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Good Morning Miss Toliver

ED304 Katelyn Hartley

Purpose: Values:

Have students feel good about themselves - Potential, solving own problems,
through making own discoveries. independence

Central Messages: Validations:

1. Can’t exhibit fear in the classroom, 1. Engage students in simple activities

environment has to be a place where rather than teaching from a textbook.
students want to come. Examples: circle turned into a square,
2. Have students explore and discover oobleck, and estimation of raisins. “I
on their own without having to be try” is not a word in here.
told everything. 2. Miss Toliver does a lot of group work,
3. Have confidence to keep working at (building with shapes, tall
problems and not be frustrated by structures), she also asks a lot of
the problem. questions to enhance group work.
4. Have students be confident in 3. Showcases success of students,
speaking, participation, and praises for effort and process to how
explaining themselves. they got to the solution, “see how she
got it, she kept going.”
4. Has them write in journals after
every class. She also has the students
express their answers in complete
sentences. “Before I ask you to tell
me the counting principle I want you
to write an explanation of the
counting principle.”

Miss Toliver’s teaching style strives to help her students see the meaning in mathematics.
By doing this the students will learn in such a way that the math concepts she is teaching
will be in long-term memory. Miss Toliver uses all aspects of the retention pyramid.
Lecturer: when students don’t understand a principle
Recall: Journals after every class
Audio Visual: “Heard it through the grapevine”
Demonstration: oobleck, raisins, outfits, structures
Discussion: Group work
Experience: Math walk outside
Teach it: Parent involvement night

Miss Toliver has students answer in complete sentences.

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