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Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 16 (2010) 77–87

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Developing an approach for design-or-buy-design decision-making

Marie-Anne Le Dain a,n, Richard Calvi b, Sandra Cheriti a
G-SCOP Laboratory, Grenoble Institute of Technology, School of Industrial Engineering, 46 Avenue Felix Viallet, 38031 Grenoble Cedex 1, France
CERAG Laboratory, Grenoble University, School of Business Administration (IAE), Domaine Universitaire, BP 47, 38040 Grenoble Cedex 9, France

articleinfo abstract

Article history: A key issue in New Product Development (NPD) projects is defining which design responsibilities
Received 8 June 2009 should be kept in-house and which ones could be delegated to suppliers. This paper focuses on the
Received in revised form design-or-buy-design decision process and proposes a structured approach to support the decision -
28 January 2010 making of a project team. The background of this study stems from Early Supplier Involvement
Accepted 25 March 2010
literature and the context in which design-or-buy-design decisions should be made. Derived from two
existing conceptual models, the approach has been further developed as part of an action research
Keywords: project in the company Schneider Electric. Within the context of this company, it is used to measure the
New product development developmental risk of the supplied product, provide a risk response plan and facilitate coordination
Early supplier involvement
between design engineers and purchasing professionals.
Design-or-buy-design decision-making
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction how they differentiate themselves from their competitors, is also

expected to have an impact on their involvement in design
For a long time, ‘‘make-or-buy’’ decisions have received activity. ‘‘Design suppliers’’ strive to achieve an attractive position
considerable attention from both academics and practitioners. and gain power in the relationship and, in the long term, they may
This trade-off is often considered as a binary ‘‘make’’ or ‘‘buy’’ even overcome the policy of supply-base reduction, which is now
option, although the actual choosing is likely to be much more widely adopted by clients in industrial sectors (Anderson et al.,
complex. Nowadays, companies from various industries (auto- 2001).
motive, electronics, aeronautics, etc.) are increasingly outsourcing In this context of extended design activities between a client
their activities in order to face the competitive environment. and its suppliers, Clark and Starkey (1988) were the first to
Kotabe and Mol (2009) reviewed existing literature and recog- introduce the concept of a ‘‘design chain’’ to describe the network
nised that most analyses of ‘‘make-or-buy’’ processes have of participants, both internal and external to the focal firm and
focused on a limited set of activities (manufacturing, services, created throughout the NPD process. Twigg (1998) later indicated
information technology, or retail activities) and have provided that an important step in managing the ‘‘design chain’’ was to
insight into what determines whether firms integrate (make) or choose the appropriate level of supplier responsibility in the
outsource (buy) a particular activity. However, while firms may development process.
decide to contract out, they can also decide to let suppliers handle In defining the design chain, decisions have to be made
the design activity. Literature available on the subject provides concerning the roles and responsibilities that will be handled by
different explanations for this trend. In the automotive industry, the suppliers in the NPD process. In this respect, since the ‘‘make-
Veloso and Fixson (2001) pointed out the development of or-buy’’ decision cannot ignore design activities, we have
modularization as a key enabler for increasing supplier respon- introduced the concept of design-or-buy-design decisions to take
sibility in design activity. Indeed, in a modular design strategy, into account both design and production activities.
decomposability of the components and interface compatibility This paper mainly deals with the issue of what we call the
make concurrent engineering with suppliers much simpler. For design-or-buy-design decision. This topic has received tremendous
Hsuan (1999), technical collaboration between the supplier and attention in the automotive sector. Previous research suggested
the buyer at the early stage of development is a key success factor that Japanese companies were more skilful in their choices of the
for NPD. The competitive strategy of suppliers, in other words ‘‘exit points’’ in the NPD process at which a company opts to buy
design rather than design internally (Fine and Whitney, 1996).
Research also indicated that this ability was an important factor
relating to the superior performance of Japanese companies in
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 33 0 4 76 57 48 16; fax: + 33 0 4 76 57 46 95.
E-mail addresses: (M.-A. Le Dain),
NPD, in terms of lead time and cost (Clark, 1989; Clark and (R. Calvi), Fujimoto, 1991). However, other studies empirically found (S. Cheriti). negative effects of buy-design decisions: such as increased product

1478-4092/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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78 M.-A. Le Dain et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 16 (2010) 77–87

and development costs, worse product performance and, above inter-organisational configurations induced by the ESI process
all, longer development times (Eisenhardt and Tabrizi, 1995), (Bonnacorsi and Lipparini, 1994), (Ragatz et al., 1997), (Bidault,
(Hartley et al., 1997), (Wynstra et al., 2001), (Von Corswant and et al., 1998), (Dowlatshahi, 1998), (Twigg, 1998), (Petersen et al.,
Tunä lv, 2002). 2005), (Van Echtelt et al., 2008). The notion of ESI covers a variety
These obviously contradictory results could be explained by of configurations. Different categorisations of supplier involve-
the fact that the positive effects of supplier involvement, argued ment in NPD have been defined by researchers (Asanuma, 1989),
for at the strategic level, are not easily achieved at project level (Clark and Fujimoto, 1991), (Kamath and Liker, 1994), (Bidault
(Ragatz et al., 1997), (Wynstra et al., 2003), (Hoegl and Wagner, et al., 1998), (Monczka et al., 2000), (Wynstra and Ten Pierick,
2005). In a recent study, Van Echtelt et al. (2008) analysed the 2000), (Lakemond et al., 2006). Asanuma (1989) was the first to
management of supplier involvement as a double loop framework propose a typology according to supplier initiative in the design of
integrating two levels of management: strategic management and the product and process based on an in-depth analysis of Japanese
operational project management. In their approach, successful automotive sector practices. Most of the categorisations are based
involvement of the supplier in the NPD depends on the firm’s on the extent of supplier responsibility in the NPD process and are
ability to capture both short and long-term benefits by smoothly consistent with the model of supplier involvement presented in
developing both management levels. previous works (Handfield et al., 1999), (Monczka et al., 2000),
We agree with this view and target our contribution at the (Petersen et al., 2005). These authors conceptualised the level of
operational level of the supplier involvement process. This paper supplier responsibility as a continuum of configurations ranging
proposes an approach to support the design-or-buy-design deci- from ‘‘no involvement’’ to ‘‘white box’’ (informal supplier
sion-making process within an NPD project team. integration), ‘‘gray box’’ (joint development with formalised
Like Novak and Eppinger (2001), we believe that the lack of integration) and, finally, ‘‘black box’’ involvement where the
efficiency in the decision-making process mainly results from the design is driven by the supplier according to the buyer’s
chronological and organisational separation between product performance specifications. In recent studies, Petersen et al.
design decisions and sourcing decisions. In this paper, we suggest (2005) and Koufteros et al. (2007) explore the effects of black
a structured approach for the design-or-buy-design decision box and gray box configurations on NPD performance.
process where the aim is to allow product design engineers and In addition, several authors (Bonnacorsi and Lipparini, 1994),
purchasing agents to make decisions in collaboration. (Handfield et al., 1999) identified the timing of supplier involve-
The following section presents the background of our ment in the NPD process as an additional important dimension in
approach, which stems from Early Supplier Involvement (ESI) their categorisation. In this respect, Hartley et al. (1997) stressed
literature, and the context in which the design-or-buy-design that earlier supplier involvement is always the best way to ensure
decisions should be made. Thereafter, two conceptual models, project performance. Other authors pointed out that involvement
which form the basis of the decision-making approach, are timing depends on the intrinsic characteristics of the customer–
introduced. The research methodology is presented and the supplier relationship (Kamath and Liker, 1994), (Twigg, 1998),
research findings are elaborated upon. Subsequently, we present (Wynstra and Ten Pierick, 2000), (Le Dain et al., (2008)),
feedback from practitioners and combine this empirical insight suggesting that timely involvement may be more appropriate than
with a literature review to explain our approach. Finally, early involvement.
conclusions are drawn from this work by discussing its theoretical Most of these existing ESI configurations assume that the
and managerial implications as well as its limitations and extent and moment of involvement are directly related: the more
potential for further work. crucial the extent of involvement is for the client, the earlier this
involvement should start. An extensive case study of a Dutch
manufacturer led Wynstra and Ten Pierick (2000) to conclude that
2. Background ‘‘a high degree of involvement does not automatically lead to
early involvement; this also depends on the degree of develop-
2.1. Early supplier involvement configurations ment risk’’. According to them, existing categorisations distin-
guish generalised supplier roles rather than specific development
ESI is generally defined as a form of vertical cooperation in ‘‘situations’’ that may occur in an individual development project.
which manufacturers involve suppliers at an early stage in the These authors propose a Supplier Involvement Portfolio that
NPD process (Bidault et al., 1998). A substantial body of research distinguishes between four ‘‘situations’’. These are determined
focuses on the impact of ESI outcome. Numerous scholars have according to the degree of development risk, i.e. the impact of the
argued that ESI contributes to project performance by improving supplied item on the customer NPD process, and the degree of
development time and cost as well as product quality (Birou and responsibility held by the supplier in the development activity.
Fawcett, 1994), (Hartley et al., 1997), (Ragatz et al., 1997), (Primo The second dimension is located at the core of the design-or-buy-
and Amundson, 2002). Others have pointed out long-term design decision.
benefits for future projects, obtained by improving collaboration
through better client–supplier process alignment (Dyer and
Ouchi, 1993), (Ragatz et al., 1997), (Petersen et al., 2005), and 2.2. Design-or-buy-design decision context
by client companies creating privileged relationships with their
suppliers in order to fully benefit from new technologies and The decision to outsource is multi-dimensional and includes
innovation (Handfield et al., 1999), (Monczka et al., 2000), benefits in terms of increased economies of scale, access to
(Wynstra et al., 2001), (Emden et al., 2006), (Koufteros et al., expertise in the supply base, short and long-term financial
2007). To achieve these objectives, one of the main challenges for advantages and a better focus on core operations (Behara et al.,
a project team is to define the extent to which a client 1995). In addition, Quinn (1992) advocated outsourcing for
organisation shares responsibility with a supplier for the design greater flexibility and shorter product design cycles, especially
and development of a supplied item (e.g., part, component, or where rapidly developing new technologies or highly complex
sub-system) included in a new product (Takeishi, 2001). Indeed, systems are involved. However, studying product design activities
client firms can only gain benefits from supplier involvement if requires special attention to many other issues. For Elfring and
they develop managerial competencies adapted to the various Baven (1994), a firm that is likely to outsource component design
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M.-A. Le Dain et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 16 (2010) 77–87 79

will need coordinating, strategic and interfacing skills as well as 4

Black box
the ability to manage contractual relationships. In engineering
design literature, the trade-off is highly influenced by the product
3 « Co » Design
architecture. Thus, the degree of modularization appears as a key Delegated Design

supplier’s autonomy
element in the design-or-buy-design decision (Ulrich and Ellison,
1998). For Ulrich (1995), product architecture is considered as 2b Gray box

Degree of
modular if it induces a one-to-one mapping between functional
elements and physical components, and if the interfaces between « Critical » Co-Design
components are sufficiently uncoupled, so that each functional Traditional
element can be changed independently by simply changing the Subcontracting
corresponding component, and if this change does not entail a 1
redesign of the interface. The more modular the final product is
the easier the component buy-design decision should be since less 0 White box
coordination with suppliers during the development phase is
required (Balwin and Clark, 1998). Moreover, Veloso and Fixson 0% 50% 100%
(2001) maintained that modularization is the key enabler for Development risk
increasing supplier responsibility in the automotive sector.
However, not all products can be designed with a modular Fig. 1. The Supplier Involvement Matrix (Calvi and Le Dain, 2004).

architecture. What happens in the case of a product with an

integral architecture (Ulrich, 1995)? In this context, the client firm
Table 1
is obliged to apply design-or-buy-design decision-making, but Risk definition adapted from (Wynstra, 1998; Wynstra and Ten Pierick, 2000).
must clearly identify the supply development risks at the
beginning of the project and plan ahead in terms of possible Type of risk Risk Definition
responses to such risks.
Systemic link Systemic link refers to the tightness of the
Based on the above background review, the following question
interdependence links between the outsourced item and
can be raised: how can the design-buy-design decision-making the other items. The tighter the links, the stronger the
process be supported? Before this question can be answered, two outsourced item impacts on the technical performance
related research questions must first be addressed and on the design of the final product.
Newness Newness risk refers either to the use of new
technology(ies) for the customer or to the use of known
● What are the key issues that need to be tackled prior to making technology(ies) in a new context.
the design-or-buy-design decision? Internal Internal complexity refers to the number of distinct
● How can clients manage the specific development risks complexity technologies or components used in the outsourced item.
associated with each supplier involvement configuration? Produced The outsourced item represents an essential new
differentiation contribution to the functionalities of the overall system, in
comparison to the previous system.
3. Conceptual models used in the research Timeline Timeline refers to the position of the outsourced item
along the critical path of the customer product
development project.
In this research, two conceptual models are combined: the
Cost weight Cost weight refers to the impact of the outsourced item’s
Supplier Involvement Matrix (SIM) proposed by Calvi and Le Dain cost on the cost of the final product. (Inspired by Birou
(2004) and the portfolio approach introduced by Wynstra (1998) and Fawcett, 1994)
and Wynstra and Ten Pierick (2000).

the outsourced item development (Table 1). Five types of risks

3.1. The Supplier Involvement Matrix
defined in the SIM are similar to those previously proposed by
Wynstra (1998) and Wynstra and Ten Pierick (2000), i.e. systemic
Calvi and Le Dain (2004) enhanced the Supplier Involvement
link, newness, internal complexity, produced differentiation and
Portfolio model introduced by Wynstra (1998) and Wynstra and
timeline. Calvi and Le Dain (2004) introduced an additional
Ten Pierick (2000) following a study of 15 cases in French
risk – cost weight – which had already been identified by Birou
companies representing a wide range of industries. The findings
and Fawcett (1994). According to these authors, intensive
of this study resulted in a new portfolio model – the SIM – which
contribution poses a potential risk in terms of compliance with
identifies five supplier involvement configurations in collabora-
the target product cost and the overall cost of the development
tive NPD projects. These configurations are a combination of the
project. The relevance of this risk has been confirmed through the
following two dimensions (Fig. 1): (1) the development risk linked
case studies carried out by Calvi and Le Dain (2004).
to the outsourced item and (2) the supplier’s level of autonomy
in NPD.
3.1.2. The supplier’s level of autonomy in product development
3.1.1. The development risk The autonomy given to a supplier in the development of an
Wynstra and Ten Pierick (2000) noted that the risk measure- outsourced item was determined according to a five-level scale
ment used in the traditional purchasing matrix is not appropriate (from 0 to 4). For Calvi and Le Dain (2004), the distinction made
for describing the particular case of supplier involvement in NPD. between these levels is a function of (a) the level of responsibility
These matrices aggregate various levels of risk (internal, external, assumed by the supplier in the customer’s NPD process (Hand-
commercial and technical risks) whereas the only relevant risk for field et al., 1999), (Kamath and Liker, 1994), (Monczka et al.,
supplier involvement in NPD is linked to the impact of the 2000), (Wynstra, 1998), (b) the type of needs specified to the
development of the outsourced item on the customer NPD supplier (technical or functional specifications) (Clark and
project. Fujimoto, 1991), (Wynstra, 1998), and (c) the associated intellec-
To determine this development risk, Calvi and Le Dain (2004) tual property rights (Bidault et al., 1998), (Fujimoto, 1995). This
suggested six types of risks that express the possible impacts of scale will be presented in Section 5.2.2.
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80 M.-A. Le Dain et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 16 (2010) 77–87

3.1.3. The five types of customer/supplier involvement in to give the supplier and the possibilities offered by the
collaborative NPD projects supplier market.
Calvi and Le Dain (2004) introduced five configurations of (2) The development risk is determined. This involves allocating a
supplier involvement in collaborative NPD projects. When the score to questions relating to the five types of risks previously
level of supplier autonomy is low, the relationship is said to be described.
based on a ‘‘white box’’ model. In this case, Calvi and Le Dain (3) The item is positioned in the Supplier Involvement Portfolio.
(2004) distinguished between two configurations according to the This results in the appropriate supplier relationship and
development risk level: traditional subcontracting, characterised determines the sequence in which the supplier should be
by a low development risk and co-ordinated development, involved and
characterised by high systemic link and timeline risks. In both (4) The distribution of the various items across the portfolio is
configurations, outsourced items are mainly simple parts that analysed and, if necessary, some are repositioned.
continue to be designed in-house. However, with co-ordinated
development, the product design activity carried out by the Our objective is to analyse the application of this approach
customer and the process design activity carried out by the using the SIM model to support the design-or-buy-design decision-
supplier must be coordinated owing to the nature of the risk. making process. This work was carried out with the collaboration
The aim of such coordination is to effectively integrate both of a French company and led to the adaptation of both original
activities (product design and process design) while keeping the conceptual models.
supplier informed of modifications. In fact, in a co-ordinated
development situation, the supplier may be consulted at the
product design phase to provide tacit knowledge about its
manufacturing process. Thus, it plays the role of ‘‘silent designer’’ 4. Research methodology
(Dumas, 1988) because it contributes to the design activity
without taking any responsibility for it. This study combines the SIM conceptual model with the need
When supplier autonomy is high (‘‘black box’’), Calvi and Le expressed by Schneider Electric to improve its supplier involve-
Dain (2004) also identified two configurations according to the ment in their NPD process. World leader in electricity and
level of development risk: delegated development and strategic automation management, Schneider Electric wished to use this
co-design. In both cases, the supplier is fully responsible for the matrix to help project teams when making decisions about
design and development of the outsourced item. However, in collaborative design with suppliers.
strategic co-design, the high level of risk requires a great deal of This research project sought to create a tool for supporting
communication with the supplier in order to clarify customer the design-or-buy-design decision-making process in NPD
needs and to monitor changes occurring throughout the project. projects with a view to improving the ultimate outputs of the
Lastly, critical co-design (supplier autonomy level from 2a to 3 collaborative-design-with-suppliers process. This ambition was
and risk greater than 50%) is the term used by the authors to qualify consistent with the aim of engineering design research, i.e. to
the configuration where neither the customer nor the supplier support industry by improving engineering design understanding
possesses the knowledge or the ability to completely execute the and by using this understanding to develop knowledge and
product design in-house. The greater the development risk, the methods to improve the likelihood of producing a successful
more the customer will try to promote and manage collaboration product (Blessing and Chakrabarti, 2009). In this study, the goal
between its own project team and the supplier’s. This reasoning was to produce knowledge not for itself but to support action.
thereby explains the triangular nature of the conceptual SIM. The approach adopted was therefore geared towards Action
We chose the SIM because this matrix helps to make the Research (AR). AR proceeds through a cyclical process of planning,
appropriate decision (design-or-buy-design) according to supplier taking action and evaluating action, leading to further planning.
involvement configurations. The SIM clearly links the five AR requires active participation by both researchers and
configurations with the black, gray and white box models practitioners in this cyclical process (Coughlan and Coghlan,
commonly used. According to the level of supplier autonomy, a 2002). The active participation of both actors in the co-construc-
position in the SIM associated with white box configurations will tion of knowledge for action shall be described in what follows.
require a design decision, whereas a position associated with gray In January 2006, Schneider Electric launched a project for the
or black box configurations will require a buy-design decision. In worldwide unification of methods and tools to facilitate
our study, we propose to use this matrix in the design-or-buy- and improve supplier involvement in NPD. The first author
design decision-making process. In this respect, we draw inspira- joined the project team on a full-time basis for one year to
tion from the portfolio approach described below. handle the development of a design-or-buy-design decision-
making approach using the SIM. A mirror group including
representatives of all the skills involved in NPD (i.e., Purchasing,
3.2. How to use the SIM: The portfolio approach
Electro-mechanical Design, Electronic Design, Software Design,
Industrialization, Project Quality and Project Management) was
The aim of the portfolio approach introduced by Wynstra set up to support this mission. The author/action researcher acted
(1998) and Wynstra and Ten Pierick (2000) was to provide as an external helper to the industrial partner in order to ‘‘inquire
support when setting priorities relating to the involvement of into their (own) issues, and create, and implement solutions’’
suppliers in a development project. According to the authors, this (Coughlan and Coghlan, 2002, p. 227). Unlike consultants, action
approach can be shared by purchasers and development researchers require theoretical justifications and a rigorous
engineers when discussing, planning and carrying out product research design process for their collaborative work to result in
development in collaboration with suppliers. This approach is the creation and implementation of a solution (Gummesson,
based on the use of the Supplier Involvement Portfolio and is 2000). In addition, the consultation process is frequently linear
applied in four steps: (i.e., analyse and act) whereas AR is cyclical. This means that
several loops are performed between the findings from the review
(1) The degree of responsibility is determined. This covers both of literature and from the exploratory cases in order to carry out
the development responsibility that the project team wishes the collaborative work.
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The research was conducted in three phases: In the case study reported here, the item selected for
outsourcing by the participants was an automatic shorting
(1) Data gathering. Data was collected through regular progress connector. It is a specific component that handles the interface
meetings with the mirror group, and semi-structured inter- between the current transformer and the protection relay. It is
views with NPD project teams. The goal of these exchanges considered a key component because of its considerable impact
was twofold: (1) to analyse their practices in terms of on the performance and functionality of the protection relay.
collaborative design and explore collaborative design difficul-
ties experienced with their suppliers, and (2) to collect their
opinion about the SIM and the portfolio approach. In addition, 5. Developing the design-or-buy-design decision-making
with the position held by the action researcher within the approach
project, there were no restrictions in documentation and
observation. More particularly, Schneider Electric documents As previously described, the approach was iteratively devel-
about analysis risks, the NPD process and the purchasing oped through action research. This was supported by feedback
process were studied in detail. As required by Coughlan and from the Schneider Electric case and findings from literature, all of
Coghlan (2002), data from literature and practitioners was which was combined in a cyclical process.
analysed with both the researchers and the client company. At the outset of this study, we presented the SIM model and its
This analysis was done with the mirror group. use according to the portfolio approach introduced in Section 3.2
(2) Tool development. Following several cycles of reviewing during the workshops carried out with the mirror group and the
literature, gathering data and analysing it, the SIM model 10 semi-structured interviews with project team managers and
was adjusted to the industrial context of Schneider Electric project leaders for purchasing, design, quality and industrializa-
and a preliminary tool was devised. This tool was presented tion in Schneider Electric. The aim was to collect the opinion of
during workshop sessions with the mirror group in order to practitioners. As previously outlined in the methodology section,
discuss the viability of the approach as well as to check on the the SIM model was also tested with the project team in charge of
content and the structure of the tool. Modifications were the buy-design decision about the automatic shorting connector.
made in response to feedback. The tool was then tested on The following two sections describe the feedback given by
two NPD projects for which a buy-design decision had already Schneider Electric about the SIM model and its use (Section 5.1),
been made. These cases acted as ‘‘learning histories’’ and were and the adaptations made to the original approach using the SIM
used to stimulate thinking and encourage learning in the model. These adaptations were built on a learning cycle during
project teams (Kleiner and Roth, 1997). The remarks made by which the Schneider Electric experience was compared and
the teams interviewed were taken into account in the design contrasted to the findings from literature. This led to the
of the tool presented in this paper. finalisation of our design-or-buy-design decision-making approach
(3) Validation. In order to evaluate and improve the wider (Section 5.2).
applicability of the design-or-buy-design decision-making
approach, and to identify a number of implications for 5.1. Applying the SIM model: The Schneider Electric experience
management, we conducted five case studies within Schnei-
der Electric project teams. These teams had to make this sort Two major feedback points emerged from the presentation and
of decision in their ongoing NPD projects. For confidentiality the application of the SIM model according to the approach
reasons, only one case study is reported here. It concerns the introduced by Wynstra and Ten Pierick (2000). These relate to the
development of a product that is already available on the risk development analysis and to the determination of the
market. The five products developed within the five case supplier’s level of autonomy. The key points suggested by
studies required the integration of connectors. The case practitioners are summarised below.
described is therefore representative of the design-or-buy-
design decision-making process concerning the connector
commodity. This is why this case study was selected to 5.1.1. Development risk analysis
illustrate the application of the approach within the training All participants considered the development risk analysis
program run for NPD newcomers at Schneider Electric. concerning the outsourced item as crucial. Risk analysis is a
common practice in NPD. Schneider Electric has developed
procedures to manage risks arising from components (mechanical,
electrical or software-related) and sub-assemblies in NPD projects.
4.1. Case description This management process is described as a collaborative process in
which the activities and responsibilities regarding each function
In 2005, Schneider Electric launched the development of a included in NPD projects are specified. The risk analysis must be
bottom-of-the-range protection relay. The aim was to complete conducted in three steps: identification of risks, measurement of
its range and to re-use the relay in other NPD projects. The risks and definition of risk response plan(s). All participants
project’s main objectives were twofold: to lower the target cost by suggested that this development risk analysis of the outsourced
30% and to offer a more compact solution without accessories. item should be adopted. According to them, the analysis should be
A protection relay contributes to the safety of goods and people by performed as part of the first step in the decision-making process.
detecting electrical failures and isolating the faulty part from the Indeed, it is more logical to clearly define and share the content of
network while securing electrical distribution in the healthy part. the potential collaboration before choosing the level of supplier
In addition, it must be able to work in severe temperatures (from autonomy.
— 40 to + 70 1C) for a period of over fifteen years with a high level The different project leaders (purchasers, designers, etc.)
of reliability. Generally, the protection relay is connected to the interviewed in this study considered the 6 types of SIM risks
current transformer and the circuit-breaker. The relay measures appropriate for specifying the impact of the development of the
and analyses the electrical data provided by the current outsourced item on the final product. For example, they reported
transformer. If an electrical failure is detected, the protection that the systemic link risk is often decisive since most Schneider
relay sends a signal to trip the circuit-breaker. Electric products have different but highly interdependent
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82 M.-A. Le Dain et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 16 (2010) 77–87

components. However, our analysis of their risk management The practitioners also reported that this decision was strongly
practices highlighted two means of improving development risk influenced by the capability of the suppliers listed in Schneider
identification and measurement. According to the technical Electric’s supply base. Sometimes, the project team’s outsourcing
leaders, internal complexity is already included as a risk in the needs cannot be fulfilled by an official company supplier and
Schneider Electric risk management procedures. In these proce- according to the purchasing strategy they must use suppliers from
dures, the risk is linked to the number of different technologies the official list.
used in components or sub-assemblies. The company definition
also takes into account a second criterion: the difficulty involved
5.2. Adapting the original approach: proposal for a four-stage
in specifying the performance required by certain characteristics
approach to the design-or-buy-design decision
of a product or process and measuring this performance. The
technical leaders suggested that we improve the original defini-
tion of internal complexity by integrating this second criterion. The This section presents the adaptations made to the original
second improvement concerns the introduction of the supply approach and on which our final design-or-buy-design decision-
chain risk described in the Schneider Electric procedures. This risk making approach is based. These adaptations were made in a
refers to the management of the network of suppliers involved in transformative cycle that continuously alternated emphasis
manufacturing and delivery activities. The practitioners reported between theory and practice. As described above, suggestions
that this risk may also occur in design and development activities. were also inductively put forward by practitioners. A review of
According to them, the more the development of the outsourced literature allowed us to analyse their suggestions in the light of
item requires various technologies mastered by different partici- academic results. Based on this cyclical process between practice
pants, both internal and external to the first-tier-supplier, the and the analysis of literature, four major adaptations to the
higher the supply risk. A technical leader gave a real-life example original approach were proposed. Firstly, as suggested by
concerning the development of a mechanical component. This Schneider Electric, we inverted the order of the first two steps,
component required different operations including die-trimming, beginning the decision process with the determination of the
bending, welding and machining to be successively performed by development risk. This sequence is also consistent with the
different tier-suppliers. During the development, a bending findings of the study carried out in the automotive and
problem arose; the first-supplier detected it and dealt with it telecommunication industries by Brennan (1997). This author
only when the component was delivered for the pilot run. This suggested that practitioners should carefully review their product
latency period had a high impact on the company’s product categories and adjust their relationships with suppliers as a result.
development time. The second adaptation focused on the step consisting in
Concerning development risk control, the mirror group and the determining the vertical axis of the SIM. To determine this axis,
action researcher suggested a number of risk response plans to Wynstra (1998) and Wynstra and Ten Pierick (2000) did not only
match the Schneider Electric product risk management proce- consider the supplier’s degree of responsibility but also the
dures. These initial proposals were improved following the SIM opportunities offered by the supplier market. The practitioners
application to ongoing projects. We report here the experience of recommended choosing the desired level of supplier autonomy
the project team concerning the risk analysis related to the regardless of the supplier market. This would then dispense the
shorting connector. The two dominant risks linked to the project team of limiting its requirements to the few possibilities
automatic shorting connector and identified by the project team provided by the Schneider Electric supply base. The third
were the systemic link risk and the internal complexity risk. In order adaptation concerned the introduction of a risk management
to anticipate the possible impacts of these risks, a number of process for the outsourced item that would require the Schneider
supplier actions were carried out at the beginning of the project. Electric team to implement the risk identification, risk measure-
Concerning the systemic link risk, the impact analysis was shared ment and risk response plans together with the supplier. The last
with the supplier through a clear presentation of the environment adaptation covered other key issues relating to the decision-
in which the connector was to be used. This presentation allowed making step.
the supplier to thoroughly identify the impacts of its connector on Following these adaptations, the approach introduced is based
the protection relay by fully understanding development and on the use of SIM and comprises four steps:
utilisation requirements and establishing an overall picture of
what was expected of the device. Thanks to this presentation of (1) Determination of the development risk related to the outsourced
the environment, the supplier was able to suggest different design item.
solutions for its connector in order to meet Schneider Electric’s (2) Determination of the supplier’s desired level of autonomy.
needs. The supplier outlined the advantages and risks of these (3) Positioning in the SIM and management of the development
solutions, so that a joint and well-informed decision could be risk and
reached. Concerning the internal complexity risk, the verification (4) Adoption of the final design-or-buy-design decision.
plan was drawn up with the supplier. The goal of this co-defined
plan was to clearly specify the acceptance criteria and the The modifications made to the different steps compared with
verification tests, as well as respective roles and responsibilities the original approach are detailed in the following section.
in terms of the actions and resources needed to implement the
verification process.
5.2.1. Revision of step 1: Determination of the development risk of
an outsourced item
5.1.2. Determination of the supplier autonomy level The development risk for each item is determined according to
The five levels introduced in the SIM are consistent with the overall score for seven types of risks. Six of these are similar to
Schneider Electric practices. According to the practitioners, when the risks previously presented in the SIM, i.e.: systemic link,
the supplier holds the intellectual property rights for an item, it is newness, internal complexity, produced differentiation, timeline and
also in charge of eventual changes made to the item during mass cost weight. Based on Schneider Electric’s suggestions, a new risk
production of the customer’s product. Schneider Electric describes was introduced, the design chain complexity risk. The score for
this activity as ‘‘continuous engineering’’. each risk is computed from questions comprising an ordinal
Author's personal copy

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answering scale (from score 1 to 5). Table 2 describes the Regarding internal complexity, the definition initially proposed
definition that we developed for each risk and the questions used by Wynstra and Ten Pierick (2000) and used by Calvi and Le Dain
to evaluate it. (2004) was enhanced. The updated definition is consistent with

Table 2
Questions for the development risk determination relating to each risk’s type.

Type of risk Risk definition Questions Quotation

Systemic link Systemic link refers to the tightness of the To what extent does the 1 2 3 4 5
interdependence links between the outsourced item determine the
outsourced item and the other items. The technical performance of the
tighter the links, the stronger the customer product?
outsourced item impacts on the technical
performance and on the design of the final
weakly strongly
To what extent does the 1 2 3 4 5
outsourced item determine the
design of the customer product?
weakly strongly
Newness Newness risk refers either to the use of To what extent are the 1 2 3 4 5
new technology(ies) for the customer or to technologies of the outsourced
the use of known technology(ies) in a new item new, or to what extent is the
context. application of these technologies
new to the customer?
known new
Internal Internal complexity refers to the number What is the internal complexity of 1 2 3 4 5
complexity of distinct technologies or components the outsourced item?
used in the outsourced item, to the
difficulty to specify the performance
required by some product or process
characteristics as well as to the difficulty
to measure the performance criteria, the
product/process feasibility and/or process
simple complex
Produced The outsourced item represents an To what extent does the 1 2 3 4 5
differentia- essential new contribution to the outsourced item make an
tion functionalities of the overall system, in essentially new contribution to
comparison to the previous system. the functionalities of the
customer product, as compared to
the previous product?
weakly strongly
Timeline Timeline refers to the position of the To what extent is the outsourced 1 2 3 4 5
outsourced item along the critical path of item on the critical path of the
the customer product development customer product development
project. project?
weakly strongly
Cost weight Cost weight refers to the impact of the To what extent does the 1 2 3 4 5
outsourced item’s cost on the cost of the outsourced item’s cost contribute
final product. to the customer product’s cost?
weakly strongly
Design chain Design chain complexity refers to the How many of sub-items 1 3 5
complexity management of the tier suppliers involved developed by the first-tier
in the development of the item outsourced supplier’s network of suppliers
to the first-tier supplier. The first-tier are considered as critical with
supplier is responsible for managing this regard to the customer’s product
tier-supplier network. development project?
Few medium
According to the design chain 1 3 5
framework of the first-tier
supplier, how long does it take for
a problem occurring in a tier
supplier of this design chain to
reach the customer’s first-tier
supplier and be dealt with?
1¼ short

3¼ medium

5¼ long

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84 M.-A. Le Dain et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 16 (2010) 77–87

practitioner feedback and the definition introduced by Clark and equivocal ones, and to the holistic criteria versus narrow
Fujimoto (1991, p. 10). These authors combined two dimensions ones’’. In addition, Novak and Eppinger (2001) provided
to describe the new product complexity as follows: evidence of complementarities between product complexity
and vertical integration. For them, an item that is considered
complex due to its performance requirements may need more
(1) The ‘‘complexity of internal product structure’’, which refers to
time to be developed by a supplier because of coordination
‘‘the number of distinct components and production steps, to
problems between firms. This evidence stressed the impor-
the number of interfaces, and to the technological difficulty and
tance of an accurate definition of this risk.
severity of the trade-offs among different components’’ and
(2) The ‘‘complexity of product user-interface’’, which is linked
‘‘to the number and specificity of the performance criteria, to Regarding design chain complexity, as explained earlier, practi-
the importance of measurable dimensions versus subtle and tioners suggested taking into account the design chain manage-
ment of their first-tier suppliers. If we adopt the point of view of a
customer who considers this design chain, the more complex the
Table 3
Five levels for determination of the supplier’s autonomy in product development. design chain is, the more its management becomes crucial and
presents a risk in terms of successful collaboration. This point is
4 On the basis of functional specifications, the supplier is responsible for the also highlighted in literature. We therefore added this risk and
global design (concept, feasibility studies, design, supply chain chose a name that refers to ‘‘design chain management’’, as
organisation), the detailed design, the testing of global and detailed design
introduced by Twigg (1998). Two criteria were introduced to
and the setting up of the production and assembly processes of a complex
subsystem. The supplier holds the intellectual property rights of the evaluate the complexity of this design chain
subsystem and then he is in charge of its continuous engineering.
3 On the basis of functional specifications, the supplier has the full (1) the number of items considered critical by the customer’s
responsibility from concept design to manufacture of an entire part/
component. The supplier holds the intellectual property rights of the part/
NPD project and developed by the first-tier supplier’s net-
component and then he is in charge of its continuous engineering. work; this number provides an estimation of the iterations
2 On the basis of specifications, the supplier is fully or partly responsible for required for design and validation activities and
the detailed design, the testing and the setting up of the production and (2) the time needed by the first-tier supplier to deal with a
assembly processes.
problem occurring in its design chain; this time depends on
2a The customer keeps the intellectual property rights of the component
and pays design fees to the supplier. The customer is in charge of its the design chain framework (Aggeri and Segrestin, 2000).
continuous engineering.
2b The supplier holds the intellectual property rights of the component and
Both criteria provide a measure of the coordination cost to
is held legally responsible. The supplier is in charge of its continuous
design and execute production within this network (Novak and
1 The supplier is responsible for the setting up of the industrialization and Eppinger, 2001).
production processes based on the drawings supplied by the customer.
Supplier provides feedback on the customer’s design including suggestions
for cost or quality improvements. 5.2.2. Revision of step 2: Determination of the supplier’s level of
0 The supplier is responsible for the setting up of the production process. The autonomy
supplier provides input in the customer’s product design by sharing As previously mentioned, this determination is only based
information about its equipment and process capabilities and production
on the autonomy that the project team wishes to grant the
supplier. To determine supplier autonomy the project team used

Fig. 2. Position of outsourced items (OI) in the SIM and associated dominant risks. (a) Position in the Supplier Involvement Matrix and (b) dominant risks for each product.
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M.-A. Le Dain et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 16 (2010) 77–87 85

a five-level scale (Table 3). This scale is practically identical to the products are based on integral rather than modular architecture.
scale proposed by Calvi and Le Dain (2004) in their SIM model. Ulrich (1995) described this product architecture as not made
The minor change in the previously defined levels relates to the up of ‘‘off-the-shelf parts’’, but rather consisting of a set of
responsibility of the continuous engineering activity. components designed to fit in with each other. In addition,
functions are typically shared by components and components
often display multiple functions. This definition explains why the
5.2.3. Revision of step 3: Positioning in the Supplier Involvement systemic link risk for a product based on integral architecture is
Matrix and management of the development risk often high. Thus each upgrade and modification in the definition
The position of each item in the SIM is automatically and validation of the Schneider Electric product must also be
calculated from the values on the horizontal and vertical axes. integrated into the outsourced item. Moreover, coordination
This position indicates the desired supplier involvement config- challenges with suppliers should not be underestimated. To
uration. Following practitioners’ requirements, we also proposed counter the systemic link risk, the following plan was proposed:
an analysis of the development risk based on three steps: risk first, in order to facilitate interface management, the product
identification, risk measurement and risk response plan defini- should be developed as an engineering system defined by a top-
tion. This risk analysis is consistent with the one proposed by down design process (Fine and Whitney, 1996). Indeed, this
Hallikas et al. (2004) for the purpose of managing risks in the case design process models the product as cleanly decomposable into
of close customer/supplier relationships. subsystems, at points where interfaces are simple and clearly
To implement the first two steps in this analysis, the defined. Second, the impact analysis stemming from this
contribution of each risk to the overall development risk is decomposition must be shared with the supplier. This should
automatically calculated to identify and measure the dominant encourage the supplier to contribute to the design process chosen
risks for the outsourced item. For example, Fig. 2a illustrates by the customer. This contribution allows the supplier to better
the position of three non-real outsourced items (OI): strategic co- meet functional requirements, without including excessive
design for OI-1 (57% development risk and level 3), critical co- specification requirements that lead to unproductive additional
design for OI-2 (71% development risk and level 2a) and co- costs (Humphreys et al., 2007, p. 44). Finally, intensive and
ordinated development for OI-3 (48% development risk and reciprocal communication should be observed with the supplier
level 1). Fig. 2a also describes the main characteristics of each during the project. This third action was inspired by O’Neal
supplier involvement configuration. Fig. 2b specifies how each (1993), who argued that regular supplier participation in design
risk contributes to the development risk so that the dominant reviews, including some co-location periods in the customer’s
risks can be identified. In the non-real example, the dominant development centre, can help ensure an optimal NPD process.
risks relating to outsourced item OI-1 are as follows: systemic link
(20%), timeline (15%), cost weight (20%) and design chain complexity
(15%). 5.2.4. Revision of step 4: Adoption of the final design-or-buy-design
With regard to the last step of the risk analysis, i.e. the decision
definition of a risk response plan, the impact of each risk on the In this step, the project team attempts to validate the expected
final product was identified and a number of appropriate risk positions in the SIM and makes their design-or-buy-design decision
responses suggested (Table 4). For example, three main responses accordingly. A position associated with ‘‘white box’’ configurations
to the systemic link risk are suggested. As previously stated, this is will require a design decision, whereas a position associated with
often a high risk for Schneider Electric because most of its ‘‘gray’’ or ‘‘black box’’ configurations will require a

Table 4
Impact of each type of risks and proposition of associated risk responses.

Risk Impact on the customer project Risk response

Systemic link n Management of modifications: all modifications to parts n Make sure that the item is specified with straightforward and
interfacing with the outsourced item must be reported to, even well-defined interfaces. n Organise regular face-to-face meetings
validated with, the supplier. for an intensive and reciprocal communication with supplier
during the project.
n The greater the systemic link, the less the guarantee for the n Define with the supplier complementary verification tests on
customer that the outsourced item will turn out to be reliable mock-up, simulation, correlation analysis.
during final testing within the environment of the overall product’s
n Share the impact analysis.
Newness n Lack of expertise on customer’s part. n Analyse competitors on purchasing.
n Uncertainty regarding the reliability of the outsourced item n Define with the supplier complementary verification tests on
during final testing within the environment of overall product’s use. mock-up, simulation, correlation analysis.
Internal Uncertainty regarding the reliability of the outsourced item during n Perform FMEA.
complexity final testing within the environment of overall product’s use.
n Define complementary verification tests on mock-up, simulation,
correlation analysis.
n Co-define the verification plan with suppliers.
Produced Customer satisfaction. Make sure that the supplier has clearly understood the customer
differentiation need.
Timeline Impact on time to market. Identify with the supplier the measures needed to control these
risks, when analysing the risks involved in the project.
Cost weight The success of the project is jeopardized. Drive the project according to the target cost, standardize as much
as possible.
Design chain n Impact on time to market.
n Possibility of delays due to the supplier’s inefficient management Make sure that the first-tier supplier is transparent with regard to
of its design chain. the suppliers it involves in its own product development project.
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86 M.-A. Le Dain et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 16 (2010) 77–87

buy-design decision. This decision-making is based on the buy-design decision. In the last step of the approach, the project
possibilities offered by the supplier market as well as the analysis team attempts to validate their choices. First, they analyse the
of the item’s distribution across the SIM. Both points were already existence of suppliers capable of accommodating their needs.
introduced in the original approach but their combined use to Second, they evaluate supplier management risks by analysing
support decision-making was not clearly specified. We explain the distribution of all items across the SIM. Finally, they define
hereafter how we improve on this. risk responses that need to be set up during collaboration with the
As illustrated in Fig. 3, design-or-buy-design decision-making is supplier.
based on the following two questions: From a theoretical standpoint, our research contributes to the
improvement of the previous conceptual models proposed by
● For each part, is there a known supplier capable of meeting our Wynstra (1998), Wynstra and Ten Pierick (2000) and Calvi and Le
requirements, or can we find a suitable supplier on the Dain (2004). More particularly, we construct a more accurate
supplier market so that we can attain the desired position in definition of development risk measurement and suggest neces-
the SIM? sary risk control measures. Moreover, literature on economics and
● Is the desired distribution of all items across the SIM management science has widely explored the ‘‘make-or-buy’’
acceptable in terms of management? decision. More recently, systems engineering literature has
established the importance of product architecture and product
For example, the distribution will be considered unacceptable complexity. However, little research has stressed the connection
when the project team thinks that the supplier’s management risk between these two important decisions or studied them jointly
is too critical due to the substantial number of ‘‘strategic co- within NPD projects. Our research contributes to creating this link
design’’ configurations. by developing an approach in which both decisions are combined.
If there is no suitable supplier or no acceptable distribution, Based on the case studies, several managerial implications have
repositioning in the SIM is necessary. Two scenarios are proposed been identified. First, if a project team uses a stage-gate
(Fig. 3). The first requires a decrease in the supplier’s level of process for moving an NPD project from idea to launch, the
autonomy for the development. Of course, when the supplier has application of the approach may be considered as deliverable in
a lower level of autonomy, the item can only be subcontracted out the early phases of this process. This deliverable may help project
if the necessary skills and resources are available in-house. The managers to clearly identify the needs during the early phases in
second scenario requires a lower development risk. To achieve terms of internal or external competencies and resources needed
this, the item has to be redefined. For example, this may involve for the project. Secondly, the approach may facilitate interaction
changing the technology, the component and/or the design chain between design engineers, who typically determine product
architecture used. architecture, and purchasers, who typically make sourcing
decisions. It is possible to help these two professions to define
the design-or-buy-design decision-making process together. Novak
6. Conclusion and implications and Eppinger (2001) highlighted that while these two groups
certainly interact, they rarely make these decisions jointly. These
The research presented in this paper results in an approach to authors suggested that greater ‘‘coordination of these functions
support project teams in their design-or-buy-design decision- within (the) NPD process could improve firm performance’’
making in NPD projects. This approach is based on four steps that (p. 202). Thirdly, the approach provides an analysis of the
address key issues relating to the construction of cross-functional development risk that a project team should share with the
decisions. The first three steps use the revised SIM, and result in selected supplier. Finally, the approach may facilitate the supplier
identification of the supplier involvement configuration desired selection process. Joint decisions about the expected require-
by the project team as well as in management of the development ments and the risks relating to outsourced items contribute to
risk. Positioning in the SIM provides an initial basis for the overall defining the appropriate criteria for supplier selection.
decision-making process. A position associated with white box Two main limitations were identified in this research. First, the
configurations will require a design decision, whereas a position approach was only applied to case studies at Schneider Electric.
associated with gray or black box configurations will require a A recommendation for future research would be to carry out

Analysis for each outsourced item

Repositioning in the Supplier Involvement Matrix

Supplier yes
Is the supplier Design
Market market acceptable?
or Buy

Analysis for all potential outsourced items

Analysis of Is this distribution

the relationships acceptable yes Design
distribution in terms or Buy
across the matrix of management?


Repositioning in the Supplier Involvement Matrix

Fig. 3. Making design or buy design decision.

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M.-A. Le Dain et al. / Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 16 (2010) 77–87 87

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