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Msakuzi street is found in Mbezi ward of Kinondoni district in Dar es Salaam region,
located 17 km from Mbezi bus stand and as per 2012 census, Msakuzi street had a
population of 8461 with 1972 households comprising of 1431 male and 4330 female with a
growth rate of 4.1%. The municipality experiences a modified type of equatorial climate. It
is generally hot and humid throughout the year. The hottest season is from October to
March while it is relatively cool between May and August. There are two rain season;
short rains from October to December and long rains between March and May thus due to
different geographical and topographical variations the water supply in Msakuzi street and
Mbezi ward as pays a great threat accelerated by the increased urbanization, domestic use,
population growth and climatic changes. The lack of a stable, constant and continuous
water supply to the residence in Msakuzi Street brings about domestic as well as economic
hardship as water scarcity becomes predominantly high. Thus the scarcity and lack of
water brings about different health effects due to poor sanitation and lastly a string of water
borne infections, hunger effects due to decreased production, poverty, and delayed
education services among children in the area, women and child exploitation.

The proposed design of the water supply scheme using an underground water source at
Msakuzi street capable of supplying 19,000 litres per hour from a designed borehole
system with a per capital demand of 25 l/p/d will ensure a continuous availability of clean
water among Msakuzi residence .Thus upon the construction of the water supply scheme
the residence in Msakuzi street will have access to a continuous safe and clean water at a
cheap price and lastly improvement in different domestic and economic activities as a
result poverty will be combated.


The main problem encountered by residence in Msakuzi Street is the scarcity of safe and
quality water for use leading to drawbacks in different domestic and economic activities as
well as a vast of healthy problems.



To design a water supply scheme using an underground water source.


i. To conduct site reconnaissance.

ii. To find out the present and projected population.

iii. To propose the location of the borehole, storage tank and domestic points(DP’s).

iv. To design a water distribution network.


Water supply scheme will be of great help to Msakuzi street residence as safe and quality
water will be available easily, cheaply and more domestic activities will be easily carried
out and poverty will be combated.


The project will cover the following:

i. The population and household investigation.

ii. Geophysical survey.

iii. The design of water supply scheme such as: source, storage tank, transmission system
and distribution system.


i. Literature review

ii. Geophysical survey

iii. Borehole drilling

iv. levelling

v. Analysis and computations of the collected data.

vi. Preparation of the site plan.

vii. Preparation of site layout of water distribution network.

viii. Design work using the analyzed data.



2.1: WATER

Water is a chemical compound of oxygen and hydrogen existing in liquid form, solid form
and gaseous form. All of these three forms of water depending on temperature are
extremely useful to man by providing the luxuries and comforts by fulfilling basic
necessities of life. Water fall as rain and makes streams, river, lakes and some of it
percolates deep into the ground. It is known to be a universal solvent and easily
contaminated and therefore it contains a lot of dissolved and suspended impurities. At the
sea level atmospheric water boil at 1000c and freezes at 0oc.


Water supply system is the system of supplying water from the source to the
consumer at minimum costs of construction, operation and maintenance. The
objective of water supply is to provide convenient and sufficient access to safe and
portable water in a given design area and given period of time. Municipal, industrial,
and agricultural water supply systems include sources of supply and facilities for
storing, transporting, plants.

A good water supply system consists of several main components, these components
are designed both present and future protection against pollution and destruction.
These components include: -

(a) The source and water intakes.

(b) A pump (pumping station) and motor.
(c) Transmission or Rising main.
(d) Treatment plant if required.
(e) Storage tank/reservoir to equalize the water demand
(f) Distribution network-transport water to consumers.

ater so rce P mp reatment plant Tank ons mer

Fig. 2.1. Components of a water supply system


Groundwater is the water present beneath Earth's surface in soil pore spaces and in the
fractures of rock formations. A unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an
aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water. The depth at which soil pore spaces or
fractures and voids in rock become completely saturated with water is called the water
table. Groundwater is recharged from, and eventually flows to the surface naturally,
natural discharge often occurs at springs and seeps, and can form oases or wetlands.
Groundwater is also often withdrawn for agricultural, municipal, and industrial use by
constructing and operating extraction wells. The study of the distribution and movement of
groundwater is called groundwater hydrology.

Fig 2.2. Groundwater distribution zones


An aquifer is a layer of porous substrate that contains and transmits groundwater. When
water can flow directly between the surface and the saturated zone of an aquifer, the
aquifer is unconfined. The deeper parts of unconfined aquifers are usually more saturated
since gravity causes water to flow downward. The upper level of this saturated layer of an
unconfined aquifer is called the water table or phreatic surface. Below the water table,
where in general all pore spaces are saturated with water, is the zone. Substrate with low
porosity that permits limited transmission of groundwater is known as an aquitard. An
aquiclude is a substrate with porosity that is so low it is virtually impermeable to
groundwater. A confined aquifer is an aquifer that is overlain by a relatively impermeable
layer of rock or substrate such as an aquiclude or aquitard. If a confined aquifer follows a
downward grade from its recharge zone, groundwater can become pressurized as it flows.
This can create artesian wells that flow freely without the need of a pump and rise to a
higher elevation than the static water table at the above, unconfined, aquifer.

The characteristics of aquifers vary with the geology and structure of the substrate and
topography in which they occur. In general, the more productive aquifers occur in
sedimentary geologic formations. By comparison, weathered and fractured crystalline

rocks yield smaller quantities of groundwater in many environments. Unconsolidated to
poorly cemented alluvial materials that have accumulated as valley-filling sediments in
major river valleys and geologically subsiding structural basins are included among the
most productive sources of groundwater.

The volume of groundwater in an aquifer can be estimated by measuring water levels in

local wells and by examining geologic records from well-drilling to determine the extent,
depth and thickness of water-bearing sediments and rocks. Before an investment is made in
production wells, test wells may be drilled to measure the depths at which water is
encountered and collect samples of soils, rock and water for laboratory analyses. Pumping
tests can be performed in test wells to determine flow characteristics of the aquifer.


When water is not available naturally at the time of necessity, from the knowledge of
subsurface, underground water can be made available for use.

In this category the following sources can be listed:

1. Open Wells:

If it is ascertained that sufficient water is entrapped in some water bearing stratum below
the ground surface, the entrapped water can be made available for use. A hole is sunk into
the ground till it reaches such a depth as to hold sufficient water for use. Water should be
available at lesser depth for economic justification.

2. Tube Wells:

If there are water bearing rocks or soil layers alternate to impervious layers or water
bearing strata of indefinite extent, then a metal tube with suitable perforations may be sunk
in the ground to derive the water for use.

3. Artesian Wells:

When a permeable stratum is confined between impervious strata at the top and bottom
artesian condition exists. The outcrop of the permeable stratum should be at a height
enough to produce sufficient hydrostatic pressure on the water at lower points.

Then if a bore is drilled at proper position through the upper impermeable strata the water
under pressure will rise in the bore. When the pressure is more water even overflows at the
surface and can be utilized.

4. Infiltration Gallery:

When water can be obtained within a reasonable distance below ground level, for example,
below the river bed, horizontal porous pipes with open joints can be laid under the ground.
It is apparent that a very large proportion of the groundwater will be intercepted by
galleries than by a vertical well.

The intercepted water can be collected at suitable points in vertical collecting wells and
can be used. Inverted filter surrounding the pipes can be provided to prevent clogging of
pipes. Horizontal galleries laid at a depth more than 8 meters are uneconomical.

5. Infiltration Wells:

Sometimes water can be made available by sinking infiltration wells in the porous soil, for
example, in the dry bed of a river. The infiltration well can be joined to vertical collecting
wells or jack wells sunk on the bank of the river by means of horizontal underground
porous pipeline. It intercepts water also and is called Infiltration gallery. Thus it can be
recognized that infiltration wells and galleries supplement each other. While carrying out
sinking operation it is very essential to see that infiltration well does not tilt. Tilt may cause
breakage of pipe line which is laid horizontal. It is also essential to see that after sinking of
well there is no appreciable settlement. It is also essential to see that after final sinking the
well does not settle or sink under its own weight. (Lecture notes,2016)


Geophysical survey is the systematic collection of geophysical data for spatial studies.
Detection and analysis of the geophysical signals forms the core of Geophysical signal
processing. The magnetic and gravitational fields emanating from the Earth's interior hold
essential information concerning seismic activities and the internal structure. Hence,
detection and analysis of the electric and Magnetic fields is very crucial. As the
Electromagnetic and gravitational waves are multi-dimensional signals, all the 1-D
transformation techniques can be extended for the analysis of these signals as well.

The sensing instruments such as gravimeter, gravitational wave sensor and magnetometers
detect fluctuations in the gravitational and magnetic field. The data collected from a
geophysical survey is analyzed to draw meaningful conclusions out of that. Analyzing the
spectral density and the time-frequency localization of any signal is important in
applications such as oil exploration and seismography.

Steps for geophysical survey

Geophysics can play an important role in helping to solve resource exploration,

environmental or geotechnical problems. The application of geophysics is most effectively
carried out by the following seven step framework. Careful thought and due diligence at
each step is important to achieve a final outcome.

1. Setup: Establish the geoscience objectives, consider conventional practice and

identify how geophysics might contribute.
2. Properties: Characterize materials that can be expected and establish the likely
physical property contrasts.
3. Survey: Determine a suitable geophysical survey and design an effective and
efficient field survey. Identify the possible sources of error, noise and
4. Data: Carry out the field survey, taking all necessary actions to ensure complete,
high quality and cost effective data sets.
5. Processing: Plot the data and apply appropriate processing and analysis.
6. Interpretation:Interprete results in terms of physical property distribution and then
in terms of the original geoscience objectives.
7. Synthesis: Combine interpretation with prior knowledge about the problem and
with other relevant information. Decide if your results are adequate for the
particular problem. Iteration is usually necessary.

Geophysical survey techniques

There are various geophysical techniques for gathering information about subsurface
features all depend in one way or another, on differences in electric, magnetic or elastic
(seismic) properties of rocks and sediments. The techniques may be classified as passive
or active. In the first category, existing force fields are measured directly without
instrumentally generated signals, and the results are interpreted in terms of subsurface
features perturbing the field. Magnetic, thermal, and gravity measurements fall in this
category. In the second, or active category, instrumentally generated signals pass through
the subsurface and are then detected and recorded. Seismic techniques, electromagnetic
techniques (including the use of the simple metal detector, the pulsed-induction metal
detector, and the soil conductivity meter), earth resistivity measurements and ground-
penetrating radar are all active devices. There are many methods and types of
instrumentation used in geophysical surveys. Technologies used for geophysical surveys

1. Geodesy and gravity techniques, including gravimetry and gravity gradiometry.

The gravity method involves measuring the gravitational attraction exerted by the earth at a
measurement station on the surface. The strength of the gravitational field is directly
proportional to the mass and therefore the density of subsurface materials. Anomalies in
the earth’s gravitational field result from lateral variations in the density of subsurface
materials and the distance to these bodies from the measuring equipment. The gravity
method is a relatively cheap, non-invasive, non-destructive remote sensing method. It is
also passive – that is, no energy need be put into the ground in order to acquire data; thus,
the method is well suited to a populated setting. The small portable instrument used also
permits walking traverses. Measurements of gravity provide information about densities of
rocks underground. There is a wide range in density among rock types, and therefore
geologists can make inferences about the distribution of strata.

2. Magnetic techniques, including aeromagnetic surveys and magnetometers.

The magnetic method involves the measurement of the earth's magnetic field intensity.
Typically, the total magnetic field and/or vertical magnetic gradient is measured.
Measurements of the horizontal or vertical component or horizontal gradient of the
magnetic field may also be made. Magnetism is, just like gravity, a potential field.
Anomalies in the earth's magnetic field are caused by induced or remanent magnetism.
Induced magnetic anomalies are the result of secondary magnetization induced in a ferrous
body by the earth’s magnetic field. he shape, dimensions, and amplit de of an ind ced
magnetic anomaly is a function of the orientation, geometry, size, depth, and magnetic
susceptibility of the body as well as the intensity and inclination of the earth's magnetic
field in the survey area.

3. Electrical techniques, including electrical resistivity tomography, induced

polarization and spontaneous potential.

Resistivity surveying investigates variations of electrical resistance, by causing an

electrical current to flow through the subsurface using wires (electrodes) connected to the
ground. – Resistivity = 1 / Conductivity. Like all geophysical techniques resistivity
produces non-unique results, data should be compared to known geological data (e.g.
boreholes), similar rocks have a wide range in resistivity depending on water content,
lithology changes do not necessarily correspond to a resistivity change, resistivity changes
to not necessarily correspond to a lithology change so, without sound geological
knowledge, resistivity data may be misleading.

4. Electromagnetic methods, such as magnetotellurics, ground penetrating radar and

transient/time-domain electromagnetics, magnetic resonance sounding (MRS).
5. Borehole geophysics, also called well logging.
6. Remote sensing techniques, including hyperspectral.


Data required for designing of a water supply system includes: -

 Population forecasting and growth rate

 Determination of water demand
 Identifying of water source and its capacity
 Designing of rising main where by diameter, velocity and material of the pipe
will be determined
 Determination of water storage tank capacity
 Designing of distribution network where by diameter, materials type, discharge
and its velocity will be determined
 Selection of pump for rising water to the storage tank. (manual,2009)


The future population for given a particular area must be known before a designing
commences and can be calculated using a Geometrical Increase method and it is
expresses as

Pn = Po [1+100]n…………………………………………… (2.1)


Pn = Population after nth year

Po= Present population

k= growth rate (%)

n= duration (20years for most water supply schemes). (manual,2009)


In order to predict the future population, it is necessary to know the growth rate at a
particular area so as to be able to determine the projected population.


Water demand varies from one place to another depending on the number of people
served, the total water demand normally obtained from the projected population
including the losses, basically water demands are classified into the following: -

(a) Domestic water demand

(b) Industrial and commercial water demand
(c) Demand for public
(d) Fire demand
(e) Water required to compensating losses in wastes, thefts

(a) Domestic water demand

This includes the water required in private buildings for drinking, cooking, bathing
gardening and sanitary purposes. The amount of water required per person vary
according to the living standard of the consumers expressed as litres/day/person. The
total water demanded for domestic is equal to projected population times per capita
domestic consumption.

Per capita demand (q) = (Q/Projected pop lation) x 365 ……………………. (2.2)

q = (Q / Pn) ×365 litre / day


Q =Total quantity of water required of given area

q = per capita demand

Pn = projected population

Table 2.1: The rate of domestic water consumption shown below



1 Water point (rural and urban) 25-30

2 Low class housing 70

3 Medium class housing 130

4 High class housing 200

(b) Industrial and commercial water demand

This is the quantity of water required to be supplied to the offices, factories,

industries hostel and hospitals. This quantity will vary considerably with the nature
of the city and type industries and commercial establishment present in it, takes an
average provision of 20-25% of the total water consumption made in the design for
the use. (Manual,2009)

(c) Commercial Water Demands

Commercial water consumption occurs in hotels, restaurants, bars, shops, small

workshops, Service stations, etc. Their present water demand should be known by
their metered water consumption.

Table 2.2: Commercial water demand have been categorized below: -

Consumer Units Rural Urban(l/pd) Remarks


Hotel l/bed/d 70 70 Low class

200 Medium

400 High class

Bars 70 70 Low class

100 Medium

300 High class

Shops 25 70 Low class

130 Medium

(d) Institutional Water Demands.

This is the water required for Public and private institutions include: Schools,
Hospitals, Administration Offices, Police, Missions, Missions, Churches and
Mosques, Prisons, etc. In some figures for institutional water, demands are given.
The water requirements for staff working in the institutions should be estimated
separately in the same way as for other domestic water consumption. If large demand
units are included in the scheme, such as Universities, major hospitals, boarding
Schools etc.(Manual,2009)

Table 2.3: Shows a special study of institutional water requirements.

Consumer Units Rural Urban Remarks


With pit latrine
Day school l/std/d 10 10

25 With WC

Boarding school l/std/d 70 70 With WC

Health care l/visitor/d 10

Out patients
dispensaries 10

Health l/bed/d 50
No modern

Health l/bed/d
With WC and
100 100

Consumers Units Rural Urban

l/d l/d

Hospital, district l/bed/d 200

With WC and

Hospital, l/bed/d 400

With surgery

Administration l/workers 10 10 With pit

offices latrine
With WC

(e) Demand for public.

This includes the quantity of water required for public utility purposes such as
watering of public parks, gardening and washing roads. (manual,2009)


Per capita water demand it is annual average amount of daily water required by one
person and includes domestic use, industrial and commercial use, public use
waste, thefts, the factor affecting these demands are; -

i) Climate condition.

The water consumption in hot or arid areas is high than wet regions.

ii) Standard of living.

High standard of living will result into high water consumption

iii) Water quality.

If the quality water is good, then people use more water

iv) System of sanitation.

If the city is connected with waste water system network the per capita consumption
will increased.

v) Use of water meter.

If meters are installed to count the quantity of water consumption the consumer will
be carefully in using water.

vi) Pressure in the system.

High pressure in the system will result into high leakages of water, more water will
be lost.

vii) Quantity of water.

If the quantity of water available is high, then consumption will be high.

Variations in demands of water.

Water demand will vary based on the following factors

(i) Daily variation: -

This variation depends on the habit of people, climate conditions and character of
the city whether the city is industrialized or residential. More water will be needed
during weekend and holidays because people stay at home
(ii) Season variations: -
In summer water demand is maximum, this because people will use more water in
cooling their bodies.
(iii) Hourly variation; -
On Sunday and other holidays, the peak hour be at morning and evening time.


The water demand is normally calculated according to the average requirements.

How the actual consumption varies from day to day and even from hour to hour.
Due to this non uniformity of water demand, provision is therefore made in different
units of the water supply to absorb these variations. The importance variation in
water consumption can be evaluated using the following definitions which are
relevant for water demand. (Garg,1992)

a) Average Daily Demand, Qd a = the result of adding together domestic,

institutional and industrial water daily requirements.
b) Maximum Daily Demand, Qd max = the result of multiplication of the average
daily demand by the peak day factor Kd which represents the consumption of the
day in the year in which the maximum consumption is registered.
c) Peak Hour Demand, Qh max = the result of multiplication of the maximum daily
demand by the peak hour factor Kh which represents the peak hour flow during
the day with maximum consumption.

Peak day factor,

Kd=Q d max/Qday ………………………………....................... 2.3

Peak hour factor,

kh = Qhmax ………………………………………………... 2.4

For design purposes, the peak factor shall be selected under consideration of the size
and kind of the scheme and services required. Generally the main from the intake is
dimensioned to meet the peak day demand. For gravity schemes this mean a main
designed for a flow during 24 hours, while for pumping main the design flow is
according to the pumping hours decided.

Variation in the Rate of Consumption

The average rate of supply per capital is in fact the mathematical average taken over
an average year. Thus if Q is the total Quantity of water supplied to a pop lation ‘p’
for 365 days, then the average rate of daily cons mption ‘q’ is given by:

q …………………………………………………2.5
P  365 L
c/day 


Though peak factors are necessary for calculating the actual peak period demand,
application in individual cases is difficult.

The population data such as number of people using each domestic point, number of
ho rs per day, people’s habits in collecting is difficult to obtain and again may vary
by season or by school calendar. Hence use of peak factors to calculate an
individ al’s demand is impracticable and however, peak factors m st be adopted for
the dimensioning of the various components in water distribution network.

For every scheme, a study is required to establish the appropriate water demand and
for large schemes it must be thorough.

For small rural water supply schemes a simpler method may be adopted to derive
peak flows beyond the last storage tank with the peak flow for human consumption
being given by the expression:

(Average daily demand × 4) / 24

That assumes the peak demand is four times the average hourly demand or in other
words the, Daily demand is drawn over 6 hours during the two peak periods of the

Table 2.4 Peak factor for Different consumers are indicated below

Population Range of peak factor

Peak day factor Peak hour factor

10,000 1.80 – 1.5 2.40 – 2.0

2.0 – 1.70

10,000 – 30,000 1.50 – 1.40

30,000 – 100,000 1.50 – 1.30 1.70 – 1.60

100,000 1.30 1.6 – 1.5

Design periods of various water supply systems

Design period of water supply scheme includes huge and costly structures such as
dams, reservoir, treatment plant, and networks distribution pipe lines which cannot
be replaced or increased in their capacities, easily and conveniently. While designing
and constructing these works, they should have sufficient capacity to meet future
demand of the town for number of years, the future designing the capacity of various
components of the water supply scheme is known as design period and given below:

Table 2.5: Design periods for different schemes

S/N Name of units Design periods


01 Well for underground water source 05

02 Impounding reservoirs 30

03 Water pumping station 10

04 Pipe lines from source to community 20

05 Water treatment plant 10―15

06 Based on maximum hourly demand 05

distribution lines



In the water supply scheme pumps are required at one or more of the following
stages: -

i) To lift the water at the source when the water cannot flow by gravity
into the mains /rising main pipe.
ii) To lift the water at the treatment plant
iii) To lift the water after the treatment plant so as to force water into the distribution
main pipes.

When the pressure in the distributing mains has to be increased or boosted at some
intermediate points within the distribution main system so as to enable the water to
reach up to the required storage height.


The total head (H) against which a pump has to work consist s of

a) The suction lift (Hs)

b) The delivery head (Hd)

c) The head loss due to the friction, entrance and exist in the rising main (Hl)

H= Hs+ hd+ Hl ……………………………………………………… 2.6

The work done (power) by the pumps in lifting Q Cubes of by ahead.

H = γ. Q. H. kgm/sec ……………………………………………….. 2.7


γ = nit weight of water of the in kg/m3

Q = discharge (m3/sec)

Therefore, horse power of the pump is then given by

.P.H = γ.Q.H/75% ………………………………………………… 2.8

If η is the efficiency of the p mp set, then the brake horse power of the p mp (Bhp)
is given by: -

B.h.P = W.H.P/η = .……………………………………………… 2.9


n=Pump efficiency



The diameter of the a pipe can be reduced by increasing the flow velocity through
the pipe but however the increased velocity will lead to high frictional head loss and
hence increased cost of pumping .the diameter and the cost of pipe can be reduced by
choosing a higher flow velocity, choosing a higher flow velocity ,the horse power
required of the pump required will increase and hence increasing cost of pumping .he
diameter which provides such option conditions is known as economic diameter of
the pipe .by mathematical is given by

D = O.97 to 1.22(Q) 1/2 …………………………………………... 2.10


D=economical diameter in (m)

Q=discharge to be pumped in (m3/sec)

Figure 2.3 Economical diameters for rising main pipe.

The relationship gives optimum flow velocity varying between 1.35 to 0.8m/s. The
total cost of pipe and pumping should be worked out at different assumed flow
velocities between 0.8-1.8m/sec and the graph plotted between the yearly cost and

the size of the pipe. The economical size is one which gives the least cost, and
selected by inspection as shown above. (Wesley,2002)

Velocity of flow.

he velocity of flow of pipes can be calc lated by Hazen illiam’s form la and it is
expressed as:

V=0.85×C×R 0.63×S 0.54 ……………………………………………………... 2.11


V = Flow velocity through the pipe.

C = coefficient of hydraulic capacity.

R = hydraulic mean depth of pipes = slope of energy line.

D= pipe diameter R = D /4(for pipe flowing full)

Table 2.6: Recommended flow velocity

Minimum diameter (mm) 80 100 150 300 600

Velocity (m/s) 0.6 0.75 0.9 1.01 1.7

Discharge (Q).

The quantity of water conveyed by the pipe with given time can be calculated by
using the continuity equation

Q=AV …………………………………………………………………... 2.12



A=area of pipe.

V=velocity of flow.

Q=0.35×10-5×C×d¯2.63xI0.54 …………………………………………… 2.13


Q = discharge of water (m3/sec)

C = Hazen William friction coefficient.

d = diameter of pipe (mm)

I = Hydraulic gradient.

Table 2.7: The value of C according to the pipe materials

Pipe material C-Value

Steel pipe 100―120

Plastic pipe 100―140

Head loss

Head losses in pipelines are caused by pipe friction, transition, valves, bends and
fittings. For long pipe lines, pipe friction is generally the major component of head
loss and the other components are often neglected. Head loss caused by transitions,
valves, bends and fitting are referred as minor losses and in short high way culverts
are not neglected. Head loss caused by pipe friction can be estimated using the
Darcy- Weisbach equation, Hazen-William equation or manning equation. (Fluid

The Darcy –Weisbach equation is

𝐻𝑓 = f 2𝑔𝐷 ………………………………………………………….......... 2.14


f=friction factor

L=length of the pipe

D = diameter of pipe

V = velocity of flow

g = acceleration due to gravity

For Hazen William Hf=10.7[Q/C]1.852L/D4.87 …………………………. 2.15

Minor losses.

Minor losses are caused by excessive turbulence generated by a change in flow

geometry, they represent the head loss that is in excess in normal pipe friction at
transitions bends, valves and other fittings, the coefficient (K) is used to give the
minor loss (Hm) as a function of the velocity head.

𝐻𝑚 = K 2𝑔 ……………………………………………………………………. 2.16

2.6.6: Pipe material and classes

The pipe materials are selected while keeping in view the forces to be resisted by it
such as

The stresses due to change of direction

a) Stresses due to internal water pressure

b) Stresses due to soil above the pipe
c) Stresses due to water hammer
d) Temperature stress.

The piping system has to be designed and dimensioned to meet the estimated water
demand and pressure requirements, taking into account the possible implementation
in stages. To ensure the quality of water to be distributed and the reliability of the
system the designer has to select the proper pipe materials, specials etc. and have to
indicate the correct construction methods.

The final selection of pipe material is done by considering various factors: -

i) Availability of fund
ii) Types of water to be conveyed.
iii) Maintenance cost.
iv) Carrying capacity of the pipes.
v) Durability and Availability in the market.

Pipe classes and ranges in pressure

Classification of pipes is being done according to their capacity to accommodate the

pressure exerted upon them. Plastic pipes are classified from A, B, C, D and E while
the Galvanized steel pipes classified as medium and heavy duty. The following table
shows the normal working pressure of different pipe.

Table 2.8 Working pressure of different pipe classes

S/N Material Classes Pressure range(m)

1 G.S Medium 0-105

2 G.S Heavy duty 105-240

3 PVC/Poly A 0-30

4 PVC/Poly B 30-60

5 PVC/Poly C 60-90

6 PVC/Poly D 90-120

7 PVC/Poly E 120-150

Extra care should be taken when using poly or PVC pipes as these are affected by
temperature when exposed to sun for a long time. Under this circumstance the pipes
reduce its working pressure. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to keep it in
cool storage or burial into the ground to an appropriate depth. (manual,2009).

Types of pipe materials

a) Asbestos cement pipes

Used to convey water under low pressure and currently not used due to health

b) Cast Iron (CI)

Used for the conveyance of water, they are available in size up to 1200mm diameter
or more and they are classified into four categories ie class A, B, C and D. They have
good cool flow of water.

c) Cement concrete pipe

They are used for low head up to 15m.

They are reinforced or plain or prestressed with diameter varying from 500mm or

d) Galvanized steel pipes (GS)

They are widely used for services connections and their diameters vary from 6mm to

e) Copper pipes

They are used for hot water transmission; they do not sag or bend due to hot water.

f) Plastic pipes

These are plastic materials which may be thermoplastic or thermosetting, the four
primarily used are: -

i) Pvc (Polyvinyl chloride)

ii) PE (polyethylene)

iii) Pb (Polybutylene)

iv) Pp (Polypropylene)

v) DI (Ductile Iron pipe). (manual,2009)


Storage tanks are needed to balance the variations in the water consumption during the
day; to ensure a continuous supply during power supply outages and breakdowns of
pumping plant and lastly to give capacity for exceptional demand e.g. firefighting. The
storage volume should be large enough to accommodate the cumulative differences
between water supply and demand.


The balancing reserve is defined as a quantity of water required to be stored in order to
serve out the variation in demand in the distribution system against the constant supply
from the intake or treatment works. Balancing storage provides water when demand
exceeds the maximum hourly demand on which the feeder pipe is based. The amount of
this storage should be such that it can meet the difference between peak day demand and
peak hour demand for certain times. The consumption for rural areas can be assumed to
occur in the morning between 6am and 9am (06.00 and 09.00 hours) and in the afternoon
between 3pm and 6pm (15.00 and 18.00 hours).
The maximum deficit added to the maximum surplus then gives total capacity needed.

For a pumped water supply, a different number of pumping hours will give different
capacities of balancing storage required. It is up to the Designer to optimise the capacity of
the pump and rising main with the capacity of the balancing reservoir. (Water policy,2002)


The total capacity of water storage is the sum of balancing, emergency and firefighting
Normally this total lies between 30% and 50% of the peak daily demand and for rural
A supply a figure of 50% is normally adopted. Preferably the depth of storage tanks of
normal size say up to 1000 m3 should not be less than 3 metres or higher than 6 metres.
Inlet and outlet piping for the tank should be so located that a good mixing of the water
Usually the inlet pipe is brought to the same level as the over flow pipe. The overflow pipe
should be fitted with a strainer and is normally connected to the washout pipe beyond the
wash out pipe control valve. (manual,2009).
Determining the location of a storage tank is governed by two main factors, namely the
topography of the area and the distance to the supply areas. Since an elevated tank is about
40% more expensive than a ground level tank, the latter is the first choice and a suitable
high rocky point or other location should be selected. A careful cost comparison should be
made between an elevated tank and a ground level tank requiring extra pipe lengths. Whilst
the final decision depends on such a comparison, in general a ground level tank is
preferred. Further important considerations are the minimum pressure at the highest supply
point and the maximum pressure at the lowest point. These are to be 5m and 60m water
height respectively. (Water policy,2002)

Water transmission

The design of pipe lines for transmission as well as distribution of water always
(except for small services lines and in house connections) are required hydraulic
calculations. this includes calculations of pipe frictions losses, local losses eg bends,
tees, are usually neglected in pipe design.
Friction losses are generally based on the relationship between the friction slope or
head loss per unit length of conduit.

In a water supply system, water has to be transported from source to consumers and
usually through different stages by means of a variety of pipes made of different
materials. Water can be piped by gravity or by pumping from an intake through a
treatment process into storage reservoirs, from where it is distributed to the
consumers. The piping system has to be designed and dimensioned to meet the
estimated water demand and pressure requirements, taking into account the possible
implementation in stages. The capability of a pipeline to convey water from one
level, A, to a second, B, is calculated by a simple energy equation where:

EA = EB + hf ………………………………………………………………………………… 2.17


EA = the energy level at A,

EB = the energy level at B, and

hf = the friction head loss in the pipe between A and B. The friction head loss, hf is
given by the equation:

hf= i × L ……………………………………………………… ……………... 2.18


i = the slope of the hydraulic gradient along the pipe section and is a function of
flow, inside diameter and roughness of the inside of the pipe.

L = the total length of the pipe section from A to B taking into account the loss of
head in both the pipes and the fittings installed. (Manual,2009)




For success of this project, the following data were collected.

 Population data: -It helps to calculate water demand at a given design period.
 Rainfall data: -It shows the rainfall trend of the area throughout the year.
 Borehole information: -This gives the water quantity or yielding capacity of the
 Levelling data: -It shows the elevation of the area, hence helping to determine the
location of the storage tank, domestic points and the distribution method to be
 Water quality data: - It helps to check whether the water meets the WHO and
Tanzania standards of water quality.
Data is categorized into two types, Primary data and Secondary data which were collected
from various sources.


The primary data collected were the existing information from the previous similar work
and report done in the locality which includes: - POPULATION DATA
Population to be served by the project plays a basic role for the project design, because the
designed project should satisfy the water demand of the population falling in the project
area for the entire design period. Therefore, the population data should be dealt with
special attention
The current population count was preferred to the use of national census report for 2012.
The present population, Po, was used for projection of future population after a certain
 r 
Pn  P0 1  100 32

Pn = Future population.

P= Present population.
r = Growth rate (4.1%) of Msakuzi street.
n = Design time (20 years).

Table 3.1 Population data of Msakuzi street.


2012 8461 Msakuzi street
executive officer

Thus the total population and per capita water consumption forMsakuzi street is shown in
the table below.

Table 3.2 Total population and per capita consumption per day
Descrip Population Consu Present Future
tion mption water water
rate l/d demand demand
of water
(2016) (2036)
2016 2036
l/d l/d
ts 9936 22194 25 248,400 554,850


The data showing the rainfall trend of the locality for the past ten years was collected from
Tanzania Meteorological Agency(TMA) The collected rainfall data indicates that the street
experiences heavy rains annually in March, April and May and a short rain season from
October to December also last year (2015) the locality had an average annual rainfall of
86. 575mm.Consider an attachment showing the rainfall data in the appendix. BOREHOLE DATA

The borehole information was taken from the existing borehole drilled at Mr. Ogolla’s
residence drilled at 150m depth with its lithology included in the appendix. Thus due to a
geophysical survey conducted back in 2012 indicated that the place and its 50 metres
surroundings are found to be in a zone of a water bearing rock assuring that any
underground water drilling done within the surveyed area will result into a successful
water well with a sufficient yielding capacity.

Table 3.3: Borehole information.


Depth 150m Water file from Mr. Ogolla’s well

Yielding capacity 19000LPH Pump test result

Pump type Submersible Water file from Mr. Ogolla’s well

Pump capacity 5 HP

Rising main size 90mm WATER QUALITY DATA

Upon supplying the water to the public, the health and safety of the public matters most
thus the supplied water must meet the WHO and the Tanzania water quality standard
requirements. Therefore, a sample was taken to test the water quality of the borehole and it
was found to be suitable for use. See the test results in the appendix.

The secondary data were collected from the site ensuring the coverage of the majority
settlement in an area under the estimated population as well as activities taking place in the
area thus the general view and profile of the area was taken into account by conducting the
levelling from the proposed source of water to the storage tank and the domestic points. LEVELLING DATA

The aim of conducting this survey was to obtain the reduced levels at the borehole, main
pipe, storage tank, terminals and domestic points with their corresponding chainages from
the source/ borehole to assist in the design of the distribution network.
See the table below indicating the levelling data obtained from the borehole location
carried to the proposed storage tank and the five domestic points.

Table:3.4 levelling data

01 Kwa Gunda 270 151.544
02 Mnalani 240 143.263
03 Kwa Mkapa 330 127.714
04 Makamba P/S 1170 81.754
05 Kwa Kiperanya 690 115.701



Water source is borehole of yielding capacity (q) 19,000 LPH with depth 150m.
For efficiency of the borehole, capacity can be estimated as 80% of its yielding.

q = yielding capacity of the borehole (liters per ho
Q = Effective capacity of the borehole (liters per day),
Q = q×0.8
Q = 19,000 liters /hour×0.8×24
Q = 364,800liters /day


Population of an area is very important in project design, because it helps to calculate
water demand, where by the project designed to suit the required water demand of the
population within the area in design period.
In order to estimate the future water demand, population forecast is very important. In this
particular project forecast for the population was done for 20 years to come. (i.e. from
2016 to 2036).
According to the national census of 2012, Msakuzi street had 8461 people with 4.1 growth
rate per annum.

Below is the formula used to calculate future population and adopted by the Ministry of
Water Design Manual for Water supply 2009.
Number of years (n) from 2012 to 2016 = 4 years, It is given that

 r 
Pn  P0 1  100

Pn= Future population

Po = Present population

r = Growth rate per annum expressed in (%)

n = design period in years.


Population of the street for 2012 (Pn) = 8416 people,

Growth rate per annum (r) = 4.1%,

Present population can be calculated by using the formula below.


Pn= Po[1+(r/100)] n

P4= 8416[1+ (4.1/100)] 4

P4= 9,884 People

Table: 3.5 Analysis for future population

Present Future
Consumers population Calculation population
(Po) at 2016 (Pn) at 2036
Po Formula for estimating future
Pn = Po[1+(r/100)]n
Pn= Future population
Po= Present population
r = Growth rate per annum = P20
n = Design period = 20 years

Street people 9884 Pn = Po[1+(r/100)]n

P2 0= 9884[1+(4.1/100)]20
P20 = 22077 22077

Makamba Pn = Po[1+(r/100)] n
primary P20 = 305[1+(4.1/100)]20
school(Day) P20 = 681 681
students 305 Pn = Po[1+(r/100)] n
Staff members 13 P20 = 13[1+(4.1/100)]20
P20 = 29 29

Banee Secondary Pn = Po[1+(r/100)]n

School(Boarding) P20 = 140[1+(4.1/100)]20
Students 140 P20 = 313 313
Staff living at 5 P20 = 5[1+(4.1/100)]20
school Campus P20 = 11 11
staff living off 32 P20 = 32[1+(4.1/100)]20
school Campus P20 = 71 71


While designing the water supply system for particular purpose, it is necessary to
determine the total quantity of water required by consumer in town, which are maximum
daily demand as well as maximum hourly demand. Also it is necessary to determine
carefully the type of demand that the town may have. However, in the design of this
project, analysis is based on: -

 Domestic water demand.

 Institutional water demand and losses or leakage.

a) Maximum daily demand.

Results from multiplying future population, per capital water demand and peak day
factor (Pd) as follow: -

Dm =∑ (Pn×Pc×Pd)


Dm = Maximum daily Water demand

Pn = Population at a given design period

Pc =Per capital demand per person per day

Pd = Maximum day factor

n = Design period = 20 years

According to the Ministry of water Design Manual for Water Supply 2009, The value of
Pc, Pd and Ph are given based on kind of consumers as shown below: -

Table: 3.6 Values for per capital demand (Pc), peak day factors (Pd) and peak hour factor
Consumer Pc Pd Ph Class
Street people 25 l/c/d 1.3 2.5 Medium income
Day scholars 20 l/c/d 1.1 4
Boarding scholars 70l/c/d 1.1
Staff living at school 70 l/c/d 1.1

i) Maximum daily water demand

Table: 3.7: Analysis for maximum daily water demand

Consumers Future Calculation Demand (D)

population (Pn)
at 2036
at 2036

Street People 22,077 D = Pn×Pc×Pd
D =22,077× (25 l/c/d) ×1.3 717,503 liters/day
D = 717,503 l/d

Primary school
Student 681 D = Pn×Pc×Pd
D =681× (20 l/s/d) ×1.1 14,982liters/day
D = 14,982 l/d
Staff members 29 D = 29 × (20l/s/d) × 1.1 638 liters/day
D = 638 l/d
Banee secondary 313 D = Pn×Pc×Pd
school D =313× (70 l/s/d)×1.1
(Boarding)Student D = 24,101 l/d 24,101 liters /day
Staff living at 11 D = 11 × (70l/s/d) × 1.1
school campus D = 847 l/d 847 liters/day
Staff living off D = 71 × (70l/s/d) × 1.1
school campus 71 D = 5467 l/d 5467 liters/day

From the analysis above, maximum daily water demand will be 763,538 liters/day.

ii)Water losses

According to the Ministry of water Design Manual for Water Supply 2009, Water losses
(e.g. leakage) are considered to be 20% of maximum daily water demand;
Maximum daily water demand (D m) = 763,538 liters/day.
Water losses = [ 20% x 763,538 liters/day] = 152,708 liters/day.
Future maximum daily water demand (Dm) is the sum of maximum daily demand and
water loss,
D m = [763,538+152,708] l/d

Dm= 916,246 liters/day equivalent to 10.6 liters/sec

b) Maximum hourly demand

That is the result of multiplying the maximum daily demand by the hourly factor (Ph).
Their analyses are as follow;
Dh =∑ (Pn×Pc× Pd ×Ph)
Where Dm = maximum hourly demand
P h = Maximum hourly factor.
Pd= Maximum daily factor.
Pc = Per capital demand per person per day

Table: 3.8 Analysis for maximum hourly demand

Consumers Future Calculation Demand (D) at

population (Pn) 2036
at 2036

Street People 22077 D = Pn×Pc×Pd× Ph
D =22077× (25 l/c/d) ×1.3× 1,793,756
2.5 liters/day
D = 1,793,756 l/d

Primary school D = Pn×Pc×Pd× Ph
(Day) 681 D =681× (20 l/s/d) ×1.1× 4.0
Student D = 59,928 l/d 59,928liters/day
Staff members 29 D = 29 × (20l/s/d) × 1.1 × 4.0
D = 2,552 l/d 2,552 liters/day

Banee secondary 313 D = Pn×Pc×Pd× Ph
school D = 313× (70 l/s/d)×1.1× 4.0
(Boarding)Student D = 96,404 l/d 96,404 liters /day
Staff living at 11 D = 11 × (70l/s/d) × 1.1×4.0
school campus D = 3,388 l/d 3,388 liters/day
Staff living off D = 71 × (70l/s/d) × 1.1× 4.0
school campus 71 D = 21,868 l/d 21,868 liters/day
TOTAL 15,507 ∑D 1,977,896liters/day

From the analysis above, maximum hourly water demand will be 1,977,896 liters/day
equivalent to 22.89 liters/sec.

i) Water losses based on maximum hourly demand

Water losses are considered to be 20% of maximum hourly water demand;

Maximum hourly water demand (D h) = 22.89 liters / sec
Water losses = [ 20% x 22.89 liters/sec] = 4.58 liters/second
Future maximum hourly water demand is the sum of maximum hourly demand and water
Dh = (22.89 + 4.58) liters/sec
Dh = 27.47 liters/second
The distribution system from the storage tank will carry the discharge of about 27.47
liters/second which is the total water demand of the entire Msakuzi Street.

ii) Capacity of storage water tank

Storage tanks are needed to balance the variations in the water consumption during the
day; to
ensure a continuous supply during power supply and breakdowns of pumping plant and
lastly to give capacity for exceptional demand e.g. firefighting. The storage volume should

Large enough to accommodate the cumulative differences between water supply and
According to 2009 Ministry of water design manual, the total capacity of water storage is
the sum of balancing, emergency and firefighting reserve. Normally this total lies between
30% and 50% of the maximum daily demand.
Let say,

Volume of tank to be 40% of maximum daily demand


Maximum daily demand (Dm) = 763,538 liters/day

Volume = (0.4× 763,538)
Volume = 305,415 liters = 305m3

Therefore, the volume of storage tank should be 305 m3 which is sufficient to meet the
daily water demand at the street for the designed period.
Analysis for dimensions of storage tank
Assume an elevated circular tank of depth (H) 7.0m and the free board is 0.5m
Then the total depth of the tank 7.5m

Volume of tank (V) = 𝜋𝑟 2 𝐻

305 m3 = π × r2× 7.5
Radius of the tank, r = 3.6m. Thus the diameter of the tank (D) = 7.2m.

Analysis for the source

The available borehole has depth of 150m deep, and the capacity of this source is 5.3 l/sec
The quantity of water produced per hour (Q) = 19,000 l/hr
The quantity of water produced per day (Q) = 456,000 l/d
The quantity of water produced per hour (Q) = 19m3/hr
For efficiency the production is taken 80% of yield capacity
The actual water produced =15.2m3 /hr.

Analysis for Pumping Hours to fill the Tank
Number of hours = volume of tank/designed flow = 305m3/15.2m3/hr = 20 hrs
The required pumping hours to fill the tank = 20 hrs
The out flow from the tank is 15.2m3/hr

3.2.4: DESIGN

The design of water supply system is based on the collected data which are population
data, water demand and survey data. Nomogram design table (According to olebrook’s
formula) were used to determine the discharge, head loss, frictional loss, velocity of flow,
pipe diameters, pipe materials and classes and storage tank size. The following component
have been designed and proposed for this project
(a) Suction main
(b) Rising main
(c) Pump capacity
(d) Dimension of water storage tank
(e) Distribution main and Network

Design of pipelines from the source to the storage tank and distribution system are as
shown in the table below: -

Table 3.9: Hydraulic calculation

PROJECT: Design of a water supply scheme Approval:

by an underground water source

DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 24/08/2016

Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian

CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 01



Design data:
Suction head = 136m

RL at source = 134.42m

Discharge (Q) = 5.30 l/s 0.75m/s

Nomogram Assuming economic velocity (V) = 0.75m/s

(plastic pipe)
From design table (According to olebrook’ formula)

Diameter (ф, he‰) = f (Q, V) →f (5.30,0.75)

Ф = 100mm 5‰

Hydraulic gradient (he) = 5‰

Friction loss (Hf) = he× suction head


= (5/1000) ×136m
Hf = 0.68m

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source

DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 24/8/2016

Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian

CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 02



Design data:

Discharge (Daily water demand) (Q) = 5.3 l/s

Length (L) = (1260 +7+3) m = 1270m

K = 0.01mm

Assuming economic velocity (V) = 0.75m/s 100mm ф

Nomogram (plastic pipe)

From design table (According to olebrook’s formula)

Diameter (ф, he‰) = f (Q, V) →f (5.3,0.75)
Ф = 100mm

Hydraulic gradient (he) = 5‰

Friction loss (Hf) =he× Length (L)

= (5/1000) ×1270m
Hf = 6.35m
Manual 7.62m
2009 Minor losses (ML) = 20% of friction Loss (Hf)
ML = 20%×6.35m = 1.27m
Total head loss (HL) = (Hf+ ML)→(6.35m+1.27m) = 7.62m

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source

DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 25/08/2016

Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian

CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 03


Static head
Design data
Suction head = 136m
Reduced level at storage tank (S/T) = 167.543m
Reduced level at source (B/H) = 134.42m
Raiser + Tank height = (3m + 7m) = 10m

Static head (Hs) = [( RL (S/T) – RL (B/H) ) +Suction head

+Riser+HS/T ]
Hs = [(167.543 –134.42 ) +136 +3+ 7] 179.123m
HS = 179.123m

Pizometric Level at source (B/H)

PZ at source = Suction head + RL. at source
= 136 m + 134.42m
PZ (B/H)= 270.42m

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source

DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 25/08/2016

Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian

CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 04


Total head (H)

Design data

Static head (HS) = 179.123m

Total head loss = 9.144m

Design Total head (H) = Static head (HS) + Total head losses
2009 H = (179.123m + 9.144m) = 188.267m 188.267m


Design data

Total head (H) = 188.267m

Discharge (Daily water demand) (Q) = 5.3 l/s

Density of water (s) = 1000KN/m3

Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 9.81 KN/S2

pump efficiency, assume (n) = 75%

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source

DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 25/08/2016

Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian

CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 05


Water Horsepower (Output Horsepower)

Whp = (Q×TDH)/75

Where; Q = Pump discharge, LPS

TDH = Total dynamic head, m

Whp = (5.3 × 188.267)/75 =13.3KWH


Brake Horsepower (BHP or Input Horsepower)

BHP = (Q × TDH)/ (75 × e) =WHP/e

Where; e = Pump efficiency (0.75)

BHP= 13.3/0.75=17.73KWH


Volume= 305m3 (From data analysis)

Diameter(D) = 7.2m

Height(H) = (Sediment height + Water level height + Free body)

H = (7+0.3+0.5) = 7.8m.
πD /4× H = (π×7.2 /4×7.5m) =305m
2 2 3

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source
DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 25/08/2016
Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian
CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 06

FROM: S/T. - T.01
Design data.
Reduced level at Storage Tank (RLST) = 167.543m
Reduced level at T.01 = 159.037m
Length (L) = 120m
Discharge (Q) = 27.47 l/s
Assume economical velocity (V) = 0.75m/s
Nomogram From design table.
Roughness coefficient (K = 0.01mm -0.05mm for Plastic
pipes) (According to olebrook’s formula)
Diameter (ф, he‰) = f (Q, V) →f (27.47,0.75)
200mm ф
Ф = 200mm
Hydraulic gradient (he) =2.6‰ 2.6‰
Friction loss (Hf) = he × length
= (2.6/1000) ×120m
Design Hf = 0.312m
Manual Minor losses (ML) = 20% Hf→(0.312×20/100) =0.0624m
2009 Total head loss (HL) = (Hf+ ML)→(0.312m+0.0624m) =

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source
DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 25/08/2016
Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian
CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 07

Design Piezometric level at Storage Tank (PZS/T)

Manual PZS/T = (RLS/T + Riser + Height of Tank)
2009 PZST = (167.543+3+7) m →177.54m 177.54m
Pressure at Storage Tank (PS/T)
PST = (PZS/T – RLS/T ) →(177.54-167.543) = 9.997m 9.997m
Piezometric level at T.01 (PZ.T.01)
PZT.01 = (PZS/T –HL) →(177.54– 0.3744) m= 177.16m 177.16m
Pressure at T.01 (PT.01)
PT.01= (PZT.01 – RLT.01)→ (177.16 – 159.037) = 18.12m
(18.12m > 5m) ……………………………Ok! 18.12m

Discharge (Q) at each domestic point (DP)

Assume there are equal discharge (Q) at all domestic point
Q = [(Total demand)/ Number of DP] 5.49 l/s
Q = [(27.47)/5] → 5.49 l/s

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground source
DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 25/08/2016
Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian
CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 08

FROM T.01 TO DP.01

Nomogram Design data.

Piezometric level at T.01 (PZT.01) =177.108m

Reduced level at DP.01 (RLDP.01) = 151.544m

Length of pipe (L) = 150m

Discharge (Q) in pipe = 5.49 l/s

Assume economical velocity (V) = 0.75m/s

From design table.

Design Roughness coefficient (K = 0.01mm for Plastic pipes)

(According to olebrook’s formula)
2009 Diameter (ф, he‰) = f (Q, V) →f(5.49,0.75)
100mm Ф
Diameter (ф, he‰)= (100mm, 5‰)

Friction loss (Hf) = (he×L) → = [ (5/1000) ×150] = 0.75m

Minor losses (ML) = 20% Hf→ (0.75×20/100) m = 0.15m
Total head loss (HL) = (Hf+ ML)→(0.75 m + 0.15m) =
0.9m 0.9m

Piezometric level at DP.01 (PZDP.01)

PZDP.01 = (PZT.01- HL) → (177.108 – 0.9) = 176.208m


PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source

DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date:25/08/2016

Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian

CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 09


Pressure at DP.01 (PDP.01)

PDP.01 = (PZ.DP.01 – RLDP.01) → (176.208 – 151.544) = 24.664m


(24.664m > 5m) …………………………………Ok!

FROM T.01 TO DP.02

Design data.

Piezometric level at T.01 (PZT.01) =177.108m

Reduced level at DP.02 (RLDP.02) = 143.263m

Length of pipe (L) = 120m

Discharge (Q) in pipe = 5.49 l/s

Assume economical velocity (V) = 0.75m/s

Manual From design table.
Roughness coefficient (K = 0.01mm for Plastic pipes)
100mm ф
(According to olebrook’s formula)

Diameter (ф, he‰) = f (Q, V) →f (5.49,0.75)

Diameter (ф, he‰) = (100mm, 5‰)

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source

DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 25/08/2016

Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian

CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 10


Friction loss (Hf) = (he×L) → = [ (5/1000) ×120] = 0.6m

Minor losses (ML) = 20% Hf→ (0.6×20/100) m = 0.12m
Total head loss (HL) = (Hf+ ML)→(0.6 + 0.12)m = 0.72m

Piezometric level at DP.02 (PZDP.02)

PZDP.02 = (PZT.01- HL) → (177.108 – 0.72) = 176.388m

Pressure at DP.02 (PDP.02)

PDP.02 = (PZ.DP.02 – RLDP.02)→(176.388 – 143.263) = 33.125m


(33.125m > 5m) …………………………………Ok!


FROM T.01 TO DP.03

Design data.

Piezometric level at T.01 (PZT.01) =177.108m

Reduced level at DP.03 (RLDP.03) = 127.714m

Length of pipe (L) = 210m

Discharge (Q) in pipe = 5.49 l/s

Assume economical velocity (V) = 0.75m/s

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source

DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 25/08/2016

Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian

CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 11


From design table.

Design Roughness coefficient (K = 0.01mm for Plastic pipes)
Manual (According to olebrook’s formula)
2009 Diameter (ф, he‰) = f (Q, V) →f (5.49,0.75)
100mm ф
Diameter (ф, he‰) = (100mm, 5‰)

Friction loss (Hf) = (he×L) → = [ (5/1000) ×210] = 1.05m

Minor losses (ML) = 20% Hf→ (1.05×20/100) m = 0.21m
Total head loss (HL) = (Hf+ ML)→(1.05+ 0.21)m = 1.26m

Piezometric level at DP.03 (PZDP.03)

PZDP.03 = (PZT.01- HL) → (177.108 – 1.26) = 175.848m

Pressure at DP.03 (PDP.03)

PDP.03 = (PZ.DP.03 – RLDP.03)→(175.848 – 127.714) =


(48.134m > 5m) ……………………………………Ok 48.134m

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source
DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date:25/08/2016
Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian
CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 12
FROM: T. 01 - T.02
Design data.
Reduced level at T.01 = 159.037m
Reduced level at T.02 = 145.998m
Length (L) = 240m
Discharge (Q) = 27.47 l/s

Nomogram Assume economical velocity (V) = 0.75m/s

From design table.
Roughness coefficient (K = 0.01mm - 0.05mm for Plastic
pipes) (According to olebrook’s formula)
Diameter (ф, he‰) = f (Q, V) →f (27.47,0.75) 200mm Ф
Ф = 200mm 2.6‰
Hydraulic gradient (he) = 2.6‰

Friction loss (Hf) = he×length

= (2.6/1000)×240m
Design Hf = 0.624m
2009 Minor losses (ML) = 20% Hf→ (0.624×20/100) m =0.125
Total head loss (HL) = (Hf+ ML) →(0.624m+0.125m) =

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source

DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 25/08/2016

Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian

CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 13


Nomogram Piezometric level at Storage Tank (PZS/T) 177.54m

PZS/T = (RLS/T + Riser + Height of Tank)
PZST = (167.543+3+7) m →177.54m
Pressure at Storage Tank (PS/T) 9.997m
PST = (PZS/T – RLS/T ) → (177.54-167.543) = 9.997m
Piezometric level at T.02 (PZ.T.02)
PZT.02 = (PZS/T –HL) → (177.54– 0.749) m = 176.79m
Pressure at T.02 (PT.02)
PT.02= (PZT.02 – RLT.02)→ (176.79 – 145.998) = 30.79m
(30.79m > 5m) ……………………………Ok!

FROM T.02 TO DP.04

Design data.

Piezometric level at T.02 (PZT.02) =176.79m

Reduced level at DP.04 (RLDP.04) = 81.754m

Length of pipe (L) = 930m

Discharge (Q) in pipe = 5.49 l/s

Assume economical velocity (V) = 0.75m/s

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source

DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date:25/08/2016

Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian

CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 14


Nomogram From design table

Roughness coefficient (K = 0.01mm for Plastic pipes)

(According to olebrook’s formula)

Diameter (ф, he‰) = f (Q, V) →f (5.49,0.75)

100mm ф
Diameter (ф, he‰) = (100mm, 5‰)

Design Friction loss (Hf) = (he×L) → = [ (5/1000) ×930] = 4.65m

Manual Minor losses (ML) = 20% Hf→ (4.65×20/100) m = 0.93m

2009 Total head loss (HL) = (Hf+ ML)→(4.65 + 0.93)m = 5.58m 5.58m

Piezometric level at DP.04 (PZDP.04)

PZDP.04 = (PZT.02- HL) → (177.54 – 5.58) = 171.96m

Pressure at DP.04 (PDP.04)

PDP.04 = (PZ.DP.04 – RLDP.04)→(171.96 – 81.754) = 90.206m

(90.206m > 5m) ……………………………………Ok 90.206m

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground source.
DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 25/08/2016
Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian
CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 15

FROM T.02 TO DP.05

Design data.

Piezometric level at T.02 (PZT.02) =176.79m

Reduced level at DP.05 (RLDP.05) = 115.701 m

Length of pipe (L) = 450m

Discharge (Q) in pipe = 5.49 l/s

Assume economical velocity (V) = 0.75m/s

Nomogram From design table

Roughness coefficient (K = 0.01mm for Plastic pipes)

(According to olebrook’s formula)

Diameter (ф, he‰) = f (Q, V) →f (5.49,0.75) 100mm ф

Diameter (ф, he‰) = (100mm, 5‰) 5‰

Manual Friction loss (Hf) = (he×L) → = [ (5/1000) ×450] = 2.25m
2009 Minor losses (ML) = 20% Hf→ (2.25×20/100) m = 0.45m
Total head loss (HL) = (Hf+ ML)→(2.25 + 0.45)m = 2.7m 2.7m

PROJECT: Design of water supply scheme Approval:
by an underground water source
DESIGNER: Donald Magembe,Enock Date: 25/08/2016
Mulegu & Frolian Cyprian
CHECKED: Pantaleo Tumbo Sheet No. 16

Piezometric level at DP.05 (PZDP.05)

PZDP.05 = (PZT.02- HL) → (177.54 – 2.7) = 174.84m

Pressure at DP.05 (PDP.05)

PDP.05 = (PZ.DP.05 – RLDP.05)→(174.84 – 115.701) = 59.14m 59.14m

(59.14 > 5m) ……………………………………Ok

Table: 3.10 Summary for hydraulic calculations

Point Distance Discharge Pipe diameter Pipe diameter

(m) (l/s) (inches)

B/H - S/T 1260 5.3 100 4”

S/T - T.01 120 27.47 200 8”
T.01- DP.01 150 5.49 100 4”
T.01- DP.02 120 5.49 100 4”
T.01 - DP.03 210 5.49 100 4”

T.01 - T.02 240 27.47 200 8”

T.02 - DP.04 930 5.49 100 4”

T.02- DP.05 450 5.49 100 4”

Point Ground level (m) Piezometric level (m) Pressure

B/H 134.42

S/T 167.543 177.54 9.997

T1 159.037 177.108 18.071

T2 145.998 176.676 30.678

DP1 151.544 176.028 24.5

DP2 143.263 176.244 32.981

DP3 127.714 175.596 47.88

DP4 81.754 170.844 89.09

DP5 115.701 174.3 58.599

Table: 3.11: Summary for pipe pressure and class

Point Distance Diameter Pressure Designed Pipe class

(m) (inches) (m)

B/H-S/T 1260 4”

S/T-T.01 120 8” 18.12 27.18 B

T.01- DP.01 150 4” 24.644 36.97 B

T.01- DP.02 120 4” 33.125 49.69 B

T.01-DP.03 210 4” 48.134 72.20 C

T.01-T.02 240 8” 30.79 46.19 B

T.02- DP.04 930 4” 90.206 135.31 E

T.02- DP.05 450 4” 59.14 88.71 C




From the levelling it showed that there is a difference in elevation between the source
(borehole) and proposed location for storage tank and domestic points, the head is
sufficient enough to supply the water from the tank to the domestic points by gravity.

Thus the design involves pumping the water from the borehole at Reduced Level
(134.42m) through the rising main to an elevated storage tank of 305 m3 capacity at
Reduced Level (167.543m) then by gravity the water is supplied to the five domestic
points stationed in different locations of Msakuzi street. Pumping is achieved by using a
pump of 13.3kwh water horsepower with a 17.73kwh brake horsepower motor ensuring a
discharge of 19,000 liters/hour from the borehole to meet the street’s f t re maxim m
daily demand of 916,246 liters/day for the designed period of the project,20 years.

The hydraulic calculation gives reasonable design pressure and velocity of flow thus the
distribution system has been designed with the recommended pressure and velocity of flow
to make the life span of the designed pipes maximum.
The scheme also seems to be economical as it’s a gravity supply system and the only
reliable source of water around to solve the water shortage in the street.


That project should be adopted according to the design so as to minimize the water
problem within the street. Also the following are recommended: -

 All private and new connections in and outside the street should not be allowed,
otherwise new design considerations will be required.
 Due to connection, leakage problems and infiltration of surface and ground water
into pipes people should boil water for drinking.
 Plastic pipes especially Polythene pipe should be adopted so as to reduce water
losses due to friction and joint.

 Pumping water to storage tank and gravity system for distribution should be
adopted in that design due to the nature of the area with respect to the available
water source.
 For sustainability of the project, cost sharing for all water users should be adopted
with proper management.
 Careful monitoring and changing of the pump were necessary to ensure its
efficiency as per its designed period of use.
 People should use water as per requirement and should not vandalize the network
since it can cause failure before its designed life span.


B.C Punmia (2005), Environmental Engineering, volume 01.

Design Manual for rural water supply, volume 01.

E. W. Steel and Terence J. MacGhee (1979), Water Resource and Environmental

Engineering, 5th edition.

H M Raghunath (May 1987), Ground water,2nd edition

Ministry of water, Design Manual (2009) for Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal.

Mr. George Kingslin (May 2016), Ground water Engineering Lecture Notes.

Mr. L.N. Alahappan (May 2016), Water Resources Engineering Lecture Notes.

National water policy – (July 2002).

Santos Kunar Garg (1990), Water Supply Engineering, volume 01.

Harald Ulrich Executive Engineer (1981), Tables for calculation of Flow in Open and
Closed Conduits

Tyler G. Hicks PE (1921), Handbook of civil engineering calculations,2nd edition.


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