numeric(10,2)
dem_inhabili tado bi t

colegi o_fo re_ubi
matri cul a_ detalle_temp nombramiento_emerito
mejora modal idad modal idad_e xamen modali dad_peri odo_area modali dad_peri odo_precio modali dad_requi si tos modul o mul ti tabla nota observaciones organos_gobi erno p_escuel a p_fechafin pabell on parametros periodo periodoid permiso
i dmejora int8 <pk> idmodali dad int4 <pk> idmodexamen i nt8 <pk> idmodexamen int8 <pk,fk3> i dmodexamen i nt4 <pk,fk1> idmodexamen int8 <pk,fk2> mod_codi go i nt4 <pk> tabla_i d int8 <pk> i deval uacion int8 <pk,fk1> idobservacion i nt8 <pk> i dorganogobi erno int4 <pk> i dpabell on int8 <pk> idparametro int8 <pk> i dperiodo varchar(8) <pk> i dpermiso i nt8 <pk>
idalumno char(10) cod_empl eado char(4)
i dindicado r i nt8 mod_codi go varchar(15) mod_exa_descri pcion varchar(40) mod_foreign idarea int8 <pk,fk1> i dperiodo varchar(8) <pk,fk2> idrequi sito int8 <pk,fk1> mod_descri pci on varchar(50) val or int8 i dmatricul adetall e int8 <pk,fk2> idsilabo i nt8 og_ofi ci o varchar(15) idestructura i nt8 detaperi_fechafi n date pab_descri pci on varchar(50) para_descri pci on varchar(100) peri _estado bool max text rol_id i nt4 <pk,fk1>
idcursoprogramado i nt8 idperi odo varchar(8) <pk,fk2> nro_resolucio n char(15)
i dautoeval uacion i nt8 mod_descri pci on varchar(60) mod_exa_ti po i nt4 monto numeric modreq_estad o bool mod_esta do int2 dep_i d int8 not_nota numeri c ob_parteprogramacion varchar og_fecha_ oficio date pab_estado bool pabel lon_forei gnpara_esta do bool peri _observacion varchar(100) tarea_id int4 <fk2>
seccion varchar(1) col egi o_forei gn fec_resolucion date
mej _sugerencia varchar mod_abrevi atura varchar(8) mod_exa_estado bool nro_vacante i nt4 estado bool descri pci on varchar(80) not_fechareal izo date ob_partenormas varchar og_resolucion varchar(15) i dlocal int8 <fk> para_ti po i nt4 pso_acti vo bool
alternativa_idtipo_fkey varchar(8) tip_nombramiento char(1)
mej _cump lido bi t mod_activo bool mod_exa_clase i nt4 estado bool abrev varchar(80) not_antrectificar int4 ob_parteconsejeria varchar og_fecha_ resol uci on date para_cl ase i nt4
idcurso i nt8 grupo i nt4 estado bool fec_nombramiento date ob_partebibli ografi a varchar og_cargo varchar(5)
curso varchar foreign_modali da d ob_estado char(2) i dcondicion int4 <fk1>
ti po_curso varchar
og_tdi as int2
ci clo varchar
og_autori dad bool
f_regi stro timestamp
og_dependencia varchar(5)
dem_idgrupoteo i nt8
og_ini ci o date
dem_grupoteo varchar
mod_req_mod og_fi n date
dem_horari oteo varchar
og_tanios int2
dem_idgrupoprac i nt8
og_tmeses int2
dem_grupoprac varchar
i dtrabajador varchar(10) <fk2>
dem_horari oprac varchar forei gn_tram
acumulado_otrasrepartici ones_i dtrabaj ador_fkey og_url _firma varchar(50)
dem_idgrupolab i nt8 forei gn_requ
dem_grupolab varchar
dem_horari ol ab varchar
dem_idgrupoteoprac i nt8
dem_grupoteoprac varchar
acumul ado_untestado_idtrabajador_fkey
dem_horari oteoprac varchar
dem_docente varchar
dem_numvez i nt2
dem_credito i nt2 fk_cursoprogra mado_sil abo
dem_reso luci on varchar pregunta_i de standar_fkey
dem_repeti ci on i nt2
dem_reso luci onrepeti ci on varchar
dem_codi gocursococurricular i nt8 cargo_fk
dem_reso luci oncocurricular varchar estudi o_i dtrab aj ador_fkey
fk_evaluacion_uni dadsil abo
comportami ento_idtrabajador_fkey
pg_aggregate pg_am pg_amop pg_amproc pg_attrdef pg_attribute pg_auth_members pg_authid pg_cast pg_class pg_collati on pg_constraint pg_conversion pg_database pg_db_rol e_setting pg_defaul t_acl pg_depend pg_description pg_enum pg_event_ tri gger pg_extensi on pg_forei gn_d ata_ wrapper pg_foreign_se rver pg_forei gn_table
idpersona int8 <pk>
aggfnoid regproc amname name amopfamil y oid amprocfami ly oi d adreli d oi d attrel id oid roleid oi d rolname name castsource oid relname name coll name name conname name conname name datname name setdataba se oid defacl rol e oi d classi d oid objoid oi d enumtypid oid evtname name extname name fdwname name srvname name ftreli d oi d
per_nombres varchar(60)
aggkind char amstrateg ies i nt2 amopl efttype oid amproclefttype oi d adnum i nt2 attname name member oi d rolsuper bool casttarget oid relnamespace oi d coll namespace oi d connamespace oid connamespace oi d datdba oid setrole oid defacl namespace oi d obji d oid cl assoid oi d enumsortorder fl oat4 evtevent name extowner oid fdwowner oi d srvowner oi d ftserver oi d
per_apepaterno varchar(50)
aggnumdi rectargs int2 amsupport i nt2 amoprighttype oid amprocri ghttype oi d adbi n pg_node_tree atttypi d oid grantor oi d rolinheri t bool castfunc oid reltype oi d coll owner oi d contype char conowner oi d encoding int4 setconfig text[] defacl objtype char objsubid int4 objsubi d i nt4 enumlabel name evtowner oi d extnamespace oid fdwhandl er oi d srvfdw oi d ftoptions text[]
per_apematerno varchar(50)
aggtransfn regproc amcanorder bool amopstrategy int2 amprocnum i nt2 adsrc text attstattarget int4 admi n_option bool rolcreatero le bool castcontext char reloftype oi d coll encoding i nt4 condeferra bl e bool conforencoding i nt4 datcol late name defacl acl acli tem[] refclassi d oid descri ption text evtfoid oi d extrelocatable bool fdwvali dator oi d srvtype text
per_dni varchar(10)
aggfinalfn regproc amcanorderbyop bool amoppurpose char amproc regproc attlen int2 rolcreatedb bool castmethod char relowner oi d coll col late name condeferre d bool contoencodi ng i nt4 datctype name refobji d oid evtenabled char extversi on text fdwacl acli tem[] srvversion text
per_fechanaci miento date
aggmtransfn regproc amcanbackward bool fk_i dcursoamopopr oid attnum int2 rolcatupda te bool relam oi d coll ctype name conval idated bool conproc regproc dati stemplate bool refobjsubi d int4 evttags text[] extconfig oid[] fdwopti on s text[] srvacl acli tem[]
per_estad ocivi l int2 cuen_vocuhe r
aggminvtransfn regproc amcanuni que bool amopmethod oid attndims int4 rolcanlogi n bool relfi lenode oi d conrel id oid condefaul t bool datal lowconn bool deptype char extconditi on text[] srvopti ons text[]
per_sexo bit
aggmfi nal fn regproc amcanmulti co l bool amopsortfami ly oid attcacheoff int4 rolrepl icati on bool reltabl espace oi d contypid oid datconnlimit int4
per_tel efono varchar(10)
aggfinalextra bool amopti onal key bool atttypmod int4 rolconnl imit i nt4 relpages i nt4 conindid oid datl astsyso id oid
per_cel ular varchar(20) mod_post
aggmfi nal extra bool amsearcharray bool attbyval bool rolpassword text reltupl es float4 confrelid oid datfrozenxi d xi d
per_email varchar(40)
aggsortop oid amsearchnull s bool attstorage char rolvali duntil timestamptz relall visi ble i nt4 confupdtype char datminmxi d xi d
idubigeo int8 <fk1>
aggtranstype oid amstorage bool attali gn char reltoastrel id oi d confdeltype char dattablespace oid
per_foto varchar(200)
per_gruposanguineo int2 aggtransspace int4 amclusterable bool attnotnull bool relhasi ndex bool confmatchtyp e char datacl acl item[]
per_factorrh varchar(6) aggmtranstype oid ampredlocks bool atthasdef bool relisshared bool conislocal bool fk_tarea
foreign_sede aggmtransspace int4 amkeytype oi d attisdropped bool relpersistence char coninhcount int4
per_donacion bool
aggi nitval text aminsert regproc attislocal bool relkind char connoinhe rit bool
per_carneextranjeria varchar(10)
aggminitval text ambeginscan regproc attinhcoun t int4 relnatts i nt2 conkey int2[]
per_manzana text
amgettupl e regproc attcoll ation oid relchecks i nt2 confkey int2[] fk_roles
per_cuadra varchar(10)
amgetbitmap regproc attacl acl item[] relhasoi ds bool conpfeqop oid[]
per_lote varchar(10)
amrescan regproc attopti ons text[] relhaspkey bool conppeqop oid[]
per_interior char(5)
amendscan regproc attfdwopti ons text[] relhasrules bool conffeqop oid[]
per_direccionl ocal varchar(200) usuario_encu esta_idencuesta_fkey
ammarkpos regproc relhastri ggers bool conexclop oid[]
per_direccionexterna varchar(200)
amrestrpo s regproc relhassubcl ass bool conbin pg_node_tree
idvias int4 <fk2>
ambuil d regproc relispopul ated bool consrc text
per_estad o bool fk_sil abo_observacion
ambuil dempty regproc relrepl ident char
idubigeo_naci miento int8 i dtipogrupo_fk
ambulkde lete regproc fk_grupo relfrozenxid xid
per_naci onal idad varchar(100)
amvacuumcleanup regproc relmi nmxi d xid li cencias_idtrabaj ador_fkey
per_brevete varchar(15)
amcanreturn regproc relacl acli tem[]
per_li bretami li tar varchar(15)
amcostestimate regproc relopti ons text[]
per_grupovi a varchar(150)
amopti ons regproc
idgrupovia int4 req_mod_req
per_parti da varchar(12)
famil ia_idtrabajador_fkey
per_coddomi cili o int4
forei gn_periodo
organos_gobi erno_idtrabajador_fkey

pg_index pg_i nherits pg_l anguage pg_largeobje ct pg_largeobje ct_metadata pg_namespace pg_opcl ass pg_operator pg_opfamil y pg_pl templ ate pg_proc pg_range pg_rewrite pg_seclabel pg_shdepend pg_shdescription pg_shsecl abel pg_statisti c pg_tablespace pg_trigger pg_ts_config usuario_encupg_ts_config_map
esta_idpersona_fke y pg_ts_dict pg_ts_parser pg_ts_templ ate pg_type

indexreli d oid i nhreli d oi d lanname name l oid oi d lomowner oid nspname name opcmethod oi d oprname name opfmethod oid tmpl name name proname name rngtypid oid rul ename name objoid oid dbid oi d objoid oi d objoid oi d stareli d oi d spcname name tgreli d oi d cfgname name mapcfg oi d dictname name prsname name tmplname name typname name
indrel id oid i nhparent oi d lanowner oi d pageno i nt4 lomacl acl item[] nspowner oi d opcname name oprnamespace oi d opfname name tmpl truste d bool pronamespace oi d rngsubtype oid ev_class oid cl assoid oid cl assid oi d cl assoid oi d cl assoid oi d staattnum i nt2 spcowner oi d tgname name cfgnamespace oi d maptoken type i nt4 dictnamespace oi d prsnamesp ace oi d tmplnamespace oi d typnamespace oi d
indnatts int2 i nhseqno i nt4 lanispl bool data bytea nspacl acli tem[] opcnamespace oi d oprowner oi d opfnamespace oid tmpl dbacreate bool proowner oi d rngcol lation oid ev_type char objsubi d int4 objid oi d descri ption text provider text stainherit bool spcacl acli tem[] tgfoid oi d cfgowner oi d mapseqno i nt4 dictowner oi d prsstart regproc tmpli nit regproc typowner oi d
indisunique bool lanpltrusted bool opcowner oi d oprkind char opfowner oid modali dad_fk
tmpl handl er text prol ang oi d rngsubopc oid ev_enabled char provider text objsubi d i nt4 label text stanul lfrac float4 spcoptions text[] tgtype i nt2 cfgparser oi d mapdict oi d dicttemplate oi d prstoken regproc tmpll exi ze regproc typl en i nt2
indispri mary bool lanplcall foid oi d foreign_persona opcfamil y oi d oprcanmerge bool tmpl inl ine text procost float4 rngcanoni cal regproc is_instead bool label text refcl assid oi d stawidth i nt4 tgenabled char dicti ni toption text prsend regproc typbyval bool
indisexcl usi on bool laninl ine oi d opci ntype oi d oprcanhash bool tmpl val idator text prorows float4 rngsubdiff regproc ev_qual pg_node_tree refobj id oi d stadi stinct float4 tgisinternal bool prsheadline regproc typtype char
indimmediate bool lanval idator oi d opcdefaul t bool oprl eft oi d tmpl li brary text provariadi c oi d ev_acti on pg_node_tree deptype char staki nd1 i nt2 tgconstrreli d oi d prsl extype regproc typcategory char
indisclustered bool lanacl acli tem[] opckeytyp e oi d oprright oi d tmpl acl acli tem[] protransform regproc staki nd2 i nt2 tgconstri ndid oi d typi spreferred bool
indisvalid bool oprresul t oi d proi sagg bool staki nd3 i nt2 tgconstrai nt oi d typi sdefi ned bool
indcheckxmin bool oprcom oi d proi swindo w bool staki nd4 i nt2 tgdeferrabl e bool typdel im char
indisready bool oprnegate oi d prosecdef bool staki nd5 i nt2 tginitdeferred bool typreli d oi d
indisli ve bool usuari o_respuesta_idpersona_fkey
oprcode regproc prol eakproof bool staop1 oi d tgnargs i nt2 typel em oi d
indisrepli dent bool oprrest regproc proi sstrict bool staop2 oi d tgattr i nt2[] typarray oi d
indkey int2[] oprj oin regproc proretset bool staop3 oi d tgargs bytea typi nput regproc
indcol lation oid[] provol atile char staop4 oi d tgqual pg_node_tree typoutput regproc
indclass oid[] pronargs i nt2 staop5 oi d typrecei ve regproc
indopti on int2[] pronargdefau lts i nt2 stanumbe rs1 float4[] typsend regproc
indexprs pg_node_tree prorettype oi d stanumbe rs2 float4[] typmodi n regproc
indpred pg_node_tree proargtype s oi d[] stanumbe rs3 float4[] typmodout regproc
proal largtypes oi d[] stanumbe rs4 float4[] typanalyze regproc
hij os_idtrabaj ador_fkey
proargmodes char[] stanumbe rs5 float4[] typal ign char
proargnames text[] staval ues1 anyarray typstorage char
proargdefaul ts pg_node_tree staval ues2 anyarray typnotnull bool
prosrc text staval ues3 anyarray typbasetyp e oi d
probi n text staval ues4 anyarray typtypmod i nt4
proconfi g text[] staval ues5 anyarray typndi ms i nt4
proacl acli tem[] typcoll ation oi d
typdefaultbin pg_node_tree
typdefault text
typacl acli tem[]
fk_i dprogramacion

pg_user_mappi ng resp resp
postul ante pregunta prerequi si tos programacion r_horariolecti vo recurso requi si to_presentado requisitos resolucion roles rol es_usuari o rsp sanciones sede servici o servi ci o_pagos si labo
idpostulante int8 <pk> idpregunta i nt8 <pk> i dprerequisitos i nt8 <pk> idprogramaci on int8 <pk> i dhorariol ectivo int8 <pk> i drecurso i nt8 <pk> idalumnotrami te i nt8 <pk,fk1> idrequi sito int8 <pk> i dresol uci on int8 <pk> rol _i d i nt4 <pk> urol_i d int4 <pk> idsanci ones int8 <pk> idsede int8 <pk> i dservi ci o int8 <pk> i destructura int8 <pk> idsilabo i nt8 <pk>
umuser oi d forei gn_req roles_fk
idpersona int8 <fk3> pre_descri pci on varchar i dcurso i nt8 <fk> idunidadessil abo int8 <fk> horai nicio varchar(20) i dprogramacion i nt8 <fk> idrequi sito i nt8 <pk,fk2> requ_descri pci on varchar(50) res_numero varchar(100) count int4 count int4 rol _nombre varchar(50) idpersona int8 <fk2> idalumno char(10) <fk1> sed_descripci on varchar(50) ser_descri pci on varchar i dperiodo varchar <pk> idcursoprogramado int8 <fk>
umserver oi d int4 i nt4
idmodexamen int8 <fk4> orden int4 i dprecurso i nt8 pro_sema na int2 horafin varchar(20) rec_descri pcion varchar(100) docpres_estad o bool requ_ti porequi si to i nt4 i dtiporesoluci on i nt8 <fk> count int8 count int8 fk_tiporesoluci
rol _descripcion on
varchar(50) rol _i d int4 <fk1> idtiporeso luci on int8 <fk2> sed_estado bool ser_monto numeric i dservi ci o int8 <pk> seccion char(1) <fk>
umopti ons text[]
idarea_se g_opcion int8 idestanda r int8 <fk> prer_estado char(1) pro_fechainici o date di a varchar(20) rec_archivo varchar(50) docpres_observacion varchar(150) requ_esta do bool res_fecha date rol _acti vo bool activo bool san_resolucion varchar(100) idubigeo i nt8 <fk> ser_ti poservi cio i nt8 tapa_i mporte numeri c si l_aprendizaje varchar
idarea_pri m_opci on int8 pre_ti poseleccion int2 pro_fechatermino date i darea i nt8 rec_estado bool res_area i nt8 san_temp oral bit ser_costofij o bi t tapa_solopri merci cl o bit si l_proposito varchar
i dvi as_fk
post_dni_ apoderado varchar(8) pro_activi dadesconteni do varchar i dambiente i nt8 rec_url varchar(50) res_observaci on varchar(1000) san_fechainici o date ser_estado bi t tapa_estado bit si l_bibl iografi a varchar
post_ape_apo derado varchar(50) pro_tecnicaintrumento varchar i dperiodo varchar(10) rec_urlcorta varchar(50) san_fechatermino date si l_numunidades int2
post_nomb_apoderado varchar(50) pro_docentes varchar i dgrupol ectivo i nt8 fk_tiporesoluci on san_estado bit si l_fundamentaci on varchar
post_puntaj e numeri c i dtrabajador varchar(10) si l_estrategi a varchar
post_puesto int4 color varchar(30) si l_estado char(2)
post_carpeta varchar(8) capaci dad i nt4 si l_hrsaplazad o int2
idsede int8 <fk5> resumen varchar(500) si l_fechacompletada date
post_cl ave char(8) si l_fechavisado date
post_estado int4 si l_fechaplazo date
post_i magen_ dni varchar(100) si l_fechaaplazado date
idcolegio int4 <fk1> forei gn_postul ante
idperi odo varchar <fk2> sede_foreign
post_i magen varchar(100)
post_huel la varchar(100)
post_firma varchar(100)
post_tipo_discapacidad varchar(50) idsede_fk
post_anio _culminaci on int4 foreig_tram
post_ape_mat_apoderado varchar
post_talla numeri c
post_peso numeri c
post_puesto_col e int4
post_prom_col e numeri c
post_carnet varchar(6)
post_opcion_ingreso int4
post_i magen_ ac varchar(100)
post_huel la_a c varchar(100)
post_firma_ac varchar(100)

usuari o_fk

sql_features sql _i mple men tati on_i nfo sql _l angu ages sql _packa ges sql _parts sql_sizing sql _sizi ng _pro fil es
tarea temp ti po_grupovia tipo_pregunta ti po_resol ucion ti po_via trabaj ador trami te trami te_documento ubigeo unidad_escal afon
tarea_i d i nt4 <pk> idtipogrupo int4 <pk> i dtipo i nt8 <pk> idtiporeso luci on i nt8 <pk> idtipovi a int4 <pk> i dtrabajador varchar(10) <pk> i dtramite i nt8 <pk> i dtramite int8 <pk> idubigeo i nt8 <pk> idunidadescalafon i nt4 <pk>
feature_i d usuario_respuesta _ii dpregunta_fkey
character_data mplementati on_i nfo_id character_data sql _l angu age_source character_data feature_id character_data feature_id character_data sizing_id cardinal_number sizing_id cardinal_number forei gn_req
grupo_id i nt4 <fk1> tgv_descri pcio n varchar ti pr_descri pci on varchar(1000) ti povia_descripcion varchar(20) i dpersona i nt8 <fk1> tram_descripcion varchar(150) i drequisito int8 <pk,fk1> coddepartamento char(6) codi go_unidad varchar(5)
feature_name character_data i mplementati on_i nfo_name character_data sql _l angu age_year character_data feature_name character_data feature_name character_data sizing_name character_data sizing_name character_data idgrupolecti vo int8 descripcion varchar
tar_nombre varchar(30) tgv_estado bool ti pr_estad o char(1) ti po_estado bool i dmodal idad i nt4 <fk4> tram_estado bool tramdoc_e sta do bool codprovin ci a char(6) descri pci on_unidad varchar(100)
sub_featu re_i d character_data i nteger_va lue cardi nal _n umber sql _l angu age_conformance character_data i s_supported yes_or_no i s_supported yes_or_no supported_va lue cardinal_number profil e_i d character_data
tar_descripcion varchar(70) i dcondicion i nt4 <fk3> tram_areai int8 coddistrito char(6) codi go_subuni dad varchar(5)
sub_featu re_n ame character_data character_val ue character_data sql _l angu age_integrity character_data i s_veri fied_by character_data i s_veri fied_by character_data comments character_data requi red_val ue cardinal_number
tar_i cono varchar(20) tipo i nt2 tram_areaf int8 departamento varchar(50) descri pci on_subuni dad varchar(100)
is_supported yes_or_no comments character_data sql _l angu age_implementation character_data comments character_data comments character_data comments character_data
tar_orden i nt4 trab_email institucional varchar(70) provincia varchar(50) activo bool
is_verified_by character_data sql _l angu age_binding_style character_data
comments character_data sql _l angu age_programming_language character_data tar_url varchar(150) trab_codig o varchar(15) distri to varchar(50)
tar_acti vo bool trab_essal ud varchar(15)
mod_codi go i nt4 <fk2> trab_codafp varchar(15)
i dsede i nt4 <fk5>
i dcargo i nt8 <fk2>
i darea i nt8
trab_email al terna tivo varchar(70)
trab_estado bool
regi menpensi ones i nt4
afp i nt4
i dtipovia_fk trab_fecha ingreso date

usuari o_e ncuesta usuario_respuesta

unidades_sil abo user_prei nscri pcion usuari o vari able variables_indicador vi as voucher
idunidadessil abo int8 <pk> dni char(8) <pk> i dpersona i nt8 <pk,fk> idvariabl e i nt8 <pk> i dvi as int4 <pk> i dvoucher int8 <pk>
idpersona int8 <fk2> i dpregunta int8 <fk2>
idsilabo i nt8 emai l varchar(60) fecha_cese ti mestamptz i ddependenci a int8 var_nombre varchar(100) via_descri pcion varchar(20) i dcuenta int8 <fk1>
idencuesta int8 <fk1> i dpersona int8 <fk1>
uns_descripci on varchar clave char(8) estado varchar(5) var_estado bool i dtipovia i nt4 <fk> vou_fecha date
usu_respuesta int4
uns_deno minacion varchar sesi on varchar(100) fecha_creaci on ti mestamptz var_val or numeric via_estado bool vou_nummov int4
i dencuesta int8
uns_fechainici o date l astuser varchar(100) per_l ogi n varchar(50) var_abreviatura varchar(30) vou_monto numeri c
uns_fechatermino date per_pass varchar(150) idi ndi cador i nt8 <fk> i dpostul ante int8 <fk2>
uns_numsemanas i nt2 per_l ast varchar(150) vou_codagenci a varchar(6)
uns_objetivosaprendizaje varchar per_session varchar(150) fk_uni dsi labo
fk_si labo
uns_formula varchar
uns_unidad i nt2
uns_numeval uaci ones i nt2
uns_hrsteori a i nt2
uns_hrspractica i nt2
uns_hrslab i nt2
uns_hrseval ua ci on i nt2

III.3.1List of tables in diagram

Name Code
acumulado_estudios acumulado_estudios
acumulado_otrasreparticiones acumulado_otrasreparticiones
acumulado_universidad acumulado_universidad
acumulado_untestado acumulado_untestado
alcance alcance

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Physical Data Model PhysicalDataModel_SISUNIVIR

alternativa alternativa
alumno alumno
alumno_tramite alumno_tramite
ambarea_uso ambarea_uso
ambiente ambiente
ambiente_bien ambiente_bien
area area
area area
ascenso ascenso
asignacion_requisitos asignacion_requisitos
autoevaluacion autoevaluacion
banco banco
bien bien
cabecera_asistencia cabecera_asistencia
cargahoraria cargahoraria
cargalectiva cargalectiva
carganolectiva carganolectiva
cargo cargo
cargo_autoridad cargo_autoridad
cargos_general cargos_general
carrera_laboralunt carrera_laboralunt
categoria categoria
colegio colegio
comite comite
comportamiento comportamiento
condicion condicion
constancia_hijo constancia_hijo
convalidacion convalidacion
criterio criterio
criterios_evaluacion criterios_evaluacion
crono_matricula crono_matricula
cuenta cuenta
curricula curricula
curso curso
curso_dictar curso_dictar
cursoprogramado cursoprogramado
deta_enc_pre deta_enc_pre
deta_pre_alt deta_pre_alt
detalle_asistencia detalle_asistencia
detalle_autoevaluacion detalle_autoevaluacion
detalle_encuesta detalle_encuesta
detalleperiodo detalleperiodo
dimension dimension
documento documento
encuesta encuesta
equivalencia equivalencia
escuela escuela
esprincipal esprincipal
estandar estandar
estructura estructura
estudio estudio
evaluacion evaluacion
factor factor
familia familia
fuente fuente
grupo grupo

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grupolectivo grupolectivo
grupovia grupovia
hijos hijos
horariolectivo horariolectivo
horarionolectivo horarionolectivo
indicador indicador
inventory inventory
inventory_flow inventory_flow
licencias licencias
local local
matricula matricula
matricula_detalle matricula_detalle
matricula_detalle_temp matricula_detalle_temp
mejora mejora
modalidad modalidad
modalidad_examen modalidad_examen
modalidad_periodo_area modalidad_periodo_area
modalidad_periodo_precio modalidad_periodo_precio
modalidad_requisitos modalidad_requisitos
modulo modulo
multitabla multitabla
nombramiento_emerito nombramiento_emerito
nota nota
observaciones observaciones
organos_gobierno organos_gobierno
p_escuela p_escuela
p_fechafin p_fechafin
pabellon pabellon
parametros parametros
periodo periodo
periodoid periodoid
permiso permiso
persona persona
pg_aggregate pg_aggregate
pg_am pg_am
pg_amop pg_amop
pg_amproc pg_amproc
pg_attrdef pg_attrdef
pg_attribute pg_attribute
pg_auth_members pg_auth_members
pg_authid pg_authid
pg_cast pg_cast
pg_class pg_class
pg_collation pg_collation
pg_constraint pg_constraint
pg_conversion pg_conversion
pg_database pg_database
pg_db_role_setting pg_db_role_setting
pg_default_acl pg_default_acl
pg_depend pg_depend
pg_description pg_description
pg_enum pg_enum
pg_event_trigger pg_event_trigger
pg_extension pg_extension
pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_foreign_data_wrapper
pg_foreign_server pg_foreign_server

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Physical Data Model PhysicalDataModel_SISUNIVIR

pg_foreign_table pg_foreign_table
pg_index pg_index
pg_inherits pg_inherits
pg_language pg_language
pg_largeobject pg_largeobject
pg_largeobject_metadata pg_largeobject_metadata
pg_namespace pg_namespace
pg_opclass pg_opclass
pg_operator pg_operator
pg_opfamily pg_opfamily
pg_pltemplate pg_pltemplate
pg_proc pg_proc
pg_range pg_range
pg_rewrite pg_rewrite
pg_seclabel pg_seclabel
pg_shdepend pg_shdepend
pg_shdescription pg_shdescription
pg_shseclabel pg_shseclabel
pg_statistic pg_statistic
pg_tablespace pg_tablespace
pg_trigger pg_trigger
pg_ts_config pg_ts_config
pg_ts_config_map pg_ts_config_map
pg_ts_dict pg_ts_dict
pg_ts_parser pg_ts_parser
pg_ts_template pg_ts_template
pg_type pg_type
pg_user_mapping pg_user_mapping
postulante postulante
pregunta pregunta
prerequisitos prerequisitos
programacion programacion
r_horariolectivo r_horariolectivo
recurso recurso
requisito_presentado requisito_presentado
requisitos requisitos
resolucion resolucion
resp resp
resp resp
roles roles
roles_usuario roles_usuario
rsp rsp
sanciones sanciones
sede sede
servicio servicio
servicio_pagos servicio_pagos
silabo silabo
sql_features sql_features
sql_implementation_info sql_implementation_info
sql_languages sql_languages
sql_packages sql_packages
sql_parts sql_parts
sql_sizing sql_sizing
sql_sizing_profiles sql_sizing_profiles
tarea tarea
temp temp

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tipo_grupovia tipo_grupovia
tipo_pregunta tipo_pregunta
tipo_resolucion tipo_resolucion
tipo_via tipo_via
trabajador trabajador
tramite tramite
tramite_documento tramite_documento
ubigeo ubigeo
unidad_escalafon unidad_escalafon
unidades_silabo unidades_silabo
user_preinscripcion user_preinscripcion
usuario usuario
usuario_encuesta usuario_encuesta
usuario_respuesta usuario_respuesta
variable variable
variables_indicador variables_indicador
vias vias
voucher voucher

III.3.1.1 Table acumulado_estudios

III. Card of table acumulado_estudios
Name acumulado_estudios
Code acumulado_estudios

III. Server validation rule of the table acumulado_estudios


III. Options of the table acumulado_estudios

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table acumulado_estudios


III. List of outgoing references of the table acumulado_estudios

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
acumulado_e acumulado_e trabajador idtrabajador
studios_idtrab studios_idtrab
ajador_fkey ajador_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table acumulado_estudios

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table acumulado_estudios

Name Code
idacumulado_estudios idacumulado_estudios
aceu_oficio aceu_oficio
aceu_fecha_oficio aceu_fecha_oficio
aceu_resolucion aceu_resolucion
aceu_fecha_resolucion aceu_fecha_resolucion
aceu_tanios aceu_tanios
aceu_tmeses aceu_tmeses
aceu_tdias aceu_tdias
aceu_estudios_acumulados aceu_estudios_acumulados
aceu_fuente aceu_fuente
aceu_notacion aceu_notacion
idtrabajador idtrabajador

III. List of keys of the table acumulado_estudios

Name Code Primary
acumulado_estudios_pkey acumulado_estudios_pkey X

III.3.1.2 Table acumulado_otrasreparticiones

III. Card of table acumulado_otrasreparticiones
Name acumulado_otrasreparticiones
Code acumulado_otrasreparticiones

III. Server validation rule of the table acumulado_otrasreparticiones


III. Options of the table acumulado_otrasreparticiones

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table acumulado_otrasreparticiones


III. List of outgoing references of the table acumulado_otrasreparticiones

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
acumulado_ot acumulado_ot condicion idcondicion
rasreparticion rasreparticion
es_idcondicio es_idcondicio
n_fkey n_fkey
acumulado_ot acumulado_ot trabajador idtrabajador

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rasreparticion rasreparticion
es_idtrabajad es_idtrabajad
or_fkey or_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table acumulado_otrasreparticiones

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table acumulado_otrasreparticiones

Name Code
idacumulado_otrasrep idacumulado_otrasrep
aor_oficio aor_oficio
aor_fecha_oficio aor_fecha_oficio
aor_resolucion aor_resolucion
aor_fecha_resolucion aor_fecha_resolucion
aor_tanios aor_tanios
aor_tmeses aor_tmeses
aor_tdias aor_tdias
aor_inicio aor_inicio
aor_fin aor_fin
aor_cargo aor_cargo
idcondicion idcondicion
aor_lugar aor_lugar
aor_fuente aor_fuente
idtrabajador idtrabajador

III. List of keys of the table acumulado_otrasreparticiones

Name Code Primary
acumulado_otrasreparticiones_pkey acumulado_otrasreparticiones_pkey X

III.3.1.3 Table acumulado_universidad

III. Card of table acumulado_universidad
Name acumulado_universidad
Code acumulado_universidad

III. Server validation rule of the table acumulado_universidad


III. Options of the table acumulado_universidad

without oids

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III. Check constraint name of the table acumulado_universidad


III. List of outgoing references of the table acumulado_universidad

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
acumulado_u acumulado_u condicion idcondicion
niversidad_id niversidad_id
condicion_fk condicion_fk
ey ey
acumulado_u acumulado_u trabajador idtrabajador
niversidad_id niversidad_id
trabajador_fk trabajador_fk
ey ey

III. List of diagrams containing the table acumulado_universidad

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table acumulado_universidad

Name Code
idacumulado_universidad idacumulado_universidad
acuni_oficio acuni_oficio
acuni_fecha_oficio acuni_fecha_oficio
acuni_resolucion acuni_resolucion
acuni_fecha_resolucion acuni_fecha_resolucion
acuni_tanios acuni_tanios
acuni_tmeses acuni_tmeses
acuni_tdias acuni_tdias
acuni_cargo acuni_cargo
idcondicion idcondicion
acuni_unidad acuni_unidad
idtrabajador idtrabajador
acuni_inicio acuni_inicio
acuni_fin acuni_fin

III. List of keys of the table acumulado_universidad

Name Code Primary
acumulado_universidad_pkey acumulado_universidad_pkey X

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III.3.1.4 Table acumulado_untestado

III. Card of table acumulado_untestado
Name acumulado_untestado
Code acumulado_untestado

III. Server validation rule of the table acumulado_untestado


III. Options of the table acumulado_untestado

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table acumulado_untestado


III. List of outgoing references of the table acumulado_untestado

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
acumulado_u acumulado_u trabajador idtrabajador
ntestado_idtra ntestado_idtra
bajador_fkey bajador_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table acumulado_untestado

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table acumulado_untestado

Name Code
idacumulado_untestado idacumulado_untestado
idtrabajador idtrabajador
acue_nro_oficio acue_nro_oficio
acue_fec_oficio acue_fec_oficio
acue_nro_resolucion acue_nro_resolucion
acue_fec_resolucion acue_fec_resolucion
acue_ser_aa acue_ser_aa
acue_ser_mm acue_ser_mm
acue_ser_dd acue_ser_dd
acue_obr_aa acue_obr_aa
acue_obr_mm acue_obr_mm
acue_obr_dd acue_obr_dd
acue_asi_aa acue_asi_aa
acue_asi_mm acue_asi_mm
acue_asi_dd acue_asi_dd

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acue_bec_aa acue_bec_aa
acue_bec_mm acue_bec_mm
acue_bec_dd acue_bec_dd
acue_con_aa acue_con_aa
acue_con_mm acue_con_mm
acue_con_dd acue_con_dd
acue_reg_aa acue_reg_aa
acue_reg_mm acue_reg_mm
acue_reg_dd acue_reg_dd
acue_tot_aa acue_tot_aa
acue_tot_mm acue_tot_mm
acue_tot_dd acue_tot_dd
acue_otr_aa acue_otr_aa
acue_otr_mm acue_otr_mm
acue_otr_dd acue_otr_dd
acue_for_aa acue_for_aa
acue_for_mm acue_for_mm
acue_for_dd acue_for_dd
acue_est_aa acue_est_aa
acue_est_mm acue_est_mm
acue_est_dd acue_est_dd
acue_fec_computo acue_fec_computo
acue_des_fuente acue_des_fuente

III. List of keys of the table acumulado_untestado

Name Code Primary
acumulado_untestado_pkey acumulado_untestado_pkey X

III.3.1.5 Table alcance

III. Card of table alcance
Name alcance
Code alcance

III. Server validation rule of the table alcance


III. Options of the table alcance

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table alcance


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III. List of diagrams containing the table alcance

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table alcance

Name Code
alcance alcance

III.3.1.6 Table alternativa

III. Card of table alternativa
Name alternativa
Code alternativa

III. Server validation rule of the table alternativa


III. Options of the table alternativa

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table alternativa


III. List of incoming references of the table alternativa

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
deta_pre_alt_ deta_pre_alt_ deta_pre_alt idalternativa
idalternativa_ idalternativa_
fkey fkey

III. List of outgoing references of the table alternativa

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
alternativa_id alternativa_id tipo_pregunta idtipo
tipo_fkey tipo_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table alternativa

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table alternativa

Name Code
idalternativa idalternativa
alt_descripcion alt_descripcion
alt_orden alt_orden
idtipo idtipo

III. List of keys of the table alternativa

Name Code Primary
alternativa_pkey alternativa_pkey X

III.3.1.7 Table alumno

III. Card of table alumno
Name alumno
Code alumno

III. Server validation rule of the table alumno


III. Options of the table alumno

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table alumno


III. List of incoming references of the table alumno

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_alumno fk_alumno sanciones idalumno
fk_alumno fk_alumno matricula idalumno
forei_alum forei_alum alumno_trami idalumno

III. List of outgoing references of the table alumno

Name Code Parent Table
Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idpersona fk_idpersona persona idpersona
fk_modalidad fk_modalidad modalidad_ex idmodalidadi
amen ngreso
fl_area fl_area area idarea

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III. List of diagrams containing the table alumno

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table alumno

Name Code
idalumno idalumno
idpersona idpersona
idarea idarea
idmodalidadingreso idmodalidadingreso
alu_anioegreso alu_anioegreso
alu_puesto alu_puesto
alu_ponderado alu_ponderado
alu_seccion alu_seccion
alu_nrocrdsaprob alu_nrocrdsaprob
alu_nrocrdsdesap alu_nrocrdsdesap
alu_nombrecompleto alu_nombrecompleto
alu_curricula alu_curricula
alu_idresolucion alu_idresolucion
alu_estado alu_estado
alu_ciclo alu_ciclo
idperiodo idperiodo
alu_foto alu_foto

III. List of keys of the table alumno

Name Code Primary
pk_alumno pk_alumno X

III.3.1.8 Table alumno_tramite

III. Card of table alumno_tramite
Name alumno_tramite
Code alumno_tramite

III. Server validation rule of the table alumno_tramite


III. Options of the table alumno_tramite

without oids

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III. Check constraint name of the table alumno_tramite


III. List of incoming references of the table alumno_tramite

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreign_alum foreign_alum requisito_pres idalumnotram
_tram _tram entado ite

III. List of outgoing references of the table alumno_tramite

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
forei_alum forei_alum alumno idalumno
foreign_tram foreign_tram tramite

III. List of diagrams containing the table alumno_tramite

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table alumno_tramite

Name Code
idalumno idalumno
idtramite idtramite
alum_tram_estado alum_tram_estado
alum_tram_fecha_soli alum_tram_fecha_soli
alum_tram_fecha_proc alum_tram_fecha_proc
alum_tram_fecha_aten alum_tram_fecha_aten
idalumnotramite idalumnotramite

III. List of keys of the table alumno_tramite

Name Code Primary
primary_alumno_tram primary_alumno_tram X

III.3.1.9 Table ambarea_uso

III. Card of table ambarea_uso
Name ambarea_uso
Code ambarea_uso

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III. Server validation rule of the table ambarea_uso


III. Options of the table ambarea_uso

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table ambarea_uso


III. List of incoming references of the table ambarea_uso

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
horariolectivo horariolectivo horariolectivo idarea;
_ambiuso_fke _ambiuso_fke idambiente;
y y idperiodo

III. List of outgoing references of the table ambarea_uso

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreign_ambi foreign_ambi ambiente idambiente
ente ente
foreign_perio foreign_perio periodo idperiodo
do do
kkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkk area idarea
kkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkk

III. List of diagrams containing the table ambarea_uso

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table ambarea_uso

Name Code
idarea idarea
idambiente idambiente
ambar_estado ambar_estado
idperiodo idperiodo

III. List of indexes of the table ambarea_uso

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_foreign fki_foreign X ambarea_us

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_bien _bien o
fki_foreign fki_foreign X ambarea_us
_periodo _periodo o

III. List of keys of the table ambarea_uso

Name Code Primary
ambareauso_primary ambareauso_primary X

III.3.1.10 Table ambiente

III. Card of table ambiente
Name ambiente
Code ambiente

III. Server validation rule of the table ambiente


III. Options of the table ambiente

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table ambiente


III. List of incoming references of the table ambiente

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreign_ambi foreign_ambi ambarea_uso idambiente
ente ente
foreign_ambi foreign_ambi ambiente_bie idambiente
ente ente n

III. List of diagrams containing the table ambiente

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table ambiente

Name Code
idambiente idambiente
idpabellon idpabellon
amb_exclusivo amb_exclusivo
amb_observacion amb_observacion

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amb_descripcion amb_descripcion
amb_tipo_amb amb_tipo_amb
amb_capacidad amb_capacidad
idarea idarea
amb_estado amb_estado

III. List of keys of the table ambiente

Name Code Primary
ambiente_primary ambiente_primary X

III.3.1.11 Table ambiente_bien

III. of table ambiente_bien
Name ambiente_bien
Code ambiente_bien

III. validation rule of the table ambiente_bien


III. of the table ambiente_bien

without oids

III. constraint name of the table ambiente_bien


III. of outgoing references of the table ambiente_bien

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreign_ambi foreign_ambi ambiente idambiente
ente ente

III. of diagrams containing the table ambiente_bien

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. of columns of the table ambiente_bien

Name Code
idbien idbien
idambiente idambiente
amb_bien_fecasign amb_bien_fecasign
amb_bien_estado amb_bien_estado

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amb_bien_fecret amb_bien_fecret

III. of indexes of the table ambiente_bien

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_foreign fki_foreign X ambiente_bi
_ambiente _ambiente en

III. of keys of the table ambiente_bien

Name Code Primary
primary_ambiente_bien primary_ambiente_bien X

III.3.1.12 Table area

III. Card of table area
Name area
Code area

III. Server validation rule of the table area


III. Check constraint name of the table area


III. List of outgoing references of the table area

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
estruc_foreig estruc_foreig estructura idestructura
sede_foreign sede_foreign sede idsede

III. List of diagrams containing the table area

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table area

Name Code
idarea idarea
idarea idarea
idarea_dependiente idarea_dependiente

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are_estado are_estado
are_nivel are_nivel
idsede idsede
idestructura idestructura

III. List of indexes of the table area

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_estruc_f fki_estruc_f X area
oreig oreig
fki_sede_fo fki_sede_fo X area
reign reign

III. List of keys of the table area

Name Code Primary
area_primary area_primary X

III.3.1.13 Table area

III. Card of table area
Name area
Code area

III. Server validation rule of the table area


III. Options of the table area

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table area


III. List of incoming references of the table area

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
are_foreign are_foreign detalleperiod idarea
area_foreign area_foreign modalidad_pe idarea
fk_area fk_area crono_matric idarea
fk_area fk_area autoevaluacio idarea

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fl_area fl_area alumno idarea
kkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkk ambarea_uso idarea
kkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkk

III. List of outgoing references of the table area

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
estruc_foreig estruc_foreig estructura idestructura
sede_foreign sede_foreign sede idsede

III. List of diagrams containing the table area

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table area

Name Code
idarea idarea
idarea idarea
idarea_dependiente idarea_dependiente
are_estado are_estado
are_nivel are_nivel
idsede idsede
idestructura idestructura

III. List of indexes of the table area

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_estruc_f fki_estruc_f X area
oreig oreig
fki_sede_fo fki_sede_fo X area
reign reign

III. List of keys of the table area

Name Code Primary
area_primary area_primary X

III.3.1.14 Table ascenso

III. Card of table ascenso

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Name ascenso
Code ascenso

III. Server validation rule of the table ascenso


III. Options of the table ascenso

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table ascenso


III. List of outgoing references of the table ascenso

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
ascenso_idtra ascenso_idtra trabajador idtrabajador
bajador_fkey bajador_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table ascenso

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table ascenso

Name Code
idascenso idascenso
flag_auxiliar flag_auxiliar
fecha_ini_aux fecha_ini_aux
fecha_fin_aux fecha_fin_aux
flag_asociado flag_asociado
fecha_ini_asociado fecha_ini_asociado
fecha_fin_asociado fecha_fin_asociado
flag_principal flag_principal
fecha_ini_principal fecha_ini_principal
fecha_fin_principal fecha_fin_principal
idtrabajador idtrabajador
flag_jefepracticas flag_jefepracticas
fecha_ini_jefepracticas fecha_ini_jefepracticas
fecha_fin_jefepracticas fecha_fin_jefepracticas
asc_tipo asc_tipo
flag_tecnico flag_tecnico
fecha_tecnico fecha_tecnico
flag_profesional flag_profesional
fecha_profesional fecha_profesional

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flag_funcionario flag_funcionario
fecha_funcionario fecha_funcionario
asc_estado asc_estado

III. List of keys of the table ascenso

Name Code Primary
ascenso_pkey ascenso_pkey X

III.3.1.15 Table asignacion_requisitos

III. Card of table asignacion_requisitos
Name asignacion_requisitos
Code asignacion_requisitos

III. Server validation rule of the table asignacion_requisitos


III. Options of the table asignacion_requisitos

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table asignacion_requisitos


III. List of outgoing references of the table asignacion_requisitos

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreign_requ foreign_requ requisitos idrequisito
post_asig post_asig postulante idpostulante

III. List of diagrams containing the table asignacion_requisitos

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table asignacion_requisitos

Name Code
idpostulante idpostulante
idrequisito idrequisito
asigreq_estado asigreq_estado
asigreq_observacion asigreq_observacion

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III. List of indexes of the table asignacion_requisitos

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_foreign fki_foreign X asignacion_
_requ _requ requisitos
fki_post_asi fki_post_asi X asignacion_
g g requisitos

III. List of keys of the table asignacion_requisitos

Name Code Primary
pri_tabl pri_tabl X

III.3.1.16 Table autoevaluacion

III. Card of table autoevaluacion
Name autoevaluacion
Code autoevaluacion

III. Server validation rule of the table autoevaluacion


III. Options of the table autoevaluacion

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table autoevaluacion


III. List of incoming references of the table autoevaluacion

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_autoevalua fk_autoevalua detalle_autoe idautoevaluac
cion cion valuacion ion

III. List of outgoing references of the table autoevaluacion

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_area fk_area area idarea

III. List of diagrams containing the table autoevaluacion

Name Code

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PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table autoevaluacion

Name Code
idautoevaluacion idautoevaluacion
idarea idarea
auto_fechainicio auto_fechainicio
auto_fechatermino auto_fechatermino
auto_estado auto_estado
auto_documento auto_documento

III. List of keys of the table autoevaluacion

Name Code Primary
pk_autoevaluacion pk_autoevaluacion X

III.3.1.17 Table banco

III. Card of table banco
Name banco
Code banco

III. Server validation rule of the table banco


III. Options of the table banco

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table banco


III. List of incoming references of the table banco

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
banc_cuent banc_cuent cuenta idbanco

III. List of diagrams containing the table banco

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table banco

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Name Code
idbanco idbanco
ban_descripcion ban_descripcion
ban_estado ban_estado

III. List of keys of the table banco

Name Code Primary
primary_banco primary_banco X

III.3.1.18 Table bien

III. Card of table bien
Name bien
Code bien

III. Server validation rule of the table bien


III. Options of the table bien

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table bien


III. List of diagrams containing the table bien

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table bien

Name Code
idbien idbien
bien_descripcion bien_descripcion
bien_tipo_bien bien_tipo_bien
bien_peso bien_peso
bien_serie bien_serie
bien_marca bien_marca
bien_fecha_alta bien_fecha_alta
bien_fecha_baja bien_fecha_baja
bien_codigo_interno bien_codigo_interno
bien_observacion bien_observacion
bien_estado bien_estado

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III. List of keys of the table bien

Name Code Primary
bien_primary bien_primary X

III.3.1.19 Table cabecera_asistencia

III. Card of table cabecera_asistencia
Name cabecera_asistencia
Code cabecera_asistencia

III. Server validation rule of the table cabecera_asistencia


III. Options of the table cabecera_asistencia

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table cabecera_asistencia


III. List of incoming references of the table cabecera_asistencia

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
cabeceras_asi cabeceras_asi detalle_asiste idtrabajador;
stencia_foreig stencia_foreig ncia idcurso;
n n idperiodo;
; cabasis_hora

III. List of diagrams containing the table cabecera_asistencia

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table cabecera_asistencia

Name Code
idtrabajador idtrabajador
idcurso idcurso
idperiodo idperiodo
idsede idsede

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seccion seccion
idgrupocurso idgrupocurso
cabasis_fecha cabasis_fecha
cabasis_hora cabasis_hora
cabasis_observacion cabasis_observacion
cabasis_tipoasistencia cabasis_tipoasistencia
cabasis_estado cabasis_estado
cabasis_fechaprogramacion cabasis_fechaprogramacion
cabasis_fechatomaasistencia cabasis_fechatomaasistencia
cabasis_horatomaasistencia cabasis_horatomaasistencia
idambienteprogramacion idambienteprogramacion
cabasis_horaprogramacion cabasis_horaprogramacion

III. List of keys of the table cabecera_asistencia

Name Code Primary
cab_asis_primary cab_asis_primary X

III.3.1.20 Table cargahoraria

III. Card of table cargahoraria
Name cargahoraria
Code cargahoraria

III. Server validation rule of the table cargahoraria


III. Options of the table cargahoraria

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table cargahoraria


III. List of incoming references of the table cargahoraria

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
cargalectiva_i cargalectiva_i cargalectiva idcargahorari
dcargahoraria dcargahoraria a
_fkey _fkey
CargaNoLecti CargaNoLecti carganolectiv idcargahorari
va_idCargaH va_idCargaH a a
oraria_fkey oraria_fkey

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III. List of diagrams containing the table cargahoraria

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table cargahoraria

Name Code
idcargahoraria idcargahoraria
ca_cargahoraria ca_cargahoraria
ca_descripcion ca_descripcion

III. List of keys of the table cargahoraria

Name Code Primary
CargaHoraria_pkey CargaHoraria_pkey X

III.3.1.21 Table cargalectiva

III. Card of table cargalectiva
Name cargalectiva
Code cargalectiva

III. Server validation rule of the table cargalectiva


III. Options of the table cargalectiva

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table cargalectiva


III. List of outgoing references of the table cargalectiva

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
cargalectiva_i cargalectiva_i cargahoraria idcargahorari
dcargahoraria dcargahoraria a
_fkey _fkey
cargalectiva_i cargalectiva_i cursoprogram idcursoprogra
dcursoprogra dcursoprogra ado mado;
mado_fkey mado_fkey seccion

III. List of diagrams containing the table cargalectiva

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Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table cargalectiva

Name Code
idcargalectiva idcargalectiva
idcursoprogramado idcursoprogramado
cal_esprincipal cal_esprincipal
al_numerogrupos al_numerogrupos
seccion seccion
idcargahoraria idcargahoraria
idtrabajador idtrabajador
cal_tipocarga cal_tipocarga
cal_horas cal_horas
cal_totalhoras cal_totalhoras

III. List of keys of the table cargalectiva

Name Code Primary
CargaLectiva_pkey CargaLectiva_pkey X

III.3.1.22 Table carganolectiva

III. Card of table carganolectiva
Name carganolectiva
Code carganolectiva

III. Server validation rule of the table carganolectiva


III. Options of the table carganolectiva

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table carganolectiva


III. List of incoming references of the table carganolectiva

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
horarionolecti horarionolecti horarionolecti idcarganolecti
vo_idcarganol vo_idcarganol vo va
ectiva_fkey ectiva_fkey

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III. List of outgoing references of the table carganolectiva

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
CargaNoLecti CargaNoLecti cargahoraria idcargahorari
va_idCargaH va_idCargaH a
oraria_fkey oraria_fkey
CargaNoLecti CargaNoLecti trabajador idtrabajador
va_idTrabaja va_idTrabaja
dor_fkey dor_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table carganolectiva

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table carganolectiva

Name Code
idcarganolectiva idcarganolectiva
seccion seccion
idcargahoraria idcargahoraria
numhoras numhoras
cnl_descripcion cnl_descripcion
idtrabajador idtrabajador
idcursoprogramado idcursoprogramado
idperiodo idperiodo

III. List of keys of the table carganolectiva

Name Code Primary
CargaNoLectiva_pkey CargaNoLectiva_pkey X

III.3.1.23 Table cargo

III. Card of table cargo
Name cargo
Code cargo

III. Server validation rule of the table cargo


III. Options of the table cargo

without oids

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III. Check constraint name of the table cargo


III. List of incoming references of the table cargo

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
cargo_fk cargo_fk trabajador idcargo

III. List of diagrams containing the table cargo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table cargo

Name Code
idcargo idcargo
cargo_descripcion cargo_descripcion
cargo_abrev cargo_abrev
cate_abrev cate_abrev
cargo_tipo cargo_tipo
horas_totales horas_totales
horas_lectivas horas_lectivas
cargo_horaspreparacion cargo_horaspreparacion
cargo_horasconsejeria cargo_horasconsejeria
cargo_horasinvestigacion cargo_horasinvestigacion
cargo_horascapacitacion cargo_horascapacitacion
cargo_horasgobierno cargo_horasgobierno
cargo_horasadministracion cargo_horasadministracion
cargo_horasasesoria cargo_horasasesoria
cargo_horasextension cargo_horasextension
cargo_horascomites cargo_horascomites
condicion condicion

III. List of keys of the table cargo

Name Code Primary
idcargo_pk idcargo_pk X

III.3.1.24 Table cargo_autoridad

III. Card of table cargo_autoridad
Name cargo_autoridad
Code cargo_autoridad

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III. Server validation rule of the table cargo_autoridad


III. Options of the table cargo_autoridad

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table cargo_autoridad


III. List of diagrams containing the table cargo_autoridad

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table cargo_autoridad

Name Code
idcargoautoridad idcargoautoridad
codigo_cargo codigo_cargo
descripcion_cargo descripcion_cargo
codigo_unidad codigo_unidad
descripcion_unidad descripcion_unidad

III. List of keys of the table cargo_autoridad

Name Code Primary
cargo_autoridad_pkey cargo_autoridad_pkey X

III.3.1.25 Table cargos_general

III. Card of table cargos_general
Name cargos_general
Code cargos_general

III. Server validation rule of the table cargos_general


III. Options of the table cargos_general

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table cargos_general


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III. List of diagrams containing the table cargos_general

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table cargos_general

Name Code
codigo_cargo codigo_cargo
cargo_descripcion cargo_descripcion
alcance alcance
tipo tipo
estado estado

III. List of keys of the table cargos_general

Name Code Primary
cargos_general_pkey cargos_general_pkey X

III.3.1.26 Table carrera_laboralunt

III. Card of table carrera_laboralunt
Name carrera_laboralunt
Code carrera_laboralunt

III. Server validation rule of the table carrera_laboralunt


III. Options of the table carrera_laboralunt

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table carrera_laboralunt


III. List of outgoing references of the table carrera_laboralunt

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
carrera_labor carrera_labor categoria idcategoria
alunt_idcateg alunt_idcateg
oria_fkey oria_fkey
carrera_labor carrera_labor condicion idcondicion
alunt_idcondi alunt_idcondi
cion_fkey cion_fkey

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III. List of diagrams containing the table carrera_laboralunt

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table carrera_laboralunt

Name Code
idcarreralaboralunt idcarreralaboralunt
cl_oficio cl_oficio
cl_fecha_oficio cl_fecha_oficio
cl_resolucion cl_resolucion
cl_fecha_resolucion cl_fecha_resolucion
cl_unidad cl_unidad
cl_inicio cl_inicio
cl_termino cl_termino
cl_tanios cl_tanios
cl_tmeses cl_tmeses
cl_tdias cl_tdias
idcategoria idcategoria
idcondicion idcondicion
idtrabajador idtrabajador
cl_estado cl_estado

III. List of keys of the table carrera_laboralunt

Name Code Primary
carrera_laboralunt_pkey carrera_laboralunt_pkey X

III.3.1.27 Table categoria

III. Card of table categoria
Name categoria
Code categoria

III. Server validation rule of the table categoria


III. Options of the table categoria

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table categoria


III. List of incoming references of the table categoria

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Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
carrera_labor carrera_labor carrera_labor idcategoria
alunt_idcateg alunt_idcateg alunt
oria_fkey oria_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table categoria

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table categoria

Name Code
idcategoria idcategoria
cate_descripcion cate_descripcion
cate_activo cate_activo
cate_tipo cate_tipo
cate_abrev cate_abrev

III. List of keys of the table categoria

Name Code Primary
categoria_pkey categoria_pkey X

III.3.1.28 Table colegio

III. Card of table colegio
Name colegio
Code colegio

III. Server validation rule of the table colegio


III. Options of the table colegio

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table colegio


III. List of incoming references of the table colegio

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role

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colegio_forei colegio_forei postulante idcolegio

gn gn

III. List of outgoing references of the table colegio

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
colegio_fore_ colegio_fore_ ubigeo idubigeo
ubi ubi

III. List of diagrams containing the table colegio

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table colegio

Name Code
idcolegio idcolegio
col_descripcion col_descripcion
col_estado col_estado
col_tipo col_tipo
idubigeo idubigeo

III. List of keys of the table colegio

Name Code Primary
colegi_pri colegi_pri X

III.3.1.29 Table comite

III. Card of table comite
Name comite
Code comite

III. Server validation rule of the table comite


III. Options of the table comite

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table comite


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III. List of outgoing references of the table comite

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_persona fk_persona persona idpersona

III. List of diagrams containing the table comite

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table comite

Name Code
idcomite idcomite
idautoevaluacion idautoevaluacion
com_estado com_estado
com_cargo com_cargo
idpersona idpersona
com_tipomiembro com_tipomiembro

III. List of keys of the table comite

Name Code Primary
pk_comite pk_comite X

III.3.1.30 Table comportamiento

III. Card of table comportamiento
Name comportamiento
Code comportamiento

III. Server validation rule of the table comportamiento


III. Options of the table comportamiento

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table comportamiento


III. List of outgoing references of the table comportamiento

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role

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comportamie comportamie trabajador idtrabajador

nto_idtrabaja nto_idtrabaja
dor_fkey dor_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table comportamiento

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table comportamiento

Name Code
idcomportamiento idcomportamiento
idtrabajador idtrabajador
com_fecha_oficio com_fecha_oficio
com_resolucion com_resolucion
com_fecha_resolucion com_fecha_resolucion
com_motivo com_motivo
com_fuente com_fuente
com_notacion com_notacion
com_tipo com_tipo
com_oficio com_oficio

III. List of keys of the table comportamiento

Name Code Primary
comportamiento_pkey comportamiento_pkey X

III.3.1.31 Table condicion

III. Card of table condicion
Name condicion
Code condicion

III. Server validation rule of the table condicion


III. Options of the table condicion

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table condicion


III. List of incoming references of the table condicion

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Name Code Child Table

Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
acumulado_ot acumulado_ot acumulado_ot idcondicion
rasreparticion rasreparticion rasreparticion
es_idcondicio es_idcondicio es
n_fkey n_fkey
acumulado_u acumulado_u acumulado_u idcondicion
niversidad_id niversidad_id niversidad
condicion_fk condicion_fk
ey ey
carrera_labor carrera_labor carrera_labor idcondicion
alunt_idcondi alunt_idcondi alunt
cion_fkey cion_fkey
condicion_fk condicion_fk trabajador idcondicion
organos_gobi organos_gobi organos_gobi idcondicion
erno_idcondi erno_idcondi erno
cion_fkey cion_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table condicion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table condicion

Name Code
idcondicion idcondicion
cond_codigo cond_codigo
cond_descripcion cond_descripcion
cond_activo cond_activo

III. List of keys of the table condicion

Name Code Primary
idcondicion_pk idcondicion_pk X

III.3.1.32 Table constancia_hijo

III. Card of table constancia_hijo
Name constancia_hijo
Code constancia_hijo

III. Server validation rule of the table constancia_hijo


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III. Options of the table constancia_hijo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table constancia_hijo


III. List of outgoing references of the table constancia_hijo

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
constancia_hi constancia_hi documento documento_i
jo_document jo_document d
o_id_fkey o_id_fkey
constancia_hi constancia_hi hijos idhijos
jo_idhijos_fk jo_idhijos_fk
ey ey

III. List of diagrams containing the table constancia_hijo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table constancia_hijo

Name Code
idconstancia_hijo idconstancia_hijo
ves ves
idhijos idhijos
documento_id documento_id

III. List of keys of the table constancia_hijo

Name Code Primary
constancia_hijo_pkey constancia_hijo_pkey X

III.3.1.33 Table convalidacion

III. Card of table convalidacion
Name convalidacion
Code convalidacion

III. Server validation rule of the table convalidacion


III. Options of the table convalidacion

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without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table convalidacion


III. List of diagrams containing the table convalidacion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table convalidacion

Name Code
idconvalidacion idconvalidacion
idalumno idalumno
idcurso idcurso
nota nota
periodo periodo
tipo tipo

III. List of keys of the table convalidacion

Name Code Primary
convalidacion_pkey convalidacion_pkey X

III.3.1.34 Table criterio

III. Card of table criterio
Name criterio
Code criterio

III. Server validation rule of the table criterio


III. Options of the table criterio

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table criterio


III. List of incoming references of the table criterio

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_criterio fk_criterio estandar idcriterio

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III. List of outgoing references of the table criterio

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_factor fk_factor factor idfactor

III. List of diagrams containing the table criterio

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table criterio

Name Code
idcriterio idcriterio
idfactor idfactor
cri_nombre cri_nombre
cri_descripcion cri_descripcion
cri_orden cri_orden
cri_numeroindicadores cri_numeroindicadores
cri_estado cri_estado

III. List of keys of the table criterio

Name Code Primary
pk_criterio pk_criterio X

III.3.1.35 Table criterios_evaluacion

III. Card of table criterios_evaluacion
Name criterios_evaluacion
Code criterios_evaluacion

III. Server validation rule of the table criterios_evaluacion


III. Options of the table criterios_evaluacion

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table criterios_evaluacion


III. List of outgoing references of the table criterios_evaluacion

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role

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foreign_area foreign_area estructura idarea

III. List of diagrams containing the table criterios_evaluacion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table criterios_evaluacion

Name Code
idcriteriosevaluacion idcriteriosevaluacion
idarea idarea
criev_descripcion criev_descripcion
criev_sigla criev_sigla
criev_obligatorio criev_obligatorio
criev_estado criev_estado
criev_tipo criev_tipo

III. List of keys of the table criterios_evaluacion

Name Code Primary
criterios_ev_pri criterios_ev_pri X

III.3.1.36 Table crono_matricula

III. Card of table crono_matricula
Name crono_matricula
Code crono_matricula

III. Server validation rule of the table crono_matricula


III. Options of the table crono_matricula

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table crono_matricula


III. List of outgoing references of the table crono_matricula

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_area fk_area area idarea

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fk_periodo fk_periodo periodo idperiodo

III. List of diagrams containing the table crono_matricula

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table crono_matricula

Name Code
idarea idarea
seccion seccion
idperiodo idperiodo
cmat_letrainicio cmat_letrainicio
cmat_letrafinal cmat_letrafinal
cmat_fechainicio cmat_fechainicio
cmat_horainicio cmat_horainicio
cmat_fechafinal cmat_fechafinal
cmat_horafinal cmat_horafinal
cmat_estado cmat_estado

III. List of keys of the table crono_matricula

Name Code Primary
pk_cronomatricula pk_cronomatricula X

III.3.1.37 Table cuenta

III. Card of table cuenta
Name cuenta
Code cuenta

III. Server validation rule of the table cuenta


III. Options of the table cuenta

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table cuenta


III. List of incoming references of the table cuenta

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role

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cuen_vocuher cuen_vocuher voucher idcuenta

III. List of outgoing references of the table cuenta

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
banc_cuent banc_cuent banco idbanco

III. List of diagrams containing the table cuenta

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table cuenta

Name Code
idcuenta idcuenta
idbanco idbanco
cuen_nrocuenta cuen_nrocuenta
cuen_fechaalta cuen_fechaalta
cuen_fechabaja cuen_fechabaja
cuen_estado cuen_estado

III. List of indexes of the table cuenta

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_banc_cu fki_banc_cu X cuenta
ent ent

III. List of keys of the table cuenta

Name Code Primary
cuen_primary cuen_primary X

III.3.1.38 Table curricula

III. Card of table curricula
Name curricula
Code curricula

III. Server validation rule of the table curricula


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III. Options of the table curricula

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table curricula


III. List of incoming references of the table curricula

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_curricula fk_curricula curso idcurricula

III. List of outgoing references of the table curricula

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_estructura fk_estructura estructura idestructura

III. List of diagrams containing the table curricula

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table curricula

Name Code
idcurricula idcurricula
curr_descripcion curr_descripcion
curr_fechainicio curr_fechainicio
curr_fechafinal curr_fechafinal
curr_estado curr_estado
idestructura idestructura
curr_totalcreditos curr_totalcreditos
curr_tipo curr_tipo
cur_usuario cur_usuario

III. List of keys of the table curricula

Name Code Primary
pk_curricula pk_curricula X

III.3.1.39 Table curso

III. Card of table curso
Name curso

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Code curso

III. Server validation rule of the table curso


III. Options of the table curso

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table curso


III. List of incoming references of the table curso

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idcurso fk_idcurso prerequisitos idcurso

III. List of outgoing references of the table curso

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_curricula fk_curricula curricula idcurricula

III. List of diagrams containing the table curso

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table curso

Name Code
idcurso idcurso
idcurricula idcurricula
cur_fundamentacion cur_fundamentacion
cur_aprendizaje cur_aprendizaje
cur_hrsteoria cur_hrsteoria
cur_hrspractica cur_hrspractica
cur_hrslab cur_hrslab
cur_tipocurso cur_tipocurso
cur_numrotacion cur_numrotacion
cur_ciclo cur_ciclo
cur_estado cur_estado
cur_numcreditos cur_numcreditos
cur_descripcion cur_descripcion
cur_creditosminimos cur_creditosminimos
cur_duracionrotacion cur_duracionrotacion

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idestructura idestructura
cur_multiteoria cur_multiteoria
cur_multipractica cur_multipractica
cur_multilaboratorio cur_multilaboratorio
cur_multiteoyprac cur_multiteoyprac
cur_sumilla cur_sumilla
cur_usuario cur_usuario
cur_orden cur_orden
cur_nominacioncurso cur_nominacioncurso
cur_areaestudio cur_areaestudio
cur_duracioncurso cur_duracioncurso
cur_hrsestudio cur_hrsestudio

III. List of keys of the table curso

Name Code Primary
pk_curso pk_curso X

III.3.1.40 Table curso_dictar

III. Card of table curso_dictar
Name curso_dictar
Code curso_dictar

III. Server validation rule of the table curso_dictar


III. Options of the table curso_dictar

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table curso_dictar


III. List of incoming references of the table curso_dictar

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
cursoprogram cursoprogram cursoprogram idcursodictar
ado_idcursodi ado_idcursodi ado
ctar_fkey ctar_fkey

III. List of outgoing references of the table curso_dictar

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role

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foreign_perio foreign_perio periodo idperiodo

do do
foreign_sede foreign_sede sede idsede

III. List of diagrams containing the table curso_dictar

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table curso_dictar

Name Code
idcursodictar idcursodictar
idperiodo idperiodo
idcurso idcurso
idsede idsede
cud_numseccion cud_numseccion

III. List of indexes of the table curso_dictar

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
curso_dictar curso_dictar X curso_dictar
_idcursodict _idcursodict
ar_idperiod ar_idperiod
o_key o_key

III. List of keys of the table curso_dictar

Name Code Primary
curso_dictar_pkey curso_dictar_pkey X

III.3.1.41 Table cursoprogramado

III. Card of table cursoprogramado
Name cursoprogramado
Code cursoprogramado

III. Server validation rule of the table cursoprogramado


III. Options of the table cursoprogramado

without oids

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III. Check constraint name of the table cursoprogramado


III. List of incoming references of the table cursoprogramado

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
cargalectiva_i cargalectiva_i cargalectiva idcursoprogra
dcursoprogra dcursoprogra mado;
mado_fkey mado_fkey seccion
fk_cursoprogr fk_cursoprogr silabo idcursoprogra
amado_silabo amado_silabo mado;
GrupoLectivo GrupoLectivo grupolectivo idcursoprogra
_idCursoProg _idCursoProg mado;
ramado_fkey ramado_fkey seccion

III. List of outgoing references of the table cursoprogramado

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
cursoprogram cursoprogram curso_dictar idcursodictar
ado_idcursodi ado_idcursodi
ctar_fkey ctar_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table cursoprogramado

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table cursoprogramado

Name Code
idcursoprogramado idcursoprogramado
seccion seccion
idcursodictar idcursodictar
idcurso idcurso
idperiodo idperiodo

III. List of indexes of the table cursoprogramado

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
cursoprogra cursoprogra X X cursoprogra
mado_idcur mado_idcur mado
soprograma soprograma

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do_seccion do_seccion
_key _key

III. List of keys of the table cursoprogramado

Name Code Primary
curso_programado_pkey curso_programado_pkey X

III.3.1.42 Table deta_enc_pre

III. Card of table deta_enc_pre
Name deta_enc_pre
Code deta_enc_pre

III. Server validation rule of the table deta_enc_pre


III. Options of the table deta_enc_pre

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table deta_enc_pre


III. List of outgoing references of the table deta_enc_pre

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
deta_enc_pre deta_enc_pre pregunta idpregunta
_idpregunta_f _idpregunta_f
key key
fk_iddetallee fk_iddetallee detalle_encue iddetalleencu
ncuesta ncuesta sta esta

III. List of diagrams containing the table deta_enc_pre

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table deta_enc_pre

Name Code
idpregunta idpregunta
iddetalleencuesta iddetalleencuesta
iddetalleencuestapregunta iddetalleencuestapregunta

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III. List of keys of the table deta_enc_pre

Name Code Primary
deta_enc_pre_pkey deta_enc_pre_pkey X

III.3.1.43 Table deta_pre_alt

III. Card of table deta_pre_alt
Name deta_pre_alt
Code deta_pre_alt

III. Server validation rule of the table deta_pre_alt


III. Options of the table deta_pre_alt

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table deta_pre_alt


III. List of outgoing references of the table deta_pre_alt

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
deta_pre_alt_ deta_pre_alt_ alternativa idalternativa
idalternativa_ idalternativa_
fkey fkey
deta_pre_alt_ deta_pre_alt_ pregunta idpregunta
idpregunta_fk idpregunta_fk
ey ey

III. List of diagrams containing the table deta_pre_alt

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table deta_pre_alt

Name Code
idpregunta idpregunta
idalternativa idalternativa

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III.3.1.44 Table detalle_asistencia

III. Card of table detalle_asistencia
Name detalle_asistencia
Code detalle_asistencia

III. Server validation rule of the table detalle_asistencia


III. Options of the table detalle_asistencia

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table detalle_asistencia


III. List of outgoing references of the table detalle_asistencia

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
cabeceras_asi cabeceras_asi cabecera_asis idtrabajador;
stencia_foreig stencia_foreig tencia idcurso;
n n idperiodo;
; cabasis_hora
matricula_det matricula_det matricula_det idmatriculade
llae_foreign llae_foreign alle talle

III. List of diagrams containing the table detalle_asistencia

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table detalle_asistencia

Name Code
idasistencia idasistencia
idmatriculadetalle idmatriculadetalle
idtrabajador idtrabajador
idcurso idcurso
idperiodo idperiodo
idesde idesde
seccion seccion
idgrupocurso idgrupocurso

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cabasis_fecha cabasis_fecha
cabasis_hora cabasis_hora
detasis_estado detasis_estado
detasis_justificacion detasis_justificacion

III. List of keys of the table detalle_asistencia

Name Code Primary
primary_detallle_asistencia primary_detallle_asistencia X

III.3.1.45 Table detalle_autoevaluacion

III. Card of table detalle_autoevaluacion
Name detalle_autoevaluacion
Code detalle_autoevaluacion

III. Server validation rule of the table detalle_autoevaluacion


III. Options of the table detalle_autoevaluacion

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table detalle_autoevaluacion


III. List of incoming references of the table detalle_autoevaluacion

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_detalleaut fk_detalleaut indicador iddetalleautoe
oevaluacion oevaluacion valuacion

III. List of outgoing references of the table detalle_autoevaluacion

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_autoevalua fk_autoevalua autoevaluacio idautoevaluac
cion cion n ion
fk_fuente fk_fuente fuente idfuente

III. List of diagrams containing the table detalle_autoevaluacion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table detalle_autoevaluacion

Name Code
iddetalleautoevaluacion iddetalleautoevaluacion
idfuente idfuente
idautoevaluacion idautoevaluacion
dat_descripcion dat_descripcion
dat_resultado dat_resultado
dat_dato dat_dato
dat_estado dat_estado
dat_conclusion dat_conclusion

III. List of keys of the table detalle_autoevaluacion

Name Code Primary
pk_detallevaluacion pk_detallevaluacion X

III.3.1.46 Table detalle_encuesta

III. Card of table detalle_encuesta
Name detalle_encuesta
Code detalle_encuesta

III. Server validation rule of the table detalle_encuesta


III. Options of the table detalle_encuesta

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table detalle_encuesta


III. List of incoming references of the table detalle_encuesta

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_iddetallee fk_iddetallee deta_enc_pre iddetalleencu
ncuesta ncuesta esta

III. List of outgoing references of the table detalle_encuesta

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idencuesta fk_idencuesta encuesta idencuesta

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III. List of diagrams containing the table detalle_encuesta

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table detalle_encuesta

Name Code
iddetalleencuesta iddetalleencuesta
idencuesta idencuesta
idautoevaluacion idautoevaluacion

III. List of keys of the table detalle_encuesta

Name Code Primary
detalle_encuesta_pkey detalle_encuesta_pkey X

III.3.1.47 Table detalleperiodo

III. Card of table detalleperiodo
Name detalleperiodo
Code detalleperiodo

III. Server validation rule of the table detalleperiodo


III. Options of the table detalleperiodo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table detalleperiodo


III. List of outgoing references of the table detalleperiodo

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
are_foreign are_foreign area idarea
detaperi_peri detaperi_peri periodo idperiodo
detapero_para detapero_para parametros idparametro

III. List of diagrams containing the table detalleperiodo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table detalleperiodo

Name Code
idarea idarea
idperiodo idperiodo
idparametro idparametro
detaperi_fechainicio detaperi_fechainicio
detaperi_fechafin detaperi_fechafin
detaperi_anioencurso detaperi_anioencurso
detaperi_observacion detaperi_observacion
detaperi_estado detaperi_estado
detaperi_numresolucion detaperi_numresolucion

III. List of keys of the table detalleperiodo

Name Code Primary
detaperi_pry detaperi_pry X

III.3.1.48 Table dimension

III. Card of table dimension
Name dimension
Code dimension

III. Server validation rule of the table dimension


III. Options of the table dimension

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table dimension


III. List of incoming references of the table dimension

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_dimension fk_dimension factor iddimension

III. List of diagrams containing the table dimension

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table dimension

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Name Code
iddimension iddimension
dim_descripcion dim_descripcion
dim_orden dim_orden
dim_estado dim_estado
dim_nombre dim_nombre

III. List of keys of the table dimension

Name Code Primary
pk_dimension pk_dimension X

III.3.1.49 Table documento

III. Card of table documento
Name documento
Code documento

III. Server validation rule of the table documento


III. Options of the table documento

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table documento


III. List of incoming references of the table documento

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
constancia_hi constancia_hi constancia_hi documento_i
jo_document jo_document jo d
o_id_fkey o_id_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table documento

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table documento

Name Code
documento_id documento_id

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doc_descripcion doc_descripcion
doc_activo doc_activo

III. List of keys of the table documento

Name Code Primary
documento_pkey documento_pkey X

III.3.1.50 Table encuesta

III. Card of table encuesta
Name encuesta
Code encuesta

III. Server validation rule of the table encuesta


III. Options of the table encuesta

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table encuesta


III. List of incoming references of the table encuesta

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idencuesta fk_idencuesta detalle_encue idencuesta
usuario_encu usuario_encu usuario_encu idencuesta
esta_idencues esta_idencues esta
ta_fkey ta_fkey

III. List of outgoing references of the table encuesta

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
encuesta_ides encuesta_ides estandar idestandar
tandar_fkey tandar_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table encuesta

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table encuesta

Name Code
idencuesta idencuesta
enc_nombre enc_nombre
enc_descripcion enc_descripcion
idestandar idestandar
enc_tipodocente enc_tipodocente
enc_tipoalumno enc_tipoalumno
enc_tipoadmin enc_tipoadmin
enc_tipopadre enc_tipopadre

III. List of keys of the table encuesta

Name Code Primary
encuesta_pkey encuesta_pkey X

III.3.1.51 Table equivalencia

III. Card of table equivalencia
Name equivalencia
Code equivalencia

III. Server validation rule of the table equivalencia


III. Options of the table equivalencia

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table equivalencia


III. List of diagrams containing the table equivalencia

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table equivalencia

Name Code
idequivalencia idequivalencia
area_origen area_origen
curso_origen curso_origen
curricula_origen curricula_origen
area_traslado area_traslado

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curso_traslado curso_traslado
curricula_traslado curricula_traslado
estado_equivalencia estado_equivalencia

III. List of keys of the table equivalencia

Name Code Primary
equivalencia_pkey equivalencia_pkey X

III.3.1.52 Table escuela

III. Card of table escuela
Name escuela
Code escuela

III. Server validation rule of the table escuela


III. Options of the table escuela

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table escuela


III. List of diagrams containing the table escuela

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table escuela

Name Code
idestructura idestructura

III.3.1.53 Table esprincipal

III. Card of table esprincipal
Name esprincipal
Code esprincipal

III. Server validation rule of the table esprincipal


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III. Options of the table esprincipal

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table esprincipal


III. List of diagrams containing the table esprincipal

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table esprincipal

Name Code
case case

III.3.1.54 Table estandar

III. Card of table estandar
Name estandar
Code estandar

III. Server validation rule of the table estandar


III. Options of the table estandar

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table estandar


III. List of incoming references of the table estandar

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
encuesta_ides encuesta_ides encuesta idestandar
tandar_fkey tandar_fkey
fk_estandar fk_estandar fuente idestandar
pregunta_ides pregunta_ides pregunta idestandar
tandar_fkey tandar_fkey

III. List of outgoing references of the table estandar

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role

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fk_criterio fk_criterio criterio idcriterio

III. List of diagrams containing the table estandar

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table estandar

Name Code
idestandar idestandar
idcriterio idcriterio
est_nombre est_nombre
est_orden est_orden
est_objetivo est_objetivo
est_estado est_estado

III. List of keys of the table estandar

Name Code Primary
pk_indicador pk_indicador X

III.3.1.55 Table estructura

III. Card of table estructura
Name estructura
Code estructura

III. Server validation rule of the table estructura


III. Options of the table estructura

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table estructura


III. List of incoming references of the table estructura

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
estruc_foreig estruc_foreig area idestructura
estruc_foreig estruc_foreig area idestructura
fk_estructura fk_estructura curricula idestructura

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foreign_area foreign_area criterios_eval idarea


III. List of diagrams containing the table estructura

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table estructura

Name Code
idestructura idestructura
estr_descripcion estr_descripcion
estr_codigo_interno estr_codigo_interno
estr_estado estr_estado
iddependencia iddependencia
estr_nivel estr_nivel
estr_cocurricular estr_cocurricular
estr_denominacion estr_denominacion

III. List of keys of the table estructura

Name Code Primary
pri_estr pri_estr X

III.3.1.56 Table estudio

III. Card of table estudio
Name estudio
Code estudio

III. Server validation rule of the table estudio


III. Options of the table estudio

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table estudio


III. List of outgoing references of the table estudio

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
estudio_idtra estudio_idtra trabajador idtrabajador

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bajador_fkey bajador_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table estudio

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table estudio

Name Code
idestudio idestudio
es_entidad es_entidad
es_tipo es_tipo
es_fecha es_fecha
idtrabajador idtrabajador
es_descripcion es_descripcion

III. List of keys of the table estudio

Name Code Primary
estudio_pkey estudio_pkey X

III.3.1.57 Table evaluacion

III. Card of table evaluacion
Name evaluacion
Code evaluacion

III. Server validation rule of the table evaluacion


III. Options of the table evaluacion

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table evaluacion


III. List of incoming references of the table evaluacion

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_not_ideval fk_not_ideval nota idevaluacion

III. List of outgoing references of the table evaluacion

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Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_evaluacion fk_evaluacion unidades_sila idunidadessil
_unidadsilabo _unidadsilabo bo abo

III. List of diagrams containing the table evaluacion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table evaluacion

Name Code
idevaluacion idevaluacion
idunidadessilabo idunidadessilabo
eva_peso eva_peso
eva_idcriterio eva_idcriterio

III. List of keys of the table evaluacion

Name Code Primary
pk_evaluacion pk_evaluacion X

III.3.1.58 Table factor

III. Card of table factor
Name factor
Code factor

III. Server validation rule of the table factor


III. Options of the table factor

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table factor


III. List of incoming references of the table factor

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_factor fk_factor criterio idfactor

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III. List of outgoing references of the table factor

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_dimension fk_dimension dimension iddimension

III. List of diagrams containing the table factor

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table factor

Name Code
idfactor idfactor
fac_descripcion fac_descripcion
fac_orden fac_orden
fac_estado fac_estado
iddimension iddimension
fac_nombre fac_nombre

III. List of keys of the table factor

Name Code Primary
pk_factor pk_factor X

III.3.1.59 Table familia

III. Card of table familia
Name familia
Code familia

III. Server validation rule of the table familia


III. Options of the table familia

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table familia


III. List of outgoing references of the table familia

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role

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familia_idtrab familia_idtrab trabajador idtrabajador

ajador_fkey ajador_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table familia

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table familia

Name Code
idfamilia idfamilia
fam_madre_fechanac fam_madre_fechanac
fam_padre_fechanac fam_padre_fechanac
fam_padre_civil fam_padre_civil
fam_madre_civil fam_madre_civil
fam_padre_vive fam_padre_vive
fam_madre_vive fam_madre_vive
fam_cony_apepaterno fam_cony_apepaterno
fam_cony_apematerno fam_cony_apematerno
fam_cony_nombre fam_cony_nombre
fam_cony_dni fam_cony_dni
fam_cony_fechanac fam_cony_fechanac
fam_fecha_matrimonio fam_fecha_matrimonio
fam_cony_lugartrabajo fam_cony_lugartrabajo
fam_cony_direcciontrabajo fam_cony_direcciontrabajo
fam_cony_sexo fam_cony_sexo
fam_padre fam_padre
fam_madre fam_madre
idubigeo idubigeo
idtrabajador idtrabajador
fam_cony_nacionalidad fam_cony_nacionalidad

III. List of keys of the table familia

Name Code Primary
familia_pkey familia_pkey X

III.3.1.60 Table fuente

III. Card of table fuente
Name fuente
Code fuente

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III. Server validation rule of the table fuente


III. Options of the table fuente

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table fuente


III. List of incoming references of the table fuente

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_fuente fk_fuente detalle_autoe idfuente

III. List of outgoing references of the table fuente

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_estandar fk_estandar estandar idestandar

III. List of diagrams containing the table fuente

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table fuente

Name Code
idfuente idfuente
idestandar idestandar
fue_descripcion fue_descripcion
fue_estado fue_estado
fue_nombre fue_nombre
fue_tipo fue_tipo
fue_interpretacion fue_interpretacion

III. List of keys of the table fuente

Name Code Primary
pk_fuente pk_fuente X

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III.3.1.61 Table grupo

III. Card of table grupo
Name grupo
Code grupo

III. Server validation rule of the table grupo


III. Options of the table grupo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table grupo


III. List of incoming references of the table grupo

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_grupo fk_grupo tarea grupo_id

III. List of diagrams containing the table grupo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table grupo

Name Code
grupo_id grupo_id
gru_nombre gru_nombre
gru_descripcion gru_descripcion
gru_icono gru_icono
gru_orden gru_orden
gru_activo gru_activo

III. List of keys of the table grupo

Name Code Primary
PK_Grupo PK_Grupo X

III.3.1.62 Table grupolectivo

III. Card of table grupolectivo

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Name grupolectivo
Code grupolectivo

III. Server validation rule of the table grupolectivo


III. Options of the table grupolectivo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table grupolectivo


III. List of incoming references of the table grupolectivo

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
horariolectivo horariolectivo horariolectivo idgrupolectiv
_idgrupolecti _idgrupolecti o
vo_fkey vo_fkey

III. List of outgoing references of the table grupolectivo

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
GrupoLectivo GrupoLectivo cursoprogram idcursoprogra
_idCursoProg _idCursoProg ado mado;
ramado_fkey ramado_fkey seccion

III. List of diagrams containing the table grupolectivo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table grupolectivo

Name Code
idgrupolectivo idgrupolectivo
idcursoprogramado idcursoprogramado
gul_numgrupo gul_numgrupo
gul_tipo gul_tipo
seccion seccion
gl_horas gl_horas
gl_vacantes gl_vacantes
gl_ocupados gl_ocupados

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III. List of keys of the table grupolectivo

Name Code Primary
GrupoLectivo_pkey GrupoLectivo_pkey X

III.3.1.63 Table grupovia

III. Card of table grupovia
Name grupovia
Code grupovia

III. Server validation rule of the table grupovia


III. Options of the table grupovia

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table grupovia


III. List of outgoing references of the table grupovia

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
idtipogrupo_f idtipogrupo_f tipo_grupovia idtipogrupo
k k

III. List of diagrams containing the table grupovia

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table grupovia

Name Code
idgrupovia idgrupovia
idtipogrupo idtipogrupo
grv_descripcion grv_descripcion
grv_estado grv_estado

III. List of keys of the table grupovia

Name Code Primary
idgrupovia_pk idgrupovia_pk X

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III.3.1.64 Table hijos

III. Card of table hijos
Name hijos
Code hijos

III. Server validation rule of the table hijos


III. Options of the table hijos

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table hijos


III. List of incoming references of the table hijos

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
constancia_hi constancia_hi constancia_hi idhijos
jo_idhijos_fk jo_idhijos_fk jo
ey ey

III. List of outgoing references of the table hijos

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
hijos_idtrabaj hijos_idtrabaj trabajador idtrabajador
ador_fkey ador_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table hijos

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table hijos

Name Code
idhijos idhijos
hijo_nombres hijo_nombres
hijo_apepaterno hijo_apepaterno
hijo_apematerno hijo_apematerno
hijo_civil hijo_civil
hijo_fechanac hijo_fechanac
hijo_sexo hijo_sexo

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idtrabajador idtrabajador
hijo_estado hijo_estado

III. List of keys of the table hijos

Name Code Primary
hijos_pkey hijos_pkey X

III.3.1.65 Table horariolectivo

III. Card of table horariolectivo
Name horariolectivo
Code horariolectivo

III. Server validation rule of the table horariolectivo


III. Options of the table horariolectivo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table horariolectivo


III. List of outgoing references of the table horariolectivo

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
horariolectivo horariolectivo ambarea_uso idarea;
_ambiuso_fke _ambiuso_fke idambiente;
y y idperiodo
horariolectivo horariolectivo grupolectivo idgrupolectiv
_idgrupolecti _idgrupolecti o
vo_fkey vo_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table horariolectivo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table horariolectivo

Name Code
idhorariolectivo idhorariolectivo
horainicio horainicio
horafin horafin

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dia dia
idarea idarea
idambiente idambiente
idperiodo idperiodo
idgrupolectivo idgrupolectivo
idtrabajador idtrabajador
color color
capacidad capacidad
resumen resumen

III. List of triggers of the table horariolectivo

Name Code
delete_horariolectivo delete_horariolectivo
last_horariolectivo last_horariolectivo

III. List of keys of the table horariolectivo

Name Code Primary
pkey_horariolectivo pkey_horariolectivo X

III.3.1.66 Table horarionolectivo

III. Card of table horarionolectivo
Name horarionolectivo
Code horarionolectivo

III. Server validation rule of the table horarionolectivo


III. Options of the table horarionolectivo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table horarionolectivo


III. List of outgoing references of the table horarionolectivo

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
horarionolecti horarionolecti carganolectiv idcarganolecti
vo_idcarganol vo_idcarganol a va
ectiva_fkey ectiva_fkey

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III. List of diagrams containing the table horarionolectivo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table horarionolectivo

Name Code
idhorarionolectivo idhorarionolectivo
idarea idarea
idambiente idambiente
idcarganolectiva idcarganolectiva
dia dia
horainicio horainicio
horafin horafin

III. List of keys of the table horarionolectivo

Name Code Primary
HorarioNoLectivo_pkey HorarioNoLectivo_pkey X

III.3.1.67 Table indicador

III. Card of table indicador
Name indicador
Code indicador

III. Server validation rule of the table indicador


III. Options of the table indicador

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table indicador


III. List of incoming references of the table indicador

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idindicado fk_idindicado variables_indi idindicador
r r cador

III. List of outgoing references of the table indicador

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Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_detalleaut fk_detalleaut detalle_autoe iddetalleautoe
oevaluacion oevaluacion valuacion valuacion

III. List of diagrams containing the table indicador

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table indicador

Name Code
idindicador idindicador
ind_nombre ind_nombre
ind_formula ind_formula
ind_estado ind_estado
iddetalleautoevaluacion iddetalleautoevaluacion

III. List of keys of the table indicador

Name Code Primary
indicador_pkey1 indicador_pkey1 X

III.3.1.68 Table inventory

III. Card of table inventory
Name inventory
Code inventory

III. Server validation rule of the table inventory


III. Options of the table inventory

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table inventory


III. List of incoming references of the table inventory

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_item_id fk_item_id inventory_flo item_id

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III. List of diagrams containing the table inventory

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table inventory

Name Code
item_id item_id
item_name item_name

III. List of indexes of the table inventory

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
inventory_it inventory_it X inventory
em_name_i em_name_i
dx dx

III. List of keys of the table inventory

Name Code Primary
pk_inventory pk_inventory X

III.3.1.69 Table inventory_flow

III. Card of table inventory_flow
Name inventory_flow
Code inventory_flow

III. Server validation rule of the table inventory_flow


III. Options of the table inventory_flow

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table inventory_flow


III. List of outgoing references of the table inventory_flow

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role

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fk_item_id fk_item_id inventory item_id

III. List of diagrams containing the table inventory_flow

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table inventory_flow

Name Code
inventory_flow_id inventory_flow_id
item_id item_id
project project
num_used num_used
num_ordered num_ordered
action_date action_date

III. List of indexes of the table inventory_flow

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
inventory_fl inventory_fl inventory_fl
ow_action_ ow_action_ ow
date_idx date_idx

III. List of keys of the table inventory_flow

Name Code Primary
pk_inventory_flow pk_inventory_flow X

III.3.1.70 Table licencias

III. Card of table licencias
Name licencias
Code licencias

III. Server validation rule of the table licencias


III. Options of the table licencias

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table licencias

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III. List of outgoing references of the table licencias

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
licencias_idtr licencias_idtr trabajador idtrabajador
abajador_fke abajador_fke
y y

III. List of diagrams containing the table licencias

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table licencias

Name Code
idlicencia idlicencia
idtrabajador idtrabajador
lic_fecha_oficio lic_fecha_oficio
lic_resolucion lic_resolucion
lic_fecha_resolucion lic_fecha_resolucion
lic_motivo lic_motivo
lic_inicio lic_inicio
lic_fin lic_fin
lic_tanios lic_tanios
lic_tmeses lic_tmeses
lic_tdias lic_tdias
lic_fuente lic_fuente
lic_oficio lic_oficio
lic_tipo lic_tipo

III. List of keys of the table licencias

Name Code Primary
licencias_pkey licencias_pkey X

III.3.1.71 Table local

III. Card of table local
Name local
Code local

III. Server validation rule of the table local

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III. Options of the table local

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table local


III. List of incoming references of the table local

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
pabellon_fore pabellon_fore pabellon idlocal
ign ign

III. List of outgoing references of the table local

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the table local

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table local

Name Code
idlocal idlocal
loc_descripcion loc_descripcion
loc_estado loc_estado
idsede idsede

III. List of indexes of the table local

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_foreign fki_foreign X local
_sede _sede

III. List of keys of the table local

Name Code Primary
local_primary local_primary X

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III.3.1.72 Table matricula

III. Card of table matricula
Name matricula
Code matricula

III. Server validation rule of the table matricula


III. Options of the table matricula

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table matricula


III. List of incoming references of the table matricula

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idmatricul fk_idmatricul matricula_det
a_idmatricula a_idmatricula alle

III. List of outgoing references of the table matricula

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_alumno fk_alumno alumno idalumno

III. List of diagrams containing the table matricula

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table matricula

Name Code
idmatricula idmatricula
idalumno idalumno
mat_fecha mat_fecha
mat_estado mat_estado
mat_ponderado mat_ponderado
mat_creditaje mat_creditaje
idarea idarea
mat_tipomatricula mat_tipomatricula
mat_seccion mat_seccion

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mat_curricula mat_curricula
mat_periodo mat_periodo

III. List of keys of the table matricula

Name Code Primary
pk_matricula pk_matricula X

III.3.1.73 Table matricula_detalle

III. Card of table matricula_detalle
Name matricula_detalle
Code matricula_detalle

III. Server validation rule of the table matricula_detalle


III. Options of the table matricula_detalle

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table matricula_detalle


III. List of incoming references of the table matricula_detalle

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreign_matri foreign_matri nota idmatriculade
_det_notas _det_notas talle
matricula_det matricula_det detalle_asiste idmatriculade
llae_foreign llae_foreign ncia talle

III. List of outgoing references of the table matricula_detalle

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idmatricul fk_idmatricul matricula
a_idmatricula a_idmatricula

III. List of diagrams containing the table matricula_detalle

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table matricula_detalle

Name Code
idmatriculadetalle idmatriculadetalle
idmatricula idmatricula
idcursoprogramado idcursoprogramado
seccion seccion
dem_idgrupoteo dem_idgrupoteo
dem_idgrupoprac dem_idgrupoprac
dem_idgrupolab dem_idgrupolab
dem_idgrupoteoprac dem_idgrupoteoprac
dem_promedio1 dem_promedio1
dem_promedio2 dem_promedio2
dem_promedio3 dem_promedio3
dem_promedio4 dem_promedio4
dem_promedio5 dem_promedio5
dem_promedio6 dem_promedio6
dem_promedio7 dem_promedio7
dem_promediofinal dem_promediofinal
dem_numvez dem_numvez
dem_estado dem_estado
dem_resolucion dem_resolucion
dem_repeticion dem_repeticion
dem_voucherepeticion dem_voucherepeticion
dem_codigocursococurricular dem_codigocursococurricular
dem_resolucioncocurricular dem_resolucioncocurricular
dem_idcurso dem_idcurso
dem_tipo_ingresonota dem_tipo_ingresonota
dem_lugar dem_lugar
dem_monto dem_monto
dem_aplazado dem_aplazado
dem_inhabilitado dem_inhabilitado

III. List of triggers of the table matricula_detalle

Name Code
actualiza_vacantes_ocupadas actualiza_vacantes_ocupadas

III. List of keys of the table matricula_detalle

Name Code Primary
pk_matriculadetalle pk_matriculadetalle X

III.3.1.74 Table matricula_detalle_temp

III. Card of table matricula_detalle_temp

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Name matricula_detalle_temp
Code matricula_detalle_temp

III. Server validation rule of the table matricula_detalle_temp


III. Options of the table matricula_detalle_temp

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table matricula_detalle_temp


III. List of diagrams containing the table matricula_detalle_temp

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table matricula_detalle_temp

Name Code
idalumno idalumno
idcursoprogramado idcursoprogramado
seccion seccion
periodo periodo
idcurso idcurso
curso curso
tipo_curso tipo_curso
ciclo ciclo
f_registro f_registro
dem_idgrupoteo dem_idgrupoteo
dem_grupoteo dem_grupoteo
dem_horarioteo dem_horarioteo
dem_idgrupoprac dem_idgrupoprac
dem_grupoprac dem_grupoprac
dem_horarioprac dem_horarioprac
dem_idgrupolab dem_idgrupolab
dem_grupolab dem_grupolab
dem_horariolab dem_horariolab
dem_idgrupoteoprac dem_idgrupoteoprac
dem_grupoteoprac dem_grupoteoprac
dem_horarioteoprac dem_horarioteoprac
dem_docente dem_docente
dem_numvez dem_numvez
dem_credito dem_credito
dem_resolucion dem_resolucion
dem_repeticion dem_repeticion

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dem_resolucionrepeticion dem_resolucionrepeticion
dem_codigocursococurricular dem_codigocursococurricular
dem_resolucioncocurricular dem_resolucioncocurricular

III.3.1.75 Table mejora

III. Card of table mejora
Name mejora
Code mejora

III. Server validation rule of the table mejora


III. Options of the table mejora

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table mejora


III. List of diagrams containing the table mejora

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table mejora

Name Code
idmejora idmejora
idindicador idindicador
idautoevaluacion idautoevaluacion
mej_sugerencia mej_sugerencia
mej_cumplido mej_cumplido

III. List of keys of the table mejora

Name Code Primary
pk_mejora pk_mejora X

III.3.1.76 Table modalidad

III. Card of table modalidad
Name modalidad
Code modalidad

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III. Server validation rule of the table modalidad


III. Options of the table modalidad

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table modalidad


III. List of incoming references of the table modalidad

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
modalidad_fk modalidad_fk trabajador idmodalidad

III. List of diagrams containing the table modalidad

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table modalidad

Name Code
idmodalidad idmodalidad
mod_codigo mod_codigo
mod_descripcion mod_descripcion
mod_abreviatura mod_abreviatura
mod_activo mod_activo

III. List of keys of the table modalidad

Name Code Primary
idmodalidad_pk idmodalidad_pk X

III.3.1.77 Table modalidad_examen

III. Card of table modalidad_examen
Name modalidad_examen
Code modalidad_examen

III. Server validation rule of the table modalidad_examen


III. Options of the table modalidad_examen

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without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table modalidad_examen


III. List of incoming references of the table modalidad_examen

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_modalidad fk_modalidad alumno idmodalidadi
foreign_moda foreign_moda modalidad_pe idmodexamen
lidad lidad riodo_precio
mod_foreign mod_foreign modalidad_pe idmodexamen
mod_post mod_post postulante idmodexamen
mod_req_mo mod_req_mo modalidad_re idmodexamen
d d quisitos

III. List of diagrams containing the table modalidad_examen

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table modalidad_examen

Name Code
idmodexamen idmodexamen
mod_exa_descripcion mod_exa_descripcion
mod_exa_tipo mod_exa_tipo
mod_exa_estado mod_exa_estado
mod_exa_clase mod_exa_clase

III. List of keys of the table modalidad_examen

Name Code Primary
pk_modalidad_examen pk_modalidad_examen X

III.3.1.78 Table modalidad_periodo_area

III. Card of table modalidad_periodo_area
Name modalidad_periodo_area
Code modalidad_periodo_area

III. Server validation rule of the table modalidad_periodo_area

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III. Options of the table modalidad_periodo_area

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table modalidad_periodo_area


III. List of outgoing references of the table modalidad_periodo_area

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
area_foreign area_foreign area idarea
mod_foreign mod_foreign modalidad_ex idmodexamen
periodo_forei periodo_forei periodo idperiodo
gn gn

III. List of diagrams containing the table modalidad_periodo_area

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table modalidad_periodo_area

Name Code
idmodexamen idmodexamen
idarea idarea
idperiodo idperiodo
nro_vacante nro_vacante
estado estado
grupo grupo

III. List of indexes of the table modalidad_periodo_area

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_area_for fki_area_for X modalidad_
eign eign periodo_are
fki_periodo fki_periodo X modalidad_
_foreign _foreign periodo_are

III. List of keys of the table modalidad_periodo_area

Name Code Primary

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mod_are_peri_pry mod_are_peri_pry X

III.3.1.79 Table modalidad_periodo_precio

III. Card of table modalidad_periodo_precio
Name modalidad_periodo_precio
Code modalidad_periodo_precio

III. Server validation rule of the table modalidad_periodo_precio


III. Options of the table modalidad_periodo_precio

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table modalidad_periodo_precio


III. List of outgoing references of the table

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreign_ewqp foreign_ewqp periodo idperiodo
eriodo eriodo
foreign_moda foreign_moda modalidad_ex idmodexamen
lidad lidad amen

III. List of diagrams containing the table modalidad_periodo_precio

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table modalidad_periodo_precio

Name Code
idmodexamen idmodexamen
idperiodo idperiodo
monto monto
estado estado

III. List of keys of the table modalidad_periodo_precio

Name Code Primary
primary_precio primary_precio X

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III.3.1.80 Table modalidad_requisitos

III. Card of table modalidad_requisitos
Name modalidad_requisitos
Code modalidad_requisitos

III. Server validation rule of the table modalidad_requisitos


III. Options of the table modalidad_requisitos

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table modalidad_requisitos


III. List of outgoing references of the table modalidad_requisitos

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
mod_req_mo mod_req_mo modalidad_ex idmodexamen
d d amen
req_mod_req req_mod_req requisitos idrequisito

III. List of diagrams containing the table modalidad_requisitos

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table modalidad_requisitos

Name Code
idmodexamen idmodexamen
idrequisito idrequisito
modreq_estado modreq_estado

III. List of indexes of the table modalidad_requisitos

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_req_mo fki_req_mo X modalidad_
d_req d_req requisitos

III. List of keys of the table modalidad_requisitos

Name Code Primary

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primary_mod_req primary_mod_req X

III.3.1.81 Table modulo

III. Card of table modulo
Name modulo
Code modulo

III. Server validation rule of the table modulo


III. Options of the table modulo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table modulo


III. List of incoming references of the table modulo

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
modulo_fk modulo_fk tarea mod_codigo

III. List of diagrams containing the table modulo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table modulo

Name Code
mod_codigo mod_codigo
mod_descripcion mod_descripcion
mod_estado mod_estado

III. List of keys of the table modulo

Name Code Primary
pk_mod_codigo pk_mod_codigo X

III.3.1.82 Table multitabla

III. Card of table multitabla

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Name multitabla
Code multitabla

III. Server validation rule of the table multitabla


III. Options of the table multitabla

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table multitabla


III. List of diagrams containing the table multitabla

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table multitabla

Name Code
tabla_id tabla_id
valor valor
dep_id dep_id
descripcion descripcion
abrev abrev
estado estado

III. List of keys of the table multitabla

Name Code Primary
multi_primery multi_primery X

III.3.1.83 Table nombramiento_emerito

III. Card of table nombramiento_emerito
Name nombramiento_emerito
Code nombramiento_emerito

III. Server validation rule of the table nombramiento_emerito


III. Options of the table nombramiento_emerito

without oids

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III. Check constraint name of the table nombramiento_emerito


III. List of diagrams containing the table nombramiento_emerito

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table nombramiento_emerito

Name Code
cod_empleado cod_empleado
nro_resolucion nro_resolucion
fec_resolucion fec_resolucion
tip_nombramiento tip_nombramiento
fec_nombramiento fec_nombramiento

III.3.1.84 Table nota

III. Card of table nota
Name nota
Code nota

III. Server validation rule of the table nota


III. Options of the table nota

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table nota


III. List of outgoing references of the table nota

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_not_ideval fk_not_ideval evaluacion idevaluacion
foreign_matri foreign_matri matricula_det idmatriculade
_det_notas _det_notas alle talle

III. List of diagrams containing the table nota

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table nota

Name Code
idevaluacion idevaluacion
idmatriculadetalle idmatriculadetalle
not_nota not_nota
not_fecharealizo not_fecharealizo
not_antrectificar not_antrectificar

III. List of keys of the table nota

Name Code Primary
primary_nota primary_nota X

III.3.1.85 Table observaciones

III. Card of table observaciones
Name observaciones
Code observaciones

III. Server validation rule of the table observaciones


III. Options of the table observaciones

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table observaciones


III. List of outgoing references of the table observaciones

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_silabo_obs fk_silabo_obs silabo
ervacion ervacion

III. List of diagrams containing the table observaciones

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table observaciones

Name Code
idobservacion idobservacion

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idsilabo idsilabo
ob_parteprogramacion ob_parteprogramacion
ob_partenormas ob_partenormas
ob_parteconsejeria ob_parteconsejeria
ob_partebibliografia ob_partebibliografia
ob_estado ob_estado

III. List of keys of the table observaciones

Name Code Primary
pk_observacion pk_observacion X

III.3.1.86 Table organos_gobierno

III. Card of table organos_gobierno
Name organos_gobierno
Code organos_gobierno

III. Server validation rule of the table organos_gobierno


III. Options of the table organos_gobierno

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table organos_gobierno


III. List of outgoing references of the table organos_gobierno

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
organos_gobi organos_gobi condicion idcondicion
erno_idcondi erno_idcondi
cion_fkey cion_fkey
organos_gobi organos_gobi trabajador idtrabajador
erno_idtrabaj erno_idtrabaj
ador_fkey ador_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table organos_gobierno

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table organos_gobierno

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Name Code
idorganogobierno idorganogobierno
og_oficio og_oficio
og_fecha_oficio og_fecha_oficio
og_resolucion og_resolucion
og_fecha_resolucion og_fecha_resolucion
og_cargo og_cargo
idcondicion idcondicion
og_tdias og_tdias
og_autoridad og_autoridad
og_dependencia og_dependencia
og_inicio og_inicio
og_fin og_fin
og_tanios og_tanios
og_tmeses og_tmeses
idtrabajador idtrabajador
og_url_firma og_url_firma

III. List of keys of the table organos_gobierno

Name Code Primary
organos_gobierno_pkey organos_gobierno_pkey X

III.3.1.87 Table p_escuela

III. Card of table p_escuela
Name p_escuela
Code p_escuela

III. Server validation rule of the table p_escuela


III. Options of the table p_escuela

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table p_escuela


III. List of diagrams containing the table p_escuela

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table p_escuela

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Name Code
idestructura idestructura

III.3.1.88 Table p_fechafin

III. Card of table p_fechafin
Name p_fechafin
Code p_fechafin

III. Server validation rule of the table p_fechafin


III. Options of the table p_fechafin

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table p_fechafin


III. List of diagrams containing the table p_fechafin

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table p_fechafin

Name Code
detaperi_fechafin detaperi_fechafin

III.3.1.89 Table pabellon

III. Card of table pabellon
Name pabellon
Code pabellon

III. Server validation rule of the table pabellon


III. Options of the table pabellon

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pabellon


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III. List of outgoing references of the table pabellon

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
pabellon_fore pabellon_fore local idlocal
ign ign

III. List of diagrams containing the table pabellon

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pabellon

Name Code
idpabellon idpabellon
pab_descripcion pab_descripcion
pab_estado pab_estado
idlocal idlocal

III. List of indexes of the table pabellon

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_pabello fki_pabello X pabellon
n_foreign n_foreign

III. List of keys of the table pabellon

Name Code Primary
pabellon_primary pabellon_primary X

III.3.1.90 Table parametros

III. Card of table parametros
Name parametros
Code parametros

III. Server validation rule of the table parametros


III. Options of the table parametros

without oids

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III. Check constraint name of the table parametros


III. List of incoming references of the table parametros

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
detapero_para detapero_para detalleperiod idparametro

III. List of diagrams containing the table parametros

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table parametros

Name Code
idparametro idparametro
para_descripcion para_descripcion
para_estado para_estado
para_tipo para_tipo
para_clase para_clase

III. List of keys of the table parametros

Name Code Primary
para_pry para_pry X

III.3.1.91 Table periodo

III. Card of table periodo
Name periodo
Code periodo

III. Server validation rule of the table periodo


III. Options of the table periodo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table periodo


III. List of incoming references of the table periodo

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Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
detaperi_peri detaperi_peri detalleperiod idperiodo
fk_periodo fk_periodo crono_matric idperiodo
foreign_ewqp foreign_ewqp modalidad_pe idperiodo
eriodo eriodo riodo_precio
foreign_perio foreign_perio curso_dictar idperiodo
do do
foreign_perio foreign_perio ambarea_uso idperiodo
do do
foreign_perio foreign_perio postulante idperiodo
do do
periodo_forei periodo_forei modalidad_pe idperiodo
gn gn riodo_area

III. List of diagrams containing the table periodo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table periodo

Name Code
idperiodo idperiodo
peri_estado peri_estado
peri_observacion peri_observacion

III. List of keys of the table periodo

Name Code Primary
pk_periodo pk_periodo X

III.3.1.92 Table periodoid

III. Card of table periodoid
Name periodoid
Code periodoid

III. Server validation rule of the table periodoid


III. Options of the table periodoid

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without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table periodoid


III. List of diagrams containing the table periodoid

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table periodoid

Name Code
max max

III.3.1.93 Table permiso

III. Card of table permiso
Name permiso
Code permiso

III. Server validation rule of the table permiso


III. Options of the table permiso

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table permiso


III. List of outgoing references of the table permiso

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_roles fk_roles roles rol_id
fk_tarea fk_tarea tarea tarea_id

III. List of diagrams containing the table permiso

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table permiso

Name Code

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idpermiso idpermiso
rol_id rol_id
tarea_id tarea_id
pso_activo pso_activo

III. List of keys of the table permiso

Name Code Primary
pk_permiso pk_permiso X

III.3.1.94 Table persona

III. Card of table persona
Name persona
Code persona

III. Server validation rule of the table persona


III. Options of the table persona

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table persona


III. List of incoming references of the table persona

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idpersona fk_idpersona alumno idpersona
fk_persona fk_persona comite idpersona
foreign_perso foreign_perso postulante idpersona
na na
persona_fk persona_fk trabajador idpersona
persona_fk persona_fk usuario idpersona
usuario_encu usuario_encu usuario_encu idpersona
esta_idperson esta_idperson esta
a_fkey a_fkey
usuario_respu usuario_respu usuario_respu idpersona
esta_idperson esta_idperson esta
a_fkey a_fkey

III. List of outgoing references of the table persona

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role

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idvias_fk idvias_fk vias idvias
ubigeo_fk ubigeo_fk ubigeo idubigeo

III. List of diagrams containing the table persona

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table persona

Name Code
idpersona idpersona
per_nombres per_nombres
per_apepaterno per_apepaterno
per_apematerno per_apematerno
per_dni per_dni
per_fechanacimiento per_fechanacimiento
per_estadocivil per_estadocivil
per_sexo per_sexo
per_telefono per_telefono
per_celular per_celular
per_email per_email
idubigeo idubigeo
per_foto per_foto
per_gruposanguineo per_gruposanguineo
per_factorrh per_factorrh
per_donacion per_donacion
per_carneextranjeria per_carneextranjeria
per_manzana per_manzana
per_cuadra per_cuadra
per_lote per_lote
per_interior per_interior
per_direccionlocal per_direccionlocal
per_direccionexterna per_direccionexterna
idvias idvias
per_estado per_estado
idubigeo_nacimiento idubigeo_nacimiento
per_nacionalidad per_nacionalidad
per_brevete per_brevete
per_libretamilitar per_libretamilitar
per_grupovia per_grupovia
idgrupovia idgrupovia
per_partida per_partida
per_coddomicilio per_coddomicilio

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III. List of keys of the table persona

Name Code Primary
pk_persona pk_persona X

III.3.1.95 Table pg_aggregate

III. Card of table pg_aggregate
Name pg_aggregate
Code pg_aggregate

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_aggregate


III. Options of the table pg_aggregate

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_aggregate


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_aggregate

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_aggregate

Name Code
aggfnoid aggfnoid
aggkind aggkind
aggnumdirectargs aggnumdirectargs
aggtransfn aggtransfn
aggfinalfn aggfinalfn
aggmtransfn aggmtransfn
aggminvtransfn aggminvtransfn
aggmfinalfn aggmfinalfn
aggfinalextra aggfinalextra
aggmfinalextra aggmfinalextra
aggsortop aggsortop
aggtranstype aggtranstype
aggtransspace aggtransspace
aggmtranstype aggmtranstype
aggmtransspace aggmtransspace
agginitval agginitval
aggminitval aggminitval

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III. List of indexes of the table pg_aggregate

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_aggregat pg_aggregat X pg_aggregat
e_fnoid_ind e_fnoid_ind e
ex ex

III.3.1.96 Table pg_am

III. Card of table pg_am
Name pg_am
Code pg_am

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_am


III. Options of the table pg_am

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_am


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_am

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_am

Name Code
amname amname
amstrategies amstrategies
amsupport amsupport
amcanorder amcanorder
amcanorderbyop amcanorderbyop
amcanbackward amcanbackward
amcanunique amcanunique
amcanmulticol amcanmulticol
amoptionalkey amoptionalkey
amsearcharray amsearcharray
amsearchnulls amsearchnulls
amstorage amstorage
amclusterable amclusterable
ampredlocks ampredlocks
amkeytype amkeytype

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aminsert aminsert
ambeginscan ambeginscan
amgettuple amgettuple
amgetbitmap amgetbitmap
amrescan amrescan
amendscan amendscan
ammarkpos ammarkpos
amrestrpos amrestrpos
ambuild ambuild
ambuildempty ambuildempty
ambulkdelete ambulkdelete
amvacuumcleanup amvacuumcleanup
amcanreturn amcanreturn
amcostestimate amcostestimate
amoptions amoptions

III. List of indexes of the table pg_am

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_am_nam pg_am_nam X pg_am
e_index e_index
pg_am_oid pg_am_oid X pg_am
_index _index

III.3.1.97 Table pg_amop

III. Card of table pg_amop
Name pg_amop
Code pg_amop

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_amop


III. Options of the table pg_amop

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_amop


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_amop

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table pg_amop

Name Code
amopfamily amopfamily
amoplefttype amoplefttype
amoprighttype amoprighttype
amopstrategy amopstrategy
amoppurpose amoppurpose
amopopr amopopr
amopmethod amopmethod
amopsortfamily amopsortfamily

III. List of indexes of the table pg_amop

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_amop_f pg_amop_f X pg_amop
am_strat_in am_strat_in
dex dex
pg_amop_o pg_amop_o X pg_amop
id_index id_index
pg_amop_o pg_amop_o X pg_amop
pr_fam_ind pr_fam_ind
ex ex

III.3.1.98 Table pg_amproc

III. Card of table pg_amproc
Name pg_amproc
Code pg_amproc

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_amproc


III. Options of the table pg_amproc

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_amproc


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_amproc

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table pg_amproc

Name Code
amprocfamily amprocfamily
amproclefttype amproclefttype
amprocrighttype amprocrighttype
amprocnum amprocnum
amproc amproc

III. List of indexes of the table pg_amproc

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_amproc pg_amproc X pg_amproc
_fam_proc_ _fam_proc_
index index
pg_amproc pg_amproc X pg_amproc
_oid_index _oid_index

III.3.1.99 Table pg_attrdef

III. Card of table pg_attrdef
Name pg_attrdef
Code pg_attrdef

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_attrdef


III. Options of the table pg_attrdef

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_attrdef


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_attrdef

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_attrdef

Name Code
adrelid adrelid
adnum adnum
adbin adbin

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adsrc adsrc

III. List of indexes of the table pg_attrdef

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_attrdef_ pg_attrdef_ X pg_attrdef
adrelid_adn adrelid_adn
um_index um_index
pg_attrdef_ pg_attrdef_ X pg_attrdef
oid_index oid_index

III.3.1.100 Table pg_attribute

III. Card of table pg_attribute
Name pg_attribute
Code pg_attribute

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_attribute


III. Options of the table pg_attribute

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_attribute


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_attribute

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_attribute

Name Code
attrelid attrelid
attname attname
atttypid atttypid
attstattarget attstattarget
attlen attlen
attnum attnum
attndims attndims
attcacheoff attcacheoff
atttypmod atttypmod
attbyval attbyval

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attstorage attstorage
attalign attalign
attnotnull attnotnull
atthasdef atthasdef
attisdropped attisdropped
attislocal attislocal
attinhcount attinhcount
attcollation attcollation
attacl attacl
attoptions attoptions
attfdwoptions attfdwoptions

III. List of indexes of the table pg_attribute

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_attribute pg_attribute X pg_attribute
_relid_attna _relid_attna
m_index m_index
pg_attribute pg_attribute X pg_attribute
_relid_attnu _relid_attnu
m_index m_index

III.3.1.101 Table pg_auth_members

III. Card of table pg_auth_members
Name pg_auth_members
Code pg_auth_members

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_auth_members


III. Options of the table pg_auth_members

without oids
tablespace pg_global

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_auth_members


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_auth_members

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table pg_auth_members

Name Code
roleid roleid
member member
grantor grantor
admin_option admin_option

III. List of indexes of the table pg_auth_members

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_auth_me pg_auth_me X pg_auth_me
mbers_mem mbers_mem mbers
ber_role_in ber_role_in
dex dex
pg_auth_me pg_auth_me X pg_auth_me
mbers_role mbers_role mbers
_member_i _member_i
ndex ndex

III.3.1.102 Table pg_authid

III. Card of table pg_authid
Name pg_authid
Code pg_authid

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_authid


III. Options of the table pg_authid

with oids
tablespace pg_global

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_authid


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_authid

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_authid

Name Code
rolname rolname

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rolsuper rolsuper
rolinherit rolinherit
rolcreaterole rolcreaterole
rolcreatedb rolcreatedb
rolcatupdate rolcatupdate
rolcanlogin rolcanlogin
rolreplication rolreplication
rolconnlimit rolconnlimit
rolpassword rolpassword
rolvaliduntil rolvaliduntil

III. List of indexes of the table pg_authid

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_authid_ pg_authid_ X pg_authid
oid_index oid_index
pg_authid_r pg_authid_r X pg_authid
olname_ind olname_ind
ex ex

III.3.1.103 Table pg_cast

III. Card of table pg_cast
Name pg_cast
Code pg_cast

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_cast


III. Options of the table pg_cast

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_cast


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_cast

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_cast

Name Code
castsource castsource

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casttarget casttarget
castfunc castfunc
castcontext castcontext
castmethod castmethod

III. List of indexes of the table pg_cast

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_cast_oid pg_cast_oid X pg_cast
_index _index
pg_cast_sou pg_cast_sou X pg_cast
rce_target_i rce_target_i
ndex ndex

III.3.1.104 Table pg_class

III. Card of table pg_class
Name pg_class
Code pg_class

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_class


III. Options of the table pg_class

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_class


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_class

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_class

Name Code
relname relname
relnamespace relnamespace
reltype reltype
reloftype reloftype
relowner relowner
relam relam
relfilenode relfilenode

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reltablespace reltablespace
relpages relpages
reltuples reltuples
relallvisible relallvisible
reltoastrelid reltoastrelid
relhasindex relhasindex
relisshared relisshared
relpersistence relpersistence
relkind relkind
relnatts relnatts
relchecks relchecks
relhasoids relhasoids
relhaspkey relhaspkey
relhasrules relhasrules
relhastriggers relhastriggers
relhassubclass relhassubclass
relispopulated relispopulated
relreplident relreplident
relfrozenxid relfrozenxid
relminmxid relminmxid
relacl relacl
reloptions reloptions

III. List of indexes of the table pg_class

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_class_oi pg_class_oi X pg_class
d_index d_index
pg_class_re pg_class_re X pg_class
lname_nsp_ lname_nsp_
index index
pg_class_tb pg_class_tb pg_class
lspc_relfile lspc_relfile
node_index node_index

III.3.1.105 Table pg_collation

III. Card of table pg_collation
Name pg_collation
Code pg_collation

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_collation


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III. Options of the table pg_collation

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_collation


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_collation

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_collation

Name Code
collname collname
collnamespace collnamespace
collowner collowner
collencoding collencoding
collcollate collcollate
collctype collctype

III. List of indexes of the table pg_collation

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_collatio pg_collatio X pg_collatio
n_name_en n_name_en n
c_nsp_inde c_nsp_inde
x x
pg_collatio pg_collatio X pg_collatio
n_oid_inde n_oid_inde n
x x

III.3.1.106 Table pg_constraint

III. Card of table pg_constraint
Name pg_constraint
Code pg_constraint

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_constraint


III. Options of the table pg_constraint

with oids

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III. Check constraint name of the table pg_constraint


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_constraint

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_constraint

Name Code
conname conname
connamespace connamespace
contype contype
condeferrable condeferrable
condeferred condeferred
convalidated convalidated
conrelid conrelid
contypid contypid
conindid conindid
confrelid confrelid
confupdtype confupdtype
confdeltype confdeltype
confmatchtype confmatchtype
conislocal conislocal
coninhcount coninhcount
connoinherit connoinherit
conkey conkey
confkey confkey
conpfeqop conpfeqop
conppeqop conppeqop
conffeqop conffeqop
conexclop conexclop
conbin conbin
consrc consrc

III. List of indexes of the table pg_constraint

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_constrai pg_constrai pg_constrai
nt_conname nt_conname nt
_nsp_index _nsp_index
pg_constrai pg_constrai pg_constrai
nt_conrelid nt_conrelid nt
_index _index
pg_constrai pg_constrai pg_constrai

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nt_contypid nt_contypid nt
_index _index
pg_constrai pg_constrai X pg_constrai
nt_oid_inde nt_oid_inde nt
x x

III.3.1.107 Table pg_conversion

III. Card of table pg_conversion
Name pg_conversion
Code pg_conversion

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_conversion


III. Options of the table pg_conversion

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_conversion


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_conversion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_conversion

Name Code
conname conname
connamespace connamespace
conowner conowner
conforencoding conforencoding
contoencoding contoencoding
conproc conproc
condefault condefault

III. List of indexes of the table pg_conversion

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_conversi pg_conversi X pg_conversi
on_default_ on_default_ on
index index
pg_conversi pg_conversi X pg_conversi

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on_name_n on_name_n on
sp_index sp_index
pg_conversi pg_conversi X pg_conversi
on_oid_ind on_oid_ind on
ex ex

III.3.1.108 Table pg_database

III. Card of table pg_database
Name pg_database
Code pg_database

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_database


III. Options of the table pg_database

with oids
tablespace pg_global

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_database


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_database

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_database

Name Code
datname datname
datdba datdba
encoding encoding
datcollate datcollate
datctype datctype
datistemplate datistemplate
datallowconn datallowconn
datconnlimit datconnlimit
datlastsysoid datlastsysoid
datfrozenxid datfrozenxid
datminmxid datminmxid
dattablespace dattablespace
datacl datacl

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III. List of indexes of the table pg_database

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_database pg_database X pg_database
_datname_i _datname_i
ndex ndex
pg_database pg_database X pg_database
_oid_index _oid_index

III.3.1.109 Table pg_db_role_setting

III. Card of table pg_db_role_setting
Name pg_db_role_setting
Code pg_db_role_setting

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_db_role_setting


III. Options of the table pg_db_role_setting

without oids
tablespace pg_global

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_db_role_setting


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_db_role_setting

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_db_role_setting

Name Code
setdatabase setdatabase
setrole setrole
setconfig setconfig

III. List of indexes of the table pg_db_role_setting

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_db_role pg_db_role X pg_db_role
_setting_dat _setting_dat _setting
abaseid_rol abaseid_rol

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_index _index

III.3.1.110 Table pg_default_acl

III. Card of table pg_default_acl
Name pg_default_acl
Code pg_default_acl

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_default_acl


III. Options of the table pg_default_acl

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_default_acl


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_default_acl

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_default_acl

Name Code
defaclrole defaclrole
defaclnamespace defaclnamespace
defaclobjtype defaclobjtype
defaclacl defaclacl

III. List of indexes of the table pg_default_acl

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_default_ pg_default_ X pg_default_
acl_oid_ind acl_oid_ind acl
ex ex
pg_default_ pg_default_ X pg_default_
acl_role_ns acl_role_ns acl
p_obj_inde p_obj_inde
x x

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III.3.1.111 Table pg_depend

III. Card of table pg_depend
Name pg_depend
Code pg_depend

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_depend


III. Options of the table pg_depend

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_depend


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_depend

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_depend

Name Code
classid classid
objid objid
objsubid objsubid
refclassid refclassid
refobjid refobjid
refobjsubid refobjsubid
deptype deptype

III. List of indexes of the table pg_depend

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_depend_ pg_depend_ pg_depend
depender_in depender_in
dex dex
pg_depend_ pg_depend_ pg_depend
reference_i reference_i
ndex ndex

III.3.1.112 Table pg_description

III. Card of table pg_description

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Name pg_description
Code pg_description

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_description


III. Options of the table pg_description

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_description


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_description

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_description

Name Code
objoid objoid
classoid classoid
objsubid objsubid
description description

III. List of indexes of the table pg_description

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_descripti pg_descripti X pg_descripti
on_o_c_o_i on_o_c_o_i on
ndex ndex

III.3.1.113 Table pg_enum

III. Card of table pg_enum
Name pg_enum
Code pg_enum

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_enum


III. Options of the table pg_enum

with oids

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III. Check constraint name of the table pg_enum


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_enum

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_enum

Name Code
enumtypid enumtypid
enumsortorder enumsortorder
enumlabel enumlabel

III. List of indexes of the table pg_enum

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_enum_o pg_enum_o X pg_enum
id_index id_index
pg_enum_t pg_enum_t X pg_enum
ypid_label_ ypid_label_
index index
pg_enum_t pg_enum_t X pg_enum
ypid_sortor ypid_sortor
der_index der_index

III.3.1.114 Table pg_event_trigger

III. Card of table pg_event_trigger
Name pg_event_trigger
Code pg_event_trigger

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_event_trigger


III. Options of the table pg_event_trigger

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_event_trigger


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_event_trigger

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Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_event_trigger

Name Code
evtname evtname
evtevent evtevent
evtowner evtowner
evtfoid evtfoid
evtenabled evtenabled
evttags evttags

III. List of indexes of the table pg_event_trigger

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_event_tr pg_event_tr X pg_event_tr
igger_evtna igger_evtna igger
me_index me_index
pg_event_tr pg_event_tr X pg_event_tr
igger_oid_i igger_oid_i igger
ndex ndex

III.3.1.115 Table pg_extension

III. Card of table pg_extension
Name pg_extension
Code pg_extension

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_extension


III. Options of the table pg_extension

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_extension


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_extension

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table pg_extension

Name Code
extname extname
extowner extowner
extnamespace extnamespace
extrelocatable extrelocatable
extversion extversion
extconfig extconfig
extcondition extcondition

III. List of indexes of the table pg_extension

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_extensio pg_extensio X pg_extensio
n_name_ind n_name_ind n
ex ex
pg_extensio pg_extensio X pg_extensio
n_oid_inde n_oid_inde n
x x

III.3.1.116 Table pg_foreign_data_wrapper

III. Card of table pg_foreign_data_wrapper
Name pg_foreign_data_wrapper
Code pg_foreign_data_wrapper

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_foreign_data_wrapper


III. Options of the table pg_foreign_data_wrapper

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_foreign_data_wrapper


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_foreign_data_wrapper

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_foreign_data_wrapper

Name Code

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fdwname fdwname
fdwowner fdwowner
fdwhandler fdwhandler
fdwvalidator fdwvalidator
fdwacl fdwacl
fdwoptions fdwoptions

III. List of indexes of the table pg_foreign_data_wrapper

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_foreign_ pg_foreign_ X pg_foreign_
data_wrapp data_wrapp data_wrapp
er_name_in er_name_in er
dex dex
pg_foreign_ pg_foreign_ X pg_foreign_
data_wrapp data_wrapp data_wrapp
er_oid_inde er_oid_inde er
x x

III.3.1.117 Table pg_foreign_server

III. Card of table pg_foreign_server
Name pg_foreign_server
Code pg_foreign_server

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_foreign_server


III. Options of the table pg_foreign_server

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_foreign_server


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_foreign_server

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_foreign_server

Name Code
srvname srvname
srvowner srvowner

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srvfdw srvfdw
srvtype srvtype
srvversion srvversion
srvacl srvacl
srvoptions srvoptions

III. List of indexes of the table pg_foreign_server

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_foreign_ pg_foreign_ X pg_foreign_
server_nam server_nam server
e_index e_index
pg_foreign_ pg_foreign_ X pg_foreign_
server_oid_ server_oid_ server
index index

III.3.1.118 Table pg_foreign_table

III. Card of table pg_foreign_table
Name pg_foreign_table
Code pg_foreign_table

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_foreign_table


III. Options of the table pg_foreign_table

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_foreign_table


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_foreign_table

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_foreign_table

Name Code
ftrelid ftrelid
ftserver ftserver
ftoptions ftoptions

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III. List of indexes of the table pg_foreign_table

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_foreign_ pg_foreign_ X pg_foreign_
table_relid_ table_relid_ table
index index

III.3.1.119 Table pg_index

III. Card of table pg_index
Name pg_index
Code pg_index

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_index


III. Options of the table pg_index

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_index


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_index

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_index

Name Code
indexrelid indexrelid
indrelid indrelid
indnatts indnatts
indisunique indisunique
indisprimary indisprimary
indisexclusion indisexclusion
indimmediate indimmediate
indisclustered indisclustered
indisvalid indisvalid
indcheckxmin indcheckxmin
indisready indisready
indislive indislive
indisreplident indisreplident
indkey indkey
indcollation indcollation

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indclass indclass
indoption indoption
indexprs indexprs
indpred indpred

III. List of indexes of the table pg_index

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_index_i pg_index_i X pg_index
ndexrelid_i ndexrelid_i
ndex ndex
pg_index_i pg_index_i pg_index
ndrelid_ind ndrelid_ind
ex ex

III.3.1.120 Table pg_inherits

III. Card of table pg_inherits
Name pg_inherits
Code pg_inherits

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_inherits


III. Options of the table pg_inherits

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_inherits


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_inherits

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_inherits

Name Code
inhrelid inhrelid
inhparent inhparent
inhseqno inhseqno

III. List of indexes of the table pg_inherits

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Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table

Key Key
pg_inherits pg_inherits pg_inherits
_parent_ind _parent_ind
ex ex
pg_inherits pg_inherits X pg_inherits
_relid_seqn _relid_seqn
o_index o_index

III.3.1.121 Table pg_language

III. Card of table pg_language
Name pg_language
Code pg_language

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_language


III. Options of the table pg_language

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_language


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_language

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_language

Name Code
lanname lanname
lanowner lanowner
lanispl lanispl
lanpltrusted lanpltrusted
lanplcallfoid lanplcallfoid
laninline laninline
lanvalidator lanvalidator
lanacl lanacl

III. List of indexes of the table pg_language

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key

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pg_languag pg_languag X pg_languag

e_name_ind e_name_ind e
ex ex
pg_languag pg_languag X pg_languag
e_oid_index e_oid_index e

III.3.1.122 Table pg_largeobject

III. Card of table pg_largeobject
Name pg_largeobject
Code pg_largeobject

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_largeobject


III. Options of the table pg_largeobject

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_largeobject


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_largeobject

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_largeobject

Name Code
loid loid
pageno pageno
data data

III. List of indexes of the table pg_largeobject

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_largeobj pg_largeobj X pg_largeobj
ect_loid_pn ect_loid_pn ect
_index _index

III.3.1.123 Table pg_largeobject_metadata

III. Card of table pg_largeobject_metadata

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Name pg_largeobject_metadata
Code pg_largeobject_metadata

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_largeobject_metadata


III. Options of the table pg_largeobject_metadata

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_largeobject_metadata


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_largeobject_metadata

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_largeobject_metadata

Name Code
lomowner lomowner
lomacl lomacl

III. List of indexes of the table pg_largeobject_metadata

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_largeobj pg_largeobj X pg_largeobj
ect_metadat ect_metadat ect_metadat
a_oid_index a_oid_index a

III.3.1.124 Table pg_namespace

III. Card of table pg_namespace
Name pg_namespace
Code pg_namespace

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_namespace


III. Options of the table pg_namespace

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_namespace

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III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_namespace

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_namespace

Name Code
nspname nspname
nspowner nspowner
nspacl nspacl

III. List of indexes of the table pg_namespace

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_namesp pg_namesp X pg_namesp
ace_nspnam ace_nspnam ace
e_index e_index
pg_namesp pg_namesp X pg_namesp
ace_oid_ind ace_oid_ind ace
ex ex

III.3.1.125 Table pg_opclass

III. Card of table pg_opclass
Name pg_opclass
Code pg_opclass

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_opclass


III. Options of the table pg_opclass

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_opclass


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_opclass

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table pg_opclass

Name Code
opcmethod opcmethod
opcname opcname
opcnamespace opcnamespace
opcowner opcowner
opcfamily opcfamily
opcintype opcintype
opcdefault opcdefault
opckeytype opckeytype

III. List of indexes of the table pg_opclass

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_opclass_ pg_opclass_ X pg_opclass
am_name_n am_name_n
sp_index sp_index
pg_opclass_ pg_opclass_ X pg_opclass
oid_index oid_index

III.3.1.126 Table pg_operator

III. Card of table pg_operator
Name pg_operator
Code pg_operator

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_operator


III. Options of the table pg_operator

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_operator


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_operator

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_operator

Name Code

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oprname oprname
oprnamespace oprnamespace
oprowner oprowner
oprkind oprkind
oprcanmerge oprcanmerge
oprcanhash oprcanhash
oprleft oprleft
oprright oprright
oprresult oprresult
oprcom oprcom
oprnegate oprnegate
oprcode oprcode
oprrest oprrest
oprjoin oprjoin

III. List of indexes of the table pg_operator

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_operator pg_operator X pg_operator
_oid_index _oid_index
pg_operator pg_operator X pg_operator
_oprname_l _oprname_l
_r_n_index _r_n_index

III.3.1.127 Table pg_opfamily

III. Card of table pg_opfamily
Name pg_opfamily
Code pg_opfamily

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_opfamily


III. Options of the table pg_opfamily

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_opfamily


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_opfamily

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table pg_opfamily

Name Code
opfmethod opfmethod
opfname opfname
opfnamespace opfnamespace
opfowner opfowner

III. List of indexes of the table pg_opfamily

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_opfamil pg_opfamil X pg_opfamil
y_am_name y_am_name y
_nsp_index _nsp_index
pg_opfamil pg_opfamil X pg_opfamil
y_oid_inde y_oid_inde y
x x

III.3.1.128 Table pg_pltemplate

III. Card of table pg_pltemplate
Name pg_pltemplate
Code pg_pltemplate

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_pltemplate


III. Options of the table pg_pltemplate

without oids
tablespace pg_global

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_pltemplate


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_pltemplate

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_pltemplate

Name Code
tmplname tmplname
tmpltrusted tmpltrusted
tmpldbacreate tmpldbacreate

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tmplhandler tmplhandler
tmplinline tmplinline
tmplvalidator tmplvalidator
tmpllibrary tmpllibrary
tmplacl tmplacl

III. List of indexes of the table pg_pltemplate

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_pltempl pg_pltempl X pg_pltempl
ate_name_i ate_name_i ate
ndex ndex

III.3.1.129 Table pg_proc

III. Card of table pg_proc
Name pg_proc
Code pg_proc

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_proc


III. Options of the table pg_proc

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_proc


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_proc

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_proc

Name Code
proname proname
pronamespace pronamespace
proowner proowner
prolang prolang
procost procost
prorows prorows
provariadic provariadic
protransform protransform

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proisagg proisagg
proiswindow proiswindow
prosecdef prosecdef
proleakproof proleakproof
proisstrict proisstrict
proretset proretset
provolatile provolatile
pronargs pronargs
pronargdefaults pronargdefaults
prorettype prorettype
proargtypes proargtypes
proallargtypes proallargtypes
proargmodes proargmodes
proargnames proargnames
proargdefaults proargdefaults
prosrc prosrc
probin probin
proconfig proconfig
proacl proacl

III. List of indexes of the table pg_proc

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_proc_oi pg_proc_oi X pg_proc
d_index d_index
pg_proc_pr pg_proc_pr X pg_proc
oname_args oname_args
_nsp_index _nsp_index

III.3.1.130 Table pg_range

III. Card of table pg_range
Name pg_range
Code pg_range

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_range


III. Options of the table pg_range

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_range


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III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_range

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_range

Name Code
rngtypid rngtypid
rngsubtype rngsubtype
rngcollation rngcollation
rngsubopc rngsubopc
rngcanonical rngcanonical
rngsubdiff rngsubdiff

III. List of indexes of the table pg_range

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_range_r pg_range_r X pg_range
ngtypid_ind ngtypid_ind
ex ex

III.3.1.131 Table pg_rewrite

III. Card of table pg_rewrite
Name pg_rewrite
Code pg_rewrite

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_rewrite


III. Options of the table pg_rewrite

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_rewrite


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_rewrite

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_rewrite

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Name Code
rulename rulename
ev_class ev_class
ev_type ev_type
ev_enabled ev_enabled
is_instead is_instead
ev_qual ev_qual
ev_action ev_action

III. List of indexes of the table pg_rewrite

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_rewrite_ pg_rewrite_ X pg_rewrite
oid_index oid_index
pg_rewrite_ pg_rewrite_ X pg_rewrite
rel_rulenam rel_rulenam
e_index e_index

III.3.1.132 Table pg_seclabel

III. Card of table pg_seclabel
Name pg_seclabel
Code pg_seclabel

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_seclabel


III. Options of the table pg_seclabel

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_seclabel


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_seclabel

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_seclabel

Name Code
objoid objoid
classoid classoid
objsubid objsubid

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provider provider
label label

III. List of indexes of the table pg_seclabel

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_seclabel pg_seclabel X pg_seclabel
_object_ind _object_ind
ex ex

III.3.1.133 Table pg_shdepend

III. Card of table pg_shdepend
Name pg_shdepend
Code pg_shdepend

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_shdepend


III. Options of the table pg_shdepend

without oids
tablespace pg_global

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_shdepend


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_shdepend

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_shdepend

Name Code
dbid dbid
classid classid
objid objid
objsubid objsubid
refclassid refclassid
refobjid refobjid
deptype deptype

III. List of indexes of the table pg_shdepend

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Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table

Key Key
pg_shdepen pg_shdepen pg_shdepen
d_depender d_depender d
_index _index
pg_shdepen pg_shdepen pg_shdepen
d_reference d_reference d
_index _index

III.3.1.134 Table pg_shdescription

III. Card of table pg_shdescription
Name pg_shdescription
Code pg_shdescription

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_shdescription


III. Options of the table pg_shdescription

without oids
tablespace pg_global

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_shdescription


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_shdescription

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_shdescription

Name Code
objoid objoid
classoid classoid
description description

III. List of indexes of the table pg_shdescription

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_shdescri pg_shdescri X pg_shdescri
ption_o_c_i ption_o_c_i ption
ndex ndex

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III.3.1.135 Table pg_shseclabel

III. Card of table pg_shseclabel
Name pg_shseclabel
Code pg_shseclabel

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_shseclabel


III. Options of the table pg_shseclabel

without oids
tablespace pg_global

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_shseclabel


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_shseclabel

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_shseclabel

Name Code
objoid objoid
classoid classoid
provider provider
label label

III. List of indexes of the table pg_shseclabel

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_shseclab pg_shseclab X pg_shseclab
el_object_in el_object_in el
dex dex

III.3.1.136 Table pg_statistic

III. Card of table pg_statistic
Name pg_statistic
Code pg_statistic

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_statistic

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III. Options of the table pg_statistic

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_statistic


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_statistic

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_statistic

Name Code
starelid starelid
staattnum staattnum
stainherit stainherit
stanullfrac stanullfrac
stawidth stawidth
stadistinct stadistinct
stakind1 stakind1
stakind2 stakind2
stakind3 stakind3
stakind4 stakind4
stakind5 stakind5
staop1 staop1
staop2 staop2
staop3 staop3
staop4 staop4
staop5 staop5
stanumbers1 stanumbers1
stanumbers2 stanumbers2
stanumbers3 stanumbers3
stanumbers4 stanumbers4
stanumbers5 stanumbers5
stavalues1 stavalues1
stavalues2 stavalues2
stavalues3 stavalues3
stavalues4 stavalues4
stavalues5 stavalues5

III. List of indexes of the table pg_statistic

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key

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pg_statistic pg_statistic X pg_statistic

_relid_att_i _relid_att_i
nh_index nh_index

III.3.1.137 Table pg_tablespace

III. Card of table pg_tablespace
Name pg_tablespace
Code pg_tablespace

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_tablespace


III. Options of the table pg_tablespace

with oids
tablespace pg_global

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_tablespace


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_tablespace

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_tablespace

Name Code
spcname spcname
spcowner spcowner
spcacl spcacl
spcoptions spcoptions

III. List of indexes of the table pg_tablespace

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_tablespa pg_tablespa X pg_tablespa
ce_oid_inde ce_oid_inde ce
x x
pg_tablespa pg_tablespa X pg_tablespa
ce_spcname ce_spcname ce
_index _index

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III.3.1.138 Table pg_trigger

III. Card of table pg_trigger
Name pg_trigger
Code pg_trigger

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_trigger


III. Options of the table pg_trigger

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_trigger


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_trigger

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_trigger

Name Code
tgrelid tgrelid
tgname tgname
tgfoid tgfoid
tgtype tgtype
tgenabled tgenabled
tgisinternal tgisinternal
tgconstrrelid tgconstrrelid
tgconstrindid tgconstrindid
tgconstraint tgconstraint
tgdeferrable tgdeferrable
tginitdeferred tginitdeferred
tgnargs tgnargs
tgattr tgattr
tgargs tgargs
tgqual tgqual

III. List of indexes of the table pg_trigger

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_trigger_ pg_trigger_ X pg_trigger
oid_index oid_index

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pg_trigger_t pg_trigger_t pg_trigger

gconstraint_ gconstraint_
index index
pg_trigger_t pg_trigger_t X pg_trigger
grelid_tgna grelid_tgna
me_index me_index

III.3.1.139 Table pg_ts_config

III. Card of table pg_ts_config
Name pg_ts_config
Code pg_ts_config

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_ts_config


III. Options of the table pg_ts_config

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_ts_config


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_ts_config

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_ts_config

Name Code
cfgname cfgname
cfgnamespace cfgnamespace
cfgowner cfgowner
cfgparser cfgparser

III. List of indexes of the table pg_ts_config

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_ts_confi pg_ts_confi X pg_ts_confi
g_cfgname_ g_cfgname_ g
index index
pg_ts_confi pg_ts_confi X pg_ts_confi
g_oid_inde g_oid_inde g
x x

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III.3.1.140 Table pg_ts_config_map

III. Card of table pg_ts_config_map
Name pg_ts_config_map
Code pg_ts_config_map

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_ts_config_map


III. Options of the table pg_ts_config_map

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_ts_config_map


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_ts_config_map

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_ts_config_map

Name Code
mapcfg mapcfg
maptokentype maptokentype
mapseqno mapseqno
mapdict mapdict

III. List of indexes of the table pg_ts_config_map

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_ts_confi pg_ts_confi X pg_ts_confi
g_map_inde g_map_inde g_map
x x

III.3.1.141 Table pg_ts_dict

III. Card of table pg_ts_dict
Name pg_ts_dict
Code pg_ts_dict

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III. Server validation rule of the table pg_ts_dict


III. Options of the table pg_ts_dict

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_ts_dict


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_ts_dict

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_ts_dict

Name Code
dictname dictname
dictnamespace dictnamespace
dictowner dictowner
dicttemplate dicttemplate
dictinitoption dictinitoption

III. List of indexes of the table pg_ts_dict

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_ts_dict_ pg_ts_dict_ X pg_ts_dict
dictname_in dictname_in
dex dex
pg_ts_dict_ pg_ts_dict_ X pg_ts_dict
oid_index oid_index

III.3.1.142 Table pg_ts_parser

III. Card of table pg_ts_parser
Name pg_ts_parser
Code pg_ts_parser

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_ts_parser


III. Options of the table pg_ts_parser

with oids

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III. Check constraint name of the table pg_ts_parser


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_ts_parser

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_ts_parser

Name Code
prsname prsname
prsnamespace prsnamespace
prsstart prsstart
prstoken prstoken
prsend prsend
prsheadline prsheadline
prslextype prslextype

III. List of indexes of the table pg_ts_parser

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_ts_parse pg_ts_parse X pg_ts_parse
r_oid_index r_oid_index r
pg_ts_parse pg_ts_parse X pg_ts_parse
r_prsname_ r_prsname_ r
index index

III.3.1.143 Table pg_ts_template

III. Card of table pg_ts_template
Name pg_ts_template
Code pg_ts_template

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_ts_template


III. Options of the table pg_ts_template

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_ts_template


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_ts_template

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Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_ts_template

Name Code
tmplname tmplname
tmplnamespace tmplnamespace
tmplinit tmplinit
tmpllexize tmpllexize

III. List of indexes of the table pg_ts_template

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_ts_templ pg_ts_templ X pg_ts_templ
ate_oid_ind ate_oid_ind ate
ex ex
pg_ts_templ pg_ts_templ X pg_ts_templ
ate_tmplna ate_tmplna ate
me_index me_index

III.3.1.144 Table pg_type

III. Card of table pg_type
Name pg_type
Code pg_type

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_type


III. Options of the table pg_type

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_type


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_type

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_type

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Name Code
typname typname
typnamespace typnamespace
typowner typowner
typlen typlen
typbyval typbyval
typtype typtype
typcategory typcategory
typispreferred typispreferred
typisdefined typisdefined
typdelim typdelim
typrelid typrelid
typelem typelem
typarray typarray
typinput typinput
typoutput typoutput
typreceive typreceive
typsend typsend
typmodin typmodin
typmodout typmodout
typanalyze typanalyze
typalign typalign
typstorage typstorage
typnotnull typnotnull
typbasetype typbasetype
typtypmod typtypmod
typndims typndims
typcollation typcollation
typdefaultbin typdefaultbin
typdefault typdefault
typacl typacl

III. List of indexes of the table pg_type

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_type_oi pg_type_oi X pg_type
d_index d_index
pg_type_ty pg_type_ty X pg_type
pname_nsp pname_nsp
_index _index

III.3.1.145 Table pg_user_mapping

III. Card of table pg_user_mapping

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Name pg_user_mapping
Code pg_user_mapping

III. Server validation rule of the table pg_user_mapping


III. Options of the table pg_user_mapping

with oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pg_user_mapping


III. List of diagrams containing the table pg_user_mapping

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pg_user_mapping

Name Code
umuser umuser
umserver umserver
umoptions umoptions

III. List of indexes of the table pg_user_mapping

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
pg_user_ma pg_user_ma X pg_user_ma
pping_oid_i pping_oid_i pping
ndex ndex
pg_user_ma pg_user_ma X pg_user_ma
pping_user_ pping_user_ pping
server_inde server_inde
x x

III.3.1.146 Table postulante

III. Card of table postulante
Name postulante
Code postulante

III. Server validation rule of the table postulante


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III. Options of the table postulante

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table postulante


III. List of incoming references of the table postulante

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreign_postu foreign_postu voucher idpostulante
lante lante
post_asig post_asig asignacion_re idpostulante

III. List of outgoing references of the table postulante

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
colegio_forei colegio_forei colegio idcolegio
gn gn
foreign_perio foreign_perio periodo idperiodo
do do
foreign_perso foreign_perso persona idpersona
na na
mod_post mod_post modalidad_ex idmodexamen
sede_foreign sede_foreign sede idsede

III. List of diagrams containing the table postulante

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table postulante

Name Code
idpostulante idpostulante
idpersona idpersona
idmodexamen idmodexamen
idarea_seg_opcion idarea_seg_opcion
idarea_prim_opcion idarea_prim_opcion
post_dni_apoderado post_dni_apoderado
post_ape_apoderado post_ape_apoderado
post_nomb_apoderado post_nomb_apoderado
post_puntaje post_puntaje
post_puesto post_puesto

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post_carpeta post_carpeta
idsede idsede
post_clave post_clave
post_estado post_estado
post_imagen_dni post_imagen_dni
idcolegio idcolegio
idperiodo idperiodo
post_imagen post_imagen
post_huella post_huella
post_firma post_firma
post_tipo_discapacidad post_tipo_discapacidad
post_anio_culminacion post_anio_culminacion
post_ape_mat_apoderado post_ape_mat_apoderado
post_talla post_talla
post_peso post_peso
post_puesto_cole post_puesto_cole
post_prom_cole post_prom_cole
post_carnet post_carnet
post_opcion_ingreso post_opcion_ingreso
post_imagen_ac post_imagen_ac
post_huella_ac post_huella_ac
post_firma_ac post_firma_ac

III. List of indexes of the table postulante

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_colegio fki_colegio X postulante
_foreign _foreign
fki_foreign fki_foreign X postulante
_periodo _periodo
fki_pers_po fki_pers_po X postulante
st st
fki_post_m fki_post_m X postulante
od od
fki_post_se fki_post_se X postulante
de de

III. List of keys of the table postulante

Name Code Primary
post_primary post_primary X

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III.3.1.147 Table pregunta

III. Card of table pregunta
Name pregunta
Code pregunta

III. Server validation rule of the table pregunta


III. Options of the table pregunta

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table pregunta


III. List of incoming references of the table pregunta

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
deta_enc_pre deta_enc_pre deta_enc_pre idpregunta
_idpregunta_f _idpregunta_f
key key
deta_pre_alt_ deta_pre_alt_ deta_pre_alt idpregunta
idpregunta_fk idpregunta_fk
ey ey
usuario_respu usuario_respu usuario_respu idpregunta
esta_idpregun esta_idpregun esta
ta_fkey ta_fkey

III. List of outgoing references of the table pregunta

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
pregunta_ides pregunta_ides estandar idestandar
tandar_fkey tandar_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table pregunta

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table pregunta

Name Code
idpregunta idpregunta

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pre_descripcion pre_descripcion
orden orden
idestandar idestandar
pre_tiposeleccion pre_tiposeleccion

III. List of keys of the table pregunta

Name Code Primary
pregunta_pkey pregunta_pkey X

III.3.1.148 Table prerequisitos

III. Card of table prerequisitos
Name prerequisitos
Code prerequisitos

III. Server validation rule of the table prerequisitos


III. Options of the table prerequisitos

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table prerequisitos


III. List of outgoing references of the table prerequisitos

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idcurso fk_idcurso curso idcurso

III. List of diagrams containing the table prerequisitos

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table prerequisitos

Name Code
idprerequisitos idprerequisitos
idcurso idcurso
idprecurso idprecurso
prer_estado prer_estado

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III. List of keys of the table prerequisitos

Name Code Primary
pk_prerqeuisito pk_prerqeuisito X

III.3.1.149 Table programacion

III. Card of table programacion
Name programacion
Code programacion

III. Server validation rule of the table programacion


III. Options of the table programacion

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table programacion


III. List of incoming references of the table programacion

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idprogram fk_idprogram recurso idprogramaci
acion acion on

III. List of outgoing references of the table programacion

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_unidsilabo fk_unidsilabo unidades_sila idunidadessil
bo abo

III. List of diagrams containing the table programacion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table programacion

Name Code
idprogramacion idprogramacion
idunidadessilabo idunidadessilabo
pro_semana pro_semana

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pro_fechainicio pro_fechainicio
pro_fechatermino pro_fechatermino
pro_actividadescontenido pro_actividadescontenido
pro_tecnicaintrumento pro_tecnicaintrumento
pro_docentes pro_docentes

III. List of keys of the table programacion

Name Code Primary
pk_programacion pk_programacion X

III.3.1.150 Table r_horariolectivo

III. Card of table r_horariolectivo
Name r_horariolectivo
Code r_horariolectivo

III. Server validation rule of the table r_horariolectivo


III. Options of the table r_horariolectivo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table r_horariolectivo


III. List of diagrams containing the table r_horariolectivo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table r_horariolectivo

Name Code
idhorariolectivo idhorariolectivo
horainicio horainicio
horafin horafin
dia dia
idarea idarea
idambiente idambiente
idperiodo idperiodo
idgrupolectivo idgrupolectivo
idtrabajador idtrabajador
color color
capacidad capacidad

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resumen resumen

III. List of keys of the table r_horariolectivo

Name Code Primary
r_horariolectivo_pkey r_horariolectivo_pkey X

III.3.1.151 Table recurso

III. Card of table recurso
Name recurso
Code recurso

III. Server validation rule of the table recurso


III. Options of the table recurso

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table recurso


III. List of outgoing references of the table recurso

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idprogram fk_idprogram programacion idprogramaci
acion acion on

III. List of diagrams containing the table recurso

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table recurso

Name Code
idrecurso idrecurso
idprogramacion idprogramacion
rec_descripcion rec_descripcion
rec_archivo rec_archivo
rec_estado rec_estado
rec_url rec_url
rec_urlcorta rec_urlcorta

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III. List of keys of the table recurso

Name Code Primary
recurso_pkey recurso_pkey X

III.3.1.152 Table requisito_presentado

III. Card of table requisito_presentado
Name requisito_presentado
Code requisito_presentado

III. Server validation rule of the table requisito_presentado


III. Options of the table requisito_presentado

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table requisito_presentado


III. List of outgoing references of the table requisito_presentado

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreign_alum foreign_alum alumno_trami idalumnotram
_tram _tram te ite
foreign_req foreign_req requisitos idrequisito

III. List of diagrams containing the table requisito_presentado

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table requisito_presentado

Name Code
idalumnotramite idalumnotramite
idrequisito idrequisito
docpres_estado docpres_estado
docpres_observacion docpres_observacion

III. List of keys of the table requisito_presentado

Name Code Primary
prim_alumtramreq prim_alumtramreq X

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III.3.1.153 Table requisitos

III. Card of table requisitos
Name requisitos
Code requisitos

III. Server validation rule of the table requisitos


III. Options of the table requisitos

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table requisitos


III. List of incoming references of the table requisitos

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreig_tram foreig_tram tramite_docu idrequisito
foreign_req foreign_req requisito_pres idrequisito
foreign_requ foreign_requ asignacion_re idrequisito
req_mod_req req_mod_req modalidad_re idrequisito

III. List of diagrams containing the table requisitos

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table requisitos

Name Code
idrequisito idrequisito
requ_descripcion requ_descripcion
requ_tiporequisito requ_tiporequisito
requ_estado requ_estado

III. List of keys of the table requisitos

Name Code Primary

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primary_req primary_req X

III.3.1.154 Table resolucion

III. Card of table resolucion
Name resolucion
Code resolucion

III. Server validation rule of the table resolucion


III. Options of the table resolucion

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table resolucion


III. List of outgoing references of the table resolucion

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_tiporesolu fk_tiporesolu tipo_resoluci idtiporesoluci
cion cion on on

III. List of diagrams containing the table resolucion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table resolucion

Name Code
idresolucion idresolucion
res_numero res_numero
idtiporesolucion idtiporesolucion
res_fecha res_fecha
res_area res_area
res_observacion res_observacion

III. List of keys of the table resolucion

Name Code Primary
pk_resolucion pk_resolucion X

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III.3.1.155 Table resp

III. Card of table resp
Name resp
Code resp

III. Server validation rule of the table resp


III. Check constraint name of the table resp


III. List of diagrams containing the table resp

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table resp

Name Code
count count
count count

III.3.1.156 Table resp

III. Card of table resp
Name resp
Code resp

III. Server validation rule of the table resp


III. Options of the table resp

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table resp


III. List of diagrams containing the table resp

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table resp

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Name Code
count count
count count

III.3.1.157 Table roles

III. Card of table roles
Name roles
Code roles

III. Server validation rule of the table roles


III. Options of the table roles

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table roles


III. List of incoming references of the table roles

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_roles fk_roles permiso rol_id
roles_fk roles_fk roles_usuario rol_id

III. List of diagrams containing the table roles

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table roles

Name Code
rol_id rol_id
rol_nombre rol_nombre
rol_descripcion rol_descripcion
rol_activo rol_activo

III. List of keys of the table roles

Name Code Primary
rol_pkey rol_pkey X

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III.3.1.158 Table roles_usuario

III. Card of table roles_usuario
Name roles_usuario
Code roles_usuario

III. Server validation rule of the table roles_usuario


III. Options of the table roles_usuario

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table roles_usuario


III. List of outgoing references of the table roles_usuario

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
roles_fk roles_fk roles rol_id
usuario_fk usuario_fk usuario idpersona

III. List of diagrams containing the table roles_usuario

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table roles_usuario

Name Code
urol_id urol_id
idpersona idpersona
rol_id rol_id
activo activo

III. List of keys of the table roles_usuario

Name Code Primary
pk_urol_id pk_urol_id X

III.3.1.159 Table rsp

III. Card of table rsp
Name rsp

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Code rsp

III. Server validation rule of the table rsp


III. Options of the table rsp

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table rsp


III. List of diagrams containing the table rsp

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table rsp

Name Code
int4 int4

III.3.1.160 Table sanciones

III. Card of table sanciones
Name sanciones
Code sanciones

III. Server validation rule of the table sanciones


III. Options of the table sanciones

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table sanciones


III. List of outgoing references of the table sanciones

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_alumno fk_alumno alumno idalumno
fk_tiporesolu fk_tiporesolu tipo_resoluci idtiporesoluci
cion cion on on

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III. List of diagrams containing the table sanciones

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table sanciones

Name Code
idsanciones idsanciones
idalumno idalumno
idtiporesolucion idtiporesolucion
san_resolucion san_resolucion
san_temporal san_temporal
san_fechainicio san_fechainicio
san_fechatermino san_fechatermino
san_estado san_estado

III. List of keys of the table sanciones

Name Code Primary
pk_sanciones pk_sanciones X

III.3.1.161 Table sede

III. Card of table sede
Name sede
Code sede

III. Server validation rule of the table sede


III. Options of the table sede

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table sede


III. List of incoming references of the table sede

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreign_sede foreign_sede curso_dictar idsede
FOREIGN_S FOREIGN_S local idsede
idsede_fk idsede_fk trabajador idsede

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sede_foreign sede_foreign postulante idsede

sede_foreign sede_foreign area idsede
sede_foreign sede_foreign area idsede

III. List of outgoing references of the table sede

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
sede_ub_fore sede_ub_fore ubigeo idubigeo

III. List of diagrams containing the table sede

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table sede

Name Code
idsede idsede
sed_descripcion sed_descripcion
sed_estado sed_estado
idubigeo idubigeo

III. List of indexes of the table sede

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_sede_ub fki_sede_ub X sede
_fore _fore

III. List of keys of the table sede

Name Code Primary
sede_primary sede_primary X

III.3.1.162 Table servicio

III. Card of table servicio
Name servicio
Code servicio

III. Server validation rule of the table servicio


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III. Options of the table servicio

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table servicio


III. List of diagrams containing the table servicio

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table servicio

Name Code
idservicio idservicio
ser_descripcion ser_descripcion
ser_monto ser_monto
ser_tiposervicio ser_tiposervicio
ser_costofijo ser_costofijo
ser_estado ser_estado

III. List of keys of the table servicio

Name Code Primary
pk_servicio pk_servicio X

III.3.1.163 Table servicio_pagos

III. Card of table servicio_pagos
Name servicio_pagos
Code servicio_pagos

III. Server validation rule of the table servicio_pagos


III. Options of the table servicio_pagos

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table servicio_pagos


III. List of diagrams containing the table servicio_pagos

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of columns of the table servicio_pagos

Name Code
idestructura idestructura
idperiodo idperiodo
idservicio idservicio
tapa_importe tapa_importe
tapa_soloprimerciclo tapa_soloprimerciclo
tapa_estado tapa_estado

III. List of keys of the table servicio_pagos

Name Code Primary
pk_servicio_pagos pk_servicio_pagos X

III.3.1.164 Table silabo

III. Card of table silabo
Name silabo
Code silabo

III. Server validation rule of the table silabo


III. Options of the table silabo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table silabo


III. List of incoming references of the table silabo

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_silabo fk_silabo unidades_sila
fk_silabo_obs fk_silabo_obs observaciones
ervacion ervacion

III. List of outgoing references of the table silabo

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_cursoprogr fk_cursoprogr cursoprogram idcursoprogra

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amado_silabo amado_silabo ado mado;


III. List of diagrams containing the table silabo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table silabo

Name Code
idsilabo idsilabo
idcursoprogramado idcursoprogramado
seccion seccion
sil_aprendizaje sil_aprendizaje
sil_proposito sil_proposito
sil_bibliografia sil_bibliografia
sil_numunidades sil_numunidades
sil_fundamentacion sil_fundamentacion
sil_estrategia sil_estrategia
sil_estado sil_estado
sil_hrsaplazado sil_hrsaplazado
sil_fechacompletada sil_fechacompletada
sil_fechavisado sil_fechavisado
sil_fechaplazo sil_fechaplazo
sil_fechaaplazado sil_fechaaplazado

III. List of keys of the table silabo

Name Code Primary
pk_silabo pk_silabo X

III.3.1.165 Table sql_features

III. Card of table sql_features
Name sql_features
Code sql_features

III. Server validation rule of the table sql_features


III. Options of the table sql_features

without oids

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III. Check constraint name of the table sql_features


III. List of diagrams containing the table sql_features

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table sql_features

Name Code
feature_id feature_id
feature_name feature_name
sub_feature_id sub_feature_id
sub_feature_name sub_feature_name
is_supported is_supported
is_verified_by is_verified_by
comments comments

III.3.1.166 Table sql_implementation_info

III. Card of table sql_implementation_info
Name sql_implementation_info
Code sql_implementation_info

III. Server validation rule of the table sql_implementation_info


III. Options of the table sql_implementation_info

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table sql_implementation_info


III. List of diagrams containing the table sql_implementation_info

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table sql_implementation_info

Name Code
implementation_info_id implementation_info_id
implementation_info_name implementation_info_name
integer_value integer_value

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character_value character_value
comments comments

III.3.1.167 Table sql_languages

III. Card of table sql_languages
Name sql_languages
Code sql_languages

III. Server validation rule of the table sql_languages


III. Options of the table sql_languages

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table sql_languages


III. List of diagrams containing the table sql_languages

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table sql_languages

Name Code
sql_language_source sql_language_source
sql_language_year sql_language_year
sql_language_conformance sql_language_conformance
sql_language_integrity sql_language_integrity
sql_language_implementation sql_language_implementation
sql_language_binding_style sql_language_binding_style
sql_language_programming_language sql_language_programming_language

III.3.1.168 Table sql_packages

III. Card of table sql_packages
Name sql_packages
Code sql_packages

III. Server validation rule of the table sql_packages


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III. Options of the table sql_packages

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table sql_packages


III. List of diagrams containing the table sql_packages

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table sql_packages

Name Code
feature_id feature_id
feature_name feature_name
is_supported is_supported
is_verified_by is_verified_by
comments comments

III.3.1.169 Table sql_parts

III. Card of table sql_parts
Name sql_parts
Code sql_parts

III. Server validation rule of the table sql_parts


III. Options of the table sql_parts

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table sql_parts


III. List of diagrams containing the table sql_parts

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table sql_parts

Name Code
feature_id feature_id
feature_name feature_name

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is_supported is_supported
is_verified_by is_verified_by
comments comments

III.3.1.170 Table sql_sizing

III. Card of table sql_sizing
Name sql_sizing
Code sql_sizing

III. Server validation rule of the table sql_sizing


III. Options of the table sql_sizing

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table sql_sizing


III. List of diagrams containing the table sql_sizing

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table sql_sizing

Name Code
sizing_id sizing_id
sizing_name sizing_name
supported_value supported_value
comments comments

III.3.1.171 Table sql_sizing_profiles

III. Card of table sql_sizing_profiles
Name sql_sizing_profiles
Code sql_sizing_profiles

III. Server validation rule of the table sql_sizing_profiles


III. Options of the table sql_sizing_profiles

without oids

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III. Check constraint name of the table sql_sizing_profiles


III. List of diagrams containing the table sql_sizing_profiles

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table sql_sizing_profiles

Name Code
sizing_id sizing_id
sizing_name sizing_name
profile_id profile_id
required_value required_value
comments comments

III.3.1.172 Table tarea

III. Card of table tarea
Name tarea
Code tarea

III. Server validation rule of the table tarea


III. Options of the table tarea

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table tarea


III. List of incoming references of the table tarea

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_tarea fk_tarea permiso tarea_id

III. List of outgoing references of the table tarea

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_grupo fk_grupo grupo grupo_id
modulo_fk modulo_fk modulo mod_codigo

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III. List of diagrams containing the table tarea

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table tarea

Name Code
tarea_id tarea_id
grupo_id grupo_id
tar_nombre tar_nombre
tar_descripcion tar_descripcion
tar_icono tar_icono
tar_orden tar_orden
tar_url tar_url
tar_activo tar_activo
mod_codigo mod_codigo

III. List of keys of the table tarea

Name Code Primary
PK_Tarea PK_Tarea X

III.3.1.173 Table temp

III. Card of table temp
Name temp
Code temp

III. Server validation rule of the table temp


III. Options of the table temp

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table temp


III. List of diagrams containing the table temp

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table temp

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Name Code
idgrupolectivo idgrupolectivo

III.3.1.174 Table tipo_grupovia

III. Card of table tipo_grupovia
Name tipo_grupovia
Code tipo_grupovia

III. Server validation rule of the table tipo_grupovia


III. Options of the table tipo_grupovia

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table tipo_grupovia


III. List of incoming references of the table tipo_grupovia

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
idtipogrupo_f idtipogrupo_f grupovia idtipogrupo
k k

III. List of diagrams containing the table tipo_grupovia

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table tipo_grupovia

Name Code
idtipogrupo idtipogrupo
tgv_descripcion tgv_descripcion
tgv_estado tgv_estado

III. List of keys of the table tipo_grupovia

Name Code Primary
idtipogrupo_pk idtipogrupo_pk X

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III.3.1.175 Table tipo_pregunta

III. Card of table tipo_pregunta
Name tipo_pregunta
Code tipo_pregunta

III. Server validation rule of the table tipo_pregunta


III. Options of the table tipo_pregunta

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table tipo_pregunta


III. List of incoming references of the table tipo_pregunta

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
alternativa_id alternativa_id alternativa idtipo
tipo_fkey tipo_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table tipo_pregunta

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table tipo_pregunta

Name Code
idtipo idtipo
descripcion descripcion

III. List of keys of the table tipo_pregunta

Name Code Primary
tipo_pregunta_pkey tipo_pregunta_pkey X

III.3.1.176 Table tipo_resolucion

III. Card of table tipo_resolucion
Name tipo_resolucion
Code tipo_resolucion

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III. Server validation rule of the table tipo_resolucion


III. Options of the table tipo_resolucion

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table tipo_resolucion


III. List of incoming references of the table tipo_resolucion

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_tiporesolu fk_tiporesolu resolucion idtiporesoluci
cion cion on
fk_tiporesolu fk_tiporesolu sanciones idtiporesoluci
cion cion on

III. List of diagrams containing the table tipo_resolucion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table tipo_resolucion

Name Code
idtiporesolucion idtiporesolucion
tipr_descripcion tipr_descripcion
tipr_estado tipr_estado

III. List of keys of the table tipo_resolucion

Name Code Primary
pk_tiporesolucion pk_tiporesolucion X

III.3.1.177 Table tipo_via

III. Card of table tipo_via
Name tipo_via
Code tipo_via

III. Server validation rule of the table tipo_via


III. Options of the table tipo_via

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without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table tipo_via


III. List of incoming references of the table tipo_via

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
idtipovia_fk idtipovia_fk vias idtipovia

III. List of diagrams containing the table tipo_via

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table tipo_via

Name Code
idtipovia idtipovia
tipovia_descripcion tipovia_descripcion
tipo_estado tipo_estado

III. List of keys of the table tipo_via

Name Code Primary
idtipovia_pk idtipovia_pk X

III.3.1.178 Table trabajador

III. Card of table trabajador
Name trabajador
Code trabajador

III. Server validation rule of the table trabajador


III. Options of the table trabajador

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table trabajador


III. List of incoming references of the table trabajador

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Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
acumulado_e acumulado_e acumulado_e idtrabajador
studios_idtrab studios_idtrab studios
ajador_fkey ajador_fkey
acumulado_ot acumulado_ot acumulado_ot idtrabajador
rasreparticion rasreparticion rasreparticion
es_idtrabajad es_idtrabajad es
or_fkey or_fkey
acumulado_u acumulado_u acumulado_u idtrabajador
niversidad_id niversidad_id niversidad
trabajador_fk trabajador_fk
ey ey
acumulado_u acumulado_u acumulado_u idtrabajador
ntestado_idtra ntestado_idtra ntestado
bajador_fkey bajador_fkey
ascenso_idtra ascenso_idtra ascenso idtrabajador
bajador_fkey bajador_fkey
CargaNoLecti CargaNoLecti carganolectiv idtrabajador
va_idTrabaja va_idTrabaja a
dor_fkey dor_fkey
comportamie comportamie comportamie idtrabajador
nto_idtrabaja nto_idtrabaja nto
dor_fkey dor_fkey
estudio_idtra estudio_idtra estudio idtrabajador
bajador_fkey bajador_fkey
familia_idtrab familia_idtrab familia idtrabajador
ajador_fkey ajador_fkey
hijos_idtrabaj hijos_idtrabaj hijos idtrabajador
ador_fkey ador_fkey
licencias_idtr licencias_idtr licencias idtrabajador
abajador_fke abajador_fke
y y
organos_gobi organos_gobi organos_gobi idtrabajador
erno_idtrabaj erno_idtrabaj erno
ador_fkey ador_fkey

III. List of outgoing references of the table trabajador

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
cargo_fk cargo_fk cargo idcargo
condicion_fk condicion_fk condicion idcondicion
idsede_fk idsede_fk sede idsede
modalidad_fk modalidad_fk modalidad idmodalidad
persona_fk persona_fk persona idpersona

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III. List of diagrams containing the table trabajador

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table trabajador

Name Code
idtrabajador idtrabajador
idpersona idpersona
idmodalidad idmodalidad
idcondicion idcondicion
tipo tipo
trab_emailinstitucional trab_emailinstitucional
trab_codigo trab_codigo
trab_essalud trab_essalud
trab_codafp trab_codafp
idsede idsede
idcargo idcargo
idarea idarea
trab_emailalternativo trab_emailalternativo
trab_estado trab_estado
regimenpensiones regimenpensiones
afp afp
trab_fechaingreso trab_fechaingreso

III. List of indexes of the table trabajador

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
trabajador_ trabajador_ X X trabajador
uq uq

III. List of keys of the table trabajador

Name Code Primary
idtrabajador_pk idtrabajador_pk X

III.3.1.179 Table tramite

III. Card of table tramite
Name tramite
Code tramite

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III. Server validation rule of the table tramite


III. Options of the table tramite

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table tramite


III. List of incoming references of the table tramite

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreign_req foreign_req tramite_docu
foreign_tram foreign_tram alumno_trami

III. List of diagrams containing the table tramite

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table tramite

Name Code
idtramite idtramite
tram_descripcion tram_descripcion
tram_estado tram_estado
tram_areai tram_areai
tram_areaf tram_areaf

III. List of keys of the table tramite

Name Code Primary
primary_tram primary_tram X

III.3.1.180 Table tramite_documento

III. Card of table tramite_documento
Name tramite_documento
Code tramite_documento

III. Server validation rule of the table tramite_documento

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III. Options of the table tramite_documento

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table tramite_documento


III. List of outgoing references of the table tramite_documento

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
foreig_tram foreig_tram requisitos idrequisito
foreign_req foreign_req tramite

III. List of diagrams containing the table tramite_documento

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table tramite_documento

Name Code
idtramite idtramite
idrequisito idrequisito
tramdoc_estado tramdoc_estado

III. List of keys of the table tramite_documento

Name Code Primary
prim_tram_doc prim_tram_doc X

III.3.1.181 Table ubigeo

III. Card of table ubigeo
Name ubigeo
Code ubigeo

III. Server validation rule of the table ubigeo


III. Options of the table ubigeo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table ubigeo

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III. List of incoming references of the table ubigeo

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
colegio_fore_ colegio_fore_ colegio idubigeo
ubi ubi
sede_ub_fore sede_ub_fore sede idubigeo
ubigeo_fk ubigeo_fk persona idubigeo

III. List of diagrams containing the table ubigeo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table ubigeo

Name Code
idubigeo idubigeo
coddepartamento coddepartamento
codprovincia codprovincia
coddistrito coddistrito
departamento departamento
provincia provincia
distrito distrito

III. List of keys of the table ubigeo

Name Code Primary
key_ubigeo key_ubigeo X

III.3.1.182 Table unidad_escalafon

III. Card of table unidad_escalafon
Name unidad_escalafon
Code unidad_escalafon

III. Server validation rule of the table unidad_escalafon


III. Options of the table unidad_escalafon

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table unidad_escalafon

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III. List of diagrams containing the table unidad_escalafon

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table unidad_escalafon

Name Code
idunidadescalafon idunidadescalafon
codigo_unidad codigo_unidad
descripcion_unidad descripcion_unidad
codigo_subunidad codigo_subunidad
descripcion_subunidad descripcion_subunidad
activo activo

III. List of keys of the table unidad_escalafon

Name Code Primary
unidad_escalafon_pkey unidad_escalafon_pkey X

III.3.1.183 Table unidades_silabo

III. Card of table unidades_silabo
Name unidades_silabo
Code unidades_silabo

III. Server validation rule of the table unidades_silabo


III. Options of the table unidades_silabo

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table unidades_silabo


III. List of incoming references of the table unidades_silabo

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_evaluacion fk_evaluacion evaluacion idunidadessil
_unidadsilabo _unidadsilabo abo
fk_unidsilabo fk_unidsilabo programacion idunidadessil

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III. List of outgoing references of the table unidades_silabo

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_silabo fk_silabo silabo

III. List of diagrams containing the table unidades_silabo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table unidades_silabo

Name Code
idunidadessilabo idunidadessilabo
idsilabo idsilabo
uns_descripcion uns_descripcion
uns_denominacion uns_denominacion
uns_fechainicio uns_fechainicio
uns_fechatermino uns_fechatermino
uns_numsemanas uns_numsemanas
uns_objetivosaprendizaje uns_objetivosaprendizaje
uns_formula uns_formula
uns_unidad uns_unidad
uns_numevaluaciones uns_numevaluaciones
uns_hrsteoria uns_hrsteoria
uns_hrspractica uns_hrspractica
uns_hrslab uns_hrslab
uns_hrsevaluacion uns_hrsevaluacion

III. List of keys of the table unidades_silabo

Name Code Primary
pk_unidadsilabo pk_unidadsilabo X

III.3.1.184 Table user_preinscripcion

III. Card of table user_preinscripcion
Name user_preinscripcion
Code user_preinscripcion

III. Server validation rule of the table user_preinscripcion


III. Options of the table user_preinscripcion

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without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table user_preinscripcion


III. List of diagrams containing the table user_preinscripcion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table user_preinscripcion

Name Code
dni dni
email email
clave clave
sesion sesion
lastuser lastuser

III. List of keys of the table user_preinscripcion

Name Code Primary
prim_us prim_us X

III.3.1.185 Table usuario

III. Card of table usuario
Name usuario
Code usuario

III. Server validation rule of the table usuario


III. Options of the table usuario

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table usuario


III. List of incoming references of the table usuario

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
usuario_fk usuario_fk roles_usuario idpersona

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III. List of outgoing references of the table usuario

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
persona_fk persona_fk persona idpersona

III. List of diagrams containing the table usuario

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table usuario

Name Code
idpersona idpersona
fecha_cese fecha_cese
estado estado
fecha_creacion fecha_creacion
per_login per_login
per_pass per_pass
per_last per_last
per_session per_session

III. List of keys of the table usuario

Name Code Primary
usuario_pk usuario_pk X

III.3.1.186 Table usuario_encuesta

III. Card of table usuario_encuesta
Name usuario_encuesta
Code usuario_encuesta

III. Server validation rule of the table usuario_encuesta


III. Options of the table usuario_encuesta

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table usuario_encuesta


III. List of outgoing references of the table usuario_encuesta

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Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
usuario_encu usuario_encu encuesta idencuesta
esta_idencues esta_idencues
ta_fkey ta_fkey
usuario_encu usuario_encu persona idpersona
esta_idperson esta_idperson
a_fkey a_fkey

III. List of diagrams containing the table usuario_encuesta

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table usuario_encuesta

Name Code
idpersona idpersona
idencuesta idencuesta

III.3.1.187 Table usuario_respuesta

III. Card of table usuario_respuesta
Name usuario_respuesta
Code usuario_respuesta

III. Server validation rule of the table usuario_respuesta


III. Options of the table usuario_respuesta

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table usuario_respuesta


III. List of outgoing references of the table usuario_respuesta

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
usuario_respu usuario_respu persona idpersona
esta_idperson esta_idperson
a_fkey a_fkey
usuario_respu usuario_respu pregunta idpregunta
esta_idpregun esta_idpregun
ta_fkey ta_fkey

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III. List of diagrams containing the table usuario_respuesta

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table usuario_respuesta

Name Code
idpregunta idpregunta
idpersona idpersona
usu_respuesta usu_respuesta
idencuesta idencuesta

III.3.1.188 Table variable

III. Card of table variable
Name variable
Code variable

III. Server validation rule of the table variable


III. Options of the table variable

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table variable


III. List of diagrams containing the table variable

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table variable

Name Code
iddependencia iddependencia

III.3.1.189 Table variables_indicador

III. Card of table variables_indicador
Name variables_indicador

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Code variables_indicador

III. Server validation rule of the table variables_indicador


III. Options of the table variables_indicador

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table variables_indicador


III. List of outgoing references of the table variables_indicador

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
fk_idindicado fk_idindicado indicador idindicador
r r

III. List of diagrams containing the table variables_indicador

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table variables_indicador

Name Code
idvariable idvariable
var_nombre var_nombre
var_estado var_estado
var_valor var_valor
var_abreviatura var_abreviatura
idindicador idindicador

III. List of keys of the table variables_indicador

Name Code Primary
indicador_pkey indicador_pkey X

III.3.1.190 Table vias

III. Card of table vias
Name vias
Code vias

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III. Server validation rule of the table vias


III. Options of the table vias

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table vias


III. List of incoming references of the table vias

Name Code Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
idvias_fk idvias_fk persona idvias

III. List of outgoing references of the table vias

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
idtipovia_fk idtipovia_fk tipo_via idtipovia

III. List of diagrams containing the table vias

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table vias

Name Code
idvias idvias
via_descripcion via_descripcion
idtipovia idtipovia
via_estado via_estado

III. List of keys of the table vias

Name Code Primary
idvias_pk idvias_pk X

III.3.1.191 Table voucher

III. Card of table voucher
Name voucher
Code voucher

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III. Server validation rule of the table voucher


III. Options of the table voucher

without oids

III. Check constraint name of the table voucher


III. List of outgoing references of the table voucher

Name Code Parent Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
cuen_vocuher cuen_vocuher cuenta idcuenta
foreign_postu foreign_postu postulante idpostulante
lante lante

III. List of diagrams containing the table voucher

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of columns of the table voucher

Name Code
idvoucher idvoucher
idcuenta idcuenta
vou_fecha vou_fecha
vou_nummov vou_nummov
vou_monto vou_monto
idpostulante idpostulante
vou_codagencia vou_codagencia

III. List of indexes of the table voucher

Name Code Unique Cluster Primary Foreign Alternate Table
Key Key
fki_cuen_v fki_cuen_v X voucher
ocuher ocuher

III. List of keys of the table voucher

Name Code Primary
vou_primary vou_primary X

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III.3.2List of references in diagram

Name Code Parent Table Child Table Foreign Key Parent Role Child Role
acumulado_es acumulado_es trabajador acumulado_es idtrabajador
tudios_idtraba tudios_idtraba tudios
jador_fkey jador_fkey
acumulado_ot acumulado_ot condicion acumulado_ot idcondicion
rasreparticion rasreparticion rasreparticion
es_idcondicio es_idcondicio es
n_fkey n_fkey
acumulado_ot acumulado_ot trabajador acumulado_ot idtrabajador
rasreparticion rasreparticion rasreparticion
es_idtrabajado es_idtrabajado es
r_fkey r_fkey
acumulado_u acumulado_u condicion acumulado_u idcondicion
niversidad_id niversidad_id niversidad
condicion_fke condicion_fke
y y
acumulado_u acumulado_u trabajador acumulado_u idtrabajador
niversidad_idt niversidad_idt niversidad
rabajador_fke rabajador_fke
y y
acumulado_u acumulado_u trabajador acumulado_u idtrabajador
ntestado_idtra ntestado_idtra ntestado
bajador_fkey bajador_fkey
alternativa_idt alternativa_idt tipo_pregunta alternativa idtipo
ipo_fkey ipo_fkey
are_foreign are_foreign area detalleperiodo idarea
area_foreign area_foreign area modalidad_pe idarea
ascenso_idtra ascenso_idtra trabajador ascenso idtrabajador
bajador_fkey bajador_fkey
banc_cuent banc_cuent banco cuenta idbanco
cabeceras_asi cabeceras_asi cabecera_asist detalle_asiste idtrabajador;
stencia_foreig stencia_foreig encia ncia idcurso;
n n idperiodo;
cargalectiva_i cargalectiva_i cargahoraria cargalectiva idcargahoraria
dcargahoraria dcargahoraria
_fkey _fkey
cargalectiva_i cargalectiva_i cursoprogram cargalectiva idcursoprogra
dcursoprogra dcursoprogra ado mado; seccion
mado_fkey mado_fkey
CargaNoLecti CargaNoLecti cargahoraria carganolectiva idcargahoraria
va_idCargaHo va_idCargaHo
raria_fkey raria_fkey
CargaNoLecti CargaNoLecti trabajador carganolectiva idtrabajador
va_idTrabajad va_idTrabajad
or_fkey or_fkey
cargo_fk cargo_fk cargo trabajador idcargo
carrera_labora carrera_labora categoria carrera_labora idcategoria

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lunt_idcategor lunt_idcategor lunt

ia_fkey ia_fkey
carrera_labora carrera_labora condicion carrera_labora idcondicion
lunt_idcondici lunt_idcondici lunt
on_fkey on_fkey
colegio_fore_ colegio_fore_ ubigeo colegio idubigeo
ubi ubi
colegio_foreig colegio_foreig colegio postulante idcolegio
n n
comportamien comportamien trabajador comportamien idtrabajador
to_idtrabajado to_idtrabajado to
r_fkey r_fkey
condicion_fk condicion_fk condicion trabajador idcondicion
constancia_hij constancia_hij documento constancia_hij documento_id
o_documento o_documento o
_id_fkey _id_fkey
constancia_hij constancia_hij hijos constancia_hij idhijos
o_idhijos_fke o_idhijos_fke o
y y
cuen_vocuher cuen_vocuher cuenta voucher idcuenta
cursoprogram cursoprogram curso_dictar cursoprogram idcursodictar
ado_idcursodi ado_idcursodi ado
ctar_fkey ctar_fkey
deta_enc_pre_ deta_enc_pre_ pregunta deta_enc_pre idpregunta
idpregunta_fk idpregunta_fk
ey ey
deta_pre_alt_i deta_pre_alt_i alternativa deta_pre_alt idalternativa
dalternativa_f dalternativa_f
key key
deta_pre_alt_i deta_pre_alt_i pregunta deta_pre_alt idpregunta
dpregunta_fke dpregunta_fke
y y
detaperi_peri detaperi_peri periodo detalleperiodo idperiodo
detapero_para detapero_para parametros detalleperiodo idparametro
encuesta_idest encuesta_idest estandar encuesta idestandar
andar_fkey andar_fkey
estruc_foreig estruc_foreig estructura area idestructura
estruc_foreig estruc_foreig estructura area idestructura
estudio_idtrab estudio_idtrab trabajador estudio idtrabajador
ajador_fkey ajador_fkey
familia_idtrab familia_idtrab trabajador familia idtrabajador
ajador_fkey ajador_fkey
fk_alumno fk_alumno alumno matricula idalumno
fk_alumno fk_alumno alumno sanciones idalumno
fk_area fk_area area autoevaluacio idarea
fk_area fk_area area crono_matricu idarea
fk_autoevalua fk_autoevalua autoevaluacio detalle_autoev idautoevaluaci
cion cion n aluacion on
fk_criterio fk_criterio criterio estandar idcriterio
fk_curricula fk_curricula curricula curso idcurricula
fk_cursoprogr fk_cursoprogr cursoprogram silabo idcursoprogra
amado_silabo amado_silabo ado mado; seccion
fk_detalleauto fk_detalleauto detalle_autoev indicador iddetalleautoe
evaluacion evaluacion aluacion valuacion

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fk_dimension fk_dimension dimension factor iddimension

fk_estandar fk_estandar estandar fuente idestandar
fk_estructura fk_estructura estructura curricula idestructura
fk_evaluacion fk_evaluacion unidades_sila evaluacion idunidadessila
_unidadsilabo _unidadsilabo bo bo
fk_factor fk_factor factor criterio idfactor
fk_fuente fk_fuente fuente detalle_autoev idfuente
fk_grupo fk_grupo grupo tarea grupo_id
fk_idcurso fk_idcurso curso prerequisitos idcurso
fk_iddetalleen fk_iddetalleen detalle_encue deta_enc_pre iddetalleencue
cuesta cuesta sta sta
fk_idencuesta fk_idencuesta encuesta detalle_encue idencuesta
fk_idindicado fk_idindicado indicador variables_indi idindicador
r r cador
fk_idmatricul fk_idmatricul matricula matricula_det
a_idmatricula a_idmatricula alle
fk_idpersona fk_idpersona persona alumno idpersona
fk_idprogram fk_idprogram programacion recurso idprogramacio
acion acion n
fk_item_id fk_item_id inventory inventory_flo item_id
fk_modalidad fk_modalidad modalidad_ex alumno idmodalidadin
amen greso
fk_not_ideval fk_not_ideval evaluacion nota idevaluacion
fk_periodo fk_periodo periodo crono_matricu idperiodo
fk_persona fk_persona persona comite idpersona
fk_roles fk_roles roles permiso rol_id
fk_silabo fk_silabo silabo unidades_sila
fk_silabo_obs fk_silabo_obs silabo observaciones
ervacion ervacion
fk_tarea fk_tarea tarea permiso tarea_id
fk_tiporesoluc fk_tiporesoluc tipo_resolucio resolucion idtiporesoluci
ion ion n on
fk_tiporesoluc fk_tiporesoluc tipo_resolucio sanciones idtiporesoluci
ion ion n on
fk_unidsilabo fk_unidsilabo unidades_sila programacion idunidadessila
bo bo
fl_area fl_area area alumno idarea
forei_alum forei_alum alumno alumno_trami idalumno
foreig_tram foreig_tram requisitos tramite_docu idrequisito
foreign_alum foreign_alum alumno_trami requisito_pres idalumnotram
_tram _tram te entado ite
foreign_ambie foreign_ambie ambiente ambiente_bie idambiente
nte nte n
foreign_ambie foreign_ambie ambiente ambarea_uso idambiente
nte nte
foreign_area foreign_area estructura criterios_eval idarea
foreign_ewqp foreign_ewqp periodo modalidad_pe idperiodo
eriodo eriodo riodo_precio

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foreign_matri foreign_matri matricula_det nota idmatriculadet

_det_notas _det_notas alle alle
foreign_moda foreign_moda modalidad_ex modalidad_pe idmodexamen
lidad lidad amen riodo_precio
foreign_perio foreign_perio periodo curso_dictar idperiodo
do do
foreign_perio foreign_perio periodo ambarea_uso idperiodo
do do
foreign_perio foreign_perio periodo postulante idperiodo
do do
foreign_perso foreign_perso persona postulante idpersona
na na
foreign_postul foreign_postul postulante voucher idpostulante
ante ante
foreign_req foreign_req requisitos requisito_pres idrequisito
foreign_req foreign_req tramite tramite_docu
foreign_requ foreign_requ requisitos asignacion_re idrequisito
FOREIGN_S FOREIGN_S sede local idsede
foreign_sede foreign_sede sede curso_dictar idsede
foreign_tram foreign_tram tramite alumno_trami
GrupoLectivo GrupoLectivo cursoprogram grupolectivo idcursoprogra
_idCursoProg _idCursoProg ado mado; seccion
ramado_fkey ramado_fkey
hijos_idtrabaj hijos_idtrabaj trabajador hijos idtrabajador
ador_fkey ador_fkey
horariolectivo horariolectivo ambarea_uso horariolectivo idarea;
_ambiuso_fke _ambiuso_fke idambiente;
y y idperiodo
horariolectivo horariolectivo grupolectivo horariolectivo idgrupolectivo
_idgrupolectiv _idgrupolectiv
o_fkey o_fkey
horarionolecti horarionolecti carganolectiva horarionolecti idcarganolecti
vo_idcarganol vo_idcarganol vo va
ectiva_fkey ectiva_fkey
idsede_fk idsede_fk sede trabajador idsede
idtipogrupo_f idtipogrupo_f tipo_grupovia grupovia idtipogrupo
k k
idtipovia_fk idtipovia_fk tipo_via vias idtipovia
idvias_fk idvias_fk vias persona idvias
kkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkk area ambarea_uso idarea
kkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkk
licencias_idtra licencias_idtra trabajador licencias idtrabajador
bajador_fkey bajador_fkey
matricula_detl matricula_detl matricula_det detalle_asiste idmatriculadet
lae_foreign lae_foreign alle ncia alle
mod_foreign mod_foreign modalidad_ex modalidad_pe idmodexamen
amen riodo_area
mod_post mod_post modalidad_ex postulante idmodexamen
mod_req_mod mod_req_mod modalidad_ex modalidad_re idmodexamen
amen quisitos

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modalidad_fk modalidad_fk modalidad trabajador idmodalidad

modulo_fk modulo_fk modulo tarea mod_codigo
organos_gobi organos_gobi condicion organos_gobi idcondicion
erno_idcondic erno_idcondic erno
ion_fkey ion_fkey
organos_gobi organos_gobi trabajador organos_gobi idtrabajador
erno_idtrabaja erno_idtrabaja erno
dor_fkey dor_fkey
pabellon_forei pabellon_forei local pabellon idlocal
gn gn
periodo_forei periodo_forei periodo modalidad_pe idperiodo
gn gn riodo_area
persona_fk persona_fk persona trabajador idpersona
persona_fk persona_fk persona usuario idpersona
post_asig post_asig postulante asignacion_re idpostulante
pregunta_ides pregunta_ides estandar pregunta idestandar
tandar_fkey tandar_fkey
req_mod_req req_mod_req requisitos modalidad_re idrequisito
roles_fk roles_fk roles roles_usuario rol_id
sede_foreign sede_foreign sede postulante idsede
sede_foreign sede_foreign sede area idsede
sede_foreign sede_foreign sede area idsede
sede_ub_fore sede_ub_fore ubigeo sede idubigeo
ubigeo_fk ubigeo_fk ubigeo persona idubigeo
usuario_encue usuario_encue encuesta usuario_encue idencuesta
sta_idencuesta sta_idencuesta sta
_fkey _fkey
usuario_encue usuario_encue persona usuario_encue idpersona
sta_idpersona sta_idpersona sta
_fkey _fkey
usuario_fk usuario_fk usuario roles_usuario idpersona
usuario_respu usuario_respu persona usuario_respu idpersona
esta_idperson esta_idperson esta
a_fkey a_fkey
usuario_respu usuario_respu pregunta usuario_respu idpregunta
esta_idpregun esta_idpregun esta
ta_fkey ta_fkey

III.3.2.1 Reference acumulado_estudios_idtrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference acumulado_estudios_idtrabajador_fkey
Name acumulado_estudios_idtrabajador_fkey
Code acumulado_estudios_idtrabajador_fkey
Child Table acumulado_estudios
Parent Table trabajador
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role
Child Role

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III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.2 Reference acumulado_otrasreparticiones_idcondicion_fkey

III. Card of reference acumulado_otrasreparticiones_idcondicion_fkey
Name acumulado_otrasreparticiones_idcondicion_fkey
Code acumulado_otrasreparticiones_idcondicion_fkey
Child Table acumulado_otrasreparticiones
Parent Table condicion
Foreign Key Columns idcondicion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcondicion = idcondicion idcondicion idcondicion

III.3.2.3 Reference acumulado_otrasreparticiones_idtrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference acumulado_otrasreparticiones_idtrabajador_fkey
Name acumulado_otrasreparticiones_idtrabajador_fkey
Code acumulado_otrasreparticiones_idtrabajador_fkey
Child Table acumulado_otrasreparticiones
Parent Table trabajador
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role

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Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.4 Reference acumulado_universidad_idcondicion_fkey

III. Card of reference acumulado_universidad_idcondicion_fkey
Name acumulado_universidad_idcondicion_fkey
Code acumulado_universidad_idcondicion_fkey
Child Table acumulado_universidad
Parent Table condicion
Foreign Key Columns idcondicion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcondicion = idcondicion idcondicion idcondicion

III.3.2.5 Reference acumulado_universidad_idtrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference acumulado_universidad_idtrabajador_fkey
Name acumulado_universidad_idtrabajador_fkey
Code acumulado_universidad_idtrabajador_fkey
Child Table acumulado_universidad

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Parent Table trabajador

Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.6 Reference acumulado_untestado_idtrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference acumulado_untestado_idtrabajador_fkey
Name acumulado_untestado_idtrabajador_fkey
Code acumulado_untestado_idtrabajador_fkey
Child Table acumulado_untestado
Parent Table trabajador
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.7 Reference alternativa_idtipo_fkey

III. Card of reference alternativa_idtipo_fkey

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Name alternativa_idtipo_fkey
Code alternativa_idtipo_fkey
Child Table alternativa
Parent Table tipo_pregunta
Foreign Key Columns idtipo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference alternativa_idtipo_fkey

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference alternativa_idtipo_fkey

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtipo = idtipo idtipo idtipo

III.3.2.8 Reference are_foreign

III. Card of reference are_foreign
Name are_foreign
Code are_foreign
Child Table detalleperiodo
Parent Table area
Foreign Key Columns idarea
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference are_foreign

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference are_foreign

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idarea = idarea idarea idarea

III.3.2.9 Reference area_foreign

III. Card of reference area_foreign
Name area_foreign

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Code area_foreign
Child Table modalidad_periodo_area
Parent Table area
Foreign Key Columns idarea
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference area_foreign

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference area_foreign

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idarea = idarea idarea idarea

III.3.2.10 Reference ascenso_idtrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference ascenso_idtrabajador_fkey
Name ascenso_idtrabajador_fkey
Code ascenso_idtrabajador_fkey
Child Table ascenso
Parent Table trabajador
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference ascenso_idtrabajador_fkey

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.11 Reference banc_cuent

III. of reference banc_cuent
Name banc_cuent

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Code banc_cuent
Child Table cuenta
Parent Table banco
Foreign Key Columns idbanco
Parent Role
Child Role

III. of diagrams containing the reference banc_cuent

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. of reference joins of the reference banc_cuent

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idbanco = idbanco idbanco idbanco

III.3.2.12 Reference cabeceras_asistencia_foreign

III. Card of reference cabeceras_asistencia_foreign
Name cabeceras_asistencia_foreign
Code cabeceras_asistencia_foreign
Child Table detalle_asistencia
Parent Table cabecera_asistencia
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador; idcurso; idperiodo; idesde; seccion; idgrupocurso;
cabasis_fecha; cabasis_hora
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador
idcurso = idcurso idcurso idcurso
idperiodo = idperiodo idperiodo idperiodo
idsede = idesde idsede idesde
seccion = seccion seccion seccion

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idgrupocurso = idgrupocurso idgrupocurso idgrupocurso

cabasis_fecha = cabasis_fecha cabasis_fecha cabasis_fecha
cabasis_hora = cabasis_hora cabasis_hora cabasis_hora

III.3.2.13 Reference cargalectiva_idcargahoraria_fkey

III. Card of reference cargalectiva_idcargahoraria_fkey
Name cargalectiva_idcargahoraria_fkey
Code cargalectiva_idcargahoraria_fkey
Child Table cargalectiva
Parent Table cargahoraria
Foreign Key Columns idcargahoraria
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcargahoraria = idcargahoraria idcargahoraria idcargahoraria

III.3.2.14 Reference cargalectiva_idcursoprogramado_fkey

III. Card of reference cargalectiva_idcursoprogramado_fkey
Name cargalectiva_idcursoprogramado_fkey
Code cargalectiva_idcursoprogramado_fkey
Child Table cargalectiva
Parent Table cursoprogramado
Foreign Key Columns idcursoprogramado; seccion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcursoprogramado = idcursoprogramado idcursoprogramado
seccion = seccion seccion seccion

III.3.2.15 Reference CargaNoLectiva_idCargaHoraria_fkey

III. Card of reference CargaNoLectiva_idCargaHoraria_fkey
Name CargaNoLectiva_idCargaHoraria_fkey
Code CargaNoLectiva_idCargaHoraria_fkey
Child Table carganolectiva
Parent Table cargahoraria
Foreign Key Columns idcargahoraria
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcargahoraria = idcargahoraria idcargahoraria idcargahoraria

III.3.2.16 Reference CargaNoLectiva_idTrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference CargaNoLectiva_idTrabajador_fkey
Name CargaNoLectiva_idTrabajador_fkey
Code CargaNoLectiva_idTrabajador_fkey
Child Table carganolectiva
Parent Table trabajador
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role
Child Role

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III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.17 Reference cargo_fk

III. Card of reference cargo_fk
Name cargo_fk
Code cargo_fk
Child Table trabajador
Parent Table cargo
Foreign Key Columns idcargo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference cargo_fk

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference cargo_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcargo = idcargo idcargo idcargo

III.3.2.18 Reference carrera_laboralunt_idcategoria_fkey

III. Card of reference carrera_laboralunt_idcategoria_fkey
Name carrera_laboralunt_idcategoria_fkey
Code carrera_laboralunt_idcategoria_fkey
Child Table carrera_laboralunt
Parent Table categoria
Foreign Key Columns idcategoria
Parent Role
Child Role

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III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcategoria = idcategoria idcategoria idcategoria

III.3.2.19 Reference carrera_laboralunt_idcondicion_fkey

III. Card of reference carrera_laboralunt_idcondicion_fkey
Name carrera_laboralunt_idcondicion_fkey
Code carrera_laboralunt_idcondicion_fkey
Child Table carrera_laboralunt
Parent Table condicion
Foreign Key Columns idcondicion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcondicion = idcondicion idcondicion idcondicion

III.3.2.20 Reference colegio_fore_ubi

III. Card of reference colegio_fore_ubi
Name colegio_fore_ubi
Code colegio_fore_ubi
Child Table colegio
Parent Table ubigeo
Foreign Key Columns idubigeo
Parent Role

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Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference colegio_fore_ubi

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference colegio_fore_ubi

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idubigeo = idubigeo idubigeo idubigeo

III.3.2.21 Reference colegio_foreign

III. Card of reference colegio_foreign
Name colegio_foreign
Code colegio_foreign
Child Table postulante
Parent Table colegio
Foreign Key Columns idcolegio
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference colegio_foreign

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference colegio_foreign

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcolegio = idcolegio idcolegio idcolegio

III.3.2.22 Reference comportamiento_idtrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference comportamiento_idtrabajador_fkey
Name comportamiento_idtrabajador_fkey
Code comportamiento_idtrabajador_fkey
Child Table comportamiento
Parent Table trabajador
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role
Child Role

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III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.23 Reference condicion_fk

III. Card of reference condicion_fk
Name condicion_fk
Code condicion_fk
Child Table trabajador
Parent Table condicion
Foreign Key Columns idcondicion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference condicion_fk

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference condicion_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcondicion = idcondicion idcondicion idcondicion

III.3.2.24 Reference constancia_hijo_documento_id_fkey

III. Card of reference constancia_hijo_documento_id_fkey
Name constancia_hijo_documento_id_fkey
Code constancia_hijo_documento_id_fkey
Child Table constancia_hijo
Parent Table documento
Foreign Key Columns documento_id
Parent Role
Child Role

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III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
documento_id = documento_id documento_id documento_id

III.3.2.25 Reference constancia_hijo_idhijos_fkey

III. Card of reference constancia_hijo_idhijos_fkey
Name constancia_hijo_idhijos_fkey
Code constancia_hijo_idhijos_fkey
Child Table constancia_hijo
Parent Table hijos
Foreign Key Columns idhijos
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idhijos = idhijos idhijos idhijos

III.3.2.26 Reference cuen_vocuher

III. Card of reference cuen_vocuher
Name cuen_vocuher
Code cuen_vocuher
Child Table voucher
Parent Table cuenta
Foreign Key Columns idcuenta
Parent Role

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Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference cuen_vocuher

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference cuen_vocuher

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcuenta = idcuenta idcuenta idcuenta

III.3.2.27 Reference cursoprogramado_idcursodictar_fkey

III. Card of reference cursoprogramado_idcursodictar_fkey
Name cursoprogramado_idcursodictar_fkey
Code cursoprogramado_idcursodictar_fkey
Child Table cursoprogramado
Parent Table curso_dictar
Foreign Key Columns idcursodictar
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcursodictar = idcursodictar idcursodictar idcursodictar

III.3.2.28 Reference deta_enc_pre_idpregunta_fkey

III. Card of reference deta_enc_pre_idpregunta_fkey
Name deta_enc_pre_idpregunta_fkey
Code deta_enc_pre_idpregunta_fkey
Child Table deta_enc_pre
Parent Table pregunta
Foreign Key Columns idpregunta

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Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpregunta = idpregunta idpregunta idpregunta

III.3.2.29 Reference deta_pre_alt_idalternativa_fkey

III. Card of reference deta_pre_alt_idalternativa_fkey
Name deta_pre_alt_idalternativa_fkey
Code deta_pre_alt_idalternativa_fkey
Child Table deta_pre_alt
Parent Table alternativa
Foreign Key Columns idalternativa
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idalternativa = idalternativa idalternativa idalternativa

III.3.2.30 Reference deta_pre_alt_idpregunta_fkey

III. Card of reference deta_pre_alt_idpregunta_fkey
Name deta_pre_alt_idpregunta_fkey
Code deta_pre_alt_idpregunta_fkey

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Child Table deta_pre_alt

Parent Table pregunta
Foreign Key Columns idpregunta
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpregunta = idpregunta idpregunta idpregunta

III.3.2.31 Reference detaperi_peri

III. Card of reference detaperi_peri
Name detaperi_peri
Code detaperi_peri
Child Table detalleperiodo
Parent Table periodo
Foreign Key Columns idperiodo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference detaperi_peri

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference detaperi_peri

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idperiodo = idperiodo idperiodo idperiodo

III.3.2.32 Reference detapero_para

III. Card of reference detapero_para
Name detapero_para

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Code detapero_para
Child Table detalleperiodo
Parent Table parametros
Foreign Key Columns idparametro
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference detapero_para

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference detapero_para

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idparametro = idparametro idparametro idparametro

III.3.2.33 Reference encuesta_idestandar_fkey

III. Card of reference encuesta_idestandar_fkey
Name encuesta_idestandar_fkey
Code encuesta_idestandar_fkey
Child Table encuesta
Parent Table estandar
Foreign Key Columns idestandar
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference encuesta_idestandar_fkey

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idestandar = idestandar idestandar idestandar

III.3.2.34 Reference estruc_foreig

III. Card of reference estruc_foreig
Name estruc_foreig

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Code estruc_foreig
Child Table area
Parent Table estructura
Foreign Key Columns idestructura
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference estruc_foreig

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference estruc_foreig

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idestructura = idestructura idestructura idestructura

III.3.2.35 Reference estruc_foreig

III. Card of reference estruc_foreig
Name estruc_foreig
Code estruc_foreig
Child Table area
Parent Table estructura
Foreign Key Columns idestructura
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference estruc_foreig

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference estruc_foreig

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idestructura = idestructura idestructura idestructura

III.3.2.36 Reference estudio_idtrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference estudio_idtrabajador_fkey
Name estudio_idtrabajador_fkey
Code estudio_idtrabajador_fkey

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Child Table estudio

Parent Table trabajador
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference estudio_idtrabajador_fkey

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.37 Reference familia_idtrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference familia_idtrabajador_fkey
Name familia_idtrabajador_fkey
Code familia_idtrabajador_fkey
Child Table familia
Parent Table trabajador
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference familia_idtrabajador_fkey

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.38 Reference fk_alumno

III. Card of reference fk_alumno
Name fk_alumno

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Code fk_alumno
Child Table matricula
Parent Table alumno
Foreign Key Columns idalumno
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_alumno

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_alumno

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idalumno = idalumno idalumno idalumno

III.3.2.39 Reference fk_alumno

III. Card of reference fk_alumno
Name fk_alumno
Code fk_alumno
Child Table sanciones
Parent Table alumno
Foreign Key Columns idalumno
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_alumno

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_alumno

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idalumno = idalumno idalumno idalumno

III.3.2.40 Reference fk_area

III. Card of reference fk_area
Name fk_area
Code fk_area

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Child Table autoevaluacion

Parent Table area
Foreign Key Columns idarea
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_area

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_area

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idarea = idarea idarea idarea

III.3.2.41 Reference fk_area

III. Card of reference fk_area
Name fk_area
Code fk_area
Child Table crono_matricula
Parent Table area
Foreign Key Columns idarea
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_area

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_area

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idarea = idarea idarea idarea

III.3.2.42 Reference fk_autoevaluacion

III. Card of reference fk_autoevaluacion
Name fk_autoevaluacion
Code fk_autoevaluacion
Child Table detalle_autoevaluacion

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Parent Table autoevaluacion

Foreign Key Columns idautoevaluacion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_autoevaluacion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_autoevaluacion

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idautoevaluacion = idautoevaluacion idautoevaluacion

III.3.2.43 Reference fk_criterio

III. Card of reference fk_criterio
Name fk_criterio
Code fk_criterio
Child Table estandar
Parent Table criterio
Foreign Key Columns idcriterio
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_criterio

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_criterio

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcriterio = idcriterio idcriterio idcriterio

III.3.2.44 Reference fk_curricula

III. Card of reference fk_curricula
Name fk_curricula
Code fk_curricula
Child Table curso

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Parent Table curricula

Foreign Key Columns idcurricula
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_curricula

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_curricula

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcurricula = idcurricula idcurricula idcurricula

III.3.2.45 Reference fk_cursoprogramado_silabo

III. Card of reference fk_cursoprogramado_silabo
Name fk_cursoprogramado_silabo
Code fk_cursoprogramado_silabo
Child Table silabo
Parent Table cursoprogramado
Foreign Key Columns idcursoprogramado; seccion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcursoprogramado = idcursoprogramado idcursoprogramado
seccion = seccion seccion seccion

III.3.2.46 Reference fk_detalleautoevaluacion

III. Card of reference fk_detalleautoevaluacion

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Name fk_detalleautoevaluacion
Code fk_detalleautoevaluacion
Child Table indicador
Parent Table detalle_autoevaluacion
Foreign Key Columns iddetalleautoevaluacion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_detalleautoevaluacion

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
iddetalleautoevaluacion = iddetalleautoevaluacion iddetalleautoevaluacion

III.3.2.47 Reference fk_dimension

III. Card of reference fk_dimension
Name fk_dimension
Code fk_dimension
Child Table factor
Parent Table dimension
Foreign Key Columns iddimension
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_dimension

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_dimension

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
iddimension = iddimension iddimension iddimension

III.3.2.48 Reference fk_estandar

III. Card of reference fk_estandar

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Name fk_estandar
Code fk_estandar
Child Table fuente
Parent Table estandar
Foreign Key Columns idestandar
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_estandar

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_estandar

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idestandar = idestandar idestandar idestandar

III.3.2.49 Reference fk_estructura

III. Card of reference fk_estructura
Name fk_estructura
Code fk_estructura
Child Table curricula
Parent Table estructura
Foreign Key Columns idestructura
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_estructura

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_estructura

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idestructura = idestructura idestructura idestructura

III.3.2.50 Reference fk_evaluacion_unidadsilabo

III. Card of reference fk_evaluacion_unidadsilabo
Name fk_evaluacion_unidadsilabo

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Code fk_evaluacion_unidadsilabo
Child Table evaluacion
Parent Table unidades_silabo
Foreign Key Columns idunidadessilabo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idunidadessilabo = idunidadessilabo idunidadessilabo

III.3.2.51 Reference fk_factor

III. Card of reference fk_factor
Name fk_factor
Code fk_factor
Child Table criterio
Parent Table factor
Foreign Key Columns idfactor
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_factor

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_factor

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idfactor = idfactor idfactor idfactor

III.3.2.52 Reference fk_fuente

III. Card of reference fk_fuente

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Name fk_fuente
Code fk_fuente
Child Table detalle_autoevaluacion
Parent Table fuente
Foreign Key Columns idfuente
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_fuente

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_fuente

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idfuente = idfuente idfuente idfuente

III.3.2.53 Reference fk_grupo

III. Card of reference fk_grupo
Name fk_grupo
Code fk_grupo
Child Table tarea
Parent Table grupo
Foreign Key Columns grupo_id
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_grupo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_grupo

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
grupo_id = grupo_id grupo_id grupo_id

III.3.2.54 Reference fk_idcurso

III. Card of reference fk_idcurso
Name fk_idcurso

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Code fk_idcurso
Child Table prerequisitos
Parent Table curso
Foreign Key Columns idcurso
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_idcurso

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_idcurso

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcurso = idcurso idcurso idcurso

III.3.2.55 Reference fk_iddetalleencuesta

III. Card of reference fk_iddetalleencuesta
Name fk_iddetalleencuesta
Code fk_iddetalleencuesta
Child Table deta_enc_pre
Parent Table detalle_encuesta
Foreign Key Columns iddetalleencuesta
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_iddetalleencuesta

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_iddetalleencuesta

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
iddetalleencuesta = iddetalleencuesta iddetalleencuesta

III.3.2.56 Reference fk_idencuesta

III. Card of reference fk_idencuesta
Name fk_idencuesta

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Code fk_idencuesta
Child Table detalle_encuesta
Parent Table encuesta
Foreign Key Columns idencuesta
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_idencuesta

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_idencuesta

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idencuesta = idencuesta idencuesta idencuesta

III.3.2.57 Reference fk_idindicador

III. Card of reference fk_idindicador
Name fk_idindicador
Code fk_idindicador
Child Table variables_indicador
Parent Table indicador
Foreign Key Columns idindicador
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_idindicador

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_idindicador

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idindicador = idindicador idindicador idindicador

III.3.2.58 Reference fk_idmatricula_idmatricula

III. Card of reference fk_idmatricula_idmatricula
Name fk_idmatricula_idmatricula
Code fk_idmatricula_idmatricula

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Child Table matricula_detalle

Parent Table matricula
Foreign Key Columns
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III.3.2.59 Reference fk_idpersona

III. Card of reference fk_idpersona
Name fk_idpersona
Code fk_idpersona
Child Table alumno
Parent Table persona
Foreign Key Columns idpersona
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_idpersona

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_idpersona

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpersona = idpersona idpersona idpersona

III.3.2.60 Reference fk_idprogramacion

III. Card of reference fk_idprogramacion
Name fk_idprogramacion
Code fk_idprogramacion
Child Table recurso
Parent Table programacion
Foreign Key Columns idprogramacion
Parent Role
Child Role

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III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_idprogramacion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_idprogramacion

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idprogramacion = idprogramacion idprogramacion

III.3.2.61 Reference fk_item_id

III. Card of reference fk_item_id
Name fk_item_id
Code fk_item_id
Child Table inventory_flow
Parent Table inventory
Foreign Key Columns item_id
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_item_id

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_item_id

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
item_id = item_id item_id item_id

III.3.2.62 Reference fk_modalidad

III. Card of reference fk_modalidad
Name fk_modalidad
Code fk_modalidad
Child Table alumno
Parent Table modalidad_examen
Foreign Key Columns idmodalidadingreso
Parent Role
Child Role

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III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_modalidad

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_modalidad

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idmodexamen = idmodexamen idmodalidadingreso

III.3.2.63 Reference fk_not_ideval

III. Card of reference fk_not_ideval
Name fk_not_ideval
Code fk_not_ideval
Child Table nota
Parent Table evaluacion
Foreign Key Columns idevaluacion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_not_ideval

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_not_ideval

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idevaluacion = idevaluacion idevaluacion idevaluacion

III.3.2.64 Reference fk_periodo

III. Card of reference fk_periodo
Name fk_periodo
Code fk_periodo
Child Table crono_matricula
Parent Table periodo
Foreign Key Columns idperiodo
Parent Role
Child Role

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III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_periodo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_periodo

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idperiodo = idperiodo idperiodo idperiodo

III.3.2.65 Reference fk_persona

III. Card of reference fk_persona
Name fk_persona
Code fk_persona
Child Table comite
Parent Table persona
Foreign Key Columns idpersona
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_persona

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_persona

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpersona = idpersona idpersona idpersona

III.3.2.66 Reference fk_roles

III. Card of reference fk_roles
Name fk_roles
Code fk_roles
Child Table permiso
Parent Table roles
Foreign Key Columns rol_id
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_roles

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Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_roles

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
rol_id = rol_id rol_id rol_id

III.3.2.67 Reference fk_silabo

III. Card of reference fk_silabo
Name fk_silabo
Code fk_silabo
Child Table unidades_silabo
Parent Table silabo
Foreign Key Columns
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_silabo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III.3.2.68 Reference fk_silabo_observacion

III. Card of reference fk_silabo_observacion
Name fk_silabo_observacion
Code fk_silabo_observacion
Child Table observaciones
Parent Table silabo
Foreign Key Columns
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_silabo_observacion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III.3.2.69 Reference fk_tarea

III. Card of reference fk_tarea

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Name fk_tarea
Code fk_tarea
Child Table permiso
Parent Table tarea
Foreign Key Columns tarea_id
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_tarea

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_tarea

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
tarea_id = tarea_id tarea_id tarea_id

III.3.2.70 Reference fk_tiporesolucion

III. Card of reference fk_tiporesolucion
Name fk_tiporesolucion
Code fk_tiporesolucion
Child Table resolucion
Parent Table tipo_resolucion
Foreign Key Columns idtiporesolucion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_tiporesolucion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_tiporesolucion

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtiporesolucion = idtiporesolucion idtiporesolucion

III.3.2.71 Reference fk_tiporesolucion

III. Card of reference fk_tiporesolucion

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Name fk_tiporesolucion
Code fk_tiporesolucion
Child Table sanciones
Parent Table tipo_resolucion
Foreign Key Columns idtiporesolucion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_tiporesolucion

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_tiporesolucion

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtiporesolucion = idtiporesolucion idtiporesolucion

III.3.2.72 Reference fk_unidsilabo

III. Card of reference fk_unidsilabo
Name fk_unidsilabo
Code fk_unidsilabo
Child Table programacion
Parent Table unidades_silabo
Foreign Key Columns idunidadessilabo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fk_unidsilabo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fk_unidsilabo

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idunidadessilabo = idunidadessilabo idunidadessilabo

III.3.2.73 Reference fl_area

III. Card of reference fl_area

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Name fl_area
Code fl_area
Child Table alumno
Parent Table area
Foreign Key Columns idarea
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference fl_area

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference fl_area

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idarea = idarea idarea idarea

III.3.2.74 Reference forei_alum

III. Card of reference forei_alum
Name forei_alum
Code forei_alum
Child Table alumno_tramite
Parent Table alumno
Foreign Key Columns idalumno
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference forei_alum

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference forei_alum

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idalumno = idalumno idalumno idalumno

III.3.2.75 Reference foreig_tram

III. Card of reference foreig_tram
Name foreig_tram

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Code foreig_tram
Child Table tramite_documento
Parent Table requisitos
Foreign Key Columns idrequisito
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreig_tram

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreig_tram

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idrequisito = idrequisito idrequisito idrequisito

III.3.2.76 Reference foreign_alum_tram

III. Card of reference foreign_alum_tram
Name foreign_alum_tram
Code foreign_alum_tram
Child Table requisito_presentado
Parent Table alumno_tramite
Foreign Key Columns idalumnotramite
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_alum_tram

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_alum_tram

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idalumnotramite = idalumnotramite idalumnotramite

III.3.2.77 Reference foreign_ambiente

III. Card of reference foreign_ambiente
Name foreign_ambiente

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Code foreign_ambiente
Child Table ambiente_bien
Parent Table ambiente
Foreign Key Columns idambiente
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_ambiente

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_ambiente

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idambiente = idambiente idambiente idambiente

III.3.2.78 Reference foreign_ambiente

III. Card of reference foreign_ambiente
Name foreign_ambiente
Code foreign_ambiente
Child Table ambarea_uso
Parent Table ambiente
Foreign Key Columns idambiente
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_ambiente

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_ambiente

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idambiente = idambiente idambiente idambiente

III.3.2.79 Reference foreign_area

III. Card of reference foreign_area
Name foreign_area
Code foreign_area

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Child Table criterios_evaluacion

Parent Table estructura
Foreign Key Columns idarea
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_area

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_area

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idestructura = idarea idestructura idarea

III.3.2.80 Reference foreign_ewqperiodo

III. Card of reference foreign_ewqperiodo
Name foreign_ewqperiodo
Code foreign_ewqperiodo
Child Table modalidad_periodo_precio
Parent Table periodo
Foreign Key Columns idperiodo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_ewqperiodo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_ewqperiodo

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idperiodo = idperiodo idperiodo idperiodo

III.3.2.81 Reference foreign_matri_det_notas

III. Card of reference foreign_matri_det_notas
Name foreign_matri_det_notas
Code foreign_matri_det_notas
Child Table nota

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Parent Table matricula_detalle

Foreign Key Columns idmatriculadetalle
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_matri_det_notas

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idmatriculadetalle = idmatriculadetalle idmatriculadetalle

III.3.2.82 Reference foreign_modalidad

III. Card of reference foreign_modalidad
Name foreign_modalidad
Code foreign_modalidad
Child Table modalidad_periodo_precio
Parent Table modalidad_examen
Foreign Key Columns idmodexamen
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_modalidad

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_modalidad

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idmodexamen = idmodexamen idmodexamen idmodexamen

III.3.2.83 Reference foreign_periodo

III. Card of reference foreign_periodo
Name foreign_periodo
Code foreign_periodo

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Child Table curso_dictar

Parent Table periodo
Foreign Key Columns idperiodo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_periodo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_periodo

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idperiodo = idperiodo idperiodo idperiodo

III.3.2.84 Reference foreign_periodo

III. Card of reference foreign_periodo
Name foreign_periodo
Code foreign_periodo
Child Table ambarea_uso
Parent Table periodo
Foreign Key Columns idperiodo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_periodo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_periodo

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idperiodo = idperiodo idperiodo idperiodo

III.3.2.85 Reference foreign_periodo

III. Card of reference foreign_periodo
Name foreign_periodo
Code foreign_periodo
Child Table postulante

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Parent Table periodo

Foreign Key Columns idperiodo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_periodo

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_periodo

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idperiodo = idperiodo idperiodo idperiodo

III.3.2.86 Reference foreign_persona

III. Card of reference foreign_persona
Name foreign_persona
Code foreign_persona
Child Table postulante
Parent Table persona
Foreign Key Columns idpersona
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_persona

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_persona

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpersona = idpersona idpersona idpersona

III.3.2.87 Reference foreign_postulante

III. Card of reference foreign_postulante
Name foreign_postulante
Code foreign_postulante
Child Table voucher
Parent Table postulante

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Foreign Key Columns idpostulante

Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_postulante

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_postulante

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpostulante = idpostulante idpostulante idpostulante

III.3.2.88 Reference foreign_req

III. Card of reference foreign_req
Name foreign_req
Code foreign_req
Child Table requisito_presentado
Parent Table requisitos
Foreign Key Columns idrequisito
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_req

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_req

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idrequisito = idrequisito idrequisito idrequisito

III.3.2.89 Reference foreign_req

III. Card of reference foreign_req
Name foreign_req
Code foreign_req
Child Table tramite_documento
Parent Table tramite
Foreign Key Columns

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Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_req

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III.3.2.90 Reference foreign_requ

III. Card of reference foreign_requ
Name foreign_requ
Code foreign_requ
Child Table asignacion_requisitos
Parent Table requisitos
Foreign Key Columns idrequisito
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_requ

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_requ

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idrequisito = idrequisito idrequisito idrequisito

III.3.2.91 Reference FOREIGN_SEDE

III. Card of reference FOREIGN_SEDE
Child Table local
Parent Table sede
Foreign Key Columns idsede
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference FOREIGN_SEDE

Name Code

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PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference FOREIGN_SEDE

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idsede = idsede idsede idsede

III.3.2.92 Reference foreign_sede

III. Card of reference foreign_sede
Name foreign_sede
Code foreign_sede
Child Table curso_dictar
Parent Table sede
Foreign Key Columns idsede
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_sede

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference foreign_sede

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idsede = idsede idsede idsede

III.3.2.93 Reference foreign_tram

III. Card of reference foreign_tram
Name foreign_tram
Code foreign_tram
Child Table alumno_tramite
Parent Table tramite
Foreign Key Columns
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference foreign_tram

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III.3.2.94 Reference GrupoLectivo_idCursoProgramado_fkey

III. Card of reference GrupoLectivo_idCursoProgramado_fkey
Name GrupoLectivo_idCursoProgramado_fkey
Code GrupoLectivo_idCursoProgramado_fkey
Child Table grupolectivo
Parent Table cursoprogramado
Foreign Key Columns idcursoprogramado; seccion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcursoprogramado = idcursoprogramado idcursoprogramado
seccion = seccion seccion seccion

III.3.2.95 Reference hijos_idtrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference hijos_idtrabajador_fkey
Name hijos_idtrabajador_fkey
Code hijos_idtrabajador_fkey
Child Table hijos
Parent Table trabajador
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference hijos_idtrabajador_fkey

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference hijos_idtrabajador_fkey

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column

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idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.96 Reference horariolectivo_ambiuso_fkey

III. Card of reference horariolectivo_ambiuso_fkey
Name horariolectivo_ambiuso_fkey
Code horariolectivo_ambiuso_fkey
Child Table horariolectivo
Parent Table ambarea_uso
Foreign Key Columns idarea; idambiente; idperiodo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idarea = idarea idarea idarea
idambiente = idambiente idambiente idambiente
idperiodo = idperiodo idperiodo idperiodo

III.3.2.97 Reference horariolectivo_idgrupolectivo_fkey

III. Card of reference horariolectivo_idgrupolectivo_fkey
Name horariolectivo_idgrupolectivo_fkey
Code horariolectivo_idgrupolectivo_fkey
Child Table horariolectivo
Parent Table grupolectivo
Foreign Key Columns idgrupolectivo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idgrupolectivo = idgrupolectivo idgrupolectivo idgrupolectivo

III.3.2.98 Reference horarionolectivo_idcarganolectiva_fkey

III. Card of reference horarionolectivo_idcarganolectiva_fkey
Name horarionolectivo_idcarganolectiva_fkey
Code horarionolectivo_idcarganolectiva_fkey
Child Table horarionolectivo
Parent Table carganolectiva
Foreign Key Columns idcarganolectiva
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcarganolectiva = idcarganolectiva idcarganolectiva

III.3.2.99 Reference idsede_fk

III. Card of reference idsede_fk
Name idsede_fk
Code idsede_fk
Child Table trabajador
Parent Table sede
Foreign Key Columns idsede
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference idsede_fk

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Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference idsede_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idsede = idsede idsede idsede

III.3.2.100 Reference idtipogrupo_fk

III. Card of reference idtipogrupo_fk
Name idtipogrupo_fk
Code idtipogrupo_fk
Child Table grupovia
Parent Table tipo_grupovia
Foreign Key Columns idtipogrupo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference idtipogrupo_fk

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference idtipogrupo_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtipogrupo = idtipogrupo idtipogrupo idtipogrupo

III.3.2.101 Reference idtipovia_fk

III. Card of reference idtipovia_fk
Name idtipovia_fk
Code idtipovia_fk
Child Table vias
Parent Table tipo_via
Foreign Key Columns idtipovia
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference idtipovia_fk

Name Code

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PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference idtipovia_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtipovia = idtipovia idtipovia idtipovia

III.3.2.102 Reference idvias_fk

III. Card of reference idvias_fk
Name idvias_fk
Code idvias_fk
Child Table persona
Parent Table vias
Foreign Key Columns idvias
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference idvias_fk

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference idvias_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idvias = idvias idvias idvias

III.3.2.103 Reference kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

III. Card of reference kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Name kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Code kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Child Table ambarea_uso
Parent Table area
Foreign Key Columns idarea
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code

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PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idarea = idarea idarea idarea

III.3.2.104 Reference licencias_idtrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference licencias_idtrabajador_fkey
Name licencias_idtrabajador_fkey
Code licencias_idtrabajador_fkey
Child Table licencias
Parent Table trabajador
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.105 Reference matricula_detllae_foreign

III. Card of reference matricula_detllae_foreign
Name matricula_detllae_foreign
Code matricula_detllae_foreign
Child Table detalle_asistencia
Parent Table matricula_detalle
Foreign Key Columns idmatriculadetalle
Parent Role
Child Role

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III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference matricula_detllae_foreign

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idmatriculadetalle = idmatriculadetalle idmatriculadetalle

III.3.2.106 Reference mod_foreign

III. Card of reference mod_foreign
Name mod_foreign
Code mod_foreign
Child Table modalidad_periodo_area
Parent Table modalidad_examen
Foreign Key Columns idmodexamen
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference mod_foreign

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference mod_foreign

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idmodexamen = idmodexamen idmodexamen idmodexamen

III.3.2.107 Reference mod_post

III. Card of reference mod_post
Name mod_post
Code mod_post
Child Table postulante
Parent Table modalidad_examen
Foreign Key Columns idmodexamen
Parent Role
Child Role

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III. List of diagrams containing the reference mod_post

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference mod_post

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idmodexamen = idmodexamen idmodexamen idmodexamen

III.3.2.108 Reference mod_req_mod

III. Card of reference mod_req_mod
Name mod_req_mod
Code mod_req_mod
Child Table modalidad_requisitos
Parent Table modalidad_examen
Foreign Key Columns idmodexamen
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference mod_req_mod

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference mod_req_mod

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idmodexamen = idmodexamen idmodexamen idmodexamen

III.3.2.109 Reference modalidad_fk

III. Card of reference modalidad_fk
Name modalidad_fk
Code modalidad_fk
Child Table trabajador
Parent Table modalidad
Foreign Key Columns idmodalidad
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference modalidad_fk

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Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference modalidad_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idmodalidad = idmodalidad idmodalidad idmodalidad

III.3.2.110 Reference modulo_fk

III. Card of reference modulo_fk
Name modulo_fk
Code modulo_fk
Child Table tarea
Parent Table modulo
Foreign Key Columns mod_codigo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference modulo_fk

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference modulo_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
mod_codigo = mod_codigo mod_codigo mod_codigo

III.3.2.111 Reference organos_gobierno_idcondicion_fkey

III. Card of reference organos_gobierno_idcondicion_fkey
Name organos_gobierno_idcondicion_fkey
Code organos_gobierno_idcondicion_fkey
Child Table organos_gobierno
Parent Table condicion
Foreign Key Columns idcondicion
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference


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Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idcondicion = idcondicion idcondicion idcondicion

III.3.2.112 Reference organos_gobierno_idtrabajador_fkey

III. Card of reference organos_gobierno_idtrabajador_fkey
Name organos_gobierno_idtrabajador_fkey
Code organos_gobierno_idtrabajador_fkey
Child Table organos_gobierno
Parent Table trabajador
Foreign Key Columns idtrabajador
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idtrabajador = idtrabajador idtrabajador idtrabajador

III.3.2.113 Reference pabellon_foreign

III. Card of reference pabellon_foreign
Name pabellon_foreign
Code pabellon_foreign
Child Table pabellon
Parent Table local
Foreign Key Columns idlocal
Parent Role
Child Role

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III. List of diagrams containing the reference pabellon_foreign

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference pabellon_foreign

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idlocal = idlocal idlocal idlocal

III.3.2.114 Reference periodo_foreign

III. Card of reference periodo_foreign
Name periodo_foreign
Code periodo_foreign
Child Table modalidad_periodo_area
Parent Table periodo
Foreign Key Columns idperiodo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference periodo_foreign

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference periodo_foreign

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idperiodo = idperiodo idperiodo idperiodo

III.3.2.115 Reference persona_fk

III. Card of reference persona_fk
Name persona_fk
Code persona_fk
Child Table trabajador
Parent Table persona
Foreign Key Columns idpersona
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference persona_fk

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Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference persona_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpersona = idpersona idpersona idpersona

III.3.2.116 Reference persona_fk

III. Card of reference persona_fk
Name persona_fk
Code persona_fk
Child Table usuario
Parent Table persona
Foreign Key Columns idpersona
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference persona_fk

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference persona_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpersona = idpersona idpersona idpersona

III.3.2.117 Reference post_asig

III. Card of reference post_asig
Name post_asig
Code post_asig
Child Table asignacion_requisitos
Parent Table postulante
Foreign Key Columns idpostulante
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference post_asig

Name Code

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PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference post_asig

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpostulante = idpostulante idpostulante idpostulante

III.3.2.118 Reference pregunta_idestandar_fkey

III. Card of reference pregunta_idestandar_fkey
Name pregunta_idestandar_fkey
Code pregunta_idestandar_fkey
Child Table pregunta
Parent Table estandar
Foreign Key Columns idestandar
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference pregunta_idestandar_fkey

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idestandar = idestandar idestandar idestandar

III.3.2.119 Reference req_mod_req

III. Card of reference req_mod_req
Name req_mod_req
Code req_mod_req
Child Table modalidad_requisitos
Parent Table requisitos
Foreign Key Columns idrequisito
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference req_mod_req

Name Code

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PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference req_mod_req

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idrequisito = idrequisito idrequisito idrequisito

III.3.2.120 Reference roles_fk

III. Card of reference roles_fk
Name roles_fk
Code roles_fk
Child Table roles_usuario
Parent Table roles
Foreign Key Columns rol_id
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference roles_fk

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference roles_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
rol_id = rol_id rol_id rol_id

III.3.2.121 Reference sede_foreign

III. Card of reference sede_foreign
Name sede_foreign
Code sede_foreign
Child Table postulante
Parent Table sede
Foreign Key Columns idsede
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference sede_foreign

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of reference joins of the reference sede_foreign

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idsede = idsede idsede idsede

III.3.2.122 Reference sede_foreign

III. Card of reference sede_foreign
Name sede_foreign
Code sede_foreign
Child Table area
Parent Table sede
Foreign Key Columns idsede
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference sede_foreign

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference sede_foreign

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idsede = idsede idsede idsede

III.3.2.123 Reference sede_foreign

III. Card of reference sede_foreign
Name sede_foreign
Code sede_foreign
Child Table area
Parent Table sede
Foreign Key Columns idsede
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference sede_foreign

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference sede_foreign

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Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column

idsede = idsede idsede idsede

III.3.2.124 Reference sede_ub_fore

III. Card of reference sede_ub_fore
Name sede_ub_fore
Code sede_ub_fore
Child Table sede
Parent Table ubigeo
Foreign Key Columns idubigeo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference sede_ub_fore

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference sede_ub_fore

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idubigeo = idubigeo idubigeo idubigeo

III.3.2.125 Reference ubigeo_fk

III. Card of reference ubigeo_fk
Name ubigeo_fk
Code ubigeo_fk
Child Table persona
Parent Table ubigeo
Foreign Key Columns idubigeo
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference ubigeo_fk

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference ubigeo_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column

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idubigeo = idubigeo idubigeo idubigeo

III.3.2.126 Reference usuario_encuesta_idencuesta_fkey

III. Card of reference usuario_encuesta_idencuesta_fkey
Name usuario_encuesta_idencuesta_fkey
Code usuario_encuesta_idencuesta_fkey
Child Table usuario_encuesta
Parent Table encuesta
Foreign Key Columns idencuesta
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idencuesta = idencuesta idencuesta idencuesta

III.3.2.127 Reference usuario_encuesta_idpersona_fkey

III. Card of reference usuario_encuesta_idpersona_fkey
Name usuario_encuesta_idpersona_fkey
Code usuario_encuesta_idpersona_fkey
Child Table usuario_encuesta
Parent Table persona
Foreign Key Columns idpersona
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpersona = idpersona idpersona idpersona

III.3.2.128 Reference usuario_fk

III. Card of reference usuario_fk
Name usuario_fk
Code usuario_fk
Child Table roles_usuario
Parent Table usuario
Foreign Key Columns idpersona
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference usuario_fk

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference usuario_fk

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpersona = idpersona idpersona idpersona

III.3.2.129 Reference usuario_respuesta_idpersona_fkey

III. Card of reference usuario_respuesta_idpersona_fkey
Name usuario_respuesta_idpersona_fkey
Code usuario_respuesta_idpersona_fkey
Child Table usuario_respuesta
Parent Table persona
Foreign Key Columns idpersona
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

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III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpersona = idpersona idpersona idpersona

III.3.2.130 Reference usuario_respuesta_idpregunta_fkey

III. Card of reference usuario_respuesta_idpregunta_fkey
Name usuario_respuesta_idpregunta_fkey
Code usuario_respuesta_idpregunta_fkey
Child Table usuario_respuesta
Parent Table pregunta
Foreign Key Columns idpregunta
Parent Role
Child Role

III. List of diagrams containing the reference

Name Code
PhysicalDiagram_1 PHYSICALDIAGRAM_1

III. List of reference joins of the reference

Display Name Parent Table Column Child Table Column
idpregunta = idpregunta idpregunta idpregunta

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