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The main purpose of work immersion is to gain a lot of knowledge to students on their chosen
field ; to develop students personalities towards works and to have experience or training
which can help them in their future career.
Pre-immersion Meeting
During the pre-immersion Meeting, the school held a meeting for students and parents to
discuss important information about the work immersion of their child/children. The school
principal and respective teacher discusses the topic about the behavior, personalities, and
attitude of students, the required outfit to be worm, the time of duty, the transportation
needed, and the requirements need to compile to the immersion site and the requirements
after work immersion. Talking about the personalities of students, they should follow the rules
and regulations of respective immersion site. The time for duty starts at 8:00 AM and ends to
5:00 PM. Students should be in the meeting place before 6:45 AM.
Pre-immersion Orientation
Before the work immersion start, they must be oriented. For Bantigue de Aklan where we took
the immersion for dressmaking. They talked to us for our little orientation, follow instructions
and observe in our first day my of duty and we are free on what outfit we are going to wear.
Immersion Requirements
Students should compile all the requirements required by the respective supervisor to the
immersion site. It includes the ff.

 Annex C
 Grading Sheet
 Parent Consent

Actual Immersion Training

Immersion is of dressmaking assigned at Bantigue de Aklan taught on how to measure aprons
correctly as well as to use and setting available sewing machine they have. We instructed to
sew 100 aprons ordered from boracay. Correct measurements, appropriate thread to use and
sewing straight are instructed to us.
Program of activities

8:00-9:00 Cleaning/Measuring
9:00-10:00 Sewing garments and
doing every task
10:00-11:00 Sewing garments and
doing every task
11:00-12:00 Sewing garments and
doing every task
12:00-1:00 Sewing garments and
doing every task
1:00-2:00 Sewing garments and
doing every task
2:00-3:00 Sewing garments and
doing every task
3:00-4:00 Sewing garments and
doing every task
4:00-5:00 Cleaning the area
before leaving

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