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Aecil a8, 1G Tercy Brown ; 4 _lernor oF Cal! fornia State Capitol, Suite 173 Sacramento, Cal'Forata IF $14 Dear Governor Brown: LT was ergnb gens old. D (ved on a ranch 'n Chino Hille with my Family. We had horses and U'ked i : to Tidé and shoud them, pee @ perfect Pat oe | EAlled with love. ly. dur house was TH weS 1993.5 Mnvited my best Erlend Cheis Hughe ; Ss to spend the night at e house. DF i hag a would still ber alive todays 5 blame myseie por what binppened to him. Hae ae ee night E heard Screams comin Zom my parents bedroom. fan foward the oa trtppedl “over~ my sisters body. She was laying in wi iz doorway ThE only things x vividly ea 7S lying ha a pea] ef blood, be’ng unable. +0 move. and (ooking ail aught at my mother who was bying dead pele ll rhe next morning T head banging on the shiding gla Aeor ed saw rie. Hughes ard : ae OF shock and ee an his face Hiat Twi] never Forget, He lect and = he the Front clooM bashing in and mv, Hughes he wes ard ondling His son and 3 boing and moaning alhieh will m voy echo IN my ears, z remember Being PL in a nevieopteG T Jaber learned ne one theug ht gee T try to esepe from Kevin Cooper by nod Treading he newspapers, but x cannot escape his presence, I drved et Wim out oF my mind amd bash nim Crom my mene wet £ annot esmpe. People fell me he tg on Facebook, puts on a monthly Show From Wis cell ina Galt Fornta prison. TWINK 75 ridiculous that CaliPoenia gives him every Hong he wants, FE gave Aim the hole in the Fence at chine prison which he climbed through to make his escape From ectson which enabled hin fo murder my Fam iy omd Frvend, We Know aloout the hole mn +he Fence beavse ne laber bragged. about hou! easy Tt wag to escapes Califernta started subsidizing Keu'n Cooper song befére Raeeloook ame b's monthly tah shou, when We made, brs way to my house. te murder my Fam ly amd Friend and retest murder me, he wathed a shoeg supplied b the prison , and smoked tobacco supped bey Phe. prison, Aaliferatqa has given Bevin Cooper avery ng he wants, He wants DNA teshig, 5° ies gives r+ 4 him, LT proves that Cooper ‘5 the killer, 58 he. sags \ af was planted, ancl wants mare LWA testing, ay a For goad mensule, an Envest'gation of the poued For~ Framing him becuse OF Aig face, | Keuin~Gooper i's a War, He Mes about thing whey hes caught rn his Hes, he Mes move more. He. gels other people to believe “m and broadcast his fies. | Beowse oF Keun Cope T was accused oF being 4 (iar o, rakenal 4elev'sn. CAINS "Death Row shonies” pu on q if _ eu about Keun Cooper us hich presented Avs ma a5 Facts - that the police Femed him and conde me 4o Ise unde? oath, hes ken Cooper 15 in my mind everyday He 5 4@ ntgntmare Which Plays over amd aver ia my h can never get ausay From him. the latest is his Ceqvest for chemenay , someth'' he rich does not desecve, but he Goes not shop there, fle also wants more vA teshing omel an Mnveghigation oF the police onel prosecutors, i thts 5 ridicviows, Pt Is obscene. Pleage Deny peoysn Coopers teqvests , bot please expliin the rectbon why TH *5 time someone told the Huth about eu he did. Ft is Hme someone spoke uf for me and chris's Faun ly >éncerely Jaswa of. Rye

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