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The Association Between Sanitation, Hygiene, and Stunting in Children Under

Two Years

( An Analysis of Indonesia’s Basic Health Research, 2013 )


Ketua : Ahmad Rafi Faiq 1102015012

Sekretaris : Anggun Kusuma Dewi 1102014026
Anggota : Ahmad Sibli 1102014007
Anis Muslikha 1102015026
Dandy Abdi Cita Gemilang 1102015051
Eka Heriyanti 1102015065
Ferina Intan 1102015078
Laras Oktaviani 1102015118
Istiqomah Hidayati 1102015106




Judul adalah gabungan beberapa kata-kata kunci dan beberapa kata lain yang membentuk
makna sebuah hasil riset. Ketentuan penulisan judul :

The Association Between Sanitation, Hygiene, and Stunting in Children

Under Two Years
( An Analysis of Indonesia’s Basic Health Research, 2013 )

a.The Association
Normal, Between
yaitu terdapat Sanitation, Hygiene, and Stunting in Children
14 kata
b. Memuat kata-kata kunci yangUnder
sesuai Two Years
c. Jurnal ini tepat sesuai disiplin ilmu yang dibahas
d. Iya, menarik masalah yang harus diperhatikan dan jumlah kasus yang terus meningkat
e. Iya, menggunakan bahasa yang baku
f. General, karena membawa stunting, hygine dan sanitasi
g. Memiliki hubungan yang jelas antara variabel dependen dan independen dengan
kesimpulan nilai P < 0,05
h. Terdapat singkatan, tidak ada rumus dan jargon
i. Tidak terdapat kata kerja
j. Tidak( ada
An metafora
of Indonesia’s Basic Health Research, 2013 )
puisi, peribahasa
k. Tidak ada subjudul


Ketentuan penulisan pengarang :

Lulu’ul Badriyah*, Ahmad Syafiq

a. Telah disepakati urutan nama penulis

b. Setuju, dengan diharuskan nya penulis untuk bertanggung jawab terhadap isi tulisan
c. Disetujui, yaitu urutan penulisan berdasarkan kontribusi
d. Iya, sesuai dengan asas dalam penulisan nama
e. Iya, koresponden diberi tanda khusus
f. Iya, semua nama ditulis tanpa gelar


Ketentuan penulisan abstrak dan kata kunci :

Background: This study aims to identify the relationship between sanitation, hygiene, and
stunting in children undertwo-years in Indonesia.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that examined 9,688 children under the age of
two.We obtained data from Indonesia’s Basic Health Research paper that was released in 2013
and applied multiple logistic regression analysis. The prevalence of stunting amongst children
under two-years in 2013 was 33.3%.
Results: Our analysis showed that stunting is closely related to low birth weight, age, gender,
exclusive breastfeeding, socioeconomic status, garbage removal, and waste management.
Appropriate sanitation and hygiene had a significant impact on stuntingamongst children
under two-years in Indonesia, with waste management and low birth weight being the most
important indicators.
Conclusions: Nutrition, socioeconomic status, and a healthy environment are key to ensure
children under
two-years meet the recommended growth standards.

Keywords: children under two-years, hygiene, sanitation, stunting

a. Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa indonesia terdapat 135 kata, dan dalam bahass ainggris
terdapat 105 kata
b. Sudah sesuai dengan format IMRAD
c. Suah terdapat pendapat baru, pendekatan atau metode, hasil penting
d. Tidak ada pengacuan ke tabel, ilustrasi, rujukan
e. Tidak ada singkatan
f. Kata kunci terdiri dari 4 kata

Hal hal yang tercantum pada pendahuluan adalah :

Stunting is caused by inadequate nutritional intake over an extended period of time from
conception until 24 months of age. This period from pregnancy to the child’s second
birthday is known as ‘the 1000 day window of opportunity.

The 2013 Indonesian Basic Health Research reported that the prevalence of stunting was
37.2%, a figure that had increased from 2010 (35.6%) and 2007 (36.8%). There were 14
provinces identified to have a high prevalence of stunting and a further 15 provinces with a
very high prevalence.

Sanitation and environmental hygiene in Indonesia is an area that requires urgent attention.
The 2013 Indonesian Basic Health Research reported that only 59.8% of families had
improved sanitation, 12.9 % of families did not have appropriate lavatories, and 66.8% of
families did not have access to potable water

a. Latar belakang
konsep umum ke konsep khusus, penjelasan awal mengenai stunting lalu prevalensi,
faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan.
b. Rumusan masalah
prevalensi stunting yang selalu meningkat dan faktor penyebab kasus stunting
c. Tujuan
menganalisis hubungan antara sanitasi, hygiene dan stunting pada anak < 2 tahun
d. Manfaat
interfensi pada perubahan sanitasi dan kebiasaan hygiene dapat mneurunkan kasus


Hal-hal yang tercanntum pada metpde adalah:

This research paper used a cross-sectional study design and we obtained secondary data
from Indonesia’s Basic Health Research carried out in 2013. Our sample population
included families with children under the age of two from 33 provinces in Indonesia.
Indonesia’s Basic Health Research reported that there were 30,801 children under the
age of two in 2013, however only 9,688 had complete data. Data used in this research
was scrutinised by using a total sampling method and all respondents were required to
have complete data.
a. Disain Cross Sectional , lokasi di Indonesia, waktu tahun 2013
b. Populasi keluarga yang memiliki anak < 2 tahun
c. Kriteria pemilih populasi berdasarkan anak < 2 tahun dan yang mempunyai data
d. Tehnik sampling menggunakan total sampling, dan perkiraan data sampel 30801.
e. Tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan data sekunder dari Indonesia’s Basic Health
Research 2013
f. Defini operasional terdapat hygiene, sanitasi, dan stunting dari vriabel penelitian anak
< 2 tahun
g. Menggunakan SPSS versi 16.0 dilengkapi dengan analisis bivariat dan multipel
logistic regressions


Hasil merupakan inti tulisan ilmiah. Bagian ini menyuguhkan data dan informasi yang
ditemukan yang akan dipakai sebagai dasar penyimpulan . tata cara penulisan berikut :

The bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant association between water
source, toilet use, and sewage and waste management with childhood stunting. The
odds ratio (OR) between stunting and improved water sources was 1.18 (95% CI,
1.02-1.36), and the OR between stunting and unimproved water sources was
1.33 (95% CI, 1.22-1.45). Furthermore, the OR between stunting and poor sewage
management was 1.15 (95% CI, 1.02-1.30), and between stunting and bad waste
management it was 1.33 (95% CI, 1.22-1.46). Additionally, there was a significant
association between stunting and handwashing using soap with an odds ratio of 1.11
(95% CI, 1.01-1.21), and between stunting and open defecation, with an odds ratio
1.40 (95% CI, 1.23-1.57) .

Bivariate analysis showed that children who were more likely to suffer from stunting
were those aged under two-years (OR 1.63, 95% CI, 1.44-1.86),

a. Disajikan secara bersistem

b. Memuat data / informasi terkait tujuan
c. Tabel terlalu besar dan tidak rumit
d. Tabel data tidak dijelaskan dengan kalimat yang memberi penguatan temuan
e. Tidak ada data yang ditampilkan berulang
f. Hasil didukung oleh olahan data, tetapi ilutrasi tidak baik karena tidak diberikan
nomor, diberikan acuan pada teks


Pembahasan artikel mengungkapkan, menjelaskan dan membahas hasil penelitian dengan

analisis yang sesuai dengan rancangan penelitian penafsiran, serta penjelasan sintesisnya.
Dibandingkan juga hasil yang didapat dengan hasil penelitian orang lain sebelumnya.

Pembahasan memuat hal-hal berikut :

After adjusting for variables, we found that sanitation, waste management, and
hygiene had a direct relation withstunting prevalence. Families with poor waste
managementwere 1.17 times more likely to have children who suffer from stunting
(95% CI, 1.05-1.29) when compared with families who practiced safe waste
management. These findings are consistent with research carried out in Brazil that
found that children who had little access to waste collection services in their villages
had a higher stunting prevalence. The Brazilian study found that children with limited
access to waste collection were 2.55 times more likely to suffer from stunting and 2.74
times more likely to be underweight when compared with children with good access to
waste collection services.

a. Jurnal membahas semua hal yang relevan

b. Ada keterbatasan penelitian
- studi cross sectional tidak menjelaskan hubungan stunting dengan beberapa
variabel lain
- Ketebatasan biaya
- Ada data yang hilang/ tidak lengkap
- Kualitas air tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan lab
- Laporan breasfreeding bias
c. Ada hubungan anata teori dengan hasil penelitian
d. Ada hubungan stunting, hygiene dan sanitasi pada anak < 2 tahun
e. Ada kesimpulan yang shahih
f. Tidak ada saran penelitian selanjutnya dengan anjuran metodiologi yang tepat
Hal-hal yang tercantum dalam simpulan dan saran adalah :

Nutrition, socioeconomic status, and a healthy environment are key to ensure children
under two-years meet the recommended growth standards. Intervention to reduce
childhood stunting needs to be multifactorial and include education about nutrition
and a healthy environment regardless of socioeconomic status.

a. Simpulan sesuai dengan hasil penelitian

b. Simpulan ditulis dengan singkat dan jelas
c. Simpulan mampu menjawab tujuan penelitian
d. Simpulan tidak mengulang hasil
e. Saran tidak disampaikan


Hal-hal yang tercantum dalm ucapan terimakasih adalah :

a. Tidak ada ucapan terimakasih

b. Tidak ada pernyataan terimakasih

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a. Mutu pustaka acuan ( keprimeran, mutakhir ) baik.
b. Semua yang tertulis didaftar pustaka tertera pada naskah dengan jumlah referensi 24
pustaka dengan sistem vamcouver.
c. Penulisan mengikuti panduan penulisan
d. Kelengkapan identitas acuan ( volume, no hal, kota terbit, nama penerbit ) baik.

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