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Bringhurst 1

Alexa Bringhurst

Janet Fotu

Art 1020 Period 6

15 May 2018

Learning Techniques

At the start of this class I was definitely a beginner. In using the Ski lift analogy I was a

level 2. I have taken drawing classes before and did some practice with figures by drawing the

advanced stick figures along with a few faces but was nowhere near drawing the entire body. I

have never enjoyed drawing people and I didn’t have the necessary skills to draw them how I

saw them. Throughout this class I slowly climbed my way through the levels. Day one of class

we drew faces of kids in our class as a start to practicing and I moved to a level 3. Then when we

moved into the figure study packet and I was gaining more skills to be able to draw human

figures and moved to a level 4. I started to become more comfortable with drawing figures and

ready to add some dimension. That’s when I moved up to a level 5 when we added light logic.

And finally level 6 when we had models and had to draw them. Now I am pretty comfortable

drawing the human body.

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