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Filamer Christian University

College of Teacher Education

Roxas City

At the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
 describe the coordinate plane.
 identify quadrants.
 plot points on the coordinate plane.


A. Topic: Plotting Points in Four Quadrants
1. Concept: What is a coordinate plane?
How to identify quadrants?
How to plot points on the plane?

2. Skills: measuring, communicating, problem solving

3. Values: accuracy, cooperation

B. Instructional Materials: laptop, projector, whiteboard

Audiovisual / Materials: speaker,

Visual Materials: drawing, pictures,

C. References: Suzanne H. Chapin, Mark Illingworth, Marsha S. Landau,

Middle Grades Math Tools for Success, Prentice Hall Inc. 1999, pp. 472-474
Maria Jennifer Concepcion, Stephanie Ann Mutuc, Josephine Sacluti,
Essential Mathematics: Geometry, Phoenix Publishing House, 2007, pp. 330-
Simon L. Chua, Josephine Sy Tan, Andrew D. Del Mundo, Understanding
Elementary Algebra, SIBS Publishing House Inc. 2004, pp. 284-287
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
Say: Last time we talk about signed numbers using a number line.
Ask: 1. What is the sign of the numbers to the right of 0 on the number line?
2. What about to the left of 0 on the number line?
2. Motivation
Game: Treasure Hunting
a. Group the students into 2 groups.
b. Give ach group a treasure map.
c. Let the students find the hidden treasure.
Ask: How did you find the game?
What did you do to find the hidden treasure?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation
The teacher will show a picture of two intersecting line.
Ask: What can you say about this picture?
Say: This morning we will be learning about plotting points on the coordinate
2. Discussion
Ask: what is a coordinate plane? Do you have any idea?
Expected answer: coordinate plane formed by a horizontal line called the x-
axis and a vertical line called the y- axis. The point of intersection called the
Say: the x and y axes divide the coordinate plane into four regions and that
region called the quadrant.
Ask: Where do you think is the first quadrant, second quadrant, third quadrant
and fourth quadrant?
Ask: Why do you think that coordinate plane is divided into four quadrants?
Expected answer: the coordinate plane is divided into four quadrants,
because in each direction the sign is not all the same.
Say: Like in our previous lesson on signed numbers using a number line or a
horizontal line, the sign of the numbers to the right are positive and the sign of
the numbers to left are negative. The only difference is that number line is
only a horizontal but a coordinate plane is composed of a horizontal and a
vertical line.
Ask: In a vertical line which direction is positive? Negative?
Say: since you’re already familiar with the coordinate plane, we can now plot
points but before we can plot points we need to have ordered pair.
Ask: what is an ordered pair?
Expected answer: It identifies the location of a point and denoted as (x, y)
where x and y are called coordinates.
Say: The x coordinate or abscissa is always the first coordinate in the ordered
pair, and the y coordinate or ordinate is always the second. Consider the
ordered pair (2, 5), what is the x coordinate and what is the y coordinate?
Ask: who can give another example?
(Let them identify the (x, y,)
Say: lets now plot the ordered pair, we will use the first example which is (2,
3), what is the sign of two coordinates positive or negative? Since it is positive
we will move to which direction to the left or the right? From the origin we will
move 2 units to right and 3 units up then we will make it point A. In which
quadrant is the point (2, 3) located?
Ask: who can try to plot the other example?
Say: there are cases that the ordered pairs are
For example, Move to left five counts, then move up two counts.
Ask: who can answer this problem?
1. The robot arm at the right is moving the computer chip from the point
(-2, 5) to a point three units up and seven units to the right. In which quadrant
will the chip be placed?
3. Cooperative Learning
Divide the class into four groups and have them perform the task. Draw a
coordinate plane, plot the following coordinates and identify the quadrants.

C. Post Activity

A. (-6, 2) B. (0, 8) C. (-10, 5) D. (3, -7) E. (9, 3) F. (4,0) G. (9, -9)

H. (-2, -8)

1. Generalization:
What is a coordinate plane?
How did we plot points on the plane?
How did we identify quadrants?
H . .
E . A

. C
F .
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

. G
D . F .
2. Application
The teacher will show a plotted Coordinate plane and the student will
write the coordinates of each point.

3. Valuing
Ask: What important value did you realize after doing the activity?

IV- Evaluation
1. Plot the points on the same plane and identify the quadrant in which each
point lies.
A(4, 1) B(-6, -3) C(7, 8) D(-2, 3) E(4, 0) F(3, -5) G(-8, -5)
H(9, 3) I(3, -1) J(-4, -2)

V- Assignment
Plot the points and write down on the table in which each point lies.
a. (0, -5) e. (8, -2) i. (-3, -3)
b. (-6, -3) f. (5, 8) j. (-1, 5)
c. (5, 4) g. (-4, 9) k. (-2, 6)
d. (9, 0) h. (-7, 0) l. (1, -7)

Quadrant I Quadrant II Quadrant III Quadrant IV X or Y axis

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