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ta4l |FdIFEEEIEG I!Ih.
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Hat T -
F/1 -
Advantages of a
Square Light Pattern
o Less energy consumption
Fewer f ixtures and poles
More uniform lighting
Assurne two luminaires
of equal efficiency and
light throw, one having
ldeal for new construction and retrofit a typical circular
pattern and the other
a square pattern. This
is represented
graphicaly by a circ e
and square of equal
area, deplctlng the
plan view of light on
the ground.

Outdated circular light pattern

Luminaires wlth c rcular patterns require substantial light over ap
to achieve a desired minlmum lght level at the midpoint between
poles. Th s results ln wasted energy and increased cost because
It takes more flxtures and poles to light a given area.

lnnovative square light pattern

Substantia energy savings mmediate y possible in terms of watts
per square foot of iluminated area.
257o greater pole spacing may be achieved with the square llght
pattern because light overlap is m nimlzed.
22"/" increase in illuminated area may be achieved for a typlca
4 pole arrangement.
The lncrease in il uminated area can becorne even arqer as the
number of poles increases. This means that a square light pattern
becomes more efficient as the project size increases.
327o increase in illuminated area posslble for I poles.
377o increase in i lum nated area possible for 16 poles.
417o lncrease in ll uminated area possible for 25 poles.
Templates and computer printouts avai ab e to asslst ln layout
aro p a'r'ring ol the lgnt "q sctre^ e.

Plan View
A revo utionary ref ector forms the heart of the Type 5 f xture.
Eng neered by Kim and patent protected this lnnovat ve des gn is
the flrst to ach eve a we I deflned square ght pattern w th sharp
cutoff. The lncreased vislbi ity and economy of a true sqLrare
pattern s read ly documented w th phototnetr c data Thshigh
efficiency makes the Type 5 dea or e the r new const ruction or

retrofit appllcat ons. W th the one p ece hydrolorrned ref ector, the
opt cal systemof the uminare s so elf cient thal olten one Type 5
can replace two presently nsta ed f xtures The s gn licant y
mproved ight d stribution resu ts n a substantia decrease n
nur.rber of po es requ red for a particu ar prolect. V sua c utter is
further dlminlshed because Type 5 ight contro greatly reduces
pole shaft i luminat on

U S. Patent No. 4 041,306

An understanding of the h gh cost of abor has lead K m to stress

inslal at on efliclency wh le ensur ng fixture ntegrty Themintnum
nurnber of separate components n Type 5 des gn corre ates
directly to a maxlmum reduction of insta at on elforl. Because the
ens frarne assemb y s factory prewired and assemb ed to the
housing before sh pment, no con"rplcated t me-consuming fie d
assemb y s necessary. Attachment to the po e s stra ghtlorward
accomp shed with a single bo t recessed n the f xture support
tenon No iasteners are visib e frorn forma view ng ang es. The
tenof doub es as a sp ice compartment where fie d connect ons
are easiy made after lixture ls secured to po e.

Ease of maintenance combined w lh a m nimurn of hand ng t me
areemphas zed inType 5engineering. When servic ng s requ red,
arnp access s qu ck y ga ned by oosen ng two three quarter turn
fasteners recessed n the lens lrame. These are concealed from
normal v ew A self ock ng support arrn ho ds the f xture open
eav ng both hands free to work Long{erm c eanl ness and
max mum lqht outpLrt are designed into the Type 5 because of
the sealed opt ca chamber.

exped te nstal ation and r.ra ntenance thebal ast and al

To lu rther
re ated prew red compofefts are mounted on a s ng e p ate Th s
unit zed bal ast snaps into the f xture hous ng w thout the !se of
too s and features quick disconnect p ugs on al wiring Entry
lnto the bal ast area of the Type 5 is eas y accomp shed by
loosen ng two three quarter turn fasteners and h nging refector
down onto ens frame

f" 1
*"* J
93/a" 93/a"

-+ 93/q" fi3/q"

1- t
24" Size 28" Size
Up to 400 watts Up to 1000 watts

13" for 24" f xtures

Opt onal Photoce Receptac e




\\ optiona
\\ Lexano Shie d

Side Arm Mount

F xture s lurn shed w th
F t]sh N,4oirnt Teron N/ount arm mount n p ace of
tenor spoke mount
tt. r.t
Avai ab' e n
tw n or quad
rl mou nts only

Standard flush Opt ona T Tenon lvount for

rnount wlth s ng e poeshavnga2"ppe
bo t expansion lenan (23/s" O.D. \ 43/a"
device Availab e fof m nimum ength)
square cut tops. See
K m spec sheets for
5SO ser es I xtures
sha be Under\,\i r ters Labotator es istedforwet ocatons
sha be iab. cated Irom a of-- p ecc cxi.Llded a Llta||uif s dc pafeiv/ th
rr tc.ed corrers tlrat are ntetfa y we ded and sea eo A ptess fonfed a um f um top
cov-ar sh3l nter ock \,1'- th the lroLts f q extrus of and have a COIt llLtous \,!eaihetL qlri sea
afd a peaked ccnter lor fcreased strength ard ell c enl u",ater run off

slra cors sl of a one p ece ftydrofoffned .ef ectot v/iilt il h oh ),

specLr ar A zak " f n slr Bel eclor shal h nge dowr lor access to ba ast and wir ro by
re eas fg t\'vo i2l qLlartet tLtrt aLclres The open end ol ihe ref ector assemll y slra
ile sea -ad w tfr a onc p ece h !lh rerlperat!rc gasket moLtf ted I the lcns lrame
Lamp socket sha bc porce arf mollu base \,! th a vibratio| proof gr p she For
| 9h PressLrre Sodium iarrps the appropriaie 4KV or 5KV pLr se ratecl sockei sha be
prov ded The sockel shil be mouftecl I a cast a urf num ho det attached to tfe
reflector \,!al ard sha b-- gasketcd for a rt ght fteqr ty w tf a w res enter Ig the opt cat
chamber to be seai-a(l at porni of eftry A lamps sha be supported ai their e.ds by ar
adl!stab e harness lor preo se focal pos trof afd viLlratior protcct on

asscrrb y sha cofsist ol a:r ." Inpact tes slit|t c ear tempered g ass e.s
enclosed by a one p ece hrgh tempcrature gaskel arrd secLrrely reta fed n af ext.lded
a !m num dooT lrame. Tlre frafre shai be h nged at o|e end afd sha c ose ard sea the
opl ca clamber by t\,1i o (2) corcealed capt ve spr Iq loaded atches F xture shal bc
.o or -,o.-.. J - o r pl o
(ODt oia ) Lexaf " shie d sha be ofe fl ece vacu!rn fotned. afd sha be mou.tted I a
ofe p ecc h gh terfperal!re qasnct rn clace olstafdard g ass cns

sha bc by ore ol ihe 1(l o!4/ ng methocis

Post Top lvloale sha bc sLtpltorteal by fo!. (4) formed tLtll! i:tT a !m rL.n arrs \,!e (le(l to
the eis lTame ilfd to aF a Lrm num moLt tt n.l leNon i\/louft t0 tefo| sha l have a s fg e
flerfa ..oLrnt rq bo I wlr ch act vates af expafs oI devrcc lot tr'to!|l fgtothcpoe!1i tfl
fo v s b c lastefers Opi ofa T Terof N4oLtft shil cois st ol an exte|(lerl f xtLrre tfoLt tiin!l
tefor for rroL|rt ng to oo es irav fq it 2" p pe teno.t (2zia" 6 2 t OUr" n,,t murr ergth)
leror rTrouNi sha bc provided ',!ilh e qlrt (8) sta I ess sl-a-a al e| lr(]acl cLtp poiItsei
screu/s Lcns frame assefirr) y sla be factoty pte\,v re(i al]d assef]bleo to th-a lrous nll iot
easy i-- d attaclrment to ilre po,o ils it s ng c f xtLt.e asse tbiy
S ale Arm lvo!fi fq sha cnrp oy a ore p ece reotafgLt a. alL]lt-ti|! r extrlts or u/ th rtetna
center ng gLr d,os L!rn fa rc to po e assemb y sha bl] .nade tlllo!gh a rfechaf ca dtaw-
bo i attachireri !,/ llt it llre aff| The comp ete arrrr asse.nb y sha fc ude a po c
.e rfofc ng p aie,,,r'fr olr llroL]nts nside tlte po e ior aclded sttetgth a1 the arnr lo nt

sha lte UL app(rved ard be ai ftegtal pitrt oi the fxtLtre.

tsa a,qL afo related co.iponefts sha lle rieg.atcd orto a s |!l -o p ate as a
se I corta feal s!bassemb y To lac Laie lasi assernb !, a td rta IleIancc, th s e ecu cill
s!bassemb y slrai be illiiched to tfe I xture w tlr q! ck d scofnecL Ig lr ngcs afd spr n!l
oaded aLcI p fs Fastf cd!^/rrll:tltit lt,. provdcdfotbyl]le !"'r|q a elcctTCa
compon-6iris !! tlr qLr ck d scof tect p !US Opt ora photoce rec-dptac e sfta be iilctory
nsia led I tlre rop cover and sha iacc,opl NE["4A base piroioce s (by otfers) A bi]l asts
slra be componefi type capab e oi prov d,rg re ab e amp start rg down io 20F y/ h
po$/er faclor ol 9096 or betLe.(H gh Powcr Factorl

ior each L m na .e sha b-o a TYPE V SQUARE Ct-lT OFF

d str b!T o. sha be no !flward qftt and cand el.tower at lO'above max murr
Sha fol -axc-6-ad 3 5'i of thc tola amp !r|en9 for C eat anps FOr phosphot Coat-o(l
arfps the cafdlepower sha l]ot exceed 2 7!'" of ihc tota amp i!ile|s ai 25'abo!,e
lllax mLtTr't
Tlr-^ !llrt pattcnr sha be a we del |ed square aboui il c-.|tra po e w ih max mlir
cand --po!!e.s occLlr fg I tlte coffrers at tfe hot lofta il|g es of 45' 135" 225. arrd 315"
he tola dowiward efi c efcy sltit --rceed 7T 5",o lor il c ea. a.nps (A so ava ab e !{/ th
asylrfi]etr c gfri patterr. s-.,^ ft 6)

sha beTG C Therrnoset PoVesterPowder CoatPant StafdardTGC

Powder Coat or opi onal anod zed frf shes dre appl ed over a sat n po .h that s app ecl to the
f xtur-^ alter fabricat on to e m natc extrus on dle rnarks afd provlde a c eaf cr sp appearance

sha be Arch teciutat C ass I Anod ze over sal n po sh Ava lab e co ors are
black or dark bronze Lens fra..e assemb y (tenon tubu ar arafs and ens frarne) s a ways
natura a Lrm nLrm TG C Thermosei Polycster Powder Coat Palnt

Fixtures must be giornded I accordance with ocal codes or the Nationa

Electr ca Code Fai ute to do so iray resLt t n serloLts persona njuty
,44 5
For twin or
quad moL]nts only.

Fixture Fixture Hig h

Cat. No. for Cat. No. for Power Factor
Post Top Side Arm Fixture Lamp Line Ballast Line Operating Starting
Mounting Mounting Size by others Volts Type Watts Amps Amps
r20 1080 924
I000 walt 208 Uonslant 1080 530 Less than
28" sq
l\.4ela c Ha i.le
244 Wattage 1080 460 oPerating
211 1080 400
480 r 080 230
120 1090 920
1000 watt 208 Constant 1090 530 Less than
28" sq High Press!re 240 Waltage r 090 460 operaling
Sodrum 277 I090 4AA amps
480 I090 230
124 1075 920
248 Constant I075 530 Less than
28'sq I000 watl 244 Waltage I075 ,1 tiO operat ng
Mercury Vapor Aulotransforrner 400
277 1080 ararps
480 1080 234
400 walt 124 455 400
N4eta c Ha de 208 Oonslant 455 230 Less than
24" sq (socket prov ded 244 Wattage 455 204 operat ng
for curved arc lube 277 ALrtotransformer 455 175 amps
ar.p) 480 455 r00
120 465 430
400 watl 2AB Uonslani 465 248 Less lhan
2l sq Hlgh Press!re 244 Watiage !65 215 oPeratlng!m 277 Autolrafsloraaer 465 1.86
4U{l 465 L07
124 451 390
.,100 watt
208 Constant 451 224 Less than
24 sa.
N4ercLrry Vapor
244 Wattage 451 19s opcral ng
277 451 170 amps
480 454 098
250 watt 124 295 260
N4eta ic Halde 208 Constant 295 150 Less than
24'sq (socket prov decj 244 Wattage 295 130 operat ng
lor cLrrved arc tube 277 295 112 arn ps
amp) 480 3r0 {) 65
120 300 215
250 walt 208 Conslant 300 I6u Less than
24'sq H gh PressLrre 244 Wattag-. 300 138 operat ng
Sod Lrnr 277 300 120 amps
480 300 06q
120 250
250 watl
208 Cofslan{ 285 r45 Less than
24" sq 240 Wattag-. 125 operatrng
Mercury Vapor Autolrafslonner I amps
277 10
480 462
1 75 watl 124 215 rB0
N4eta c Ha de 208 lionstant 215 104 Less than
24" sq (socket prov ded 244 Waltage 215 090 operal ng
for curved arc Iube 277 Autotransforrner 215 078 arn ps
arn p) 480 215 045
124 204 175
I75 watt 208 Constant 200 100 Less than
24' sq MercLrry Vapor
244 Wattage 200 087 oPerat ng
277 ALrlotransforrner 200 076 arn ps
480 200 044
I50 r,/att 120 188 170 200
208 188 100 T 15
H gh Pressure
24'.:q. Sod rrrn
240 Lag 100
(55 vo t arll p)
277 188 475 085
480 lBB 045 050
Catalog number includes one fixtu re with square ight pattern, nc uding f ush po e mo! nl ng hardware and standard baked enamel finish.
(Less amp, ess pole)
Note: sSQ Ser es F xtures aTe ava able w th an ASYM M ETB lC LIG HT patterf as descr bed on Kirn spec. sheet nu mber 5AT. To order, rep ace SQ in
cata og n urn ber with AT. Examp e: 5AT- 1 05 For photornelrics, refer to E KG cata og 42. H S Houseside sh eld ava able.
Cat. No. Description
Standard TGIC Back
Thermoset Dark Bronze (resemb es 313 Duranod c " n co or)
Polyester Powder-Coat Nat!ra Ailrr nurn

Optional anodized B.L"odl. ,d,a d,\d.

finishes at extra cost: Do I B o. .o.. oo /o I \^ .r Do^o-. od
Lexan life pececeairLexan" ShednroLrrled I en!lranre n patceof
Shield: !l .rss e rs Nol :rva abic \,,, 1ir 400 v/all or 1000 !,,att arrps CAUTION: Us-.
oi j! \['len \/anda. sm s ant c pateal to be I qh Uselu j-. s
m leal d!e io ye ow n! carrseal by UV fro l1 srif !lhi alnal [,4ercr]ry
Vajror of f\4ela c Ha id-. amps
Tenon Mounl: to Erterdeal f xtLre nroLr't nc lellol. for froLr'l ral Lo po cs,,! th 2" p pa tcfon
cata caj fo (2:,!"OD x 4:ta" r1 n nrt]m .ngih)
t! sSU ll5
Photocell lnteltra _v fiounteal loacceDl NEMIA base photoce slbyothersl For
Receptacle: .ioLr'L n!l arTa r!lcr'rcits B o, C onc f xlLrrc slrar bc :Lrfir s rcd w llr :rn
fsta ed r,oceptac e (p Lrs a re ay v\/lrerr reqr rerJ lo operale lNe olhers
Post top es sted on K m spec f cat on sheets
mounting: ,.:.- .:,.1
Use on y the po

Sidearm Use po es dent ca to those n K m EKG series See spec flcat on

mountjng: sheets PTRA/XTRA, PSA, PNTRA, PTSSK, PTBS and PSSK.

I S de po e mount ngs stiould be used on y when a qht eve

l.t l.lI greater than lhat ach eved w th a s ng e f xtLtre is desired S de
mourit ng a s ng e Lrm na re s not recommended because of
Catalog number: po e shadow nterlerence



D.,ra.... .ar:dena (oll.oa Lera: s:l a.e.rark.iC E

L- .r r:: i-neji:"i -'S All photometric testing by
Indepe'1de'1t Testing Laboraror'es. 1c.
Boulder. Colorado

horizontal initial foolcandles at listed mounling heiqhts 1000 \Slatt

2.8 1.1 .57 .2A .1.061 .02 Ilrlelaliic l.lla:ide. Ciear
39 4.5 1 .8 .91 .45 .18.09 .05 Rated 107,800 urnens horizontal
5.7 2.3 1.1 s7 .23 .11 .06
30' 7 7 3.1 1.6 .79 .31 .16 .08 Catalog numbers 55O-300 lhrough 5SQ-304
I 0 .ooo
.068 Total downward coefticient of utilization, 0.715
No upward light
lor twin mounting I for quad mounting
.f s : multiolv hor Lzontal l'l multiply horizontal
1 .zr
- I lootcandles by 2 I footcandles by 4

E .zze 9,
:t ,JUU
o ^^^ o

o- 5
I .327
* soo"',soo"o s\ soors gosu po$

E .336 t
.= .sqz E
sP s+o ig
S .e+s
E .ao .9
typical quadranl ,f
E..uu 8
0 1 2
longitudinal dislance in unils ol mounting heights
horizontal inilial footcandles al lisled mounting heighls 'i000 watt
5 2.5 1 .s .1 .45
.2s .02 Higil PressLtre Scdirn-l
.4 .16.08 .04 Bated 140.000 lumens horizontal
10 5 .5 .2 .1 .05
13.6 6.8 2.7 1.4 .7 .27.14 .07 Catalog numbers 55Q-310 through 5SQ-3T 4
0 .ooo
.076 Total downward coeiiicient of utilization, 0.736
No upward liqht

,! \ tL19i I. for twin mounting I for quad molrnting

1 .$ .zss l. I
.zbb 6
- I
multiolv hor zontal
rootcana es bv 2 I
multiDlv horizontal
lootcandles by 4
./ n o
€ .zsr I I
1 t^^^o
o.JUY 6'
2!o-.vs 6
g.333.5 a,ooorE so\o s\ soo^o 9\ poo

,t ! .s+r S
! {
oP sss i
E "". .9f
iypical qr.E!Ua!,i-
S .asz

b .363 b
0 1 2
longitudinal dislance in units ol mouniing heights

All pholometric iesting by
ndependent Testing Laboratorjes, lnc.
Borr der Oolorado

horizonlal initlal lootcandles at listed mounting heights

50' 2.5 1 .5 .25 .1 .05 .42 .01
1.6 .a .4 .16 .08 .A4 .A2
Rated 60.000 lumens horizontal
35',5 2 1 .5 .2 .1 .05 .02
30 6_8 2.7 1.4 .7 .27 .14 A1 .03 Calalog nurnbers 5SQ-320 through 5SQ 324
.056 Total downward coefficient ol utilizat on 0.625
No !pward ight

E for twin mounting I for quad mouniing

r'6 .195 : mult olv horizonlai l.l mu tip y horizonlal
ctt o
I foot.a;d es by 2 I footcandles by 4
E .250 o
o .266 o
.278 o
o ro$oouPso ugo$ s."aj'
^s$ ^oo
eo .301
E .306 o
f a
ypt( :AI lua( trat t n) .307
01 234
longitudinal distance in units ol mountinq heiqhts

horizonlal initial toolcandles at'isled mounting heights

1.2 .6 .3 .t2 .06.03
1.5 .13 .37 .15 .01 .O4
1 .5 .2 .1 .05 Rated 40,000 lumens hor zonla
25' 2.9 141 29 .14 .07
I .000 Caiaiog numbers 5SQ T05 ihrough 5SQ T09
Total downward coefficielrt oi ut llzat on, 0.762
.135 No upward iqht
ot .257 o
II for iwin mount ng
multiply horizonlal
fooicand es by 2
ior quad aio! ni ng
m!ltlply horizontal
footcandles by 4
- .287 !
o .31 1

2:o o
.340 o npos
ti- "goo
.3 50 N
2(); .364 o
! o
o .37 4
ypical quadrant t
o .376 o
01 234
lonqitudinal distance in units ol mounlinq heights
All photometric testing by
Photonrretl,ies lndependent Testing Laboratories, lnc.
Boulder. Colorado

horizontal initial lootcandles al listed mounting heights 4[l0 Wa"t'i

39. 3 1.2 .6 .3 .12 06 .03 High Pressur'e Sociiu,ri
35', 3.7 1.5 .73 .37 .15 .07 .04 Rated 50,000 lumens horizontal
30, 5 21.5 .2 .1 .05
25'. 7.2 2.9 1.4 .7 29 .14 .47 Catalog numbers 5SQ-111 through 5SQ-119
I .000
t Total downward coefficient ol ulilization, 0.726

I ij
No upward light

E .185 I. lor twin mounting I for quad mounting

|.d .223 multiplv horizonta I 'l multiply horizortal
I rl
f E
o.255 E o
I -ootcandtes by 2 I _oo,"u"o,", ou o

i F .281 !rl)
I o .301 o
, 2: o
.317 o
.328 o ss\s\gso "ooo
nPos lsos
.= .343 E
,/ d)
.347 o
*ri{pibat .351
it;;iffin- t- c
.354 o
o ID
(! o
longiludinal distance in units of mouniing heighls

horizonlal inilial loolcandles al lisled mountinq heights rct]0 Warii

1.5 15 07 .a4 .01 i/, erau ry llapor_, Eei!re i!'Jh;le
.1 .05 .A2 Rated 21,500 lLrmens horizontaT
25', 2.9 1.4 .7 .14 .07 .03
20' 4.5 2.3 1.1 .23 .11 .05 Catalog numbers 5SQ-125 through sSQ-129
I .000
Total downward coefficient of uiilization, 0.746

I .075
No upward light

.192 I. for twin mounting I for quad mounting

4 .|.dlt) .235 I
mult olv hoflzontal I'I
footcanotes by z I
multiply horizontal
footcand es by 4
/ E
o .271
E .300 t,

f to .3tB
2:o 0
, .343 c
0 ngoo tgso
.350 6 "gso ^,goo
.; .355
2(., .359 6
ypical quadrant .9) c
E .365 t)
ll, .367 lt,
o .369 o
0 1 234
longiludinal dislance in unils ol mounting heights

All phoiometric testing by
lndependent Testing Laboratorles, lJl c
Boulder Co orado

horizontal initial lootcandles at lisled mountinq heights

30' 1.4 .7 .35 .14 .O7 .04 .O1 .AA7
25' 2.O 1.O .5 .2 .1 .05 .02 .01
20' 3.1 1.6 .78 .31 .16 .08.03 .02 Rated 23,000 lumens horizontal
16', 49 24 1.2 .49 .24 12 .A5 .A2
Calalog numbers sSQ'130 through 5SQ 134
I 0 .ooo
.07 5
Totaldownward coeliic enl of utilization. .731
No upward liqht

I. lor iwinmounting I Jor quad mounting

't.9 cc.t mu tio v horlzonta l.l multlply horizontal
' I --- -:. I toorca;dtes by 2 I footcandles by 4

E zsa g.

^E ^-^ c
g .335
.5 upso ngoo
! "poo "poo
.s+e {
3P 354 E

typical luadranl
{E .sso

I 0
distance in unib ol mounting heights

horizontal initial tootcandles at lisled mouniing heights

35 14 7 35 .14 07 03 01
5 ) .5 .2 .1 .0< .02 Fated 30.000 umens horizonla
20' 7.B .3 16 08 03
16', 12.2 4.9 2.1 1 .22 .49 .24 .12 .A5 Catalog numbers 5SQ-135 through 5SQ-139
I .00 0
Tolai downward coefi cient ol utl ization.0.730
No upward light

.230 II lor tw n mount ng
mulliply horizonlal
footcand es by 2
ior quad mounting
mult olv horizonial
foolcand es by 4
o) .265
'F .29A pa)
o .310 a,
z-o .325 0
.336 s9so tgoo ^
oos ^ ooo
; .354 o
o .356
! .359 o
o o
o, .361 6)
o o
01 23
longitudinal dislance in units of mounting heights

Phote met,'lcs All phoiometric testing by
lndependent Testinq Laboralories, lnc.
Boulder, Colorado

horizonlal initial footcandles at listed mounting heights 250 Watt

1.3 64 .32 .'13 .06 .03 .01 lvlercurfi Capor, !eluire lit h iie
.1 .05 .02 Rated 11.500 lumens l-orizontal
t6' 3.1 1.6 .74 .16 .08 .03
1A', 41 .4 .2 .1 .04 Catalog numbers 55O-145 lhrough sSQ-'149
I 0 .ooo
Total downward coefficient of ulilization, 0.704
/ .123
No upward light

,/ lor lwinmount'ng I
I 'or qudd mounting
.S.zrr ; mulliplyhorizontal I'l multrply horizonlal
- I lootcardles by 2 I footcano es by o
o.z{J o
E .zts t
o .292 @

o- 6
ogoo lFss 29oo 19oo lPso
E .317 .E

! .szo {
sH.sso i
p t
ypical qua, lrar rt """

longitudinal distance in unils ol mounting heights

horizontal initial tootcandles at listed mountinq heiqhls tr75'fle11

1.3 .64 .32 .13 .06 .03 .01 lvlelailic l-laliCe. Ciear
2 1 05.42 Curveir Arc TLI;:,e
16' 3.1 1.6 .78 .31 .16.08.03 Raied 15,000 lumens horizontal
14', 4.1 .41 .2 .1 .04
I r 0 .000 Catalog numbers 55Q-150 through 55Q-154
i t..^
Total downwa.d coefficient of utilization, 0.729
No upward light
Il.cI i7s
ri .lt .S.zzo I. for twin mounting I for quad mounting
- I
multip y horizontal l.I
multiply horizontal
{ootcandles by 2 footcandles by 4
_l o .ruc .,
.lz;= .:zo E
I s.333 t ^oo rgos
) ,= 347 'E

.]3p .u' i
ypical luadranl
1 O ..trr o
I !.3568
r FhetonneL"'lcs
AIJphotometric iesiing by
lndependent Testing Laboratories, lnc.
Boulder, Colorado

horizonlal initial loolcandles at listed mounting heiqhts 'i75 Vldatt

25', 1.3 .64 .32 .13 .06 .03 .01 Mercurq l.rapor. Detuxe li, h ile
20' 2 .1 .05 .02 Rated 8,150 lumens horizontaJ
16' 3.1 1.6 .78 .16 .08 .03
14' 4.1 .1 Cataioq numbers 55Q-155 throuah 55Q-159
I .000
Total downward coefficient of utilizatlon. 0-704
No upward Iight

f .at
I. for twin mounting
multiolv horizontal l.l
I ior quad mounting
,t I iootcanates by 2 I footcandles by 4
ot .245 0
l' q,
ti p
{ o .292 .t
A $
2:o .308 o
I .317 i r,9ss n.tos apoo ."so
n o
a .326 .!

n ?o
tt lt
G :E
!) .346 o
o o
.347 o
01 234
longitudinal dblance in unils ot mounling heighls

horizonlal initial tootcandles al lisled mounting heights 150 Watt

'1 3 .64 .32 .13 .06 .03 .01 High Pressure Sodium
1 .5 .2 .1 .05 .02 Rated 16,000 lumens horizontal
16' 3.1 1.6.78 .31 .16.08 .03
14', 4.1 .4 .2 .1 .04 Catalog numbers 5SQ-165 through 55Q-169
I .000
Total downward coelficient of utilization, 0.737
I .075
No upward lighi
{ I I .186
I. for twin mounting I for quad mouniing
. tlt multiply horironlall:l
|.d .226 .> mulr'ply horizonlal
E c I -oo,"uno,"a oy, I roorcrnor"a oy q
I o' .259 o
/ E .285 0)
o .304 a,
.31S o
T io ngoo tgoo tgoo .gos
.E .346
2(, .3s3 o
! .361 .9
\t{qical quaiiD .9
tl, .363 a,
cl o
.366 o
longitudinal distance in units ot mounling heighlg


Po le
Chart assumes that these 4 poles are
ocated in the center of a arge area where
other poles may contrlbute I umination,
and lu coeillcient of !tillzation can be
used. Llse solux diagrams to determine
spac ng from last pole to edge of
il uminated area.

L. O See page A4-17 ior lormulas

Lrse.l io calcu 2le this chari
L_ Pole
S pacin g

Pole Spacing-Feet For Average Maintained Illumination wilh 4:1 Unilormily

Mercury Vapor-Delux While 94 94 109 94 109 109 152 152 152 232

0.5 Melallic Halide-Clear 126 156 210 210

High Pressure Sodium 138

Mercury Yapor- Delux Whil€ 67 67 77 67 77 67 77 108 67 77 108 77 108 104 164 't 08 164 164

1.0 Melallic Halide-Clear 89 89 110 89 110 148 110 148 148 144 235

High Pressure sod;um s8 98 98 '134 134 172 172 172

Mercury Vapor-Delur While 63 54 63 54 63 63 8a 54 63 88 88 134 88 134 88 134 't34

1,5 Metallic Halide-clear 73 73 73 90 121 73 90 121 90 121 121 192 121 192

High Pressure Sodium 80 80 80 109 80 109 140 109 140 140 140

Mercury Vapor-Delux While 55 47 55 47 55 47 55 76 55 76 76 116 76 116 't 16 16

2,0 Melallic Hatide-Clear 63 63 7A 63 78 105 78 10s 78 105 166 105 156 105 166 166

High Pressure Sodium 69 69 69 95 69 95 121 69 95 121 95 121 121 205 121 205

Mercury vapor- Delux While 39 45 39 45 39 45 45 62 62 62 95 95 s5

3.0 Merallic Halide-clear 51 64 51 64 51 64 51 64 86 51 64 86 a6 136 86 136 86 136 136

High Pr€ssure Sodium 56 56 77 56 77 56 77 99 56 77 99 77 99 t68 99 168 99 154

Mercury Vapor-Delux While 33 39 33 39 39 54 54 a2 a2 a2

4.0 Melallic Halide-Clear 55 44 44 55 74 74 74 18 74 118 118 118

High Pressure Sodium 4S 67 49 67 49 67 49 67 86 49 67 86 67 a6 45 86 't45 86 l4s

Mercury Vapor*Delux While 30 35 30 35 35 4A 74 74

5.0 rvrerallic Halide-clear 40 49 40 49 40 49 40 49 66 66 66 105 105 105 05

High Pressure Sodium 44 60 60 44 60 44 60 77 60 77 60 77 30 77 130 130

Average Lamp Type

t2' 14', 16' 2a 2l 30' 35 3S
Pole Height and Fixture Wallage

Not available or not recommended

4.4 14

Po le
Charl assumes that these 4 poles are
localed in the center of a large area where
Spacing other poles may contribule illumination.
Use 'soru \ d ao'a'ns lo deter -ntnF
from last pole to edge of i luminated area.

L. a
t_ Pole

Pole Spacing Feel For Minimum Main16ined llluminstion

Mercury Vapor-Delux White 58 61 64 67 66 72 76 80 90 81 00 100 102 't 15 135 120 147 127 150 175

0.5 Melallic Halid€-clear 69 69 76 77 80 84 88 94 1t6 '100 105 130 114 141 159 144 188 175 206 234

HiEh Pressur€ Sodium 73 7a 7A a1 a4 94 90 110 121 '100 120 140 112 't5a 180 168 197 175 244

Mercury Vapor- Delux White 48 53 53 58 54 59 60 68 77 68 74 85 80 91 114 105 119 101 132 142

.0 Melallic Halide-Clear 59 61 62 66 66 71 77 7A 95 80 a7 105 95 122 51 132 164 133 73 192

HiEh Pre3iure Sodium 62 7n 65 76 67 83 79 a7 104 88 100 119 111 '131 155 143 175 146 186 209

M€rcury Vapor-Delux While 46 48 46 50 50 54 54 60 68 60 65 76 69 a2 102 a8 108 91 116 131

'1.5 M€talticHatide-Clear 53 57 59 60 63 69 70 a6 69 78 100 79 105 137 '109 146 114 ts3 77

Hiqh Pressure Sodium 53 64 57 67 63 72 72 77 96 74 105 90 11S 145 'l2t 160 127 163 't 90

Mercury Vapor-Delux White 40 42 47 45 51 48 56 63 51 59 71 6l 93 80 'l02 a2 106 120

2,O Melallic Halide-clear 49 51 52 55 3a 59 60 66 83 60 5a 93 67 96 '127 98 't

35 101 145 59

High Pressure Sodium s0 60 55 62 60 67 62 75 90 65 85 100 a6 103 138 110 14f 113 155 175

Mercury Vapor-Delux While 35 38 38 42 39 45 42 4A 5a 50 63 a7 92 98 104

3.0 Melallic Halide-Clear 45 46 50 50 53 50 76 52 55 78 77 14 85 124 89 129 137

High Pres3ure Sodium 53 50 57 51 61 55 71 a2 55 7l a7 72 90 123 95 133 98 140 155

Mercu.y Vapor-Delux White 34 39 36 42 40 42 52 55 80 84 a7

4.0 Merallic tlalide-Clear 41 43 43 46 43 48 46 4a 66 69 73 107 77 11! 80 '14 125

HiEh Pressure Sodium 43 49 44 53 45 5a 4a 59 51 65 77 68 1t4 a7 94 't30 138

Mercury Vapor-Delux While 31 36 33 3a 50 51 75 77 a0

5.0 Metallic Halide-clear 38 40 39 43 39 43 41 43 61 65 70 99 102 106 '115

Hiqh Pressure Sodium 47 39 51 38 44 55 69 60 73 63 77 108 84 114 120 129

lvlinimum Lamp Type

12' 14' 16', 2( 2l 30' 3l t' 3l ,' 50'
Pole Heiqht and Fixlure Wattage

Not availab e or not recommended


Chart assurnes lhat lhese 4 po es are
looated in the center oi a large area where
oiher po es may contribute illumination.
and full coefficient oi utl ization can be
used. Use iso ux diagrarrs to delermlne
spacing irorn last pole lo edge of
illum nated area.


Lo o See page A4 17 ior iorm!las

I [_Poe
used to calcu ale this chari.

Pole Spacing Feet For Average Mainlained lllumination with 4:1 Unilormilv
M€rcury Vapor- Oelux White

Mel.llic Halide-Clear
High Pressure Sodium

Mercury Vapor-Delux While

Metallic Halide-Clear

Hish Pressure sodium

Mercury Vapor- Delux While

Metallic Halide-clear
Hiqh Pressure Sodium

Mercury Vapor-Delux White

Merallic Halide-clear 236

High Pressure Sodium 290

Mercury Vapor-Delux While 134

Merallic Halide-clear
High Pressure sodium

Mercury Vapor- Delux White

Merallic Halide-clear 167

Hiqh Pressure Sodium 205

Mercu.y Vapor-Detux while

Melallic Halide-clear 149

High Pressure Sodium 184

Average Lamp Type

12', 14', 16', 3s', 3g', 50'
Pole Height and Fixture Wattage

Not aval ab e or not recommended

Larnp Cornpanismr:
Average Horizontal Horizontal Elliciency Beam Control

o Lamp

Life (Hr3.)

lnilial Lumens

Mean Lumens

Lumens per Wall

Using Rellecto.

Metallic Halide 400 (curved arc tube) 20,000 40,000 32,000 100 Excellent
(clear) 250 (curved arc tube) 10,000 23,000 18,000 92 Excellent
175 (curved arc tube) 10,000 15,000 12,000 as.7 Excellent

'1000 24,040 140,000 127,400 140 Good

400 24,000 50,000 45,000 125 Excellent
High Pressure
250 24,000 30,000 27,300 120 Excellent
Sodium '16,000 '14,400
150 (55 volt) 24,000 'J06.7 Excellent

1000 24,000+ 60,000 48,000. 60 Fair

Mercury Vapor 400 24,000+ 21,500 17,200', 53.8 Good
(deluxewhite) 250 24,000+ 11,500 9,400- 46 Good
175 24,000+ 8,150 7,010. 46.6 Good

The above data is cuftent at time of catalog publication. 'at 16,000 hrs.
ll information is critical, check with lamp manufacturer for
most recent data.

No. of Fixtures Horizonlal lnitial Coefficient of .Total Light
Average Mainlained per Pole Lamp Lumens utilization Loss Factor
lllumination in Footcandles
Longitudinal Lateral Pole
Pole Spacinq (feet) Spacinq (leet)

No. of Fixtures Horizontal lnitial Coefficient ol -Total Light

Area Covered per Pole Lamp Lumens Utilization Loss Factor
per Pole (sq. ft.)
Average I\,4aintained
lllumination in Footcandles

Horizontal Mean
*Tolal Light Loss Faclor Lamp Lumens
(0.90 Tolal Luminaire lvlaintenance Factor)
Lamp Lumens

(Original Mounting Height in Feel)?

Footcandle Value at Footcandle Value at
Allernate Mounting Height Oriqinal Mountinq Height (Alternate N,4ounting Height in Feet),

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