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a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to find the largest of 3

b) Implement source code to find the minimum/maximum element of a given set of numbers
using an array.

2. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to print the sum of the digits of
a given number.
b) Implement source code to find the sum and average of a given set of numbers using an

3. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to find roots for the quadratic
b) Implement source code to sort given elements using Bubble sort.

4. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to check whether the given
character is vowel or consonant.
b) Implement source code to sort given elements using Selection sort.

5. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and write a program to read the marks obtained by the
student through key board and print the result as per the following rules.
● Percentage>=75 -------- Distinction
● 75<Percentage>=60 -------- First Class
● 60<Percentage>=50 -------- Second Class
● 50<Percentage>=40 -------- Third Class
● Percentage<40 -------- Failed
b) Implement source code to find addition/subtraction of 2D matrix.

6. Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and write a program to display the following patterns.

a. * b. 5 4 3 2 1
** 5432
*** 543
**** 54

7. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to find whether given number
is Perfect number or not.
b) Implement source code to demonstrate function pointer (Pointers to functions) concept.

8. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to find power of a given

number using recursion.
b) Implement source code to search given element using Binary Search.

9. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to find whether the given
number is palindrome or not.
b) Implement source code to find the transpose of 2D matrix.
10. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to calculate sum of all even &
odd numbers from 1 to N.
b) Implement source code to print array of elements using pointers.

11. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to display all prime numbers
from 1 to N using nested for loops.
b) Implement source code to search given element using Linear search.

12. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to find whether the given
number is Armstrong or not using functions.
b) Implement source code for comparing two strings using user defined function.

13. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code using functions to find power
of a given number.
b) Implement code to find multiplication of 2D matrix.

14. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to find factorial of a given
number using functions.
b) Implement source code to find number of spaces, vowels, consonants, digits & special
symbols in the given sentence.

15. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to display Fibonacci series of a
given number using functions.
b) Implement source code for concatenate two strings using user defined function.

16. Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to parameter passing

A. Swapping of two numbers using call by value.
B. Swapping of two numbers using call by address.

17. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to find factorial of a given
number using recursion.
b) Implement source code to demonstrate union concept.

18. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code to find gcd of 2 numbers using
b) Implement source code to display all the information roll no, name, 6 subject marks and
percentage. Find percentage of ten students by accepting 6 subject marks, roll no and name
of the students.
19. a) Describe an algorithm/Flowchart and implement source code using functions to find power
of a given number.
b) Implement source code to create a file and print the contents of the file on the monitor.

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