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5/3/1: Who Was CNS Version. Guaranteed amazing results.

This is the version of 5/3/1 I have been running and it yields amazing results and
progress. I recommend this program to ANYONE. However Intermediate/Advanced lifters
will probably get the most out of this.
Whether your goal is strength OR size, this is an excellent program to run.

Okay Wendler's 5/3/1 is basically a program that's based on the big 4: Squat,
Bench, Deadlift and OHP.
Each training day consists of one of the following.
In the first "week", you do 3 sets of 5 at 65%, 75%, 85% of your training max. (TM
is 90% of actual max).
In the second "week", you do 3 sets of 3 at 70%, 80%, 90% of your training max.
In the third "week", you do a set of 5 at 75%, a set of 3 at 85% and single at 95%.

After these weeks, you increase your Squat and Deadlift training max by 5kg/10 lbs.
And your Bench Press and OHP by 2.5kg/5lbs.

What's different with my version?

You train 5-6 days a week rather than the four that Wendler recommends. You also
skip the De-Load week on week 4.
This allows you to progress much faster. So basically you do
Bench/Deadlift/OHP/Squat then just repeat. Only have 1-2 rest days a week. It'll be
most beneficial if it was after either Squats or Deadlifts.

Each "Cycle" is a period of 12 workouts (3 workouts for each of the lifts, the 5
rep day, the 3 rep day and the 5/3/1 rep day)
Training 5/6 days a week means you should complete each cycle in 2 weeks or just
over. That gives a 5kg/10lb progress in 2 weeks for Squat and Deadlifts, and
2.5kg/5lb progress for Bench and OHP.

I would run this program for 8-12 cycles at a time. That should be 4-6 months of
following this routine. You can expect amazing results. If you run it for 12
cycles, you can expect 60kg gain on your training max for Squat and Deadlift, and
30kg gain on your training max for Bench and OHP in 6 months. Amazing progression.

On the last set, you have the option to max out on the reps. In this version you
should max out on the last set for every session in the first 3 cycles. On the
fourth cycle, just hit required reps.

DAY 1- Bench Press

Accessory Work:
Incline DB Press (3 sets).
Incline DB Flys (3 sets).
Close Grip Bench Press (3 sets).
Tricep Pushdowns (3 sets).
Machine Chest Press (2 sets).

DAY 2- Deadlifts

Accessory Work:
Barbell Rows (3 sets).
Pull Ups (3 sets).
Cable Rows (3 sets).
DB/Barbell Curl (3 sets).
Hammer Curl (3 sets).

Accessory Work:
Paused Bench Press (3 sets).
DB OHP (3 sets).
Side Raises (3 sets).
Face Pulls (3 sets).
Shrugs (3 sets).

DAY 4- Squats

Accessory Work:
Stiff Legged Deadlifts (3 sets).
ATG High Bar Squat (2 sets)
Leg Extensions (3 sets).
Calf Raises (3 sets).
Leg Curls (2 sets).

Yes. This will be very taxing on your CNS system. You will need to be eating in a
caloric surplus for this program. Plenty of stretching for recovery, get enough
protein and sleep.
Yes. This will give you amazing results, guaranteed.
Yes. You will add size not only strength on this program.

Good Luck.
Elite Powerlifting Total - 740kg @ 81.45kg [1631@179]
IG: @briancookpl


PB's: 590/388/689 = 1667# / [756kg]

Best Lifts in Comp: 590/381/689 = 1660# / [753kg

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